Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination:: The Zero Carbon Solution

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4th Edition - June 2011 Price: €100/£1.

00 where sold

4 P a g e S p e c ia l!

P age s 1 3 - 1 6

Through Forced
"Th e world today
h as 6. 8 billion
people. Th at's

h eaded u p to abou t
9 billion . Now if
we do a really
great job on n ew
vaccin es, h ealth
care, reprodu ctive

The Zero Carbon

h ealth services, we
lower th at by
perh aps 1 0 or 1 5
percen t. "

Solution ! Billy ' The Kid Killer' Gates

By Rachel Windeer children. It also shatters their illusions
that they’re part of an organisation

which is far from beneficial to those
n April 26th, the Irish they believe they’re protecting from
Independent published an illness.
article titled ‘Concern for Children’s
Health as Parents ignoring However, their hypocratic oath should
vaccines’. Edel Kennedy, you should compel them to investigate such wild
be ashamed of yourself! This is claims put out by pharmaceutical
nothing less than an attempt by giants and their drug dealer sales
government, through their puppets representatives instead of taking the
in the media, to remove the rights of word of an industry well known as
parents to determine the life choices being utterly corrupt and ruthless in its
of their offspring and removes any business practices.
doubt that we now live in a
dictatorship. The Irish haemophiliac scandal, where
patients were knowingly infected with
This is an OUTRAGEOUS insult to HIV through contaminated blood
every parent in the country who has products should be enough to convince
the common sense to research the anyone of Big Pharma’s murderous
efficacy of vaccines themselves by intent.
simply looking at the historical record
rather than trust politicians whose lies This brings us to the real reasons for
in the media, including those vaccinations. I’m not even going to
perpetrated by the Dept. of Health prove to readers that they don’t work.
under Mary Harney regarding the farce I’ll simply urge you to look up the
of ‘swine flu’ and the dangerous myth historical record. One simple example
of HPV vaccination, have led the is the demise of measles.
country into the abyss of utter poverty
and sold the country into the The measles death rate had declined
communist grasp of European by 98% from 1915-1958 prior to any
bureaucrats whose sole aim is the vaccination being introduced. In 1988
destruction of every member nation’s and 1989, 69% and 89% for measles
sovereignty leaving them clutching at cases in American school-aged
the bailout begging bowl of the IMF. children had been vaccinated! In
1995 56% of ALL measles cases in
Vaccines are a fraud; pure and simple! America were vaccinated.
The historical record PROVES this for
anyone with a little patience and the These figures come from medical
courage to investigate the FACTS for journals.
themselves, and it does take courage,
especially for those in the medical Those 3 simple examples PROVE that
profession whose careers will be at risk unvaccinated children are less likely to
if they dare expose this danger to our contract measles and that
Continued the vaccine
on page 10 >>

Image C ourtesy of www. deesillustration. com PARENTS, TAXPAYERS AND ALL CONCERNED
1 0 Facts That Prove ADVERTISE WITH US! The Government has promised to put a Referendum on Children’s
The Bin Laden E-Mail: Rights to the people later this year to amend the Constitution in order to give the State increased power over our children. VOTE NO!!
Fable Is a Contrived for terms and competitive rates By Kathy Sinnot - Page 3

2 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

Shame -
The Hollie
By Robert Green
lthough it is now over two years Police`s conduct in investigating this matter, child of her condition had experience of sexual late 2009. In the case of the latter, she has even
since I became involved in the along with related alleged crimes concerning activity. These vital documents were never embezzled public funds for her own personal
Hollie Greig story and it is eleven the assault and kidnapping of Anne Greig, acted on by the school`s head, one of the named use in threatening legal action against all major
years since Hollie first brought her Hollie`s mother, on 5th September 2000, just a abusers, nor the GP. Anne was never told and organs of the media, effectively gagging them
dramatic revelations to the attention of the few days after Hollie had named her high- when she did take Hollie to the same GP over from publishing the letters proving her
authorities in Aberdeen, I have good reason profile abusers, as well as the death of key her concerns about symptoms in the lower part involvement in 2000. Those funds were
to believe progress is being made on many witness Robert David Greig on 17th November of her body, the GP told her it was "just to do effectively stolen from the very people who had
fronts, both in Scotland and England. 1997 in the most suspicious of circumstances. with Hollie`s general medical condition". None a right to know of the true facts about Mrs.
No worthwhile attempts were ever made to of these three medical experts have ever been Angiolini`s misconduct.
In Scotland, it has been well established that the investigate these alleged crimes and it is interviewed by the police.
state has already accepted that Hollie was the perfectly obvious that the various authorities It is impossible to describe everything that is
victim of systematic sexual abuse from the age already had an agenda to ensure the true facts All of the authorities, including the Chief going on, including the continued efforts to
of six, by granting her £13,500 from the should never come to light. Constable of Grampian Police, Colin silence and intimidate me and my clients both in
Criminal Injury Compensation Authority for her MacKerracher and leading politicians in Scotland and in England. In Shropshire, where
suffering. The principal document that After the inquiry was completed, sadly though Scotland, as well as some in England, have Hollie and Anne now live, Shropshire Council
influenced this award was the professional predictably one that left more questions than been made aware of this dreadful scandal for Social Services ordered a raid, accompanied by
analysis written by the eminent psychologist, answers, it transpired that both the documents some time. It is to the credit of one English MP, theft and vandalism on the ladies` home on 3rd
Dr. Eva Harding, who not only specifically supporting Hollie by Dr. Harding and Dr. Boyle Mr David Ruffley, for showing the moral June 2010. As a result of pressure by many
identified and confirmed two of the abusers as were withheld from the inquiry. Although it was courage so many of his colleagues lack by interested parties, the Freedom of Information
being responsible, but also added in her not known to the Greigs at the time, two other directly challenging Scottish Ministers over Commissioner has confirmed after a thorough
conclusion that "Hollie had probably also been vital documents that were in the police`s their treatment of the issues, which he rightly investigation, that not only had the council
abused by others who had access to her". Hollie possession were also crucially concealed. These describes as "appalling". broken the law, but also that two senior
has repeatedly named all of those individuals were part of Hollie`s medical records, which managers, Tim Collard and Stephen Chandler,
and seven other victims whose ordeals she were not released to Anne until October 2009. I have recently made a formal criminal had repeatedly lied when questioned about the
witnessed. Apart from a cursory interview with Both were written by the medical officer for complaint to the police about Mrs. Elish raid.
the initial abuser in 2000 and the second Hollie`s special school, Dr. Paul Carter. Angiolini, the disgraced Lord Advocate who
confirmed abuser two years later, absolutely no has been forced to resign on 5th May. We have There is much, much more and let us hope that
effort has been made by Grampian Police to The first, dated 1990, described Hollie, then compelling documentary evidence to prove that not only for the sake of the victims of historic
investigate the crimes in any meaningful way. aged 10, as suffering from a sexually she publicly lied about her role in the case in abuse, but also those children and the disabled
transmitted disease. The second , dated 1992, 2000, where she clearly used her influence to in Aberdeen who remain at the mercy of the
Not only was Dr. Eva Harding`s report described staff concern at Hollie`s behaviour, pervert the course of justice. The same can be paedophile ring, that firm action is taken
available to the police, but also that of another which was regarded as a clear indication that a said of her role in the second investigation in without further delay. Senior Scottish Ministers
highly respected psychologist, Dr. Jack Boyle, Kenny MacAskill and Alex Salmond have been
who also concluded that there was no doubt that
Hollie had been sexually violated.
If you have been the victim of paedophile abuse by people made fully aware of the background to this case
since the summer of 2009, when I also sent
holding positions of trust, we want to hear from you. Visit: them the documents exposing Elish Angiolini`s
In 2006, a Police Complaints Commission
Inquiry was set up to investigate the Grampian lies and culpability.
The Hollie

The Sovereign Independent June 2011 3


T he Government has promised to put a Referendum on Children’s Rights to
the people later this year to amend the Constitution in order to give the
State increased power over our children. To this end, it is proposed that
the existing Article 42.5 be deleted and a new Article 42 (A) be inserted after
the existing Article 42. It is also proposed that a new provision be inserted into
Article 45 of the Constitution. Mothers Alliance Ireland has looked at the proposal
and we give hereunder our opinion. (all emphasis ours)
THE CONSTITUTION. (all emphasis ours)
Article 42.5 of the Constitution is deleted.
A new article 42 (A) inserted after existing Article 42
While the new Article 42.5 is fraught with dangers for every child in the State, inserting children’s 42(A).1
rights into Article 45 is probably the most institutional abuse, on the RTE Questions and
devilish ploy of all. If this amendment is passed, Answers programme in May 2009, when he told a The State acknowledges and affirms the natural and imprescriptible rights of all children and
every other Article in the Constitution, including shocked nation that “Eight of us from the one guarantees, as far as is practicable, by its laws to protect and vindicate those rights.
Articles 41 (Family) and 42 (Education), could family, [were] dragged by the ISPCC cruelty
become redundant, because the introduction to man, put into two cars, brought to the Court in 42(A).2.1
Article 45 states: Clonmel, left standing there without food or
anything”. It appears that the ISPCC washed
“The principles of social policy set forth in this their hands of all further responsibility for the In exceptional cases, where the parents of any child regardless of their marital status for
Article are intended for the general guidance of O’Brien children after that, as they apparently physical or moral reasons fail in their responsibility towards such child, the State as guardian of
the Oireachtas. The application of those did with all the rest. the common good shall, by appropriate means as provided by law, endeavour, with due regard
principles in the making oflaws shall be the care for the natural and imprescriptible rights of the child, to supply the place of the parents.
of the Oireachtas exclusively, and shall not be That, of course, they will tell us, was historical
cognisable by any Court under any of the Ireland. But the State’s murky record in the area 42(A).2.2
provisions ofthis Constitution.” of child protection hasn’t changed much. Provision may be made by law for the adoption of a child where the parents have failed for
According to the HSE themselves 22 children such a period of time as may be prescribed by law in their responsibility towards the child, and
If this Referendum is passed, then safeguarding died under state watch in the early 2010 and a where the best interests of the child so require.
the rights and interests of children will, under the further 8 children had been involved in serious
amended Article 45 of our Constitution, be the incidences including attempted suicides and 42(A).3
right of the Oireachtas [government] exclusively. drug overdoses. That was just last year, friends,
The rights of parents will no longer be and is probably the tip of the iceberg. The total Provision may be made by law for the voluntary placement for adoption and the adoption of
recognised. This is as dangerous as it is bizarre number of deaths in state care in the ten years any child.
because the only real protection many children up to May 2010 exceeds 200 though initially the
have is the authority of their parents to seek HSE claimed that the number was 20. 42(A).4
redress for them, sometimes in the Courts, on the Emergency legislation had to be enacted in June
very constitutional grounds our politicians now last to force that body to release all the files on Provision may be made by law for securing, as far as is practicable, the welfare and best
want to eliminate. these children. interests of the child in the resolution of all proceedings concerning the adoption, guardianship
No doubt our politicians will claim that the Also let us not forget the countless numbers of or custody of, or access to, any child, and that in any such proceedings concerning a child who
purpose of this new amended Article 45 is to children in state sponsored institutions who were is capable of forming his or her own views, the voice of the child shall be heard and given due
satisfy Ireland’s obligation under Article 2 of the used as guinea-pigs in vaccine experiments, weight having regard to the child's age and maturity.
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child without their own or their parents’ consent. To The following provisions to be inserted into Article 45.- Directive Principles of Social Policy
(CRC). The Irish Government ratified the quote Roger Eldridge of the National Men’s The State acknowledges that children, by reason oftheir physical and mental immaturity, need
CRC in 1992, without any consultation with Council of Ireland: “As things stand, no one special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, and pledges itself to
the people of Ireland. Article 2 of the CRC but a fool would vote to give the State more safeguard with special care the rights and interests ofchildren.
reads as follows: power over children’s lives.” But that is
exactly what this referendum, if passed, will do.
Article 2 (1) States Parties [Ireland] shall respect been usurped by the State, won’t challenge the risk in the married family, is curtailed by the
and ensure the rights set forth in the present Spokespersons for the ISPCC, the CRA and State either because they will be afraid of losing Constitution. They claim that the threshold for
Convention to each child within their jurisdiction Fergus Finlay of Barnardos, have been their children or because it would be futile to do intervention, i.e. “in exceptional cases” is too
without discrimination of any kind, irrespective Referendum. campaigning
aggressively for this Children’s
These organizations have a vested
so. This Referendum, if passed, will certainly high. This is pure poppycock and an insult to the
of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal not serve the best interests of children. intelligence of the electorate. In the Roscommon
guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, interest in getting the amendment through,
because it will give them and other state bodies Supreme Court Judge Adrian Hardiman made it
Case, it was the HSE that behaved appallingly
and who had repeatedly failed these children.
political or other opinion, national, ethnic or increased power over Irish children. It will no clear that the Constitution of Ireland fully They were well aware of what was going on long
social origin, property, disability, birth or other doubt also mean increased State (taxpayer) respects the inalienable rights of the child. Not before they took those children away from their
status. funding for these bodies. According to figures one iota of the Constitution needs to be changed parents. It has been suggested by many
supplied by Barnardos, (described by them as to better protect children – neither Article 42.5 concerned citizens that the only reason the HSE
(2) States Parties [Ireland] shall take all "for charitable activities") to the Companies nor Article 45. Under Article 42.5 as it left those poor children to suffer since 1990 was
appropriate measures to ensure that the Registration Office, the amount of taxpayer currently exists, the law already permits because they wanted to use the Roscommon
child is protected against all forms of funds paid to this organization in 2007 was professionals extraordinary powers of Case as emotional blackmail, as part of a big
discrimination or punishment on the basis of €12.5m. The same report shows that two intervention where there is a reason to believe propaganda exercise to get the Children’s
the status, activities, expressed opinions, or members of staff earned an average of €155,000. that children are at risk. Article 42.5 states: “In Referendum passed.
beliefs of the child’s parents, legal That was back in 2007 - four years ago. How exceptional cases, where parents have for
guardians, or family members. much more of hard-pressed taxpayers’ money physical or moral reasons, failed in their duty Of course, the bottom line about real rights is
has been paid to Barnardos since then? And how towards their children, the State, as guardian of that money has to be spent to uphold them.
Article 43 of the same Convention makes it clear many millions of euros have gone to the ISPCC the common good, by appropriate means, shall Elastic caveats, like “as far as is practicable” in
that States that ratify this Convention do not and to the CRA? The taxpayers of Ireland have a endeavour to supply the place of the parents, the proposed new Article 42 (A)1, should
answer to parents. Rather they are accountable right to be given answers to these questions, but always with due regard for the natural and therefore set alarm bells ringing, especially for
to and must comply with the demands of an BEFORE they vote in the Children’s imprescriptible rights ofthe child.” parents of children with disabilities and those
unelected, unaccountable UN Committee, the Referendum. with special needs. “As far as is practicable” is
members of which are drawn from all over the As already stated above, it isn’t the Constitution not a guarantee of a right but its exact opposite.
world and whose culture and values will more These people are prepared to take away a child’s that has let children down, but the failure to Effectively what is implied here is that these
than likely be foreign to Irish parents. right to be protected by their parents and transfer respect it by the very same professionals – rights will be guaranteed only as long as there is
this right to themselves and other institutions, politicians, state bodies, children’s rights bodies sufficient funding available to uphold them.
If this referendum is passed, it is the State and and people need to ask if they are genuinely and social workers - who are now looking for Even in times of plenty, this phrase was used in
state bodies like the HSE, ISPCC, the Children’s concerned for what is in the best interests of the more powers to exercise what power they many areas of social and health policy to avoid
Rights Alliance (CRA) and social workers, not child or could it possibly be that they see our already have. spending money. If this referendum is passed, it
parents, that will decide what is in the best children as little more than a means to make will be those children with special needs – and
interests of every child in the State, irrespective money. Those in authority know, or should Our politicians and all those with a vested their numbers are growing – who will be the first
of the marital status of the parents, and the UN know, that statistics have repeatedly proven that interest in getting this referendum passed are casualties in any further economic downturn, as
Committee will adjudicate on what the State the best interests of the child are served by being using a powerful form of emotional blackmail to indeed is happening in this present recession in
decides. raised by his and her parents in their Family. If get the electorate to endorse the amendment. health and education. The highly paid top brass
the ISPCC, Barnardos, the CRA, politicians and They – and the media it must also be said – are in the HSE and other State funded children’s
The State and state bodies have a rather murky others really cared about the best interests of our holding out as justification for the amendment, rights’ groups will, no doubt, hold on to their
record in safeguarding the nation’s children in children, they would surely be better employed the horrific details of the abuse of their children well-paid taxpayer funded jobs.
the past. Where, for instance was the ISPCC using their funds to tackle the ongoing failures of by a tiny minority of parents, particularly the
throughout the darkest period in Irish history the state to support the Family than promoting an infamous Roscommon Case. But Article 42.5 of This proposed amendment is clearly not in the
when State-sponsored and facilitated abuse of amendment that will destroy it. the Constitution, as it stands, without any best interests of one single Irish child, and if
children was taking place? Almost 40% of the amendment, could and should have been used to people truly want what’s best for our children,
children consigned to the Industrial Schools were This Referendum, if passed, will in fact seriously safeguard those children. Yet that is the one now and into the future, they will give it a
there as a direct result of the ISPCC. It was the undermine the Real Rights of the Child, and his Article that they now propose to have deleted. resounding NO on referendum day.
ISPCC that was primarily responsible for putting or her right to be protected in his or her own They will of course use the excuse that the
them there as revealed by that extraordinary home by his or her own mother and father. State’s ability to intervene where children are at By Kathy Sinnott
gentleman Michael O’Brien, victim of horrific Parents, whose right to protect their children has
Ireland has
4 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

as much oil
as Norway
◙ Caroline Simons gas. It has a licensing option to
August 2011 over the Dalkey
Island Prospect. In October 201 0
That’s what a Scandinavian expert said privately it obtained a licence over Rathlin
shortly before our second referendum on the Island.
Lisbon Treaty. He went so far as to suggest that
the treaty was ‘all about oil and gas’ and that Providence has announced that it
Ireland should vote ‘No’ if it wanted to keep has secured a semi-submersible
control of its natural resources. He said we could rig and will shortly begin drilling in
be one of the richest countries in the EU. the Celtic Sea’s Barryroe field.
This is part of a $500 million
I held a press conference spelling out the project that will sink 1 0 wells to be
implications of the Lisbon Treaty for our drilled from now through 201 3. A
autonomy in this area on 30 September 2009. No report in today’s Irish Examiner pital. It is reported that Shell has been signed as gas from the Rosscarbery, Middleton and
newspaper covered it. They were not interested says that the Barryroe field is believed to hold at a potential marketing partner for Barryroe and Amergin licence areas.
to check it out, probably because the referendum least 60 million barrels of oil and that it has been Hooks Head, so we can expect to hear a lot more
was imminent, and because the media at that successfully tested at flow rates of between 1 300 about this. People in Donegal noted the establishment of the
point was united in the view that the Lisbon and 1 600 barrels of oil per day from three Effective Offshore Ltd training centre last year.
Treaty had to be passed and therefore printed appraisal wells. In fact, this data is 40 years old! In 201 2 Providence will concentrate on the West This provides training in the offshore oil and gas
very little in opposition to it. In this, as in the Exxon drilled two of these wells and Marathon coast. Its licence at Dunquin could produce its industry. People in Rossaveal note the very
banking sphere, we will find that ‘it is not dissent drilled a third in the 1 970s. Indicative flow rates of biggest bonanza. ExxonMobil is a 40% considerable upgrading of its port facilities (with
that is dangerous, but unchallenged consensus’. about 1 400 to 1 600 barrels a day were found shareholder and the operator of the licence, ENI the support of the EU) and proposals for a new
then. It is to be expected that these flow rates will owns 40%, SOSINA 4%, which leaves road. Local wisdom is that these initiatives are to
I have blogged previously (30 September 2009, be greatly increased forty years on. An Providence with 1 6%. Industry intelligence facilitate acitvities in the Irish oil and gas industry.
1 2 January 2011 and 27 January 2011 ) about our independent report, produced by RPS, estimated suggests that recoverable estimates are near 1 .8
oil, gas and minerals. that approximately 60 million barrels of crude is billion barrels of oil equivalent. That apparently There is certainly going to be a lot of
Economics and technology now make it feasible recoverable, worth about $800 million. only ascribes volume to 20% of the known area. exploration/extraction activity in our waters over
for the oil companies to begin extraction on a If that well delivers, it will open up the whole the next few years. Will the people on the island
scale never seen in our waters. Providence is also to do a re-drill at Hooks Head. Atlantic margin. Providence also intends to drill of Ireland benefit from this windfall as the people
Hooks Head was also looked at in the 1 970s. an appraisal well in the Dragon Field, midway of Norway did? Not if the government continues
Tony O’Reilly’s Providence Resources Sampling suggests that this will yield about a between Ireland and Wales, in Autumn 201 2. on its present trajectory. It is time to call in
(Providence) is one of the leaders in the field. It third of Barryroe. outside help urgently. Norway offered to help us
has frontier licences in the Porcupine running to Lansdowne Oil and Gas, a partner of Providence develop an oil and gas industry decades ago, but
2020. It reported in November 201 0 that new Commentators suggest that these 2 drills could in Barryroe , is also focusing on fields in the our government was too shortsighted to accept. I
data suggested their field at Spanish Point add $400-$500 million to Providence’s market Celtic Sea. It hopes to extract 11 8 million barrels went to Norway in 2009 to establish links with
contains as much as 200 million barrels of oil and ca of oil or

