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The Social Issue

 Surface transmitted diseases emerge time and time again

 Need of the hour is to disinfect various surfaces
 It is imperative to adopt habits that protect against future/currently prevailing
contagious viruses
 Despite cleaning, microbes may flourish on surfaces
 Viruses mutate and create further complications
 Issue is not restricted to India, but the entire world

Growth of A Surface Contamination Network and Its Role in Disease Spread

Self-Sanitization Practices (Based upon reports from consulting firms)

 82 %of the respondents feel anxious about touching frequently touched public
 1 in 6 residents in India cannot afford essential hygiene products
 >50% people do not wash their hands after touching public surfaces
 >70% respondents do not prefer using sanitizers all the time
Types of People by Sanitation and Hygiene Practices

Details Type A Type B Type C

Awareness about Hygience Practice Yes Yes No
Actively practicing Hygience Yes No No
Risks of being a transmitter Low High High
Risks of being transmitted Medium High High

Scale of the Problem

Some of the viruses that can Role of Surfaces in Transmission of Virus

be transmitted through  Diseases transmit through hard or soft surfaces 
frequently touched surface  Local environment plays a huge role in the transmission of
Human parainfluenza viruses such disease-causing microbes
 Current scientific evidence indicate fomites/ surfaces are an
Rhinovirus essential means of transmission
Coronavirus  Priority should be given to “high-touch surfaces”
 There are multiple known & unknown diseases spreading
Respiratory syncytial virus through these surfaces
Scientific Evidence
Hepatitis A virus
 The Pancic study recovered 3 to 1,800 PFU of rhinovirus from
Adenovirus fingertips of volunteers handling contaminated doorknobs
Astrovirus  Respiratory viruses cause sneezing and coughing, which
expel an estimated 10 infectious virions per ml of nasal fluid.
Influenza A virus Nasal secretions can travel at a velocity of over 20m/second
Rubella & a distance greater than 3 m (about 10 feet) to contaminate
surrounding fomites (materials likely to carry infection)
Diarrheal Deaths a Significant Problem
Diarrhea, a major disease spurned by unsafe sanitation practices was a major cause of death
in India, contributing to an average of 15.5% of total deaths (1316 million) in India from
1990 to 2016

Respiratory Infections and pneumonia

 Around 21 people die of respiratory infections, pneumonia each day
 Average 10 people die of acute respiratory infection each day and 11 from

Influenza Virus
 More than 10 million cases of Influenza A virus arise every year
 India also has circulating strains of Influenza B & H3N2, causing infections,
hospitalization & death

Coronavirus cases and deaths

India has around 7.5 million cases of covid 19 and around .1 million have lost their life from
the deadly virus

Hospitals, Nursing Homes

 Hospital acquired infections on the rise
 Immuno-compromised patients are at risk of catching other infections
 Despite disinfection, surfaces such as knobs, elevator buttons are not cleaned after
every use

Change in Behavior in Post Covid World

“It’s sad that it took a pandemic like COVID-19 to realize the importance of hygiene. But
now that it happened — habits across the pyramid will change.”
-Deep Bajaj, founder of Sirona Hygiene

Problem Identification (From conversation with neighbors and friends)

Frequent Problem People face

 “I hate carrying sanitization bottle all the time in hand and sanitizing my hand
frequently as it has severe side effects”
 "I prefer stairs over lift while whenever I take my son out as he likes to press the
lift buttons, and it's challenging to sanitize his hands promptly “
 “I don’t like washing/sanitizing my hand again and again whenever I get in
contact with a frequently touched public surfaces”

A Sustainable product that can cater to spread of disease-causing microbes transmitted
through surfaces, is affordable & caters to mental satisfaction

Product Description
 Transparent antimicrobial polymer treated with silver/copper ions (a natural
antimicrobial agent) which destroys pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria,
and virus that are deposited on surfaces
 Reduces touch-transmitted contaminations from surfaces in places like Restaurants,
Dental Clinics, Offices, etc.
 Active protection against the spread of germs and bacteria

Features and Sustainable Aspects

 Transparent adhesive sticker with anti-microbial surface
 Can be used on any clean, smooth surface (metal, glass, plastic, etc.)
 Optimal protection when changed after every 90 days
 Prevents cross-contamination
 Adhesive doesn’t leave any residue on removal
 Sustainable polymer usage
Door handles, elevator buttons, etc. hotspots for virus & bacteria proliferation. Apply Dettol
Sanitizer Strip to surfaces people touch regularly to slow the spread of germs.

Note: The product is not a substitute for hygiene rules and regular cleaning and disinfection.
The intended purpose of this product is to confer additional safety and make public places
safer by ensuring cleanliness of frequently touched surfaces

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