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Lisbon Summit C NATO

Oath Taking Ceremony

On November 23, a total of trainings involved the individ- and once again I swear loudly
On 19-20 November, leaders Afghan Army. We have offered Barak Obama extended his ap- 799 new recruits were sworn ual preparation of soldiers as that I’m ready to serve my
from member states and partners to send Georgian military in- preciation to the Georgian armed into the GAF. A solemn ceremo- well as lessons on first aid and motherland faithfully,” declared
of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- structors to provide training for forces for their successful partic- ny to mark the occasion was military regulations. In the sec- recruit, Erekle Nemsitsveridze.
ganization (NATO), met in Lis- the Afghan military in a range of ipation in the NATO-led ISAF held at the Gelati monastery ond stage of training, the ser- The ceremony was attended by
bon to adopt a new Strategic areas. It might be a land squad- mission. On the sidelines of the complex in Kutaisi. The cere- vicemen will have to learn how the families of recruits and stu-
Concept that will serve as the ron, or perhaps aviation. This is summit, Mikheil Saakashvili mony was attended by the Ma- to evacuate the wounded from dents at the Cadets’ Military Ly-
alliance’s roadmap for the next our proposal,” Mr. Akhalaia stat- met the US President at a closed- jor-General Devi Tchankotadze, the battlefield, fire a range of ceum. “I am a student of the Ca-
10 years. The summit conclud- ed. door meeting where the two Joint Chief of Staff of the GAF, weaponry, communicate effec- dets’ Military Lyceum. I have to
ed in a number of decisions that NATO Secretary General, leaders discussed strategic bilat- and other leading figures from tively and participate in tactical go through certain processes be-
will mean profound changes for Anders Fogh Rasmussen opened eral cooperation and Georgian the MoD and JS. The soldiers operations. fore I can become a soldier.
the way NATO does business, a meeting of Heads of State and involvement in Afghanistan. were blessed by Father Kalis- “It is a very important day What I see here today in Gelati
making the Alliance more effec- Government to discuss Afghan- Obama expressed his sincere re- trate who wished them every for us. It is one thing to have the is a great incentive for me. I
tive, more efficient and more istan. In his opening remarks, the gret for the casualties recently success in accomplishing their desire to become a soldier, and hope soon I’ll be able to swear
engaged with the wider world. Secretary General declared: “To- suffered by the Georgian armed duties. another when you take this re- allegiance to my motherland
During the two-day meeting, day marks the beginning of a forces and thanked them again “The Ministry of Defense of sponsibility before your state, like a real soldier,” stated a stu-
alongside discussions on the de- new phase in our mission in Af- for their contribution to the mis- Georgia will do its utmost to God and motherland by oath. I dent of the Cadets’ Lyceum,
velopment of new structures to ghanistan. We will launch the sion. The US president also drew help these guys in becoming want to be an honorable soldier, Mikheil Chogovadze.
defend against modern threats process by which the Afghan attention to the reforms under- successful military servicemen.
such as ballistic missiles and cy- government will take leadership taken in Georgia. During the It is very difficult to be a sol-
ber attacks, the international or- for security throughout the coun- meeting he reaffirmed the Unit- dier by profession. It requires
ganization launched a process by try, district by district, province ed State’s support for Georgia’s intensive training, personal