JONATHAN SWIFT’S LEGACY (Gulliver’s Travels) Killing the Yahoos – All ofus
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. modern history, and additional great United States to contain the evil inherent in
web: troubles introduced by a menacing turn in the British empire of that time. The
our Solar system’s currently increased destruction of the last remnant of economic
n that account, conserve the vulnerability to a mix of bad weather, sanity in the 1999 repeal of what President
provocative notion of the fact, including such troubles as seismic Franklin Roosevelt had introduced in 1933
that today’s insight into the eruptions on the scale of “8" and above, as the Glass-Steagall law, has opened the
special affinity of Ireland’s and an addition of very nasty weather to gates of virtual Hell into which the nations
folk to what was to emerge as the United match. of Europe, and the trans-Atlantic region,
States, owes much to my late friend, the have been plunged, presently, into the
historian H. Graham Lowry, whose 1988 To add to those troubles we have already breakdown-crisis now centred in that great
‘How The Nation Was Won’ proffered a known all too well, a new peril exists reign of madness called “The Euro.”
deeper insight into the affairs of both of throughout our planet. We are capable, if
our respective nations presently. we have the will of resisting the effects of The principal currency blocs of the planet
this change in the weather, the ability to are, thus, locked in an advanced expression
Graham’s achievement as a scholar has save lives, if we will, and the potential, if of something like what was imposed on
pinpointed the direct connection of the we are determined to do so, to bring some Germany in 1923. It now appears that those
great Gottfried Leibniz to what would effective degree of control over the events of 1923 are now being re-enacted on
emerge as the United States of America. presently menacing global developments as a Transatlantic, or even broader scale.
Graham’s discovery located the precise well. In such matters as those, I am an old Europe and the trans-Atlantic region more
connection in Gottfried Leibniz’s soldier for whom a new front in an old war widely, are presently located on the
intervention, in the opening decade of the is, in principle, familiar territory. calendar for a probable end-game of the
Eighteenth Century, into the resistance to world economy no later than the autumn of
the crushing of both Ireland and that Bless us all in these most worthwhile this present year. Thus, we have now
Massachusetts Bay Colony led by the endeavours. Consider the evidence which reached near to the point of a general,
Winthrops and Mathers. He brought our Graham Lowry’s work had added to greatly hyper-inflationary breakdown of
attention to the remarkable role of Jonathan improve our insights into those foundations Transatlantic civilization, unless the
Swift in leading a continuing resistance to on which our policy-shaping for today and suicidal folly of the present “Euro” system
the heirs of that William of Orange who tomorrow properly depends in large degree. is aborted, and that, now, very soon, for the
was the actual founder of the British benefit of a system of respectively
Empire as an attempted replica of the - - A Matter of Economic Principle - - sovereign European states.
Roman empires before it.
For the greater part of what we know of the The objective which we must keep in mind
The present trans-Atlantic community is in history of the trans-Atlantic regions (and in working to defeat the terminal moment
a state of an apparently current submission beyond), European civilization since the of a collapse of the “Euro” system, is the
to such traditionally British imperial awful folly of the Peloponnesian War, has reform which transforms the Transatlantic,
appendages, as lately emphasized by Queen been ruled from the founding of the Roman and wider, economic system, a
Elizabeth II, and also of the United States Empire in negotiations on the Isle of Capri, transformation away from the monetarist
under rabidly anglophile U.S. Presidents by an imperial system of monetarism, tradition established by the succession of
such as George W. Bush, Jr., and, even which began with the Roman Empire, was Roman-like empires, to a fixed-exchange- deployment of physical-scientific progress presently estimated term of between two
worse, President Barack Obama. Despite restarted under Byzantium, was restarted rate credit system. The potential for success needed to meet the physical challenge of and three million years, a most modest and
all that, there exists a certain, inherently under the Venetian monetarists’ control of such a reform as that, it lies along a ensuring the impassioned scientific relatively most recent lapse of time in the
efficient immortality of those among our over the abomination of usury and mass pathway of science-driven progress leading progress needed to enable us to meet the vastness of even that galaxy which our
presently departed opponents, as among us murder which was the system of the into, and beyond the present brink of a needs of a growing population of mankind. Solar system presently inhabits. Against the
the living who share our determination to Crusaders, and, after an interlude leading thermo-nuclear age in the selection of the The design for the evolution of the progress backdrop of such realities as those, we are a
free us from that imperialist evil flowing into, and coming out of the great systems of sources of power needed to in the charm of a Classical artistic world- tenderly young species, as if one born only
through the New Venetian Party’s William ecumenical Council of Florence, we have enable us to meet the requirements of look on the creative imagination, combined yesterday. We are mortal in our bodies, but
of Orange. So in all just warfare against the experienced the ruinous pattern of religious present and future mankind. with the rigors of physical-science-driven with portents of eternity in our proper
power of evil, a sense of the immortality warfare which dominated the interval from effects for the benefit of mankind, is the mission. For that mission assigned to us,
which is specific to the human soul persists 1492 until the 1648 Peace of Westphalia. That pathway of progress requires two essentially ironical nature of the mission we must be generously modest, but also
as the stubborn force whose very We are thus confronted with the breakdown seemingly ironically juxtaposed, governing set properly before us. very much bold. We are mortal, but through
stubbornness presages the stirring of the of European economy and culture which intentions. We must foster that Classical that power for creativity among us, our
spirit for the prospect of ultimate victory. began with that assassination of President tradition of the artistic imagination of the We must approach such subject-matters of existence within the breadth and depth of
John F. Kennedy which permitted that great people of each national culture, its cultural policy-shaping direction as given by physical-space-time in this universe, is the
Betwixt the troubles we had already shared folly of an Indo-China war, a war which the sovereignty, which is the root of all differing shadings of human cultures to a expression of an immortal opportunity
among us, there is both the onrushing threat British Empire had designed and exploited science-driven progress in true practice of common ultimate purpose. After all, which our brief moment of mortal existence
of the greatest economic collapse in for the purpose of ruining the power of the freedom, while increasing the rigorous mankind has existed on this planet within a has presented to us as the eternal meaning
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 5

10 Facts That
Prove The Bin
Laden Fable Is a
2011 - The Fake 'Bin Laden'
Contrived Hoax 2001 - The Real Bin Laden
By Paul Joseph Watson -
Every indication clearly points to the recent raid being witnessing an anxious or crucial moment in the raid. Media apparently dyed his beard black. A separate video that
a manufactured ploy to return Americans to a state of reports at the time claimed that the photos represented thepurports to show Bin Laden in his compound flicking
post-9/11 intellectual castration. Since President moment when “The leader of the free world saw the terror through satellite TV channels depicts a much older looking
Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, chief shot in the left eye.” However, the photos were man with a gray beard. Analysts have pointed out that the
there has been literally a deluge of evidence that clearly staged as a PR stunt for public consumption, nobody in man has different shaped ears to real Osama pictures
indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for the photos ever saw Bin Laden killed live, nor did they seefrom back in 2001 . A doctor has also pointed out the fact
political gain and to return Americans to a state of post- the Navy SEALS even enter the compound. that the man in the tapes released Saturday has no
9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily problem moving his left arm, whereas video from 2001
manipulated in the run up to the 201 2 election. Here are 5) As even mainstream journalists began to cast suspicion clearly illustrates how Bin Laden was unable to move his
ten facts that prove the Bin Laden fable is a contrived on the official narrative behind the raid, the media reported
left upper extremity because of a permanent injury
hoaxM. that Al-Qaeda itself had confirmed every detail of Obama’s probably related to damage to the peripheral nerves. Why
address the the nation. However, the conduit for such a the cameraman would film the back of Bin Laden’s head
1 ) Before the alleged raid, every intelligence analyst, claim was in fact an organization called SITE, which is a as he watches television is also dubious. Residents in the
geopolitical commentator or head of state worth their salt notorious Pentagon propaganda front run by the daughter town of Abbottabad claim the man in the “television” video
was on record as stating that Osama Bin Laden was of an Israeli spy that has been caught on numerous is not Osama, with one individual claiming that the man
already dead, and that he probably died many years ago, occasions releasing fake cartoonish “Al-Qaeda” videos at labeled by the White House as being Bin Laden is actually
from veteran CIA officer Robert Baer, to former Pakistani the most politically expedient times for both the Bush and his neighbor, a man named Akhbar Han.
Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to former FBI head of Obama administrations. The SITE organization is nothing
counterterrorism Dale Watson. In addition, back in 2002 more than a contractor for the U.S. government, receiving8) Despite the fact that numerous neo-cons came out on the
Alex Jones was told directly by two separate high level some $500,000 a year annually from Uncle Sam, and yet days after the alleged raid to erroneously assert that
sources that Bin Laden was already dead and that his the corporate media instantly swallowed and regurgitated torturing terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay led to the
death would be announced at the most politically the claim that “Al-Qaeda” had confirmed the official story discovery of Bin Laden, Osama himself, the supposed
opportune moment. Top US government insider Dr. Steve after SITE directed them to an anonymous posting on an world’s most wanted terrorist and a treasure trove of terror
R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different Islamic website. information, despite the fact that he was unarmed, was not
influential positions under five different taken in for questioning, he was instantly shot in the head
Presidents, serving as the Deputy according to the official narrative.
Assistant Secretary of State under This right-handed man has been identified as 'Akhbar Han' and not Bin Laden
Nixon, Ford and Carter, told the Alex 9) The US government has been caught on
Jones Show a week after the raid that several occasions within the past decade
Bin Laden died of marfan syndrome staging military operations for the purposes
shortly after he was visited by CIA of generating contrived, pro-war sentiment
physicians at the American Hospital in amongst the American public. Both the
Dubai in July 2001 . “rescue” of Jessica Lynch and the death of
Pat Tillman were complete fables, scripted
2) The official narrative of how the raid and staged at complete odds with the truth
unfolded completely collapsed within and unleashed on Americans as part of a
days of its announcement. First there psychological warfare offensive to elicit
had been a 40 minute shootout, then support for the war on terror, almost
there was no shootout and just one man identical to what we’re seeing now with the
was armed, first Bin Laden was armed Bin Laden sideshow. Given the fact that the
then he was not, first Bin Laden used his US government has been caught red-
wife as a human shield and then he did handed scripting tales of pure fiction in
not. First the compound was described order to justify the war on terror, notably in
as a “$1 million dollar mansion” then it the cases of Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman,
turned out to be a rubbish-strewn why on earth should we believe them now?
dilapidated compound that was worth
less than a quarter of that. Almost every 1 0) Despite the fact that Obama announced
single aspect of the official narrative has a week after the raid on live television that
changed since Obama first described the raid as the 6) Almost every single neighbor that lived near the alleged the world was now “safer” because Bin Laden was dead,
White House struggles to keep its story straight. Bin Laden compound in Abbottabad that was interviewed his administration, with the aid of the fearmongering mass
by news reporters said with absolute certainty that they media, instantly seized upon the situation to terrify
3) The alleged body of Bin Laden was hastily dumped in the had never seen Bin Laden and that they knew of no Americans into being afraid of imminent “reprisal” terror
sea to prevent any proper procedure of identification. The evidence whatsoever to suggest he lived there. Since the attacks inside the United States, later claiming that Bin
White House claimed this was in accordance with normal town is a staging ground for the Pakistani military, which Laden had formulated an “aspirational rather than
Islamic burial rituals, however numerous Muslim scholars has a training facility situated virtually a stone’s throw operational” plan to derail US trains that travel over
all over the globe disputed this claim, pointing out that away from the alleged Bin Laden compound, residents 500mph, although no trains in the US can actually travel at
Muslims can only be buried at sea if they die at sea. While were required to show ID when they moved into the area. such speeds. This led “terror experts” to salivate over how
the White House claimed that Bin Laden’s death on May Pakistani troops and anti-terror police in the town refused TSA agents were now needed in shopping malls to stick
1 st was proven by DNA and facial recognition evidence, to confirm that Bin Laden had lived in the house. Barack their hands down Americans’ pants, while New York
such proof was never released for public scrutiny and the Obama himself admitted to 60 Minutes that the White Senator Chuckie Schumer called for the no fly list to be
Obama administration refused to release photos of Bin House was only 55/45 sure that Osama lived there before expanded to trains and subways. Obama hurried to
Laden’s dead body, suggesting a cover-up. the raid and this uncertainty prompted concerns that the ground zero for a photo op as he desperately tried to use
US Navy SEALS sent in could have targeted a “prince the Bin Laden hoax to whip up phony patriotism as a
4) Despite the fact that the White House released “situation from Dubai” or some other individual that was not Bin means of boosting his flagging poll numbers. Others, like
room” photos which purported to show Barack Obama, Laden. Democrat Bill Richardson, exploited the situation to try and
Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest of Obama’s security push through policies that had no connection to Bin Laden
staff watching the raid which killed Bin Laden live, it was 7) The videos released by the White House this which or terrorism at all, like cap and trade. The haste with which
later admitted by CIA director Leon Panetta that Obama purport to show Osama Bin Laden making Al-Qaeda tapes the whole Bin Laden fable was exploited for political points
could not have seen the raid because the live feed was in October-November 201 0 are almost identical to footage scoring and as a psychological ploy to return Americans to
cut off before the Navy SEALS entered the compound. first released by Pentagon front group SITE nearly four a post-9/11 state of intellectual castration was painfully
The photos were described by many as having “historical years ago. Remember, a May 201 0 Washington Post story transparent, clearly suggesting that the entire farce was
significance,” forming a “captivating” record of Obama’s reported how the CIA had admitted to making fake Bin planned well in advance to achieve precisely those goals
greatest success and being the “defining moment” of his Laden videos. Despite the White House’s insistence that in the run up to 201 2.
Presidency. One image showed Hillary Clinton with her the footage of Bin Laden is recent, he looks younger and
hand over her mouth as if healthier than tapes released almost a decade ago, having
6 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

The Mainstream Media: A Weapon ofMass Deconstruction

By Sally Exoudhu
see the sky overhead in daily chemtrail air
raids. If a news anchor hasn’t mentioned it, it
can’t be true. It’s not only the gutter press.
"Propaganda must be total. The
The so-called academic Right/Left media propagandist must utilise all ofthe
puppets are even more dangerous, being too
duped to understand that they are building technical means at his disposal -
their own concentration camps to exterminate
themselves and their own children.
the press, radio, TV, movies,
posters, meetings, door-to-door
Predictive programming: canvasassing. Modern propaganda
This is brainwashing which familiarises and
must utilise ALL ofthese media."
prepares the media-victim for forthcoming Jacques Ellul - 'Propaganda - The
life-situations which otherwise would be
disgustingly unacceptable. Science fiction is Formation ofMen's Attitudes'
full of these implants, as are television soaps,
comedies, dramas, documentaries,
advertisements, “news” and music. Predictive
programming is funded top-down by the New
World Order. It works best when the victim’s "The conscious and intelligent
brain is in a relaxed and receptive state ready
to soak up data. Television has achieved this
manipulation ofthe organised
intended goal. Victims are also kept habits and opinions ofthe masses
exhausted on a financial/career treadmill, so
the brainwashing is most effective. is an important element in

democratic society. Those who
he media is the man in the middle between the New Deconstruction: manipulate this unseen
World Order and the rest of us, the slaves; the The mass media invades, attacks, and destroys society as we mechanism ofsociety constitute an
general population. The mass media is a weapon of
war to destroy critical thinking and ultimately know it. The take down happens in stages. The first stage is
demoralisation. The culture is debauched and weakened by
invisible government which is the
society and everything in it that is moral, decent and
traditional. The mass media belongs to the New World Order mass-media promotion of the grossest of sexual perversions, true ruling power ofour country."
and all its staff are paid by the Almighty New World Order promiscuity, drugging, marriage shattering, family-dysfunction, Edward Bernays - 'Propaganda' 1928
Bank. child snatching and the rest. This leads to destabilisation ending
in chaos. When a culture enters into chaos, there are two
It’s toe-the-line or be out of a job. There’s no room for critical possible outcomes, civil war or invasion by a foreign power.
thinking, individuality, or spontaneity. The whole murderous scenario was scripted and acted out from Collapsing the New World Order:
the outset for the purpose of invasion, resource stripping and
domination. The system is like a pyramid of apples, outside a fruit store. If a
Cognitive dissonance: few apples at the bottom could use individuality, imagination,
Reconstruction: spontaneity or free will and decide to leave, the pile would
The enemy, which happily pays for this media weaponry is kept collapse. We have these abilities as individuals. We must use
in a state of constant Orwellian doublethink, bombarded by crisis Of course, the media is also reconstructing society to suit the them. The mass media’s job is to prevent us knowing this. It
after crisis, fear mongering and media terrorism on the one hand, Brave New World Order, some themes to watch out for are, doesn’t matter who’s at the top of the pile.
and constant mind-masturbatory drivel on the other, pandering to depopulation, eugenics, transhumanism, “bad” genes,
its most animalistic instincts. Victims of mass media weaponry posthumanism, genetic manipulation and climate tampering. WE HOLD THE POWER!
are left in a state of utter devastation and powerlessness. The
mass media does all the thinking for them. Victims cannot even

Democracy Is An Illusion: Foreign Bankers Hold Our Purse Strings

By Henry Makow -
A "Far Side" cartoon describes our innocence OUR PREDICAMENT of each country and the economy of the world as a The media is controlled through direct ownership and
about democracy.: whole. This system was to be controlled the advertising.
central banks...acting in concert." (324)
A slave rowing a Viking ship puts up his hand and Quigley
has, in
confirms that a network of banking dynasties
Skousen's words, "acquired a choke-hold on Quigley writes:
calls to the whip master: "Yoo-hoo! Oh, yoo-hoo... I the affairs of practically the entire human race. " Quigley confirms that the bankers have usurped
think I'm getting a blister." According to Quigley, they include "Baring, Lazard, mankind's collective instincts by financing the "To Morgan all political parties were simply
Socialist and Communist movements. Bankers love organizations to be used, and the firm always was
Like this man, most people cling to the belief that our Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder, Selingman, the Speyers,
Mirabaud, Malet, and above all Rothschild and big government because the ultimate monopoly is the careful to keep a foot in all camps. Morgan himself,
leaders represent our interests. Morgan. " (Citations are from "Tragedy and Hope", 51- State. Through it, they can take over their competition Dwight Morrow and other partners were allied with
52) and control debt, resources, market demand and labor. the Republicans; Russell C. Lewffingwell was allied
"Yoo, hoo, Mr. Bush, you lied about Iraq having with the Democrats; Grayson Murphy was allied with
weapons ofmass destruction." Quigley confirms that, starting with the Bank of the extreme Right; and Thomas W. Lamont was
allied with the Left." (945)
At an elite gathering, Bush peered under his lectern England
in a
in 1694, these dynasties organized themselves
system of central banks that charge their
and quipped: "Where are those weapons of mass respective nations billions of dollars in interest for the The Lamont family was "sponsors and financial angels
destruction?" privilege of using currency backed by the nations' own to almost a score of extreme Left organizations
including the Communist Party itself." (945)
A tiny cabal of international bankers chooses our credit.
In other words, they have carried off a swindle
monstrous proportions.
"leaders". This clique, which subtly controls every CONCLUSION
significant facet of our society is gradually Quigley quotes William Gladstone who as Chancellor
establishing an global Orwellian police state. Much of of the Exchequer said in 1852: "The government itself A small cabal of people who are not even citizens
the upper and middle class has been duped to think was not to be a substantive power in matters of hold the financial purse strings of every nation.
they are building a better world. Finance, but was to leave the Money Power supreme
and unquestioned." (325) This goes a long way to explaining "globalization" and
PROVE IT, YOU SAY? the push to one-world government. It explains the
Put another way, a private credit monopoly controls Prof. Carroll Quigley assault on race, religion, nation and family. The
"The Naked Capitalist" by W.C. Skousen bankers want a homogeneous world that offers no
(available at & is the purse strings of all the world's governments. basis of resistance.
yet another smoking gun. It is based on the revelations Able to create money out of nothing, they naturally
contained in Professor Carroll Quiqley's "Tragedy and grabbed as much of the world's real wealth as they Speaking of the Communist takeover of the US It explains why in a time of supposed security danger,
Hope: A History of the World in Our Time." (1966) could. Quigley writes about the formation of their government in the 1930's and 1940's, Quigley writes, the southern border of the US is practically porous.
"it must be understood that the power that these The bankers want to undermine America's European
Quiqley, a Professor of History at the Foreign Service American cartels: energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own character, which it perceives as a threat.
School at Georgetown University was a trusted insider "The period 1884-1933 was the period of financial power of Communist power but was ultimately the
who had access to their private archives. He felt the capitalism in which investment bankers moving into power ofthe international financial coterie." (954) It explains the war on Iraq, and the fact that there is no
plot, which he supported, was too important to be kept commercial banking and insurance on the one side, opposition in the mainstream parties or press. This war
hidden. However, shortly after publication, his book and into railroading and heavy industry on the other In other words, millions of idealists committed to desecrates a cradle of civilization and assails Islam. It
was taken off the market. were able to mobilize enormous wealth and wield human brotherhood and equality were (and are) duped is also an opportunity to create more debt and enrich
into advancing a totalitarian scheme to concentrate the bankers and their corporate allies.
Cleon Skoussen was an FBI agent for 16 years and the enormous economic, political and social power." (71) wealth and power in the hands of the super rich. More
Police Chief of Salt Lake City for four years. His savvy Leftists, Communists, Feminists and Globalists It explains 9-11, the Patriot Repression Act and the
"The Naked Capitalist" distills the most shocking Indeed their representatives, the "Eastern continue to prosper while unctuously pretending to phony "War on Terror."
evidence from Quigley's daunting 1300-page book. Establishment" i.e. the Morgans and now the serve humanity.
It explains the depraved mass media and stupefying
At just 122 pages, "The Naked Capitalist" (1970) is a Rockefellers
mechanism is
run the United States. (72) The principle
the Council on Foreign Relations. The Money Power controls the debate and encourages education system. I could go on but you get the
concise, lucid and absolutely convincing account of gridlock by backing all political shades and picture. We are krill at the mercy of a gigantic whale.
the international banker conspiracy. Historians who According to Quigley, the ultimate goal is "nothing marginalizing anyone who shines the spotlight on At the very least, let's not waste energy thinking we
have largely ignored this material have betrayed the less than to create a world system offinancial control them. (Ever wonder why Noam Chomsky never live in a free and open society. Our democracy is a
public trust. in private hands able to dominate the political system mentions international bankers and the credit system?) ruse.
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 7


◙ Paul Adams

Will the aftershock of the recent Japanese tsunami and

earthquake prove to be the final nail in the coffin of the
world economy? As the consequences of widespread
devastation in Japan become apparent commentators
are reporting shortages of parts and components for
manufacturers. Car plants in North America and the
UK have been closed temporarily or otherwise due to a
shortage of vital components. Because of the fragile
nature of the interconnected global supply chain any
shocks to the distribution system can cause major
problems for manufacturers. There are also reports that
many major Japanese corporations may also be
affected by these shortages. The concern now is that
second quarter earnings reports may make for dire
reading. If this is the case, the stock market will
plummet. Japan’s GDP debt ratio is estimated (2010)
to stand at 225.8% but may go 228%. Japan will also
need to borrow significant amounts of money to carry
out reconstruction adding to its debt. As if this was not
enough, Europe remains in a mess financially;
Portugal has sought a bailout while Spain is seen as
‘too big to bail’. The only response to debt is to create
more debt.
As countries seek further assistance by way of loans,
there should be at least some confidence about the
ability to pay; that is economic growth. However, more
debt places more burdens on the people through
‘austerity’ measures in order to repay debt. How can
any nation or people pay ever-increasing amounts of
debt while their ability to pay continues to worsen?
The situation in Japan just shows the risks of the
growing interconnectedness of the global economy. A
‘shock’ of any description in one part of the global
economy can cause disastrous shock waves around the
world. Production, supply and finance are now global
in nature. Consequently, the individual nation state’s rationing where the purchasing power of money is this legislation was finally repealed under the Clinton conditions. This has recurred time and again in the
ability, to conduct its own affairs, has been weakened. drastically reduced. administration. The original legislation sought to past. At such times in human history there are dangers
This is the process called Globalization. As with the European Union, if Spain requires distinguish between commercial and investment banks as well as opportunities.
Whether it is Japan that finally brings the economic financial
position to
assistance the question is; who is in a
give that assistance? The truth of the matter
and what was deemed legitimate and worthless paper
that came from speculation.
This is now happening as people realise and
understand how money has been used to entrap and
system down remains to be seen. There are of course is that many countries including the UK have a enslave them. If anything of real value is to be created
many other factors which need to be considered. China massive debt problem, attempting to finance their Under the American Constitution their system is based for humanity money must become an enabler not a
was reported last year to have overtaken Japan as the deficits while imposing massive
world’s second biggest economy. China has become economy continues to shrink. The spending point is,
cuts as the
that without
on a credit system not a monetary system (LaRouche).
Glass/Steagall is once again back before the US
destroyer. Some call this creative destruction. It has
more to do with destruction than creating anything of
the powerhouse, manufacturing consumer goods for serious change to the way money works, a breakdown congress, to vote on its re-instatement. If this bill was real value. Glass/Steagall could change that
the world. This was pre-planned under the ‘Lima of the entire system may be inevitable. re enacted it would give, not only the US, but possibly environment. The question is will that decision be
Declaration’. This treaty was signed in 1975 at a the world the opportunity to cancel much of this debt taken or not? I think it was Patrick Henry who once
convention of the United Nations Industrial and issue credit for reconstruction of the global said, “Give me liberty or give me death”. Let us
Development Organisation, in Lima, Peru. As a result, economy. Unfortunately there is likely to be fierce believe that even at this late hour the people will
US debt has been escalating with much of this debt
held by China. The irony of China’s success is based “Give me control ofa resistance to this as the current monetary system
would be bankrupted in the process. The system of
o r Ad d i t i o n a l c o p i e s o f t h e
S overei g n I n d epen d en t pl eas e vi s i t
on ever-increasing amounts of debt owed to western
countries. In an article by Nancy Marshall Genzer,
Marketplace morning report, March 1st 2011, China’s,
nations money supply, usurious international loans would be brought to an
end, and humanity might be saved from descending ou r es h op at :
US debt has been revised to 1.160 trillion, more than and I care not who into hell.
www. s overei g n i n d epen d en t. co
previously thought.
makes its laws." Today although the magnitude of the problem is far m
Obviously the logic is that these patterns of greater, the solution remains the same. The re-
consumption cannot continue. The debt is simply un- Mayer Amschel Rothschild.
enactment of Glass Steagall would give us opportunity You can al s o pu rch as e th e
repayable. US workers are still paid considerably to change the way money is created and used. S overei g n I n d epen d en t i n P D F
more than Chinese workers and their jobs may The people start to awaken.
form at for I N S TAN T d own l oad !
continue to move abroad under the current economic The problem and possible solution.
arrangements. These patterns of consumption and debt As the situation deteriorates, people begin to lose A l s o a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e - D VD s o f o u r
are clearly unsustainable. If the debt crisis is not The nature of the global empire is an international confidence in the system. They may not be fully recen t con feren ce:
resolved soon we may enter a time of ‘austerity’ in based money system. Money is not used simply as a
both the US and the western world in general. As more
is taken from the people, by way of taxation, to prop convenient means of exchange for goods and services
but to dominate and control both the natural and
aware of the process taking place but they understand
something is wrong. We have seen the results of this ' T H E T RU T H AG E N D A'
up this money system, as the real value of salaries is across the world, here in Britain, the US, Europe and
being reduced, pensions and investments will not give cognitive resources on the planet. In the United States, North Africa, and this process is probably not at an end F or en q u i ri es pl eas e em ai l :
the returns that were expected. ‘Austerity’ may not under the Roosevelt administration, legislation was
brought in to deal with wild speculation and the
yet. People everywhere seem under attack from ed i tor@s overei g n i n d epen d en t. com
necessarily come from a shortage of commodities, multiple forces. This awakening is something re-
although this is also possible, but from a shortage of problem of spiralling debt. The name of this piece of emerging in humankind. It has always been there and B ookm ark ou r webs i te for DA ILY
money which may finally put us back on some form of legislation was Glass/Steagall. After many attempts is usually aroused in humanity under certain

Food for thought, but we’ll need your fingerprints children eat and simply ignore
this further attempt to erode the
rights of parents simply because
propagandists, the BBC, over 100
schools in 2010 were using
fingerprints for food, library books
legalise paedophilia and that this is
being brought into the curriculum in
other EU countries? Is this what you
In another bizarre example of the so some bureaucrat or headmaster and cashless payments. No doubt want?
called ‘nanny state’ or as it should thinks it’s a good idea? What is the food will contain copious
be known, ‘the totalitarian state’ wrong with you? amounts of genetically modified Remember the colour of little
schools in Britain are pushing to cancer causing ‘frankenfoods’ to Jenny’s underwear?
ban parents from providing their They are YOUR children. They are ensure sterilisation as well.
children’s lunches under the guise YOUR responsibility. It’s time parents took full
of healthy eating. Will you let your children be responsibility for their children’s
If you allow the government to indoctrinated into the ‘church of well-being and I would suggest that
This is despite the fact that parents dictate what your children eat, climatology’ and be brainwashed you all start saying no to ALL of
are responsible for what goes into what’s next? Will you allow the into believing CO2 is a toxic gas this totalitarian despotism before it
their children’s bodies. This headmaster to dictate what colour of and that when they breath out they ultimately destroys your children
includes food, drink, medicines and underwear your 10 year old are polluters? and turns them into ‘hitler youth’
the odd marble they lodge up their daughter can wear? Will you allow style robots!
nostrils. him to check? Do you even know what YOUR If your children’s school starts to
children are being taught in school? teach paedophilia I would hope that
Since when did someone with a How about fingerprints to get the Don’t you think you should find every parent of every child would
college course in teaching suddenly school dinners they want to force out? take their children from the state
become a nutritionist? Why won’t down their throats? They’re already school system never to return them
parents simply laugh at the notion doing that! According to master Are you aware that the EU wants to into the clutches of evil.
of a school deciding what their
Will Globalists Trigger Yet
8 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

Another World War?

