BS (4 Years) For Affiliated Colleges: Course Outline

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BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester

PST -101 Pakistan Studies-I 3 1
Muslim Nationalism in South Asia and the Creation of Pakistan
Year Discipline
1 Education (Secondary)

Course Outline

 War of Independence 1857, Political, Social and cultural impact on the Muslims of
Indian Subcontinents
 Response to the post 1857 Challengers: Muslims Revivalist Movements
 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and the Aligarh Movement, Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband and other
Ulama’s approach
 Urdu-Hindi Controversy and the Two-Nation Theory
 Partition of Bengal: The Hindu and Muslim Reaction
 Simla Deputation and the Formulation of All India Muslim League
 Separate Electorates and Minto-Marley Reforms 1909
 Hindu Muslim Unity, Lacknow Act 1916 and Khilafat Movement
 The Government of India Act 1919 and Reaction against “Dyarchy”
 Nehru Report, 1928 and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s Fourteen Points 1929
 Muslim Nationhood and Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s Allahabad Address, 1930
 Government of India Act, 1935 and formation of congress Ministries 1937-39
 Reorganization of all indian Muslim League and the Lahore Resolution 1940
 Important Events leading to the Creation of Pakistan, 1940-47 (Cripps Proposals, Cabinet
Mission Plan, 3rd June Plan)
 Role of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the Creation of Pakistan

Recommended Books
 Ali, Chaudhry Muhammad. The Emergence of Pakista., New York: Columbia University Press,
 Hameed, Abdul. Muslim Separatism in India. London: Oxford University Press, 2003
 Stephen, Philip Cohen. The Idea of Pakistan: Oxford University Press, 2005
 Malik, Hafeez Rise of Muslim Nationalism in India, Lahore: Vanguard Publishers. Nd
 Qurashi, I.H. The Struggle for Pakistan . Karachi: University of Karachi Press, 1969
 Riaz, Hasan. Pakistan Naguzeer Tha, (Urdu). Karachi: University of Karachi Press, nd.
 Abid, S. Qalb-i-Muaslim Struggle for Independence: From Sir Syed to Muhammad Ali Jinnah,
1857-1947, Sang-e-Publications, 1997
 Burke, S.M., Landmarks of Pakistan Movement Lahore, Research Society of Pakistan, University
of the Punjab, 2001
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester

PST -102 Pakistan Studies-II 3 II
Government and Politics in Pakistan (1971-2002) Part-I
Year Discipline
1 Education (Secondary)

Course Outline

Establishment and Response to Early Challenges

 Location and Geo-Physical conditions

 Establishment of Pakistan: Early Problems
 Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s Vision of Pakistan
 The Constitution Making Process: Role of the First constituent Assembley and vrises leading to
its dissolution (1947-1956)
 Composition and Working of the Second Constituent Assembley: 1954-56
 The 1956 Constitution: Main Features

Ayub Era 1958-69

 Political Crises Leading to Imposition of Martial Law

 Major Reforms
 The 1962 Constition: Main Features
 Political Crisis leading to Ayub’s Downfall

Yahya Regime 1969-71

 Yahya’s Takeover
 Legal Framework order and Elections of 1970
 War of 1971 and Creation of Bangladesh

Suggested Readings

 Rizvi, Hasan Askari. Military and Politics in Pakistan 1974-1999. Lahore Sang-e-Meel
Publication, 2000.
 Rizvi, Hasan Askari. Military,State and Society in Pakistan. Lahore, 2002.
 Feldman, Herbert. From Crisis to crisis. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.
 Feldman, Herbert. Revolution in Pakistan. London: Oxford University Press, 1964
 Sayeed, Khalid Bin. Politics in Pakistan: Nature and Direction of Change. Np,nd
 Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1967
 Ziring, Lawrence. Pakistan in the 20th Century: A Political History. Karachi: Oxford University
Press, 1997
 Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota. Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-e-Islamia, Club Road,nd
 Muhammad Raza Kazmi, Paksitan Studies Core Texts for Colleges and Universities, Oxford
University Press (2006)
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester

PST -201 Pakistan Studies-III 3 III
Government and Politics in Pakistan (1971-2002) Part-II
Year Discipline
2 Education (Secondary)

Course Outline

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Government 1971-77

 The New Pakistan: Challenges and Problems

 Establishment of Democratic Institution by Elected Government
 Major Political, Social and Economics Polices of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Regime
 The 1973 Constitution: Main Features
 Elections of 1977, Crisis and takeover by General Zia-ul-Haq

Zia-ul-haq 1977-88

 Establishment of Military Rule

 Policy of Islamization and its impact
 RCO and the 8th Constitution Amendment
 Revival of Controlled Democracy: Junejo as Prime Minister
 Movement for the Resoration of Democracy

Re-emergence of Democracy 1988-99

 Crisis following zia-ul-Haq Death

 Struggle and Roles of Political Parties for the Re-establishement of Democracy
 Working of Democratic Goverments: Benazir Bhutto & Nawaz Sharif as Prime Ministers

Paksitan Under Musharaf 1999-2002

 Takeover by Musharraf
 Major Policies
 Devolution of Powers and Restoration of Democracy and fall

Suggested Readings

 Rizvi, Hasan Askari. Military and Politics in Pakistan 1974-1999. Lahore Sang-e-Meel
Publication, 2000.
 Rizvi, Hasan Askari. Military,State and Society in Pakistan. Lahore, 2002.
 Feldman, Herbert. From Crisis to crisis. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.
 Feldman, Herbert. Revolution in Pakistan. London: Oxford University Press, 1964
 Sayeed, Khalid Bin. Politics in Pakistan: Nature and Direction of Change. Np,nd
 Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1967
 Ziring, Lawrence. Pakistan in the 20th Century: A Political History. Karachi: Oxford University
Press, 1997
 Muhammad Raza Kazmi, Pakistan Studies Core Texts for Colleges and Universities, Oxford
University Press (2006)
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges

Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester

PST -202 Pakistan Studies-I 3 IV
Pakistan: Land and People
Year Discipline
2 Education (Secondary)

Course Outline

 Basic Physical Features of Pakistan : Location, Mountains, Platues, Rivers

 Climate: Four Seasons, Variation of Temperature, Environment
 Population: Growth, Rural-Urban Distribution
 Places of Historic Interests and National Beauty, Archeological Sites and Monuments
 Social Organizations and Structure
 Main Culture of Pakistan ; Unity in Diversity; Common Patterns, Folk Art and Crafts
 Geo- Political and strategic Importance of Pakistan, Neighboring Countries
 Foreign Policy : Major Determinants, Security Compulsions, Pakistan in a Changing World,
Complexities with India
 Economy: Basic Features, Agriculture, Industry and National Resources

Sugessted Readings

 Qurashi, I.H., The Pakistani way of life, Karchi: Royal Book Depot, 2003
 Azam, Ikram, Pakistan’s national Culture and Character. Amir Publications, 1980
 Hafeez Sabiha, The Changing Pakistan Society, Karachi: Royal Book Co, 1991
 Zaidi, Akbar S., Issues in Pakistan’s Economy, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000
 Khan, F.K, Geography of Pakistan, Environment, People and Economy, Oxford University Press,
 Burki, Shahid Javed, state and Society in Pakistan. The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1980
 Burke, S. M., and Ziring, Lawrence, Paksitan’s Foreign policy: An Historic Analysis, Oxford
University Press, 1992

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