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Lesson 1: Volcanoes Lesson 2: Volcanic

 The word volcano is derived from the name “Vulcan,”

a volcanic island in the Aeolian Island in Italy. Materials
 Vulcano originated from the name Vulcan, the god of
fire in Roman Mythology.  Volcanoes are just a natural way for Earth
and other planets to release internal heat
How volcanoes were formed? and pressure.
 Rock fragments thrown into the air during a
 Volcanoes are formed when magma from within volcanic eruption and can cause tremendous
the Earth's upper mantle works its way to the
surface. At the surface, it erupts to form lava
damage to nearby communities.
flows and ash deposits. Over time as the volcano  Violent eruptions, for instance, can send
continues to erupt, it will get bigger and bigger. clouds of gas, ash, and other volcanic
materials at incredible speeds.
The Anatomy of Volcanoes  These clouds are dangerous not only on
human health but also in the environment.
 Taal Volcano is a volcano located in the middle of Taal
Lake in Batangas. The island was eventually built up by
large amounts of materials deposited during each Volcanic Materials
volcanic eruption. 1. Tephra
 It is one of the most active volcano in the Philippines.
 These are rock fragments that are blown out
 At the top of Taal Volcano is a bowl-shaped depression
called a crater, which is connected to the magma of a volcano and into the air during a violent
chamber by the vent. eruption.
 Craters of volcanoes are usually less than 1km in  These can be newly cooled and hardened
diameter. lava, mineral grains, or pieces of volcanic
 Calderas are formed when the summit or the side of the cone.
volcano collapses into the magma chamber. When this 2. Pyroclastic Materials
happens, the collapsed walls of volcanoes form cliffs
that stand several meters above the surface of the water.
 Is another name for a cloud of ash, lava
 Hotspots: Volcanoes on the surface of the Earth are not fragments carried through the air, and vapor.
randomly distributed. Around 80% of volcanoes on o Pyroclastic flows can extend
Earth are located along convergent plate boundaries. miles from the volcano, and
Around 15% are found in divergent plate boundaries. devastate life and property within
About 5% of extrusive igneous activity far from plate their paths.
boundaries. Pyroclastic Materials
 Hotspots are unusually hot regions in the Earth’s mantle
They are generally classified by size:
due to high-temperature mantle plumes that rise toward
the surface. 1. Volcanic ash
 This intense heat melts rock, which is then forced to 2. Lapilli
move toward the crust as magma. The magma, in turn, 3. Volcanic block
melts through the crust and flows upward to Earth’s 4. Volcanic bombs
surface as lava. 5. Lahar
a) Volcanic ash is very fine-grained
Types of Volcano According to Appearance
fragment (less than 2 mm) of
1. Fissure Volcano it is a volcanic vent through which lava pulverized rock minerals and volcanic
erupts without explosive activity. It has no central glass. It is formed when dissolved gases
crater, but its giant cracks open in the ground and expel in magma expand and escape violently
vast amount of lava. The surface of fissure volcano is into the atmosphere.
flat. b) Lapillus it is a volcanic fragment with a
2. Cinder Cone Volcano it is a volcano with a steep size ranging from 2 mm to 64 mm.
conical hill of volcanic debris and a bowl-shaped Lapilli come in different shapes:
center. It is created by eruptions from a single opening. teardrop, dumbbell or spheroid. They
The pile forms an oval-shaped small volcano that are molten or semi-molten lava that are
grown to about 304.8 meters only. ejected from a volcanic eruption.
3. Composite Volcano it is a majestic volcano. A
composite volcano is a tall, symmetrically shaped
c) Volcanic blocks these are solidified
volcano with steep sides about 3048 meters high. fragments greater than 64 mm in
diameter. They are ejected from
 Stratification is the process of formation of explosive volcanic eruptions and may
layers. consist of broken pieces of the
volcano’s edifice.
4. Shield Volcano it is a mountain with broad, gently
sloping sides and a nearly circular base. It is formed d) Volcanic bombs a volcanic bomb is a
when layers of basaltic lava accumulate during mass of molten rock larger than 65 mm
nonexplosive eruptions. It is also build by countless in diameter, which is formed when a
pouring of lava. volcano ejects a viscous fragment of
lava during an eruption. These rocks
are extremely large and occasionally
Types of Volcano According to Activity explode from internal gas pressure as
they cool.
1. Active Volcano there are volcanoes that are presently erupting e) Lahar is an Indonesian (Javanese)
until today. Active volcanoes are expected to erupt sooner term, which is sometimes called
rather than later, on a moderate consistent schedule. A volcano
is active when its inactivity doesn’t reach 100 years. mudflow or volcanic debris flow. They
2. Inactive Volcano are those that have not erupted in history but are flowing mixtures of volcanic debris
still have the potential to do so. and water.
3. Dormant volcanoes may have the capacity to erupt later on.
They may have long intervals between their last eruption and
latest one.
Lesson 3: Geothermal
 Geothermal energy is the energy we get beneath
the surface of Earth.
 Volcanic activity in one of the many kinds of
process that shape the surface of the Earth.
How magma forms?
 Magma is molten rock beneath the surface of the
 Magma chamber consists of a mixture of molten
rock or semi-molten rock, suspended mineral
grains, dissolved gases and sometimes gas

Purpose of Magma in Earth

1. It helps to warm the planet.
2. It forms igneous rocks and land masses
3. Releases pressure from inside Earth.

Factors Involved in Formation of Magma

1. Temperature

2. Pressure

3. Water

a) Temperature
 Magma forms when temperature is high enough
to melt rocks beneath Earth’s surface.
 It reaches a temperature of 700⁰ Celsius to 1300⁰
 The temperature exist at the base of lithosphere
and in the asthenosphere.
 Asthenosphere is the plastic-like layer of the
mantle beneath the lithosphere.
b) Pressure
 Pressure increases with depth due to the weight
of the overlying rocks.
 As pressure increases the temperature of the
substance that melts also increases.

c) Water
 The presence of water present in porous rocks
and in the crystal structure of some minerals has a
significant effect on the melting point of rocks.
 This means that at given pressure, a wet rock will
melt at a lower temperature compared to a dry

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