World War III is the most iconic event in
American culture that never hap p ened. Since
th e e a r ly 1 9 5 0 ’ s , g e n e r a tio n s h a ve b e e n
p rep aring for it, writing b ooks ab out it,
p roducing films and fictional accounts on it, and
e ve n p la yin g vid e o g a m e s b a s e d o n it. T h e
c o n c e p t o f a n o th e r wo r ld wa r is s o in g r a in e d
in to o u r p o p u la r c o n s c io u s n e s s th a t it h a s
b e c o m e a lm o s t m yth o lo g ic a l. I t is a le g e n d , a
fantasy story of something far away and
incomp rehensib le, often associated with Tim
Lahaye novels and action adventure narratives
B y Gio r d a n o B r u n o of religious p rop hecy and Armageddon.

T he cartoon-ization of a “last great global

conflict” is due to a natural tendency of
human beings to cope with terrifying ideas,
often by intellectually trivializing them, and
thereby making them easily digestible, much like
the proverbial public speaking tactic of imagining
By creating war, Globalists change not only the
political landscape of nations, but also the emotional
and rational checks and balances of every individual
who has not prepared himself to handle the pressures
of fear. In this way, people can be made to forget how
Interestingly, recent studies, including those of
National Geographic, show that the debris from the
Maine explosion pointed outward, indicating an
explosion from INSIDE the ship, not outside. The
government still maintains that this must have been
The British also began smuggling arms and explosives
using regular merchant ships as cover, making them
participants in the war, and therefore targets. The
Lusitania was no exception.
things were before, and accept a new world, a world “accidental”: When the Lusitania was hit by a German torpedo, the
the audience with their clothes off designed around the corrupt appetites of elite initial explosion was certainly destructive, but not as
minorities, if only to make the fear stop. World War I: destructive as the massive secondary explosion
The problem with this development in our society is passengers witnessed as they were fleeing the scene,
that it causes us to become cynical to the point of I often hear arguments that war is simply a product of The beginning of WW I is often blamed on a which ripped the ship apart.
idiocy when confronted with very real threats. By temporary mass insanity. That it is often a “blunder,” “mindlessly mechanical series of events,” but this is For decades the U.S. and British governments denied
convincing ourselves that such an event is an an “oversight.” Make no mistake, governments and the simply nonsense. The embroilment of America in the that the Lusitania was carrying arms, until divers
impossibility we leave ourselves unguarded and power brokers behind them WANT war. Indeed, they affairs of Europe was carefully orchestrated and far exploring the wreckage discovered cases of nearly 4
without a conceptual point of reference, because we commonly design wars that never would have from accidental. million rounds of ammo! Meaning according to the
have not thought about the scenario in a practical happened without their help. Here are only a few of articles of war, the Lusitania was in fact classified as a
levelheaded manner. This is akin to a man who has the many examples: Norman Dodd, former director of the Committee to combatant, not a non-threatening ocean liner:
never even considered the likelihood of being mugged Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations of the U.S. House
on the street, versus a man who has trained in self The Spanish American War: of Representatives, testified that the Committee was The most shocking element to this engineered disaster
defense for just such a situation. invited to study the minutes of the Carnegie however was the fact the U.S. and British governments
When the event occurs, the two men will have totally The Spanish American war was one of the first to be a Endowment for International Peace as part of the were well aware that the ship would be attacked, and
different psychological reactions; the first man utterly wholly media driven event, created out of thin air and Committee’s investigation. The Committee stated: ALLOWED it to occur.
surprised and out of his element with little to no forced on the American public. Elites in Washington, “The trustees of the Foundation brought up a single
constructive response, and the latter man far less including Theodore Roosevelt, wanted to move the question. If it is desirable to alter the life of an entire The German Embassy took out ads in 50 U.S.
mentally phased and thus more likely to survive. U.S. into an expansionist policy and the realm of people, is there any means more efficient than war… . newspapers warning that the Lusitania could be made
empire building. Most American citizen wanted They discussed this question… for a year and came up a target. The U.S. State Department in turn contacted
With this fact in mind, we will endeavor to explore nothing to do with expansionism. Our country had with an answer: There are no known means more each of the newspapers and in a threatening fashion
recent world events, along with international been built in opposition to empires after all. Enter efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering suggested that they refrain from printing the ad. A
agreements and tensions, and how they could be used William Randolph Hearst; newspaper mogul and the life of an entire people. That leads them to a small portion of the newspapers ignored the State
by Global Elites to trigger a war reaching around the elitist. Hearst papers across the country went on a question: How do we involve the United States in a Department and printed anyway, but most of the
planet. tabloid spree, reporting on battles between the Spanish war. This is in 1909. ” passengers of the Lusitania never saw it.
government and Cuban guerrilla fighters that were not
Most Wars Happen To actually happening, along with exaggerated Once again, Americans had no interest in Finally, and most importantly, is a fascinating
The Benefit Of Globalists dramatizations of Spanish government mistreatment of expansionism or fighting wars along side Monarchies discussion from the book “The Intimate Papers of
civilians. Of course, the Spanish were certainly not that we with good reason despised. The key to how we Colonel House,” between House; an advisor (some
Elites often attempt to paint a pretty picture, a glossy treating the Cuban people well, but the fact that Hearst were fooled once again into going against our better would say puppeteer) to Woodrow Wilson, and Sir
flower filled love-fest, when it comes to the creation of made stories up in order to paint a grave picture with instincts lay in the sinking of yet another ship; the Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary of England before
World Government. The truth however has been and which to manipulate Americans at home is what is Lusitania. the attack on the Lusitania occurred. The coldness of
always will be that the road to globalization is paved important here. the exchange is haunting:
with the death of innocents and civilizations. Every The Lusitania was attacked by a German U-boat and
movement towards the formation of centralized global Upon his arrival in Cuba, Hearst correspondent sunk on May 7, 1915, killing 1198 passengers and was Grey: “What will America do ifthe Germans sink an
government has been preceded by unthinkable Fredrick Remington cabled to Hearst: “Everything is later used as a pretext for drawing the U.S. into WWI; ocean liner with American passengers on board?”
destruction. This may seem futile and horribly quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish this is the commonly held view taught in every high
regressive to us, but to Globalists, war is a highly to return. ” Hearst reportedly replied: “Please remain. school history class. The problem is that it is only half House: “I believe that a flame of indignation would
effective and useful tool. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war. ” the story. What it does not mention is the fact that the sweep the United States and that by itself would be
British goaded the Germans into the attack. sufficient to carry us into the war.”
Conflict on a massive scale creates an atmosphere of Hearst’s propaganda though was not quite enough to
tension and terror, giving the average man, even men make the people want to forcefully overtake another In that era, there still existed “rules of war,” one of World War II:
who are nowhere near danger, a sort of perpetual country or adopt expansionism. So, on February 15, which was the expectation that German U-boats
tunnel vision. World War has the ability to trigger the 1898, an explosion was set on the USS Maine off the should surface before destroying any merchant vessel World War II was perhaps the first war in which
“fight or flight” psychological response and sustain it coast of Havana, Cuba. 260 out of 355 sailors lost their and allow the passengers to flee the ship. The Germans Globalists created an enemy completely from scratch.
in an entire society over long periods of time. lives, though strangely, only two ranked as officers adhered to this standard until the British began arming That’s right; the Nazis were organized and funded by
Maintaining such a mental state in a human being can were killed. Hearst papers went into overdrive merchant ships and ordering them to fly the colors of Elites from across the world, including those here in
cause severe exhaustion and emotional imbalance. claiming the Spanish had sunk her with a mine or neutral countries. They were then to sink any U-boat America.
Imagine the process of interrogation and torture used torpedo, and the pretext for war in Cuba was that surfaced to deliver a warning. The good faith of
on a prisoner in places such as Guantanamo Bay, then, established. Ever since, the U.S. has held an ever more the understanding was ruined, and the Germans Hitler himself was considered a joke among Germans
apply that to an entire nation of people. War breaks prominent policy of expansionism and empire decided it was safer to sink the ships without warning when he first began his tirades for an “Aryan Empire,”
down our psychological defenses as a society, and building. and be done with it.
makes us vulnerable to suggestion. Contd on page 9...
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 9
Will Globalists Trigger Yet Another World War?
...Continued from page 8
and was shrugged off by the mainstream as a lunatic. herded towards accepting the idea of U.S.
But Germany was also in the middle of the worst expansionism. After World War I, we were convinced
economic collapse in recent memory, and when Hitler to hurtle ourselves into European affairs and squander
gained support from the Thule Society, a Freemason- money and resources on unnecessary conflicts. We
like secret society in Europe, and also began receiving also witnessed the formation of the League of Nations,
investment from Wall Street interests, including the a pre-UN global body meant as a beginning foundation
Rockefeller family, the German people started taking for world government. After World War II, Europe was
notice. nearly wiped off the map, its people downtrodden and
Hitler’s new aristocratic friends could bring to psychologically ripe for centralization. Without
Germany what the people desperately wanted; jobs WWII, the European Union would have never been
and cold hard cash. possible. The U.S. also joined the United Nations, the
body which is now being pushed along with the IMF
The collusion between the Rockefellers and the Nazis for oversight of global financial regulation, as well as
is well documented, and was first exposed by the unified trade law and “harmonization.” After the
discovery of the Von Knieriem Documents during the Iraq / Afghan war began, a new threat was fabricated
Nuremberg Trials. The documents outline how the in the guise of “terrorism,” a faceless enemy with no
Rockefellers, through their company Standard Oil, real nation or border, no identifiable army, and an
supplied investment, as well as secret fuel technology, elusive and sloppily defined ideology. Anyone can be
without which Nazi warplanes would have been labeled a terrorist, even an American citizen, thus, a
inoperable: war on terrorism can be sustained indefinitely.
The Rockefellers also started the first eugenics This sets the stage for the next possible global conflict
population control program here in the U.S. in 1909, which could be used as the final motivator to pressure
forcefully sterilizing over 60,000 “genetically the masses into an oppressive New World Order.
inferior” Americans long before Hitler put the idea
into practice in Germany: World War III: A Realistic Assessment The Sinking of the Lusitania - Brought the Americans into World War 1
The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German On Christmas Day 2009 a young Nigerian man by the
eugenics program and even funded the program that name of Umar Abdulmutallab was lead into an airport interests, label them as Al Qaeda and a decent sized Russia and other eastern nations appear to be forming
Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz. in Amsterdam by what witnesses describe as a “well portion of the American public will look the other way an opposing economic (and perhaps political) block,
And how about the exposure of George W. Bush’s dressed Indian man” who lied about Umar’s status as while you bomb their children. yet the ultimate goal of the elites there is the same as it
grandfather, Prescott Bush, as a Nazi collaborator and a Sudanese refugee. Although Umar was already on a is for elites here. If war were to occur, it would once
launderer of Nazi funds: terrorist watch list, he was not flagged, and was Russia Expanding In the Middle East: again be puppet governments set loose upon each other
allowed to board the plane without a passport and
This is only a small portion of the evidence which without difficulty: Now we get to the heart of the matter. Many of us have in an illusory conflict in which the real targets are the
masses themselves.
proves that the Nazi’s were an elitist creation, and Also according to witnesses, another man on the plane already forgotten the brief war between Russia and
World War II deliberately engineered. reportedly (and rather oddly) filmed the would-be Georgia, started when U.S. backed Georgia invaded The goal is to force the people to take sides, to divide
terrorist during the entire flight. As the plane South Ossetia unprovoked, randomly shooting and them against each other and make them forget the true
Iraq / Afghanistan War: approached landing in Detroit, Umar proceeded to bombing civilians, causing Russia to intercede. Not enemy; the elites who cultivated the problem in the
ignite an explosive substance hidden in his underpants. long after this event, Russia began announcing openly first place. Under the threat of world conflict or
I won’t go into the long and sordid background of the Only days after, Al-Qaeda agents allegedly based in plans to expand its navy into the Middle East, rampant terrorism, the average American could be
9/11 attacks and how they were used to foment a Yemen took responsibility. Why anyone would take including the construction of Navy Bases in Yemen, made to feel “disruptive,” or even “traitorous” for
never-ending war in the Middle East. To do so would responsibility for a botched underwear bomb attack I and Libya, as well as the modernization of a navy base speaking out against the war, while those who point
take an entirely separate article. What I will say is, the leave to your imagination. the Russians already control on the coast of Syria: out the dangers of the police state could simply be
“official story” of that event has been shown on
numerous occasions by thousands of researchers, And how has the U.S. Government been proceeding in Yemen’s dealings with Russia also include major arms labeled
terrorists themselves. Such an atmosphere
also distract our attentions away from the
many of whom are architects and engineers, to be Yemen? Air strikes killing 63 civilians including 28 sales: eminent economic breakdown. It is difficult to imagine
riddled with holes and completely unsatisfactory by children:
any measure of logic. The collapses themselves have Yemen recently announced plans to work closely with this happening here, but think of how many Germans
laughed at Hitler in his early days, as opposed to how
been left scientifically unexplained by NIST, the But lets set aside the obvious false flag attack used to Iran in defending its coast from pirates many eventually followed him when they were faced
government agency tasked with constructing move into Yemen and ask the larger question: why?
“answers” for the many oddities surrounding the What does the U.S. presence in Yemen mean? It means with absolute desperation.
structural failure of WTC 1, 2 and 7. NIST continues Why Yemen? There are a few solid explanations, a lot of ruffled feathers (or at least the appearance of In the midst of all this of course would stand the EU
to refuse to release the source data for their computer including the rather suspicious financial dealings of such) and the increase of Middle Eastern tension to a and the UN. I believe whether a war is triggered or the
models they claim prove that the towers fell naturally Umar Abdulmutallab’s father, who has been involved whole new level, conceivably putting us in a position economy is simply left to disintegrate, it will be the
due to burning jet fuel. Without this source data, none heavily with Yemen Government debt: of clashing with Russian interests. UN and European interests that “dash to the rescue”
of their conclusions hold any validity. They are simply with a new stabilized currency and unified government
opinions backed by nothing. But this seemingly small affair in this very small Enter Israel. when all seems lost. Just as in the past, Globalists want
country I believe is part of a much larger design.
Dr. Steven Jones along with eight other scientists The Israeli Government has said openly and often that to erase history, rewrite it, and play the part of the
hero. With an extra century or more of constant
around the world have published a peer review paper Yemen Rebels Labeled “Al Qaeda:” it deems Iran a target if they continue to build nuclear propaganda, who would know to argue otherwise?
in the Open Chemical Physics Journal proving beyond power facilities, even going so far as to draw up plans
a doubt that military grade nanothermite (demolitions) There are most likely little to no “Al Qaeda” fighters to use low-yield nuclear weapons against them: The Solution
is present in large quantities in the rubble of the WTC: in Yemen, but the Yemeni government has been
fighting Houthi rebels in its mountain regions for This leads us to what may end up being the most What we have just covered is a possible state of affairs
This means that demolitions were placed in the years, and it seems, not doing very well. In response, important news of last year besides the “Great based on the circumstances of the moment. It is by no
buildings most likely by someone with easy access and Saudi Arabia insinuated itself into the fight, perhaps Recession”; a defense pact signed between Iran and means our fate. What this examination is meant to
were used to aid in their collapse. The suspects for fearing what a revolution might do to their interests in Syria: convey is the gravity of the task before us, and the
such an operation I leave for you to decide, though I the region. Only days before the Christmas false flag, reality that it is we who must halt the machine in its
find it highly improbable that “Muslim Extremists” U.S. officials were leaking their “concerns” over So, what elements are we dealing with here? tracks. We cannot leave it to future generations; to our
were involved. possible Yemeni rebel “connections” to Al Qaeda in
the press: We have a nuclear armed Israel itching to attack Iran. children
fight, and
or theirs. It must stop right here. This is our
if we do not succeed then there may not be a
After each of these wars was concocted, governments We have Iran engaged in a defense pact with Syria second chance
and Globalists around the planet pushed for even What we are seeing is yet another instance in which against Israel. We have Syria with Russian navy bases our neighbors for on
humanity. By continuing to educate
the threats confronting us, and by
greater centralization of authority and consolidation of our government labels any insurgency group not as and weapons on its soil, and we have the U.S. preparing for the worst,
power. rebels with their own particular cause, but as “Al rampaging through the Middle East encroaching on the no future is set in stone. mentally as well as physically,
Qaeda,” a global James Bond-ian terrorist conspiracy. borders of Pakistan and Yemen, essentially pissing off
After the Spanish American War, Americans were Its simple really; if someone stands in the way of your everyone. What we have is a Globalist made recipe for I sometimes hear words like “impossible,” “pointless,”
disaster, using the same ingredients they have used for “futile,” in regards to our situation, and the obstacles
the last several major wars. which we face. “Impossibility” is an empty term driven
The Trigger: by doubt, not by concrete reality. There is no
“impossibility,” only destiny, and destiny is something
An Israeli attack on Iran could draw in the U.S., we have
make, not follow. As far as I have seen men fall, I
never in the whole of my life believed there was
especially if Russia were to intervene through Syria. anything we could not do. As long as we hold by what
The likelihood of a large scale false flag attack is also is true, there is no such thing as the insurmountable.
very high over the next couple years, designed to
frighten the American people into support for police Regardless of where we are headed, be it moderately
state conditions at home, as well as greater complicity troubling times, or the worst of all possible worlds, our
in an expanded war overseas. The war would not even job here now is to at once walk through fire and yet
commonly expected (the elites would rather keep the S o vFeorer iA d dThis
i ti onis awhat
l cowepiare
of ttohdo.
necessarily have to become a nuclear event as is stand immovable.
planet in good condition for themselves), or even g n I n d e p e n d e n t p l e a s e vi s i t
develop far beyond the Middle East. Its effects would ou r es h op at :
still be felt everywhere.
www. s overei g n i n d epen d en t. co
The Advantages Of World War
(For Globalists):
Russia and other BRIC nations are moving to shore up You can al s o pu rch as e th e
wealth, buying gold and diversifying their currency S overei g n I n d epen d en t i n P D F
holdings away from Treasuries and U.S. Dollars. This form at for I N S TAN T d own l oad !
indicates the probability that they will soon drop the
dollar as the world reserve currency if not entirely. A l s o a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e - D VD s o f o u r
Russia has in several instances stated its desire for a recen t con feren ce:
“world currency” and even world government, just
as political elements of the U.S. and Europe have in
the past. I believe what we see unfolding is a scenario
much like that of WWII, except this time, the U.S. sits
' T H E T RU T H AG E N D A'
in the position of the Weimar Republic, its currency F or en q u i ri es pl eas e em ai l :
ready to hyperinflate, it treasury on the edge of
insolvency, its debt holders becoming its enemies, and ed i tor@s overei g n i n d epen d en t. com
its government looking for any excuse to dilute
Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company - Helped fuel the Nazis during WWII personal liberties for the “greater good”. B ookm ark ou r webs i te for DA ILY
Philanthrop y?
10 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

Beware Billionaires Bearing Gifts!

