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This test consists of 80 questions.

6. Hunter-gatherer societies usually ---- bands of

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere approximately 50 individuals who are related
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. to each other through marriage or some other
1. Although Søren Kierke gaard is widely A) fall behind B) put on
regarded as the father of existentialism, his ----
as an important thinker was long delayed. C) bring down D) consist of

A) reluctance B) redundancy E) come through

C) recognition D) rebellion
E) rejection

7. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere

2. Toronto is known worldwide for its uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
multicultural ----, which provides one of the
most important reasons to visit the city. 7. Most sociologists ---- that over the past
A) composition B) endurance decades, the concept of family ---- significant
and rapid changes.
C) obstacle D) implementation
A) should agree / would undergo
E) destruction
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B) agree / has undergone

C) need to agree / had undergone
3. Song and dance are the ---- elements of ballet,
which distinguishes it from theatre, in which D) might agree / used to undergo
song and dance may be present, but are not E) had agreed / will have undergone
necessary elements.
A) sufficient B) fragile
C) temporary D) essential
8. Though it is now part of Greater London,
E) vague Hampstead in England ---- once a separate
village, and it ---- a village character to this day
4. Almost all we know of Siddhartha Gautama’s A) would be / will retain
life comes from biographies written by his B) has been / is retaining
followers centuries after his death, and which
differ ---- in many details. C) had been / retained
A) sustainably B) coincidentally D) is / has retained
C) widely D) gradually E) was / retains
E) efficiently

5. Originating from the 17th-century pleasure 9. Archaeological sites can develop ---- great or
gardens of France, amusement parks are small amounts of time and space, and ----
controlled environments that ---- visitors large or small actions of humans and nature.
through the simulations of space, place and
experience. A) in / above B) over / through

A) entertain B) threaten C) for / on D) from / at

C) protect D) respect E) along / beyond

E) interrupt

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10. The Enlightenment was a period characterised 15. When first introduced, gasoline-powered
by a decline ---- religious authority and the vehicles remarkably impacted the delivery of
replacement of the medieval focus on the next newspapers ---- they could be distributed
world by a greater emphasis ---- mankind’s throughout cities and rural areas to more
place in this world. readers more quickly.
A) off / to B) for / at A) unless B) because
C) from / with D) about / by C) before D) just as
E) in / upon E) although

16. ---- the ancient Greeks did not invent the style
of sandals, they created many types of them
11. Most theories of development attempt to such as leather ones.
define the social, economic, or political
conditions ---- which humans are able to live -- A) As B) Even though
-- dignity and fulfilment.
C) If D) Once
A) for / onto B) through / from
E) Given that
C) around / across D) under / with
E) above / along
17. In 2000, the total value of goods and services
exchanged between countries ---- international
trade was roughly $6.9 trillion.
A) contrary to B) instead of
12. Many supermarkets place high-demand items
such as milk in the back of the store ---- C) on behalf of D) rather than
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consumers will need to walk through the

entire store and perhaps purchase extra items. E) as a result of

A) before B) so that
C) as if D) until 18. ---- print media which enables adults to have
some control over the kinds of information
E) as soon as children could access, visual media signals
the end to such control.
A) Due to B) Similar to
C) Along with D) As a consequence of
13. ---- access to technology resources was
previously cited as the most challenging E) In contrast to
obstacle for teachers, the lack of time to learn
new programmes and to infuse them in their
teaching is currently seen as a major 19. In ancient Rome, pearls were ---- rare and
challenge. expensive ---- they were reserved almost
A) Since B) Whereas exclusively for the noble and affluent.

C) In case D) As if A) whether / or B) as / as

E) Whenever C) so / that D) either / or

E) such / that

20. The Orkney Island are situated in the path of

14. There are about 30 species of coffee, ---- only
two species provide most of the world market the warm Gulf Stream, ---- continuously
with coffee. washes nutrients ashore and keeps the
winters relatively mild.
A) as B) or
A) which B) where
C) otherwise D) so
C) when D) how
E) but
E) what

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21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıda ki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Water is essential for life, not only in terms of its

biological utility, but also for its social, economic, health, Public-private partnerships may not always seem to
be a desirable solution at first. Most organisations
technical, financial, and political dimensions. (21)----,
historically, the availability of a domestic water supply prefer to stay on paths they know well, (26)---- goals
has been a significant factor in the development of and work practices with other groups that think and
civilisations. If naturally occurring freshwater is polluted act like them – governments working with
as a result of human activities, various processes are governments, businesses with businesses, and non-
(22)---- to convert the raw water to a quality fit for a profit groups with non-profit groups. Governments
particular use, such as drinking. In most cases, because and private firms have long worked together under
of high levels pollution by humans, water (23)---- before simple arrangements, (27)---- government purchase
and after its use. The behaviour of humans (24)---- their of products produced by the private sector. However,
both parties often hesitate to (28)---- more complex
consumption of water also has historical, geographical,
and cultural dimensions. Water has various uses, relationships. Governments are frequently concerned
including agricultural, recreational, industrial, and that private businesses will take advantage of them,
domestic. (25)---- a limited amount of usable water, there (29)---- businesses often consider government
is competition, sometimes tension, among various water approaches to be burdensome and a waste of time.
users. Both market-oriented and hierarchy-based rules Therefore, it is useful to allow some time for trust to
are used to distribute water among its various consumers. be established (30)---- the key partners.

A) However B) Even so
A) having been shared B) sharing
C) Instead D) For instance
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C) to be shared D) being shared

E) In contrast
E) to have shared

A) required B) reversed 27.

C) received D) disrupted A) except for B) despite

E) eliminated C) rather than D) such as

E) as opposed to
A) might have been treated 28.
B) would have been treated A) bring back B) call off
C) must be treated C) engage in D) take away
D) is able to be treated E) find out
E) could have been treated
A) while B) so
A) prior to B) regarding
C) for D) given that
C) despite D) for the sake of
E) only if
E) expect for

25. 30.

A) Towards B) Into A) along B) behind

C) From D) Above C) against D) at

E) With E) among

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34. Even though the 17th-century French

31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun philosopher René Descartes has been
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. remembered primarily for his contributions to
philosophy, ----.
31. Although American community colleges have
existed since the late 19th century, ----. A) he has one of the leading philosopher of his
A) little sociological attention has been paid to
these institutions until recently B) he also showed curiosity about many aspects
of the natural world
B) many scholars view them as a great invention
of US higher education C) many people encounter Descartes only
through his writings
C) they have made post-secondary education
accessible to many Americans D) his rationalistic ideas have been praised by
many researchers and philosophers
D) they have been accepting students from all
around the world for master’s degree E) almost all philosophers after him were deeply
influenced by his works
E) they have had several important functions
throughout its history

32. Even though online shopping has become 35. Whereas fantasy deals with the impossible, ----.
extremely popular all over the globe, ----. A) social and political arguments in science fiction
A) some online platforms ensure that their have been emphasised even more since the
consumers’ personal information remain 1900s
confidential B) the beginnings of science fiction go back to
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B) not only teenagers but also young adults are prehistoric myths and tales of fantastic
doing online shopping more frequently voyages and adventures
C) many industries are voluntarily following strict C) science fiction stories may be set in the future
self-regulation processes to avoid its abuse as well as in the past or even in the present
D) policy guidelines for regulating and
authenticating the e-trade have been released D) science fiction describes events that could
actually occur according to accepted theories
E) most buyers are a bit worried about placing
their faith in faceless, online companies for E) science fiction is thought to have reached its
some products most characteristic modern form by the late

33. ----, while public universities receive a mixture

of state appropriations and student tuition.
A) Universities are very labour intensive, with the 36. An electronic book is the result of combining a
major portion of expenditures being devoted to digital text with an electronic reading device ----.
salaries and benefits A) although computers and other electronic
B) Public and private enterprises have some devices have always supported the reading of
specialised accounts for the unique functions text files
of those institutions B) because the text coding in e-books provides
C) Most private universities depend heavily on many of the features that people value in
student tuition as the major source of revenue printed works
D) The objectives of public colleges and C) while this technology offers advantages such
universities differ from those of commercial as keyword-searching and note-taking
enterprises D) once the integration of printed text with
E) The primary sources of revenue vary electronic devices has potential in education
depending on whether an institution is public or E) so that the text can be read in the same
private manner as a paper-based book

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37. The long tradition of Greek bronze sculpture 40. Although Freud was flexible in his own
started during the third millennium BC, ----. thinking, and he reformulated his own theories
multiple times, ----.
A) but bronze was easier to cast and stronger
than pure copper A) he was not the first clinician to practice
B) when the advantages of using bronze in psychotherapy
sculpture became evident B) many of his ideas were greatly supported by
C) since bronze was an alloy made of 90 percent his contemporaries
copper and 10 percent tin C) he aspired to make psychoanalysis an applied
D) supposing that early Greek bronze statues science
were rather simple designs D) he linked childhood experiences to adult
E) as sculptors employed various techniques emotional adjustment
depending on the type of the material E) he was less tolerant of the divergent views of
his followers

38. ----, Limbu, one of the ethnic languages spoken

in Nepal, is likely to be completely extinct by
the end of this century.
A) Although at present it is highly unlikely that the
next generation of speakers will be raised in
this language
B) When today’s generation of young adults
eventually start to show interest in their native
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C) Whereas there are reportedly very few isolated

households where this language is still spoken
D) Unless necessary measures are taken to
revitalise this language through the primary
school system
E) Because many linguists think that the language
needs urgent grammatical documentation

39. Many studies report an increased tendency to 41. The first Americans were mainly hunters ----.
bully in today’s society ----. A) though their prey were mostly large herbivores
A) so that the internet makes it easier for bullies such as bison and mammoths
to project their own feelings of inadequacy onto B) if the wooded environment had not provided
complete strangers them with a diverse range of foods
B) because in our competitive world, people will C) although occasional finds of plant material
do anything to inflate their fragile status, show that they had a varied diet
including pulling others down
D) as they obtained food by cultivating a number
C) although more and more people commit online of local plants
hate crime against other users based on their
E) because this way of life survived until the
race, religion or gender
appearance of European settlers
D) given that school administrators around the
globe have developed a growing awareness of
the impact of bullying
E) since psychotherapists describe bullying as a
transfer of shame, a coping mechanism
simply to suppressing our own shame by
disgracing others

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44. The term ‘urbanisation’ is used to define the

42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye economic and social changes that accompany
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe population concentration in urban areas and
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi the growth of cities.
A) ‘Kentleşme’ terimi, ekonomik ve sosyal
değişimlere bağlı olarak kentlerin büyümesiyle
meydana gelen nüfus yoğunluğunu
42. Although Siberia feels far away to many tanımlamak için kullanılır.
Americans, it actually sits only 90 kilometres
from Alaska, which is separated from Asia by B) Kentsel alanlardaki ekonomik ve sosyal
the glacial waters of the Bering Strait. değişimlerin yanı sıra nüfus yoğunluğu ve
kentlerin büyümesini tanımlamak için de
A) Sibirya birçok Amerikalıya çok uzak gelse de ‘kentleşme’ terimi kullanılır.
aslında Asya’dan Bering Boğazı’nın buzlu C) ‘Kentleşme’ terimi, kentsel alanlardaki nüfus
suları ile ayrılan Alaska’ya yalnız 90 kilometre yoğunluğu ile kentlerin büyümesinin yol açtığı
uzaklıktadır. ekonomik ve sosyal değişimleri tanımlamak
B) Sibirya birçok Amerikalıya çok uzak için kullanılır.
gelmektedir, ancak Asya’dan Bering D) Kentsel alanlardaki nüfus yoğunluğu ile
Boğazı’nın buzlu suları ile ayrılmış olan kentlerin büyümesiyle birlikte oluşan ekonomik
Alaska’ya aslında sadece 90 kilometre ve sosyal değişimler, ‘kentleşme’ terimi
uzaklıktadır. kullanılarak tanımlanır.
C) Berin Boğazı’nın buzlu suları ile Asya’dan E) ‘Kentleşme’ terimi, kentsel alanlardaki nüfus
ayrılmış olan Sibirya, aslında Alaska’ya sadece yoğunluğuna ve kentlerin büyümesine eşlik
90 kilometre uzaklıkta olduğu hâlde pek çok eden ekonomik ve sosyal değişimleri
Amerikalı tarafından uzak bir yer olarak tanımlamak için kullanılır.
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D) Aslında Alaska’ya yalnızca 90 kilometre kadar

yakın olmasına rağmen bir çok Amerikalı,
Asya’dan Bering Boğazı’nın buzlu suları ile
ayrılmış olan Sibirya’yı çok uzak bir yer olarak
E) Aslında Asya’dan Bering Boğazı’nın buzlu
suları ile ayrılmış olan Alaska’ya sadece 90
kilometre uzaklıkta olsa da birçok Amerikalı 45. Archaeology, which combines the accumulated
Sibirya’yı çok uzak bir yer olarak knowledge of centuries of investigation, gives
düşünmektedir. us the story of the human past on our planet.
A) İnsanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin
hikâyesini sunan arkeoloji, yüzyıllar boyunca
43. Of the many different relationships we form
süren araştırmaların sonucunda biriken bilgiyi
over the course of the life span, the relationship
bir araya getirmektedir.
between parent and child is among the most
important. B) Arkeoloji, yüzyıllardır devam eden araştırmalar
sonucunda biriken bilgiyi bir araya getirmekte
A) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok ve insanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin
farklı ilişkiye kıyasla ebeveynlerin çocukları ile hikâyesini sunmaktadır.
kurdukları ilişki hepsinden çok daha önemlidir.
C) Arkeoloji, bizlere insanlığın gezegenimizdeki
B) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok geçmişinin hikâyesini sunarken, yüzyıllardır
farklı ilişkiden en önemli olanlarından biri de devam eden araştırmalar sonucu birikmiş olan
ebeveyn ve çocuk arasındaki ilişkidir. bilgiyi bir araya getirmektedir.
C) Ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki ilişki, tüm D) Yüzyıllardır devam eden araştırmalar
hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok farklı sonucunda birikmiş olan bilgiyi bir araya
ilişki içinde en önemli olanıdır. getiren arkeoloji, bizlere insanlığın
D) Tüm hayatımız boyunca birçok farklı ilişki gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesini
kurarız, ancak bunların arasında en önemlisi sunmaktadır.
ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki ilişkidir. E) Yüzyıllar boyunca yapılan araştırmalar sonucu
E) Tüm hayatımız boyunca kurduğumuz birçok biriken bilgi, arkeoloji tarafından bir araya
farklı ilişki içinde ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki getirilerek bizlere insanlığın gezegenimizdeki
ilişki en önemlileri arasındadır. geçmişinin hikâyesi sunulmaktadır.

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46. International organisations count countries 47. Although European explorers had ventured into
and states as their members, and these Asia in the 1st century AD, the first significant
organisations have some official role in the European contact with the continent began in
international system, most notably as providers 1498, when the Portuguese fleet of Vasco da
of collective security. Gama arrives in the west coast of India.
A) Uluslararası kuruluşların, ülkeleri ve devletleri A) Avrupalı kâşifler Asya’ya MS 1. yüzyılda gitme
üyeleri olarak kabul etmesinin sebebi, bu cesaretini göstermiş olsalar da, kıta ile kayda
kuruluşların özellikle müşterek güvenlik değer ilk Avrupalı teması Vasco da Gama’nın
sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası sistemde resmi Portekizli filosunun Hindistan’ın batı kıyılarına
bir yol yüklenmiş olmalarıdır. vardığı 1498’de başlamıştır.
B) Özellikle ülkeleri ve devletleri üye olarak kabul B) Avrupalı kâşifler Asya’ya MS 1. yüzyılda gitme
eden uluslararası kuruluşlar müşterek güvenlik cesaretini göstermiş olsalar da, Vasco da
sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası sistemde resmi Gama’nın Portekizli filosunun Hindistan’a
bir rol oynamaktadır. vardığı yıl olan 1498, kıta ile kayda değer ilk
C) Uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve devletleri Avrupalı temasının başlangıcıdır.
üyeleri olarak görmektedir ve bu kuruluşların C) MS 1. yüzyılda Asya’ya gitme cesareti
özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak gösteren Avrupalı kâşiflere rağmen, kıta ile
uluslararası sistemde resmi bir rolü vardır. kayda değer ilk Avrupalı teması Vasco da
D) Ülkeleri ve devletleri üyeleri olarak kabul eden Gama’nın Portekizli filosuyla Hindistan’ın batı
uluslararası kuruluşlar, özellikle müşterek kıyılarına vardığı 1498’de gerçekleşmiştir.
güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası D) MS 1. yüzyılda Asya’ya gitme cesareti
sistemde resmi bir rol yüklenmiştir. gösteren Avrupalı kâşiflerden sonra, kıta ile
E) Özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak kayda değer ilk Avrupalı teması Vasco da
uluslararası sistemde resmi bir role sahip olan Gama’nın Portekizli filosunun Hindistan’ın batı
uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve devletleri kıyılarına vardığı 1498 yılında olmuştur.
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üyeleri olarak saymaktadır. E) Avrupalı kâşifler Asya’ya MS 1. yüzyılda gitme

cesaretini göstermiş olmalarına rağmen, kıta
ile kayda değer ilk Avrupalı temasının
başlaması Vasco da Gama’nın Portekizli
filosunun Hindistan’ın batı kıyılarına vardığı
1498 yılına dayanır.

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48. ‘Feodalizm’ terimi, Avrupa’da 9. yüzyıl civarında 50. Haçlı Seferleri sırasında Orta Doğu’ya ulaşan
ortaya çıktığı iddia edilen, askeri insan gücü savaşçıların arasında, yeni bir ülkede yeni bir
oluşturmayı amaçlayan siyasi sistemi hayata başlamaya hevesli Avrupalı göçmenler
tanımlamak için kullanılmaktadır. de bulunuyordu.
A) ‘Feudalism’ is a term allegedly used to A) Alongside the warriors who arrived in the
describe the political system that emerged in Middle East during the Crusades, European
Europe around the 9th century with the immigrants were also willing to begin a new life
purpose of raising military manpower. in a new land.
B) It is claimed that the term ‘feudalism’ has B) Among the warriors who arrived in the Middle
been used to refer to the political system that East during the Crusades, there were also
arose in Europe around the 9th century to European immigrants eager to begin a new life
raise military manpower. in a new land.
C) ‘Feudalism’ as a term describes the political C) The warriors who arrived in the Middle East
system which allegedly arose in Europe during the Crusades were accompanied by
around the 9th century for raising military European immigrants who were eager to begin
manpower. a new life in a new land.
D) The political system that is claimed to have D) When the warriors arrived in the Middle East
arisen in Europe around the 9th century to during the Crusades, there were also
raise military manpower has been called as European immigrants among them, who
‘feudalism’. wanted to have a new life in a new land.
E) The term ‘feudalism’ has been used to E) European immigrants were among the
describe the political system aiming to raise warriors who arrived in the Middle East during
military manpower that allegedly arose in the Crusades with the aim of beginning a new
Europe around the 9th century. life in a new land.
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51. On bin yıldan daha uzun bir süre önceki

49. Renler, ne yediğimizden ne giydiğimize kadar tesadüfi keşfinden bu yana çay, dünya üzerinde
günlük kararlarımızın çoğunu bilinçli veya su dışında en çok tüketilen sıvı hâline gelmiştir.
bilinçsiz olarak etkiler. A) Tea was accidentally discovered more than ten
A) Colours influence many of our daily decisions thousand years ago, and expect water, it has
such as what we eat and what we wear become the most consumed liquid on Earth.
consciously or unconsciously. B) Since its accidental discovery over ten
B) Consciously or unconsciously, colours have an thousand years ago, tea has become the most
influence on our daily decisions as to what we consumed liquid on Earth, apart from water.
eat to what we wear. C) Ever since it was discovered accidentally over
C) Colours influence many of our daily decisions ten thousand years ago, tea has been the most
consciously or unconsciously from what we eat frequently consumed liquid together with water.
to what we wear. D) From the time it was accidentally discovered,
D) Many of our daily decisions like what we eat which was over ten thousand years ago, tea
and wear are influenced consciously or has become the second most consumed liquid
unconsciously by colours. on Earth after water.
E) Like many of our daily decisions, colours E) The reason why tea has become the most
influence what we eat and what we wear frequently consumed liquid on Earth after
consciously or unconsciously. water is that it has been more than ten
thousand years since its discovery.

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52. Tarih boyunca deniz kabuğundan sigaraya

kadar çeşitli nesneler ödeme araçları olarak 54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
kullanılmıştır, ancak MÖ 8. yüzyılda altın ve anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
gümüş baskın hâle gelmiştir. getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Various items ranging from seashells to

cigarettes were used as means of payment 54. Migration is the movement of people from one
throughout history, but gold and silver became geographic location to another. Migration may
predominant in the 8th century BC. result from many different causes. In some
cases, economic opportunities may motivate
B) Gold and silver predominated as means of individuals to move. Algerian guest workers in
payment in the 8th century BC, but a number of France are an example of this situation. ---- For
items from seashells to cigarettes were used instance, violence emerging from internal
throughout history. conflicts in Rwanda and Sudan has created
C) Not only silver and gold, which predominated mass migrations during recent years.
in the 8th century BC, but also various items
such as seashells and cigarettes were A) Migration affects not only the recipient region
employed throughout history as means of or country but also the region or country of
payment. origin.

D) Throughout history, a wide range of items B) War and political unrest also frequently lead to
including seashells and cigarettes were in use large-scale movements of people.
as means of payment, but nothing compares to C) Migration may boost economic productivity by
gold and silver, which became predominant in using labour in a more efficient manner.
the 8th century BC. D) Contrary to the common view, migration may
E) Although gold and silver became predominant also produce opportunities as well as
as means of payment in the 8th century BC, a challenges.
variety of items such as seashells and E) Migration is categorised in many ways to better
MODADİL Yayınları

cigarettes were used throughout history. describe the characteristics of these


55. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is perhaps

the world’s most well-known painting. It is
53. Gazetelerin televizyon yayıncılığına göreceli difficult to think of another piece of artwork that
olarak başarılı bir biçimde uyum sağlamasına has been analysed, talked about and written
rağmen, televizyon öncesi dönem muhtemelen about to quite the same degree as this one. ----
gazetelerin en parlak dönemi olarak kabul Some believe that the model was da Vinci’s
edilmektedir. own mother, Caterina, or Princess Isabella of
A) Even after the relatively successful adaptation Naples, or a Spanish noblewoman named
of newspaper to television broadcasting, the Costranza d’Avalos. Some even suggested that
pretelevision era is accepted to be the heyday da Vinci based the portrait on his own
of newspapers. likeliness due to the subject’s slightly
masculine facial features.
B) Even though the pretelevision era is likely to be
seen as the heyday of newspapers, the A) The painting was eventually acquired by King
adaptation of newspapers to television Francis I of France and is now the property of
broadcasting was relatively successful. the French Republic.
C) The pretelevision era is most probably B) Perhaps the most plausible answer came
considered the heyday of newspapers, but from art historian Vasari, who suggested that
their adaptation to television broadcasting was the model was Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo.
regarded as relatively successful. C) But however famous the portrait is, the true
D) Though newspapers were adapted to inspiration behind that half-smile has never
television broadcasting with relative success, it been truly discovered.
is likely that the pretelevision era is considered D) It has remained on permanent display at the
to be the heyday of newspapers. Louvre Museum in Paris since 1797 where it
E) Despite the relatively successful adaptation of continues to attract huge crowds.
newspapers to television broadcasting, the E) A 500-year-old note by one of da Vinci’s
pretelevision era is likely to be regarded as the friends, which stated that the artist was
heyday of newspapers. working on the portrait, was recently

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56. The principal source of revenue in Afghanistan 58. Students’ fundamental motor skills are already
traditionally came from the agricultural sector. developing when they begin kindergarten, but
For a long time, the country was capable of are not yet perfectly coordinated. Five-year-
producing not only enough food to feed its olds can generally walk satisfactorily for most
entire population but surplus food to export school-related purposes. For some at this age,
abroad. ---- Given that the country could grow running still looks a bit like a hurried walk, but
crops only to live on, not to sell, the decline in usually it becomes more coordinated within a
income levels increased poverty, dramatically year or two. Similarly with jumping, throwing,
causing various economic difficulties at the and catching. ---- Whoever is responsible, it is
same time. important to notice if a child does not keep
more-or-less to the usual developmental
A) Moreover, the private sector played a major timetable.
role in the country’s traditional economic
activities in 2000. A) From kindergarten to the end of high school,
B) Besides, the country had many economic students improve basic motor skills, double
relations with the former Soviet Union in the their height and triple their weight.
past. B) Students who are clumsy are aware of how it
C) However, it was in 2001 that the country was could negatively affect their status among their
no longer able to produce enough food. peers.

D) Similarly, the agricultural sector has never C) Even if physical skills are not a special focus of
produced at full capacity for decades in a classroom teacher, they can be quite
Pakistan. important to students themselves.

E) In addition, the telecommunications D) Failure in developing necessary motor skills

infrastructure has improved vastly since 1999. generally results in poor self-esteem and
traumatic experiences.
E) Assisting such developments is usually the
MODADİL Yayınları

job either of physical education teachers, or of

classroom teachers.

57. Ancient Rome had no police force, at least not

in the way that we tend to think of it today. This
was not unusual or unique, since the police 59. Ecotourism organisations play a major role in
force in its modern sense did not develop until researching the viability of ecotourism as a
the 18th and 19th centuries. ---- Up until recently, sustainable development tool. Universities
none of these was perceived to be the provide funding and facilities for this research,
particular responsibility or duty of the state. and also function as a forum for related debate.
Rome did possess a legal system, but this ---- A good recent example is the Canadian
system was only applied to cases that were, on
public agency Canadian Tourism Commission’s
the whole, brought to the court by private efforts to document Canadian ecotourism
citizens. practices in the publication Catalogue of
A) The job of the modern police is to prevent Exemplary Practices in Adventure Travel and
crime, investigate crimes that have been Ecotourism. This document will serve as a
committed, and catch criminals. learning tool for other ecotourism
B) During the republic, it was strictly forbidden to
have military forces within the pomerium, the A) However, they have not established the basic
sacred boundary of the city. standards for the sector.
C) The city streets were considered to be B) Some government agencies also play a major
particularly dangerous at night due to role in this effort.
robberies. C) Ecotourism provides important benefits
D) Interpersonal violence seems to have been especially for the areas affected by climate
permitted or at least ignored and was seen as change.
a way of setting disputes. D) Public universities should take more active
E) The state intervened in cases in which a crime roles in the development of ecotourism.
was perceived to have been committed against E) There is a need for guiding certification
the state. programmes in ecotourism.

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60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla

okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü 63. (I) Many people who struggle with insomnia already
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. know the basics of ‘sleep hygiene’: make sure your
bedroom is dark, keep a regular bedtime, only use
60. (I) The Byzantine Empire, which developed the bed for sleep, etc. (II) However, they have
organically out of the Roman Empire and its ancient probably also found those tips to be insufficient. (III)
Mediterranean civilisation, has no clear starting Insomnia is a disaster that will ruin the following day
point. (II) The term Byzantine is modern, coined by as well. (IV) That is because sleep gets sabotaged
historians to underline the distinctive qualities of the by what psychologists call an ‘ironic effect’: the
civilisation centered in Constantinople. (III) Many harder you try to fall asleep, the more difficult it gets.
date its origins to the year 330 AD, when Emperor (V) To avoid this, you need to reduce your emphasis
Constantine I established his new imperial capital, on sleep.
Constantinople. (IV) Others favour the mid-6th A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
century during the reign of Justinian I the Great, the
last emperor to speak Latin as his native tongue. (V)
Still others argue that it only emerged as a distinctive
civilisation after the Arab conquests of the 7th century.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

64. (I) Mycenaean society was greatly influenced by the

Minoans who had developed on the island of Crete.
(II) Although the Minoan culture had faded at the
time the Mycenaeans came to Crete, the
61. (I) Egyptology as a discipline did not fully develop Mycenaeans adopted much of the Minoan culture.
MODADİL Yayınları

until Jean-François Champollion’s decipherment of (III) For example, in the early years their hairstyles
ancient Egyptian in 1822. (II) Since then, it has dealt were similar to the Minoans but much more carefully
with all aspects of ancient Egypt, including language styled in long curls held in place by richly decorated
and literature, architecture, archaeology, art, and crowns. (IV) Later, Mycenaean men cut their hair
overall historical developments. (III) Major finds, such short or bound it closely to their head and grew
as the tomb of Tutankhamun, the workmen’s village at beards. (V) After the fall of the Minoan and
Giza, and, more recently, the origins of the alphabet Mycenaean civilisation in about 1200 BC, Greek
have fuelled public interest in Egyptology and the field society developed.
as a whole. (IV) Ancient Egyptian civilisation lasted
from approximately 3000 BC until the date of the last A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
known hieroglyphic inscription in 395 AD. (V) With
archaeologists and historians making great
discoveries every year, the perceptions of key issues
in ancient Egyptian civilisation continue to change.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65. (I) Just over a year ago, an eager team of

archaeologists dug under the mud of a slum in Cairo
erected on the ruins of the pharaonic city of
Heliopolis. (II) They recovered a gigantic statue,
62. (I) The term ‘graphics’ is often taken for granted and which was believed by team to represent the
used in a generic sense. (II) Graphic designers are pharaoh Ramses the Great. (III) His policies allowed
professionals who may even coordinate the the Hellerries to establish colonies on Egyptian soil for
production of a printed material. (III) In fact, graphics the first time. (IV) However, there was slight
are a powerful way to communicate in today’s visually disappointment when it was discovered that the
oriented society. (IV) Most publications need strong, statue was not of Ramses but a lesser-known 7th-
dominant visual elements to make them more century BC ruler of Egypt, Psamtik I. (V) Despite the
interesting to the reader. (V) They are extremely disappointment, though, this discovery was instantly
useful to help attract attention, unify a look, convey celebrated by archaeologists not only in Egypt but
special meaning, and add impact. also around the globe.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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67. What was especially interesting about the

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre research on Canadian technical advisors in
cevaplayınız. Kenya?

