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y ern Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board, Jammu. ( ORDERNO.OS -SSB of 2019 DATED 0, 01.2019 - —Subject= Cancellation” of candidature of candidate for the post of “Junior Supervisor/Sub-Auditor” (Co-Operative Department) Distrit cadre Rajouri, item No.574 (08 of 2015) Reference: Decision of 146" of meeting of Board of JKSSB. ot) Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board issued final select list of the candidates for the post of “Junior Supervisor/Sub-Auditor’ (Co-operative Department) District cadre, Rajouri, item No.574 Advt. No. 06 of 2015 and recommended the same to the Co-Operative Department, vide letter No.SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/4060-66 dated 11-04- 2018 for further course of action; and 02) Whereas, amongst others, the recommendation of one candidate namely Rajat Sharma figuring at S.No. 01 under OM had been kept withheld for want of certain clarification/furnishing of documents; and 03) Whereas, the said candidate was required to furnish the deficent documents in respect of his candidature within 30 days and he choose not to furnish the same and instead submitted an affidavit duly sworn before a judicial magistrate that he is not interested in joining against the said post; and 04) Whereas, despite the furnishing of the affidavit a_ notice vide this office No SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/9988-91 dated 18-09-2018 was served to him, asking him to furnish the requiste documents within 10 days, failing which his selection against in the said post shall be cancelled without further notices; and 05) Whereas, the said candidate has again failed to fumish the requisite documents for release of his withheld recommendation for the post under reference and it was presumed that he is not interested in getting appointed against the said post and hence his candidature needs to be cancelled, so that the waiting list already forwarded to the epergen. see opertated, if required. x s 06) Whereas, the matter was consdered by the Board in its 146" meeting wherein it was decided that selections in respect of the candidates be cancelled so that the deserving candidates in the waiting list get a chance of employment, 07 Now, therefore, in view of the facts and circumstantces narrated herein above, the candidature of the candidate namely Rajat Sharma figuring at S.No. 04 under OM for the post of "Junior Supervisor/Sub-Auditor” (Co-operative Department) District cadre, Rajouri, item No.574 Advt, No. 08 of 2016 is cancelled/withdrawn ab-initio and the indenting department is requested to operate the waiting list, if required. (Ranjeet singh) Secretary J8KySeryices Selection Board, 1) Fammu No. SsB/SecyiSeu2019103] SY Dated:3-04.2019 Copy to the:- 01 Commissioner! Secretary to Government , Co-operative Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu for information and necessary action 02 Pvt. Secretary to Chairman for information to the Ld.Chairman. \_ 98” Incharge Website. SSB Central office, Jammu. Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board, Jammu. ( ORDERNO. ol} -SsB of 2019 — DATED 93.01.2019 — Subject- Cancellation of candidature of candidate for the post of “Forest Guard ” (Forest Department) Distrit cadre Samba, item No.362 (03 of 2014) Reference: Decision of 146" of meeting of Board of JKSSB. 01) Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board issued final select list of the candidates for the post of “Forest Guard” (Forest Department) District cadre, Samba, item No.362 Advt. No, 03 of 2014 and recommended the same to the Revenue Department, vide letter No.SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/8612-19 dated 24-07-2018 for further course of action; and 02) Whereas, amongst others, the recommendation of one candidate namely Gopal Singh figuring at S.No. 01 under RBA had been kept withheld for want of certain clarification/furnishing of documents; and 03) Whereas, the said candidate was required to furnish the deficent documents in respect of his candidature within 30 days and he choose not to furnish the same and instead submitted an affidavit duly sworn before a judicial magistrate that he is not interested in joining against the said post ; and 04) Whereas, despite the furnishing of the affidavit a_ notice vide this office No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/10170-73 dated 04-10-2018 was served to him, asking him to furnish the requiste documents within 10 days, failing which his selection against in the said post shall be cancelled without further notices; and 05) Whereas, the said candidate has again failed to furnish the requisite documents for release of his withheld recommendation for the post under reference and it was presumed that he is not