which Afghan security forces by province. The direction, start- aspiration towards NATO and readiness and zeal,” declared
will increasingly take the lead in ing today, is clear: towards Af- Euro-Atlantic integration. Col. Arsen Tsukhishvili, Depu-
security operations across the ghan leadership, and Afghan Georgia’s engagement in the ty Chief of Joint Staff of the
country. ownership. That is the vision NATO mission was also posi- GAF.
On the second day of the President Karzai has set out. It tively evaluated by the NATO There were 1,473 recruits
summit, the 28 NATO member is a vision we share, and we will special representative, James enrolled on the basic combat
states were joined by 20 partner make it a reality, starting early Appathurai who pointed out that training course, with at present
states who currently contribute next year. But let there be no Georgia is not a passive ‘con- 1,108 of them continuing their
forces to the mission in Afghan- doubt of our continuing commit- sumer’ but an important contrib- studies at the 3rd Infantry Bri-
istan, as well as representatives ment. Afghanistan’s fight against utor to global security. gade base. Over a five-week pe-
from the United Nations, the terrorism is of strategic, global President Saakashvili stated riod, they have been delivered
World Bank and the European importance. Success matters as that Georgia would remain com- both theoretical and practical
Union, in addition to the Afghan much to us as it does to the Af- mitted to the Afghan mission knowledge to give them the
President, Hamid Karzai. ghan people. This is why we will until it is accomplished in re- skills they require to effective-
The President of Georgia, agree here today a long-term marks at a meeting with the Ca- ly perform their duties. The
Mikheil Saakashvili attended a partnership between NATO and nadian Prime Minister, Stephen
meeting of nations contributing Afghanistan to endure beyond Harper. “You know we are the INSIDE
to the ISAF mission in Afghani- the end of our combat mission. second biggest per-capita con-
stan. During the meeting he in- If the enemies of Afghanistan tributors to Afghanistan in terms
formed his counterparts about have the idea that they can just of the number of troops we have Cyber Space – A 31st Battalion
Georgia’s role in the mission, wait it out until we leave, they committed. We have no caveats,
voiced the offer of sending 20
instructors to help train Afghan
have the wrong idea. We will
stay as long as it takes to finish
we are fighting alongside the
Americans, Canadians, and Brit-
new challenge Welcomed Home
security forces, and declared that our job.” ish; and we are willing to stay
for the 21st Century
Georgia plans to increase its con-
tribution above the current 950-
The NATO Secretary Gener-
al also signed an agreement with
there until the mission is accom-
plished,” he said.
Workshop on the
strong contingent currently serv- President Karzai on a long-term With regard to Georgian ac-
ing in Afghanistan. partnership between the Alliance cession to the transatlantic orga- Michelle Obama cyber security
The Georgian Minister of and Afghanistan that will endure nization, the final declaration of
Defense, Bacho Akhalaia com-
mented on the new training ini-
beyond the end of the combat
mission. Under this partnership,
Lisbon summit reiterated the
decision taken at the 2008 Bu- visited injured Visit of the
tiative. “The proposal that Geor- NATO will stay on as long as charest summit that Georgia will
gia has made today is very im- necessary to support Afghanistan one day become a member of the Georgian Catholicos
portant. The key issue today for until it can no longer become a Alliance.
the ISAF is the training of armed
forces - the preparation of the
safe haven for terrorism.
The United States President, Continued on p.3
peacekeepers Patriarch