As difficult as they may be in some cases, culture A) Psychological adjustment at the end of the first
shock experiences serve as the very force that year was directly related to culture shock.
drives strangers to learn and adapt. It is through the B) Some participants who experienced higher
presence of stress that strangers are compelled to levels of culture shock were found to be more
strive to achieve the level of learning and self- effective in their jobs.
adjustment, which is necessary in order to meet the
C) The level of professional effectiveness was
demands of the environment and to work out new
unrelated to the magnitude of culture shock
ways of handling their daily activities. In a study of
within the first year.
Canadian technical advisors who were on two-year
assignments in Kenya, researchers found that the D) All of the subjects in the study showed greater
intensity and directionality of culture shock was effectiveness in their jobs when they were
unrelated to patterns of psychological adjustment at subject to further culture shock.
the end of the first year in the alien land. Of E) In some cases, patterns of culture shock and
particular interest is the finding that, in some psychological adjustment were found to be
instances, the magnitude of culture shock was related to the environment.
positively related to the individuals’ social and
professional effectiveness within the ne environment
(i.e., the greater the culture shock, the greater the
effectiveness). Based on this finding, it was thought
that culture shock experiences might, in fact, be
responsible for successful adaptation. This point is
further echoed in research that shows culture shock
is a traditional learning experience that facilitates a
psychological change from a state of low self-
MODADİL Yayınları

awareness and cultural awareness to a state of high

self-awareness and cultural awareness.

66. According to the passage, stress ----. 68. It can be inferred from the passage that prior to
the study on Canadian technical advisors in
A) weakens a person’s ability to achieve learning Kenya, most researchers had assumed that
and self-adjustment. culture shock ----.
B) hinders the handling of daily activities in
A) helped individuals to fully integrate into a
unfamiliar environments
foreign culture
C) is what causes people to become less social in
B) caused the formation of experiences that
a new culture
facilitated change
D) helps those experiencing culture shock to
C) allowed individuals to change states of
better adapt to a foreign environment
E) makes it impossible for strangers to meet the
D) occurred when foreigners experienced high
demands of a new environment
E) was an obstacle to adaptation to be a foreign

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70. According to the passage we can reduce

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre screen time and its possible harm by ----.
A) Installing readily available health application
The explosion of mobile phone use has that monitor and limit our screen use
revolutionised our lives. We can download movies, B) paying more attention to the relation between
communicate with our family members, and obesity and screen time
broadcast to the world, all at the push of a button.
C) comparing our screen time with that of our
However, there are some questions about these
family members
valuable devices we have been unable to answer,
such as the possibility of health conditions resulting D) becoming more conscious of our usage of
from excessive ‘screen time’. Yet, many initial screens and how related they are to our lives
reactions have been more spontaneous than E) incorporating more healthy activities into our
evidence-based. In the past decade, we have heard lives
that they will rewire our brains, strip us of cognitive
abilities and damage our mental health. In truth,
there is no good evidence that such alarming
conditions are caused by our tech habits. The World
Health Organization, for example, recommends
limiting screen time as a way of tackling obesity,
voicing no health concerns related to screens in
particular. It says that children under 3 should have
no screen time and those aged 3 to 4 should be
limited to an hour a day, but its focus is on curbing
childhood obesity. As the fears grow and the debate
becomes more heated, it is time to separate the
proven health advice from exaggerated facts.
Rather than impose unreasonable limits, we should
MODADİL Yayınları

take a look at our use of screen and ask how they fit
with the activities and lifestyles we want as
individual and families.

69. It is pointed out in the passage that excessive 71. The attitude of the author towards common
screen time ----. reactions concerning our tech habits is ----.
A) is proven to delay developmental processes in A) sceptical
children under 3
B) sarcastic
B) shows no convincing evidence of damaging
our cognitive abilities and mental health C) admiring

C) prevents small children from interacting with D) supportive

their families and other children E) optimistic
D) is seen as the main reason for inducing
childhood obesity in those aged 3 to 4
E) may change the way our brains work, leading
to alarming health conditions

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73. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) Achebe both studied and taught in University
Collage, Ibadan
The most celebrated African novelist is Chinua B) Achebe started his career at Nigerian
Achebe, whose Things Fall Apart permanently Broadcasting Comparation
transformed the landscape of African fiction, both in
C) Okigbo provided Achebe financial support to
his own continent and in the Western imagination.
set up his own publishing company
His novels effectively challenged many of the
West’s false impressions of African life and culture, D) Okigbo wrote poems about the civil war in
replacing simplistic stereotypes with portrayals of a Nigeria
complex society still suffering from a legacy of E) In Things Fall Apart, Achebe mentioned the
Western colonial oppression. Achebe was born in problems his own family had in the West
Ogidi, an Igbo-speaking town in eastern Nigeria,
and educated in English at church schools and
University College, Ibadan, where he subsequently
taught before joining the Nigerian Broadcasting
Corporation in Lagos. Then he launched a
publishing company with Cristopher Okigbo, a poet
soon to die in the Nigerian civil war. His Things Fall
Apart, written with an insider’s understanding of the
African world and its history, depicts the destruction
of an individual, a family and a culture during
colonialism. Helping to deny Western prejudices
about Africa, this rich portrait of a culture also
advances Achebe’s ambition to help his society
regain belief in itself and get rid of the complexes
produced by colonialism.
MODADİL Yayınları

72. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----. 74. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
A) Achebe has changed the way Western people A) Achebe aimed at helping Africans rebuild self-
think of African culture respect and self-confidence
B) Things Fall Apart is Achebe’s first and most B) With Things Fall Apart, Achebe made the Igbo
famous novel language more popular in the West
C) Achebe’s novels are mainly about Africans’ C) Things Fall Apart was many written from the
false assumptions about Westerners perspective of a Westerner
D) Africa has always been a culturally rich D) Achebe suggested Africans distrust Western
continent in Western imagination societies in Things Fall Apart
E) Achebe is still the best novelist for many E) Achebe faced fierce criticism in the Western
readers in Western societies world

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76. Members of privileged classes in ancient Egypt

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre who faced execution ----.
A) were thrown into the Nile when they committed
Justice in ancient Egypt encompassed a range of the most unforgivable crimes
physical punishment including corporal punishment B) were not able to get away with public execution
such as beatings, and capital punishment, which is
C) had to remove their names from history so that
the legal killing of a person. Punishments were
they could avoid death
typically administered in public. Corporal
punishments were imposed on citizens for lesser D) had the option to commit suicide by drinking
crimes such as non-payment of taxes. But in the poison in order to avoid a painful public death
most severe cases, the Egyptian state would E) did not want their families to get their bodies
execute offenders. Robbing royal tombs, injuring the for funerals
pharaoh, and disloyalty were all regarded as the
worst crimes Egyptian citizens could commit. If
criminals were caught, they would be punished by
death. Executions were carried out in a number of
ways, most often in public. Members of privileged
classes could sometimes choose to take their own
lives by swallowing poison rather than undergoing a
painful death in public. The harshest punishment
was not only death in this world but death in the
afterlife. Burning a person’s body, throwing their
remains into the Nile, and erasing their names from
history were the most serious punishment, as the
person would not exist either here or in the
hereafter. In these cases, families would not receive
the body for burial or for the purpose of funerals.
MODADİL Yayınları

75. The main difference between corporal punishment 77. Which of the following could be the best title of
and capital punishment was that ----. the passage?
A) the former was administered in public in most A) Capital Punishment Methods in Ancient Egypt
cases B) The Court System in Ancient Egypt
B) the latter was used more frequently in ancient C) Burial Rituals in Ancient Egypt
D) Crime and Punishment in Ancient Egypt
C) the former was for criminals who stole from the
pharaoh E) How the Aristocracy was Punished in Ancient
D) the offender died as a result of the latter
E) the criminals were charged with higher taxes
for the former

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79. According to the passage; what makes us

78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre unique?
A) How desires and conflicts appear in memories
Freud felt that our memories and how they are B) Both nice and disturbing ideas we have
arranged in our minds are vital parts of our
personalities. He proposed that there are three C) Our deep and dark secrets
basic divisions of memory that are differentiated by D) Types and awareness of memories
how aware or conscious each of us is of the E) Unfiltered and true feelings about ourselves
material in those divisions: the conscious, the
preconscious and the unconscious. The
unconscious is the most famous of the three. It
contains the memories and experiences that we are
not aware of. They are deep inside our minds and
difficult to access. Actually, Freud thought that our
unconscious is filled with all our memories,
thoughts, and ideas that are troubling, disturbing,
and horrible to keep in our conscious awareness.
This is where we keep our truest feelings, unfiltered
and unedited by the niceties of everyday life. Our
unconscious is where our deepest and most basic
desires and conflicts reside, it is the realm of
secrets so dark that we are not even aware of them
ourselves. Depending on what kind of memories we
have and how aware we are of them, we may have
a completely different personality than we do now.
Our conscious, preconscious and unconscious
memories help make us unique, giving us that
MODADİL Yayınları

special little personality that everyone loves.

78. Freud suggested a division for our memories to 80. According to the passage, which could be an
----. example of an unconscious memory?
A) help people hide their horrible secrets A) Jealous feelings directed towards a close
B) focus more on the niceties of everyday life friend
C) simple explain our level consciousness B) Hearing how your colleagues appreciate you
D) further study people’s deepest and most basic C) Remembering simple tasks like riding a bike
desires D) Purposefully ignoring the man sitting next to
E) better understand how memories are you
unreliable E) Reliving the happiest day of your life


16 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ



1 C 21 D 41 C 61 D
2 A 22 A 42 A 62 B
3 D 23 C 43 E 63 C
4 C 24 B 44 E 64 E
5 A 25 E 45 D 65 C
6 D 26 B 46 C 66 D
7 B 27 D 47 A 67 B
8 E 28 C 48 E 68 E
9 B 29 A 49 C 69 B
10 E 30 E 50 B 70 D
11 D 31 A 51 B 71 A
12 B 32 E 52 A 72 A
13 B 33 C 53 E 73 A
14 E 34 B 54 B 74 A
15 B 35 D 55 C 75 D
16 B 36 E 56 C 76 D
17 E 37 B 57 A 77 D
18 E 38 D 58 E 78 C
19 C 39 B 59 B 79 D
20 A 40 E 60 B 80 A


This test consists of 80 questions.

5. Infectious microbes from animals can be ----

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere directly to humans through an animal bite, or
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. indirectly through the bite of insects that feed
on both animals and humans.
1. In regions with a relatively dry climate, A) sentenced B) designated
intensive cultivation by farmers can have
terrible ----, draining water sources, and C) restricted D) transmitted
causing soil erosion. E) adjusted
A) consequences B) assumptions
C) functions D) distinctions
E) observations 6. Known for their devoted parental care,
treehopper mothers ---- their offspring until the
young hoppers are old enough to fly away.
A) bring about B) watch over
C) put on D) give up
2. The spectacular discoveries and ---- in
molecular biology in the last fifty years have E) keep off
created a gene-based medical revolution.
MODADİL Yayınları

A) delays B) celebrations
C) difficulties D) achievements
7. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
E) limitations uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

7. Although smartphones ---- arguably the most

popular gaming platform for the past couple of
years, they do not have the ability ---- with
desktop computers.
3. In recent years ---- efforts have been made in
introducing improved forest harvesting A) have been / to compete
practices to tropical forests to support
sustainable forest management. B) were / to be competing

A) considerable B) deniable C) could be / competing

C) vulnerable D) habitable D) are / to have competed

E) changeable E) must have been / compete

8. E-mail advertising ---- a good reputation these

days, as people realise that it ---- affordable and
4. Asian sea bass, a fish species farmed in effective.
several Asian countries, feed ---- on small
crustaceans (crab, shrimp, etc.) and later A) gets / has to be
switch to fish as they grow up. B) was getting / could be
A) openly B) firmly C) has been getting / used to be
C) initially D) mutually D) will get / should be
E) virtually E) is getting / can be

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 1
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

9. Temperament is an emotional trait that is 15. Dogs, which are highly responsive to sensory
relatively stable ---- the life span, and is at least information, look and listen to interpret their
---- some degree, influenced by biology. surroundings, ---- humans do.
A) over / to B) into / at A) although B) just as
C) through / on D) with / of C) only when D) unless
E) about / from E) as long as

10. ---- the 20th century, the discovery of extrasolar

planets made a great contribution to the 16. ---- the field of seismology can be divided into
existing efforts in the search ---- extraterrestrial studies of the Earth’s structure and of seismic
intelligence. sources (earthquakes, explosions, etc.), they
are not fully separable.
A) Over / at
A) As long as B) Because
B) Within / about
C) Even though D) Unless
C) Throughout / under
E) Once
D) During / for
E) With / above
17. Today, people with rare conditions could be
diagnosed quicker ---- the advances in
11. The arrival of the printing press had a profound technology including 3D facial analysis.
effect ---- Renaissance Europe and introduced
A) except for B) despite
an era of mass communication ---- many
different languages. C) as well as D) thanks to
MODADİL Yayınları

A) upon / at B) among / from E) unlike

C) on / in D) by / with
E) to / through 18. ---- the advancement in Internet service and
delivery, slow-loading web pages are still
12. ---- all greenhouse gas emissions were stopped
tomorrow, the average global temperature A) By means of B) Instead of
would still keep rising for the next 30 years. C) Despite D) With the help of
A) In case B) Even if E) as well as
C) Because D) Although
E) Once 19. To test a pet’s sensitivity to specific allergens,
a veterinarian routinely exposes it to these
allergens via ---- a daily serum under the tongue
13. Life expectancy at birth is the number of years
---- a shot every one to two weeks.
a newborn infant would live ---- already existing
patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were A) such / that B) so / that
to stay the same throughout its life.
C) the more / the more D) either / or
A) if B) since
E) as / as
C) in case D) so that
E) although
20. Making up the inner fifth of the Sun, the core is
---- nuclear fusion creates 99 percent of the
14. Not much progress could be made in chemistry Sun’s energy.
---- chemists gained a better understanding of A) where B) that
the materials they worked with.
C) who D) when
A) as B) until
E) whose
C) only when D) as long as
E) if

2 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıda ki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Overuse of insecticides in urban areas is risky for When scientists first started to study nature, they
several reasons. It can be avoided if several other concentrated on individual living things. They
non-chemical controls (21)----. People, pets, wildlife, travelled the world, and sent samples of those living
beneficial organisms, and other non-target organisms things to museums (26)---- they were catalogued and
may be exposed to insecticides that have not been identified there. Today, this work still (27)----, but
(22)---- applied. Such exposure could cause acute or scientists also study the way living things interact with
chronic health problems. Insecticides could leak each other. This research is particularly important
(23)---- the soil or enter groundwater and result in because it helps us to understand how the changes
pollution. Frequent insecticide use against particular that humans bring, (28)---- pollution and
pests may result in resistant pest populations that are deforestation, can affect the living world. Ecology is
even harder to control. And, (24)---- the harmful the study of these connections. It involves living
impact of insecticides on beneficial organisms, their things themselves, and the raw materials and
use may also increase the risk of pest outbreaks. nutrients (29)---- by them. (30)---- ecology, energy is
(25)----, responsible insecticide use, in combination important because it is the driving force that keeps
with other environmentally-friendly pest management living things alive.
tactics, result in positive environmental
21. 26.

A) would implement B) are implemented A) just as B) so that

C) have implemented D) implemented C) instead D) although

MODADİL Yayınları

E) had been implemented E) but

22. 27.

A) randomly B) commonly A) sets out B) doubles up

C) actually D) properly C) falls down D) goes on

E) fortunately E) breaks down

23. 28.

A) by B) with A) on behalf of B) such as

C) at D) for C) according to D) instead of

E) into E) despite

24. 29.

A) in addition to B) in spite of A) used B) having used

C) in place of D) unlike C) to have used D) using

E) regardless of E) to have been used

25. 30.

A) Moreover B) Otherwise A) Behind B) On

C) However D) Likewise C) At D) Through

E) For example E) In

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 3
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

34. ----, but its increasing concentration is

31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun suspected of causing global warming.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) Carbon dioxide is a natural constituent of the
31. As the human brain thinks, learns and atmosphere
remembers, ----. B) The burning of fossil fuels causes an increase
A) people might be suffering from a limited in carbon dioxide levels and toxic chemicals
perspective C) High levels of carbon dioxide force
B) it creates consciousness consisting of governments to take precautions regarding
thoughts and feelings the environment

C) some experts think it is possible to D) Like methane, carbon dioxide leads to an

understand the brain simply through scanning undesired change as a greenhouse gas

D) how identical cells produce an immense E) Coal burning, which produces carbon dioxide,
complexity is becoming clear to many is a serious source of pollution
E) information flow in the brains of some animals
is also easy to determine

35. There have been many attempts to define the

term ‘planet’ over the centuries, ----.
32. Since weather plays such an important role in A) because a planet refers to an object that is not
our daily lives, ----. a star and moves in an orbit
A) weather conditions are a result of the B) as long as all planets must satisfy three
MODADİL Yayınları

atmosphere’s attempt to gain a balance criteria to be defined as a planet

B) everyone is interested in the weather forecast C) even tough it is claimed that Pluto is not a
to take precautions according to the seasonal planet
D) but to date there is still no universally agreed-
C) temperature and pressure are the most upon scientific definition of the term
important parameters in meteorology
E) unless a planet is by far the largest object in
D) people pay less attention to weather forecasts its orbital neighbourhood
on TV than on mobile apps
E) changes in temperature have minimal impact
on some people’s moods

36. Even though the term ‘biodiversity’ is relatively

new, ----.
33. Although people had long tried to visualise
certain oceanic features, ----. A) for thousands of years philosophers and
scientists have studied aspects of biodiversity
A) by 1996, an updated map of the ocean floor
based on data from orbiting satellites was B) biologists describe the diversity of organisms
created by comparing their anatomy and physiology
B) at first, scientists on ships tried to measure C) biologists will need sophisticated techniques
ocean depths and create ocean floor maps for their studies
C) only 29% of the land surface on Earth is not D) many of the people who have heard of the
submerged under the oceans term still do not understand what it means
D) it was not until technology improved that the E) scientists are not able to examine
first accurate maps of ocean could be drawn chromosomes and genes with more precision
in the 20th century
E) scientists have started to compile all the
available data about the Atlantic Ocean

4 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

37. Fossil fuels have traditionally been regarded as 40. Ever since scientists discovered a large
convenient sources of energy, ----. number of dinosaur fossils in the late 18th
century, ----.
A) yet the burning of fossil fuels poses many
serious environmental threats A) we have wondered how a world of giant
reptiles came to an end
B) although fossil fuels such as petroleum,
natural gas and coal are relatively plentiful in B) dinosaurs might not have become extinct due
Earth’s crust to a meteor crash
C) if they originate from ancient plants and C) lots of new research studies will have been
animals which are non-renewable energy conducted by the end of the 21 st century
D) many theories regarding the extinction of
D) as they raise Earth’s average temperature, dinosaurs were confirmed in the 16 th century
worsening the effects of climate change
E) it had been a big question mark whether we
E) therefore capturing a small fraction of sunlight could discover some new species
could meet our energy needs several times

38. Digital libraries differ from traditional libraries

A) whereas the concept of digital libraries can be
traced back to the 19th century 41. Recent findings show that storm and hurricane
MODADİL Yayınları

B) in that they exist in the ‘cyber world’ of intensity has grown around the world since
computers and the internet rather than in 1970 due to rising ocean temperatures ----.
physical buildings A) though hurricanes are occurring in the northern
C) even if information on the Internet is chaotic hemisphere because of warmer ocean
and expanding quickly and remarkably temperatures

D) although digital libraries have developed in B) but global warming models predict that storms
parallel with the rapid growth of the Internet and hurricanes are about to become less
intense soon
E) so that the digitisation of resources enables
easy and rapid access to digital library C) as long as the number of tropical storms and
content hurricanes stays the same over the next 40
D) unless the bigger storms and hurricanes bring
higher water levels, taller waves and more
storm damage
E) in case some storm-protection barriers might
39. Mountains rarely occur as isolated individuals; not be strong enough to protect against the
----. hurricanes and storms
A) still, they generally have steep slopes and a
relatively small summit area
B) instead, they are usually found in circular
C) yet, some mountains have been constructed
upon the surface by eruptions of volcanic ash
D) even so, their most perceived effects are
related to the blocking of air flow
E) conversely, their systems occur both on
continents and in ocean basins

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 5
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

44. Ecological restoration is practised in all regions

42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye of the world, but what counts as restoration
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe varies according to cultural perspective.
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
bulunuz. A) Ekolojik restorasyon olarak neyin kabul
edileceğinin kültürel bakış açısına göre
42. Although they have been searching for years, değişkenlik göstermesinin sebebi, dünyanın
astronomers have yet to find anywhere in the tüm bölgelerinde restorasyonun uygulanmakta
universe that remotely resembles the Earth. olmasıdır.

A) Gökbilimcilerin yıllarca süren arayışına B) Her ne kadar kültürel bakış açısına göre neyin
rağmen, evrende Dünya’ya az da olsa restorasyon olarak kabul edildiği konusunda
benzeyen bir yer henüz bulunamamıştır. farklılıklar olsa da ekolojik restorasyon
dünyanın tüm bölgelerinde uygulanmaktadır.
B) Yıllarca araştırma yapan gökbilimciler,
evrende Dünya’ya az da olsa benzeyen bir C) Ekolojik restorasyon dünyanın tüm
yer henüz bulamamışlardır. bölgelerinde yapılmaktadır, ancak kültürel
bakış açısı neyin restorasyon olarak kabul
C) Yıllardır aramalarına rağmen, gökbilimciler edileceğini etkilemektedir.
evrende Dünya’ya az da olsa benzeyen bir
yer henüz bulamamışlardır. D) Dünya üzerinde tüm bölgelerde uygulanmakta
olan ekolojik restorasyon, restorasyona ilişkin
D) Yıllardır evrende Dünya’ya uzaktan da olsa farklı kültürel bakış açılarından
benzeyen bir yer aramalarına rağmen, etkilenmektedir.
gökbilimciler henüz böyle bir yer
bulamamışlardır. E) Ekolojik restorasyon dünyanın tüm
bölgelerinde yapılmaktadır, ancak neyin
E) Yıllardır aranmasına rağmen, gökbilimciler restorasyon olarak kabul edildiği kültürel
tarafından evrende Dünya’ya uzaktan da olsa bakış açısına göre değişmektedir.
benzeyen herhangi bir yer henüz
MODADİL Yayınları


43. Not only the physical dangers, but also the fact
that radiation puts astronauts at a higher risk of
getting cancer makes space exploration a risky
business. 45. Mechanical clocks, in the West, were made at
first for monasteries where prayers had to be
A) Sadece fiziksel tehlikeler değil, radyasyonun said at set hours of the day and night.
astronotların kansere yakalanma riskini
artırdığı gerçeği de uzay araştırmalarını riskli A) Manastırlarda duaların gündüz ve gece belirli
bir iş haline getirmektedir. saatlerde okunması gerektiğinden, Batı’daki ilk
mekanik saatler onlar için yapılmıştır.
B) Fiziksel tehlikelerle birlikte radyasyonun
astronotları kansere yakalanma riskiyle daha B) Manastırlar, duaların gündüz ve gecenin
fazla karşı karşıya getirmesi de uzay belirli saatlerinde okunma zorunluluğundan
araştırmalarını riskli bir iş yapmaktadır. dolayı Batı’da yapılan ilk mekanik saatleri
C) Uzay araştırmaları, yalnızca fiziksel
tehlikelerle değil, radyasyonun astronotların C) Batı’da mekanik saatler, ilk önce duaların
kansere daha fazla yakalanmalarına neden gündüz ve gecenin belirli saatlerinde
olmasıyla da riskli hale gelmektedir. okunmasının zorunlu olduğu manastırlar için
D) Fiziksel tehlikelerin yanı sıra radyasyonun
astronotları kansere daha fazla yatkın hale D) Batı’da mekanik saatlerin ilk yapımı, duaların
getirme riski de uzay araştırmalarını tehlikeli gündüz ve gecenin belirli saatlerinde okunma
bir çalışma yapmaktadır. zorunluluğu nedeniyle manastırlar için
E) Uzay araştırmaları, fiziksel tehlikelerin yanı
sıra radyasyonun astronotların kansere E) Batı’da kullanılan mekanik saatler, ilk olarak
yakalanma riskini artırması sebebiyle de riskli duaların gündüz ve gece belirli saatlerde
bir iş haline gelmektedir. okunduğu manastırlarda yapılmıştır.

6 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

46. Dopamine is one of the intriguing chemicals 48. Dünya’nın ve Venüs’ün atmosferlerindeki
found in the brains of a broad spectrum of farklılıkların birçoğu, Venüs’ün yüzeyinde yok
biological organism, from insects to all the way denecek kadar az su olmasına dayandırılabilir.
to humans.
A) Many of the differences between the
A) Dopamin, böceklerden insanlara kadar geniş atmospheres of Earth and Venus can be
bir yelpazedeki biyolojik organizmaların traced to the near-total lack of water on the
beyinlerinde bulunan merak uyandırıcı surface of Venus.
kimyasallardan biridir.
B) The near-total lack of water on the surface of
B) Dopamin, böceklerden insanlara kadar geniş Venus is attributed mostly to the differences
bir yelpazedeki biyolojik organizmaların in the atmospheres of Earth and Venus.
beyinlerinde bulunan kimyasallardan biri
olduğu için ilgi çekicidir. C) The atmospheres of Earth and Venus have a
number of differences, which could be traced
C) Dopamin, merak uyandırıcı kimyasallardan to the fact that there is almost no water on the
biridir ve böceklerden insanlara kadar geniş surface of Venus.
bir yelpazedeki biyolojik organizmaların
beyinlerinde bulunur. D) The fact that Venus has almost no water at all
on its surface can be considered the main
D) İlgi çekici kimyasallardan biri olan dopamin, reason why there are many differences
böcekleri ve insanları içeren geniş bir between the atmospheres of Earth and
yelpazedeki biyolojik organizmaların Venus.
beyinlerinde bulunur.
E) There are a number of differences between
E) Böceklerden insanlara kadar geniş bir the atmospheres of Earth and Venus, and
yelpazedeki biyolojik organizmaların they can be attributed to the fact that there is
beyinlerinde bulunan dopamin, ilgi çekici bir virtually no water on the surface of Venus.
MODADİL Yayınları

49. Kuramsal hesaplamalara göre, Everest Dağı’nın

kütlesine sahip bir kara deliğin Hawking
radyasyonu nedeniyle bütün enerjisini
kaybetmesi yaklaşık 20 milyar yıl alabilir.
A) Theoretical calculations show that a black hole
47. Bearing an incredibly rich diversity, coral reefs which has the mass of Mount Everest can take
are the rain forests of the oceans, and provide about 20 billion years to lose all its energy
shelter for numerous species. because of Hawking radiation.