interested in getting appointed against the said post and hence his candidature needs to be cancelled, so that waiting list already forwarded to the en ci P be opertated, if required. a & Z- . g- a 06) Whereas, the matter was consdered by the Board in its 146" meeting Wherein it was decided that selections in respect of the candidates be cancelled so that the deserving candidates in the waiting list get a chance of employment. o7 Now, therefore, in view of the facts and circumstantces narrated herein above, the candidature of the candidate namely Gopal Singh figuring at S.No. 01 under RBA for the post of “Forest Guard” (Forest Department) District cadre, Samba, item No.362 Advt. No. 03 of 2014 is cancelled/withdrawn ab-initio and the indenting department is requested to operate the waiting list, if required. aa of S Yours faifhfully, (Rarfeet Singh)KAS Secretary ‘tae Selection Board, Jammu No.ssB/Seoyisev2019/ YQ vf mE 2019 Copy to the:- 01 Commissioner/ Secretary to Goverment , Forest Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu for information and necessary action. 02 Pvt. Secretary to Chairman for information to the Ld.Chairman. 10s incharge Website. SSB Central office, Jammu & Government of Jammu and Kashmir, J&K Services Selection Board, Sehkari Bhawan, Panama Chowk, Rail Head, Jammu, ORDER NO.OF -ssB of 2019 DATED 03-01.— 2019. Sub:- Cancellation of candidature of candidates for the post of “Library Assistant” (School. Education-Department) pursuant to Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2017 under item No. 086. Reference: Decision of 146" meeting of Board of JKSSB. 1/'_ Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board issued final select list of the Candidates for the post of “Library Assistant” (School Education Department) pursuant to Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2017 under item No. O86District Cadre Kulgam and recommended the same to the School Education Department vide letter No.SSB/ Secy/ Sel/2018/5646-53 dated 05.06.2018; and 2/ Whereas, the recommendation in respect of candidates namely Sheikh Hujatul Islam S/o Gh Nabi Sheikh and Bilal Ahmad Mir S/o Ab Rashed Mir figuring at S.No. 01 and 02 under open merit were kept withheld for subject to production of bonafide certificate in respect of B.Lis degree which was to be furnished within 30 days but they did not furnish the same; and 3 Whereas, instead of furnishing the deficient documents the aforementioned candidates have submitted undertakings in the shape of affidavits duly attested by Judicial Magistrates Ist Class, stating therein that they are not interested in Joining against the said post; and 4/ Whereas, despite furnishing of undertakings, the said candidates were served @ notice vide this office No. SSB/Secy/Sel/147/2018/9126-29 dated 03.08.2018 and No. SSB/Secy/Sel/147/2018/9131-34 dated 03.08.2018 dated 29.11.2018 again asking them to furnish the requisite document within 21 days from the date of issuance of the said notice failing which the selection/ recommendation against the said candidates shall be cancelled without further notices. The candidates again did not furnish e same; and 5/__ Whereas, thereafter the said candidates were served a final notice vide this office No.SSB/Secy/Sel/147/2018/9893-96 dated 10.09.2018andSSB/Secy/Sel/ 147/2018/897-9900 dated 10.09.2018 asking them to furnish the requisite oa = td dncbersenenene documents within 10 days from the date of issuance of the said notice Failing = which their selection/recommendation against the said posts shall be cancelled without further notices; and 6/ Whereas, the matter was Considered by the Board in its 146 Meeting wherein it was decided that the Candidature/selection of the above said 7! Now, therefore, in the view of the facts and circumstances Narrated herein above, the candidature of the candidatesnamely Sheikh Hujatul Islam S/o Gh Nabi Sheikh and Bilal Ahmad Mir S/o Ab Rashed Mir figuring at S.No. 0% and 02 under open merit respectively for the Post of “Library Assistant” (School Education Department) pursuant to Advertisement Notification No. 02 of 2017 under item No. 086 District Cadre Kulgam is cancelled/ withdrawn ab-initio and the indenting department is requested to operate the waiting list, if required, ahha (Ranjeet Singh) KAS, Secretary, g Se = Board, No. SSB/Secy/Sel/147/2018/ ¢6 Dated, &3 .01.2019 Copy to the:- 1. Secretary to Government, School Education Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu for information and necessary action. 2. Pvt. Secretary to Chairman for information to the Ld. Chairman. \_-% Incharge Website, ssp Central Office, Jammu, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, J&K Services Selection Board, Sehkari Bhawan, Panama Chowk, Rail Head, Jammu. ORDER Wo, 08 -ssp of 2019 DATED 63- 01.