Cyber Space – A new challenge

for the 21 Century
Throughout the developed world, governments, defense infrastructure, and com- tion with criminal intent which is name, what was the first school you
panies in key sectors are increasingly being targeted by overlapping surges of cyber threatening you. Wherever it is, what- went to, what is the name of your dog.
attacks from criminals and nation-states seeking economic or military advantage. The ever it is we have to tackle all these They can ask these extra questions if
number of attacks is now so large and so sophisticated, that many organizations are aspects of cyber security. they want to check who you are online.
having trouble determining which new threats and vulnerabilities pose the greatest “Cyber security” is a term that If you have Facebook page that lists
risk, and how resources should be allocated to ensure that the most probable and has come to have a thousand mean- your favorite dog and these sorts of
damaging attacks are dealt with first. Exacerbating the problem is the fact that most ings and none at all. Any crime, things on it, you may find yourself in
organizations do not have an internet-wide view of the attacks. Cyber space touches prank, intelligence operation, or trouble - this is information which
nearly every part of our daily lives - it is the broadband networks beneath us and the government sponsored attack which somebody can use to impersonate you.
wireless signals around us, the local networks in our schools, hospitals and business- involves a computer has become a Cyber criminals are not always genius-
es, and the massive grids that power our nation and the world. It is also in the classi- “cyber threat.” How can you define es; they are often opportunists that will
fied military and intelligence networks that keep us safe, and the World Wide Web that this threat in the contemporary use flaws in your security to attack you.
has made us more interconnected than at any time in human history. We must secure world? We also have to be aware that not ev-
our cyberspace to ensure that our nation’s economy can grow and that our way of life It’s certainly the UK’s view that it erything you see and read in cyber
can be protected. is one of the top four threats to the na- space is true. Social networks in some
tion. When somebody attacks our fi- got the people to operate the systems, ways are great, but you have to make
Defense Today spoke to an expert tainly a cyber element to the conflict. nances, stealing our financial and in- or you lack the processes to recognize sure you know to whom you are talk-
from the UK’s Cyber Security & In- In 2007, Estonia faced a cyber attack tellectual assets through cyber espio- that an attack is happening. You’ve got ing. There is good behavior you can
formation Assurance Office, LTC Ni- without physical support, but this form nage it’s an attack on our way of life. to have all of these pieces in place. In employ when using Facebook or Twit-
gel Harrison, who talked in detail of cyber warfare something else we From our perspective in the UK, in terms of defending against a cyber at- ter, and lots of good advice online. As
about social networks, cooperation be- have to look at as well. We have to tack- terms of cyber security or cyber space, tack in whatever form it may take, it’s a medium, it should not be ignored -
tween governmental organizations and le all of these issues. Some are perma- there is both a high likelihood of at- a combination of things that keep you it’s a very powerful tool. There are 5
giving recommendations on how to nent, real, present things - cyber crime tacks, and there is a high potential for safe. hundred million people on FACE-
minimize the cyber threat. and cyber espionage happen everyday, serious damage from them as well. In the modern world, social me- BOOK. It’s a very good way of getting
You have just taken part in a all the time. Fortunately, cyber terror- That’s why it is taken so seriously. dia is becoming increasingly impor- to people, to get your messages out, to
round table supported by Trustcorp ism has not been used to date, but it’s There are many risks, some more tant. At the most basic level, social interact with people. We should not dis-