A) İnanılmaz bir çeşitlilik barındıran mercan B) According to theoretical calculations, it might

kayalıkları, okyanusların yağmur ormanlarıdır take a black hole having the mass of Mount
ve sayısız canlı türüne koruma sağlar. Everest about 20 billion years to lose all its
energy due to Hawking radiation.
B) İnanılmaz bir çeşitlilik barındıran mercan
kayalıkları, sayısız canlı türüne koruma C) A black hole which has almost the same
sağladığından okyanusların yağmur amount of mass as Mount Everest may take
ormanlarıdır. approximately 20 billion years to consume all
its energy due to Hawking radiation, as
C) İnanılmaz bir çeşitlilik barındıran mercan suggested by theoretical calculations.
kayalıkları, okyanusların yağmur ormanları
oldukları için sayısız canlı türüne koruma D) According to theoretical calculations, if a
sağlar. black hole has the mass of Mount Everest, it
may lose all its energy due to Hawking
D) Mercan kayalıkları, sahip oldukları inanılmaz radiation in almost 20 billion years.
çeşitlilikle birlikte pek çok canlı türüne koruma
sağlayarak okyanusların yağmur ormanları E) Whether a black hole has the mass of Mount
olmuştur. Everest or not, it can lose all its energy in 20
billion years due to Hawking radiation, as
E) Mercan kayalıkları inanılmaz bir çeşitlilik shown by theoretical calculations.
barındırmakla kalmayıp birçok canlı türüne
koruma sağladığı için okyanusların yağmur

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 7
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

50. Evcil kedi; erkeklerin yalnız, dişilerin ise 53. Charles Babbage çeşitli alanlarda önemli
nispeten daha sosyal olduğu tek türdür. katkılarda bulunmuştur, ancak en çok
bilgisayarın temel ögelerini kavramlaştırması ile
A) The domestic cat is a species in which males tanınır.
are alone and females are generally more
sociable. A) Although Charles Babbage contributed
significantly to various fields, he is mostly
B) The domestic cat is one of the species in
known for having conceptualised the basic
which males are solitary and females are
elements of the computer.
relatively more sociable.
C) The domestic cat is the only species in which B) Charles Babbage contributed enormously to
males are solitary and females are relatively different fields, but his most widely-known
more sociable. contribution is the conceptualisation of the key
elements of the computer.
D) Only in the domestic cat species are males
solitary and females generally more sociable. C) Charles Babbage made major contributions to
a variety of fields, but he is best known for
E) In the domestic cat species, males are solitary having conceptualised the key elements of the
while females are relatively more sociable. computer.
D) A variety of fields have benefitted from
51. Herhangi bir bilgisayar sisteminin başarısı, onu Charles Babbage’s major contributions while
kullanması beklenen kişilerin iş akışına dahil the conceptualisation of the key elements of
edilmesine bağlıdır. the computer is his best acknowledged
A) A computer system owes its success to being
integrated into the workflow of people who will use it. E) Among his significant contributions to various
fields, Charles Babbage is best
B) A computer system’s integration into the acknowledged for conceptualising the key
workflow of people who are to use it
MODADİL Yayınları

elements of the computer.

determines its success.
C) In order for any computer system to be
successful, it is to be integrated into the
workflow of people who will use it. 54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
D) In order to be successful, a computer system anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
needs to be integrated into the workflow of getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
people who will use it.
E) The success of any computer system 54. Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter, appears to
depends on its being integrated into the be no more than an airless world with an icy
workflow of people who are to use it. surface. ---- The Galileo spacecraft imaging also
showed features in the ice consistent with a
sub-surface ocean. In addition to that, the
52. Küresel biyoçeşitliliğin en basit ölçüm aracı, şu magnetometer indicated the presence of a
anda canlı olan türlerin sayısı anlamına gelen global layer of slightly salty liquid water.
‘tür zenginliğidir’.
A) For instance, there are many ecosystems on
A) Referring to the number of species alive now, Earth that thrive and grow in water that is
‘species richness’ is one of the simplest continuously covered by ice.
measures of global biodiversity.
B) However, theoretical calculations suggest that
B) The simplest measure of global biodiversity is under the ice surface of Europa, there might
‘species richness’, which means the number be a layer of liquid water.
of species alive now.
C) It is possible that sunlight passes through the
C) ‘Species richness’, is the simplest tool in cracks in the ice of Europa.
measuring global biodiversity, and it refers to
the number of species alive now. D) Europa has been the most extensively
studied moon of the planet Jupiter.
D) The simplest definition of ‘species richness’ is
the number of species alive now and it is E) In polar oceans and some ice-covered lakes,
used to measure global biodiversity. photosynthesis is performed under the ice
E) Used to measure global biodiversity in a
simple way, ‘species richness’ account for the
number of species alive now.

8 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

55. ---- Planetary exploration has revealed that 57. Millions of years ago, the remains of plants and
essentially every atmosphere starts at the animals decayed and built up in thick layers.
bottom with a troposphere, where temperature This decayed matter from plants and animals is
decreases with height at a nearly constant rate. called organic material; it was once alive. ----
Each atmosphere has a stratosphere, where Pressure and heat changed some of this
temperature usually increases with height or, in organic material into coal, some into oil, and
the case of Venus and Mars, decreases much some into natural gas.
less quickly than in the troposphere.
A) Seismic surveys use echoes from a vibration
A) Earth’s unique atmosphere is what makes life source at the earth’s surface.
on the planet possible.
B) Oil was formed from the remains of animals
B) The global atmosphere rotates faster than the and plants that lived millions of years ago.
solid planet.
C) The search for natural gas begins with
C) Atmospheres are found on the Sun as well as geologists locating the types of rock.
8 planets, and each has its own brand of
weather and its unique chemistry. D) Over time, the mud and soil changed to rock,
covered the organic material and trapped it
D) Earth may differ in many ways from the other beneath the rock.
planets, but not in the basic structure of its
atmosphere. E) Scientists and engineers explore a chosen
area by studying rock samples from the earth.
E) Earth has many planetary attributes that are
important to the study of its atmosphere and
MODADİL Yayınları

58. The products of systematic study are used in

biology in a few ways. ---- For example, do the
specimens studied represent one species or
several species? If several, what are their
identities? And then, the same biologist might
want to know the relationship among these
entities in order to fully understand the
56. In some ways, diesel and petrol engines are comparative data he/she has collected. For
constructed the same. Both are designed to example, are the similarities in the ecology of
convert the chemical energy of fuel into two species the result of convergence in a
mechanical energy to power the car. ---- The similar environment or common history?
biggest difference between the two engines is
the way in which the explosions take place. In a A) Systematists who publish species descriptions
petrol engine, fuel is mixed with air, are expected to observe good taxonomic
compressed, and ignited by a sparking plug, scholarship.
while a diesel engine has no sparking plug. B) First, a biologist may need some knowledge
A) The conversion takes place via a series of of species and their populations in order to
small explosions. conduct research.

B) The pressure is lower in petrol engines unlike C) Systematics is the study of the diversity of
diesel engines. organisms and the relationships among these
C) The diesel engine has changed very little
since its invention in 1897. D) Biology is one of the oldest scientific
disciplines, with roots in antiquity and a formal
D) The introduction of petrol engines changed scientific literature.
the world in various ways.
E) Comparative sciences such as systematics
E) The diesel engine was designed to make as use the similarities and differences among the
much use of the fuel as possible. subjects studied.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 9
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

59. Seen through a microscope, protozoans often 62. (I) Ants are the ‘superweight lifters’ of the animal
look like tiny animals living at great speed. But kingdom. (II) They are often confused with
protozoans are not animals, and they do not termites despite many obvious physical
have eyes, mouths or even brains. Instead, they differences between them. (III) They are strong in
are microorganisms with just a single cell. ---- relation to their size and can carry objects 10 to
Many are active predators, hunting for food, 20 times their own weight – some species can
while others stay in one place and feed on carry objects up to 50 times their own weight. (IV)
anything edible that drifts nearby. And there are Ants are able to carry these objects great
some others that from partnerships with much distances and even climb trees while carrying
larger living things to survive. them. (V) This is comparable to a 50-kilogram
person picking up a smaller car, carrying it 3 or 4
A) These protozoans can be incredibly abundant, kilometres on his back and then climbing the
for example, an elephant can have billions of tallest mountain while still carrying the car.
them living in its gigantic gut.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) Most protozoans live in water, but some are
found inside other living things, and this offers
63. (I) The mixture of gases that surrounds the solid earth
them certain advantages.
is called the atmosphere. (II) Although it represents a
C) One of the fastest protozoans of all is very small fraction of the weight of the earth, it is very
Paramecium, a slipper-shaped organism important because it contains gases essential to life.
covered with fur. (III) Carbon dioxide plays an important role by
D) Unlike many other microorganisms, trapping heat, causing the greenhouse effect, which
protozoans need to eat, and they get their food keeps the earth warm and liveable, for the most part.
in different ways. (IV) Among these gases, nitrogen, oxygen and argon
dominate the atmosphere. (V) But carbon dioxide,
E) Some microorganisms that live in the which is vital to life on Earth, makes up only 0.32
intestines of plant-eating animals may cause percent of atmosphere.
dangerous diseases.
MODADİL Yayınları

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 64. (I) All human activities generate some form of
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü waste, and some of them are called ‘hazardous
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. waste’. (II) In its most general sense, the term
‘hazardous waste’ comprises toxic chemicals,
60. (I) A very effective antibiotic has just been produced radioactive materials, and biological or infectious
thanks to the recent developments in biotechnology. waste. (III) Hazardous waste poses a threat to
(II) The term ‘biotechnology’ was coined in 1919 by workers through occupational exposure and to the
Hungarian scientist Karl Ereky to mean ‘any product public through exposure in homes, communities,
produced from raw materials with the aid of living and the general environment. (IV) Technical and
organisms’. (III) But in its broadest sense, the practice regulatory efforts have been made to reduce
of biotechnology dates back to ancient times. (IV) In hazardous gas from motor vehicles. (V) The
approximately 6000 BC, the Sumerians and exposure may occur near the site of generation,
Babylonians discovered the use of yeast. (V) And in along transportation corridors, and near the
about 4000 BC, the Egyptians employed yeast to ultimate disposal sites.
make bread and the Chinese bacteria to make yogurt.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65. (I) Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in

61. (I) We know dirty air is bad for our bodies, causing the oceans. (II) Ocean currents trap a major
the equivalent of millions of deaths worldwide every portion of this plastic in an area of the North
year, making it a bigger killer than smoking. (II) Air Pacific three times the size of France. (III) The
pollution leads to a number of problems for many German Parliament has recently introduced a law
species. (III) But could air pollution be bad for our to reduce the effects of air pollution caused by
mind too? (IV) A study has found that psychotic plastic materials. (IV) A Dutch project called
experiences, which can involve hearing or seeing Ocean Clean-up has placed a 600-m-long
something that others do not, are more common floating, U-shaped barrier there, which is carried
among teenagers in the UK’s most polluted areas. forward by currents, waves, and wind, collecting
(V) However, the association does not mean that the waste, so it can be pumped up by ships. (V) A
breathing in air pollution leads to psychosis in total of 60 barriers will be launched with the hope
teenagers since there could be other explanations. of collecting half of this ocean plastic by 2025.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

10 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

67. According to the passage how do wolves reveal

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre their feelings?
A) They interact with their own relatives by
Just like in the well-known fable Little Red Riding making loud noises.
Hood, wolves are traditionally described as villains B) They communicate through some techniques
and portrayed as evil and horrible. Now, thanks to the that humans find unpleasant.
latest research, this picture of wolves is changing.
New studies and evidence give an intriguing insight C) They have to make more efforts than the
into a sophisticated social structure centred around dogs we know today.
wolf family life. At the root of this is a complex level of
D) They use their faces as a medium of
communication built partly on facial expressions that
reflect a wolf’s feelings. In effect, wolves ‘talk’ by
making faces at each other. Researchers believe E) They utilise a technique which can only be
wolves may have used these communication skills to understood by hunter-gatherers.
build bridges with hunter-gatherer people in a journey
that finally led to the domestic dogs we know today.
“Most people think of wolves as unpleasant creatures
but this is nonsense,” says Elena Hobkirk of Durham
University. “They are in fact animals which are
capable of joy and friendliness as well as anger.”
MODADİL Yayınları

66. According to the passage, wolves ----. 68. What is the main purpose of the author?
A) are undeniably the villains of the social A) To criticise traditional story-telling about wolves
structure around them
B) To inform readers about the family structure
B) are being given a new image thanks to the of wolves
recent studies about them
C) To compare today’s dogs and wolves in terms
C) are usually illustrated as friendly and adorable of their behaviour
in literary works
D) To give information about new studies related
D) are often the main characters of fables and to the nature of wolves
fairy tales
E) To explain how wolves communicate with
E) are described in Little Red Riding Hood in humans
terms of their family life

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 11
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

70. What is the passage mainly about?

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) Questions that are commonly asked about the
way women and men cry
Compared with other bodily fluids, tears are vastly B) Different studies seeking to determine how
understudied. Collecting the salty drops is tedious – tears relate to social bonding
weepy donors are rare, men hardly ever sign up and
tears must be ‘fresh’ for their make-up to be properly C) Emotions that are conveyed during many
analysed. As a result, researches lack a consensus different stages of crying
about the purpose of a basic human behaviour. Is
D) Gender differences when expressing feelings
crying a primal way to communicate that many species
through crying
share, as some chemists hypothesise? Or is it, as
psychologist have put forward, a uniquely human key to E) The challenges involved in studying why
social bonding? Neurobiologist Noam Sobel has a plan humans cry and a possible solution to them
to advance the field: He has perfected a way to flash-
freeze tears and is now working to create a ‘tear bank’
for researchers around the world. Sobel hopes
interested researchers will eventually be able to select
tears by age and gender from the tear bank. This
customised access could be of great help to
experiments dealing with many unanswered questions
about the chemistry of crying: Do tears of men and
women differ? Do the tears affect moods or appetite?
How do emotional and non-emotional tears – from, say,
cutting onions – compare? For Sobel, the more people
who cry their eyes out, the better for the tear bank.
MODADİL Yayınları

69. According to the passage research about tears 71. Sobel thinks that the more people cry, the more
is rarely carried out due to the ----. ----.
A) lack of consensus about its purpose A) tear samples there will be
B) questions that remain unanswered B) relief they will receive
C) scarcity of the samples needed C) emotional they will get
D) complicated nature of the topic D) questions there will be
E) unique chemistry of the fluid E) unhealthy eyes they will have

12 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

73. It can be inferred from the passage that

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre aesthetic effects of air pollution ----.
A) are the most common type
The effects of air pollution have been divided into B) make an area seem unattractive
several categories so that better analyses of
pollutants can be conducted. Effects include C) can increase the risk of asthma
aesthetic losses, economic losses, safety hazards,
D) are within the minor risk group
personal discomfort, and health effects. Aesthetic
effects include any changes caused by air pollution E) can result in an economic loss
that result in the loss of visually pleasing scenery.
Economic losses include the loss of vegetation and
livestock due to massive exposure to the gaseous
air pollution. These particles can kill or sicken
commercial crops and livestock. Other losses may
occur as people’s possessions are damaged as a
result of the pollution, which can cause the build-up
of dirt or dust particles. An additional effect of air
pollution is personal discomfort and health hazards.
Eye irritation, asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis are a
few of the health risks caused by air pollution.
However, these are some minor risks of air pollution
that are usually curable.
MODADİL Yayınları

72. According to the passage why are the effects of 74. Which of the following is true according to the
air pollution categorised? passage?

A) To cope with its economic consequences A) Most people pay more attention to aesthetic
effects of air pollution than is health effects.
B) To increase awareness about its harmful
effects B) Eye imitation and asthma resulting from air
pollution can often be cured.
C) To carry out analyses of the pollutants more
effectively C) Loss of vegetation can occur because of large
groups of livestock.
D) To prevent the risks of air pollution
D) Governments are taking precautions to avoid
E) To list the changes among the categories gaseous air pollution.
E) Economic and aesthetic effects of air pollution
are closely related.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 13
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

76. The author gives the protein example in order

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre to ----.
A) show that protein is the main element in a
All forms of life on Earth require water to function. living organism
Life has been found in all kinds of extreme B) explain how important water is for protein
environments, operating at the limits of heat and molecules to function
cold and even without air. But every type of life we
have discovered contains biological cells that C) emphasise the fact that protein can survive in
require water in their operating environment. Cells extreme environments
simply could not function without it. It is not just a
D) compare the functions of tiny complex
matter of keeping them inflated and moving
chemicals around – living, cells are full of tiny
complex mechanism. Many of these mechanism rely E) indicate that there are some molecules which
on different sections of molecules either working do not need air to function
well with water, or not mixing with it. Proteins, for
example, are the key worker molecules in living
organism. Proteins have to fold into particular
shapes to carry out their roles, and it is the
interaction between water and various parts of a
protein molecule that tells it how to fold. Water is not
just a solvent, a substance that dissolves other
substances, but it also plays an important role in the
functioning of our cells.
MODADİL Yayınları

75. According to the passage, ----.

77. It is clear from the passage that ----.
A) life can be found even in environments where
there is no air A) both water and heat are essential elements for
a cell
B) it is difficult to find life in extreme
environments B) water plays a fundamental role in the
functioning of living cells
C) certain types of life do not need water to
operate C) how a protein folds depends on the amount of
water available
D) biological cells cannot operate at high
temperatures D) every cell complex mechanisms that can
survive without water
E) air keeps cells inflated and moves chemicals
around. E) biological cells contain a high percentage of
water in order to survive

14 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL FEN – 3 Kasım 2019

79. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----.

78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) unfavourable environment factors and a low
number of offspring are threats for the red
The red handfish, found off the southeast cost of handfish
Tasmania, Australia, uses its ‘hands’ which are B) with the new discovery of the second
modified fins, to crawl across the bottom of the population, the red handfish is not
seafloor. It does not travel very far or fast, which endangered now
restricts populations to small areas. Classed as
critically endangered, it faces threats from habitat C) the divers will start a habitat programme for
degradation and low reproductive rates. Often called the newly discovered population of the red
the world’s rarest fish, scientists only knew of one handfish
population, numbering between 20 and 40 fish, until
D) there were more than two populations of the
divers discovered a second population earlier 2018.
red handfish in the past
“Finding this second population is a big relief as it
essentially doubles the number of individuals we E) the red handfish may travel to the north coast
thought were left on Earth, but the danger is still on,” of Australia during the year
says diver Antonia Cooper. “It provides hope that
other small populations may still exist and allows
scientists to start discussing conservation options
such as habitat protection and the viability of a captive
breeding programme.”
MODADİL Yayınları

78. Why is the red handfish called ’the world’s 80. What is the passage mainly about?
rarest fish’?
A) How the red handfish uses its ‘hands’.
A) This type of fish has the unique colour of red
which can hardly be found in the ocean. B) The reasons why the red handfish population
has decreased.
B) The ‘hands’ of the red handfish might
disappear as the habitat degrades. C) An exciting new discovery about the red
C) The modified fins of the red handfish travel
slowly in small areas. D) Why the red handfish lives off the southeast
coast of Tasmania.
D) This type of fish only exists around the bottom
of the seafloor. E) How to protect endangered marine species.
E) Only a handful of red handfish were known
until recently.


Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 15



1 A 21 B 41 B 61 B
2 D 22 D 42 C 62 B
3 A 23 E 43 A 63 C
4 C 24 A 44 E 64 D
5 D 25 C 45 C 65 C
6 B 26 B 46 A 66 B
7 A 27 D 47 A 67 D
8 E 28 B 48 A 68 D
9 A 29 A 49 B 69 C
10 D 30 E 50 C 70 E
11 C 31 B 51 E 71 A
12 B 32 B 52 B 72 C
13 A 33 D 53 C 73 B
14 B 34 A 54 B 74 B
15 B 35 D 55 D 75 A
16 C 36 A 56 A 76 B
17 D 37 A 57 D 77 B
18 C 38 B 58 B 78 E
19 D 39 B 59 D 79 A
20 A 40 A 60 A 80 C


This test consists of 80 questions.

6. Some anti-migraine drugs are known to ----

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere breast milk and this may cause serious
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. problems in nursing babies.
A) pass into B) show off
1. Seven out of ten children consume too much
salt, and according to health experts, this C) put out D) make up
will have critical ---- for a child’s E) take off
cardiovascular health later in life.
A) obligations B) separations
C) attempts D) substitutes
E) consequences 7. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

2. A vegetative state can be caused by a 7. Findings of a recent study ---- that green tea
traumatic or non-traumatic brain injury, and and carrots ---- a part in fighting Alzheimer’s
if non-trauma patients do not make progress disease, though there is need for more
in the first few months, they are usually research.
considered beyond hope of ----.
A) had suggested / would play
A) challenge B) elimination
MODADİL Yayınları

B) have suggested / should have played

C) examination D) recovery
C) suggest / could play
E) observation
D) suggested / used to play
E) are suggesting / will have played
3. Although the risks of ---- complications from
general anaesthesia are very low, they can
include heart attack and even brain damage.
A) severe B) beneficial 8. The essential oil ---- from the lavender flower
C) precise D) intentional is used in aromatherapy ---- anxiety,
insomnia, nervousness, and restlessness.
E) accessible
A) deriving / to have treated
B) derived / to treat
4. The body has to ---- regenerate the cells that
make up the nails, and it needs a regular, C) to have derived / treated
healthy supply of certain nutrients to do so. D) to be derived / treat
A) approximately B) constantly E) to be deriving / treating
C) briefly D) mutually
E) familiarly

9. Excessive bleeding is the most common

5. Researchers have found that practising yoga cause of anaemia, and the speed ---- which
for just 25 minutes a day can be good for blood loss occurs has a significant effect ----
you, ---- brain function due to the release of the severity of symptoms.
endorphins and increased blood flow. A) to / over B) with / on
A) disturbing B) allowing C) for / in D) from / around
C) boosting D) resisting E) about / at
E) measuring

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 1
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

10. Patients recovering ---- amputations often 16. Tiny hairs in our inner ears, called cochlear
report that ---- healing, they feel pain or hair cells, are vital to our natural perception
itching from the lost limb. of sound, and ---- we lose them, we do not
grow them back.
A) to / in B) at / on
A) by the time B) as if
C) from / during D) for / with
C) even if D) once
E) of / about
E) unless

11. Water sources ---- factories may contain

numerous bacteria and parasites that can
cause illness ---- contact or consumption.
17. The idea that people with dark skin do not
A) in / for B) of / at burn is a misconception, as UV rays have the
same damaging effects on them as others,
C) from / against D) around / with so ---- how fair or dark you are, you should
E) along / about use sunscreen when outdoors.
A) in the hope of B) regardless of
12. ---- excess sodium increases blood pressure, C) thanks to D) as a consequence of
potassium decreases tension in blood vessel
E) by means of
walls and helps keep blood pressure in
A) As if B) While
C) Whether D) Therefore 18. ---- the variety of ways celiac disease can
MODADİL Yayınları

manifest itself, it is often not discovered

E) By the time easily.
A) Due to B) In terms of
13. Exercise is recommended by many C) On behalf of D) With the help of
therapists and physicians ---- it can provide
relief and improve mobility. E) Similar to
A) although B) because
C) even if D) unless
E) until 19. The presence of cataracts can mask
additional eye problems, such as retinal
damage, that ---- doctors ---- patients are
14. ---- most autoimmune diseases individually aware of prior to surgery.
are rare, collectively they are among the
A) whether / or B) the more / the more
most common diseases.
C) so / that D) neither / nor
A) Once B) Whereas
E) as / as
C) Because D) Provided that
E) As long as

20. Treatments exists to either control the pain

15. ---- the bones that make up the skeleton are or eliminate the cause, but surgery is a
solid, they have a flexible structure and to a radical procedure ---- indications are
large degree consist of spongy tissues. inconsistent and dependent on the
A) Although B) Whether subjectivity of the physician.
C) Since D) Once A) what B) that
E) If C) whose D) whom
E) which

2 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıda ki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Infectious disease control brings up difficult ethical Mental and social health are just as important as
questions because the promotion of the greater good physical health for elderly women. (26)---- longer life
of public health may conflict with other legitimate expectancies for women than men, and the tendency
social aims. (21)---- an epidemic, for example, the for many women to marry men who are older, most
measures needed to protect public health can require women can expect to spend some of their later years
limiting basic human rights and liberties. Depending as singles. (27)----, ‘single’ should not mean ‘alone’.
on the disease and other factors, quarantine may Actually, there are a number of options for women
sometimes be the best means (22) ---- protecting (28) ---- their 70s to prevent this isolation. For
population health. (23)----, quarantine requires example, they may (29) ---- new hobbies, such as
interference with the freedom of movement. The joining clubs and taking classes, or they can work
ethical questions is then whether respecting the part-time. In addition, recent studies (30) ---- that
individuals’ right (24) ---- freely. This same kind of women who become socially isolated are three times
question (25)---- in relation to numerous other more likely to die from cancer.
strategies for the control of infectious disease.

A) Regardless of B) In contrast with
A) Contrary to B) Apart from
C) Compared to D) Because of
C) In the event of D) Instead of
E) In addition to
E) Similar to
MODADİL Yayınları

A) Similarly B) Yet
A) for B) into
C) Thus D) Otherwise
C) from D) at
E) For example
E) against

A) for B) along
A) Likewise B) Instead
C) from D) on
C) However D) Otherwise
E) in
E) Therefore

A) put off B) cope with
A) to move B) being moved
C) take up D) bring about
C) to have moved D) having moved
E) turn down
E) to have been moved

A) will show B) would show
A) avoid B) diminishes
C) were showing D) had shown
C) fails D) suffers
E) have shown
E) arises

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 3
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

34. Thanks to a new effective treatment, called

31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun immunotherapy, ----.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) patients fight cancer with their own powerful
31. Although hereditary changes in DNA often immune systems
lead to aggressive tumours including some B) doctors confirm that early diagnosis is crucial
childhood cancers, ----. for most types of cancer
A) the genetic changes that eventually trigger C) most cancer patients cannot find enough
cancerous growth fall into two main groups resources to at least try drugs
B) many patients learn that their cancers have D) it is nothing like the benefits of chemotherapy
mutations for which no drug exists in terms of its effectiveness
C) genetic analysis of tumours has become E) cancer types like melanoma and leukaemia
standard practise for many malignancies cannot benefit from it

D) these kinds of genetic mutations are

relatively uncommon 35. A nurse must make every effort necessary to
detect a patient’s pain ----.
E) researchers refer to the abnormal changes
as ‘driver mutations’ A) just as pain is exhausting due to the significant
amount of energy needed to deal with it
B) but the previous diagnosis made based on
the patient’s history may prove incorrect
C) so that some factors can contribute to the
intensity of the pain more than others
D) although pain assessment should be
32. While traditional X-rays are usually sufficient performed for every hospitalised patient
for picking up fractures, ----.
MODADİL Yayınları

E) even if patient fails to report it in a

A) they are increasingly being used for medical comprehensible way during examination
B) they create images of muscles as well as 36. Even though there are eight recognised types
bones of measles, ----.
C) they pass through soft structures and are A) the same vaccine can be used as protection
absorbed by bones against all of them
D) they reveal very little about the surrounding B) those who have not been immunised can
structures suffer more severe symptoms
E) they hit each particle in the section of the C) many viruses live in animals and can easily
body that is being scanned be transmitted to humans
D) campaigns against vaccination proved
misleading as they led to a surge in measles
E) there is a very high chance of catching any of
them during a travel to a third-world country
33. In order for a farmer to use a drug that
stimulates viruses in animals, ----. 37. People experience and express pain
differently; ----.
A) a veterinarian cannot provide certification
from the government to visit farms A) therefore, a doctor can distinguish real pain
from imagined pain to treat patients
B) a veterinarian should provide a prescription
and extensive documentation B) similarly, much progress has been made in
pain measurement
C) the use of antibiotics seems to be critical for
humans and animals C) otherwise, a doctor can analyse certain parts
of the face that are revealing pain
D) the government also has agreement from the
farm industry in many countries D) nonetheless, a doctor’s prescription can
potentially become an addictive painkiller
E) the number of incidents caused by wrong
diagnosis has to be reduced E) thus, a doctor cannot precisely estimate the
severity of a patient’s pain

4 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

38. As we get older, we become more sensitive to

salt ----. 42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
A) even if we experience some problems after cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
eating sodium-rich meals bulunuz.
B) because the ageing body simply is not as
efficient at removing sodium out of the body 42. Moderate exercise done before going to bed
helps us spend more time in a deep sleep
C) since all salts contain the same amount of phase, but a high-intensity activity impairs
sodium by weight sleep quality.
D) whereas a diet high in salt is linked to high
blood pressure A) Yatmadan önce yapılan hafif egzersiz, derin
bir uyku evresinde daha fazla zaman
E) even though excess sodium increases blood geçirmemizi sağlarken ağır bir aktivite uyku
pressure kalitesine zarar verir.
B) Yatmadan önce yapılan hafif egzersiz, derin
39. ----, but recent research has suggested that bir uyku evresinde daha fazla zaman
the microbes in our guts could also explain geçirmemizi sağlar, ancak uyku kalitesi ağır
why people react differently to drugs. bir aktiviteyle zarar görebilir.
C) Yatmadan önce yapılan hafif egzersiz derin
A) So many factors are known to be involved in
bir uyku evresinde daha fazla zaman
the diversity of bacteria in our guts
geçirmemizi sağlar, ancak ağır bir aktivite
B) We know that genetic differences can uyku kalitesine zarar verir.
influence our response to drugs
D) Yatmadan önce hafif egzersiz yaparak derin
C) It is believed that microbes are key to how bir uyku evresinde daha fazla zaman
we metabolise drugs geçirebiliriz, ancak ağır bir aktivite uyku
kalitesine zarar verebilir.
MODADİL Yayınları

D) It is very hard to distinguish the microbe

contribution from the human contribution E) Yatmadan önce yapacağımız hafif egzersiz
E) Microbes break down drugs and produce sayesinde derin bir uyku evresinde daha
substances with unwanted side effects fazla zaman geçirebiliriz, ancak ağır bir
aktivite uyku kalitesine zarar verebilir.