I nternational media carried reports in
2010 of the Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
philanthropic scheme called 'The
Giving Pledge'. On 4 August the
Giving Pledge revealed the names of 40
individuals and families who pledged to give
away at least half of their fortunes during
their lifetimes or at death. Buffett and Gates
Warren Buffett has never spoken publicly
about his views on abortion. The Wall
Street Journal reported that in the 1990s,
the Buffett Foundation helped to finance
the research and development of the pills
that induce abortion. His foundation also
helped finance a lawsuit to overturn the ban
on partial-birth abortion in Nebraska. The
have thrown down the gauntlet to 70 to 80 New York Times revealed in August 2010
of the Forbes 400. They plan to approach that the Kenneth J. Ryan Residency
the remainder and to take this challenge Training Programme, which gives two or
beyond the US. They held a dinner in three years of seed money for abortion
Beijing in October 2010 to persuade Chinese training for OB-GYN residents at medical
billionaires to participate in this venture. schools on 58 campuses in the US and
Canada, and the Family Planning
News of the initial gathering of this group Fellowship, are both entirely funded by
(curiously called 'The First Supper') appeared Buffett’s foundation. In 2006 Buffett gave
in a report by New York publisher, Niall the foundation about $3 billion. Tax returns
O'Dowd, on 18 May 2009. Participants indicate that total giving by the foundation
included the Davids Rockefeller Snr and Jr, increased from $202 million in 2007 to
George Soros, Ted Turner, Michael $347 million in 2008. In 2008 the
Bloomberg, Chuck Feeney and Oprah Winfrey. foundation gave Planned Parenthood and
A media blackout ensured that two subsequent its US affiliates about $45 million. Planned
dinners were unreported and shy billionaires Parenthood International got approximately
were able to speak openly about their fortunes $8 million. The foundation paid out around
and ideas for philanthropy. Fortune magazine $50 million to universities with either the
published a Gates-Buffett informed article on Ryan or the Family Planning Fellowship.
16 June 2010. Tax records show that most of the spending
goes on abortion and contraception matters.
The Giving Pledge promises a massive Buffett also gave in excess of $30 billion’s
increase in the money going to philanthropy. worth of stock to the Bill and Melinda
Forbes magazine estimated the 2009 net worth particular obsession of Messrs Gates, Buffett and Turner is Gates Foundation in 2006.
of the Forbes 400 at $1.2 trillion. Fifty percent of the net worth population control. The Sunday Times reported on 24 May 2010
of those 400 would be $600 billion. That is the minimum amount that the 'First Supper' was a secret meeting to consider how the The Financial Times has described Bill Gates’ stated vision of
Buffett and Gates are targeting. billionaires' wealth could be used to "slow the growth of the the function of the billionaires as one of decision-making in a
world's population and speed up improvements in health and new constitutional order. Does wealth gives the unelected Gates
Philanthropists who made the pledge posted a letter saying why education." The paper reported that the philanthropists discussed and his associates the right to decide who may live or die and the
they did it. The common denominator was a belief that the lives joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to size or complexion of any population?
of the very rich can be empty if their wealth does nothing to change. Taking their cue from Gates, the first supper decided to
advance the greater good. focus on overpopulation, and " a consensus emerged that they Beware billionaires bearing gifts. They distort democracy.
would back a strategy in which population growth would be Here are refs so you can see above is accurate.
Warren Buffett makes it clear that although the amounts being tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and
pledged are large, we are not talking about the widow's mite. In industrial threat."
pledging to divest himself of 99% of his own fortune, Buffett rticle6350303.ece Billionaire Club in bid to curb
says that he and his family will give up nothing they need or Bill and Melinda Gates have given millions of dollars to abortion overpopulation. The Sunday Times.
want. He says that his pledge will "leave my lifestyle untouched providers like International Planned Parenthood (of which Gates
and that of my children as well." has said his father is a former head). Bill Gates is on record as Bill
supporting population reduction programmes. The Gates Gates suggests vaccines and reproductive health may reduce
The Giving Pledge has not been universally welcomed. US Institute for Population and Reproductive Health provides populations...
taxpayers have been compelled to commit much more than $600 abortion fellowships at Johns Hopkins University.In an
billion to bailouts and stimulus plans to protect an economy extraordinary statement at the TED conference in February 2010,
which has caused them much hardship and which have not Gates suggests that vaccines have a role in population reduction. ship.pdf List of abortion fellowships
worked, but which have profited the billionaires. Many He is a huge supporter of vaccination programmes.
comments posted on Fortune’s website are critical and angry.
Some suggest that the billionaires were giving, fearing Obama The Population and Family Health Sciences Department at nine page article from New York Times which describes (on
would take wealth from them. One poster said that the Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore MD also page 4) Warren Buffett’s funding of abortion related litigation
billionaires' lifetimes of successful greed could not be offset by provides abortion fellowships. and programmes in medical schools.
controlling who and what cause would get assistance.
Suggestions were made that the philanthropic billionaires should Ted Turner is on the record calling for a worldwide one child Buffett
act independently so that there would be diversity in the causes policy similar to the one in China that practises forced abortion Foundation “quiet force” in population control – gave $3billion
that would benefit. and coercive sterilization. Turner has given over $1 billion for to the Buffett Foundation and more than $30 billion to the Bill
UN programmes. and Melinda Gates Foundation.
There is considerable merit in this last suggestion. One very
.....Continued from page 1 you die before you ever receive your continent? It’s meant to be that way virus which had no other purpose
pension and when you are no longer folks! than causing cancer yet it was pushed
was useless! any use to society. That’s why they All of us at one time or another have as a vaccine for polio when, as with
Look that up for yourself! All other want you retiring later in life and are been led to believe in the efficacy of measles, polio was well in decline
vaccine claims that they’ve cured or forcing you through economic vaccines. I was one of them and had prior to any vaccine due to the same
eliminated disease follow a similar terrorism to work longer regardless my child vaccinated nearly 30 years factors.
pattern. Better hygiene, clean water of your age or health. They want to ago. I wouldn’t even dream of it
and good healthy food was the work you to death. now! Enter stage right at the TED 2010
cause of the decline and any doctor conference, Mr. Bill Gates, head of
worth his smelling salts should You will be classed as a burden to I think it’s safe to say that we’re all Microsoft, the biggest computer firm
know that. If they don’t then they society, a financial cost which aware of the real pandemic, as on the planet. What has Bill gates to
are misinformed on a grand scale. society has to bear and therefore you opposed to the fake pandemics of the do with vaccines you’re wondering?
Therein lies the problem. Why have will be stigmatised as a ‘useless past. It’s called ‘CANCER’. Prior to
doctors been ‘indoctrinated’ to eater’; a consumer of resources mass vaccination, cancers were See the quote on the front page.
believe that vaccines are the sacred needed for the rest of society. When extremely rare, as in almost non- Those are his EXACT words
cow of medicine when the Big Pharma can no longer profit existent. Today in the western, so
historical record clearly shows that from the illness they gave you, you called developed world, we face a Are you beginning to get the picture?
they are virtually useless? will be left to die. crisis of cancer to the extent that,
between one in five to one in two The globalist elite care nothing for
Hold onto your sanity because I This is the depopulation agenda will suffer, many dying, from one humanity; ordinary men, women and
have some bad news for you. promoted under the United Nations form of cancer or another. children must be eliminated in their
Division of Population under the delusional minds to ensure that their
The real reason for vaccinations, Department Economic and Social What’s happened to cause this superior types go into the future with
Dep op ulation Through apart from the massive profits to the
manufacturers, is to ensure that you
We only need look at Africa, the
pandemic? the best of breeding being the only
criteria worthy of saving. You and I
Forced Vaccination: The get sick throughout your life, again
not only to enrich these same
nation which the United Nations has
said themselves, could feed the
We only have to look back at the
Jonas Salk polio vaccine that went
are no longer required and that is
why we are seeing the loss of our
Zero C arb on Solution! corporations that made you sick,
but to ensure that many, if not all of
world. Why then are millions in
Africa starving to death on that
around the world in the full
knowledge that it contained the SV40
economy, our wealth, our health, our
happiness and ultimately, OUR
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 11

Challenging the Vaccine Dogma

chronologically around the same time as the first year into one shot. During the study, 17 children (1.9%) had response and protection against pertussis disease. "
vaccinations, angry parents need something to blame. an event within 14 days of vaccination that met one of [10] The esteemed medical journal, Vaccine, states
the defining criteria of a serious adverse experience. clearly, "It is known that, in many instances, antibody
The medical dogma supporting this position is the These experiences included seizure, asthma, diarrhea, titers do not correlate with protection. " [11]
assertion that "temporal association does not prove apnea (stopped breathing) [and many others.] Virtually
causality. " Simply put, the phase means that even all of these adverse experiences were classified as The dogma that vaccines are safe and effective has
though two events occur at nearly the same time, one serious because they involved a hospitalization. None become a medical sacred cow, an icon regarded to be
event is not the cause of the other. The implication is was judged by the study investigators to be causally above criticism or attack. Challenges to vaccination
that regression into autism would have happened related [caused by] Comvax® or the [other two have often been written off as conspiracy theories.
anyway. The administration of several vaccines vaccines]. In addition, three deaths among participants Parents have learned through experience the
immediately before the appearance of autism had in this study were attributed to sudden infant death difficulties of challenging their pediatrician’s vaccine
nothing to do with it, a dogma that promotes "the syndrome that occurred more than 14 days after mandates. Nonetheless, many are resisting the medical
child is to blame, not the vaccine." Similarly, intense administration of a dose of vaccine (29, 31, and 38 profession’s dogmas about vaccines and many are
investigations are searching for a genetic cause for days, respectively.) Again, none was judged by the refusing vaccinations for their children.
autism spectrum disorders. [2] The identification of a investigators to be related to vaccination. [5]
corrupted gene will point an incriminating finger at A benchmark in a civilized society is the absence of
defective parents as the "cause" of their child’s The placebo in this study was the HiB vaccine and the infectious diseases, a doctrine that emerged during the
autism. hepatitis b vaccine given as two separate shots. pre-antibiotic era. Public health officials attribute low
Because the number of side effects from the single infection rates to mandatory vaccination policies rather
The following statement was published in the Center shot was similar to the number of side effects induced than giving credit to improved personal hygiene and
for Disease Control’s publication on infection diseases, by the separate shots, Comvax® was declared to be modern conveniences such as indoor plumbing. It is
referred to as The Pink Book: "as safe as placebo. " Investigators nullified the time for the truth about vaccines to be widely known.
"There is no distinct syndrome from vaccine association between the vaccines and SIDS with a Vaccine safety has not been proven. Vaccines provide
administration, and therefore, many temporally stroke of the pen. Comvax® was declared to be "well- false security about protection. Vaccines can cause
associated adverse events probably represent tolerated." harm. It is time to dispense with the "safe and
background illness rather than illness caused by the

◙ Dr Sherri Tenpenny vaccine… . the [vaccine] may stimulate or precipitate
inevitable symptoms of underlying CNS disorder, such
as seizures, infantile spasms, epilepsy or SIDS. By
chilling, consistent pattern exists in chance alone, some of these cases will seem to be
stories told by parents: My child was temporally related to [the vaccine]. " [3]
normal, happy, and healthy. He was With the rate of autism being one in every 150
walking, learning to talk and playing with children in the U.S and a new high of one in every 58
his siblings. He was on track developmentally, and children in the U.K, an urgent investigation needs to
everything was normal. At his one-year well baby be undertaken to establish if unvaccinated 12 to 18
check up, the doctor said it was time for his next month old children suddenly become autistic. There
round of shots. Unquestioning, the shots were has been no answer to this question, in fact, no one has
given. Within weeks, he was autistic. even looked.
The reports vary slightly in content and timing, but the Safety Assumptions
descriptions of thousands of children who suddenly
regress into the isolated world of autism are eerily the The classic example of unquestioned dogma is the
same. long held notion that the sun rotated around the earth.
In 1530, Copernicus challenged the assumption with
What is Dogma? evidence that the earth rotated on its axis once daily
and traveled around the sun once yearly. A fantastic
Webster’s defines dogma as "a doctrine; a positive concept for the times, the new information was
arrogant assertion of opinion. " Taking off from this considered heresy. Later, when Galileo supported
definition, medical dogmas certainly abound. Many Copernicus’ conclusions, he was imprisoned, subjected
have survived for decades simply because an assertion to a trial by Holy Inquisitioners, and forced to
was made and then never questioned. Over time, the withdraw his evidence to save his own life.
allegation was assumed to be fact.
Similarly, parents are forced into vaccination decisions
An early example of dogma in the vaccine industry by modern day medical inquisitioners. Threats include
occurred in 1913 when Dr. Simon Flexnor held out expulsion from the medical practice and calls to
that polio was a disease caused by a virus entering the children’s protective services with accusations of
body through the nose and mouth. He postulated that medical neglect. Parents are told vaccines are safe and
paralysis arose when the virus traveled directly from necessary for keeping children healthy. But are they effective" dogma before one more person is harmed.
the sinuses to the brain and the spinal cord. Flexnor’s really safe? Defining effective 1 . Rogers, Naomi. Dirt and Disease, Polio before
assertions about the mode of paralysis were never FDR (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press,
reproduced and it is now known that polio is a Vaccination is a medical treatment. Assumptions Researchers define an effective vaccine as one that 1996), p. 24.
gastrointestinal virus, not a respiratory virus. regarding the effectiveness of many medical creates antibodies after being deposited into the 2 . CDC. Epidemiology and Prevention, The Pink
treatments abound. A report published by The bloodstream, a response called "positive Book, 6th Edition, Chapter 6: Pertusus. pg 80.
Difficulties in developing a vaccine occurred because Government Accounting Office (GAO) concluded that seroconversion." One vaccine is considered to be 3 . "Genetic cause ofautism, " January 18, 2006.
he propagated a dogma that the polio virus would only "only 10-20% of all procedures currently used in more effective than another, from a researcher’s 4. Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical
grow in neurological tissue, a culture media that was medical practice have been shown to be efficacious by perspective, if the first vaccine induces a larger Technologies. Washington, D. C. Congress of the
associated with life-threatening encephalitis in controlled trials. " [4] Hence, 80-90% of usual and antibody response than the second. [6] United States, Office of Technology Assessment,
experimental animals. [1] No one attempted to use customary practices are assumed to be effective Publication No. 052003-00593-0. 1978. Government
other types of tissue cultures to grow polioviruses. His without proof. Vaccination falls into this category. The medical community and the general public define Printing Office, Washington , D. C. 20402.
solo paper remained unquestioned dogma for 25 years an effective vaccine as a vaccine that protects a person 5. West, David. , et. al. "Safety and immunogenicity of
until Dr. John Enders found, serendipitously, that the Contrary to repeated claims by the government and the from the infection they have been vaccinated against. bivalent H. influenza type b/hepatitis B vaccine in
virus would indeed grow in a variety of different pharmaceutical industry, vaccines have never been For example, the chickenpox vaccine is considered to healthy infants. " Ped. Inf. Dis. J 1997;16:593-599.
tissues. When Enders’ revolutionary discovery was proven to be safe by the gold standard of medical be effective by doctors if, in the case of an outbreak, 6. CDC. MMWR. "Pertussis Vaccination: Use of
published in Science, January 28, 1949, the entire research: The double-blind, placebo controlled those vaccinated do not contract chickenpox. Acellular Pertussis Vaccines Among Infants and
virology community immediately accepted the new investigation. In a placebo-controlled study, the safety Young Children. " March 28, 1997/Vol. 46/No. RR-7,
findings. The polio vaccine was produced within five of a medication is determined by comparing it to a The definitions differ substantially and have p. 4.
years. A scientific claim passed off as dogma vanished neutral substance, such as a sugar pill. In vaccine considerably different ramifications, mostly because 7. Gustafson, T. , et. al. NEJM 1987;316-771-774.
when challenged by scientific fact. safety trials, a new vaccine is not compared to an inert the presence of an antibody does not assure the person 8. NMASeminars. com
compound such as a shot of sterile water. Instead, the will be protected from infection. Many outbreaks have 9. HibTiter® vaccine package insert. Physician’s
Present day vaccine dogma is promoted by The "placebo" is another vaccine. If the number of side occurred in fully vaccinated populations. One example Desk Reference, 2002. Vol. 56. pg. 1860.
Institute of Medicine (IOM), a group of ostensibly effects caused by the experimental vaccine is found to was an out break of measles that occurred in a group 10. CDC. MMWR. Pertussis Vaccination: Use of
impartial physicians, scientists and researchers. After be the same as the number of reactions caused by the where more than 99 percent of the population had been Acellular Pertussis Vaccines Among Infants and
reviewing the industry-funded research papers placebo-vaccine, manufacturers declare the new vaccinated.[7] Many outbreaks of chickenpox and Young Children. March 28, 1997/Vol. 46/No. RR-7,
concluding there is no connection between vaccines vaccine to be "as safe as placebo. " mumps have occurred when children were fully p. 4.
and autism, the IOM similarly concludes there is no vaccinated. [8] 11 . Del Giudice G, Podda A, Rappuoli R. What are
connection between vaccines and autism. How could Another trick used by investigators to promote the the limits of adjuvanticity? Vaccine. 2001 Oct 15;20
they come to any other conclusion? safety of vaccines is to discount any part of the study’s The package insert of the HiBTiter®, a vaccine to Suppl 1:S38-41.
The phrase, "temporal association does not prove
data that suggests a problem. The following excerpt
from a clinical trial demonstrates how a placebo-
protect against an infection by the H. influenza b
bacteria, clearly states "the contribution [antibodies Visit Dr Tenpenny's website at:
causality" means that even though two events occur at
the same time, one event does not cause the other. The
IOM supports the dogma purported by the American
Academy of Pediatrics: Since autism occurs
vaccine is used and the elimination of negative data.
The study was designed to determine the safety of
Comvax®, a vaccine combining the Haemophilus
make] to clinical protection is unknown. " [9] Similar
findings have been reported about the pertussis
vaccine: "The findings of efficacy studies have not
influenza vaccine (HiB) and the hepatitis B vaccine demonstrated a direct correlation between antibody

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12 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