- 2019, ‘Sub:= Cancellation of candidature of candidate for the post of “Health Educator” (Health & Medical Education Department) District Cadre Budgam, item No, 298 (03 of 2016 dated 30.06.2016). Reference: Decision of 146"meeting of Board of JKSSB, 1/ Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board issued final select list of the candidates for the post of “Health Educator” (Health & Medical Education Department) District Cadre Budgam, item No, 298 (03 of 2016 dated 30.06.2016)and recommended the same to the Health & Medical Education Departmentvide letter No.SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/9647-53 dated 04.09.2018; and 2/ Whereas, the recommendation in respect of one candidate namely Sumit Kumar S/o Chaman Lal figuring at S.No.01 under SC category was kept withheld subject to verification of bonafide certificate of Graduation and countersigned by the competent Authority of PTU which was to be furnished within 30 days but he did not furnish the same; and Ef Whereas, instead of furnishing his deficient documents, the candidate submitted an undertaking in the shape of an affidavit duly attested by the Adal. Munsiff Judicial Magistrate Ist Class, Jammu stating thee that he is not interested in joining against the sald post; and 4/ Whereas, despite his furnishing of the affidavit, the said candidate was served a notice vide this office No. SSB/Secy/Sel/239/2017/10766-69 dated 25.10.2018 again asking him to furnish the requisite document within 21days from the date of issuance of the said notice failing which the Selection/recommendation against the said post shal! be Cancelled without further Notices; and 5/ Whereas, the matter was Considered by the Board in its 146 meeting wherein it was decided that the candidature/selection or the above said candidate Oe J <—e be cancelled so that the deserving candidate against the Post of “Health _ Educator”in the waiting list get a chance of employment, 7 Now, therefore, in the view of the facts and circumstances Narrated hereii above, the candidature of the candidate namely Sumit Kumar §/o Chaman Lal figuring at S.No.01 under SC categoryfor the post of “Health Educator” (Health & Medical Education Department) District Cadre Budgam, item No. 298 (03 of 2016 dated 30.06.2016)is cancelled/ withdrawn ab-initio and the indenting department is requested to Operate the waiting list, if, requifled. ~Secretary; a ta ee Board, No. SSB/Secy/Sel/239/18/62, Dated. 62 .01.2019 Copy to the:- 1, Principal Secretary to Government, Health and Medical Education Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu for information and necessary action, 2. Pvt. Secretary to Chairman for information to the Ld. Chairman, \ 3A ncharge Website, SSB Central Office, Jammu. &) Government of Jammu and Kashmir, J&K Services Selection Board, Sehkari Bhawan, Panama Chowk, Rail Head, Jammu. ORDER NO, O6 -ssp oF 2019 DATED 63 01. 2019, Sub:- Select list of candidates for the post of “Accounts Assistant” (Finance ~~ Bepartment) District Cadre Kulgam, item No, 400-(07-of 2010 dated-12.11,2019) —_— 1/ Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board issued final select list of the candidates for the post of | “Accounts Assistant” (Finance Department) District Cadre Kulgam, item No. 400 (07 of 2010 dated 12.11.2010) and recommended the same to the Finance Department vide letter No.SSB/Secy/Sel/2017/11907-13 dated 20.11.2017 followed by letter No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/ 1353-59 dated 01.02.2018 for further course of action; and 2/ __ Whereas, amongst others, the selection of one candidate namely Harbinder Kumar S/o Chhaju Ram figuring at S.No.01-Waiting under SC category has been kept withheld and is subject to production of bonafide certifiate/validity of PGy and 3/ Whereas, the candidate has submitted the Bonafide certificate of PG wherein it has been found that the candidate hes taken his PG admission from Directorate of Distance Education in the year 2006; and 4/ Whereas, the case was discussed in the 146" meeting of the Board of J&K SSB and it was decided that the candidate having degree in distance mode after 2005 docs ot fall under the purview of Govt, Order No. 252-HE of 2012 dated 30.05.2012, Now, therefore, in the backdrop of the circumstances narrated herein above, the withheld selection of Harbinder Kumar S/o Chhaju Ram figuring at S.No.01. Waiting under SC categoryis cancelled/withdrawn abjritio, Secretary, 1&K Sefgres Selection Board, mi No: SSB/Secy/Sel/245/2017/ 5 Dated. 62, .01.2019 1. Principal Secretary to Government Finance Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu for information and necessary action. 2, Pvt. Secretary to Chairman for information to the Ld. Chairman \_27 Incharge Website. SSB Central Office, Jammu

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