40. ----, it also makes use of other methods such

as herbal remedies, dietary therapy and
lifestyle changes. 43. A number of imaging studies suggest that
brain’s frontal areas can dampen the activity
A) Because the original text of Chinese of the hippocampus, a crucial structure for
medicine is the Nei Ching memory.
B) Although acupuncture is the most widely
A) Birçok görüntüleme çalışması, hafıza için
used technique in Chinese medicine
çok önemli bir yapı olan beynin frontal
C) Since acupuncture lessens the unpredicted bölgelerinin, hipokampüsün faaliyetini
effects of puncture wounds zayıflatabildiğini göstermektedir.
D) As nearly all forms of Oriental medicine have B) Birçok görüntüleme çalışmasına göre,
their roots in Chinese medicine beynin frontal bölgeleri, hafıza için çok
E) While the oldest known text on acupuncture önemli bir yapı olan hipokampüsün etkinliğini
dates back to 282 AD zayıflatmaktadır.
C) Hafıza için çok önemli bir yapı olan
hipokampüs, birçok görüntüleme
41. The specific causes of autism spectrum çalışmasına göre, beynin frontal bölgeleri
disorder in children are not fully understood, tarafından zayıflatılmaktadır.
D) Beynin frontal bölgelerinin, hafıza için çok
A) but they use language abnormally önemli bir yapı olan hipokampüsün etkinliğini
B) as they may not be detected until school age zayıflatabildiği, birçok görüntüleme
çalışmasıyla bulunmuştur.
C) although they are clearly biologically
determined E) Birçok görüntüleme çalışması beynin frontal
bölgelerinin, hafıza için çok önemli bir yapı
D) yet children have difficulty communicating olan hipokampüsün faaliyetini
E) so they can have physical disorders as well zayıflatabildiğini göstermektedir.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 5
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

44. Research has shown that 15 minutes of 46. Paracetamol is one of the most widely used
aerobic exercise triggers some changes drugs in the world, but it is not entirely
within the brain and these changes reduce harmless because acute overdoses can cause
nicotine craving in smokers. fatal liver damage.
A) Araştırmalar, 15 dakikalık aerobik egzersizinin A) Parasetamol, dünyada en yaygın kullanılan
beyinde birtakım değişiklikleri tetiklediğini ve ilaçlardan biridir ama tamamen zararsız
bu değişikliklerin sigara içen kişilerin nikotin değildir, çünkü akut doz aşımı ölümcül
isteğini azalttığını ortaya koymuştur. karaciğer hasarına sebep olabilir.
B) Araştırmalara göre, 15 dakikalık aerobik B) Parasetamolün dünyada en yaygın kullanılan
egzersizi, beyinde birtakım değişiklikleri ilaçlardan biri olması onun tamamen zararsız
tetiklemekte ve bu değişiklikler sigara içen olduğu anlamına gelmediği gibi, akut doz
kişilerin nikotin isteğini azaltmaktadır. aşımı da ölümcül karaciğer hasarına yol
C) Araştırmalar, 15 dakikalık aerobik açabilir.
egzersizinin sigara içen kişilerin beyninde C) Dünyada en yaygın kullanılan ilaçlardan biri
nikotin isteğini azaltacak birtakım olan parasetamolün akut doz aşımı, ölümcül
değişiklikleri tetiklediğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. karaciğer hasarına sebep olabilir ve bu
D) Araştırmalar, 15 dakikalık aerobik yüzden bu ilaç tamamen zararsız değildir.
egzersizinin beyinde tetiklediği birtakım D) Dünyada en çok kullanılan ilaçlardan olan
değişikliklerle sigara içenlerin nikotin parasetamol tamamen zararsız değildir ve
isteğini azaltabileceğini göstermiştir. akut doz aşımında ölümcül karaciğer hasarı
E) Araştırmalar, beyinde birtakım değişiklikleri ortaya çıkabilir.
tetikleyen 15 dakikalık aerobik egzersizinin E) Parasetamol dünyada en yaygın kullanılan
sigara içen kişilerin nikotin isteğini ilaçlardan biri olsa da tamamen zararsız
azalttığını göstermiştir. değildir, çünkü akut doz aşımı ölümcül
karaciğer hasarıyla sonuçlanabilir.
MODADİL Yayınları

45. Some people, no matter what they do, cannot

fall asleep until late hours and do not feel
rested unless they get up later than most of
us. 47. While a physical injury might cause pain that
leads to psychological problems, loneliness
A) Bazı insanlar, ellerinden geleni yaptıkları and depression can weaken the immune
hâlde geç saatlere kadar uykuya dalamazlar system.
ve çoğumuzdan daha geç kalkmayınca
dinlenmiş hissedemezler. A) Yalnızlık ve depresyon fiziksel bir yaranın
B) Her şeyi yapmalarına rağmen geç saatlere sebep olduğu acıyla beraber psikolojik
kadar uykuya dalamadıklarından, bazı problemlere de neden olabilir.
insanlar çoğumuzdan daha geç kalkmadan B) Fiziksel bir yara psikolojik problemlere yol
dinlenmiş hissedemezler. açan bir acıya sebep olabilirken yalnızlık ve
C) Bazı insanlar, ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar, geç depresyon bağışıklık sistemini zayıflatabilir.
saatlere kadar uykuya dalamazlar ve C) Fiziksel bir yara psikolojik problemlerden
çoğumuzdan daha geç kalkmazlarsa kaynaklanan bir acıyı ortaya çıkarabileceği
dinlenmiş hissetmezler. için yalnızlık ve depresyon bağışıklık
D) Geç saatlere kadar uykuya dalamayan bazı sistemini zayıflatır.
insanlar, ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar, çoğu D) Yalnızlık ve depresyonun bağışıklık
insandan daha geç kalkmadan dinlenmiş sistemine zarar verebileceği gibi, fiziksel bir
hissetmezler. yara da psikolojik problemleri doğuran bir
E) Ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar, bazı insanların acıya sebep olabilir.
uykuya dalmaları geç saatlere kadar E) Yalnızlık ve depresyonun bağışıklık
mümkün olmaz ve çoğumuzdan daha geç sistemine zarar vermesi, fiziksel bir yaradan
kalkmadıklarında dinlenmiş hissetmezler. kaynaklanan bir acının psikolojik problemler
yaratması gibidir.

6 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

48. Genellikle kalp hastalığı olan insanlara aspirin 50. Nar antioksidan bakımından zengin bir meyve
verilir, çünkü aspirin kanın pıhtılaşma sürecini olduğu için günde bir bardak nar suyu içmek
bozarak kan akışını kolaylaştırır. prostat kanserinin ilerlemesini yavaşlatabilir.
A) Aspirin, which is often prescribed to people A) The progress of prostate cancer can be
with heart disease, eases blood flow, as it slowed down by drinking a glass of
impairs the blood’s clotting action. pomegranate juice a day, as the fruit is rich
B) Aspirin is often prescribed to people with in antioxidants.
heart disease because it impairs the blood’s B) Consuming a glass of pomegranate juice a
clotting action so that blood can flow easily. day is beneficial in slowing down the
C) Aspirin is often prescribed to people with progress of prostate cancer because that
heart disease since it impairs the blood’s fruit is rich in antioxidants.
clotting action and thus eases blood flow. C) Pomegranate is a fruit rich in antioxidants, so
D) Aspirin is often prescribed to people with drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every
heart disease, as it eases blood flow by day may prevent prostate cancer.
impairing the blood’s clotting action. D) As pomegranate is a fruit that is rich in
E) Aspirin eases blood flow by impairing the antioxidants, drinking a glass of
blood’s clotting action, so it is often pomegranate juice a day can slow down the
prescribed to people with heart disease. progress of prostate cancer.
E) One should consume a glass of
pomegranate juice a day if they want to slow
down the progress of prostate cancer since
pomegranate is a fruit rich in antioxidants.
MODADİL Yayınları

49. Huntington hastalığının yavaşlatılabilmesi

amacıyla huntingtin proteininin üretimini
durduran yeni bir ilaç geliştirildi.
51. Alerjiler sadece uyku düzenini ve verimliliği
A) Huntington’s disease could be slowed thanks etkilemekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda solunum
to a novel drug designed to stop the yolu enfeksiyonu riskini de artırabilir.
production of the huntingtin protein.
A) Allergies can not only affect sleep patterns
B) A novel drug that stops the production of the and productivity, but also increase the risk of
huntingtin protein has been designed in respiratory infections.
order that Huntington’s disease could be
slowed. B) Affecting sleep patterns and productivity and
increasing the risk of respiratory infections
C) The production of huntingtin protein, which are among the effects of allergies.
causes Huntington’s disease, can be
stopped by a novel drug that has been C) Allergies may affect sleep patterns and
deigned to treat the disease. productivity, but they certainly increase the
risk of respiratory infections.
D) So as to treat Huntington’s disease, a novel
drug has been designed to prevent the D) There are many consequences of having
production of the huntingtin protein. allergies, some of which are related to sleep
patterns, productivity and the risk of
E) A novel drug that has been designed to stop respiratory infections.
the production of the huntingtin protein could
slow Huntington’s disease. E) Allergies can cause respiratory infections,
affect sleep patterns negatively and
decrease productivity.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 7
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

52. Araştırmacılar genel olarak sosyal destek ve

sağlık arasında bir bağlantının olduğunu 54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
kabul eder; başka bir deyişle, yüksek anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
seviyede sosyal destek alan kişiler getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
almayanlardan daha sağlıklıdır.
A) According to researchers, people receiving 54. Improving a child’s formal education involves
high level of social support are healthier than massive interventions. According to studies,
others, as there is a link between social family life affects the child’s scholarly
support and health. standing, for children who watch TV 4 or 5
hours daily score poorly on standardised
B) Researchers generally agree that a link between tests. ---- Such conditions may be changed
social support and health might explain why only through altering the treatment children
people who receive high levels of social support receive from their parents. Education of
are healthier than those who do not. parents in the proper care and nurturing of
C) Researchers generally agree that a link the child is required in order to prepare the
exists between social support and health; in child for best school performance.
other words, people who receive high levels
of social support are healthier than those A) Many parents are concerned that their
who do not. children are alone at home after school while
they are at work.
D) Researchers generally agree that people who
receive high levels of social support are B) Some studies show income and happiness
healthier than those who do not, and there are directly related to the quality of education.
exists a link between social support and health. C) Other limiting factors include absences from
E) Researchers who generally think that there is a school, and parents who do not read to their
link between social support and health agree children.
that people who receive high levels of social D) In most countries, the father’s occupational
MODADİL Yayınları

support are healthier than those who do not. status has a great impact on student
53. Bitkisel hayat, bitkisel hayattaki kişinin E) When parents’ occupational status and
gözlerinin açık olduğu dönemler ve gözlerinin educational status are combined, the
kapalı olduğu dönemler olmasının dışında, influence is about equal in most countries.
işlev açısından komadan çok farklılık
55. The idea of getting enough sleep to get well
A) In terms of function, vegetative state does or remain healthy seems to have been very
not differ much from coma, although a popular among people for centuries. ----
person in a vegetative state might have Unfortunately, estimating a precise sleep
periods of time when the eyes are open and need with regard to general health or in
periods when the eyes are closed. relation to an absolute minimum necessary
B) Vegetative state and coma might not be for survival is difficult. Also, the exact amount
much different from each other when of sleep loss over a period of time required
function is considered, apart from the fact for identifiable pathology awaits further
that a person in vegetative state has periods investigation.
of time when the eyes are open and periods A) In popular culture, lack of adequate sleep is
when the eyes are closed. often blamed for increasing one’s
C) Vegetative state does not differ much from susceptibility to illness.
coma in terms of function, except that a
B) Usually sleep need is conceptualised as an
person in vegetative state has periods of
amount of sleep required nightly on a regular
time when the eyes are open and periods
when the eyes are closed.
D) Coma does not differ much from vegetative C) In extreme circumstances of sleep
state with regard to function, only if a person insufficiency, any sleep is better than no
in vegetative state might have periods of sleep.
time when the eyes are closed. D) It is difficult to say how much sleep people
E) Coma cannot be differentiated much from require over the previous 24 hours to
vegetative state when function is considered; perform a task safely.
nevertheless, a person in vegetative state E) There is a general estimate that performance
has periods of time when the eyes are open declines about 25 percent for every 24 hours
and periods when the eyes are closed. without sleep.

8 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

56. For a century, antibiotics have saved us from 58. Pain perceived as coming from the face and
diseases that once killed human populations, head is referred to as headache, a common
such as whooping cough, cholera, and experience with about 45 million adults in the
pneumonia. ---- Our old enemies that we United States having frequent headaches. ----
thought we had defeated are stronger than Among them are tension headaches, migraine
ever. Drugs that once conquered these deadly headaches, cluster headaches, sinus
bacteria are now worthless. And antibiotics headaches, and rebound headaches. Very
that are effective today could become useless rarely a headache may signal an infection
in the future. such as meningitis or a tumour in the brain.
A) But today, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are on A) Tension headaches are the most common
the rise. type of headache.
B) Yet, more drugs that can resist the bacteria B) Medications are the usual approach for
are being developed. recurring headaches.
C) Also, antibiotics are becoming increasingly C) There are numerous types of headache
powerful. resulting from various causes.
D) In contrast, fewer people believe in the D) About 28 million Americans experience
effectiveness of antibiotics. chronic migraine headaches.
E) Meanwhile, more and more children suffer E) The nerves in the head, neck, and face
from the side effects of antibiotics. transmit the pain signals familiar as
MODADİL Yayınları

59. Folk medicine has existed for as long as

human beings have existed. Our ancestors
57. Approximately 5-10% of all cancers are began to develop ways of lessening pain and
classified as hereditary, that is, genetic. ---- treating physical and mental problems.
This poses a greater risk for that particular Initially, many of the ways of treating these
type of cancer in certain descendants of the problems undoubtedly came through trial and
family. However, having a cancer-causing error, using various plants and other
gene does not necessarily mean that one will methods. ---- In fact, some of these became
automatically get cancer. Rather, it means responsible for carrying out healing
that the person is more likely to get this ceremonies, religious rituals, and other rites
cancer when compared to the general designed to ensure the safety and health of
population. their communities.

A) Certain hormones have been shown to have A) Those treatments are not commonly
an effect on the growth of a particular cell believed to fit within the framework of
line. modern medical practice.
B) There is scientific evidence that B) Understandably, folk illnesses are shaped by
environmental factors play a role in most the cultural and ethnic groups from which
cancers. they emerge.
C) This means that a faulty gene that leads to a C) It is important to understand that some folk
cancer is passed from parent to child. illnesses have common symptoms that are
treated by Western medical practitioners.
D) A malignant tumour invades surrounding
tissue and can spread to other parts of the D) Over time, individuals within family and tribal
body. groups became more skilled at helping the
sick and injured.
E) If cancer cells spread to the surrounding
tissues, the tumour is likely to recur. E) In addition, there have also evolved healing
practices that are not appreciated by modern

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 9
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

63. (I) Tooth brushing is of great importance for dental

60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla health in young children. (II) Dental fluorosis is a
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü hypomineralisation of tooth enamel during the
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. period when unerupted teeth are developing. (III)
Normal mineralisation of permanent teeth occurs
60. (I) If you consume too much sugar, it could be from about the time of birth until about six years of
disrupting your sleep even if you do not realise it. age. (IV) After that time, teeth are mineralised to
(II) A study by Columbia University found that such an extent that they cannot be affected by
participants with diets high in sugar experienced fluorosis. (V) Nor is it possible after that time to
much poorer sleep, shifting from deep sleep to diminish any existing fluorosis.
light sleep or waking up completely, than those
who ate fewer sweets. (III) Therefore, it is important A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
for people to keep an eye on their sugar intake
during the day. (IV) Thus, if you are faced with a
snack attack before bed, prefer a low-sugar treat
like lightly salted popcorn. (V) As popcorn is a
delicious snack, its popularity has increased in
recent years.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 64. (I) The most significant health risks the nervous
system faces occur long before birth. (II) The
most vulnerable period in nervous system
development takes place before most women
have missed a menstrual period or suspect they
are pregnant. (III) Within the first three weeks
after conception, the rudimentary nervous
system, the neural tube, forms and rapidly
61. (I) At the start of the 20th century many illnesses
differentiates into the brain and spinal cord. (IV)
MODADİL Yayınları

went unidentified, the human body was largely

Numerous factors, environmental and genetic,
unmapped, and medical treatments remained
can disrupt this process to cause structural
limited. (II) However, the mapping of our
defects of the brain or the spinal cord. (V) Folic
genomes and the development of CAT and MRI
acid, prescribed in the first trimester of
scans have given us unparalleled medical insight.
pregnancy, supports the development of the
(III) Antibiotics have revolutionised the battle
against bacteria, antiviral drugs control deadly
viruses, and widespread inoculations have all but A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
eliminated smallpox, diphtheria, and polio. (IV)
Cancer and heart disease continue to be among
the world’s biggest killers and cause many to die
even at early stages of their lives. (V) As a result,
life expectancy has risen from under 50 to over
80 in some countries.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
65. (I) If you have ever heard someone claim they
have cured their hay fever by spending time
outdoors or that a daily serving of honey, which
contains pollen grains, has built up their immunity,
do not fall for it. (II) Health experts think that there
is not strong evidence for such an approach. (III)
Similarly, forcing yourself to eat peanuts if you are
62. (I) Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of allergic to them is a bad idea, as is living with a pet
death in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland and in the hope that one day you will get along fine. (IV)
Europe. (II) It accounts for more than 40% of total Immunotherapy seems to work well for cat
deaths in these countries. (III) Some patients with allergies, but is less effective for other types of
heart disease may require heart transplantation. allergies. (V) However, the idea is grounded in
(IV) Many of these deaths are due to heart sensible science which has proven that clinical
failure. (V) For example, heart failure affects injections of small, increasing doses of an allergen
approximately five million Americans with more can make the immune system less reactive to some
than half a million new cases diagnosed annually. allergies.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

10 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

67. According to the passage the scientist’s

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre discovered that ----.
A) acupuncture may help people suffering from
In 2010, a team of neurologists studied what various painful diseases
happens in the bodies of mice when they have B) acupuncture makes humans and mice
needles inserted into their skin and rotated, just like produce more adenosine than usual
what happens in acupuncture treatment. They
revealed an increase of the quantity of adenosine in C) the pain signals are blocked in human brain
as quickly as in mice
the tissue around the needle. Adenosine functions
as a neurotransmitter which helps cells repair the D) while mice produce more adenosine with
tissue after damage. However, it also has a marked acupuncture, humans often do not
effect on the nerve cells that send pain signals to E) if patients are subjected to acupuncture,
the brain. The scientists discovered that adenosine they would definitely feel less pain
blocks pain signals in the mouse, so the brain’s
centre of pain is not activated just as much as
previously. In order to make sure that the effect was
not a type of placebo effect, the scientists produced
genetically modified mice, whose nerve cells did not
react to adenosine. They were subjected to the
same acupuncture treatment as the ordinary mice,
but they experienced no pain relief. Thus, the
scientists found that the effect on the mice was not
placebo. Since then, they have also demonstrated
that acupuncture causes a local increase in the
quantity of adenosine around the needle in humans,
as well. But it still remains unknown if this increase
in adenosine has the same pain-relieving effect as
MODADİL Yayınları


66. According to the passage the study 68. The passage mainly focuses on ----.
demonstrates that ----. A) an experiment that demonstrates
A) adenosine might prevent pain signals from acupuncture can trigger the release of
reaching the brain adenosine, which affects nerve cells

B) the relief from the pain with adenosine is B) a scientific test that investigates methods of
nothing but a placebo effect increasing adenosine levels for pain relief in
C) some nerve cells are not affected by
adenosine while sending signals C) a study of neurologists that reveals the
pain-relieving influence of acupuncture in
D) signals are transmitted from the body to the humans
brain with adenosine
D) a project that aims to amplify the benefits of
E) it is possible to deactivate the brain’s centre adenosine in lessening the pain of
of pain by blocking adenosine acupuncture needles
E) research that investigates the chances to
use acupuncture treatment instead of
painkillers for animals

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 11
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

70. It can be inferred from the passage that mice

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre with Bifidobacteria in the study ----.
A) became more vulnerable to brain disorders
A lack of ‘good bacteria’ in the gut during childhood compared to other animals
could change the way the brain develops if they B) were more likely to have health connections
affect people the same as they do mice, which we in the brain
will learn with further studies. Changes in gut
bacteria have been implicated in several types of C) had a higher possibility to change the form of
bacteria in the brain
mental illness, but it is unclear whether these
changes are cause or effect. Now a lack of certain D) have frequently been used in many
gut bacteria has been found to cause faulty patterns experiments
of connections between brain cells in mice. The E) showed more resistance to disease resulting
microbes are a group called Bifidobacteria, among in brain failure
the most common in babies and children. In his
study, James Versalovic at Baylor College of
Medicine in Texas bred mice with no gut bacteria,
then put Bifidobacteria into one group while leaving
the others as it is. By adulthood, the brains of mice
lacking gut bacteria had an unusually large number
of defective patterns of connections.
MODADİL Yayınları

69. It is clear from the passage that Bifidobacteria 71. It can be understood from the passage that
---. the impact of a lack of gut bacteria on the
human brain ----.
A) can lead to fewer connections in the brain
A) is the root cause of many terminal illnesses
B) are evidently regarded as deadly microbes
B) affects adults more adversely than children
C) can be found in humans at early ages
C) is considered a scientific breakthrough
D) are injected to humans to cure mental
illnesses D) is yet to be proven through research

E) can lead to longer life span in mice E) has caused previous theories to be ruled

12 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

73. One can understand from the passage that

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre women and men ----.
A) are similar in terms of their tendency to
Stress almost seems to have it out for women. In an suffer from depression and anxiety problems
annual survey by the American Psychological B) have been reported to experience more
Association, women have repeatedly reported stressful events at early ages
higher levels of tension than men and sometimes
even more stress-related physical and emotional C) encounter higher levels of pressure with
accompanying headaches and upset
symptoms, including headache, upset stomach,
fatigue, irritability, and sadness. What’s more,
midlife women have been found to experience more D) generally quarrel due to the higher levels of
stressful events than both men and women of any tension experienced by women
other age, reports an ongoing study by the E) differ with respect to stress-induced physical
University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Institute on and emotional symptoms.
Aging. Stress overload may even lead to chronic
diseases. Long-term pressures at home and work in
addition to stress from traumatic events almost
double the risk of type 2 diabetes in midlife women,
according a recent study at the University of
California, in San Francisco. These women are also
more prone to stress-induced mental health
problems such as depression and anxiety disorders.
MODADİL Yayınları

72. It is pointed out in the passage that stress ----. 74. It can be inferred from the passage that the
author ----.
A) is more dangerous when experienced at
work and home in the long run A) clarifies why stress is a highly influential
B) may lead to several health problems in element for both men and women in
midlife women achieving their goals in life as well as
maintaining their mental and physical health
C) causes fewer mental problems for midlife
women when compared to the younger B) aims to criticise insufficient scientific
research on the differences between men
D) may sometimes cause serious and women regarding their stress levels
misunderstandings between men and
women C) informs readers about the fact that stress is
experienced differently across gender and
E) is likely to double in the event of traumatic for women at different ages
D) explains why and how men and women differ
in terms of perceiving and responding to
stress-loaded events at home and work
E) has a serious concern about the risk of type
2 diabetes in midlife women and thus
attempts to make a list of stress-inducing
contexts and events to avoid them

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 13
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

76. It is understood from the passage that ----.

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) customised earplugs are not as effective as
ear plugs
The most effective protection against noise B) the effectiveness of an earplug depends on
exposure is to avoid it. As this is not always the material it is made of
practical or possible, health experts recommend
wearing hearing protection for exposure to sound at C) the design of an earplug is more important
90 decibels (dB) for longer than eight hours and for than the material used to produce it
any exposure that exceeds 90 dB. Earplugs are the D) not all regular earplugs will fit all people in
main way to protect your hearing. They fit easily into the same way
the auditory canal and block sound waves from E) most people do not use earplugs even when
travelling to the middle and inner ear. They are they should
available in various materials and in different sizes
and shapes, so finding earplugs that fit properly and
comfortably can take some experimentation.
Customised earplugs are also available, made
specifically to fit an individual’s ears. A common
complaint about earplugs, however, is that they
block so much sound that conversation is difficult.
This weakening of the sound is called attenuation.
Some designs of earplugs contain channels that
allow sounds at certain frequencies to pass through.
This improves the ability to hear and understand
speech. Customised earplugs for musicians can
block selected sounds so the musician can hear the
tones and pitches necessary to play or sing.
MODADİL Yayınları

75. In which of the following situations would 77. What is the primary purpose of the author?
experts recommend using hearing
A) To promote the use of earplugs in the music
A) Prolonged exposure to sound less than 90 B) To convince people to have customised
dB earplugs
B) Any exposure to sound that is more than 90 C) To raise awareness about the importance of
dB hearing protection
C) Exposure to sound that may affect the inner D) To describe a specific type of earplug
E) To explain how to properly use earplugs
D) More than eight hours of exposure to sound
at any decibel
E) Any amount of exposure to sound at any

14 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 3 Kasım 2019

79. According to the passage, environmental

76. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre irritants ---.
A) could worsen the symptoms experienced by
Regular moisturising can help to relieve eczema eczema sufferers
symptoms. The overarching goal in using the B) are the most important factor contributing to
moisturiser after showering is to ‘lock in’ the eczema flare-up
moisture to protect the skin barrier. When this is
compromised, irritants can sneak in and water C) come from man-made sources, not from
natural ones
escapes, resulting in dry, itchy patches of skin. Heat
is another influential factor because it removes fats D) are mainly responsible for the onset of
and oils from the skin, which are what an eczema eczema cases
care regime is trying to preserve. Very hot water can E) do not cause any chronic problems on
stimulate mast cells, which encourages the release healthy skin
of histamines that trigger the itch-scratch cycle.
Therefore, using lukewarm water for showers and
bath is recommended. Yet another significant factor
that eczema sufferers need to consider is that they
are highly susceptible to environmental irritants
such as smoke, dust, adhesives, formaldehyde from
household disinfectants, isothiazolinones (an
antibacterial in personal-care products) and
overheating. Keeping track of such triggers and how
they affect the symptoms might reduce a patient’s
chances of activating flare-up.
MODADİL Yayınları

78. It is stated in the passage that heat ----. 80. One can understand from the passage that the
author mainly aims to ----.
A) is dangerous when combined with
disinfectants A) criticise the conventional ways eczema
patients are treated
B) causes irritants on the skin to be deactivated
B) propose skincare solutions to relieve eczema
C) removes the existing fats and oils on the skin
D) blocks the release of histamines
C) offer dermatologists alternative methods of
E) formulates the basis for an eczema care treatment for eczema
D) advise eczema patients to avoid the use of
chemical skincare products
E) explain why the heat triggers eczema
symptoms even in healthy skin


Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 15



1 E 21 C 41 C 61 D
2 D 22 A 42 C 62 C
3 A 23 C 43 E 63 A
4 B 24 A 44 A 64 E
5 C 25 E 45 C 65 D
6 A 26 D 46 A 66 A
7 C 27 B 47 B 67 B
8 B 28 E 48 D 68 A
9 B 29 C 49 B 69 C
10 C 30 E 50 D 70 B
11 D 31 D 51 A 71 D
12 B 32 D 52 C 72 B
13 B 33 B 53 C 73 E
14 B 34 A 54 C 74 C
15 A 35 E 55 B 75 B
16 D 36 A 56 A 76 D
17 B 37 E 57 C 77 C
18 A 38 B 58 C 78 C
19 D 39 B 59 D 79 A
20 C 40 B 60 E 80 B


This test consists of 80 questions.

6. All species of plants and animals tend to

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere produce more offspring than the environment
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. can support, and this ---- intense competition
for living space, resources, and mates.
1. In the US, the recent trend toward A) results in B) sets out
accountability in education has increased the
legal ---- for becoming and remaining certified C) works out D) puts off
as a teacher. E) takes on
A) requirements B) incidents
C) facilities D) attitudes
E) implications

7. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere

2. Being an island, Britain has always had a fresh uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
---- of fish and seafood, both from the sea and
freshwater rivers.
7. The Amish ---- from a relatively small founding
A) prospect B) supply population, and each major settlement ----
C) opportunity D) reception largely genetically isolated from both other
Amish settlements and the surrounding U.S.
MODADİL Yayınları

E) appeal populations for over 200 years.