The Triumph of the Ill-willed

Political and Utopian
◙ Thomas Sheridan
I n his paper, Intelligence as a Person-Situation
Interaction, Dr. Robert Sternberg lists five
fallacies of critical thinking. He states, “there is
guilt or empathy, ever.
The Utopian Psychopath
Many super-wealthy, aristocratic and powerful
another dimension to person-situation interaction:
the extent to which particular situations elicit psychopaths love nothing better than to use their
’stupid’ thinking in intelligent people.” All of his status and influence to ‘repair’ shortcomings they
five fallacies range from a sense of godlike perceive in others. Usually, these same shortcomings
indestructibility to extreme hubris and occur and social problems were created by the previous
mainly in the context of perceived or actual power generation of like-minded influential and elite
and dominance over others. Dr. Sternberg is one of psychopaths. Many of the elite of today are ordering
many scientists who have discovered that the the rest of us to reduce our carbon footprints while
enjoyment of power and control over other people conducting interviews from their fuel-guzzling limos
actually changes brain chemistry and behaviour. and private jets. They originate from the same
Some people are more prone than others to these aristocratic families who created the dependence upon
effects of power and positions of influence. oil in the first place. Naturally, they fail to see the
By Neilknow
Psychopaths Fosterno other way to live other than irony in all this, and tellingly, they have used their
to gain and hold power over others bought-and-paid-for corporate media to blinker most
constantly—similar to an addict seeking a drug fix. of society from also recognising this irony.
They are likewise subject to the above fallacies all
the time and for the rest of their lives. From Jim Jones’ ‘People’s Temple’, in ‘Jonestown,’ He became an assistant professor at the University of wonder that the ordinary Italians in the early
Guyana, to the ‘First Five-Year Plan’ of the USSR, to California, Berkeley at age 25. Then he started making Renaissance period who lived under the yoke of these
Mao’s social-political programs, such as the ‘Great bombs and killing innocent people in order to save the psychopathic elites would rationalise their masters as
Regardless of whether we want to accept it or not, we Leap Forward’ and the ‘Cultural Revolution’, from the planet. Now where this gets very interesting is his being demons and devils? Later this concept would be
live with and work around psychopaths all our lives English ‘Enclosure Act’ of the 12th Century to the manifestos are almost identical to the current de- brought into literature as the "happy and dauntless and
without ever realising this. Images of serial killers or various Planned Communities of today, the population fetish among intellectuals and college sagacious" Prince Prospero in Edgar Allen Poe's ‘The
cult leaders are the first thing to pop into our minds psychopathic hunger is to pen the humans in and make professors. Ted Kaczynski’s population reduction plan Mask of the Red Death’ (1842).
when we hear the term “psychopath”. In this article, I them slaves for their utopian grand megalomaniacal was implemented in an immediate ‘hands-on’ manner,
am specifically referring to the everyday, socially- visions. If millions are displaced, impoverished or whereas the pontificating psychopathic academics The psychopath (or sociopath) has been represented
adept psychopathic individuals who live amongst us, murdered to make this happen then so be it. If prefer mass sterilisation and forced abortions rather throughout history, either as metaphor or allegory in
for these make up the overwhelming majority of people’s psychological wellbeing, emotional richness, than pipe bombs. However, the same psychopathic the guise of the demon, the djinn, the succubus, the
psychopaths in the world today. creative awareness and individuality can be just turned underlying desire to slaughter humans so that they, the vampire, and the werewolf. Even in the twenty-first
off by a centrally-controlled computer, via an elite educated class, can take over the planet and live century this instinctual response is as strong as ever
According to the American Journal of Psychiatry implanted microchip, then better still. No more as gods among pure nature is what drives them. All we after someone has encountered the full absurdity and
between 1 and 22/25 people in Western society is a messing about with mass graves and low-level humans are, ultimately, to these utopian psychopaths, horror presented by the pathology. There is currently a
psychopath to some degree. The term psychopath has is nothing more than cheap labour and a future source wealthy and powerful family in the United Arab
been in common use since the nineteenth century and of fertilizer for their organic Edens. Emirates who to this day boast of being the bloodline
was popularised by psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley in of a demon-human hybrid due to their ancestors
his 1941 best seller; ‘The Mask of Sanity: An Attempt Normal human beings do not have a desire to align the mating with female djinns. The UAE is one of the
to Clarify Some Issues About the So-Called human condition within the social model of the bee or wealthiest countries in the world due to its vast oil
Psychopathic Personality’. These self-serving, cold- the worker ant. The defining system of management of reserves, yet in 2010 it was reported that nearly one
blooded and mostly psychologically, vicious every utopian concept, including the New fifth of the child population of that country is dying of
individuals whom we have all encountered since Towns/Brutalistic high-rise public housing of the starvation. Bearing all this in mind, I suspect these
childhood are everywhere; in all races, religious and 1950s and 60s, were all deeply-rooted elite “crazy rationalisations” that psychopaths may well be
social strata, displaying all the remorseless, guiltless psychopathology and social engineering based on an the real life demons that walk amongst us will remain
and devious behavioural and physiological traits listed assumption that most humans who are not of a certain for some time to come. Some people on this planet are
within the mainstream, scientific diagnostic criteria for pedigree are wild animals—out of control, and just not us. They are a predatory consciousness
evaluating psychopathic behaviour. However, politics, needing to be locked up in a zoo and watched. All residing inside a human body. These are the
media and big business are where they can be found ‘planned communities’ are an expression of someone psychopaths and once one becomes aware of the traits
clustering and controlling others in their greatest Ted Kaczynski - The 'Unabomber' else’s pathology at some point along the conceptual and pathology you begin to see them everywhere,
numbers. chain. The utopian psychopath claims to care about usually on main evening TV news broadcasts.
psychopaths doing the whipping and manning the nature and then wants to save the world from the
Many of the early studies into psychopathology were machine gun towers. impact of humans. What is most telling about this
incredibly class-ridden and often racist, bandying viewpoint is that humans are not considered natural or Thomas Sheridan is an Artist, Writer and
about terms such as ‘moral insanity’ and ‘moral This same mind-set can also be seen today among part of nature by the psychopathic control grid. Nature Musician living in County Sligo, Ireland.
imbecility’, aimed at poor and immigrant groups while many college professors who have signed up to to them is plants, animals, scenery and other His first major book ‘Puzzling People: The
ignoring the far more destructive and far-reaching similar notions of a perfected, trimmed-down aristocratic psychopaths with a few select servants. In Labyrinth ofthe Psychopath - A guide to
psychopathic mind-set of the wealthy ruling classes. humanity. Many of their conferences and talking all their grand utopian vision the underlying subtext is recognising and escaping from psychopathic
This, I believe, was by design, and it still goes on shops are highly-funded, slick events which attract always to remove the humans. control and domination’ has just been
today. The desire to fence off psychopathic behaviour some of the biggest names in politics, media and published by Velluminous Press (UK) and is
amongst the poor and disadvantaged went very much science, all of whom enthusiastically pontificate about
in line with the Darwinian concept of ‘survival of the population reduction and implanting humans with The Great Work of the Ages
fittest’ which the social elite immediately embraced computer chips; naturally not applicable to them, of
and promoted in order to ‘scientifically’ underpin their course. In the pre-scientific age the need to diagnose and
self-professed right to rule over the rest of us. define the heartless behaviour of individuals and
Their detachment from the sheer inhumanity and groups was just as strong then as it is now. The
What academics of yesteryear referred to as ‘moral spellbinding megalomania of their often surreal average person could not understand what they were
insanity’ and ‘moral imbecility’ among the poor can be proposals to ‘save the world’ are incredibly elitist and being exposed to or what was the cause and the cure
easily exchanged for the terms ‘colonial expansion’ ruthlessly narcissistic and all done with a cheer and for this evil in their midst. These people lived up-
and ‘manifest density’ spouted by the same elite high-fives. The issue is not that the audiences of these close-and-personal with real life ‘devils’ to a far more
families who still control the purse strings of nearly all events are all psychopaths, although some most visceral and intense degree than many of us now do.
modern-day scientific and medical research. For close certainly are, whilst others are brainwashed and While working in Italy back in 2000, I took some time
to one hundred years now the elite have attempted to research grant-drunk academic proto-psychopaths who off to visit the stately homes and mansions of the
cultivate a social consensus that the more socially- have lost the run of themselves, but that many people Italian nobles, mainly to view their collections of
marginalised an individual is, the more likely they are who are highly educated these days appear to have paintings and tapestries housed within often morbid
to be psychopathic simply due to their ‘poor pedigree’. only learned how to unconditionally defend authority and sinister palaces. I began to notice that many of
Nothing could be further from the truth. figures and the status quo. It matters not if we are these homes contained large paintings on wooden
dealing with a population-culling psychopath with a panels squared off on three sides with a curved
From the Medici family of Florence from the 12th PhD who is spewing platitude-filled word salad; the bevelled top. These paintings nearly always contained
century up to the late Renaissance, and in many other party line seems to be, he has a PhD and therefore he graphically violent scenes of battles and other horrors
powerful clans both historical and contemporary, cannot be argued with. It matters not if he is a crazy such as executions and murderous retribution of one
psychopathic behaviour is fostered within the children megalomaniac; his opinion is akin to law. A highly- type or another.
in order for the dynastic powerbase of the family to educated individual is not immune from being a
continue to hold and maintain influence over others. psychopath or being an indoctrinated proto- Eventually I asked a tour guide why these painting
Lack of empathy and brutal domination over psychopath employed to defend the edicts of were this strange shape and he explained to me that
‘inferiors’ is encouraged within their ‘privileged’ off ‘infallible science’ or more worryingly, social they were designed to be headboards of matrimonial
spring; humans who may otherwise have grown up to engineering. beds for newly-wed aristocratic couples, given as
be normal, empathic people. However, they are still wedding presents from other nobles. So it appears that
not psychopaths; these people may eventually feel The notorious UNABOMBER Ted Kaczynski was the nobles were conceiving their children underneath
deep regret for what they did to others. On the other accepted into Harvard University at the age of 16, graphic depictions of the execution of prisoners
hand, a true psychopath regardless of social status, where he earned an undergraduate degree and later a captured at a battle in Umbria or scenes of an outbreak
race or gender has absolutely no conscience, remorse, PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan. of plague among the peasantry of Lombardy. Is it any
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 13
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The Sovereign Independent June 2011 17
Ireland Isolated in Water I
By David Massey,
Fluoridation Just over 11 years ago Dr. Paul Connett
Minister of Health assured him that they had two groups of experts telling them almost all their responses were very weak.
The NHF Ireland received a phone call from the Irish had an open mind and would examine the opposite things. To this he replied that Worse still they had failed to address at
Department of Health. He was asked issue objectively. At first it looked there was a very simple way to determine least 20 of the 50 reasons at all.
whether, if they paid his way, would he fly promising. The chairman formed a sub- which side had the credibility by inviting
Ireland is the only country in Europe which over to Ireland and testify before the committee to prepare a written response to both sides to debate the issue in public. Dr. By making their response so chaotic Dr.
has more than 10% of its population Fluoridation Forum. He was assured that his 50 Reasons and the minutes of their Paul gave his assurance if this was to Paul believes they intended to make it very
drinking artificially fluoridated water. this body genuinely wanted to hear both meetings over the next 10 months indicated happen he would return to Ireland to awkward for any but the most persistent
Latest estimates indicate that 73% of the sides on the issue. Dr Paul agreed, but, by that they started to do this and that this task defend his position. However, those reader to know what the heck was going
Irish population is drinking fluoridated so doing, intensely annoyed citizens was important to them. promoting fluoridation in Ireland, while on. If they succeed in this obfuscation then
water. Even though fluoridation has been opposed to fluoridation who said the exuding great confidence in this measure, many busy people will throw up their
mandatory in Ireland since 1963 not one Forum was made up largely of government Needless to say producing 50 reasons to have not been willing to debate their hands and defer to "authority" however
single study has been commissioned or employees and experts who had spent their oppose fluoridation is a huge overkill. position with him, despite numerous undeserved that "authority" might be. This
conducted in Ireland to examine the health professional careers promoting water Some people only need one reason, namely invitations to do so. often works from a PR point of view but,
effects of this practice on any tissue except fluoridation. that the government has no right to force of course, from a scientist's point of view
the teeth. In short, they have never made a medication on its citizens. Be that as it After Dr. Paul’s testimony to the Joint and more importantly from the point of
systematic effort to measure the may, he felt that the Forum's Committee another year went by and still view of someone who wants to see good
fluoride levels in the urine, plasma or considered response to the 50 no answers to the 50 reasons were science serving public health policy this is
bones of the Irish people. In other Reasons would help to raise the level forthcoming. Then out of the blue he heard extremely unsatisfactory and hence Dr.
words, they are flying blind as far as of the debate. In the light of this that what purported to be answers to the 50 Paul’s frustration.
relating suspected end points such as exercise he was anticipating that he reasons had been posted on the Department
arthritis, bone fractures in children, might have to abandon some reasons of Health's web site, on May 5 2005. When After close scrutiny of their specific
bone cancer in young males, hip and modify others. he checked into this he found that no one responses it becomes clear time and time
fractures in the elderly, gastro- had signed the 24 page "response", which again, the anonymous respondents attempt
intestinal problems, hypothyroidism, In retrospect however, the first consisted largely of an attack on the to simply dismiss every study that has
lowered IQ and possibly even danger signal was the time it took the author's (they never mentioned him by found an inkling of a problem. This they
Alzheimer's disease to increased committee to track down the name) "poor questions" rather than seldom do by actually analyzing the papers
fluoride exposure. references Dr. Paul supplied with the providing cogent answers to any of them. in question but rather by relying on others
50 reasons. If those involved were Instead of specific answers they gave to do their analysis for them. Considering
Instead, Irish promoters rely again experts in the field then most of these reasons why they were not going to that Ireland is the only
and again on second hand reviews studies should have been at their address about a third of the 50 reasons and European country to have mandatory
conducted by other bodies in other fingertips. then addressed the other two thirds fluoridation, it is amazing that
pro-fluoridation countries. Relying on generically.
reviews by other countries' agencies Then, despite repeated promises, the a) They cannot keep track of the primary
might be acceptable on some issues Forum announced that they didn't Dr. Paul was most disappointed that they literature themselves and
but not with this practice, because have time to respond and published didn't have the courtesy to send their b) That they cannot commission their own
these reviews are usually conducted their 295 page report without answers response to him in person, although he
by panels appointed by governments, to the 50 Reasons. Despite repeated could understand their intense There is now a concerted effort by many
like Ireland, which seem more intent requests from the media and TDs embarrassment that such a long delayed groups around Ireland to have fluoridation
on protecting this longstanding policy, over the next two and a half years the and pathetic response must have caused stopped and many of these are working
than protecting the health of their Minister of Health still failed to them. A short time later he was told that closely with The National Health
people. Along with Dr. Hardy Limeback he did provide answers. they had added some more specific Federation Ireland. It’s generally thought
eventually testify before the panel in responses to the web site, but again they that it is now a race between Ireland,
Furthermore, since fluoride is a medicine October 2000. Dr. Paul stated at the outset Then, in May 2004, the Green Party asked made no effort to indicate which Canada and New Zealand as to which
administered to an entire population that he had annoyed citizens by testifying Dr. Paul Connett to come over to Ireland explanation or offering was aimed at which country will be the next to end fluoridation.
without any regard to other factors (which who felt that the panel was just a rubber and testify before the Joint Committee on "reason" and again no attempt was made to The NHF have been testing Irish food
is of course totally counter to the most stamp for the government's pro- Health & Children. inform him directly of their response. products exported into mainland Europe
basic pharmacological principles and the fluoridation policy, and then said that the where fluoride has been largely banned due
principle of informed consent), the only way that they could convince him, and the Dr. Paul was very encouraged by the Before Dr. Paul could go ahead and to health and ethical concerns and found
way to satisfy safety requirements would Irish public, that they were going to take a response to his appearance. If there was address their responses, he had to make a many products produced by large well
be through conducting massive studies of genuine and comprehensive look at this anyone on the panel in favor of good faith (and time consuming) effort to known companies to contain high levels of
very large numbers of people given the issue, was to give a fully referenced fluoridation they certainly didn't make their try and match their responses to his fluoride leaving a huge question mark over
maximum dose that could be expected scientific response to the 50 Reasons to presence known. Dr. Paul received no specific arguments. As he did this it these exports. With this in mind regarding
from all sources of fluoride. These studies Oppose Fluoridation which he presented to hostile questions. Far from it, at least two became clear to him why they had done the next country to end fluoridation I think
have simply not been done. Instead, what them in writing. committee members present made it clear this in such a disorganized and arbitrary the smart money is on Ireland.
we get again and again is a PR exercise in that they were strongly opposed to fashion. They were not seeking clarity.
which proponents tell us like a broken Everyone who spoke to Dr. Paul that day fluoridation. Another panel member They did not want people to read the 50 A full copy of Dr. Paul’s responses can be
gramophone record that fluoridation is including panel members, the chairman explained how difficult it was making up reasons and be able to link their responses found at
"safe and effective." and the her mind on an issue like this where they to each one, for the simple reason that
Where exactly is the much vaunted new era equality in the Gerry McGeough case, since the GFA?
◙ Helen McClafferty - An Irish-American Activist Mr. McGeough, who lives with his Spanish-born wife on September 17th. The trial resumed again on himself through university, graduating from Trinity

and their four young children, spent almost 4 years November 1, 2010. College, Dublin with an Honors Degree in History in
making monthly court appearances during which the 2003. The following year, he attained a Higher
case was constantly put back. In July, 2009, Mr. In their obsessive need to prosecute and imprison this Diploma in Education from University College, Dublin
he general consensus that society in the McGeough suffered a massive heart-attack. That same Irishman, the British obviously were prepared to turn and went on to teach history. During this time, he had
north of Ireland "moved on" from the era month, the British government extended the use of the international political asylum refugee laws on their been elected to the Sinn Féin Ard Comhairle and was
of the Troubles has been seriously non-jury Diplock Court system for another two years. head. The Prosecution used alleged Political Asylum the party's National Director during the successful “No
undermined by an on-going legal saga that A notorious legacy of the Troubles, the Diplock Courts application papers from Sweden as the mainstay of its to Nice” I campaign in 2001. He left Sinn Féin later
has caused growing resentment among nationalists was supposed to have been finally phased out by 2009. evidence against Mr. McGeough. The move raised that year over concerns about the leadership's
in Tyrone and which is now starting to gain considerable alarm among some international Human weakening of Republican principles, and the party's
attention elsewhere across Ireland and beyond. Rights groups, who argue that this violates the whole increasingly pro-abortion stance.
On March 8, 2010, exactly three years after his arrest, concept of political asylum and is an attack upon the
At the center of the controversy is 52-year-old Gerry Mr. McGeough was put on trial before a Diplock Court rights of refugees everywhere. A supporter of the Peace Process, Mr. McGeough and
McGeough, a teacher and published author from the in Belfast. The previous day, the Sunday Tribune his supporters believe he was singled out simply
Brantry area of South Tyrone, who is now the focus of newspaper revealed that a secret deal had been done Ironically, under British law, Political Asylum because he stood in the elections and expressed a
a political and legal storm that has dragged in the between the British government and Sinn Féin applicants are guaranteed that their documents will be viewpoint that upset the powers that be. People are
Swedish government, the U.S. and German authorities allowing up to fifty "on-the-run" republicans to receive kept confidential and under no circumstances handed verbally upset and now starting to question “why are
and a host of interested parties from several other Royal Pardons since the signing of the 1998 Good over to the authorities in the country they may be no British soldiers being put on trial for Bloody
nations. Added to this is a growing litany of Friday Agreement. fleeing from. The Crown’s prosecution argued that this Sunday?” And, what about those behind the
revelations that has opened a Pandora's Box of secret doesn't apply to material from Sweden? Dublin/Monaghan bombings?
deals and leaked intelligence memos that are Shaun Woodward, Britain's then Secretary of State for
beginning to cause major angst within some political the North, publicly denounced the revelation as Mr. McGeough, an accomplished Irish speaker and a On April 1, 2011, after 4 years of a politically
circles. "nonsense". Shortly afterwards, McGeough's lawyers promoter of Ireland's unique culture and heritage, put motivated arrest and trial, Mr. McGeough’s case ended
produced one of the Pardons and the with a "guilty" verdict and a 20
The saga began on March 8, 2007, the day after the Northern Ireland Office has since year sentence handed down by a
Stormont Assembly elections when Gerry McGeough, confirmed that a deal had, in fact, British Diplock court. Mr.
who had stood as an Independent Republican been done. McGeough is the first Irish
candidate in the Fermanagh/South Tyrone republican to be sentenced under
constituency, was dramatically arrested outside the Arguing that their client, who is one the GFA on troubles related
Count Centre in Omagh. McGeough was eventually of the listed "on-the-runs", was being charges dating back over 30
charged with membership in the IRA in 1975 and with discriminated against for political years. He will be eligible for
wounding a part-time member of the UDR in 1981. reasons, Mr. McGeough's legal team release in 2 years on license,
secured an adjournment of the trial however this can be arbitrarily
Explaining the unusual manner of Mr. McGeough's after three days while they sought the revoked at any time with very
arrest, the PSNI claimed that they had been looking for disclosure of documents from the little legal safeguard.
him for years but had not been able to locate him until NIO for an "Abuse of Process"
his appearance at the Omagh Count Centre. Mr. application. In contrast, the British
McGeough’s lawyers dismissed this as "ridiculous", government has operated a secret
pointing out that apart from the fact that he had been Despite ample evidence of the scheme granting royal pardons or
living openly in the North before the election; he was existence of such material, a judge immunity from prosecution to
also one of the most high-profile candidates during the ruled that the NIO need not disclose hand-picked ex-IRA members
campaign, speaking regularly in public and making some forty-one relevant files in the and Loyalists wanted for killings,
appearances on T.V. and live radio programs. interests of "national security". He bombings and other paramilitary
also dismissed the "Abuse of activities. No members of the
After three weeks in Maghaberry prison, Mr. Process" application and the trial British forces are being charged
McGeough's lawyers finally secured bail for him resumed on September 13, 2010. or tried for their part in the
following a considerable legal struggle during which The trial against Mr. McGeough, Troubles.
the Prosecution tried to prevent his release by claiming which is estimated to have cost £1
that he was wanted in Germany and the United States million to date, was halted again the Based on what has happened, one
for Irish republican related activities in the 1980s. following day after McGeough was can’t help but ask…where exactly
When these accusations were found to be groundless, rushed to the hospital where he is the much vaunted new era
he was released on strict bail conditions, most of underwent a further heart procedure equality in Mr. McGeough’s
which remained in place close to 4 years later. case? Mr. McGeough’s
18 The Sovereign Independent June 2011


The Alternative to The Fraudulent International
Banking System
national governments have been
‘persuaded’ (some would say
bribed) to hand over the control of
their nation’s money supply to the
international banking cartel. In our
By Roger Hayes view this is nothing short of
criminal collusion.
The lawful Bank provides a banking system that is the sole
gateway to ‘The Alternative cause of the massive debt "I sincerely believe the banking
Monetary System’ (TAMS) - a new mountains that are now the burden institutions having the issuing
and independent monetary and of virtually every nation on this power of
banking system owned and planet. It is our contention that money, are more dangerous to
controlled by its users/members. people should be educated to the liberty than standing armies."
The objective of TAMS is to take fact that the national debt would Thomas Jefferson
back control of the money supply not exist if the creation of money
for the benefit of the people of the was directly controlled by our Permit me to issue and control the
nations that choose to use it... and elected government and that also, if money of a nation,
by so doing, reassert the sovereign this were the case, the taxes we pay and I care not who makes its laws.
right of the people to self- could be dramatically reduced. Mayer Amschel Rothschild
governance - for a nation cannot YOU can help change things.
truly govern itself unless it is in full TAMS provides the means by

the first central bank

control of the means by which its which national debt mountains can Please sign up to the Lawful Bank

money is created. be extinguished – for the universal now at and
By Anthony O'Dluachain benefit of us all – by creating read the details at your leisure.
That most nations around the world streams of positive financial Please note, you are not making a
he first country to be totally conquered Bank of EU, The European Central bank, sets the do not control their own money liquidity in the hands of the people commitment at this stage, you are
by money power was England. William of present interest rate for all European Union member supply is not well known – but it - instead of the streams of negative merely expressing an interest,
Orange was backed by the Dutch Jewish states. should be - and it is our intention debt that have been placed on the which will provide us with an early
money lenders, Francisco, Lopes, Suasso therefore to educate as many people shoulders of national governments indication of the level of support
and others of the same ilk, to the tune of 1.5 million The Central Bank governs the amount of credit the as possible about this issue and and which are being paid for by that we might expect. The success
guilders. They decided to take the Tyrone of private banks are allowed to handle; when and how explain its significance in terms of ever-increasing taxes. It is a of TAMS depends on our ability to
England from the rightful king, James II. The 1690 depending on whether the Central Bank is following the impact it has on our freedoms. statement of fact that these debt co-ordinate our efforts and work to
‘Battle of the Boyne’ in Ireland was the deciding an inflationary or deflationary policy. In other words, mountains were entirely a common agenda to take back
clash in this struggle. William the puppet king took at what part of the boom or bust cycle they want to be TAMS has been developed to unnecessary and exist simply control of the means of money
the Tyrone of England, but in 1694 it was payback at. Because the issue of money is no longer linked to counter the destructive modern-day because the political elite in production and by so doing -
time and he was persuaded to grant a charter to gold or silver, money can now be issued at a ratio of
establish the first Central Bank in the world; a
monopoly usury bank.
20-1; approximately £19 of every £20 being fictitious.
All loans to governments are backed by government New IMF Strategy foreign exchange markets, which adds to
cumbersome use in transactions.
bonds, guaranteed by deeds of property etc., whether
As a sweetener he was granted shares in the bank. the loans are productive or personal. Document Charts And though an SDR-based system would
move away from a dominant national
Henceforth all the kings and queens of England, right
up to present day, have held shares in the Bank of The inflation caused during the inflationary cycle Launch Of “Bancor” currency, the SDR’s value remains heavily
linked to the conditions and performance of
England cannot be allowed to continue unchecked because it
would then have the effect of devaluing the national
The initial loan made to William under the charter was debt and therefore the Central Banks’ political lean on
Global Currency the major component countries. A more
ambitious reform option would be to build on
the previous ideas and develop, over time, a
◙ Steve Watson ­
1.2 million in gold at 8% interest. Wholesale usury on government. Remember that ‘the borrower is always global currency. Called, for example, bancor in
a gigantic scale was now forced on the people the server to the lender'. At this part of the cycle it is honor of Keynes, such a currency could be
nationwide and now they could be taxed to pay the necessary to introduce a deflationary policy which is A recentley published IMF strategy document used as a medium of exchange—an “outside
interest on the first national debt in the world. The then gradually implemented. Interest rates are calls for the implementation of a global currency, money” in contrast to the SDR which remains
loans to William increased, allowing further expansion gradually increased over a period of a couple of years. called the “bancor”, to stabilise the international an “inside money”.
of the loans to the public. Eventually the loans of the This discourages borrowing and allows cuts in the monetary system, while acknowledging that only a The document concludes that without a catalyst to
public were expanded at a 10-1 ratio of the loans made money supply. The squeeze on the economy gradually monumental shift toward acceptance of globalism create a sudden clamour for globalism, the
to the king. increases as money supply is in increasing scarcity. will make it possible in the short term. implementation of a global currency will take time:
That is, for every £10 pounds issued £9 was fictitious, Deeper into this cycle government comes under The IMF blueprint, authored by Reza Moghadam, It is understood that some of the ideas
also introducing ‘fractional reserve’ banking into the pressure to borrow on the back of industrial closures director of the IMF’s strategy, policy and review discussed are unlikely to materialize in the
system. This is illegal ballooning of the money supply and unemployment as well as private bankruptcies and department, has stayed under the radar for three foreseeable future absent a dramatic shift in
which causes inflation, accompanied naturally by price repossessions. months. appetite for international cooperation.
The principal of the national debt greatly increases and However, an article on the Financial Times blog The IMF first touted the possibility of a new global
Boom and bust was now the order of the day. If the therefore the interest payments due on it. Ways will be alphaville, entitled IMF blueprint for a global currency in March 2009. The issue was then debated
Catholic king had gained the throne no banking found to increase the burden of taxes on the people of currency – yes really, highlights the document and at the G20 Summit in London just days later.
the clear strategy of the global financial body.
charter would have been granted, no usury would have the nation. During the boom cycle any attempt to A clause in Point 19 of the communiqué issued by
been allowed and therefore no inflation. He would decrease the principal of the debt is strongly “… in the eyes of the IMF at least, the best way to the G20 leaders led to analysts describing the dawn
have issued his own money to the value of goods and discouraged by the Central Bank and media ensure the stability of the international monetary of a “revolution in the global financial order. ”
services, the true wealth, with no debt attached to it economists. Some years ago, under Margaret Thatcher, system (post crisis) is actually by launching a global
and no tax to pay interest of an illegal debt. a payment of 14 billion was made to the Bank of currency. ” Izabella Kaminska notes. “We have agreed to support a general SDR
England lowering the principal of England's national allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the
We have to remember that during the Middle Ages the debt and thus the interest payable. This was one of the “And that, the IMF says, is largely because world economy and increase global liquidity, ” The
sovereigns — as they stand — cannot be trusted to clause stated.
value of the penny never moved for four hundred main factors which lead to her downfall as Prime redistribute surplus reserves, or battle their deficits,
years because there was no inflation. St Thomas Minister of England. themselves. ” “In effect, the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s
Aquinas said that; ‘Money should only be a token of
the exchange of goods’. In other words, it should not Fractional Reserve Banking A chart within the document, innocuously titled power to create money and begin global ‘quantitative
have the power over goods. To quote Aquinas again; Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary easing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world
'Three per cent tax is an iniquity'. Fractional Reserve Banking is practised within each Stability, presents a stepping stone system toward a currency into play. It is outside the control of any
sovereign body. Conspiracy theorists will love it. ”
nation, through the private banking system which is fully fledged global currency: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraph
Officially the Bank of England was founded by licensed on an individual basis by the Central Bank. Beginning with a vague recommendation for wrote at the time.
Scotsman William Patterson in 1694, but he stepped The system is derived originally from the Babylonian “voluntary policy adjustments” to be adopted by
down after just one year and others took over. Of banking and economic system under which the Jewish member states, the chart moves through more and “The world is a step closer to a global currency,
course, Patterson was just a front man with the real people lived in captivity for a period of time. more draconian economic policies toward a long term backed by a global central bank, running monetary
policy for all humanity. ” he added.
controllers lying in the background, e.g. the Suasso endgame of a global currency.
Family etc. The controlling stock of every Central An Example of the The same conclusion was drawn by the Washington
Bank in the world is privately owned, with just a Fractional Reserve System The chart also plots “potential resistance” to each Post’s Anthony Faiola, who described how the IMF is
handful of families involved in their control. stepping stone from sovereign states, with a spike in on course to be transformed into “a veritable United
A man deposits £1,000 in bank A. The bank keeps 5% the short term, followed by a lull, and then a general Nations for the global economy. ”
The illegal loans made to governments through the in reserve (£50) and loans out (£950) to another man rise as the move toward a global currency progresses
over time. The move has also been endorsed separately by the
Central Banks create National Debt on which the who wants to buy some wood at the timber merchant. World Bank and the UN.
PAYE workers have to be taxed to pay 90% of the He pays for it with the £950 (borrowed). The merchant The IMF’s road to a global currency hinges on a
interest. Payment of Principal is completely in town deposits the money in bank B. Bank B retains wider use of and eventual implementation of an The head of the International Monetary Fund,
discouraged as it would weaken the lean of the debt 5% and loans out 95%, approximately £902, and so on international monetary system based on special Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has repeated the call for a
upon government, by reducing interest payments and right the way down to zero, which turns the original drawing rights (SDR), the IMF’s synthetic paper global currency via SDR multiple times.
therefore weakening the Central Banks’ influence on deposit of £1000 into approximately £20,000 of debt currency.
government policies. Interest payments on the debt money, bearing interest. This is called the multiplier Once an SDR-based system is in place, the IMF The introduction of a new global currency and
also keep the PAYE in subjection, lest a competitor effect in economics yet the socialists cannot see envisages just one final step to the launch of a new taxation system, with an overarching regulatory body,
may rise up amongst them. anything wrong with it. This system is taught in the global currency. is a key cornerstone in the move towards global
leading universities throughout the western developed government, centralized control and more power
Central banks, wherever they exist, have total control nations. This shows how well protected the banking The document even gives the global currency a name, being concentrated into fewer unaccountable hands.
over the nation; financially, economically and system is, through the indoctrination received in the the “bancor” after John Maynard Keynes’ proposed, The IMF’s push toward this kind of system is part of
politically. They are also controlled by a socialist mass universities of the west on economics, etc. The London but never implemented, World Currency Unit of the ongoing movement to empower a group of
media, though indirectly. It is quite amazing how the School of Economics, the seed from which the clearing. unelected central bankers with the authority to usurp
socialists never question the system and its draconian doctrine was spread, was set up in 1883 by George The following section of the IMF document state sovereignty by overseeing benchmarks for
nature, which is easily exposed upon investigation and Bernard Shaw and his wife Charlotte, along with highlights this: national financial governance and setting regulations
shown to cause scarcity and poverty in the midst of Sidney web and his wife Beatrice for financial institutions all over the globe.
plenty. Many people of today may be fooled into 48. From SDR to bancor. A limitation of the The IMF document in question can be downloaded
thinking that the Central Bank is part of the This is the Fabian socialist school from which present SDR as discussed previously is that it is not a in PDF format from:
government. This is not the case with all private banks and past socialist political leaders to this day were currency. Both the SDR and SDR-denominated
being licensed by the national Central Bank. The rate educated, Loyd George, Clement Atlee, Harold instruments need to be converted eventually to WWW.IMF.ORG/EXTERNAL/NP/PP/ENG
of interest is determined by the same. The Central Wilson, etc. etc. a national currency for most payments or
interventions in /2010/041310.pdf
T h e M a g ic I s le
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 19
public seemed to realize this fact, and, far tax, no capital gains tax, and no federal debt.
from being averse to taking the notes, they Commercial banks service private [lending],
sought them out eagerly.iii but the government itself never goes into debt.
When it wants to create some public work or

