The Other Game - Short Version

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Naim Elmasri

Ms. Bailey

English 9

8 December 2021

“The Other Game”

My name is Andrei and I could be described as a big 5’11” Russian man. This wasn’t

supposed to happen. None of it. We were all running, running for our lives. Running from

that General with nothing but fear and terror. It’s been 3 hours since we left the house and I

last saw my shipmates, but that doesn’t matter now. I’m going to survive no matter what the

cost! How did we all get into this mess anyway?

I heard footsteps just now. I started running immediately; I’m too big to hide in the

shrubs and not agilite enough to climb a tree fast enough. I just remembered that I have a

knife with me. While I was still running I unsheathed it. Just then, I hear shouts of either

distress, pain, or maybe both. It was then followed by 2 faint cries from a gun. I still ran, even

faster now, in fear of meeting the same fate as the person behind me did. After what seems a

eternity of running, my mind eased up and I collapsed behind a big tree. I then look at the

knife in my hand which I held tightly while running. It was a good knife; rather sharp but

more for stabbing than slashing. “A full-scale combat knife would have been better.” I

muttered to myself.

I was walking cautiously through the foliage of the forest, still my knife in hand.

Then, I saw a shadow. It probably wasn’t the General because it seemed to be moving too

hastily. It was then I realized probably one of my friends! I started running after him, but

didn’t call out for the sake of staying hidden from the General. I then saw him trip on a small

log. I quickly went to help him up until I paused in fear – I saw the General approaching my

fallen friend slowly and calmly. I was already far enough from my friend so I was safe, but as
the general walked closer my friend tried to get up, but it was all in vain. My friend was on

all fours when the general shot a single clean shot through his head. I then saw that monster

Ivan (I knew his name because the General told it to us) come pick up the body.

I was angry. I was full of rage. I was frustrated, tired and stupid. All these things

drove me to what I did next. I decided to follow the General. It seemed like a good idea at

first; I wanted him to die. I wanted him to pay for what he’s done to all my friends. I knew if

I was to kill him, I needed to get rid of Ivan first. Luckily he’s deaf, so he won’t hear me

sneaking up behind him. As I followed them slowly through the bushes, the general began to

hum himself a tune. He was calm and comfortable from the looks of it. Now was my time to

strike. I ran up to Ivan from behind, kicked his leg and put him into a chokehold with the

knife to his throat. It was easy due to the face I’m about the same size as him. He dropped my

friend’s body. The General was already turned around, gun out. “Put the gun on the floor you

monster!” I yelled at him. He calmly put the gun on the floor. Then, I noticed Ivan’s revolver

in its holster. I took it from there threw Ivan on the ground and attempted to shoot him. Just

then the most fearful, awful, face-whiting sound came from the gun – a *click* but no bang.

I couldn’t stop swearing at myself. For my stupidity. For my recklessness. For my

foolishness. As soon as I realized the gun wasn’t loaded I threw it to the floor and ran. I

didn’t even care to where I ran, I needed to get away. Before I had gotten 10 feet away the

General was already emptying clips at me. I was hit by one in the arm. I yelled in pain and

fell over. It didn’t stop me though I got up and ran even more. I was then shot in the chest. I

was on the floor, my back was dead. I couldn’t feel anything. The General stood over me and

said “I knew you were a tar tar. Good night.” I then looked to the side to see the last thing I

will ever see; another boat – a yacht in the distance. I hear a *ban…

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