within the framework of the NATO not going to be long until something serious than others. Among these media is about community building, miss it but we need to be aware of the
Professional Development Program. happens in that sense. Cyber warfare dangers are viruses that can erase Government agencies all around the risks.
What place does cyber security have will come along and go away and we your entire system, someone break- world have adopted this mindset to At the 2002 Prague Summit,
in the Georgian national security have to be prepared for it when it hap- ing into your system and altering or varying degrees as a way to foster NATO leaders, recognizing the
context, and what should be the role pens. stealing files, someone using your trust and dialogue with their people. threat to critical infrastructure from
of governmental agencies in ensur- Within the UK, we see that it’s not computer to attack others. What However, the nature of these sites terrorism, announced the implemen-
ing Georgia’s cyber security? the responsibility of one single depart- steps we can take to minimize the also introduces a security risk. What tation of a NATO Cyber Defense Pro-
I think it is not just a defense issue, ment, i.e. the responsibility of the Min- chances of any of these things hap- certain precautions should we take? gram. The NATO Communication
it is a national security issue and you istry of Defense or the Home Office, pening? Individuals should take responsibil- and Information System Services
have to look at it in that perspective. nor the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, There are steps we have to take: we ity for their own information. They Agency (NCSA) is NATO’s first line
Cyber space is a new domain and it af- Business, or Education; they all have a have to look at training, education and need to be aware that putting something of defense against cyber attacks. How
fects everybody, from individuals and part to play. We’ve got to look at regu- of course technical measures. We need on the internet is like a sending a post- does it work and is it possible to pro-
companies to nations and governments. lations, legal issues, business incen- to develop our ability to understand and card, it’s not like a sending a letter. It’s tect its partners - non-NATO mem-
It’s a global problem and we have to tives, and education to try to build skills detect attacks. There are organization- not inside an envelope, it is there for ber countries during a crisis?
tackle it globally. The national securi- for everybody and develop specialists al issues, technological issues; there are everybody to see. You should not put As I understand it, NATO’s respon-
ty aspect looks at tackling cyber crime, who can deal with the problem. We issues surrounding processes and peo- things on the internet that can embar- sibilities in this area are primarily to-
cyber espionage, and potentially cyber can’t just do it nationally either, we’ve ple. We have to look at these things as rass you, or which give way personal wards NATO networks. So it’s respon-
terrorism - where terrorists could use got to do it internationally, through a whole if we are genuine about doing details. It’s very easy to see things sible for defending NATO communi-
cyber attacks to attack our transport NATO, the EU, the UN and through things properly. It’s no good having the which can let you down very easily. For cations. It’s not responsible for the de-
system or our utilities. Finally, it can what ever means we have, because best processes in the world if you example, some banks in the UK ask for fense of military networks in the UK
be used in cyber warfare as an element these are genuine, global problems. It haven’t got trained people to use them. information to help verify who you are. or Germany, and it certainly doesn’t
of a real attack; this took place here in can be criminal gangs operating any- It’s no good having all the technology They ask different sorts of questions, have responsibility for French or Ital-
Georgia in 2008 where there was cer- where in the world or it could be a na- and all the investment if you have not like what is your mother’s middle ian civilian communication.

