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% Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) source codes demo 1.0 %

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% Developed in MATLAB R2011b(7.13) %
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% Author and programmer: Seyedali Mirjalili %
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% e-Mail: %
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% Homepage: %
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% Main paper: S. Mirjalili, A. Lewis %
% The Whale Optimization Algorithm, %
% Advances in Engineering Software , in press, %
% DOI: %
% %

% You can simply define your cost in a seperate file and load its handle to fobj
% The initial parameters that you need are:
% fobj = @YourCostFunction
% dim = number of your variables
% Max_iteration = maximum number of generations
% SearchAgents_no = number of search agents
% lb=[lb1,lb2,...,lbn] where lbn is the lower bound of variable n
% ub=[ub1,ub2,...,ubn] where ubn is the upper bound of variable n
% If all the variables have equal lower bound you can just
% define lb and ub as two single number numbers

% To run WOA:

clear all

SearchAgents_no=40; % Number of search agents

Function_name='eld'; % Name of the test function that can be from F1 to F23 (Table
1,2,3 in the paper)

Max_iteration=100; % Maximum numbef of iterations

% Load details of the selected benchmark function



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