o f Gu e r n s e y
The citizenry clearly understood that these service, it just issues the money it needs to pay
Guernsey Notes were clearly government for the work. The Guernsey government has
financing in the public interest. They also realized been issuing its own money for nearly two
that if there were to be any inflation as a result, at centuries. During that time, the money supply
least it was better than no money at all, and at least has mushroomed to about 25 times its original
they would all shoulder the inflation equally. size; yet the economy has not been troubled by
price inflation, and it has remained prosperous
In 1824, another £5,000 notes were issued for the and stable.viii
markets, and in 1826 £20,000 to erect Elizabeth
College and certain other schools. Once you understand the Guernsey story, you have to
admire the modesty of their website:
By 1829, £48,000 worth of Guernsey debt-free Notes
was in circulation, and by 1837, over £55,000. Guernsey’s ability to look after its own fiscal
affairs has meant that it has been able to foster
In the Billet d’Etat it was a frequent subject a favourable tax climate. This has led to many
Bill Still is Director of the “Best for congratulation; and it was stated over and offshore banks, fund managers and insurance
Documentary of 201 0”, The Secret of over again by eminent men of those times that companies establishing here. Whilst the
without the issue of States’ notes, important traditional industries of flower growing, fishing
Oz ( public works, such as roads and buildings and dairy farming still play an important part,
He is also author of the new book, No could not possibly have been carried out. Yet contributing both to the varied economy and to
More National Debt by means of the States’ issue, not only were the island’s character.
these works accomplished, but also the Island

By Bill Still
was not a penny the poorer in interest charges. Guernsey also has its own stamps and currency,

Indeed, the improvements had stimulated the and while British pounds can be used on the
flow of visitors to the island, and with island, Guernsey pounds cannot be used in the
increased trade, the island enjoyed its UK. !
except cows; their per capita income is $40,000 per newfound prosperity.iv
here is a great deal of confusion year, 9th highest among the 200 or so countries of the But the question may arise, what keeps them from
about how money should be created world. What gives? Guernsey has used a money In 1826, however, the first signs of opposition by the printing too much. They watch inflation closely, and
and managed today in a sovereign system since 1817 that can serve as a model for the banking community began. A complaint was lodged the calculations are all completely transparent, run by
nation and whether anything can fix rest of the world to use to escape the ongoing great with the British Privy Council that Guernsey had no a committee of citizens, and open for all to see on
our current worldwide economic problems. I depression of the 21st century. right to issue debt-free notes. However the Guernsey their website.
believe this confusion is deliberately (also known as the “States”) Financial Committee
generated by those who stand to profit from Despite its proximity to France, Guernsey is actually a explained the situation to the satisfaction of all, and That's all they care about: Is this causing inflation?
the current system – a “debt-money” system British Crown Dependency and, to its credit, has the matter was closed. They can expand as much as they want as long as it
that is killing the economy of every nation on never joined the European Union. After the causes no inflation. They don't care about theory. Born
earth. Napoleonic Wars, Guernsey was in dire economic The next year, 1827, surprise, surprise, a new out of desperate need, they found out the secret of
straits. The island’s roads were mere cart tracks, only commercial bank opened, called “Old Bank”. They money and have quietly gone about using it and
54-inches wide. In wet weather they were virtually began printing up private bank notes in such quantity thereby have a high standard of living with very low
The simple fact is that a nation’s money should be that the island became flooded with money. Soon, taxes.
created in the public interest. Unfortunately, that is notimpassable. There was not a vehicle for hire of any Guernsey feared that inflation would set in – or worse
the case today in almost every nation on earth. Money kind on the island. There was no trade, nor much hope – that their own debt-free money experiment would be Fortunately, the Guernsey experiment is not an
creation is given over to private banks through the of employment among the poor. The sea was washing blamed for the inflation. So a Committee was aberration. It has been tried time and time again, and
deception that it is being created in the public interest away large tracts of land due to the sorry state of the appointed to confer with the banks. What went on in when the quantity is controlled in the public interest,
by national central banks such as the Federal Reserve, dykes. these meetings remains a mystery to this day; but the always with success. The bankers, however, inevitably
Bank of England, Banque de France, Deutsche result was that £15,000 of Guernsey Notes would be attack these in-the-public-interest, debt-free
Bundesbanke, etc. Guernsey, like most nations at that time (as well as withdrawn from circulation and the government government issues of money. Debt-free money is in
today) had borrowed heavily from banks. The States would be limited to issuing a grand total of only everyone’s interest except bankers’. Typically, they
Many believe that the only solution is a return to gold- Debt was £19,137 with an annual interest charge of £40,000 of their own notes. This agreement remained will use their money and influence to create some
backed money. I do not agree. I think this is yet £2,390, but the gross national revenue of the entire in force until World War I. financial emergency then bribe sufficient politicians to
another deception and I believe world monetary island was only £3,000, leaving only a paltry £610 per convince them to vote for legislation giving the
history proves this incontrovertibly. To me, the main annum to run the entire island. In other words, interest In the wake of World War I, the banks came under bankers a monopoly on issuing all the nation’s money
point to remember is that it is not what backs the paid to banks consumed 80% of the GDP, thus severe restrictions on how much money they could as a loan, thereby stripping the nation of its ability to
national money that is important; what is important is reducing the populace to a state of pitiful serfdom. issue. All bank money was being directed towards the issue its own money debt free.
Who Controls the Quantity! war effort. But Guernsey was under no such
In 1815, a Committee of well-respected, public- restriction, probably because its experiment was During the depths of the depression of the 1930s, the
Despite the nationalistic-sounding names of these spirited elders was assembled to finance the building unique, and perhaps forgotten. majority of economists in the U.S. discovered this
central banks, don’t be deceived; they do not create of a Public Market near the main harbor, Saint Peter monetary reform solution. In 1936, Frank D. Graham,
money in the public interest. Every dollar, every Port, so the farmers could more easily sell their Guernsey made good use of her opportunity. By the Professor of Economics at Princeton University
pound, every Euro is created as an interest bearing products for export. The cost of the new facility would end of the war, in 1918, Guernsey had issued offered his perspective in The American Economic
debt – a debt primarily owed to – and the quantity be £6,000. In addition, fixing the dykes would cost an £142,000, and 40 years later, that had grown to Review:
controlled by -- the commercial banking community. additional £10,000. £542,765. Today, private bank notes no longer exist.
Further taxation of the impoverished island was British money circulates side by side with State "What we need is not control of banking but a
The real solution is two-fold: Notes. government monopoly of the supply of money,
impossible. Borrowing the money from the banks with commercial banks left to lend on short-term
1. Forbid government borrowing – no more would result in even higher interest charges that could Naturally, there is a greater demand for the … out of capital funds, debenture borrowings,
national debt. Nations do not have to borrow. never be paid. The Committee made a historic States Notes; no sane citizen of Guernsey and real time deposits. Such a system… is a[n]
Nations can create their own money. recommendation to remedy this dire situation. wishes to have his taxes increased to pay debt indispensable prerequisite to the regulation ofthe
The Committee recommends that the expense charges! To enlarge on this theme: In 1937 the money supply on which all attempts to bring
2. Forbid fractional reserve lending. This is States Note money, about £175,000, cost the greater stability into our economic system,
where banks can lend out 10 to 12 times the should be met by the issue of States Notes of £1 States only £450 for printing and handling. A through monetary means, must inevitably be
money they actually have. Banks must go to Sterling to the value of £6,000 … and that these loan of the same dimensions would have cost based. We are certainly not likely to get stability
“full-reserve lending”. notes will be available not only for the payment about £11,383 annually. So can you blame the so long as the supply of money remains even
of the new market, but also for Torteval Guernsey taxpayers for preferring their own partially in the hands of those who have no
In other words, the only way to end this worldwide Church, roads to construct, and other expenses money since, under their sensible and responsibility for the total issue and no motive to
spiral of depression is for every nation to return to a of the States….i benevolent financial system they pay hardly do other than increase it as far as law, and a
debt-free money system. Without the money power any income tax.v merely selfish prudence, will permit."
firmly in its control no nation can really be sovereign. The Committee argued that there was little to fear
In fact, creating money in the public interest is the from inflation because the local banks already had During the entire experiment in Guernsey, There is a way for citizens and their governments to
very definition of sovereignty. £50,000 of their money (Notes) in circulation. As a from 1817 to date, there has at no time been a take back the money-creation power of the banks. Yes,
further protection against inflation, the overly cautious threat of inflation from the creation of States bankers are experts with money, but they are experts
Fortunately, this is not a new or radical idea. It has citizens of Guernsey placed redemption dates on the Notes. At all times, the States were very careful in maximizing their profit and rarely have much
been used hundreds of times throughout history, but notes ofApril 1817, October 1817, and April 1818. In in the issue and cancellation of notes according interest in the public interest. Freeing your
every time it has been employed, it has been attacked other words these notes were good for payment of to their ability and government from borrowing money from bankers is
mercilessly by the big banking class who lose profits taxes and good as regular money in circulation until the first, and most important, step for national freedom
whenever the idea of money creation in the public the expiration date was reached. At that time, the In other words they carefully controlled the quantity and prosperity. It is also THE most important step to
interest surfaces. So, this is a timeless struggle and notes would no longer be legal tender and the State of their money in circulation. limiting governmental overspending. If a government
nothing less than the survival of the human species is would destroy them. cannot borrow, it MUST live within its means.
at stake, because the debt the current system is Any visitor to Guernsey is immediately
generating is the primary cause of the world’s hunger, In this manner, without increasing the States’ impressed by the vast difference in prices Debt-free, government issued money -- where the
poverty and misery, and is quickly destroying debt, it will be possible to finish these works, between the island and the mainland in Britain. quantity is properly controlled in the public interest --
sovereign democratic governments and returning leaving sufficient money in the Exchequer for Thanks to the exceptionally low taxation and has always worked to promote low taxation and
humanity to a nouveau-serfdom system from which it other needs.ii import duties, Guernsey enjoys low prices, maximize freedom for the majority of a nation.
will soon be unable to escape. plenty of money, and a high standard of living.
Once the good citizens realized that these notes would In fact, Guernsey can afford to leave worries i Grubiak, Olive and Jan; The Guernsey Experiment
Debt-free money is not difficult to understand. A work without the skies falling on the gentle island, about inflation to the debt-ridden mainland!vii (1960, 1999 reprint, Bloomfield Books, Sudbury,
simple example of debt-free money creation has been additional issues took place in 1820 and 1821. By England), p. 8.
going on in the tiny island of Guernsey for 200 years. 1821, some £10,000 of Guernsey Notes were in Today, Guernsey remains an island of prosperity. As ii ibid
Let’s take a look. circulation, all created without debt. author Ellen Brown puts it: iii Ibid
[It was] the most advantageous method of iv Ibid, p. 8-9
Despite the fact that the island of Guernsey has only Guernsey has an income tax, but the tax is v ibid, p. 11
30 square miles and a population of only 65,000 meeting debts, from the point of view both of relatively low (a “flat” 20 percent), and it is vi Ibid, p. 11-12
people and very little in the way of natural resources the public and the States finances. Indeed, the simple and loophole-free. It has no inheritance vii ibid, p. 12
20 The Sovereign Independent June 2011
ugenicists are clever psychopaths and we business plan for the future of humanity and the world
live in a world run by them. A with an elaborate hoax riddled with hocus-pocus,
psychopath is someone with no empathy, magic and mystery. Sorry to disappoint you but the
“mystery” is nothing more, and nothing less than a
compassion, remorse, love, conscience, boring old long-term business plan projected way into
guilt or sympathy for fellow human beings or the future on order, to build the New “Man” - “to

An O ve r vie w
animals. Through cunning, they can mimic these perfect that which was left imperfect”. We are “but
qualities and go undetected. They are often also clay on the potter’s wheel”, as the High Freemasons
sadists. It appears there is no remedy for this type say. To them, we need to be perfected, or finished off.
of individual. In the perfect eugenics utopia, which We and our offspring are to be repeatedly upgraded
they plan to build, almost all normal people are to into whatever cyborg, or genetic plant, or animal
be exterminated or re-engineered into a New mutant our masters choose, continually being
upgraded through time. This open-ended upgrading is
“Man”, a slave to serve the utopia for the called ‘The Neverending Story’. Our futures and the
psychopath. This upgrading is, and has always future environments we are to live in have all been
been, called THE NEW WORLD ORDER. planned out for us, and written in that starry efficiency
balance sheet rolling above the earth. The eugenicists
Eugenics is a big, big religion. I do hate to go there, are obsessed with efficiency. The ultimate in
but, if this is about eugenics, then it is about the efficiency is to be able to create something out of
super-religion of eugenics. Many eugenicists believe nothing, as does a god. There is a mad rush on right
they reincarnate, whilst we, the residual mass do not. now to get this New World Order upgraded before the
They believe they are far more “evolved” than we are. clock strikes Aquarius, “as above so below”. The ideal
When we die, we just slide back into that slimy plan written in the heavens must be brought to fruition
primordial soup from whence we came. They, the here below on earth. Planned and unbearable chaos
eugenicists, do not really need to reincarnate onto this must be created here below so that we will plead and
planet earth at all, but some of them – the benevolent beg to our divine masters “please make the changes
dictators - choose to. Eugenicists see themselves as stop, please bring us peace” and beg of them to create
gods. They are different; a vastly superior species of order out of that elite-created chaos. ‘Ordo ab
animal. They are what are now called Darwinists. In Chao’…Order out of Chaos.
their world, the rest of us more stupid animals are
preventing the natural evolution of this planet by our Elite Education as opposed to
very presence. It is the divine duty of the eugenicists commoner propaganda:
to speed up the sluggish planetary-evolutionary
development by any and every means. We, their We may ask who educates the eugenicists. Well first,
inferiors, are a drag. Eugenics is about the controlled they learn of their imagined superiority from their
conscious evolution of the planet and everything on it, parents, who learned it from their arents, who learned
which the eugenicists believe was left in an imperfect it from their parents. They learn from birth that their
state. The elite eugenicists, our saviours/controllers, divine role in life is to dominate the planet as it should
have come to perfect us and to sort out the be dominated…by them, and that the proof of their
imperfection, which is planet earth. godhood lies in the fact that they own and dominate,
the global financial system; the system to which all of
Class and caste: us commoners are slaves, kept in our rightful place so
always been, violent, god-complex, racist, jealous of U long as we circulate their money. We could not
Eugenics has much in common with Hinduism from the baby-making process, psychopathic, egotistical, sing ancient secret archived social sciences, this survive a day without them. We are simply too stupid.
which it appears to have drawn many ideas. Like control freaks, heterophobic (a term seldom used) and overwhelming love of the natural world has been, and Eugenicists breed into their own families to keep their
Hinduism, eugenics is a caste system. We find maybe perhaps somewhat homosexual? You must is still being harvested by the elites. It is perverted, blood pure. They call this consanguinity. They are
evidence of this in the works of General Albert Pike, decide! debased and used against normal people as a social obsessed with this, and have double or triple-barrelled
the High Pope of Freemasonry, and people like weapon. It is also used by them to deify themselves names to keep track. They invented the census for fear
Charles Galton Darwin, the grandson of Charles Religion: through us. of common blood infecting their superior bloodlines.
Darwin who was the half-cousin of Francis Galton Miscegenation applies to mixing races, but it also
who coined the term eugenics. Eugenicists selectively The question is asked, what about all the New Age To vote means to worship. It comes from the Latin seems to apply to species mixing; the elites having
interbreed with each other’s supposedly superior Mother Earth Goddess Religions? The eugenicists word votum meaning to worship. Some offshoots of nothing in common with us inferior animals in the
types, to generate specific types of offspring within have set the New Age up in order to make the the word are votary, votive, vow, vouch, devout, Darwinist pecking order. The hierarchical doctrine of
their own families, for specific purposes. The class naturally aggressive males more effeminate, and to devotion, devotee. Karma is used to keep the untouchables and
system is a caste system. The so-called class wars of turn them into flower children, especially those What false left-right New World Order political commoners at bay so they do not infect the superior
Socialism whether German National Socialism or freethinkers with the ability to educate. Aleister puppet will you worship at the next election? breeds. This propaganda is being pushed worldwide.
Communist Socialism (now called Crowley was one of many Masonic MI6 agents, and Eugenicists are utter snobs.
Communitarianism) were attacks on the worker bees, some believe that was their job, starting diverse global In the Darwinist New World Order, there WILL be a
ending with the Darwinist beekeepers culling the now New Age religions. There is one thing missing in all god all right, a physical god. Being a god he will be “Let him who will be deceived be deceived” is a
inefficient stock to upgrade, refurbish and restock the these though, a thing called God. Eugenicists cannot showing us that he has the divine right to do whatever maxim in law in our society, in the elite’s Law
hive. The tool used was, and is, divide-and-rule or the have false gods before them. They slide society into a he likes to us, if he has allowed us to be born - or Society. Eugenics is a religion of deception, but the
Hegelian Dialectic. Eugenics has ancient origins, its diluted cocktail of New Age religions and include more correctly, ‘decanted’ - in the first place, that is. deception is clever. The more deceptively clever,
20th and 21st century manifestations begin with the atheism. Anything (or nothing) goes, so long as there logical and cunning a eugenicist is, the closer he is to
Anglo-American Establishment, upon which Nazi is no God in it. In the new religion spirit and matter Here are a couple of religious leading lights… Green being secretly initiated into godhood. This initiation
Germany, and particularly Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels merge forming scientism. The white coat replaces the Eugenics Human Depopulation New Age earth-saver they call the Apotheosis. Elites are taught this,
drew heavily. priestly robes worn. gurus: commoners are not. Love or compassion does not
Having no normal emotions, the elites do not need to enter into it at all. It is about deception and superior
fall in love randomly and dilute the godhood of their The old religions, stripped of all their magical allure, “When we're finished, you'll wish you had the rights selective breeding.
hereditary gene pool. In their cerebral “superior” were actually somewhat scientific in one sense. If you ofa tree.”
world, love is the stupidity of allowing the ‘lower keep repeating the same thing over, and over, and you ~ Maurice Strong on the Earth Charter view on Normal people do not bother to think about these
head’ to dominate the more enlightened and rational keep getting the same outcome, that outcome becomes human rights~ bizarre things. We have things that are more normal
‘upper head’. Emotion is a silly effeminate weakness a law. The old religions were about morals or natural and pressing on our minds. However, it is a grave
to them, and boy, do they hate women! laws, based on tried and tested experiences resulting “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or mistake to overlook the mindset of the cunning and
in moral guidelines to follow which made life she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one clever psychopath. They are dangerous. They ARE
Women: meaningful and rewarding. Break the moral codes, the will enter the New Age unless he will take a genetically modifying us deliberately. Having
natural laws and you get the same unpleasant Luciferian Initiation.” detribalised us all, they are now sterilising us, turning
Common women are dispensable. To the consequences whatever the religion, or lack of it. ~David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, us into eunuchs, expunging the mothering and
psychopathic eugenicist, the sooner the Phrases such as “you reap what you sow”, and “what United Nations~ fathering instincts, destroying families, children,
common woman is eliminated, and the unfit and goes around comes around” spring to mind. Normal sovereignty, reducing our IQ, debasing us,
lesser breeds exterminated, people instinctively know right Astrology: demoralising us in every imaginable way through so-
the sooner the Eugenics from wrong. This is Natural Law called ‘entertainment’ and the “propaganda known as
World Order can be or Common Law. People have a There is something in astrology but it’s not what education” as Bertrand Russell chose to call it. They
established, and the New basic moral conscience; it is part you’ve been told. Astrology has both an exoteric and are eliminating the sanctity of life; making us believe
“Man” created. The New of our community survival make- an esoteric meaning. The nonsense we read in the we are dumb animals. They have divided-and-ruled us
“Man” will be a self- up. Now the eugenicists, having papers and magazines is the exoteric part. Astrology and turned us all against one another, training us all to
fertilising hermaphroditic no conscience and being staunch comes from the age-old religion now known as spy on eachother. We no longer even trust ourselves.
slave. This is to be done sadists try in every possible way eugenics. The esoteric part is a New World Order We depend on “experts” to tell us how much we
through rational science in to make us break every moral business plan written into a calendar; dates pencilled should breathe, how little we should breed and what
laboratories. However, and code, (this used to be called sin) into a diary so to speak; only the diary is a huge, vast, we should think.
this is important, the elites and suffer the unpleasant reliable, eternally spinning stellar clock ticking away Genetic modification is just that, changing something.
will not tamper with their consequences. This ability makes overhead, rolling around the heavenly firmament It is not creating something out of nothing. Only a god
own superior familial gene them feel powerful, superior and above us. can do that. Being gods, they created money and
pool, or alter their own god-like. Good and evil to them The Age of Pisces, the fish, is the age in which those government out of nothing.
genetic make up, as this are mere energies or forces to be humans that the elites consider to be the ‘bright
would only dilute their used in whatever way a god sparks’, the fitter types worthy of survival, are “fished Money, Piggybanks
highly-evolved godly make- chooses …“you can’t make an out” of the genetic pool of life. Now that we are and Governments:
up and lower their omelette without breaking eggs”. entering the Age of Aquarius, we, the junk genes, the
intelligence and biology. This is how they justify their unfit, the useless eaters, are to be poured out of the Money does not exist. It is a fallacy, an abstraction, a
They see it as their God-like cruelty. This top-down lack of pitcher and disposed of, exterminated, so that the gods deception. Yet, everyone is a slave to it, to something
duty to do it to us though. empathy is marketed down to can build the next stage of their utopia and create the that does not exist except in the headspace of those
The eugenicists see common society as “moral relativity”. New “Man” using science. that dreamed it up. Government is another abstract
woman as a threat, breeding like However, if good and evil are creation-out-of-nothing that we seem to believe in.
rabbits and, having inferior neutralised, then evil has Now, the wash-of-stars is just that, an infinite That is playing God is it not? Money buys the history
babies in the old-fashioned way. triumphed over good and good astronomical canopy of stars rolling about in the night authors. Money raises empires and money debases
people suffer excruciatingly. sky. You can join the starry-dots in any way that your them and razes them to the ground. Money runs
In the New (population-controlled) World Order, imagination chooses, but the elites happened to dream academia, science, culture, fashion, music,
babies are all to be decanted from bottles and test For most normal people, if one spends long enough in up the signs of the zodiac, and surrounded their Continued page 21..
tubes in the Brave New Huxlian World Order way. a natural environment to allow the heavy shackles of
"A total population
How many woman-leaders have there been? Hitler, an urban Darwinist indoctrination to fall away,
Pinochet, Mussolini, Castro, Franco, Idi Amin, Stalin, something stirs within them. When you feel every
Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Mugabe and blade of grass, every star in the sky, every grain of
so on, how many of these were women? How many
kings or emperors were women? To the eugenicists
women are seen as a temporary but necessary evil, a
sand and every individual cell to be unique in itself
and with nothing evolving into anything else,
something awakens within you. It becomes quite of250-300 million people, a 95%
machine in a hereditary baby-making factory doing
the job that those proper male (if you can call them
that) scientists should be doing by themselves through
impossible for you not to be swept off your feet with
an overwhelming sense of humility, beauty and
gratitude for the gift of life, regardless of whether you decline from present levels, would
rationality and science. One question to ask is this,
have the High Priests of eugenics throughout history,
believe in a God or not.
be ideal."
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 21
Eugenics: An Overview programme and spread the word the genie would be
out of the bottle and would never go back in. Answer!
Enforce total round-the-clock surveillance and
creatures intelligent to perform intricate drudgery
yet lacking all ambition, what ruling class would
resist the temptation? Many of the arguments
...Continued from page 20 information control on every individual on the planet. brought against slavery would be powerless in such
a case, for the ectogenic slave of the future would
entertainment and the legal system. not feel his bonds. Every impulse, which makes
We live in a corporate casino. The eugenicists built it. Francis Galton first coined the term eugenics, but slavery degrading and irksome to ordinary humanity
They run it. We pay them to do it, to do this to us and what we now call eugenics has been around for would be removed from his mental equipment. He
we are the currency. The elites are a tribe unto millennia. Since the Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and wouldn't care as long as happiness would be his
themselves and they control the debt-based money China periods and the atrocities attached to that task. He would be the exact human counterpart of
system. When they want to level a civilisation, they historical period, eugenics has earned itself a bad the worker bee."
will simply move the money offshore and let that name. Eugenics has since had a makeover. Just as --Lord Birkenhead - Cosmopolitan Magazine 1929.
civilisation collapse. Of course, they will have moved Edward Bernays changed the term “propaganda” to
all their opulence, butlers, chauffeurs, coiffures, “public relations” (now called perception “One famous insider of modern schooling back in
palaces, mansions, jewels and money into the new management) the term eugenics is now called by the post-WWI days (when the model was hardening)
civilisation to raise that civilisation up first. many names to distract us from the grotesque called government schooling “the perfect
historical horrors of it all, names such as Bio-ethics, organization of the hive”. That was H.H. Goddard,
The same inbred families shift their empire from Transhumanism, Social Darwinism, Genetics and chairman at Princeton. Goddard believed
Greece to Rome and eventually to Britain and Posthumanism among others. However, let us not get standardized test scores used as a signal for
America, leaving only the debased and devastated distracted or misled. Let us call it for what it really, privileged treatment would cause the lower classes
ruins of an empire to collapse in on itself behind really is…EUGENICS. to come face-to-face with their own biological
them. It would appear that we are witnessing history The 10 Commandments of Eugenics are written inferiority. It would be like wearing a public dunce
repeat itself. It would appear that the bankers and blatantly in tablets of stone on the Georgia cap”.
royal families are planning to do this all over again. Guidestones for all to obey. View them online and --John Taylor Gatto - 'Weapons of Mass Instruction:
They are certainly raising up China, Dubai and understand them for yourself. A Schoolteacher’s Journey through the Dark World of
Kazakhstan. Look at the supercity plans for these Compulsory Schooling'
countries. See especially the “low-carbon” Ziggurat
city in Dubai, the city of Astana in Kazakhstan and Conclusion:
the supercities of China. Anyone who thought
capitalism, fascism and communism were enemies The eugenicist has launched an all-out war on us. Our Tune in to
has been truly duped and deceived. Money buys food, water, air, and soil have been poisoned. This has
politics and edits history. Good books to read though not happened by chance, it is a deliberate Truth Radio Marathon!
are the works of professors Carroll Quigley and
Anthony C. Sutton. These authors show where the
depopulation programme. 2nd Weekend Every Month
money went and from whom it came. **Featuring**
Money is like any other addiction. The most addicted THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ORGANIC Sovereign Independent Radio!