A) originate / will remain
3. Tour operators occupy a ---- role in tourism B) originated / has remained
industry, given their role as agents that
design, organise, package, market and operate C) had originated / remained
vacation and other tours. D) were originating / remains
A) significant B) dependent E) have originated / had remained
C) vague D) current
E) descriptive

8. A popular social networking site says if

4. Although there is some disagreement everything ---- as planned, they ---- a new
regarding ---- how to define transfer of privacy-protected messaging service by the
learning, it is clear that it involves seemingly end of 2020.
simple similarity relations. A) has gone / start
A) peculiarly B) importantly B) is going / will be starting
C) precisely D) intentionally C) had gone / will start
E) fiercely D) went / are to start
E) goes / will have started
5. Ancient explorers named the Canary Islands
Canaria from the Latin word canis because of
the large dogs ---- the islands.
A) resisting B) treating
C) inhabiting D) replacing
E) inheriting

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 1
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

9. The biological basis ---- variations in human 15. Egyptians built irrigation canals to carry water
intelligence is not well understood, but and created a calendar that predicted the
research in neuroscience, psychology, and annual flooding of the Nile ---- they could
other fields has begun to yield insights ---- maximise food production.
what may underpin such differences.
A) in case B) so that
A) through / to B) in / about
C) even if D) while
C) of / by D) for / into
E) as though
E) at / from

16. In some groups the bonds among members

10. The tension in Britain ---- modernism and the are strong and enduring due to harmony
bourgeois theatre that had surfaced before the achieved through close relationships, ---- in
First World War was not resolved ---- after the other groups members are loosely linked and
Second. lack a sense of ‘groupness’.
A) between / until B) among / by
A) as if B) whereas
C) from / over D) towards / with
C) since D) just as
E) through / for
E) provided that

11. Venice’s vibrant commerce, ---- its peak during

the early to middle years of the Renaissance, 17. The ancient Egyptians’ fascination with
brought traders from ---- the known world to science and new technology resulted in
the port city. inventions ---- the calendar and door lock,
which are still used today.
A) about / on B) through / along
A) in contrast with B) in spite of
C) at / around D) in / beyond
MODADİL Yayınları

C) such as D) regardless of
E) with / off
E) in terms of
12. Anthropologists may have difficulty in
separating out the field from astronomy, 18. Tokyo is one of the wealthiest, safest,
geology or botany, ---- it is not so obvious how cleanest, and most creative cities in the world
anthropology may be distinguished from the ---- being partly destroyed and rebuilt twice in
many other branches of science. the past hundred years.
A) although B) until A) despite B) due to
C) because D) just as C) rather than D) together with
E) in case E) unlike

13. Philosophy occurs in all cultures and daily life,

19. Although the composer Johann Strauss Jr.
---- only in Western philosophy is there a
immortalised the Danube River in his famous
distinct way of thinking that consists of
waltz entitled On the Beautiful Blue Danube,
hypotheses and generalisations about the
the Danube River is not blue – its waters
natural and human worlds.
appear ---- greenish ---- brown.
A) since B) so that
A) no sooner / than B) the more / the more
C) provided that D) but
C) as / as D) either / or
E) otherwise
E) so / that

14. When a young child says ‘mouses’ instead of

‘mice,’ this is good evidence that the child is 20. In Costa Rica, responsibility for national parks
learning the regular forms of the language and is given to the Ministry of Natural Resources,
knows how to make plurals ---- he or she has Energy and Mines, ---- main goals is mineral
not yet learned the irregular forms. exploitation, not conservation of resources.
A) once B) whether A) how B) whose
C) even if D) just as C) who D) which
E) as if E) that

2 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıda ki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Mali’s largest ethnic group, the Bambara live primarily South Africa is a large country with its fertile agricultural
in the western part of the country. They have settled land. It is rich 26)---- natural resources – gold, diamonds,
(21)---- the Niger River. They speak Bamana, a metallic ores and coal. Industrially, it has for a long time
language used throughout Mali, (22)---- in the areas been the most developed country in the sub-Saharan
of business and trade. The Bambara are farmers who Africa. Its ethnically varied population, including social
Produce large quantities of sorghum and groundnuts, groups such as Africans, Europeans, Asians (27)----
and their main crops is millet. Environmental hardship people of mixed Asian-African descent, grew rapidly in the
(23)---- drought often makes farming difficult so second half of the 20th century from 13 to 43 million. In the
people may keep livestock to supplement their diet. late 19th century, South Africa was a British colony. The
Often they trust their neighbours, the Fulani white Afrikaners. (28)---- from Dutch colonisers, broke
herdsmen to look after their domestic animals. This away and declared their independence. (29)---- they finally
arrangement allows the Bambara (24)---- on farming defeated them in two wars, the British Allowed South
during the short rainy season from June to Africa to run its own Affairs as a self-governing Dominion
September. Men help women with the farming duties in 1910. Numerous segregation laws were passed, which
(25)---- women can leave the fields earlier to prepare reduced ‘Natives (Africans) to a poor underclass of
meals for their families. labourers and servants. These laws, which discriminated
against the Africans, (30)---- them to live in reserves,
prevented them from owning land outside the reserves
21. and controlled their movement inside the country.

A) along B) about
C) in D) with
MODADİL Yayınları

A) of B) in
E) from
C) by D) for
E) at
A) decently B) urgently 27.
C) particularly D) preventively A) owing to B) in terms of
E) prematurely C) as well as D) unlike
E) in spite of
A) in the hope of B) on behalf of 28.

C) for the sake of D) despite A) to have descended B) to descend

E) such as C) having descended D) to be descending

E) descend
A) focusing B) to have focused
A) Unless B) If
C) focused D) to focus
C) Whether D) After
E) having focused
E) In case

A) in case B) whether
A) fixed B) forced
C) so that D) although
C) inspired D) promised
E) once
E) improved

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 3
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

34. Because social historians believe in the

31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun importance of groupings of people, ----.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) their passions often centre on the activities and
31. ----, with advances made by cosmology in beliefs of certain leaders
evaluating evidence from carefully observed B) some other branches of history also focus on
phenomena. individuals as causes of change
A) The human understanding of the universe has C) they present their findings in terms of single
dramatically changed over time events rather than social groups
B) Cosmology touches at several points also of D) they spend relatively little time on individual
concern to religion, ethics and philosophy biography
C) The word ‘cosmology’ is itself of fairly recent E) they work to use familiar sources in new ways
origin, first used by philosopher Christian Wolff as much as possible
D) Cosmology is the study of the universe as a
whole, its structure, composition, history, and
E) Much of cosmological theory has no immediate
relevance to understanding the environment of
living organisms on earth
35. Although Gae Aulenti is considered Italy’s most
famous female architect, ----.
A) she experiments with relations among
32. ----, though there is no reliable figure to materials, distances and measurements
determine the size of the population. B) her well-deserved reputation is due to her
outstanding architectural designs for theatre
MODADİL Yayınları

A) The origins of slavery were not precisely

understood until the end of the eight century and museums
B) In Classical times, the possession of at least C) she has had little influence on practice and
one slave was regarded as a basic human theory in the architecture schools
right D) her museum designs always take into account
C) Slaves in Athens are thought to have viewing objects from different perspectives
outnumbered those in any other Greek E) her best-known project is the design of the
community famous museum Musée d’Orsay
D) Slavery was an integral part of the ancient
Greek life for centuries
E) In Greek history, slaves who had faithfully
served their masters earned their freedom

36. Even though the effects of climate change on

some rivers will be limited, ----.
33. ----, whereas anxiety is created from an image
of danger that is not present in that actual A) water pollution harms a river’s ecology by
moment. killing off organisms
A) Fear often triggers our defence mechanism in B) today’s methods for controlling rivers are
various ways remarkably different from those employed in
the past
B) Fear is explained by a general activation of our
sympathetic nervous system C) unique climatic and geographic conditions
determine a river’s annual discharge regime
C) Fear is a powerful yet delicate emotion that
can cause physical paralysis D) rivers contain only a minuscule portion of the
total water on earth
D) Fear is defined as an emotional state triggered
by genuine danger that is in front of you E) they will pose serious threats to most of the
rivers in the world
E) Fear is considered to be one of the most
primitive emotions of humankind

4 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

37. In hunter-gatherer societies, many social 40. ----, the most important questions that
arrangements, such as cross-group marriage, psychologists address have remained constant.
do not eliminate serious conflicts, ----.
A) Even though psychology has changed
A) therefore they are respected by all societies dramatically over its history
B) but they channel them into the ways that B) Given that there has been an increasing influx
prevent killing of researchers into the field of psychology
C) while they may lead to more complex C) Since the study of psychology spans many
situations different topics at many different levels of
D) yet they may eventually cause the breakdown explanation
of both societies D) As the earliest psychologists known are the
E) since many people do not participate in such Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle
arrangements E) While the psychological disorder known as
depression affects millions of people worldwide

38. ----, some anthropologists believe that it does

not differ fundamentally from the simple
systems of communication employed by other
A) Though a human being as a highly intelligent
MODADİL Yayınları

B) Although human language is regarded to be

highly sophisticated
C) While ‘human’ is placed within a classification
of animals
D) As chimpanzees are closest to humans in
E) Because culture sets humanity radically apart
from animals

39. ----, new shipping routes are becoming 41. Hot yoga, which typically involves going
navigable. through 26 tough poses in a warm and humid
room, may just a waste of effort, ----.
A) Though sailors have to learn to operate
vehicles in Arctic conditions A) leading improvements in the blood vessels of
the participants
B) Even if the Arctic is attracting new interest from
governments B) making people sweat intensely, which is seen
as a good sign of health
C) As the Arctic Circle warms and large masses
of ice melt C) offering little benefit compared to yoga at a
normal temperature
D) Although Britain has deployed its military
forces in the Arctic D) reducing the percentage of yoga groups’ body
fat of 2 percent
E) If the Arctic becomes vulnerable to new
environmental threats E) creating a slight but still meaningful impact on
muscle strengthening

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 5
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

44. French chemist Antoine Lavoisier sought to

42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye modernise chemistry by giving it new
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe theoretical foundations, and though some of
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi his ideas were misunderstood, on the whole he
bulunuz. was enormously successful.
A) Bazı fikirlerinin yanlış anlaşılmasına ragmen,
42. Before the 16th century there was a gradual Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı
increase in the world’s population and yeni teorik temellere dayandırarak
economy although epidemics and famine çağdaşlaştırmada çok başarılıydı.
caused temporary halts.
B) Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı
A) Salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlık geçici sektelere yeni teorik temellere dayandırıp
neden olsa da 16. yüzyıldan once dünya çağdaşlaştırmaya çalıştı ve genelde çok
nüfusu ve ekonomisi kademeli biçimde başarılı oldu ancak bazı fikirleri yanlış anlaşıldı.
artıyordu. C) Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı
B) 16. yüzyıl öncesinde dünya nüfusu ve yeni teorik temellere dayandırarak
ekonomisinde yaşanan kademeli artışa çağdaşlaştırmaya çalıştı ve bazı fikirlerinin
ragmen salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlık geçici yanlış anlaşılmasına ragmen genelde başarılı
sektelere neden oldu. oldu.
C) 16. yüzyıl öncesindeki salgın hastalıklar ve D) Kimyayı yeni teorik temellere dayandırarark
kıtlık, dünya nüfusu ve ekonomisindeki çağdaşlaştırmanın yollarını arayan Fransız
kademeli artisan geçici olarak sekteye kimyager Antoine Lavoisier genelde çok
uğramasına neden oldu. başarılı oldu ancak bazı fikirleri yanlış anlaşıldı.
D) Salgın hastalıklar ve kıtlık geçici sektelere E) Kimyayı kendi teorik temellere dayandırarak
neden olsa da 16. yüzyıl öncesinde dünya çağdaşlaştırması bazıları tarafından yanlış
nüfusu ve ekonomisinde kademeli bir artış anlaşılsa da Fransız kimyager Antoine
MODADİL Yayınları

vardı. Lavoisier’in fikirleri genelde çok başarılı oldu.

E) 16. yüzyıl öncesinde dünya nüfusu ve
ekonomisindeki kademeli artisan sekteye
uğramasının nedeni, salgın hastalıklar ve
45. Being untouched and untamed, the Norwegian
43. Ancient Greek philosopher Parmenides is said Lofoten Island, far above the Arctic Circle, are
to have drawn up an excellent set of laws for everything an adventurer could wish for and
his city, but we know nothing of his political more.
A) El değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş haliyle, Kuzey
A) Kendisinin siyasi felsefesi ile ilgili hiçbir bilgi Kutup Dairesi’nin oldukça yukarısında olan
bulunmamakla birlikte aryık Yunan filozofu Norveç Lofoten Adaları, bir maceraperestin
Parmenides’in kendi şehri için mükemmel bir isteyebileceği her şey ve daha fazlasıdır.
kanunlar bütünü hazırlamış olduğu rivayet
B) Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin oldukça yukarısında
olan Norveç Lofoten Adaları’nda bir
B) Antik Yunan filozofu Parmenides’in kendi şehri maceraperestin el değmemiş ve
için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü hazırlamış değiştirilmemiş olarak isteyebileceği her şey
olduğu söylenmektedir, ancak biz onun siyasi fazlasıyla mevcuttur.
felsefesi ile ilgili hiçbir şey bilmiyoruz.
C) Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin ötesini arzulayan bir
C) Artık Yunan filozofu Parmenides’in siyasi macerapertin isteyebileceği her şey ve fazlası,
felsefesi hakında hiçbir şey bilmiyoruz, ancak el değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş olarak Norveç
kendi şehri için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü Lofoten Adaları’nda bulunur.
hazırlamış olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
D) Bir maceraperestin Norveç Lofoten Adaları’nda
D) Antik Yunan filozofu Parmenides’in kendi şehri el değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş haliyle
için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü hazırladığı bulunmasını isteyebileceği her şey ve daha
söylenmesine ragmen biz onun siyasi felsefesi fazlası Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin oldukça
ile ilgili bilgi sahibi değiliz. ilerisindedir.
E) Siyasi felsefesi ile ilgili hiçbir şey bilmememize E) El değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş şeyler peşinde
ragmen, antic Yunan filozofu Parmenides’in olan bir maceraperest, Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin
kendi şehri için mükemmel bir kanunlar bütünü oldukça yukarısında bulunan Norveç Lofoten
hazırladığı söylenmektedir. Adaları’nda istediğini fazlasıyla bulur.

6 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

46. Most of the archaeological work done today is 48. Modern diş fırçasını Çinliler icat etmiştir ancak
part of anthropology, which studies humans in Avrupa’ya hiç ulaşmadığından, yeniden icadı
all their biological and cultural aspects. William Addis’e ithaf edilmektedir.
A) Günümüzde yürütülen arkeolojik çalışmaların A) The reason why the reinvention of the modern
çoğu, antropolojinin br parçası olarak insanları toothbrush is credited to William Addis is that it
tüm biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle inceler. never reached Europe despite being invented
B) Günümüzde yapılan arkeolojik çalışmaların by the Chinese.
çoğu, antropolojinin bir parçasıdır ve insanları B) The Chinese invented the modern toothbrush
tüm biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle inceler. but as it never reached Europe, its reinvention
C) Günümüzde yürütülen arkeolojik çalışmaların is credited to William Addis.
çoğu, insanları tüm biyolojik ve kültürel C) Had the modern toothbrush invented by the
yönleriyle inceleyen antropolojinin bir Chinese reached Europe, its reinvention would
parçasıdır. not be credited to William Addis.
D) Gününmüzdeki arkeolojik çalışmaların çoğu, D) The reinvention of the modern toothbrush,
insanların tüm biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle which had been invented by the Chinese but
araştıran antropolojinin bir parçası olarak never reached Europe, is credited to William
yürütülür. Addis.
E) Gününümüzdeki arkeolojik çalışmaların çoğu, E) Although the Chinese invented the modern
antropolojinin bir parçası olduğu için insanları toothbrush, it never reached Europe, which
tüm biyolojik ve kültürel yönleriyle inceler. makes William Addis be credited with its
MODADİL Yayınları

49. Bir çalışmaya göre, deneyim ve zekânın satranç

becerileri ile bağlatılı olmasına karşın, en
yüksek korelasyonu çocukların bir günde
47. For years, self-publishing has given talented oyunu oynayarak geçirdikleri saat sayısı
authors the means to share their works with vermiştir.
audiences that would otherwise never read
A) According to a study, although experience and
intelligence were related to chess skills, the
A) Kendi yayıncılığını yapmak, yıllarca yetenekli highest correlation was with the number of
yazarlara çalışmalarını başka türlü asla hours a day children spent playing the game.
okumayacak olan kitlelerle paylaşma aracı B) According to a study, despite the number of
sağlamıştır. hours a day children spent playing the game,
B) Yetenekli yazarlar yıllarca bireysel yayıncılığı the highest correlation with chess skills was
araç olarak kullanarak, çalışmalarını başka produced by experience and intelligence.
türlü asla okumayacak olan okuyuculara C) A study found that chess skills were somewhat
ulaştırmışlardır. related to experience and intelligence, but a
C) Kendi yayıncılığını yapmak, yetenekli stronger correlation was with the number of
yazarların yıllarca çalışmalarını başka türlü hours a day children spent playing the game.
asla okumayacak kitlelerle paylaşmak için D) A study found that even though the number of
kullandıkları bir yöntem olmuştur. hours a day children spent playing the game
D) Bireysel yayıncılık yaparak kitlelere ulaşan had the highest correlation with chess skills,
yetenekli yazarlar bu yöntemi yıllarca experience and intelligence were also
kullanarak eserlerini başka türlü okumayacak important.
olan okuyuculara ulaştırmışlardır. E) It was found by a study that no matter how
E) Kendi yayıncılığını yapmak, yıllarca yetenekli high a child’s experience or intelligence were,
yazarların normalde çalışmalarını asla the highest correlation with chess skills was
okumayacak kitlelere ulaşmasının aracı with the number of hours a day children spent
olmuştur. playing the game.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 7
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

50. Ultraviyole koruma sağlayan kıyafetler giymek, 52. Kırmızı, genellikle öfke ve saldırganlık ile
ihtiyaç duyduğunuz güneş kremi miktarını ilişkilendirilen bir renk olsa da araştırmalar
%90’a kadar azaltabilir. motivasyonunuzu artırmak için onu
kullanabileceğinizi göstermektedir.
A) Wearing clothes providing ultraviolet protection
can reduce the amount of sunscreen you need A) Red, which is a colour often associates with
by up to 90 percent. anger and aggression, can be used to boost
B) The amount of sunscreen you need can be your motivation as studies show.
reduced by up to 90 percent by wearing B) Red is a colour that is often associated with
clothes providing ultraviolet protection. anger and aggression, although studies show
C) When you wear clothes that provide ultraviolet that you can use it to boost your motivation.
protection, you can reduce the amount of C) Although red is a colour that is often
sunscreen you need by up to 90 percent. associated with anger and aggression, studies
D) You can use 90 percent less sunscreen if you show that you can use it to boost your
wear clothes providing ultraviolet protection. motivation.

E) By wearing clothes that provide ultraviolet D) Despite being often associated with anger and
protection, you can reduce the amount of aggression, red is a colour that you can use to
sunscreen you need by up to 90 percent. boost your motivation as studies show.
E) Even though red is a colour that is often
associated with anger and aggression, studies
show that using it can boost your motivation.
MODADİL Yayınları

51. Dünyanın her yerinde milyonlarca insan ülkenin 53. Tolstoy’a göre mutluluğu sosyal statü
güzel manzarasını ve büyüleyici mirasını aracılığıyla aramak, kişiyi sürekli kaygıya ve
görmeye geldiğinden, turizmin İngiltere’nin en statü kaybı endişelerine açık hâle getirir.
büyük endüstrilerinden biri olduğu söylenir.
A) Seeking happiness through social status,
A) Britain is said to be visited by millions of people according to Tolstoy, obviously leads one to
from around the world who want to see its experience relentless anxiety as well as
beautiful scenery and amazing heritage, thus concerns about losing status.
tourism is the biggest industry in the country. B) For Tolstoy, if one seeks happiness through
B) Tourism is said to be the biggest industry in social status, it is clear he or she will end up
Britain because millions of people from around feeling constant anxiety and concerns about
the globe go to the country to see not only its losing status.
beautiful scenery but also its amazing heritage. C) According to Tolstoy, to pursue happiness
C) It is said that one of Britain’s biggest industries through social status opens one to constant
is tourism since millions of people from around anxiety and concerns about losing status.
the world visit the country in the hope of seeing D) Tolstoy believed that those who seek
its beautiful scenery and amazing heritage. happiness through social status experience
D) Tourism is said to be one of Britain’s biggest persistent anxiety due to concerns about losing
industries, as millions of people from around status.
the globe arrive to see the country’s beautiful E) When happiness is sought through social
scenery and amazing heritage. status, one becomes open to constant anxiety
E) Millions of people from around the world are and concerns about losing status, says
said to visit Britain for its beautiful scenery and Tolstoy.
amazing heritage, which makes tourism one of
the biggest industries in the country.

8 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

56. Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most

54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada important figures in Western music. ---- For
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için example, he had hearing problems from a very
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. early age. While still a boy, he supported his
family as a traveling performer. At the age of 17
54. During the period from 1500 to 1800 European he impressed Mozart in Vienna, Austria, and
cities not only grew markedly in size but came moved there to study with Haydn. He amazed
to exercise an unprecedented influence over many people in high social circles with his
society in general. As a result, some historians piano playing. The musical visions expressed
have considered this era the true beginning of in his many works were often far ahead of their
European cities with more than 10,000 people time.
increased from 154 in 1500 to 364 by 1800. A) He composed some of the most astonishing
A) By 1800, London was rapidly approaching the music ever written, but had a troubled life.
size of Imperial Rome. B) There is evidence that Beethoven lived in more
B) A few key factors combined to produce this than 60 different places during his 35 years in
new phase of urbanisation. Vienna.

C) Urban influences affected many rural areas C) During his early years, Beethoven was always
both culturally and economically. exploring new directions to transform music.

D) The rise of a merchant capitalist economy D) Among his most famous early works are two
provided new levels of urban capital. piano sonatas: the Pathêtique and Moonlight
E) Clearly a notable growth of the urban
population took place at the time. E) His worked marked the crossover between the
Classical and Romantic periods in the history
of music.
MODADİL Yayınları

55. Hermann von Helmholtz is a name that is not 57. Becoming popular in the 16th century with both
uttered frequently enough anymore. ---- He commoners and nobles, the violin has
invented and popularised the ophthalmoscope, remained a democratic instrument, universal
participated in describing non-Euclidean and versatile. The development of the modern
geometry, and published across many violin was gradual and complex. ---- The
disciplines, including physiology, psychology, influence of the two stringed rabab, which is
physics, and philosophy. an Arabian violin introduced to western Europe
in the 11th century, and the three-stringed
A) For one thing, he began his academic career in
rebec, which appeared in Spain between the
an army medical school.
11th and 13th centuries, is also reflected in the
B) So, he decided at an early age to study Kant’s modern violin.
theories and he continued his career with this
interest. A) Maple and spruce trees have been the most
favoured types of wood to make violins.
C) Over a hundred years after his death,
researchers have tested some of his most B) The city of Brescia was the earliest to excel in
brilliant insights. violin craft.
D) However, this remarkable scientist, and C) It became more influential after being
philosopher, contributed to modern science incorporated into orchestras.
with numerous concepts and inventions. D) It evolved from a variety of other stringed
E) Perhaps Helmholtz’s most notable instruments.
achievement was his characterisation of the E) Stringed instruments have a long history in
human brain as a ‘prediction machine’. folk music.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 9
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

58. Advanced in communication and information

technologies are changing the ways we interact 60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
with each other. For some, these changes have okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
opened up new venues and opportunities. ---- bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
For others, these same changes have been
associated with loss: the loss of traditions, or 60. (I) Although people often use the terms frontier,
jobs, or significant relationships. But whatever boundary, and border interchangeably, historians
form these changes take, few realise the have emphasised important distinctions between
magnitude, intensity, and long term frontiers and boundaries. (II) Frontiers are above all
implications of these transformations. zones of interaction. (III) While the term frontier can
be traced back to medieval Spain, historians in the
A) While societies live under a multitude of United States have debated its role in US history for
conditions, they are not immune to these centuries. (IV) They can arise as a result of cross-
changes. cultural encounters, population movements, and the
B) Distant places are increasingly accessible, and absence of state authority or an effective monopoly
work and learning can occur from any location of violence. (V) In contrast, borders are established
that has an Internet connection. by states to separate their subject and territories from
other political jurisdictions.
C) In some areas we are witnessing extremely
rapid societal transformation, and in other A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
places only certain groups are affected.
D) Yet, there has been little attention focused on
the social side of globalisation.
E) Thus, we have been gradually losing our
critical thinking skills.
MODADİL Yayınları

59. History has come to mean many things. It is an 61. (I) There is controversy in current linguistics over the
account of past events, in sequence of time; it formal differences between Old English and modern
is the study of events, their causes and English. (II) The history of Old English poetry is
outcomes; and it is all that is preserved or rather different from that Old English prose, and also
remembered about the past. For evidence, much more difficult to fully perceive. (III) The major
historians use written accounts and artefacts reason for this is that the vast majority of Old English
such as weapons and tools. ---- Otherwise, poetry is to be found in only four manuscripts, all
events, even important ones, might disappear compiled in the late 10th to early 11th century. (IV)
from memory. These manuscripts are: the Vercelli Book, the Exeter
Book, the Beowulf Manuscript and the Junius or
A) Oral history is a good source of local history.
Caedmon Manuscript. (V) There is very little doubt
B) Religious records give details of marriages and that these manuscripts were, by and large,
funerals. compilations of poetry written at different times during
C) Historians look for rational explanations for the the Old English Period.
events. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
D) This is because people record things in some
way to remember them.
E) History is written by those who play a major
part in it.

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62. (I) Many Chinese children do not have brothers or 64. (I) Delays, cancellations and overcrowding are
sisters. (II) This is owing to government policies enough to put many people off from travelling by
trying to reduce the population growth. (III) To train, but the price of a ticket can often be the real
control the rising population, the government offers prohibitive factor. (II) Sometimes, it might be the
special benefits to couples with only one child. (IV) easiest or only way to get from one place to another.
Many people in China have been moving from the (III) Fortunately, it is possible to reduce how much you
country to cities, where there are relatively well-paid pay with some tricks. (IV) Buying at the ticket office
jobs to help them afford their children’s education. just before you travel is usually the most expensive
(V) Although this has slowed down the rate of growth, option. (V) Instead, you can go to an agent or look
China’s population still grows by millions each year. online to book an advance ticket.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

MODADİL Yayınları

63. (I) Alchemy was a form of chemistry studied in the 65. (I) In Roman agriculture, each field had to be
Middle Ages. (II) Traditionally, the central aim of plowed between three and six times before it would
practising alchemists was to discover how to turn be completely ready. (II) Oxen, which were used to
base metals into gold. (III) Second to this was a pull plows, were quite expensive. (III) After plowing,
search for the elixir of life, which would cure all the farmer had to fertilize the fields, which demanded
sickness and enable immortality. (IV) The science of that manure be mixed in to the soil, often by hand.
modern chemistry had its early experimental roots in (IV) Fertilization was followed by the actual sowing of
alchemy. (V) Medieval alchemists sought a the seeds. (V) Once the seeds were sown, the soil
philosopher’s stone, which they believed would had to be worked over with hoes and weeded by
make both tasks possible. hand.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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67. Which of the following can be inferred from the

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre passage?
A) Copernicus wrote many books in his life time.
Copernicus, a Polish-born, Italian-educated B) Copernicus lived a long and healthy life.
churchman, took a big step toward the scientific
C) Galileo’s findings were similar to Copernicus’.
revolution in 1543 when he published his theories
about how the Earth and planets move in relation to D) Galileo and Copernicus wrote a book together.
the Sun. Copernicus said that the Sun, not the E) Galileo also had trouble with the Catholic
Earth, was the centre around which the universe Church.
revolved. Copernicus delayed releasing his findings,
but at the urging of supporters, he published his
book The Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres
around 1543, the year of his death. His Sun-centred
universe, along with the nation that the Earth spins
on its axis, upset some other astronomers and
churchmen. To claim that God would place his
creation on a spinning ball that revolved around
another heavenly body struck many people as
ridiculous, as it was against the teachings of the
Catholic Church. The controversy only caught fire,
however, after 110, when physicist and astronomer
Galileo Galilei of Pisa published a book about his
own astronomical observations, which supported
those of Copernicus. The Catholic Church banned
Copernicus’ book, The Revolution of the Heavenly
Spheres, in 1616 and did not lift the ban until 1835.
MODADİL Yayınları

66. One can understand from the passage that 68. Which of the following is true about Copernicus
Copernicus’ book ----. according to the passage?

A) was published following his death A) Copernicus’ book was rewritten by Galileo
centuries later.
B) was published immediately after it was written
B) Galileo worked hard to immediately lift the ban
C) reached a great number of readers on Copernicus’ book.
D) upset astronomers in particular C) It was forbidden to read Copernicus’ book for a
E) was a breakthrough in the world of science very long time.
D) Copernicus thought neither the Earth nor the
Sun was the centre of the universe.
E) Galileo’s research was the main reason for the
ban on Copernicus’ book.

12 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

70. The underlined word in the passage

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre ‘ransacked’ is closest in meaning to ----.
A) admired
Srirangam Island, at the confluence of the Kaveri B) neglected
and Kollidam Rivers in south-eastern India’s state of
C) utilised
Tamil, is home to a 2,000-year-old temple complex,
major parts of which are still in use today. However, D) damaged
much of the complex is hidden or destroyed. Many E) altered
older sections are buried under sediment as a result
of centuries of flooding, and the complex was
ransacked in the 14th century by general Ulugh
Khan. Recent excavations at the site, guided by
geologists with knowledge of flood sediment layers,
have begun to reveal what was presumed to have
been lost. Researchers including geologist Mu
Ramkunar of Periyar University have uncovered
parts of the temple destroyed by Ulugh Khan and
unearthed artefacts such as pendant lamps and
statues of the deity Gopalakrisnan with his consorts.
Using geophysical surveying techniques, they have
also identified what they believe to be the tomb of
religious scholar and teacher Sri Manavala
Mamunigal, who restored the temple complex in the
15th century. The tombs have been left unexcavated
for religious reasons.
MODADİL Yayınları

69. The temple on Srirangam Island mentioned in 71. If can be inferred from the passage that ----.
the passage ----.
A) the geophysical surveying techniques used
A) is still used today although most of its parts are were not sophisticated enough to study the
buried or damaged parts ruined by Ulugh Khan
B) was constructed in the 14th century by :Ulugh B) geologists specialising in sediment layers
Khan after conquering the island contributed a great deal to the rediscovery of
the buried sections
C) has been revealed to contain 2,000-year-old
artefacts belonging to Ulugh Khan C) many artefacts unearthed from the tombs will
never be seen by the public as this is not
D) has many older sections still in good condition
permitted for religious reasons
despite centuries of flooding
D) Sri Manavala Mamunigal restored the temple
E) will not be reopened for religious reasons when
primarily to make it his burial place
its reconstruction is complete
E) The research from Periyar University are
wrong about their assumptions that the temple
complex might have been restored previously

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 13
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

73. According to the passage , when the reign of

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre Mary Tudor ended, ----.
A) the people of London were happy and hopeful
Mary Tudor had never enjoyed good heath, and it B) her half-sister ruled the country unwillingly
got worse rapidly after she became queen.
C) the Londoners understood that she actually
Desperate to conceive an heir, she suffered the
humiliation of two phantom pregnancies during had a miserable life
which she displayed all the symptoms of an D) Elizabeth ordered the churches to toll their
expectant mother although she was not pregnant in bells
reality. But her swollen stomach may have been due E) Roman Catholicism was immediately abolished
to a cancerous tumour. Early in 1558, as Mary
persisted in believing that she would soon be
delivered of an heir, it was obvious to everyone else
that she was dying. By 28 October, wracked, with
pain, she finally acknowledged that there would be
no ‘fruit of her body,’ and confirmed that the crown
would pass to Elizabeth. She begged her half-sister
to uphold the Roman Catholic faith, but the
knowledge of how unlikely Elizabeth was to honour
this request tormented Mary until her last breath.
Upon hearing that Mary was dead and that
Elizabeth was now queen, there was great rejoicing
in London. All across the capital, church bells were
rung and at night bonfires were lit, around which
thousands of people gathered to make merry. The
brief, brutal reign of Mary Tudor was over: now the
nation’s hopes rested upon her beautiful and
MODADİL Yayınları

charismatic successor.

