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She and Me

The darkness fades away with her smile.

The twinkle in her eyes makes the day worthwhile.
She has become the very best part of me.
To my heart, she is the holder of the only key.

There is sunlight in her laughter, beaming out to the world.

Moments of joy sitting in wait to be unfurled.
A lingering touch which wordlessly says, “I love you.”
Brings hope to the world when the day begins new.

Her hands are outstretched, willing to help with a need.

Ready to help others when they wish to succeed.
These are the moments when my heart skips a beat.
And brings dancing to even the most tired of feet.

Then she walks in beauty, like how stars twinkle at night.

Each step like a windchime, melodies offered out of sight.
Here I find the best definition of grace to be found.
As each footstep she leaves gently caresses the ground.

Even just the sight of her still takes my breath away.

Like a cold winter’s night just before the start of day.
There is a whisper, if I listen close, which draws me in.
Like there is something amazing about to begin.

And I loved her, I have, in many numberless forms.

I have held her, and she me, through all of life’s storms.
She is my refuge and the source of my strength.
Humbled am I to be on her same wavelength.

For she completes who I am like a perfect puzzle fit.

And I am empty without her, I must admit.
Still she consumes all of my waking hours.
Guarding my heart with the tallest of love’s towers.

My soul still flies high when she calls my name.

Her presence means life is better, and never the same.
For she pushes me forward, to make me be my best.
As we journey on together though this worldly quest.

Take my hand, my love, and let us explore some more.

Let us travel together to life’s final shore.
And we will see magic all along the way.
Especially when your hand in mind decides to stay.

She carries my heart with her, so I am never without.

Her love carries on without ever a doubt.
Where she goes, I know that I will go too.
Beyond the horizon, where the skies all stay blue.

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