After hearing about the United ciety to the challenges of cyber secu- fore, if you see the effects of a cyber nication systems incorrectly, somebody
Kingdom’s experience, Defense Today rity in addition to working on tools attack (which is not always easy) you else may be able to intercept critical in-
spoke to the Head of the Cyber Secu- for regional partnership and cooper- can’t immediately identify the perpe- formation. A lot has to be done. There
rity Department of Estonia, Mr. Raul ation. What are your recommenda- trator. If somebody attacks you in the is no one magic bullet which can solve
Rikk about cyber security as a modern tions for participants? physical world with troops and tanks, all problems. There needs to be a com-
threat and the new cyber super-weap- The measures that can be taken are everything is clear, you know who the prehensive approach by the whole na-
on. In his conversation, Mr. Rikk gave varied and numerous. Many people attacker is; but in the cyber world, you tion.
us some advice on how to avoid risks think that cyber security is only about don’t know that. That makes it hard to The cyber super-weapon is a re-
and how not to become victims of the technical measures. If I protect my tackle the problem. ality. Russia has used such attacks
World Wide Web. computer, or the organization’s IT per- We know that well-placed spy against Estonia and Georgia. Experts
Georgia has recently hosted the sonnel protects the network, many peo- software not only opens a window for say that the cyber-attacks used
International Conference “Georgian ple think that that is enough, but it’s an adversary to look into our mili- against Georgia represented im-
Cyber Security and ICT Innovation not so. There are more measures: Of tary operations. That window can be provements over the techniques used
2010.” What was the main objective course, you have to implement techni- used to extract information - every- against Estonia in the spring of 2007.
of the Conference? cal measures, like having software sys- thing from drone video feeds to am- Cyber defense requires cooperation
The main objective was to raise tems, network security, etc. But there munition requests and intelligence between like-minded countries. Is
awareness of the issue. Many countries are educational measures, legal mea- reports. Such an opening also gives there any possibility of Georgia and
struggle against cyber attacks, but there sures and organizational measures that an enemy a chance to introduce their the Baltic states establishing some
are not many good solutions which must be taken too. For example, first serious economic and national secu- own false data, turning our com- form of joint cyber-shield?
could help countries protect them- you need organization to monitor cy- rity challenges we face in the mod- mand-and-control systems against I don’t think that this would be that
selves. The conference yesterday fo- ber attacks. You have to raise aware- ern world. It seems that everything ourselves. What can we do to avoid helpful. As I said, cyber attacks could
cused on raising awareness, it func- ness, about what is going in national relies on computers and the internet these risks? come from Indonesia, China, Brazil,
tioned as a forum for discussion on a and international cyber space. If you – for communication, entertainment, First, you have to have a national and the United States. However, I agree
range of cyber security topics. For ex- see that there is something wrong, you transportation, shopping, medicine, security strategy; this strategy should that international cooperation in the
ample, we discussed threats; cyber need a special police department which the list goes on. Why is cyber securi- clearly identify each ministry’s individ- field is important, but I don’t know this
space; and how states can protect them- can deal with the criminals. You have ty a problem? ual role, because one ministry alone could be achieved. If the countries
selves, organizations and individuals to have some troops who are working The main problem is that in cyber cannot solve the problem. In addition, which have an interest in a secure in-
from cyber attacks. Georgia is current- on the problem if there is wider attack space there are no borders between na- you need a coordinator; an expert in the ternet can cooperate somehow, they can
ly developing very interesting electron- like the one you saw in 2008. If you tions. All nations are equally important, field who will be responsible for na- create more secure environments and
ic and e-government services and so- are able to catch cyber criminals you and I can say that in cyber space - ev- tional cyber security. This person is put pressure on the countries that har-
lutions, if this is how it will increas- have to have a proper legal system to eryone is your neighbor, not only Rus- needed to coordinate initiatives and bor cyber criminals and cyber terror-
ingly interact with its citizens, it has to convict them - if you don’t you can not sia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. If a cy- tasks between ministries. These are two ists, or countries which have attacked
be aware what the threats are in order do anything. Finally, you have to edu- ber attack comes from Brazil, Indone- things, and of course, as I mentioned, other countries on a national level, then
to implement these electronic solutions cate your people to have a better un- sia, the US or the UK, you have to deal technical security is important: anti-vi- maybe some change could be achieved.
safely and effectively. That is why cy- derstanding of how to protect personal with these things as well. One problem rus software, patches and so on, as are I think that international cooperation
ber security is so important. computers and how to operate in cyber is that there are no borders. The other education programs, and awareness has to take place on a much larger scale
This year’s event aims to attract space. thing is that you cannot easily identify raising projects. This goes for the mil- than you suggest.
the attention of policymakers and so- The cyber threat is one of the most who is behind a cyber attack. There- itary as well, if a soldier uses commu- Irakli Gurgenidze

