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SWOT Analysis for Pizza Connection


Bb hailam catering services demonstrates numerous strengths within the organization

when meeting with the owner, Nyimas rodiah. Mrs. Rodiah explained to the

consultant that they have been quite successful and at the same time benefiting from

the rise in popularity of catering service in the country during the past few years. She

also stated that, with this rise in popularity of catering services, the company took

advantage of the trend In addition, Mrs Rodiah knows the market well and is willing

to do whatever it takes to take advantage of the opportunity that may lay outside the



When there is strength, there is also weakness. During the interview with Mrs

Rodiah, she told the consultant that she noticed a decline in sales. Over the past few

months, the number of customers has declined steadily. She further explained that

she believes that customer demands have changed. To be more in-depth, she believes

that providing high-qualityfood at a reasonable price was no longer enough. The

consultant realized that these were some of the areas that the copany lack in: 1.)

Dine-in customers; Pizza Connections were not providing dine-in patrons with fast

enjoyable food. Customers now want to get-in, be seated, provide with fast high

quality service, and get out quickly. 2.) Phone-in customers; Pizza Connections lacks

in making sure that customer food is ready to be picked up. 3.) Carry-out customer;
lack of providing speed and convenience to customer when ordering and receiving

there food.

Another weakness that came to light in interview with Mrs. Rodiah was that there was

a lack of space in the restaurant to do parties. Parties are a growing trend with little

league baseball teams, youth soccer teams, and birthdays all have been part of this

growing demand for party space in restaurants. The consultant has to find a solution

for this .


After carefully analyzing the company weaknesses, the consultant have sought out

some opportunities that they can take advantage of as of right now. Some of the

opportunities that the consultant believes can bring in more profit for the company are

to address the Dine-in, carry-out, and phone-in situation, and make it better. These

are the essential internal opportunities that the company can take advantage of

immediately. Mirror off your competitors strategies like Pizza Hut or Unos. Also,

another opportunity that can pursue that a lot of other company haven't yet, is used the

World Wide Web (WWW). With that, Customers can place order online instead of

using the phone and give exact time when they are going to pick up there

merchandise. This becomes more convenient for your customers and the business as

a whole.

Some other opportunities that the consultant noticed the company can do is to start

delivering and creating more specials for the products they offer. Most pizza venues

deliver to the customer which makes it more convenient for the consumers. Pizza

Connection has to expand the operation now to be considered a threat in the market.

Also, Pizza Connection can recognize most of the little league team that come in to
the restaurant on a regular basis and sponsor them. This will give the teams who are

recognized a sense of local celebrity status and more publicity that we believe will be

beneficial to Pizza Connection's success in the long run.


Finally, Mrs. Rodiah explained to the consultant the threats that the company are

dealing with at the current time. Besides the changing of the market demands,

competition for the consumer's catering services increased significantly in the

geographic area where Mrs. rodiah catering services served. The number of catering

services establishments in the area has more than tripled during the last two years. BB

hailam catering services has many threats to deal with but the consultant will come up

with a solution to solve these problems.

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