72. It can be understood from the passage that 74. What is the primary purpose of the author?
Mary Tudor ----.
A) To criticise Mary Tudor and her brutal reign
A) was in good health before she became queen over London
B) had two babies who both died soon after birth B) To highlight the importance of being a
C) lied to her nation about her physical condition charismatic leader
D) never believed she would have a legitimate C) To emphasise the need for quality medical
heir care in medieval times
E) died in pain possibly due to a cancerous D) To describe events leading up to Elizabeth’s
tumour becoming queen
E) To acknowledge the accomplishments of

14 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

76. The underlined word in the passage ‘vigorous’

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre is closest in meaning to ----.
A) Skilful
Whenever photographer Gabriele Galimberti meets B) Memorable
people on his travels, he asks the same question:
C) Energetic
“Can I see what’s in your medicine cabinet?” Some
are shy; others proud to do so. He asks this D) Flexible
question to reveal who the people are. “The E) optimistic
medicines they use tell us about their desires, their
wants, their diseases. It’s very intimate,” says
Galimberti. What can our medicines say about us?
For one, how affluent we are. Cabinets in developed
countries tend to overflow with pharmaceuticals.
People in less developed countries collect
medications more slowly. People take pills to be
physically stronger and thus more vigorous, to
sleep more (pr sometimes less), to age more slowly,
or for other reasons. View the different cabinets’
contents, and cultures start to take shape. In Paris
and New York, Galimberti saw large numbers of
antidepressants and antianxiety pills. Indian people
tended to choose medicines with Indian labels,
independent of quality or potency. African cabinets
had drugs from China, often unlabelled. Yet all the
people photographed had something in common:
None of them were sick.
MODADİL Yayınları

75. Why does Galimberti ask people to show him 77. According to the passage which of the
their medicine cabinets? following is true about how cultures use
A) To examine diseases common across different
nations A) Medicines are more frequently used to slow
B) To see whether people react positively or down aging in developed countries compared
negatively to such questions to less developed ones.
C) To help them improve their economic B) Regardless of the nation they belong to,
conditions people tend to stockpile medicines even they
do not really need them.
D) To collect detailed personal information from a
wide range of nations C) In some countries, due to poor living
standards, medicine cabinets do not show
E) To compare developed and less developed much about the culture.
countries regarding quality of health care
D) Indian people tend to choose antidepressants
made in their own country although they are
not very effective.
E) African countries prefer medicines imported
from China because they do not have labels.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 15
YÖKDİL SOSYAL – 3 Kasım 2019 Özgün Deneme Sınavı

79. Sceptics of the results produced in 2017 ----.

78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) wanted further genetic testing to be conducted
on the remains
A richly furnished grave excavated in 1878 near the B) reviewed evidence again with staff from
Viking town of Birka in eastern Sweden had long Uppsala University
been assumed to hold a powerful male warrior. The
grave was equipped with a range of weapons, as C) doubted the rank of the warrior in the grave,
well as a set of gaming pieces and a gaming board, not the accuracy of the genetic analysis
which were seen as indications that the warrior in D) have been proven wrong by the new sex
the grave was a military commander. A pair of determination
horses was also found in the grave, one bridled as if E) created controversy by publicly opposing the
prepared to ride off into battle once again in the results
afterlife. More than a century later, several
researchers concluded – and genetic analysis
confirmed – that this Viking warrior was actually
female. When these results were reported in 2017,
sceptics wondered whether there had been a testing
mistake, or, perhaps, whether the person in the
grave had been a warrior after all. A new review of
the evidence led by Neil Price of Uppsala University
concludes that the person in the grave was indeed
biologically female, and that there is no reason to
doubt that she was a warrior in a position of great
authority. “Ever since its excavation, the burial has
been interpreted as that of a high-status warrior,”
says Price. “We think so, too, for exactly the same
reasons as everyone else has always thought so,
MODADİL Yayınları

but in light of the new sex determination, she was a

female high-status warrior.”

78. According to the passage the Viking grave 80. Which of the following conclusions can be
found in Sweden did NOT include ----. reached based on the passage?

A) a variety of weapons A) Despite overwhelming evidence to the

contrary, not all Viking warriors were female.
B) items indicating military rank
B) Even if evidence is conclusive, some refuse to
C) life-size models of animals believe Viking women were able to hold high
D) items used for entertainment military positions.
E) horses prepared for battle C) Testing mistakes occur frequently in
archaeology, which means that all results
should be questioned.
D) Excavation of burial sites is a tricky process
and requires several different types of testing.
E) Researchers at Uppsala University are more
open-minded than those at other Swedish
higher education institutions.


16 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ



1 A 21 A 41 C 61 A
2 B 22 C 42 D 62 D
3 A 23 E 43 B 63 D
4 C 24 D 44 C 64 B
5 C 25 C 45 A 65 B
6 A 26 B 46 C 66 E
7 B 27 C 47 A 67 C
8 E 28 C 48 B 68 C
9 D 29 D 49 A 69 A
10 A 30 B 50 A 70 D
11 C 31 A 51 D 71 B
12 C 32 C 52 C 72 E
13 D 33 D 53 C 73 A
14 C 34 D 54 E 74 D
15 B 35 C 55 D 75 D
16 B 36 E 56 A 76 C
17 C 37 B 57 D 77 B
18 A 38 B 58 B 78 C
19 D 39 C 59 D 79 D
20 B 40 A 60 C 80 B


This test consists of 80 questions.

6. Bioinformatics is a new field that ---- the

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere development and application of computational
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. methods to organise, integrate, and analyse
gene-related data.
1. Scientific discoveries may be made A) centers on B) falls behind
simultaneously by scientists working
independently, but almost every ---- depends C) leaves out D) brings down
on previously work and theories. E) puts off
A) expense B) precaution
C) threat D) advance
E) decline 7. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

2. Artificial selection is the conscious attempt by

human beings to change the environments or 7. At the end of the 17th century, Isaac Newton ----
---- of other organisms so as to alter the his laws of motion and gravity, making science
evolution of these organisms. more precise and mathematical than it ----
A) instructions B) traits
A) had set down / would have been
C) profits D) intentions
MODADİL Yayınları

B) was setting down / has been

E) causes
C) set down / had been
D) would set down / was
3. Taxonomy is the area of biological science
comprising three ---- but highly interrelated E) had been setting down / would be
disciplines: classification, naming and
identification of organism.
A) respectable B) regular
8. Over the past 100 years, the relativity theories
C) distinct D) virtual and quantum mechanics ---- major triumphs at
the cost of us, ---- our classic conception of
E) consistent
A) have celebrated / losing
4. A volcanic catastrophe is often thousands of B) celebrated / to have lost
years in the making – many volcanoes gain
strength for millennia before an ---- powerful C) have been celebrated / having been lost
explosion occurs.
D) had celebrated / being lost
A) immensely B) insufficiently
E) were celebrated / to be lost
C) adversely D) inconveniently
E) elaborately
9. The Enlightenment period saw astronomical
observatories grow ---- size and number, ---- a
5. Swifts, one of the fastest small birds, can be growing emphasis on the housing of larger
---- from the superficially-similar African telescopes.
swallows by their characteristic style of flight.
A) by / over B) for / through
A) derived B) prevented
C) beyond / to D) from / at
C) extracted D) distinguished
E) in / with
E) obtained

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10. The boiling point of a liquid substance is the 16. The solid core inside the Moon is similar to
temperature ---- which the vapour pressure of that of Earth; ----, the Moon’s core is gradually
the liquid equals the external pressure ---- the cooling, which creates cracks on the surface,
liquid. in contrast to the Earth’s warming core.
A) of / by B) among / off A) however B) eventually
C) at / on D) for / with C) furthermore D) for instance
E) in / under E) in brief

11. After 13 years in Saturn’s orbit, the Cassini

spacecraft ended its mission in September
2017 ---- making a planned dive ---- the planet’s 17. Atmosphere observation includes such well-
atmosphere. known instruments as the thermometer and
A) after / with B) about / over barometer ---- less familiar devices such as the
C) in / at D) by / into
A) according to B) in terms of
E) from / through
C) with the purpose of D) owing to

12. ---- the Earth’s long history, scientists divide E) as well as

its 4.5-billion-year existence using the
geologic time scale, which makes this history
A) Unlike B) Except for 18. According to a study, a common species of
wasp appears to be becoming smaller in
MODADİL Yayınları

C) On behalf of D) Because of
number ---- the ongoing global rise in
E) Similar to temperatures.
A) except for B) rather than
13. It takes up to five years ---- a cocoa tree bears C) as a consequence of D) contrary to
fruit, and it then produces around 1,000 beans
a year, but that is only enough for one E) in pursuit of
kilogramme of chocolate.
A) because B) unless
C) before D) as if
19. Studies have shown that flying animals
E) as soon as manage well ---- due to the fact that they can
escape predators by taking flight, ---- because
14. ---- continental island are part of their nearby flight has supplied them with a number of
continental land mass, oceanic island are the advantageous qualities.
result of undersea volcanoes or tectonic plate A) such / that B) the more / the more
activity pushing up the sea floor.
C) neither / nor D) not only / but also
A) Unless B) After
E) as / as
C) While D) Because
E) As long as

15. Like people, animals can also have reactions 20. Inside the Sun, density and temperature rise
to pollen and other environmental allergens, steadily toward the core, ---- the pressure is
---- they have different symptoms than we do more than 100 billion times greater than the
and should be treated differently as well. atmospheric pressure on the Earth’s surface.
A) as if B) once A) where B) how
C) but D) so C) which D) whom
E) since E) what

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21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıda ki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

For thousands of years, humans had relied on Before the invention of the microscope, it was
animals and manpower to move heavy loads and impossible to see cells. Some biological theories were
drive machinery. This all changed in the late 18th therefore based on speculations (26)---- scientific
century with the arrival of a new invention: the steam observation. For example, people believed in
engine. Steam engines operate by burning fuel to ‘spontaneous generation’ (27)---- it was hard to
heat water (21)---- it boils. The resulting hot steam believe that cells would regenerate. The development
(22)---- the boiling water is trapped to create of the microscope, including that of an electronic
pressure, which is used to drive machinery. This version in the 20th century, made (28)---- observation
simple principle opened the way to powerful new of the internal structure of the cell possible. Robert
engines. Steam engines were more (23)---- than Hooke was the first (29)---- dead cells in 1665. In
windmills or waterwheels which had to be built in 1838, Matthias Schleiden observed living cells, and in
specific places. They were more powerful than 1839, in collaboration (30)---- Theodor Schwann, he
humans and animals, and they (24)---- equipment developed the first theory of cells; that all living
used on farms and in factories. (25)---- all these organism consist of cells.
advantages, larger models were used to pump vast
amounts of water to drain mines and supply canal
A) despite B) owing to
C) rather than D) similar to
A) as if B) unless
E) as a result of
MODADİL Yayınları

C) until D) although
E) just as
22. A) in case B) as long as
A) into B) from C) because D) although
C) without D) at E) so that
E) for

A) weak B) scarce
A) urgent B) tedious
C) accidental D) vague
C) threatening D) redundant
E) detailed
E) flexible

24. 29.
A) may drive B) have to drive A) to see B) seeing
C) should have driven D) could drive C) to have been seen D) having seen
E) would have driven E) to be seen

25. 30.
A) Such as B) Regardless of A) with B) between
C) Contrary to D) Instead of C) to D) from
E) In addition to E) for

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 3
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34. As the technology for piping gas from the

31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun source began to improve, ----.
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) it was the product of the decaying of living
31. Despite their benefits in farms where pests are matter over millions of years
abundant, ----. B) Alaska and Texas were the largest sources of
A) pesticides are widely used by farmers to gas in the US
increase agricultural productivity C) it became possible to transport gas over
B) pesticides are responsible for about one million thousands of miles
poisoning cases globally every year D) it was initially inconvenient to store in large
C) humans cause much more severe amounts
environmental damage than pesticides do E) it was believed to have been first discovered
D) pesticides can also be classified according to and used by the Chinese
the similarities of their chemical structures
E) contagious diseases in crops can be prevented
by using pesticides

35. Although traditional recruitment sources such

as newspaper advertisements are still used to
recruit job applicants, ----.
32. Once it has decided on its target, ----. A) people also argue that the internet may pose
A) the dragonfly attacks the prey in mid-air using potential threats to personal privacy
MODADİL Yayınları

its legs B) use of internet is less likely to reduce the time

B) the dragonfly’s menu also features associated with traditional recruitment methods
mosquitoes, flies and butterflies C) most people seeking jobs are still looking at
C) the dragonfly is often seen over water in the newspaper advertisements instead of using the
wild internet
D) the dragonfly has hardly changed, proving D) the internet has changed the way in which
itself to be the champion of adaptation many organisations announce job
E) the dragonfly is an insect with a long thin
body E) the internet recruiting poses challenges for
organisations that use online recruiting

33. Although several geological phenomena

account for the formation of numerous lakes on
Earth, ----. 36. Although lead was widely known at a very early
date, ----.
A) most lakes were formed as a result of glacier
activity A) the first metal to be practically utilised was
B) they are inland bodies of water scattered over copper
the earth’s surface B) that period is known as the Chalcolithic Age
C) salt lakes have high levels of chalky deposits C) metallurgical developments originated in
at the bottom mountainous regions
D) young lakes have less organic matter as D) the emergence of rock-melting process started
opposed to old ones the Copper Age
E) lake basins formed at the edge of glaciers E) most of the larger metal artefacts were
were generally too deep produced in the Middle East

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37. Fossils may be the body parts or direct traces 40. Humans have drastically altered wetlands for a
of activities left behind by animals, plants, variety of reasons; ----.
fungi, and microorganisms; ----.
A) for example, an estimated 26 per cent of the
A) thus, they might include a mammalian tooth, a world’s wetlands have been converted for
clam shell, a leaf or the entire skeleton of a agricultural purposes alone
dinosaur B) however, more than half of the original
B) on the other hand, fossils are real and truly the wetlands in the United States have been
remains of long-dead organisms destroyed in the past 200 years
C) by comparison, they are usually formed as C) as a result, people thought that they were
dead organisms become buried by layers of nothing more than breeding places for
sediment diseases
D) however, some people have historically D) on the contrary, wetland birds migrate to cold
studied fossils as an interest places during summer months
E) for example, ancient people used fossils to E) in other words, the wetlands are home to a
make necklaces and to exchange in trade large variety of wildlife

38. The life cycle of different insect species varies

41. Chestnut wood can be worked easily to
greatly, ----.
manufacture fine furniture and musical
A) while the field of insect ecology investigates instruments; ----.
mortality factors that help regulate insect
MODADİL Yayınları

A) on the other hand, chestnuts are species of

populations trees in the genus Castanea
B) as it is essential to understand populations and
B) moreover, it is also used for its durability in roof
their reproductive capacity
materials and construction timber
C) thus some feed on living plants, others on
C) for example, true chestnut seeds could be
decaying plants, and still others on animals
confused with horse chestnuts
D) given that some species that coexist in an
D) thus, in 1999, the global crop of sweet chestnut
area and interact with each other form an
was harvested from about 630,000 acres
ecological community
E) similarly, they are species of temperate
E) but all insects undergo the basic stages of
hardwood forests found in the northern
development from an egg to a reproductive

39. Insect-pollinated flowers are usually brightly

coloured and sugary-smelling ----.
A) although birds or bats use these colourful
flowers as landing pads
B) while hummingbirds are the only pollinating
birds that fly as they feed
C) because insects are attracted by vivid colours
and sweet scents
D) only when some plants try to shed their shiny
pollen into the air
E) as some flower heads have much larger
flowers, spaced much further apart

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44. In 725, Chinese engineer Liang Ling-Zan and

42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye Buddhist monk Yi-Xing invented a water clock
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe which displayed various astronomical events
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi rather than the time.
A) Zamanı ve çeşitli astronomik olayları gösteren
su saati, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve
Budist rahip Yi-Xing tarafından 725 yılında icat
42. By opening the way to the use of high-rise edilmiştir.
buildings, the elevator played a decisive role in
the creation of the characteristic urban B) 725 yılında, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve
geography of many modern cities. Budist rahip Yi-Xing, zamanı ve çeşitli
astronomik olayları gösteren su saatini icat
A) Pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik kentsel ettiler.
coğrafyasını oluşturmada belirleyici bir rolü C) 725 yılında, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve
olan asansör, çok katlı binaların Budist rahip Yi-Xing tarafından icat edilen su
kullanılmasının yolunu açmıştır. saati, zamanı göstermek yerine çeşitli
B) Asansör, çok katlı binaların kullanımının yolunu astronomik olayları gösteriyordu.
açarak pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik D) 725 yılında, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve
kentsel coğrafyasının oluşmasında belirleyici Budist rahip Yi-Xing, zamandan ziyade çeşitli
bir rol oynamıştır. astronomik olayları gösteren bir su saati icat
C) Çok katlı binaların kullanımının yolunu açan ettiler.
asansör, pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik E) Zamandan çok çeşitli astronomik olayları
kentsel coğrafyasının oluşmasında belirleyici gösteren su saati, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-
bir rol oynamıştır. Zan’ın yardımıyla Budist rahip Yi-Xing
D) Asansör çok katlı binaların kullanımının yolunu tarafından 725 yılında icat edilmiştir.
açtığı için pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik
MODADİL Yayınları

kentsel coğrafyasının oluşumunda belirleyici

bir rol oynamıştır.
E) Çok katlı binaların kullanımının yolunu açan
asansör, pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik
kentsel coğrafyasının oluşmasında belirleyici
bir role sahip olmuştur.

45. Early farmers quickly learned that a supply of

43. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, water was essential to farming; thus, the
engineers devoted their efforts almost entirely primary fields of grain were processed
to making devices that functioned profitably, alongside the great rivers of the Middle East.
but with no attention to their safety.
A) İlk çiftçiler su tedarikinin çiftçilik için önemli
A) Sanayi Devrimi’nin başlangıcında mühendisler olduğunu çabucak öğrendiler, bu yüzden
neredeyse bütün çabalarını kârlı bir şekilde başlıca tahıl arazileri Orta Doğu’nun büyük
işleyen, ancak güvenliğine önem vermedikleri nehirleri boyunca işlendi.
aygıtlar yapmaya adadılar. B) İlk çiftçiler su tedarikinin çiftçilik açısından
B) Sanayi Devrimi’nin başlangıcında hemen önemli olduğunu çabucak öğrenmelerinden
hemen bütün çabalarını kârlı bir şekilde çalışan dolayı başlıca tahıl arazilerini Orta Doğu’nun
aygıtlar üretmeye adayan mühendisler, büyük nehirleri boyunca işlediler.
güvenliğe hiç önem vermediler. C) Su tedarikinin çiftçilik için önemli olduğunu
C) Güvenli aygıtlar yapmak, Sanayi Devrimi’nin çabuk öğrenen ilk çiftçiler başlıca tahıl
başlangıcında mühendislerin kârlı bir şekilde arazilerini Orta Doğu’daki büyük nehirler
çalışan aygıtlar yapmak kadar önem verdikleri boyunca işlediler.
bir konu değildi. D) Başlıca tahıl arazilerinin Orta Doğu’daki büyük
D) Kârlı bir şekilde işleyen aygıtlar üretme nehirler boyunca işlenmesinin sebebi, ilk
çabaları, Sanayi Devrimi’nin başlangıcında, çiftçilerin su tedarikinin çiftçilik açısından
mühendislerin güvenli aygıtların üretilmesine önemli olduğunu çabucak kavramalarıdır.
pek önem vermemelerine neden oldu. E) İlk çiftçiler su tedarikinin önemli bir çiftçilik
E) Sanayi Devrimi’nin başlangıcında mühendisler meselesi olduğunu çabucak öğrendiler ve
kendilerini tamamen kârlı bir şekilde çalışan başlıca tahıl arazilerini Orta Doğu’nun büyük
aygıtlar yapmaya adadılar, fakat güvenliğine nehirleri boyunca işlediler.
hiç önem vermediler.

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46. Severe frost is a great threat to organisms, as 48. Karnabahar ve brokoli gibi sebzeler, vücudun
the cold causes enzymes and cell membranes kafeini daha hızlı parçalamasına yardımcı olur,
to function poorly. bu nedenle aşırı kafein alımı hâlinde bunları
tüketmek makul olacaktır.
A) Şiddetli don organizmalar için büyük bir
tehdittir, çünkü soğuk, enzimlerin ve hücre A) As vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli help
zarlarının zayıf bir şekilde çalışmasına neden the body break down caffeine faster, it will be
olur. wise to consume them when caffeine is taken
B) Şiddetli donun, organizmalar için büyük bir excessively.
tehdit oluşturmasının sebebi, enzimlerin ve B) In case of excessive caffeine intake, it will be
hücre zarlarının soğukta zayıf bir şekilde wise to consume vegetables like cauliflower
çalışmasıdır. and broccoli because they help the body by
C) Organizmalar için büyük bir tehdit yaratan breaking down caffeine faster.
şiddetli don ve soğuk, enzimlerin ve hücre C) Vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli help
zarlarının zayıf bir şekilde çalışmasına neden the body break down caffeine faster, so it will
olur. be wise to consume them in case of excessive
D) Enzimler ve hücre zarları soğukta zayıf bir caffeine intake.
şekilde çalışır ve şiddetli don organizmalar için D) In case of excessive caffeine intake,
büyük bir tehdit oluşturur. consuming vegetables like cauliflower and
E) Soğuk, enzimlerin ve hücre zarlarının zayıf bir broccoli will be quite wise as they help the
şekilde çalışmasına neden olur, bu yüzden body break down caffeine faster.
şiddetli don organizmalar için büyük bir E) The body breaks down caffeine faster when
tehdittir. vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli are
consumed, so it will be wise to consume them
if caffeine is taken excessively.
MODADİL Yayınları

47. The availability of information about products

on the Internet, as long as it is well-organised
and easy to access, is an important reason why
some consumers prefer shopping online.
A) İnternette ürünlerle ilgili bilgi mevcuttur ve bu 49. 1862 yılında, Louis Pasteur, süt 70 dereceye
bilgi iyi bir şekilde düzenlenmişse ve erişimi kadar ısıtılırsa içindeki bakterilerilerin öleceğini
kolaysa, bazı tüketiciler İnternette alışveriş ve bu nedenle sütün daha uzun süre muhafaza
yapmayı tercih ederler. edilebileceğini kanıtladı.
B) Bazı tüketicilerin İnternette alışveriş yapmayı A) 1862 was the year when Louis Pasteur proved
tercih etmelerinin önemli bir sebebi, İnternette that if milk was heated up to 70°C, the bacteria
ürünlerle ilgili bilginin mevcut olması ve bu in it would be killed, and therefore it could be
bilginin iyi düzenlenmiş ve erişiminin kolay kept longer.
B) What Louis Pasteur proved in 1862 was that if
C) İyi düzenlenmiş ve erişimi kolay olduğu sürece milk was heated up to 70°C, this would kill the
İnternette ürünlerle ilgili bilginin mevcut olması, bacteria it contained, and thus the milk could
bazı tüketicilerin İnternette alışveriş yapmayı be kept longer.
tercih etmesinin önemli bir sebebidir.
C) In 1862, Louis Pasteur proved that if milk was
D) İnternette ürünlerle ilgili mevcut olan bilgi iyi heated up to 70°C, the bacteria in it would die,
düzenlenmiş ve erişimi kolay olduğunda, bu and therefore the milk could be kept longer.
durum tüketicilerin İnternette alışveriş yapmayı
tercih etmesi için önemli bir neden olarak D) Demonstrating that the bacteria milk contained
görülür. would die if it was heated up to 70°C, Louis
Pasteur, in 1862, proved that the milk could be
E) Ürünlerle ilgili bilginin İnternette yer alması, kept longer.
bazı tüketicilerin İnternette alışveriş yapmayı
tercih etmelerinin önemli bir nedenidir, ancak E) In 1862, Louis Pasteur proved that milk would
bu bilgi iyi düzenlenmiş ve erişimi kolay be kept longer provided that it was heated up
olmalıdır. to 70°C to kill the bacteria it contained.

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50. Nörologlar tarafından yeni geliştirilen bir çip, 52. Büyük patlama kuramını destekleyen sağlam
beynin anatomic yapılarını kopyalamaya bilimsel kanıtlar vardır, ancak henüz
çalışmak yerine, insan zihninin bilişsel kanıtlanmamış pek çok detay ve cevaplanmamış
becerilerini taklit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. pek çok soru da bulunmaktadır.
A) The aim of the chip recently developed by A) Although there are many details yet unproven
neurologists is to mimic the cognitive abilities and many questions still unanswered, there is
of the human mind rather than replicating the solid scientific evidence to support the Big
anatomical structures of the brain. Bang theory.
B) A chip recently developed by neurologists aims B) While there is solid scientific evidence to
to mimic the cognitive abilities of the human support the Big Bang theory, there are also
mind instead of trying to replicate the many details yet unproven and many questions
anatomical structures of the brain. still unanswered.
C) A chip recently developed by neurologists not C) Despite the presence of solid scientific
only tries to replicate the anatomical structures evidence to support it, the Big Bang theory still
of the brain, but also aims to mimic the has many details unproven and many
cognitive abilities of the human mind. questions unanswered.
D) Trying to replicate the anatomical structures of D) There is solid scientific evidence supporting
the brain, a chip recently developed by the Big Bang theory, however, there are also
neurologists aims to mimic the cognitive many details yet unproven and many questions
abilities of the human mind. still unanswered.
E) A chip that aims to mimic the cognitive abilities E) The big Bang theory has many details yet
of the human mind instead of trying to replicate unproven and many questions still
the anatomical structures of the brain has been unanswered, but there is solid scientific
recently developed by neurologists. evidence to support it.
MODADİL Yayınları

51. Çöller çorak olabilir, ancak hem uzun kuraklıklar 53. Hücre klonlamanın amacı, belirli hücre türlerinin
boyunca hem de nadir bir yağış sonrasında pek bilimsel araştırmalar için kullanılabilecek pek
çok bitki ve hayvanın yuvasıdır. çok kopyasını üretmektir.
A) Deserts may be barren during the long A) Producing many copies of certain types of cells
droughts, but after a rare rainfall, they are that can be used for scientific research is one
home to a wide range of plants and animals. of the purposes of cell coining.
B) Even barren deserts may be home to many B) The purpose of cell cloning is to produce many
plants and animals, both during the long copies of certain types of cells, as they are
droughts and after a rare rainfall. used for scientific research.
C) Although deserts may be barren, they are C) The aim of cell cloning is to produce many
home to a number of plants and animals during copies of certain types of cells, and these
the long droughts and after a rare rainfall. copies can be used for scientific research.
D) Deserts, even if barren, are home to both D) The purpose of cell cloning is to produce many
plants and animals during the long droughts copies of certain types of cells that can be
and after a rare rainfall. used for scientific research.
E) Deserts may be barren, but they are home to E) Cell cloning aims to produce many copies of
many plants and animals, both during the long certain types of cells so that they can be used
droughts and after a rare rainfall. in scientific research.

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56. Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen

54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada present in fresh water, such as a stream, or
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için freshwater lake. A certain amount of dissolved
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. oxygen is required to sustain fish, animals, and
other aquatic life. ---- These include fish being
54. Suspension bridges have many advantages killed and loss of aquatic ecosystems.
over other kinds of bridges because of their A) The oxygen is refilled through several
design. For one thing, they can span great mechanisms, one being the simple diffusion of
distances. The longest suspension bridge in the oxygen from the atmosphere into the
the world is the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan, water.
covering an impressive 12,831 feet. ---- For
example, if the deck of the bridge is too thin, it B) Since most aquatic organisms need oxygen to
can lose its stability in heavy winds and shake live, it is important to maintain dissolved
itself to pieces, which is what happened to the oxygen in water.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge in the United States in C) Any decrease in dissolved oxygen can cause
1940. changes, usually negative, in an aquatic
A) The first suspension bridge is considered to
have been constructed in the 7th century BC by D) Determining the amount of dissolved oxygen in
Mayans. an aquatic system aids in the measurement of
biochemical oxidation.
B) This $3.3 billion bridge, which took 12 years to
build, is seen as a great engineering E) Dissolved minerals such as magnesium and
masterpiece. calcium contribute to the hardness of water.
C) Furthermore, the wonderful design of these
structures can make you wonder how they stay
MODADİL Yayınları

D) However, suspension bridges require careful

design and planning to avoid any undesirable
E) A suspension bridge hangs from steel cables
that are supported by towers at each end.