Michelle Obama visited injured Lisbon Summit

Georgian peacekeepers C NATO

led ISAF mission. Before their

rotation on to active duty, they
had completed a tactical prepa-
ration program under the guid-
ance of the Training and Advi-
sory Group of the US Marine
Corps. During their training, the
soldiers learned how to conduct
a range of counter-terrorist ac-
tivities including protection,
search, evacuation, convoy, and
cordon operations as well as
learning how to communicate Continued from p.1 NATO Secretary General,
with the communities and mili- Anders Fogh Rasmussen, an-
tary structures they will be work- “We strongly encourage, and nounced the launch of “funda-
ing with. actively support Georgia’s con- mentally new relations” between
The 32nd Peace Battalion tinued implementation of all nec- NATO and Russia, saying im-
underwent preparatory training essary reforms; particularly proved ties between the Alliance
at the Vaziani and Krtsanisi mil- democratic, electoral and judi- and Moscow would also help to
itary bases. Following the com- cial reforms, as well as security resolve the conflict between
pletion of their Georgia-based and defense sector reforms, in Russia and Georgia.
training, the contingent was giv- order to advance its Euro-Atlan- Asked how “fundamentally
en special preparation at the Ger- tic aspirations,” the document new relations” between Russia
man town of Hohenfels at the US reads. “We welcome Georgia’s and NATO might effect the con-
Joint Multinational Readiness important contributions to flict between Moscow and Tbili-
Center (JMRC). The level of pre- NATO operations, in particular si, Rasmussen responded: “I
paredness of the outgoing Bat- to ISAF. We reiterate our contin- hope to see a resolution to that
The 31st Battalion of Geor- Nugzar Kalandadze and Giorgi en place on a step-by-step basis. talion has been positively as- ued support for the territorial in- very unfortunate conflict, and I
gian Armed Forces has already Kolkhitashvili lost their lives The 32nd Battalion underwent 6 sessed by both the Center’s ex- tegrity and sovereignty of Geor- can assure that within the frame-
returned to Georgia. The Geor- during the fulfillment of their month intensive training course perts and the Training and Advi- gia within its internationally rec- work we have created for con-
gian military had been serving in duty. In addition to this loss, a for participation in the NATO- sory Group of the US Marines. ognized borders,” it continues. sultations with Russia, we will
the ISAF mission in Afghani- total of twelve personnel were NATO called on Russia to continue to discuss the Georgia
stan, in the province of Helmand, injured, four of them were trans- reverse its recognition of Abk- issue.”
as part of the US peacekeeping ferred to a German Hospital hazia and South Ossetia as inde- “The NATO position remains
contingent. The mission’s lead- where they were visited by the pendent states. “We want to see the same; we insist on full re-
ership heaped praise on the ser- First Lady of the United States, a true strategic partnership be- spect of Georgia’s sovereignty
vice of the Battalion’s personnel, Michelle Obama. At this stage, tween NATO and Russia and we and territorial integrity; we will
which numbers around 749 sol- only one soldier - Aleko Gitolen- will act accordingly, with the continue to pursue a non-recog-
diers. The Ministry of Defense dia – remains in Germany, an- expectation of reciprocity from nition policy as regards Abkha-
once again extended its deepest other, Moris Sabashvili is under- Russia,” the Declaration reads zia and South Ossetia.” “Gener-
condolences and sympathy to the going treatment at the MoD Mil- stating, “On this firm basis, we ally speaking, I do believe, that
families of the soldiers killed on itary Hospital in Georgia, and the urge Russia to meet its commit- an improved relationship be-
duty in Helmand province. rest have been able to return to ments with respect to Georgia, tween NATO and Russia will
Five Georgian servicemen: their families. as mediated by the European also contribute in a valuable way
Mukhran Shukvani, Ramaz Go- The rotation, which has re- Union on 12 August and 8 Sep- to finding solutions to the con-
giashvili, Davit Tsetskhladze, cently been completed, has tak- tember 2008.” flict,” Rasmussen said.