Don't Shoot The

addict is always the drug pusher. He is infinitely FOOD.
dependent on his slaves to feed his control-freak ego. There is edible food and there is poisoned food.
The eugenicist god is pure ego. If money were to be

subordinated to its proper place, as a means to assist Plastic packaging and bottling is poisonous, and the
barter, the money masters would shrivel up for want phasing out of perfectly reusable glass containers has
of adoration from their slaves. to stop right now. All plastic packaging containing
Bisphenol A, pthalates, obesogens, melamines, and
Immortality through all foods containing unnatural substances should bear
population control: the word POISON. Everything has been drenched in By Neil Foster
chemtrails including the soil and groundwater. We
Another thing eugenicists are obsessed with is move in a pool of electro-pollution by design, not by
physical longevity. They want to live forever accident. Vaccines contain poisons including A New World Order from the chaos of an Old
here in a physical body, and having no empathy, genetically modified toxins. Supermarkets are A place in society of which we’ll be told
they want to farm us and use us for spare body- poisonous. The entire system is utterly corrupt and No room for freedom, family or hope
parts rather than die themselves. This goes all paid for by our slavery. The entire system has to go! Just trying each day to live and to cope
the way back to the pharaohs of Egypt and
beyond…mummification etc. Obviously, we A Post-Eugenics Movement is needed, with
are not to be included in this utopian physical compassionate, sentient, moral people doing The powers that be will be living like kings
immortality plan. If we were, then there would compassionate, sentient, moral things in a As their masters pull strings and use us as things
be a REAL overpopulation problem. That is compassionate, sentient, moral way. The economy To service their needs, their wants and their thrills
why depopulation through mass-murder, needs to be subordinated to its proper place as a Whilst they kill us off with intoxicating pills
infanticide, and forced sterilisation, feminism, servant to the people. People-powered shops and
genocide, euthanasia and forced abortion are to businesses need to be opened. We need REAL They’re spraying the skies with a toxic mist
be imposed upon us, the enemy. They call it choices if we are to be truly free or do we really want And preparing us all for the iron fist
sustainability and Planned Parenthood. a Russellian scientific dictatorship? That’ll smash and grab and steal our lives
Population control and surveillance also springs
from the elite’s dreaded fear of the masses of “Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy … It Destroying the family, husbands and wives
normal people wising up and waking up to the is to be expected that advances in physiology and
elite’s heavenly astrological plan - The Great psychology will give governments much more Excuse me sir whilst I lick your boots
Leap Forward - also called The Great Work. Pathocracy: control over individual mentality than they now And those with whom you’re in cahoots
“To be always rich, always young, and never to die: A pathocracy is a hierarchical psychopathic
have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it I voted for you a long time ago
down that education should aim at destroying free Before I saw through your electoral show
such has been in all times the dream of the government of the psychopath by the psychopath and will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall
Alchemists.” for the psychopath. It is a pyramidal system where the be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of You promised me things you never produced
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma more psychopathic types are promoted to the higher thinking or acting otherwise than as their
But it took me a lifetime before I deduced
Page 656 levels. The lesser psychopaths stay at the lower levels schoolmasters would have wished. Diet, injections
vainly hoping for improvement and promotion. and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, You’re a liar, a cheat, a whore and a thief
Surveillance: Sentient normal people are used as worker bees to produce the sort of character and the sort of I’m ashamed of the fact that I had such belief
managed by the drones, all feeding the parasitic beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and
structure. The elites are the Lazy Boys dictating to the any serious criticisms of the powers that be will In a system corrupt from the top tier down
beekeepers. They do whatever they please, have become psychologically impossible … Where a ‘star’ sits on high in a frivolous gown
mansions across the globe, luxurious private jets, “The Nazis were more scientific than the present Celebrity worship is the drug of the sheeple
limousines. They live in the lap of opulence. It is their rulers of Russia … If they had survived, they would Who grovel in awe at prostitute people
utopia. Those fit to survive in a pathocratic world probably have soon taken to scientific breeding. Any
must be ruthless, secretive and have the ability to nation which adopts this practice will, within a
keep their mouth shut and look a person or camera in generation, secure great military advantages. The They pay their way to see their ‘stars’
the eye while telling a global barefaced lie. Those system, one may surmise, will be something like Or admire their egos, their trinkets and cars
normal non-psychopathic people, those with this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all Spending their cash on fruitless trash
compassion, empathy, etc. are used as machines to but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females They emulate idols as dumb and as brash
dig the roads, clear the sewers, fish the seas, mine the will be sterilised. The 30 per cent of females will be
minerals, fill the factories and farm the fields. Normal expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in The day will come, not too far off
people are also units of currency. A good United reproduction to secure adequate cannon fodder. As When the animal’s farm holds an empty trough
Nations citizen is defined as a good producer-plus- a rule artificial insemination will be preferred to the
For the masses to starve whilst their master smirk
consumer. Now that the pathocracy is being upgraded natural method …
with automation, efficiency, modification and cheap Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital At the use eaters still fit for their work
or free labour from abroad, the pathocrats have differences between rulers and ruled will increase
decided that we are obsolete, this they call until they become almost a different species. A revolt You’ll shine their shoes and polish their gold
‘overpopulation’. Through science, they plan to grab of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an You can’t go on saying you haven’t been told
all industry, agriculture, forestry, mining, oil and organised insurrection of sheep against the practice Be warned that it’s over if the messenger’s shot
fishery for themselves and cull, or upgrade the herd, ofeating mutton.” Because life under tyranny is not worth a lot
the useless eaters…THAT’S US. Bertrand Russell… eugenicist - 'The Impact ofScience
on Society' (1952)
Beehive quotes Will you grovel to elites as you starve in the streets?
“Our ideal society is like a Beehive. Above the For useful New World Order eugenics quotes see Or go down fighting as armies and fleets?
workers, we have the drones.” here: Will you conquer your fear for those you hold dear?
--Plato - 'The Republic' The Complete Dummy’s Guide to EUGENICS – Or submit to a coward in snivelling fear?
Part 2 – The Evidence -
“A Masonic Lodge should resemble a Beehive, The choice is yours to do as you will
inwhich all the members work together with Whilst time is short, we have some still
ardour for the common good.” Acknowledgement: To battle against the chains in the making
Aware of the danger that the masses might rise up --Albert Pike - 'Morals and Dogma
against them, or worse ignore them, retribalise, barter A great debt of gratitude is owed to Alan Watt While media whores make news they are faking
and set up on their own, the elites are determined to “In 1779 Adam Weishaupt, ‘the first wise headman’ without whose tireless efforts to disseminate this
spy on every aspect of everyone’s life at all times to wished to change the name Illuminati to the Order information through his books, DVD’s, CD’s, Life is for living and too short to waste
prevent this from happening. The commoners might ofthe Bees.” multilingual websites and hundreds of hours of In servitude to a cabal of debased
even see them for what they really are; silly freaks --Adam Weishaupt 1779 talks, this article would never have been written. Psychopaths each all in it for power
who think they are Gods who will not rest until they As cometh the slave in humble cower
prove it to everyone else. The elites will never be “There might be a drug, which, without other
satisfied. They are perpetual war advocates. Their harmful effects, removed the urgency for sexual His work primes a latent instinct in the individual;
idea of peace is constant divide-and-rule. They view desires, and so reproduced in humanity the status of an instinct that springs from an innate curiosity and Hold your heads high and see through the lies
what we call peace as stagnancy. They have to keep workers in a Beehive.” a personal yearning for truth. Turn of your TV, view the world with new eyes
every single one of us entertained, agitated, debased --Charles Galton Darwin - 'The Next Million Years' Slaves we may be but a majority crowd
and under surveillance all of the time lest we wake Fight for your freedom and fight for it loud!
up. If even one were to wake up to the eugenics "If it were possible to breed a race of strong healthy
22 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