57. Species have evolved throughout the course of

natural history, and the fossil record is filled
55. The sun’s heat energy passes easily through
with evidence of extinctions, some of which
glass and warms the room beyond, which
have been sudden and catastrophic. Ecologists
means windows make ideal solar collectors.
believe that we are in such an era of rapid
For maximum capture of solar energy, a house
species extinctions today. ---- For example, the
needs large south-facing windows. ---- Even if it
spotted owl is endangered by overharvesting of
cannot be oriented precisely north-south, it is
gold-growth forests in the United Kingdom, and
still possible to harness a good percentage of
the bald eagle has been nearly rendered extinct
the sun’s energy. Also, to adapt an existing
in the United States outside of Alaska due to
house, there are several options. For instance,
poisoning with pesticides.
bigger windows on southfacing walls could be
installed. A) Species biodiversity has a number of health
benefits for humans.
A) The type of glass in your windows determines
how efficiently solar energy is captured. B) Enacted in 1973, the Endangered Species Act
emerged to protect wildlife in the United states.
B) In new construction, this is easy to achieve by
siting the house accordingly. C) Using fossil records to determine which
species became extinct is a well-established
C) The idea is to store heat and to radiate it back
after the sun has gone down.
D) The most prominent current cause is human
D) The most efficient way to do this is with a heat
activity, which brings about loss of habitat for
recovery ventilation system.
species and also causes pollution.
E) The sun is fantastic source of costless heat
E) The protection of endangered species is a very
that can be harnessed very simply.
complex and challenging task.

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58. Cold storage through refrigeration or freezing

makes it possible to extend both the seasons of 60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
harvest and the geographic area in which a okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
product is available. ---- But now, modern cold bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
storage technology makes virtually any product
available year-round on a global basis. Other 60. (I) The name ‘reptiles’ refers collectively to a
technologies have been combined with confused mixture of different animals, such as,
refrigeration to further improve this availability, turtles, crocodiles, lizards, and snakes, that are not
such as a sealed room where the air is modified birds or mammals. (II) The antique scientific
to increase its nitrogen content to keep food concept reptilia promotes misperception and
fresh. misunderstanding of history and the diversity of
some vertebrates. (III) The term ‘reptile’ is now a
A) Time and temperature are the key factors that deeply established popular name rather than a
determine how well foods can retain their scientific one. (IV) For much of the later 19th and
properties. most of the 20th century, reptilia was taken to mean
B) The next step in the cold storage food chain is a group composed of the ancestors of living
transport by railroad cars, trucks, airplanes, or reptiles. (V) Similarly, the ancestors of all mammals
boats. and birds were taken under the term reptilia.
C) Refrigerated warehouses maintain the A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
temperatures required to assure maintenance
of quality.
D) Food that is placed in cold storage is protected
from the degradation that is caused by
E) Food products were previously grown locally
and had to be marketed within a short period of
MODADİL Yayınları


59. Flash floods are floods that occur extremely 61. (I) One can usually see rainbows after summer
quickly, usually within several minutes or rains, early in the morning or late in the afternoon,
hours. They cause streams and rivers to rise when the son is low. (II) Diamond-shaped glass
rapidly and wash over the land, destroying objects, mirrors or other transparent items can also
almost everything in their path. Their be used to form a rainbow. (III) Raindrops act as tiny
destructiveness is based on several factors, prisms and disperse the white sunlight into the form of
including rainfall intensity, duration, surface a large beautiful arch composed of visible colours. (IV)
conditions, and slope of the area. ---- Mountain To see these colours, one must be located between
regions are also prone to flash flooding, and the sun and raindrops forming an arc in the sky. (V)
even deserts and arid regions are vulnerable to When sunlight enters the raindrops at the proper
flash floods, since many dry regions are known angle, it is refracted by the raindrops, then reflected
for intense thunderstorms which can produce a back at an angle that creates a rainbow.
lot of rainwater in a short time. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) Flash floods are very unpredictable and can
occur at any time of the year.
B) Floodwaters can carry a great deal of sediment
and debris, coating the inside and outside of a
C) Flash flooding is considered to be the main
reason for deaths associated with
thunderstorms, especially when they occur at
D) The destructive potential of flood currents is
tremendous as they can cause massive
amounts of erosion.
E) Urban areas are the most susceptible to flash
floods, since a high percentage of the surface
area cannot absorb water.

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62. (I) Dominique-François-Jean Arago was the leading 64. (I) Earth’s major terrestrial, marine, and freshwater
French astronomer for the first half of the 19th ecosystems are known as biomes. (II) Significant
century. (II) Among Arago’s achievements in changes in the global environment and climate are
astronomy is his discovery of the Sun’s causing major shifts in some biomes. (III) They are
chromosphere. (III) The chromosphere is the thin and classified according to similarities in species
usually transparent layer of the Sun’s atmosphere. composition of plants and animals, and by
(IV) He also offered a pioneering explanation for the environmental attributes. (IV) These include
twinkling of stars. (V) In addition, Arago conducted temperature, precipitation, and soil type in terrestrial
research that helped lead one of his assistants, biomes and temperature, depth, and salinity in
Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier, to discover the planet aquatic biomes. (V) However, there are no hard
Neptune. boundaries between biomes and there is much
intermixing of species between them.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

65. (I) After 1890, the development, manufacture, and

63. (I) It is estimated that sales of genetically modified use of glass increased so rapidly as to be almost
(GM) seed in 2015 amounted to $15.3bn. (II) This revolutionary. (II) The science and engineering of
was grown in over 20 countries on an area greater glass as a material are now so much better
MODADİL Yayınları

than 440 million acres – more than a 100-fold understood that glass can be tailored to meet an
increase since 1996. (III) In 2015, the top five exact need. (III) Machinery has been developed for
countries in order of area of GM crops cultivated were precise, continuous manufacture of sheet glass,
the USA, Brazil, Argentina, India and Canada. (IV) In tubing, containers, bulbs, and a host of other
contrast, only about 290,000 acres were grown in products. (IV) In the early 1800s, the greatest
the EU; all were an insect-resistant variety of maize. demand was for window glass. (V) New methods of
(V) Miami was the first to announce that specific cutting, welding, sealing, and tempering have also led
genes could be introduced into plant cells, and then to the use of glass in completely new fields.
whole plants could be generated with only a single
altered characteristic. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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67. According to the passage, Fertilo believes that

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre Mount Etna ----.
A) had its largest and most devastating eruption
One of the most famous volcanoes may be in 2011
misunderstood. Carmelo Fertilo, a geologist from B) erupts ten times more lava than gas
Italy, believes the material feeding Mount Etna’s
C) includes some of the characteristics of a hot
cone is mostly water, so it is effectively a giant hot
spring. However, most geologists are unconvinced.
Mount Etna is almost always active. It may have D) is the most unpredictable volcano on Earth
spewed 70 million tonnes of lava in 2011 alone. E) can remain inactive for long periods of time
What really puzzles the Italian geologist is that Etna
also discharges more than 7 million tonnes of
steam, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide every
year. The normal explanation is that gas bubbles
out of magma as it moves up the volcano’s vent.
However, Fertilo claims that Etna would need to
erupt ten times more lava than it does to account for
all the gas. He also argues that Etna is not just fed
by magma. He states that its deep plumbing system
could hold lots of water, carbon dioxide and sulphur
dioxide, making up about 70 percent of the material
feeding the volcano. According to Fertilo, such a
system is closer to a spring rather than a volcano.
However, according to Kayla lacovino, there are
simpler alternatives. She has argued that the
excess gas could come from deep molten rock that
does not enter Etna.
MODADİL Yayınları

66. It can be understood from the passage that 68. Which could be the best title for this passage?
most geologists ----.
A) The Eruptions of Mount Etna Throughout
A) doubt Fertilo’s arguments about Mount Etna History
B) have misunderstood Fertilo’s claims about B) Excess Gas in Mount Etna
Mount Etna C) What Really Feeds Mount Etna
C) agree with lacovino as well as Fertilo D) Why is Mount Etna Always Active?
D) claim that Mount Etna is a hot spring E) The Most Famous Volcanoes on Earth
E) try to provide new findings to support their own

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70. According to the passage, stem cells ----.

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) are cells that do not have the ability to multiply
B) are composed of various cells that have
The science behind growing meat without animals is different functions
fairly simple. Growing the cells that from cultured
meat is not hugely different from other ‘cell culture’ C) have the ability to transform into different cells
in a muscle
methods that biologists have used to study cells
since the early 1900s. The process starts with a few D) need to be attached to other cells to form living
‘satellite’ cells, which can be obtained from a small tissues
sample of muscle taken from a live animal. These E) decrease in number at the end of the
are stem cells that can turn into the different cells production process
found in muscle. Just one cell could, in theory, be
used to grow an infinite amount of meat. When fed a
nutrient-rich serum, the cells turn into muscle cells
and proliferate, doubling in number roughly every
few days. After the cells have multiplied, they are
encouraged to form strips, much like how muscle
cells form fibres in living tissue. These fibres are
attached to a sponge-like scaffold that floods the
fibres with nutrients and mechanically stretches
them, ‘exercising’ the muscle cells to increase their
size and protein content. The resulting tissue can
then be harvested, seasoned cooked and consumed
as boneless processed meat.
MODADİL Yayınları

69. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----. 71. The passage is mainly about ----.

A) it is not a must to have a sample cell from a A) the advances in human cell production under
living animal to produce meat scientific intervention
B) studying cells is a relatively new concept in B) the reasons why cell production may not be
the current decade practical for common use
C) producing meat from a muscle cell in a lab is C) different types of cell culture methods used by
quite a complicated process biologists since the early 1900s
D) the first step in creating meat is to double the D) an alternative way of growing meat through
number of muscle cells unconventional means
E) growing meat without animals is a process E) some steps followed by scientists to cure
similar to other cell culture methods animal diseases by producing cells

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73. The problem with the Aswan High Dam is that

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre ----.
A) it cannot provide enough electricity
River systems are completely changed when dams B) it has a negative impact on the currents in the
are built. The main reason is obvious: dams block Mediterranean Sea
the channels, altering the water’s direction by
C) it is reducing the size of the Nile delta
decreasing or increasing the amount of water that
flows through the channel – the defined pathway the D) the people in the Nile region are still facing
water follows. In turn, this modifies or completely problems with irrigation
changes the river’s erosional and depositional E) sediment is flooding in from the Mediterranean
characteristics, thus changing the channel’s Sea
landscape and affecting the local environment.
Although there are good reasons for dams (mainly
to stop flooding in populated areas), there are often
just as many potential problems. One in particular is
the erosion that occurs just below the main structure
holding back the water. Because sediment is no
longer transported within the water (the load is
dropped in the reservoir), the water from the
spillway often erodes the channel immediately
below. Another problem can also arise from the fact
that because there is less sediment load, there is
also less of a delta being formed at the mouth of a
river. For example, the Aswan High Dam along the
Nile River in Egypt was finished in 1966, primarily to
provide electricity and irrigation. But the water is
dammed up in a lake about 280 kilometers long,
MODADİL Yayınları

and this is starving the Nile delta of sediments. Sea

are carrying away more sediment than the river can
replenish and causing the delta to slowly erode

72. According to the passage, dams ----. 74. The underlined word in the passage ‘replenish’
is closest in meaning to ----.
A) do not affect erosional characteristics of a river
as much as depositional ones A) reduce
B) provide more beneficial than harmful effects to B) ruin
the local environment C) renew
C) may adversely affect river systems and the D) resist
local environment
E) restrict
D) can stop flooding but have no other real
E) generally increase the amount of water that
flows through channels

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76. It is stated in the passage that it is a challenge

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre for many teachers to ----.
A) prepare students for high-tech careers
An 11-year-old boy taps furiously on a laptop, hiding B) adapt themselves to technological changes
from enemies as he runs through a city. They catch
him before he reaches safety – game over. C) use videogames effectively in class
Frustrated, he opens the game’s programming D) attract and keep students’ attention and
window, adjusts the settings, and his time gets past interest
the bullies. Victory! This could be the future of E) help students gain new learning strategies
American education. ‘The Quest to Learn’ school
opened last September in Manhattan, welcoming
the first class of sixth-graders who will learn almost
entirely through videogame-inspired activities, an
educational strategy developed to keep kids
engaged and prepare them for high-tech careers.
For many years, videogames have outperformed
teachers in one key way: They are exceptionally
good at engaging kids, which is, in fact, a serious
problem for teachers. Videogames drop kids into
complex problems where they fail and fail, but they
try again and again. When kids face tough problems
in school, however, they sometimes just give up,
which is why only a third of eight-graders earn
proficient math scores on national assessment
tests. The educators behind ‘The Quest to Learn’
school hope that videogame-based lessons will help
to overcome that problem.
MODADİL Yayınları

75. According to the passage, the introduction of 77. The reason why many eight-graders cannot get
videogame-based lessons into American proficient math scores is that they ----.
education system ----.
A) spend too much time playing videogames
A) will dramatically help students to find the B) tend to give up when they face a challenge
easiest way to overcome their problems
C) are given very complex math problems to solve
B) will encourage many students to have high-
tech careers D) mostly take videogame-based lessons that are
not aimed at improving their math skills
C) is necessary to help students adjust to
technology E) are not adequately prepared by their teachers
D) will assist children in dealing with bullies
E) may negatively affect students’ self-confidence
since they can fall several times

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78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 79. According to the critics of Copenhill, ----.
A) waiting until 2050 to start seeing the possible
With its flat landscape, Copenhagen is an unlikely benefits promised by the new facility is far too
ski destination. But an innovate project called long
Copenhill aims to pair recreation with renewable
energy. Copenhill is a massive facility in the city’s B) the other waste-burning facility is more efficient
industrial area that converts trash to electricity, even though it cannot control its carbon dioxide
providing power for 30,000 homes in Copenhagen emission
and heat for more than twice that number. The new C) it may not be possible to convert trash to
structure will eventually include an urban ski park, a electricity if an urban ski park is integrated into
climbing wall, and a cafe on its roof with an the facility
attractive city view. Copenhill is 25 percent more
D) the facility is going to result in methane
efficient than the other waste-burning facility in
increases in landfills, which will ruin the
Copenhagen and will be able to control its own
carbon dioxide emission, in line with Denmark’s
ambitious goal to become carbon-neutral by 2050. E) recycling waste in order to produce power is
The idea of burning garbage has its critics, who say not reasonable because it promotes high
waste-to-energy facilities merely reinforce excessive consumption
consumerism. But in 2018, Copenhill processed
almost 500,000 tons of garbage. That is better than
filling up landfills, which are potent sources of
methane – a greenhouse gas that can ruin the
prospect of anyone’s enjoyment.
MODADİL Yayınları

78. According to the passage, Copenhill ----. 80. What is the author’s attitude towards
A) will be able to power thousands of homes in Copenhill?
many cities across Denmark once construction A) Supportive
is complete
B) Critical
B) will provide several recreational opportunities
in the future, such as skiing, climbing and C) Doubtful
enjoying the city view D) Neutral
C) will probably not include a cafe at its roof due E) Ignorant
to high amounts of carbon dioxide in
D) was built in its current location as it is important
to construct recycling facilities in flat areas
E) will stop functioning as a recycling facility when TEST BİTTİ.
an urban ski park is built CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ.

16 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ



1 D 21 C 41 B 61 B
2 B 22 B 42 B 62 C
3 C 23 E 43 A 63 E
4 A 24 D 44 D 64 B
5 D 25 E 45 A 65 D
6 A 26 C 46 A 66 A
7 C 27 C 47 C 67 C
8 A 28 E 48 C 68 C
9 E 29 A 49 C 69 E
10 C 30 A 50 B 70 C
11 D 31 B 51 E 71 D
12 D 32 A 52 D 72 C
13 C 33 A 53 D 73 C
14 C 34 C 54 D 74 C
15 C 35 D 55 B 75 B
16 A 36 A 56 C 76 D
17 E 37 A 57 D 77 B
18 C 38 E 58 E 78 B
19 D 39 C 59 E 79 E
20 A 40 A 60 C 80 A


This test consists of 80 questions.

6. If patients in the US tell their doctors they

1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere cannot afford their medication, the doctors will
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. work to ---- viable strategies so that they can
get their drugs.
1. Chronic-pain sufferers can use creams which A) come up with B) get along with
are made with the same hot substance that is
in chilli peppers, but they have to use them C) cut down on D) run out of
daily as it takes about a week to feel any ----. E) fall behind with
A) weak B) necessity
C) regret D) relief
E) complaint

2. Diabetes mellitus is among the most common

chronic diseases, affecting over 6 percent of
the adult population in Western societies, and 7. - 20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
its ---- is rising dramatically worldwide. uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) prevalence B) deficiency
C) admiration D) limitation 7. You ---- stretching many times, but you ---- of it
MODADİL Yayınları

is a key part of your workout, as stretching for

E) convenience 10-15 minutes post-workout relieves sore
3. Getting eight hours of sleep each night is ---- A) must have skipped / could have thought
for skin and well-being, as it resets stress
B) should have skipped / have to think
hormones like cortisol and repairs your
complexion. C) might have skipped / would have thought
A) exhausting B) crucial D) may have skipped / should think
C) disastrous D) preventive E) could have skipped / used to think
E) offensive

4. With advances in medical treatment and living

conditions, life expectancy for some people
with disabilities has risen ---- and is only
slightly lower than that of the general
A) miserably B) severely
C) intuitively D) conventionally 8. In 2014, the US confirmed 125 cases of measles
and declared that nearly half of the victims ----
E) dramatically against measles, so it seems the reason of the
outbreak ---- America’s growing anti-
vaccination movement.
5. If you sleep for just six hours, you are likely to
be 59 percent more dehydrated as you could A) have not been vaccinated / is
be short of vasopressin, the hormone that ----
B) had not been vaccinated / was
hydration, released later in the sleep cycle.
C) were not vaccinated / will be
A) threatens B) destroys
D) will not be vaccinated / has been
C) abandons D) regulates
E) are not vaccinated / had been
E) resists

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9. Chickenpox is caused by the varicella zoster 13. ---- body cells come in many different shapes
virus and is transmitted through close contact and sizes, they all share the same basic parts.
---- an infected person, and if you have never
had chickenpox or been immunised ---- it, you A) As long as B) Provided that
can still get in your lifetime. C) Although D) Because
A) by / under B) on / in E) Just as
C) at / about D) with / against
E) from / towards

14. ---- there are numerous dimensions to hearing,

10. If salt consumption is high, the body retains audiologists most commonly measure hearing
water to dilute the high concentrations of loss in terms of sound intensity.
sodium, which in turn increases the volume of
blood ---- the bloodstream and puts more A) Even if B) Once
pressure ---- the heart and blood vessels. C) By the time D) Since
A) over / by B) in / on E) Given that
C) at / about D) from / along
E) to / for
MODADİL Yayınları

15. ---- in conventional medicine, people

11. The nervous system directs the functions of diagnosed with the same condition will
the body, both voluntary and involuntary, ---- generally be given the same medicine, in
an intricate network of specialised cells called homeopathy the remedy given to a patient may
neurons which convey information ---- the depend on a whole host of other factors, such
form of electrochemical messages. as state of mind and lifestyle.

A) with / around B) for / at A) Since B) Now that

C) from / to D) along / on C) Whereas D) So long as

E) through / in E) Only if

12. Body mass index has long been used to

measure obesity and health risk. ---- it cannot
explain why an overweight person might be 16. According to many dieticians, the diet or light
healthy or why a seemingly healthy person yogurts should be avoided ---- they are
might get heart disease or diabetes. sweetened with aspartame, a chemical whose
safety in food is questionable.
A) as B) thus
A) so that B) even if
C) otherwise D) for example
C) since D) unless
E) yet
E) until

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17. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a

brain imaging technique that registers blood 21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
flow to functioning areas of the brain, shows numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
what the brain is doing ---- how it looks. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) as well as B) in case of
At some point in the future, Italian neurosurgeon
C) such as D) in the absence of Sergio Canavero and a team of 100 surgeons hope to
E) on behalf of graft the head of patient Valery Spiridonov onto the
body of a brain-dead donor in the world’s first head
transplant operation. The surgery has already been
planned in (21)---- detail. Some steps have already
been individually tested, like the cooling of organs
and body tissues, (22)---- others represent a new
challenge for the doctors. The patient will not be
conscious during the operation: after being placed
under general anaesthetic, the head is cooled (23)----
a cooling cap to 10°C. This puts brain activity on hold.
18. Human longevity climbed in the 20 th century---- It is only reactivated when the warm blood (24)---- the
changes in public health policies and donor’s body begins to flow through to the donor’s
advances in medical practice. brain. The Iymphatic system will also be connected to
A) contrary to B) rather than the new body. The patient will have to take
immunosuppressant drugs after the operation (25)----
C) despite D) except for the risk of rejection. Canavero’s trickiest task will be
to cleanly separate the backbone and spinal cord
E) as a result of before connecting it to the spine of the donor body so
that the nerve fibres can be fused together.
MODADİL Yayınları

A) faulty B) tough
C) precise D) protective
E) trivial
19. Aesthetic surgery is a modern phenomenon
that demands ---- a set of specific technical
innovations in surgery ---- a cultural 22.
presupposition that you have the right to alter A) as though B) given that
your body.
C) once D) in case
A) as / as B) the more / the less E) while
C) not only / but also D) such / that
E) no sooner / than 23.
A) except for B) by means of
C) rather than D) prior to
E) in addition to

A) among B) off
20. UV rays quite damaging to our health, so C) above D) from
experts recommend outdoor activities for
E) against
earlier in the morning or during the afternoon -
--- the exposure is lower.
A) what B) when 25.
A) to lower B) having been lowered
C) where D) which
C) to have lowered D) to be lowered
E) why
E) being lowered

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26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıda ki parçada 31. - 41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
31. Once the diagnosis of appendicitis is made and
the decision has been made to perform an
Stretch marks are a type of scar. When skin is appendectomy, ----.
stretched or wounded, new collagen fibres from at the
stressed spots as part of the healing process, leaving A) patients are allowed to eat when the stomach
marks behind. There is no definite way to prevent and intestines begin to function again after the
these marks and scars, and they are difficult to get rid surgery
of (26)----.Some remedies, (27)----, promise to reduce B) many patients with severe gastroenteritis will
their size or appearance or to erase them altogether. have symptoms suggesting acute appendicitis
The makers of creams, body oils and serums claim
that their active ingredients will shrink scars or C) the patient undergoes the standard preparation
prevent and fade stretch marks. (28)---- more severe for an operation, which usually takes one to
cases, plastic surgery can be the only solution. Plastic two hours
surgeons cut out an old scar, leaving a new, neater D) complications are rare after appendectomy
scar that (29)---- with a treatment like laser therapy because the abdominal wall is strong in the
later on. There are numerous patients who have area of the operation
managed to get rid of their scars (30)---- plastic
E) appendicitis is generally defined as painful
swelling of the appendix that can be very
A) poorly B) severely
C) entirely D) previously
MODADİL Yayınları

32. ----, but this glimpse into the gut is one of the
E) vividly most powerful existing weapons against colon
27. A) A family history of colon cancer always calls for
early screening
A) similarly B) however
B) Doctors are well aware that no one looks
C) in other words D) in short forward to having colonoscopy
E) for instance C) Men with no history of colon cancer should
start being checked before 45
28. D) Both genetics and habits are held responsible
for colon cancer
A) From B) On
E) Guidelines for colonoscopies are becoming
C) Over D) In patient-oriented
E) To

33. While the mouth initiates the digestive process
A) must have been eliminated with chewing, ----.
B) had to be eliminated
A) the saliva also contains an enzyme called
C) used to be eliminated ptyalin, or salivary amylase
D) should have been eliminated B) the salivary glands produce saliva to wet down
the food for digestion
E) can be eliminated
C) a large group of unchewed food may also give
harm to the stomach
30. D) all enzymes are sensitive to the level of acid in
A) in terms of B) similar to their environment
C) such as D) thanks to E) chewing contributes a lot to the digestion
E) as well as

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34. ----, the disease is only controlled through 37. Women suffer from Alzheimer’s disease more
continual vaccination since the virus is not yet than men ----.
completely eradicated.
A) because they live longer and it gets more
A) Before a significant reduction in the incidence common with age
of measles was noted in 1963 thanks to B) since it prevents the brain from functioning
vaccination normally
B) Although some believe that the war against C) although this stressful condition affects
measles was won long ago women’s quality of life
C) If measles were not a big threat for people in D) while it attacks and gradually destroys parts of
developing countries the brain
D) As long as scientists continue their studies to E) as long as they respond to some medication
eradicate measles differently
E) Because those infected with measles have
small red spots on their bodies

35. Although Henry Maudsley, in the late 1800s,

was the first psychiatrist to focus on very
young children with autism, ----. 38. During the winter, most people suffer from
A) many families with an autistic child also had seasonal affective disorder, a mental condition
one or more neurotypical children characterised by major mood changes, ----.

B) he believed that parents of these children were A) while it is a disorder that makes people feel
MODADİL Yayınları

emotionally cold and distant sad and tired throughout the winter
C) it was Leo Kanner who coined the phrase B) even if the change in light levels causes
‘early infantile autism’ in 1943 alterations in the brain
D) he claimed that parental personality played a C) seeing that is likely to be caused by bio-
powerful role in their development psycho-socio factors
E) he introduced the term ‘refrigerator parents’ to D) but it is not necessarily confined to this period
describe their parents of reduced sunlight
E) although the symptoms are linked to the
changing patterns of sunlight

36. The modern medical use of morphine, extracted

from the poppy flower, began shortly after it
was first chemically isolated in the early 1800s -
A) while it works directly on the central nervous
system, binding to opioid receptors on nerve
cells in the brain, spinal cord and gut 39. ----, avocados, in fact, contain naturally good
B) whereas morphine can have severe side fats, such as monounsaturated fat.
effects and can be both physically and A) Although a diet enriched with avocados
psychologically addictive actually lowers bad LDL cholesterol
C) although the pain-killing and euphoric effects of B) While it is true that fat makes up 75 percent of
the plant have been familiar to many societies the calories in the fruit
since around 4000 BC
C) Once they increase levels of the good HDL
D) only when its use tends to be restricted to cholesterol by 11 percent
treating severe pain, such as the acute pain of
serious injury, or the chronic pain D) If people eat half an avocado for their lunch on
a daily basis
E) since authorities have to impose severe
restrictions on its sale to prevent misuse and E) Supposing that avocados show no sign of
consequent problems elevating a person’s blood sugar

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40. ----, many previously fatal infectious diseases

could be controlled. 42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
A) While penicillin is still effective against a range cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
of bacteria bulunuz.
B) Although penicillin inspired the search for
many more antibiotics 42. It is possible for people to get most nutrients
C) Once mass production of penicillin began in they need from a balanced diet, though vegans
the 1940s may need to take supplements or fortified foods.
D) Given that Alexander Fleming had discovered A) İnsanların dengeli beslenme yoluyla
penicillin accidentally edinebilmeleri mümkün olan birçok besini,
E) Before scientists knew that penicillin kills veganlar ancak ek gıda veya içeriği
bacteria through interference güçlendirilmiş yiyeceklerle alabilirler.
B) Dengeli beslenme insanların besin
ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasını mümkün kılsa da,
veganlar ek gıda veya içeriği güçlendirilmiş
yiyeceklere ihtiyaç duyabilirler.
C) İnsanların dengeli beslenme sonucu ihtiyaç
duyabilecekleri birçok besini almaları
mümkündür, ancak buna rağmen veganların
ek gıda veya içeriği güçlendirilmiş öğünler
tüketmeye ihtiyaçları vardır.
D) İnsanların ihtiyaç duydukları besinlerin
çoğunu dengeli beslenme ile alabilmeleri
mümkündür, fakat veganların ek gıda veya
içeriği güçlendirilmiş yiyecekler tüketmeleri
MODADİL Yayınları

E) Dengeli beslenme insanların besin
ihtiyaçlarının çoğunu karşılamasını mümkün
kılar, ancak veganların ek gıda veya içeriği
güçlendirilmiş yiyecekler tüketmeleri gerekir.

43. The stages of language development are

universal for all humans; however, the age and
the pace at which a child reaches each stage of
41. Support systems for people with developmental language development vary greatly.
disabilities are often based on the idea of A) Bir çocuğun tüm insanlar için evrensel olan dil
helping them to attain the greatest level of gelişiminin her bir aşamasına hangi yaşta ve
independence possible ----. hızda eriştiği konusunda büyük farklılıklar vardır.
A) since many adults with developmental B) Dil gelişiminin aşamaları tüm insanlar için
disabilities live with family members or evrensel olmasına rağmen bir çocuğun eriştiği
roommates who can provide assistance her bir dil gelişimi aşaması, yaş ve hız
B) so that they can maintain quality of life and bakımından büyük değişiklik gösterir.
make positive contributions to the society in C) Dil gelişiminin her bir aşamasına hangi yaşta
which they live ve hızda erişildiği konusunda çocuklar
C) although recent research has shown that early arasında farklılıklar bulunmaktadır, ancak dil
intervention has a positive effect for many gelişiminin aşamaları tüm insanlar için
disabilities evrenseldir.
D) even if the support programme of one with a D) Dil gelişiminin aşamaları tüm insanlar için
developmental disability is at the appropriate evrenseldir, ancak bir çocuğun dil gelişiminin
level for him or her her bir aşamasına eriştiği yaş ve hız büyük
ölçüde değişiklik göstermektedir.
E) while these systems help those with
developmental disabilities perform their daily E) Tüm insanlar için evrensel olan dil gelişimi
activities with ease aşamaları, bir çocuğun bu aşamaların her
birine eriştiği yaş ve hız bakımından büyük
değişiklik göstermektedir.