31st Battalion Welcomed Home Workshop on the cyber security

The 31st Battalion of the replaced by the 32nd Battalion voy, and cordon operations as On November 11, a work-
Georgian Armed Forces has ar- of the III Infantry Brigade on a well as learning how to commu- shop on cyber security in the
rived in Georgia from their tour step-by step basis, a process that nicate with the communities and defense sphere was organized by
in Afghanistan. The 749 service- will be completed by the end of military structures they will be the Georgian Ministry of De-
men had been operating in Hel- November this year. The sol- working with. fense. The round table - held
mand province as part of the US diers of the 32nd Battalion have “I’m very pleased to be here under the NATO-Georgia Pro-
peacekeeping contingent. The been undergoing a six-month in- tonight to welcome home the fessional Development Program
Georgian military which had tensive training course to pre- members of the battalion after - sought to facilitate discussion
been participating in the NATO- pare them for the ISAF/NATO their very successful deploy- on the subject between mid-lev-
led ISAF operation returned to operation. Before their rotation ment in Afghanistan. I want to el Georgian policy-makers from
Georgia at 20:00 p.m. They were on to active duty, they had com- personally thank the soldiers of a range of government agencies,
welcomed by the Defense Min- pleted a tactical preparation pro- the battalion for their service Georgian non-governmental se-
ister Bacho Akhalaia, Major- gram under the guidance of the and their sacrifices on behalf of curity experts, and cyber securi-
General Devi Tchankotadze, Training and Advisory Group of not only Georgia, but also the ty experts from Estonia and the
Joint Chief of Staff of the GAF, the US Marine Corps. During United States and our other part- UK. The participants examined
and the US Ambassador to Geor- their training, the soldiers ners in the International Secu- the role of cyber security in tatives from the Ministry of De- security in this context is becom-
gia John R. Bass. learned how to conduct protec- rity Assistance Force. Your sol- Georgian national security and fense and Joint Staff. ing more sensitive and impor-
The 31st Battalion is being tion, search, evacuation, con- diers are a great, great credit to how different governmental According to the Estonian tant. We experienced this during
Georgia and to the contribution agencies should respond to the expert, Mr. Raul Rikk, the semi- the war in August 2008 when the
Georgia is making on behalf of challenge it poses. nar sought to promote the devel- Russians carried out cyber at-
our common security in Af- The workshop was opened by opment of a national strategy on tacks on Georgian sites. It is a
ghanistan and around the world. Mr. Raul Rikk, Head of the Es- cyber security. “We want to find fact that whether we want or not,
We are very grateful for their tonian Department of Cyber Se- out what different ministries can with or without our involvement,
sacrifice and for their service to curity. Andro Barnovi, Manag- do in the field of cyber security the sphere will grow and the pro-
our collective effort,” declared ing Chair of the Board of the and how they can cooperate. As cess might become uncontrolla-
the US Ambassador in Georgia Georgian Institute of Strategy you experienced in 2008 during ble. The sphere itself does not
John R. Bass. and Development and LTC Ni- the Russian invasion - cyber- exist separately; it is an integral
The 32nd Peace Battalion gel Harrison, Representative of space can be used in conjunction part of security in general, and it
underwent preparatory training the UK Office of Cyber Securi- with military operations. Now, may cause physical damage,
at the Vaziani and Krtsanisi mil- ty & Information Assurance both we can see that Georgia has a real even mass casualties - that’s why
itary bases. Following the com- spoke about the significance of problem with cyber security and it’s urgent that we pay attention
pletion of their Georgia-based information safety in the context this round-table is about how we to cyber security. We have more
training, the contingent was giv- of national security. The discus- can bring different initiatives to- than a half a million internet us-
en special preparation at the Ger- sion was attended by the Nation- gether in order to help develop a ers in Georgia today, and their
man town of Hohenfels at the US al Security Council of Georgia, Georgian national cyber securi- number is steadily increasing.
Joint Multinational Readiness the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ty strategy,” stated Mr. Raul State institutions and large com-
Center (JMRC). The level of pre- the Data Exchange Agency, the Rikk. panies are becoming more and
paredness of the outgoing Bat- Ministry of Justice, the Parlia- The importance of the semi- more dependent on the internet
talion has been positively as- mentary Committee on Defense nar was also highlighted in the and I think that it’s high time we
sessed by both the Center’s ex- and Security, the State Ministry remarks of Andro Barnovi. “This start intensive discussions and
perts and the Training and Advi- for European and Euro-Atlantic sphere is growing, expanding work on this issue,” noted the
sory Group of the US Marines. Integration, as well as represen- and at the same time the topic of Georgian expert.

Georgian MPs visit 20th Cadre Brigade

On November 16, Georgian Defense the military, either on a compulsory or
Minister, Bacho Akhalaia and a group voluntary basis. “These people already
of MPs paid a visit to the 20th Cadre have serving experience, and their
Brigade of the National Guard where the training program will be limited to 16
Minister explained the training process days, but those citizens who have not
for reservists to the representatives of taken part in military service before
the legislative body. will have to undergo a 45-day prepara-
At Paldo military base, reservists are tion course. The present training pro-
currently acquiring skills in topography, gram is proving to be successful, what’s
field operations and handling weapons more, the reservists are taking great
to prepare them for service in the Na- interest in the entire affair,” Mr. Akhala-
tional Guard. They are also learning how ia told journalists.
to perform first aid and evacuation op- The Minister explained that the re-
erations. At the end of their training, they sponsibility for the training of reserv-
will have to pass a series of examina- ists has been transferred to the Army -
tions before being sworn in to service. “This is the Army’s reserve. As for the
The Defense Minister explained that National Guard, it will be responsible
the MoD intends to conduct the train- for ensuring civil defense - including
ing of reservists in two phases. At the rear and support operations, which will
moment, trainings are to be given to not involve action at the front line. It will
persons who have previously served in be a logistics reserve which will be

