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Social Responsibilities potrayed by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary

In terms of social responsibilities, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary has portrayed these moral
values in terms of its main types.

For example, in terms of education, his foundation supports programs ranging from outreach
remedial programs for academically weak students to full-fledged university education for high-
performing students. Donations have totaled RM 633,157,312, representing 38% of its gifts.

Whereas in terms of welfare of the people, his foundation reaches out to communities crippled by
poverty that has been caused by political and economic strife or natural disasters. Its programs focus
on empowerment, self-reliance, and sustainable living. Donations have totaled RM 421,381,837,
representing 26% of its gifts.

In total, the foundation has spent RM 1.63 billion on its initiatives, reaching communities in more
than 50 countries. Specific positive outcomes include the following:

Hajj Sponsorship: 1,022 poor Malaysian Muslims have been sponsored

Albukhary Scholarship: 1,447 students have received the scholarship
Tuition Program: 200 tuition centers have been built, benefitting over 80,000 students from over
500 schools
Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia: Built by the foundation, it features 97 exhibitions, lectures,
seminars, and workshops
Project 3000 Earthquake 3,000 families have been assisted

As he had quoted before, “My mother taught us nothing is yours until you have given it away with
all your heart in the hope it will make someone's life easier.”

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