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44. Unhealthy nails may be the result of a local 46. Manufacturers guarantee that their products
injury, fungal infection, nail biting or a are safe only until the expiration date, but a
deficiency of certain nutrients. study showed that more than 100 drugs are still
safe and effective at least one year afterward.
A) Sağlıksız tırnaklar; bölgesel yaralanma, mantar
enfeksiyonu, tırnak yeme veya belirli besinlerin A) Üreticiler sadece son kullanma tarihine kadar
eksikliğinin sonucu olabilir. ürünlerinin güvenli olduğunu garanti ederler,
B) Bölgesel yaralanma, mantar enfeksiyonu, ancak bir araştırma 100’den fazla ilacın, en az
tırnak yeme veya belirli besinlerin eksikliği, bir yıl sonra da hâlâ güvenli ve etkili olduğunu
sağlıksız tırnaklarla sonuçlanabilir. göstermiştir.

C) Bölgesel yaralanma, mantar enfeksiyonu, B) 100’den fazla ilacın en az bir yıl sonraya kadar
tırnak yeme veya belirli besinlerin eksikliğinin hâlâ güvenli ve etkili olduğunu gösteren bir
sonucunda sağlıksız tırnaklar ortaya çıkabilir. çalışma bulunsa da, üreticiler ürünlerinin
sadece son kullanma tarihine kadar güvenli
D) Bölgesel yaralanma, mantar enfeksiyonu, olduğunu garanti etmektedir.
tırnak yeme veya belirli besinlerin eksikliği
sonucunda sağlıksız tırnaklarla C) Üreticiler tarafından ürünlerinin sadece son
karşılaşılmaktadır. kullanma tarihine kadar güvenli olduğu garanti
edilse de, bir araştırma 100’den fazla ilacın, en
E) Bölgesel yaralanma, mantar enfeksiyonu, az bir yıl sonra da hâlâ güvenli ve etkili
tırnak yeme veya belirli besinlerin eksikliği, olduğunu göstermiştir.
sağlıksız tırnakların nedenleri arasındadır.
D) Üreticiler yalnızca son kullanma tarihine kadar
ilaçların güvenli olduğunu garanti etmektedir,
ancak bir araştırma tarafından 100’den fazla
ilacın en az bir yıl sonra bile hâlâ güvenli ve
etkili olduğu ortaya konmuştur.
45. The traditional Mediterranean diet, which is rich E) Bir araştırmada 100’den fazla ilacın en az bir
MODADİL Yayınları

in vegies, fish and olive oil, falls short of your yıl sonrasına kadar hâlâ güvenli ve etkili
daily calcium requirements, so you should add olduğu ispat edilmiş olmasına rağmen,
dairy to your meals to strengthen your bones. üreticiler sadece son kullanma tarihine kadar
ürünlerinin güvenli olduğunu garanti ederler.
A) Geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzı sebze,
balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengindir,
ancak günlük kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı
karşılayamadığından, kemiklerinizi
güçlendirmek için öğünlerinize süt ürünlerini
eklemelisiniz. 47. One of the active ingredients that was initially
B) Sebze, balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengin contained in the secret formula for coke and
olmasına rağmen günlük kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı got buyers addicted was removed in 1903 and
karşılayamayan geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme replaced with caffeine.
tarzı, kemiklerinizi güçlendirmek için
öğünlerinize süt ürünlerini eklemenizi A) Başlangıçta kolanın gizli formülünde bulunan
gerektirebilir. ve satın alanları bağımlı hale getiren etken
maddelerden biri, 1903’te çıkarıldı ve kafein ile
C) Sebze, balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengin değiştirildi.
olan geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzı,
günlük kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı karşılamamaktadır; B) 1903 yılında, ilk zamanlar kolanın gizli
bu nedenle kemiklerinizi güçlendirmek için formülünde bulunan etken maddelerden biri,
öğünlerinize süt ürünlerini eklemelisiniz. satın alanları bağımlı hâle getirdiği için
çıkarılarak kafein ile değiştirildi.
D) Sebze, balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengin
olan geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzında C) İlk zamanlar gizli formülünde satın alanları
kemiklerinizi güçlendirmek için öğünlerinize süt bağımlı hâle getiren bir etken madde olan kola,
ürünlerini eklemeniz gerekmektedir, çünkü bu 1903 yılında bunun yerine kafein ile üretildi.
beslenme tarzı günlük kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı D) Başlangıçta satın alanları bağımlı hâle getiren
karşılamamaktadır. etken bir madde ile üretilen kolanın gizli
E) Geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzı sebze, formülüne, 1903 yılında bunun yerine kafein
balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengin olsa da eklendi.
günlük kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı karşılamaz; bu E) 1903’te gizli formülünde bulunan etken
yüzden öğünlerinize kemiklerinizi maddelerden biri çıkarılıp kafein ile değiştirilen
güçlendirecek süt ürünleri eklemeniz gerekir. kola, ilk zamanlar satın alanları bağımlı hâle

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F) 50. İlk yardımda öncelik, yardım çağırmadan önce

48. İnsanlar sağlık konusunda giderek bilinçli hale müdahaleye başlanması gereken kalp krizi
geldikçe, kendi sağlıklarını koruma konusunda durumları hariç, acil yardım servisini arayarak
önemli sorumlulukları olduğunu fark tıbbi yardım almaktır.
etmişlerdir. A) In first aid, the priority is to get medical
A) People have become increasingly health- assistance by calling emergency medical care,
conscious, because they have realised that expect in cases of cardiac arrest in which
they have important responsibility in treatment should be started before calling for
maintaining their own health. help.

B) As people have become increasingly health- B) First aid gives priority to cases of cardiac arrest
conscious, they have realised that they have as they need to be treated immediately, but
important responsibility in maintaining their except those cases, one should first get medical
own health. help by calling emergency medical care.

C) Realising that they have important C) In first aid, except for cardiac arrest cases
responsibility in maintaining their own health which need to be dealt with before calling for
has made people become increasingly health- help, the first thing we need to do is to call
conscious. emergency medical care for medical help.

D) People who have become increasingly health- D) In first aid, it is crucial to get help first by calling
conscious have realised that they have emergency medical care as long as it is not a
important responsibility in maintaining their case of cardiac arrest where treatment should
own health. be started before calling for help.

E) The reason why people have realised that they E) Unlike the cases of cardiac arrest which
have important responsibility in maintaining require immediate care before calling for help,
their own health is that they have become the first thing to do in first aid is to call
increasingly health-conscious. emergency medical care and get medical
MODADİL Yayınları


51. Problemleri veya hastalıkları saptama sanatı

olan ‘teşhis’, doktorlarla ilişkilendirilmiş olsa
da, bu terim avukatlar ve öğretmenler gibi diğer
mesleklerin üyeleri tarafından da
A) ‘Diagnosis’, the art of identifying problems or
illnesses, is used by members of different
professions, such as lawyers and teachers;
however, this term is more associated with
B) ‘Diagnosis’, the art of identifying problems or
illnesses, has been linked with physicians even
though this term is also used by members of
49. Geçmişte ölüme sebep olan bir çok hastalık, şu other professions, such as lawyers and
an aşıların kullanımı ile önlenebilmektedir. teachers.
A) Many diseases that can now be prevented C) Although ‘diagnosis’, the art of identifying
thanks to the use of vaccines caused death in problems or illnesses, has been linked with
the past. physicians, this term is also used by members
B) Many diseases that caused death in the past of other professions, such as lawyers and
can now be prevented through the use of teachers.
vaccines. D) ‘Diagnosis’, the art of identifying problems or
C) in the past, many diseases caused death, but illnesses, is linked with physicians, but
now they can be prevented with the use of members of other professions, such as lawyers
vaccines. and teachers, use this term as well.
D) Vaccines used now can prevent many E) While ‘diagnosis’, the art of identifying
diseases that caused death in the past. problems or illnesses, has been associated
with physicians, members of other professions,
E) The use of vaccines can now prevent many such as lawyers and teachers, often use this
diseases leading to death in the past. term.

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52. Gereğinden fazla beslenen çocuklar aşırı kilolu

veya obez olabilirler ve bu da sağlık sorunlarına 54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
ve depresyona yol açabilir. anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Children who are overnourished may become
overweight or obese, and this may lead to
health problems and depression. 54. Hives (also known as urticaria) are itchy, raised
splotches on the surface of the skin. About 20
B) Health problems and depression may develop times itchier than a mosquito bite, hives make
in children who are overnourished and thus you want to tear off your clothes and then your
have become overweight or obese. skin. ---- In most cases, however, hives are the
C) Overnourishing can make children overweight result of other conditions. For example,
or obese, and this is likely to result in health although vibratory urticaria is very rare, any
problems and depression. vibration against the surface of the skin, even
D) Overnourished children may end up from clothing rubbing against it, can trigger a
developing health problems and depression bout of hives in those prone to cholinergic
as they have become overweight or obese. urticaria.

E) When over nourished, children may develop A) If you do not eat something after contracting
health problems and depression as a the illness, there is a remote chance that you
consequence of becoming overweight or will suffer less from a food allergy.
obese. B) Urticaria is a common disorder that may
cause considerable distress and last for
C) When most people have their first encounter
with hives, they assume they are caused by
something they ate.
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D) Some patients cannot refrain themselves and

resort to excessive scratching.
E) Hives can occur in any part of the body - arms
and legs are more commonly involved.
53. Beyniniz yeterli dinlenmeden yoksunsa,
fazladan uyusanız bile bu kaybı telafi
edemeyebilirsiniz, çünkü uzun süren uyku
yoksunluğu beyin hücrelerinin kaybına neden
A) When your brain is deprived of adequate rest, 55. Since a large number of people with high
getting extra sleep may not compensate for the cholesterol are overweight, a healthy diet and
loss, as extended sleep deprivation can result regular exercise are probably the most
in the loss of brain cells. beneficial natural ways to control cholesterol
levels. ---- these include meat, shellfish, eggs
B) If your brain is deprived of adequate rest, you and dairy products. Several specific diet
may not be able to compensate for the loss by options are beneficial for those who have high
getting extra sleep since extended sleep cholesterol. One is the vegetarian diet, as
deprivation causes the loss of brain cells. vegetarians typically get up to 100 percent
C) If your brain is deprived of adequate rest, you more fiber and up to 50 percent less cholesterol
may not be able to compensate for the loss no from food than non-vegetarians.
matter how much extra sleep you get because
extended sleep deprivation results in the loss A) The goal, in general, is to substantially reduce
of brain cells. or eliminate foods high in an animal fat.

D) Once your brains is deprived of adequate rest, B) A wide variety of prescription medicines are
you may not be able to compensate for the available to treat cholesterol problems.
loss despite the extra sleep you get, and the C) Currently, there are few studies on the
result is the loss of brain cells, which is caused effectiveness of some existing anti-cholesterol
by extended sleep deprivation. drugs.
E) If your brain is deprived of adequate rest, you D) This forms plaque in the heart’s blood vessels,
may not be able to compensate for the loss which may block the supply of blood to the
even if you get extra sleep because extended heart.
sleep deprivation can lead to the loss of brain E) It is often diagnosed and treated by general
cells. practitioners.

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56. Because the psychological manifestations of 58. ---- However, allergy skin testing may be used
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for detection, although an allergic skin
are multifaceted, it is necessary to implement response does not always mean that the
comprehensive treatment interventions. One allergen being tested is causing the asthma.
intervention should be related to the proper Also, the body’s immune system produces
arrangement of the surroundings for children antibody to fight off the allergen, and the
with ADHD. Structuring the environment so that amount of antibody can be measured by a
the child is not easily distracted can be a viable blood test. This will show how sensitive the
solution. In the home, this entails minimising patient is to a particular allergen.
distracting stimulation from radio or television,
especially while the child is doing homework. -- A) Nedocromil is an anti-inflammatory drug that is
--- In this way, the teacher can ensure that the often used for asthma.
child is on task, is not distracted by other B) Today, asthma is viewed as a chronic
students, or has no opportunity to be inflammatory disease of the airways.
disruptive. C) It is often difficult to determine what is
A) Informing parents and school personnel about triggering asthma attacks.
the causes of ADHD can assist children, D) More than half of affected children stop having
teachers and parents themselves. asthma attacks after a certain age.
B) Coordinated effort should be made to promote E) Most patients with asthma respond well when
a healthy lifestyle, including scheduled the best drug is found.
regulation of bedtime.
C) Behaviour-modification strategies are effective
for training the child to control impulses, and
they help both the child and their parents.
D) In the classroom, on the other hand,
consideration should be given to the child’s
MODADİL Yayınları

seat location to enable the teacher to observe

the child closely.
E) Thus, family counselling and teacher education
are integral components of treatment to help 59. Everyone experiences occasional forgetfulness,
maximise the child’s adaptation. most commonly with respect to recent
information. Such forgetfulness may range from
the names of newly introduced people to where
57. Marie Curie, probably the world’s best-known the car keys are. Many researchers believe such
woman scientist, was a pioneer in the field of forgetfulness represents an incompletion in the
radiation and chemotherapy. She was the first brain’s processes for establishing neuronal
woman awarded a Nobel Prize, in 1903, for her pathways. ---- That is, the more frequently a
research on radioactivity. Sharing the prize person encounters the same information, the
were her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri more complete the neuronal connections
Becquerel, who had discovered radioactivity in among the various regions of the brain that
uranium. She was also awarded a Nobel Prize store the information.
in 1911 for the previous discovery of polonium
A) Therefore, amnesia is the inability to recall past
and radium and for the isolation of pure radium.
information or to remember information
---- Cancer treatment, for example, is among the
relevant to the future.
practices where it is widely employed.
B) Only when information becomes repetitious
A) She won her second Nobel Prize, this time in does the brain create connections among
the field of chemistry. neurons to accommodate it.
B) The Curies spent four years in a laboratory to C) Similarly, the quality of memory, particularly
isolate polonium and radium. short-term memory, normally diminishes with
C) She went beyond the study of the element the advanced age.
radium to discover a few of its medical uses. D) Even if patients experience memory
D) She became the first woman professor at impairment, they are still able to remember the
Sorbonne University, where she conducted names of close family members.
meticulous scientific studies. E) As researchers do not fully understand the
E) In the same year, Lord William Thomson mechanism of memory, they cannot explain
Kelvin Claimed radium was not an element how forgetfulness occurs.
after all.

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63. (I) Evidence is growing that, instead of avoiding

60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla allergenic foods, it might be important for high-risk
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü children, those with moderate or severe eczema, to
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. encounter them early on. (II) Those that are
introduced to peanuts between the ages of 4 months
60. (I) It is possible that women simply pay more and 11 months are 81 percent less likely to develop
attention to what they eat and their health, so are a peanut allergy by the time they are 5. (III) Similarly,
more likely to notice if they have a reaction to infants who begin eating eggs allergies. (IV) Being
allergens, but biological factors seem to be involved, breastfed is essential to develop tolerance to
too. (II) For example, men have higher levels of allergens later in life. (V) Therefore, some guidelines
certain type of antibody thought to help block allergic in the US and Australia now recommend carefully
reactions. (III) The most disturbing food for both men introducing infants to potentially allergenic ingredients
and women is shellfish, followed by certain fruits and from the age of 4 to 6 months.
vegetables. (IV) And hormones almost certainly play
a role because the gender difference in allergies A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
switches at adolescence. (V) Before puberty, boys
are affected by allergies twice as much as girls.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

64. (I) Gluten-free diets have recently been gaining

attention for their potential to manage
gastrointestinal issues such as acid reflux or irritable
61. (I) Lead poisoning occurs when a person swallows bowel syndrome. (II) Probiotics – food prepared with
live, ‘good’ bacteria such as yoghurt, kimchi and kefir
MODADİL Yayınları

or inhales lead in any form. (II) The result can be

damage to the brain, nerves, and many other parts – have been shown to help with conditions like
of the body. (III) Acute lead poisoning, which is irritable bowel syndrome, and they may also be
relatively rare, occurs when a large amount of lead is beneficial for people with weakened immune
taken into the body over a short period of time. (IV) systems. (III) But their long-term effects on overall
Lead poisoning is also harmful to adults, in whom it health are not yet fully known. (IV) Fermented foods
can cause high blood pressure, digestive problems, and drinks such as sauerkraut and kombucha are
nerve disorders, memory loss, and muscle and joint gaining in popularity as well. (V) Their effects on
pain. (V) On the other hand, chronic lead poisoning health again are not clear, but consuming them will
occurs when small amounts of lead are taken in over not do any harm and might improve microbial diversity
a longer period. in the gut.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

62. (I) If you are the type to regularly tuck into a bag of
chips, it is worth reconsidering the habit. (II) Too 65. (I) Cancer is a progressive disease, and goes
much sodium is not good for anyone, but for people through several stages. (II) Many other diseases,
who have hypertension, salt is especially dangerous. besides cancer, could produce the same symptoms.
(III) Sodium is essential for contracting and relaxing (III) Each phase may produce a number of symptoms,
muscles, transmitting nerve signals and maintaining some of which may occur due to a tumour that is
adequate fluid levels. (IV) Too much of it leads to growing within an organ or a gland. (IV) As the
small spikes in blood pressure for people who do not tumour grows, it may press on the nearby nerves,
already have hypertension and large spikes in organs and blood vessels. (V) This causes pain and
people who do. (V) As a result, several some pressure which may be the earliest warning
cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks, signs of cancer.
strokes and coronary artery disease might come up. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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67. Which of the following is true about food

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre allergy according to the passage?
A) It is thought that both genetic and
What causes you to develop a food allergy in the environmental factors trigger food allergy.
first place? Is it your genetic make-up? Something B) Non-identical twins have a higher likelihood of
in your food supply? Something you ate too much of developing food allergy.
as a kid? A great deal of research has been devoted
to answering these questions. The best evidence C) The validity of the mentioned twin studies on
food allergy is prone to controversy.
comes from studies of peanut allergy in twins.
Studies of peanut allergy in twins have provided the D) If one of the identical twins has a food allergy,
strongest proof that genes play a role in developing the other is bound to develop it as well.
food allergy but are not exclusively responsible. An E) Allergy specialists think that studies on food
important study shows that an identical twin has a allergies should target adults rather than kids.
64 percent chance of sharing a peanut allergy with
the twin sibling who is allergic to peanut. With non-
identical twins, the risk drops to a mere 7 percent.
The study clearly demonstrates a strong genetic link
to peanut allergy but also proves that food allergy is
not purely a genetic disease. What leads one of the
identical twins to develop the allergy and spares the
second is unknown. Allergy specialists believe that
exposure to an allergen – in this case the food that
causes the allergy – plays a role in developing a
food allergy, but determining exactly what each twin
is exposed to in the uncontrolled testing
environment of daily living is nearly impossible.
MODADİL Yayınları

66. According to the passage, studies of peanut 68. Which of the following can be inferred from the
allergy in twins ----. passage?

A) compare the genetic make-up of the twins A) The number of food allergy studies with
besides analysing their daily food consumption identical twins is larger than those with non-
identical twins.
B) will no longer be carried out as they have not
produced conclusive results B) Figuring out exactly what foods each twin is
exposed to in the uncontrolled testing
C) are the most promising ones for understanding environment of daily living is almost
the causes of food allergy unattainable.
D) have proven that food allergy is no more than C) The discovery of a strong genetic link to food
a genetic disease allergy suggests that there could soon be a
E) focus on the thorough genetic analysis of the treatment for it.
twins participating in the studies D) The contribution of genetic factors outweighs
that of environmental factors in most allergy
E) Food experiences during childhood have a
greater effect on the likelihood of developing
an allergy in twin siblings.

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70. According to the passage, toddlers ----.

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) exhibit their disappointment by avoiding
interaction with others
The earliest acting out behaviours are often referred B) tend to cry and kick hands and feet to convey
to as temper tantrums. These behaviours are feelings of dissatisfaction
usually first observed in infants between the ages of
12 and 18 months of age. At that point, temper C) will completely grow out of temper tantrums
tantrums can be considered a normal part of growth when they reach the age of four
and development, and they are not necessarily D) are easier to control than four-year-old children
caused by the wrong behaviour of the parents. E) might be more destructive compared to infants’
These early tantrums are simply an infant’s attempt observed cases of acting out
to communicate feelings of dissatisfaction or
extreme disappointment. Observed behaviours in
infants trying to express their anger or frustration
usually include angry-sounding crying and kicking
hands and feet. For toddlers, such violent outbursts
of temper often include hitting, kicking, and biting
others, and possibly self-injurious behaviours such
as head-banging. Temper tantrums can include any
highly emotional, disruptive, and unacceptable
outburst that appears to be the child’s reaction to
unmet needs or wishes. A primary reason for such
emotional lack of control in a child, especially above
the age of three or four, is having not learnt how to
cope with their own frustration. Such temper
tantrums usually peak between the ages of two and
three. Because under normal circumstances the
MODADİL Yayınları

child has learnt the necessary lessons in how to

deal with disappointment by the time he or she has
reached the age of four, there is then a noticeable
decrease in this sort of acting out behaviour.

69. It is stated in the passage that temper tantrums 71. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
in infants ----.
A) some displays of temper tantrums can be
A) commonly start to appear within the first year considered a sign of serious mental problems
of life B) self-injurious behaviours often bring other
B) can be assumed as typical and a part of mental problems to be addressed immediately
natural development process C) treatment of behavioural disorders in children
C) are not usually observed in babies older than such as temper tantrums takes too much time
one and a half years D) behaviours such as crying and kicking are
D) will steadily increase to reach a peak at the extreme though they significantly help toddlers
age of four calm down
E) are generally caused by the inappropriate E) temper tantrums might have one or multiple
behaviour of the parents reasons depending on a child’s age

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73. One can understand from the passage that ----.

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) a person stuck on a boat trip might have
nausea with a severe headache and
The word ‘nausea’ evokes an awful experience: that drowsiness
uneasy rolling-wave sensation in the stomach and B) hunger can be considered as one of the
head that often precedes vomiting. Terrible as it is, possible causes of nausea
nausea is also an expression of the body’s wisdom.
Just as hunger tells us to fill up when we need food, C) people who have had nausea because of
motion sickness must see a physician
nausea conveys that we need to empty our
stomachs. In the case of food poisoning, for D) dimenhydrinate is the most famous nausea
example, the most appropriate response is to medicine for its mild side effects
surrender to the feeling. Once you vomit, you E) having continual nausea may be an initial sign
reduce the damaging potential of a toxin or of some serious diseases
pathogen and usually feel better almost instantly.
There are times when nausea manifests
inappropriately, and repressing it becomes
inevitable; during motion sickness, for instance,
when one’s stomach feels upset on the deck of a
rocking boat. Therefore, a wide variety of
pharmaceuticals are available to treat nausea, of
which dimenhydrinate is among the most popular.
However, side effects can include headache,
dizziness, and severe drowsiness. If there seems to
be no reason for a case of nausea and it persists for
more than two days, seeing a physician will be the
wisest option. This can be an early indicator of
serious problems including bowel cancer and
MODADİL Yayınları

gallbladder disease or a potentially less serious

condition such as a migraine or the flu.

74. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

72. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.
A) patients should be aware of the length of
A) after vomiting, it is normal to feel dizziness
nausea and the potential reasons for it
B) food poisoning must be immediately medicated
B) available pharmaceuticals for the treatment of
C) nausea should be medicated if vomiting follows it nausea have side effects without exception
D) one with nausea can feel relief after vomiting C) nausea might be one of the side effects of the
E) having a headache will inevitably lead to pharmaceuticals available for any diseases
nausea D) bowel cancer or gallbladder disease would
cause nausea more often than a migraine
E) physicians need to prescribe for nausea if
there is an obvious cause like a serious

14 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ
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76. The underlined word in the passage ‘dormant’ is

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre closest in meaning to ----.
A) unlimited
Bacillus anthracis is the bacterium that causes B) indispensable
anthrax. The bacteria adopt long, rod-like shapes
C) inactive
when they find themselves in an environment
suitable for rapid growth, such as the moist, D) intolerable
nutrient-rich insides of an animal. Under arid E) unavoidable
conditions, however, the bacteria create hard,
nearly indestructible spores that can lie dormant for
a long time. When the spores are injected into
healthy mice, they turn back into B. anthracis,
triggering anthrax and killing the animals. Despite
the existence of effective vaccines, currently,
anthrax is still a concern worldwide due to its
potential for being used as an unconventional
weapon in biological warfare. Dried and kept in cold
storage, the spores that cause anthrax will survive
for years, allowing for industrial-scale production
and stockpiling of the material long before it is used
against soldiers on the battlefield.
MODADİL Yayınları

75. Which of the following is true about the 77. What is the purpose of the author in writing the
bacteria that cause anthrax? passage?

A) Humidity of the environment that will host the A) To give information about B. anthracis, which
bacteria serves an important function in their could be used as a biological weapon
growth. B) To warm people against coming into contact
B) General health condition of the recipient of the with mice with B. anthracis
bacteria is of great significance for the spread C) To criticise scientists and medical people for
of the disease in humans. not taking precautions against B. anthrax
C) Nutrient-rich insides of an animal lead the D) To draw attention to the inefficiency of the
bacteria to produce spores. vaccines developed against anthrax
D) The shape of the bacteria remains the same E) To highlight the importance of cold storage for
despite the environmental changes that allow the survival of spores created by B. anthracis
rapid growth.
E) In arid conditions, they grow rapidly in a short
time, posing several threats to both animals
and humans.

Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ 15
YÖKDİL SAĞLIK – 1 Mart 2020 2020 YÖKDİL / 1

79. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.

78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) newborns diagnosed with vitamin K deficiency
after they are born are especially susceptible
Doctors suspect vitamin K deficiency when to liver dysfunction
abnormal bleeding occurs in people with conditions B) the only way of providing extra vitamin K for
that put them at risk. Blood tests to measure how babies is through injection in the muscle since
well blood clots are done to help confirm the other methods are not effective
diagnosis. Knowing how much vitamin K people
C) breastfeeding is very important for newborns
consume helps doctors interpret results of their
since it is extremely rich in vitamin K
blood tests. Meanwhile, a vitamin K injection in the
muscle is recommended for all newborns to reduce D) if doctors suspect a drug of causing vitamin K
the risk of bleeding within the brain after delivery. deficiency in adults, they recommend that
Breastfed infants who have not received this extra vitamin K be taken
injection at birth are especially susceptible to E) adults prefer to take vitamin K by mouth
vitamin K deficiency in adulthood because breast rather than injections since the first one is
milk contains only small amounts of vitamin K. more practical
Otherwise, vitamin K is usually taken by mouth or
given by injection under the skin. If a drug is the
cause of the deficiency, the dose of the drug is
adjusted or extra vitamin K is given. Vitamin K
deficiency may also weaken bones. People who
have vitamin K deficiency and liver disorder may
also need blood transfusions to replenish the
clotting factors. A damaged liver may be unable to
synthesise clotting factors even after vitamin K
injections are given.
MODADİL Yayınları

78. It can be understood from the passage that ----. 80. One can conclude from the passage that ----.

A) vitamin K injections may have negative effects A) vitamin K deficiency can be the main cause of
on bones if the dose cannot be adjusted liver disorders
carefully B) severe liver disorders are mostly accompanied
B) vitamin K deficiency is experienced especially by vitamin K deficiency
after the loss of excessive amounts of blood C) mothers can increase the amount of vitamin K
C) doctors may be need multiple sources of in their milk with an appropriate diet
information before they diagnose whether a D) breastfeeding does not provide any protection
patient has vitamin K deficiency for babies against bleeding risk
D) people should give an account of their daily E) vitamin K injections can fall short of being
vitamin K intake for doctors to decide whether useful if the liver is not functioning properly
a blood transfusion is necessary
E) blood tests run on blood clots may not always
provide doctors with reliable results


16 Suat GÜRCAN - Rıdvan GÜRBÜZ



1 D 21 C 41 B 61 D
2 A 22 E 42 D 62 C
3 B 23 B 43 D 63 D
4 E 24 D 44 A 64 A
5 D 25 A 45 C 65 B
6 A 26 C 46 A 66 C
7 D 27 B 47 A 67 A
8 B 28 D 48 B 68 B
9 D 29 E 49 B 69 B
10 B 30 D 50 A 70 E
11 E 31 C 51 C 71 E
12 E 32 B 52 A 72 D
13 C 33 B 53 E 73 E
14 A 34 B 54 C 74 A
15 C 35 C 55 A 75 A
16 C 36 C 56 D 76 C
17 A 37 A 57 C 77 A
18 E 38 D 58 C 78 C
19 C 39 B 59 B 79 D
20 B 40 C 60 C 80 E


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