trained through different exercises to result we continuing reforms to the re- mentary deputy Nugzar Tsiklauri also
those ongoing at Paldo”. serve service. You can see these citi- acclaimed the reserve system as essen-
Minister also added that right now it zens, now soldiers, are so enthusiastic, tial for the county’s defense.
is under discussion with the Georgian motivated and eager to learn. We all Reservist Shalva Julukhadze seemed
Parliament and if approved, citizens who know that security is a top priority for to be very pleased with the training pro-
were acting as reservists during 2008 the country. Each citizen, everybody to- gram: “Each day is loaded with theoret-
August war might be given military cards gether can and must contribute to the ical and practical trainings, and each day
without calling up to the third gathering. security of our country. The reserve is is very interesting. Practically every oth-
MPs also emphasized the importance the best place for citizens acquire the er day we were able to go to the firing
of the reserve. According to Akaki Mi- basic skills they need. The reforms are range where we had the opportunity to
nashvili MP, the role of each citizen is proving a great success, and the reserv- practice shooting various types of weap-
crucial to the security of the country: ists themselves recognize that they are ons. At the same time we received theo-
“We learned some lessons and gained a gaining great experience and that every- retical instruction on how to move in the
lot of experience [from the war], as a thing is changing for the better.” Parlia- field,” he explained.

Visit of the Catholicos Patriarch Army participate in

Basketball Super League

The Archangels’ Choir Church, re- to support their church attendance on it was used as a store house for food.
cently restored at the Georgian Minis- Sundays and religious holidays. People From 1995 the Church was transferred
try of Defense, was consecrated on No- should be closer to their military; it fos- to the ownership of the Georgian Patri- The Basketball Team of the Georgian Revaz Atanelishvili showed the best play,
vember 16 by His Holiness and Beati- ters the overall unity and integrity of the archate. Ministry of Defense - playing under the leading the team to victory in both match-
tude, Catholicos Patriarch of all Geor- country. God blesses Defense Minister name of “Army” - is taking part in the es.
gia Ilia II. The ceremony began at 9: 00 Bacho Akhalaia, all of you and the whole ongoing Basketball Super League. The On November 18, “Army” paid a trip
a. m, with the Patriarch visiting later, of Georgia”, said the Patriarch in his Basketball Club has recently come togeth- to the Cadets Military Lyceum. The team
blessing the new altar and holding pub- sermon. er with the support of the Defense Minis- became familiar with daily life at the
lic prayer. The consecration ceremony was at- try, under the guidance of coach and vet- Lyceum and played games with the stu-
“I am happy to be here with you in tended by Defense Minister, Bacho eran player, Levan Moseshvili. The team dents. “The meeting was very interest-
the place where the Georgian army, de- Akhalaia; Joint Chief of Staff of the is made up of well-known and experienced ing. Our visit here was aimed at helping
fenders of our country, is being devel- GAF, Major-General Devi Chanko- sportsmen, including members of the the cadets to perform harder during
oped and strengthened. I would like to tadze; and personnel from the MoD and Georgian National Basketball Team. training, and encouraging them to over-
say that our people place much confi- JS. “Army” has already competed with three come their obstacles”, said one of the
dence in the Georgian army - the nation The Archangels’ Choir Church is lo- local teams from Kutaisi, Sokhumi and the basketball players, Anatoli Boisa. The
needs to better understand the impor- cated in the courtyard of the MoD. Res- Georgian Technical University (GTU). It team invited the students to attend their
tance of the role the army plays, and to toration works on the church have been made its debut against Kutaisi at the Sports games, and, as a mark of friendship, pre-
change its attitude from the soviet mind- a long ongoing process. The site is now Palace, though it lost the game by the nar- sented them with a basketball with all
set, wherein every citizen tried to avoid completely rehabilitated – sporting a row margin of 78:82. The following two the players’ signatures on it.
obligatory military service. Serving in new altar and floor. matches with GTU and Sokhumi howev- At the moment, a total of 300 cadets
the Georgian army should be a matter During the reign in Georgia of the er turned out successfully with two con- are studying at the Lyceum.
of dignity. I would like the Ministry of Russian monarchy, the Church was used vincing wins. Several team members - The Super League will last until mid-
Defense to do everything for our soldiers by the Cadets Corps. In the soviet times Giorgi Pirvelashvili, Kote Tugushi and April next year.

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