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Topic: the crime rate among teenagers has been increased dramatically in many countries.

Discuss some
possible reasons for this increase and suggest solutions.

Over the last decade there has been a massive rise in the level of crimes that have been committed by
youth in the numerous countries. Some of the major culprits of this problem will be discussed before the
most prominent solutions are drawn.

The fact that an increasing number of crimes stem from a number of root reasons. The most
considerable reason is that some adolescents are easily hypnotized towards to commit a crime because
of their arrogance. There being uncontrollable behaviour of them, childhood abuse, prostitution and
drug trafficking are prevented hardly. Another convincing reason is that films which set bad examples
for improvement of youth population. According to research of Yale University, children took a bright
view of murder after watching crime thriller films in which the major role was murderer. As a result,
children observed that killer is respectful in the society, are fixed in inproper way.

Nevertheless, a number of definite actions could be taken to mitigate the problem. On the national
level, the first and foremost obvious solution, in my mind, is that the government should take steps to
educate teenagers to avoid unlawfully actions and should prohibit the films which have appetizing
appearance to encourage committing crimes. China is clear example that they banned so many
application and broadcasting of films like that. Because of this actions, China guarantee the future life of
youth. At the same time parents should control their children attitudes and activities. These actions,
albeit small, could have a strong influence on the young population.

To conclude, it is evident that there are various factors which lead to the growth of crime rate, however,
some feasible solutions are available. If we commence to tackle the issue now, we may be able to
prevent this distressing situation declining further. (297 words)

Topic: some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others
believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.

In recent times, young prone to continue their education in university after graduation of school.
Therefore, there is a widely held view among a number of people that the main goal of education in
university is to get a job in better position and with great salary. However, others are firm in their belief
that this education not only helps finding job, but also provide benefits for people and society. The
merits of both arguments will be discussed before a conclusion is decided upon.

On the one hand there are a number of root reasons why some people are of the opinion that the
university is a key for successful career. Firstly, the employers tent to hire the graduates of university
rather than uneducated people. Due to this fact, so many people try to enter university get a diploma
which it is consider first step in their career. It cannot be denied that almost the whole people care their
future and concern about making a living. According to result of the survey, which is conducted by
students of Baku State University, mainly, the youth consider university is remedy to find the decent job.

There are, however, others who express doubts on this approach. They believe that the university does
not involve just a diploma, thus there are some positive impacts on students and entire community.
Students gain soft skills, such as leadership, doing good speech in society and team-working. At the
same time, universities constitute a great part of cities’ active life, hence they encourage own students
to attend in social programs and volunteering projects. For instance, in 2015, 50 students from each
university in Azerbaijan took part the volunteering project which was set up for the First European

After looking at these two opposing points of views, it is felt that people should avoid considering the
universities as an organization which prepare students to get a suitable job, instead of a place in which
students obtain some skills which are advantageous along lifespan of them. (338 words)

Topic: Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is
increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. Blood sports
should be banned. To what extent to you agree or disagree?

There is a current distressing situation that whether blood sports should be prohibited or not. This essay
agrees with that suggestion completely because of that this activity is deliberate torture which is toward
to the death of innocent animals. The essay will first look at why this type of sports should be prevented
and then talk over the negative outcomes to the society.

There are a number of root reasons why some people are of the opinion that blood sports should be
forbidden. Firstly, in terms of animals, the activity is discourteous and deleterious for them. People
change the genes of animals and especially prepare them to fights which are resulted in the death in
almost all cases. For instance, despite the rooster fights experience a massive decline, they still happen
in some regions of my country. In spite of that it is lucrative and enjoyable activity for some people,
whilst for me, it is just ill breeding.

In modern society, these activities are rejected properly, while undeveloped communities struggle with
unmannerliness. If blood sports spread widely, they could attract some people as they are also betting
games which are implemented through animals. “Topaz”, which is betting company, is clear example
that it allows people to invest money for betting on dog fights. Nowadays, parents concern about
addictivity of their children on that.

Nevertheless, some people qualify this type of sports because of their customs and traditions. For
example, in Spain, the rodeo still preserves its popularity in whole country. For us, it can be seen as
barbaric game, however, it is a one of the great signs of tradition of the Spanish.

In conclusion, people should be educated for making them to avoid the blood sports. It helps not only
safety of animals, but also decreasing the ignorance in society. (301 words)

Topic: people now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the development of
communication technology and transportation. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the
Over the last decade there has been a massive increase in the quality of communication technology and
transportation which allows people work or line wherever in the world. Now, this essay is going to talk
over that the topic can have both advantages and disadvantages.

One of the principle advantage of working or living anywhere is globalization. This term spread widely in
recent times and involves some fields, such as economic, cultural and public globalization. Of course,
this is possible owing to last generation of technology and transportation. It helps to access new
cultures, talents and markets, and to make higher living standards in global level. A prime example of
this is the international companies that you can encounter the people from various nations.

Turning to the other side of the coin, the main disadvantages associated with money. While the
technology and transportation is in high quality, they have proper prices, hence they are not cheap. So
many people, particularly who live in undeveloped countries spend a fortune to shift their life another
country. If they will fail, they have no chance to restart new life. It is a big gamble which have no
guarantee. In 2018, the Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan announced an article that described the
number of people who return back there for their poor life conditions in foreign countries where these
people had moved to this countries years ago.

In conclusion, the benefits of freedom working and living anywhere, such as encountering new people
and cultures must be weighed against the drawbacks, such as economical problem. (260 words)

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