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Pranav Choudhury
Pratham Gupta
Varun Choraria
Rushil Khajanchi
West Bengal is a state in the eastern region of India along the Bay of Bengal. With over 91
million inhabitants, it is the fourth-most populous state and the thirteenth-largest state by area
in India. Covering an area of 88,752 km2 (34,267 sq. miles), it is also the world's seventh-
most populous country subdivision. It’s capital city is Kolkata.
2 states: a blend of cultures

Ladakh is a region administered by India

as a union territory (In August 2019 (the
Parliament of India passed an act by
which Ladakh became a union territory
on 31 October 2019) and constituting a
part of the larger region of Kashmir,
which has been the subject of dispute
between India, Pakistan, and China since
1947. The largest town in Ladakh is Leh,
followed by Kargil, each of which
headquarters a district.



Levels of education also depicts some significant improvements for Leh and Kargil
districts. A significant number of boys and girl students had completed education up
to matriculation level indicating decrease in the dropout rates and improvement in
the transition rates. These two districts were lagging far behind in higher levels of
education prior to 2001 but in 2011 they recorded similar proportion of levels of
education as recorded for Jammu & Kashmir state. Urban areas have comparatively
larger proportion of students studying higher levels of education than rural areas.

West Bengal government’s claim regarding an increase in the number of universities in the
state from 12 in 2011 to 40 at present, with student enrolment in higher education rising
from 13.24 lakh in 2010-11 to 20.36 lakh in 2017-18.
The reason is that the gross enrolment ratio in higher education (in the 18-23 age group)
in 2017-18 was only 18.7% in West Bengal, as against the national average of 25.8%,
with the ratio among women in the state even lower, at 17.6%. With only 1,341 colleges
in West Bengal, the number of colleges per lakh population (18-23 years) is only 12,
while the national average is 28. Average enrolment per college in West Bengal is 1,170,
whereas the national average is only 698.
Income Level A research survey done in Ladakh after the sudden lockdown was announced on March 25 has found that the
income of 40% families had become absolutely zero during April-June, and the average per capita income of
the 106 families under consideration had become one-fourth of their pre-lockdown income.

In per capita terms, the pre-lockdown average income of these families was around Rs.19,000, which has
come down to just Rs.4,833 during the lockdown. One has to keep in mind that Ladakh is an expensive place
because of geographical reasons with the cost of living much higher than that in the other parts of the

Per capita income in West Bengal in 2018-19 was Rs 6000 at constant prices and Rs 8000 at current prices.
This was lower than the per capita income for India in 2018-19, which was Rs 7200 and Rs 9300 at
constant and current prices, respectively.
The Covid-19 pandemic has worsened the situation, leaving many workers unemployed and helpless.

Agriculture Ladakhi agriculture is primarily subsistent in. Until recently,
Ladakhis grew and consumed their own grains, cereals and
vegetables, prepared their own manure, seeds and other
agricultural inputs, reared their own animals and prepared their
own farms in an integrated and balanced manner as a
response to Ladakh’s agro-climatic conditions.
However, less productivity and a short agriculture season has
resulted in the dependence of its growing population on
import of food grains, vegetables and spices. Nonetheless,
there is a huge potential for agriculture in Ladakh.

West Bengal is predominantly an agrarian State. Comprising of only 2.7% of

India's geographical area, it supports nearly 8% of its population. There are
71.23 lakh farm families of whom 96% are small and marginal farmers. The
State is bestowed with diverse natural resources and varied agro-climatic
conditions which support cultivation of a wide range of crops. West Bengal
ranks first in paddy and vegetable production in the country Apart from this,
jute, sugarcane and wheat are the top crops of the state.

The people of Ladakh traditionally lead a nomadic pastoral life. The most prominent occupation in Ladakh is
agriculture. The people of Ladakh are keen in trade and travel to long distances for seeking favourable prices for
their products. The Ladakhi people are said to be the most simple and cheerful in nature. Even their lifestyle is
very simple and they prefer to remain close to the nature

People with different racial, regional and cultural origins live in West Bengal. However, an impact of the Bengali
culture is evidently visible on all the residents of the state. The zeal of festive mood, the tendency of relishing
good food, the intellectual aura and the love for literature, music and football is commonly seen in majority of
the people in West Bengal. The cosmopolitan Bengali culture, with a blend of traditional sanctity in it, is
something that makes Bengal a unique state

Natural factors are more conducive for handicrafts ,village and small scale Industries and
less to large and heavy Industries. However, Ladakh have always had a very strong
handicrafts sector with their Shawls, Carpets, Paper Machie and wood carving Products
being popular all over the world. Tourism is one of an economic contributor to the union
territory of Ladakh in Northern India. The region contains prominent Buddhist sites and
has an ecotourism industry. As of 2020, tourism industry in Ladakh was worth ₹600 crore
(US$84 million)

West Bengal is mainly an agricultural state, although industries have also

flourished in this state. : West Bengal is famous in jute production and
either side of the Hooghly river mainly popular for various jute
manufacturing industry. Cultivation of cotton does not take place in West
Bengal, but import of cotton is the main source of cotton industries in this
state. Tea is an important industry in West Bengal. All tea estates are
located in Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar. The processing of fish, eggs,
meats vegetables etc. is done for ready to eat products to be consumed
by making the people. .


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