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Greenpeace activists fined for Calgary Tower mischief

Seven Greenpeace activists have been fined for the mischief they caused when they
rappelled from the top of a tourist attraction and hung a banner criticizing the oil

The aerial acrobatics last August at the Calgary Tower began when the protesters
draped a banner that said “Separate Oil And State” from the bulbous observation deck.
Police cordoned off several blocks around the downtown site.

The protest came to an end about two hours later when the last climber clambered back
to the top of the 200-metre tower and was taken into custody.

Judge Allan Fradsham on Friday fined each of the protesters $2,300.

“I am completely satisfied the defendants knew what they were doing was a violation of
the law and they were of the view that the making of their political statement was more
important to them than the consequences,” said Fradsham in a written ruling.

“The defendants made a conscious decision to violate the law knowing that breaking the
law carries with it consequences.”
He rejected a call from the defence for an absolute discharge. That means the
protesters will have criminal records.

“It sends a clear message that it’s inappropriate to take possession of private property
for political purposes,” said prosecutor Jonathan Hak outside court.

“Clearly this is a case where they wanted to get out their message, which arguably they
did, but it did place their safety at risk, and also the safety of the police and firefighter
authorities that had to deal with this stunt.”

Greenpeace officials called the fine unfair.

“We’re definitely disappointed that the court would prosecute individuals that are
courageous enough to stand up to this government, that are courageous enough to
stand up to these tar sands giants that are actively destroying our environment,” said
Mike Hudema, who oversees the organization’s climate and energy campaigns.

“I think it’s important to remember that this was a peaceful activity.”

“I think it’s harsh. for a peaceful protest that was trying to draw attention to this issue,”
said Charlebois.

Greenpeace also said it has filed complaints with the Calgary Remand Centre and the
Alberta Human Rights Commission alleging mistreatment by guards.

“Corrections officers in the Calgary Remand Centre used threats of rape and beatings
to intimidate the peaceful activists who were being processed for release,” said

“They conducted multiple, aggressive strip searches as a punitive measure and hurled
an anti-French slur against one activist.”

Charlebois said it was a frightening experience.

“What the guards were doing and the way they were talking to us was very aggressive
and degrading. They were trying obviously to humiliate us.”

In July, 2001, two Greenpeace activists scaled Toronto’s CN Tower in an attempt to

draw attention to climate change.

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