Libya in Washington's Greater Middle East Project

By F. William Engdahl, Granted Gaddafi doesn't have the best

Western PR agencies like Saatchi & Saatchi
or those who do not believe in or Hill & Knowlton to give his message the
coincidence, it's notable that on pretty touches that politicians like Barack
March 19, 2011 the Obama Obama or David Cameron or Nikolas
Administration ordered the military Sarkozy have. Nor is he photogenic like his
bombing attack on Libya, ostensibly to Washington counterpart, making his grisly
create a 'no fly zone' to protect innocent face easy to demonize in the media as a kind
civilians and on March 19, 2003. of new Hitler.
The No Fly strikes were begun under US Gaddafi is a thorn in Washington's side for
command with suspicious haste following other reasons though. He says that the 9/11
the UN Resolution. To date the attacks have hijackers were trained in the US, yet he also
been led by US, British and French air urged Libyans to donate blood to Americans
forces and warships. A storm of Tomahawk after 9/11. Gaddafi has been working for
cruise missiles and GPS-guided bombs has decades to build an independent voice for
rained down on undisclosed Libyan targets African states not controlled by either the
with reports of many civilian deaths. No end US or former European colonial powers, his
is in sight at present. United States ofAfrica.
When all the Western media demonizing is
Eight years earlier to the day, the Bush stripped away, Gaddafi is the last of a
Administration began its Operation Shock generation of moderate socialist pan-
and Awe, the military destruction and Arabists still in power, after Egypt's Nasser
occupation of Iraq, allegedly to prevent a and Iraq's Saddam Hussein have been
threat of weapons of mass destruction which eliminated, and Syria has aligned with Iran.
never existed as was later confirmed. The
Iraqi invasion followed more than a decade So long as he remains, Libya poses an
of illegal No Fly Zone operations over Iraqi embarrassing economic alternative to
airspace by the same trio—USA, Britain Washington's 'free market' globalization
and France. template which it is now desperate to
impose on the one billion peoples of the
Far more important than any possible Islamic world from Morocco across Africa
numerology games a superstitious Pentagon and the Middle East to Afghanistan. For the
might or might not be playing is the powers driving this spreading war, it is a
ultimate agenda behind the domino series of question of survival of the American
regime destabilizations that Washington has Century, or what the quaint neo-
ignited under the banner of democracy and conservatives called the New American
human rights across the Islamic world since Century, of the future survival of a sole
December 2010. American Superpower through spreading
war and chaos as its own economy
With Washington's exerting of enormous disintegrates more by the day.
pressure on other NATO member states to
take formal command of the US-led Amr Mousa and
bombing of Libya, no matter under what dubious political games
name, in order to give Washington a fig leaf fortifications of the Gaddafi forces. The corecharge against Gaddafi literally while Russia's Putin called the US action a new
that would shift attention away from the The launch of Operation Odyssey Dawn, the legal obligation of the UN Charter requires standing in front of the US White House. No "crusade" against Libya and the Islamic
Pentagon's central role via AFRICOM in coordinated US-British-French military member states to refrain from any use of one bothered to independently confirm if it world, not without reason. China denounced
coordinating the military operation, the attack on Libya following the UN Security force unless it can be justified as self- was accurate. the US intervention. Unfortunately, both
entire upheaval sweeping across North Council resolution, was begun with defence after a cross-border armed attack or countries had been silent when it could have
African and Middle East Islamic countries shocking speed once Egyptian diplomat mandated by a decision of the UN Security More notable, once the Arab League agreed counted during the UN Security Council
is looking at this writing more like the early Amr Mousa, spokesman for the Arab Council. to back a Libyan No Fly option, opposition voting when they abstained, perhaps out of
onset of a World War III, one that some League, conveniently arm-twisted his within the UN Security Council collapsed, fear of alienating the powerful oil producer
NATO members hint is expected to last nervous brothers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait Neither of these conditions authorising a giving Washington its desired cover of countries of the Arab League.
decades. and other Arab states, clearly convincing legal use of force is remotely present, and plausible international support for its desired
them that by voting for the no-fly they yet the discussion proceeds in the media and military action. Realizing that they had been tricked big-
As with World War II and World War I, this might remain in the good graces of Washington circles as if the only questions time by Washington, London and Paris, all
one as well would be launched to expand Washington and thereby avoid the fate of worth discussing pertain to feasibility, costs,
The Security Council vote was 10-0 with of whom had apparently planned the
what David Rockefeller and George H.W. Egypt's Hosni Mubarak or Tunisia's Ben Ali. risks, and a possible backlash in the Arab five major countries abstaining including military action against Libya long-before
Bush in the past have called a "new world Washington had clearly planned its military world. Russia and China, which have veto power, any UN or Arab League vote, European
order." actions long before March 19. along with India, Germany and Brazil. The NATO members and others including
Gaddafi's real 'crime' Falk, who has spent most of the past five United States, France and Britain pushed for NATO-member Turkey immediately began
Following weeks of diplomatic deception decades defending the now-forgotten notion speedy approval. Conveniently ignored in vehement protest.
and what were clearly deliberately that a rule of law is preferable to a rule of the ever so select mainstream western media
Unlike Tunisia or Egypt where a halfway misleading signals from US Defense barbarian 'might makes right,' adds, "Cannot was the relevant fact that the direct Germany withdrew its military support
credible argument could be made that the Secretary Robert Gates claiming to oppose a it not be argued that in situations of neighbors of Libya, Algeria and Tunisia and equipment from the region over
population was suffering from exploding no-fly zone for Libya, Secretary of State humanitarian emergency 'a state of the entire African Union voted against the disagreement over the campaign's lack of
food prices and a vast wealth gap, Gaddafi's Hillary Clinton claiming to support one, and exception' exists allowing an intervention to No Fly Zone: "If you ain't singing from our goals or direction as unity within NATO
Libya, officially called Libyan Arab a US President appearing to be weak and be carried out by a coalition of the willing sheet of music, you don't exist, Bubba..." crumbled. Italy accused France of backing
Jamahiriya, is very different. vacillating, the Nobel Peace President provided it doesn't make the situation the No Fly in order to grab Libya's oil riches
Obama, the President who ordered worse?" He answers his rhetorical question: Nominally, the resolution for a no-fly zone out from under Italy's state-controlled
There, according to Africans I have spoken escalation of the war in Afghanistan and was requested by the Libyan rebels' ENI/AGIP. Italy also threatened to revoke
to with direct knowledge, Libyans enjoyed defended the CIA torture prison at With respect to Libya, we need to take Transitional National Council and the Arab US, UK, and French rights to use its bases
the highest living standard on the Continent. Guantanamo, ordered a de facto declaration account of the fact that the Gaddafi League. In reality, as former Indian diplomat unless NATO were formally put in charge.
Gaddafi did not stay on top for 42 years of war against a sovereign nation, Libya, government, however distasteful on M. K. Bhadrakumar noted, "The plain truth As of this writing Washington had even less
without ensuring that his population had despite the fact that no US lives were humanitarian grounds, remains the lawful is that the North Atlantic Treaty true international backing for its military
little room to complain. Most health endangered nor US territory threatened by diplomatic representative of a sovereign Organization and the European Union adventure than even in the 2003 Iraq
services, education and fuel was state- what was essentially an internal Libyan state, and any international use of force commanded Arab League to speak since invasion.
subsidized. Gaddafi's Libya had the lowest armed tribal uprising against an established even by the UN, much less a state or group they need a fig leaf to approach the United
infant mortality rate and highest life head of state and government. Moreover, of states, would constitute an unlawful Nations Security Council. . . The Western For its part British government ministers
expectancy of all Africa. When he siezed Gaddafi's Libya has never threatened an intervention in the internal affairs of a powers had earlier mentioned the Arab were calling for assassination of Gaddafi,
power from ailing King Idris four decades invasion of a neighboring state, an essential sovereign state, prohibited by Article 2(7) ofLeague and African Union in the same stating that the Middle East and North
ago literacy was below 10% of the if forgotten precondition for any UN the UN Charter unless expressly authorised breath as representing 'regional opinion. ' African war could go on some "30 years."
population. Today it is above 90%, hardly intervention. by the Security Council as essential for the Now it seems the African Union isn't so
the footprint of your typical tyrant. Less sake ofinternational peace and security. important—it has become an Others made the comparison to the
than 5% of the population is As experience in Bosnia and in Iraq in the embarrassment. African leaders are proving Twentieth Century upheavals and
undernourished, a figure lower than in the 1990s clearly showed, a No Fly Zone is not Beyond this, there is no assurance that an to be tough nuts to crack compared to Arab dismantling of European empires that made
United States. In response to the rising food a neutral minor event but a full scale act of intervention, if undertaken, would lessen the playboy-rulers. " way ultimately for an American Century.
prices of recent months, Gaddafi took care war, a violent taking control of the airspace suffering of the Libyan people or bring to Those upheavals, which lasted from 1914
to abolish all taxes on food. And a lower of a sovereign territory, including destroying power a regime more respectful of human Bhadrakumar, a former ambassador to through 1945 were remembered in history
percentage of people lived below the the anti-aircraft and air strike capacity of the rights and dedicated to democratic Kuwait and Turkey, added, "The Arab books as World War I and World War
poverty line than in the Netherlands. target country. participation. League resolution was rammed through by III—in reality one long thirty years' war for
Gaddafi calls his model a form of Islamic Amr Mousa, Secretary-General of the Arab global hegemony.
socialism. It is secular and not theocratic, Richard Falk, a distinguished professor of What I am mainly decrying here in the League, who hopes to succeed Hosni
despite its overwhelmingly Sunni base in international law and UN Special Libyan debate are three kinds of policy Mubarak as Egypt's next president. Arab As the eventual "winner" of that mammoth
the population. Rapporteur on Palestinian Human Rights, failure: The exclusion of international law leaders, who depend upon the US for their contest, United States elites grouped then
noted the utter lack of any basic criteria for and the United Nations from relevance to continued existence, were not hard to around the immensely powerful Rockefeller
Why is the United States so opposed to a UN intervention in Libya: national debates about international uses of persuade. " Mousa, a savvy survivor, family and proclaimed what Time-Life
Gadaffi? Clearly because he is simply "not force; The absence of respect for the knows he stands no chance to be President if publisher Henry Luce in a 1941 editorial
with the program." Gaddafi has shown What is immediately striking about the dynamics of self-determination in societies he doesn't have Washington's backing, named an "American Century." That
repeatedly and not without grounds that he bipartisan call in Washington for a no-fly of the South; The refusal to heed the ethics covert or overt. American Century is now in dangerous
deeply distrusts Washington. He has zone and air strikes designed to help rebel and politics appropriate for a post-colonial decline, a protracted death agony of decay
constantly tried to forge an independent forces in Libya is the absence of any world order that is being de-Westernised 'Coalition of the unwilling' and self-destruction that began manifestly in
voice for an Africa that is increasingly being concern with the relevance of international and is becoming increasingly multi-polar. 1971, symbolized by President Richard
usurped by the Pentagon's AFRICOM. In law or the authority of the United Nations. Nixon's unilateral decision to tear up the
1999 he initiated creation of the African None in authority take the trouble to The entire Washington manipulation left its
Union, based in Addis Abbaba, to Notable in the latest Washington rush to war backers, a de facto 'coalition of the Bretton Woods monetary treaty and break
construct some kind of legal rationalisation. was the lack of any independent verification unwilling,' realizing they had been double- the tie between the US dollar and gold, a
strengthen the international voice of Africa's The 'realists' in command, and echoed by of what had become the universal image of fateful turn.
former colonial states. At a pan-African the mainstream media, do not feel any need crossed by Washington. As soon as the
summit in 2009 he appealed for creation of a Gaddafi ordering his air force to shoot on relentless bombing of civilian as well as
to provide even a legal fig leaf before what western media claimed were innocent military targets in Tripoli and across Libya Another war for oil?
a United States of Africa to combine the embarking on aggressive warfare. unarmed civilians. CNN staged camera
economic strengths of what is perhaps the became clear, Amr Mousa conveniently
world's richest continent in terms of shots don't qualify as neutral in this claimed that killing civilians had not been Yes, Libya's oil is indeed a factor behind the
It should be obvious that a no-fly zone in instance, nor BBC. Ibrahim Sahad, Libyan part of the UN deal, as if he hadn't thought British, French and US war fervor.
unexploited mineral and agricultural Libyan airspace is an act of war, as would opposition figure and National Front for the
potentials. be, of course, contemplated air strikes on of that possibility before.
Salvation of Libya spokesman, made the Continued on page 23.....
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 23
than the old NFSL, a group financed for
Continued from page 22..... The UN No Fly Resolution is far more
sweeping than most media report. It is a de years by the Saudis, the French and the
CIA. The Scottish National Party:
According to what one highly-informed
Middle East oil services expert familiar
with the oil resources of the entire region
facto declaration of military, economic and
financial warfare against a sovereign state
and an established, functioning government. The new Transitional Council umbrella Independently Orwellian Oxy'morons'!
told me privately in a recent discussion, In addition to authorizing the No Fly Zone, group is little more reportedly than the old By The Ghost ofWilliam Wallace
Libya has vast untapped oil wealth, by far the UN Resolution establishes a "ban on all NFSL -- an unelected group of aged
Africa's largest, and "it is almost sulfur-free, flights in the airspace of the Libyan Arab monarchist business exiles and now
the highest quality crude you find Jamahiriya in order to help protect defectors from Gaddafi who smell
anywhere. " Until now, despite repeated CIA civilians, " other than "humanitarian" flights opportunity to grab a giant piece of the oil When I was young and naïve I foolishly thought that the Scottish National
coup and assassination attempts to topple and flights sanctioned by the UN and the pie, and have Saudi, French and CIA
Gaddafi in the past, the Libyan leader was Arab League. backing to drive their dreams of glory. Party were the best hope for my country in light of repeated and hugely
careful to not surrender total control over These are the ones on whose behalf now unanimous votes for a Labour party across Scotland only to be served up with
his oil resources to the Anglo-American oil It orders member states of the UN to stop NATO is fighting. more Conservative thieves in London. However, it didn’t take me too long to
cartel interests but to retain control to build any Libyan owned, operated or registered realise that they were all thieves and that none of them had my best interests
the country, something definitely not to aircraft from taking off, landing or The National Transitional Council of the at heart.
Washington's liking. overflying their territory without prior Libyan Republic, led by Mustafa Abdul
approval from a UN committee monitoring Jalil, is based in Benghazi and controls most That holds true for the SNP to this day where their open betrayal is manifest
Notably, the center of Libyan oil sanctions. It allows member states "to of the eastern half of the country. France for all to see in their last propaganda leaflet for the recent elections held in
infrastructure is in the Benghazi region in and Portugal have so far officially
the east where the Western-backed rebellion
inspect in their territory, including airports
and seaports, and on the high seas, vessels recognized the Council as the sole Scotland in which they expose themselves for the traitors to the Scottish
started. Benghazi is north of Libya’s richest and aircraft bound to or from Libya, " if a "legitimate representative" of Libya. people which I assume they’ve always been. Alex Salmond was a major
oil fields, close to most of its oil and gas country has "reasonable grounds" to believe player back in the days I campaigned for this bunch of doubleplusbad
pipelines, refineries and Libya's LNG port. they contain military items or armed The National Transitional Council also Orwellian Marxists.
The National Transitional Council of the mercenaries. includes such former Gaddafi regime
Libyan Republic led by Mustafa Abdul Jalil insiders as ex-Libyan Justice Minister When I was involved the big thing was ‘oil and independence’, ‘It’s
is based there. To put the nail in the Libyan coffin, it Mustafa Abdel-Jalil and former Interior Scotland’s oil’ blah, blah, blah. They’re still saying the same today except
freezes assets of five financial institutions: Minister General Abdel Fattah Younis, who they contradict this with their claims to create ‘130,000 jobs in a low carbon
But it would be a mistake to reduce what is Libya's central bank, the Libyan Investment defected earlier from the Gaddafi regime.
in fact Washington's Greater Middle East Authority, the Libyan Foreign Bank, Libyan They lobbied Washington and other Western economy’, zero carbon and all that eugenic garbage pushed by the likes of the
Project, as George W. Bush called it at the Africa Investment Portfoilio, and the governments for support soon after their Green Party.
time of the 2003 Iraq invasion, to merely a Libyan National Oil Corporation. formation. They want to mount an armed
grab for the oil. offensive against the government-controlled But the real insult to the intelligence is the claim that Scotland can be an
The curious Libya 'opposition' areas in the west to overthrow Gaddafi. That independent nation in the European Union. Haven’t they read the Lisbon
Rather, regime change from Gaddafi to a is hardly an innocent spontaneous Twitter Treaty? Apparently not, but they claim that after independence is gained
US-dependent puppet regime amounts to a The so-called Libyan opposition itself is a democracy revolt, though the revolts in through the ballot box we’ll still be a member of the EU. Does anyone see the
critical piece in a well-planned long-term hodge-podge mix of political opportunists, Tunisia and Egypt and elsewhere have been contradiction here?
US strategy to dismantle national ex-CIA-trained Mujahideen guerillas such far from spontaneous either.
institutions and a culture going back well as Abdel Hakim al-Hasidi of the so-called
over one thousand years, in an attempt to Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, who openly In early March the Transitional Council sent To quote: ‘Scotland is already part ofthe EU and would remain so after
force the entire Islamic world into what admits to close ties to al-Qaeda going back their de facto foreign minister Ali al-Essawi independence’
George H.W. Bush in 1991 and David to Afghanistan. That certainly raises the and Abdel-Jalil crony Mahmoud Jebril to
Rockefeller in his autobiography more level of incredibility of Washington's most Paris where the French government, clearly It would appear that the SNP don’t quite understand the ramifications of the
recently triumphantly called a "New World bizarre military crusade of recent times. smelling an opportunity to take the inside gulag super state that is the EU became on the fraudulent ratification of the
Order." Others call it an American- track of a future regime in Tripoli, gave the Lisbon Treaty after the Irish were told to vote again, and by god they’d better
centered global imperium: "Big Mac's, As well, the opposition includes former first recognition of the transitional council get it right this time or their economy would collapse.
KFC chicken wings and Coke Zero for senior Gaddafi regime members who saw as the "legitimate representative" of the
everyone! Poverty, chaos, killings and greener grass on the US, British and Libyan people. Immediately after, France
Orwelian uniformity—Welcome to our French-backed opposition side, and outright became the leading advocate for a French- Hmm… They must have voted ‘No’ because the economy has collapsed. But
new world where We give the orders and cutthroats who, encouraged by Washington, led (of course) military intervention on of course they voted ‘No’ only for that vote to be corrupted and turned into a
you snap your heels..." London or Paris smelled the chance to grab behalf of their new-found rebel friends in ‘Yes’ by unscrupulous and devious methods which every dictator on earth
control of one of the richest lands on Earth. Bengazi. would be proud of. Mugabe eat your heart out! I know, I was there and
'Responsibility to protect...' While the French seem to have an inside witnessed it first-hand!
Their "opposition," unlike in Tunisia or track with the diplomatic wing of the rag- Another quote which caught my eye was this little gem:
As in the cases of the US-instigated elsewhere, was never "non-violent." It was tag Bengazi rebels, the British seem to have
"spontaneous" and "democratic" revolts in an armed revolt from the git-go, a war of focused their attention on the military wing, “As a full member state, Scotland will finally have a voice at the top table
Egypt and in Tunisia earlier, Washington is tribe against tribe, not of surging aspirations where former Gaddafi Interior Minister in Europe.”
carefully orchestrating the Gaddafi for democracy. NATO member countries General Abdel Fattah Younis seems to be
succession from behind the scenes. As are being told by Washington to back one
numerous critics of the Washington policy band of tyrants to oust another whose their man. Younis is now in command of a Unfortunately I think that might just be Willie MacDuff, the waiter, asking
pointed out, the US intervention in Libya is agenda does not comply with what the National Transitional Council “army.” Tsar Barroso how many bottles of the finest brandy he wants after his
not a neutral act to protect innocent Pentagon calls Full Spectrum Dominance. Hillary Clinton also moved to firm US ties sumptuous, tax payer funded, 8 course dinner.
civilians but rather a calculated attempt to to the insurgents. On March 13 she
force regime change by militarily shifting The Libyan "opposition" for most of the reportedly met in Cairo—now a place However, as a separate nation I reckon the Scottish people should then have
the balance to the well-armed opposition world is still a vague CNN or BBC image firmly in command of a Pentagon- the right of a referendum to withdraw from the European Union because it
forces in Benghazi in the east of Libya. of stone-throwing youth crying out to the dependent Egyptian military council after wasn’t our own government who ever signed upto it so I can’t quite see how
well-positioned cameras for "freedom, the Twitter youth had served their purpose the SNP can justify the claim that we’ve always been part of the European
By stopping Gaddafi government forces democracy." In reality it is far different. As
from restoring control over their territory George Friedman of Stratfor pointed out, of deposing Mubarak—with leaders of the Union when that is clearly untrue.
from an armed uprising that has fostered a the "Libyan uprising consisted of a cluster opposition rebels. Announcing her meeting,
civil war, principles of international of tribes and personalities, some within the
she stated, “We are reaching out to the It would further hold true that the English, Welsh and Northern Irish should
sovereignty have gingerly been thrown out opposition inside and outside of Libya. I be allowed their referendum on the same grounds. The government of the UK
Libyan government, some within the army will be meeting with some of those figures
the window and replaced by a vague and and many others longtime opponents of the both here in the United States and when I will no longer exist and it is that government which signed up to the
unsubstantiated notion of "responsibility to regime. " He adds, "it would be an enormous travel next week to discuss what more the European Union, not the individual nations. Therefore, none of those nations
protect," a precedent for use of force that mistake to see what has happened in Libya United States and others can do, ” she said. will be a part of the EU if Scottish Independence should materialise.
many governments from Berlin to Rome to as a mass, liberal democratic uprising. The
Beijing and Moscow now realize could narrative has to be strained to work in most
have horrendous future consequences for countries, but in Libya, it breaks down
In the western part of Libya, the contending This is almost worth voting for, but as readers of this paper know by now; if
them as well. completely. "
opposition is led by the second group voting changed anything it would be made illegal!
France has recognized, something calling
Once world opinion accepts the fuzzy It emerges that the main opposition to itself ambitiously, the Islamic Emirate of
notion that something being called Gaddafi comes from two very curious Barqa, a former name for the northwestern
"responsibility to protect," however vaguely organizations—the National Front for the part of the country. That group has been
defined, trumps national sovereignty, what Salvation of Libya and a bizarre group described as a group of "aged exiles and
is to stop Washington from imposing a No defectors from the former Gaddafi
calling itself the Islamic Emirate of Barqa, regime. . . waving the old King Idris
Fly zone over China or Russia or anywhere the former name of the North-Western part monarchist flag. " Not exactly a
for that matter, to prevent "human rights of Libya. Its leadership claims the group is revolutionary youth Twitter movement of
abuses"? made up of former al-Qaeda fighters surging, demographically-driven
previously released from jail. Their record aspirations.
Who defines that nebulous "responsibility of bloodshed is impressive to date.
to protect"? Washington, of course. Were
there truth in labelling in international The main opposition group in Libya now is Conclusion
politics today, it would be named the National Front for the Salvation of
"responsibility to protect Washington's self- Libya which is reported to be funded by As of this writing, what is clear is that far
defined interests." Saudi Arabia, the CIA and French more is at stake for Washington and its
Intelligence. They joined with other "coalition of the unwilling" in the
Barack Obama openly declared Washington opposition groups to become the National launching of a new war over Libya than
backing for the Libyan opposition within Conference for the Libyan Opposition. It anyone is admitting. If this marks the first
hours of the UN Resolution, leaving no was that organization that called for the shots in a new world war, or if various
doubt that the US role was never intended "Day of Rage" that plunged Libya into governments within and outside NATO have
to be one of a neutral peace mediator. In a chaos on February 17. the strength to resist the persuasive power
CNN Spanish language interview in San of the Pentagon war apparatus is unclear.
Salvador on March 23, Obama declared his The key figure in the National Front for the What is clear is that the recent events that
"hope" that Libya's opposition movement, Salvation of Libya is one Ibrahim Sahad started in Tunisia at the end of 2010 are but
given new protection by the US-led military who conveniently enough lives in part of a colossally large and increasingly
assaults, can organize itself to oust Gaddafi Washington. According to the Library of desperate strategy of US-orchestrated
from power. Regime change is the name of Congress archives, Sahad is the same man "creative destruction." To date it has been
Washinton's game. the CIA used in their failed attempt at a anything but creative for those living in the
Libyan coup of 1984. The Library of affected region.
Not surprisingly, it's also the name of
France's game. On March 25 French
Congress confirms that the CIA trained and
supported the NFSL both before and after F. William Engdahl is author of: YOU COULDN'T MAKE IT UP!
President Sarkozy urged Gaddafi’s
followers to abandon his “murderous ways”
and join the opposition. “We must hasten On March 11 the French government Full Spectrum Dominance: This was a photographic competition held in Scotland in
the decomposition of the system and the became the first nation to recognize the Totalitarian Democracy in the 201 0 sponsored by East Lothian District Council and
entourage of Qaddafi by telling them there’s
a way to get out, ” Sarkozy said. “Those
National Front for the Salvation (sic) of
Libya, which is now operating under the
New World Order organised by the Scottish Flag Trust. This is the display in
who abandon Qaddafi in his crazy and amorphous cover of an umbrella group
calling itself the Libyan National Musselburgh Library, just outside Edinburgh showing the
murderous ways can join in the
reconstruction ofa new, democratic Libya. ” Transitional Council, which is little more winners. There were over 200 entries!
24 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

The Electric Universe by Wallace Thornhill

I magine that electric power has not been invented. Picture the impact on our society, its
science and technology. It would be as if we had not left the mid-1800s with its reliance on
steam power, gaslight and horse and buggy transport. That may be unimaginable from our
modern perspective, but it is the incredible state of affairs in modern astronomy and
cosmology. Nowhere will you find in any encyclopaedia or science textbook any reference to
electrical power in astronomy!
But Nature is not known for doing things the hard way. If we find responsible for their ‘showbiz’
it most effective to use electrical power to drive motors and to success. The surrealist artist
heat and to light us, why would Nature ignore electrical power Salvador Dali was moved by
and turn to the feeblest force in the universe—gravity—to build Einstein’s mathematical
and power galaxies and stars? And when I state that gravity is representations of time and space
feeble, how about one trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion times to paint his notorious warped
weaker than the electric force? That’s as close to zero as anything clocks. The notion that a concept
you are likely to meet in the real world. That’s why it is possible (time) can be treated as a
to jump into the air against the gravitational pull of the entire deformable object is equivalent to
massive Earth. believing that a person retreating
Invoking such a pathetic driving force to explain the most into the distance actually has his/her space physically shrinking beginning. Astrophysicists had already travelled a long way down
concentrated sources of energy in the universe led scientists to and watch running slower than the observer’s. The perception is the detour of ‘deductive mathematical physics’ and refused to start
invent near-infinite concentrations of mass — ‘black holes’ and reciprocal but no one imagines that the effect is real. over with empirical plasma physics. They insisted on treating
‘neutron stars.’ They did this by repeating an old mathematics Commonsense baulks at such notions yet submits to the authority plasma as a magnetized gas, which keeps their mathematics
howler, dividing by zero (gravity) to arrive at infinity! of mathematicians. That may be why so many books attempt to tractable while ignoring the fact that magnetism cannot exist in
explain Einstein’s theories while so few claim to understand them. plasma without electric currents and discharge effects. This error
This is the kind of error that has pervaded theoretical physics The theories of relativity make no real sense. alone renders modern astrophysics and cosmology a gigantic
since mathematicians usurped authority from natural philosophers waste of time, talent and taxpayers’ money. Big bang cosmology
early in the 20th century. Mathematical logic can be faultless, but Einstein’s E = mc2 is the best known and least understood has been entirely non-predictive while receiving all of the funding.
the translation of the symbols to the complex real world is equation in science. It means simply that energy, mass and the
definitely not. Confusion of language and metaphor abounds. We speed of light are all characteristics of matter. Yet the words Today there is a small discipline of plasma cosmology, which is
are told we exist in a four-dimensional “fabric of space-time”—a ‘mass’ and ‘matter’ are used interchangeably, presumably because recognized by the largest professional organization in the world,
meaningless concatenation of words. A real dimension is they both begin with the letter ‘m.’ That is the kind of trap that the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Plasma
something measured with a ruler in a specific direction. So show mathematicians fall into but philosophers should see. So the cosmologists have electric circuit models of galaxies and star
me the ruler and point me in the direction of time! And what kind search for the imaginary Higgs boson as some external cause of formation that are tested by supercomputer simulations and
of material is this “fabric” of empty space? And how, precisely, mass is a colossal waste. The equation also tells us that Einstein verified by experiment—something that big bang cosmologists are
does the presence of matter warp this imaginary fabric to give the was wrong when he ‘postulated away’ Maxwell’s ‘æther.’ Light unable to do. They have many successful predictions, which is the
illusion of gravity? Textbook pictures of rubber sheets dented by cannot travel through nothing; it requires a medium to ‘wave.’ hallmark of a good theory. But since it is not an astronomers’
heavy balls rely on gravity for an explanation of gravity! Our Einstein’s ‘photon’ is imaginary. ‘church,’ astronomers generally do not attend the meetings.
modern physics has become a mere illusion of understanding. The
mysteries of this amazing universe will not be solved by the And in the realm of cosmology no one seems concerned that
fanciful musings of mathematicians. restricting the force of gravity to Einstein’s speed limit ‘c’ renders
spiral galaxies and a stable solar system impossible. Newton’s law
History demonstrates our capacity for self-delusion. So it should of gravity does not include time! The Earth orbits where the Sun is
be no surprise that despite all of the hoopla in the media, modern at this instant, not where it was 8 minutes ago. This suggests that
science exists on a foundation of surprising ignorance and gravity is related to the electric force, which must act in real-time
dogmatic beliefs. For example, cosmology, the ‘Queen of the on our puny scale. If so, our science has been derailed for a
sciences,’ is supposed to provide the big picture of our existence century by relativity. Do we have the courage to face our folly and
in the universe. Logically, all sciences, arts and cultures should return to where science left off about a century ago?
benefit from it. But what do we find? ‘Big bang’ gravitational
cosmology is merely another miraculous creation story, culturally Electricity in the solar system was not taboo in the19th century.
rooted in the book of Genesis and adorned with arcane Writing to Faraday in 1852, Sir John Herschel wondered if the sun
mathematical runes. Terry Pratchett summed it up in a sentence, could not owe its brightness to “cosmical electric currents
“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded. ” traversing space. ” In his opinion, “We stand on the verge ofa vast
Meanwhile, the evidence that cosmical discovery such as
nothing banged and the universe nothing hitherto imagined can Plasma cosmology is a leap forward in understanding the
is not expanding has been compare with. ” In 1868 the universe. However, it too is impeded by unexamined assumptions
available for half a century. Big American, Elias Loomis, from the past. Electrical star birth has been recently observed. But
bang cosmology is not proposed, “that there are once they are born, plasma cosmology sees the stars as Eddington
science—it is a pseudo-religion! circulating round the sun envisaged them, as isolated self-immolating bodies. And the
And like all traditional religions, powerful electric currents, questions of the real nature of matter interactions and gravity is
deviation from holy writ is which may possibly be the untouched.
punished and contrary evidence source of the sun’s light. ” And
denied. The result is bookshelves in 1885 the English What of the earlier electric Sun inspiration? In 1944 the Scottish
that would stretch to the Moon, astronomer Sir William astrophysicist and lightning researcher, Charles Bruce, using his
filled with textbooks, science Huggins presented the Royal combined expertise, explained the bright granulated photosphere
journals and PhD theses, mostly Society of London with his of the Sun as a form of global lightning and the red chromosphere
unread, fostering the false electrical model of the sun: as a luminous low-pressure electric discharge phenomenon. But
impression that we understand “The grandest displays of since the origin of lightning on Earth is unknown, he did not
most things. Meanwhile, the terrestrial electrical challenge the internal nuclear energy model of stars. However, he
public is assailed with TV disturbance must be influenced a US engineer, Ralph Juergens, who confronted our
documentaries that breathlessly altogether insignificant in ignorance head-on when he wrote in 1972, “The modern
deliver computerised virtual comparison with the electrical astrophysical concept that ascribes the sun's energy to
reality and present fashionable changes which must thermonuclear reactions deep in the solar interior is contradicted
science fiction as fact. accompany the ceaseless and by nearly every observable aspect of the sun. ” For example,
fearful activity of the where a sunspot parts the bright photosphere and we can see
How did science allow this ridiculous state of affairs to develop photosphere… Surely it is not too much to say that our terrestrial deeper into the star, it is darker and cooler! Sunspots should be
and persist throughout the 20th century? A little history may help. experience of lightning and of auroræ fails to supply us with any brighter and hotter than the photosphere if energy were trying to
The madness and destruction of the First World War seemed to adequate basis for a true conception of the electric forces in escape from within the Sun. Then there is the unexplained
cause a retreat from reality and detail, both in the arts and the action on the sun. ” Huggins’ words are the most sensible and millions of degrees hot corona outside the Sun and a hypothetical
sciences. The surrealists reacted against realism or positivism, prescient to be found on the electrical nature of the Sun and stars. tens of millions of degrees thermonuclear core inside the Sun.
André Breton seeing realism as “hostile to any intellectual or Sitting between them is an effectively ‘stone cold’ photosphere at
moral advancement. ” Simultaneously, science left its classical But in 1926, Sir Arthur Eddington wrote in his enormously 5,600 degrees! Such a model is physically impossible! But the
and philosophical roots. A fondness arose for expressing influential work, The Internal Constitution of the Stars, “No relentless pursuit of the mirage of fusion power “like the Sun”
theoretical models in artists’ impressions, computer animations source of energy is of any avail unless it liberates energy in the remains.
and aesthetic terms. The artist/philosopher Miles Mathis is of the deep interior of the star. It is not enough to provide for the
opinion that “Science has become just like Modern Art. The external radiation of the star. We must provide for the The ‘Electric Universe’ amalgamates plasma cosmology with
contemporary artist and the contemporary physicist look at the maintenance of the high internal temperature, without which the electric stars and a simple model of resonant matter structure in
world in much the same way. The past means nothing. They star would collapse. ” A simple gravitating gas model appeals to which interactions involve the nearinstantaneous electric force.
gravitate to novelty as the ultimate distinction, in and of itself. mathematicians because it makes the problem, in Eddington’s Cause and effect are thereby reunited in quantum mechanics.
They do this because novelty is the surest guarantee of words, “a simple thing. ” He dismissed all of the complex Gravity and magnetism are simply dipolar electric forces caused
recognition. ” And recognition is vital in this era of over- phenomena on and above the photosphere as mere details and by the distortion of matter in an electric field. The result is an
specialised, government funded science. simply assumed that the Sun’s photosphere is the surface of the interdisciplinary cosmology that reunites the sciences and has a
Sun. But if the photosphere is an electrical discharge, it will sit at profound message of a connected universe. The Electric Universe
So why does the media not have science critics alongside art considerable height above the electrode, or surface of the Sun. But paints a broad canvas of the science of the future.
critics? Has science become sacrosanct? Bluntly, the answer is Eddington’s greater mistake was the confusion of mass with
yes. No science reporter wants to have the portcullises lowered at quantity of matter. Mass is the measure of electromagnetic energy * Freeman J. Dyson, Australian Academy of Science Silver
the academic bastions. And the blasphemy of internal dissent is stored in matter. Measuring the mass of the Sun cannot tell us that Jubilee Symposium, Vol II, 1980, Is Real Mathematics of any
stifled by the concealed censorship of peer review. it is mostly hydrogen! use to physics? p. 2.
The “intellectual snob"(*) Sir Arthur Eddington hailed the surreal Meanwhile, in an unfortunate accident of history, the science of
theories of Einstein as the work of unique genius and was largely electric discharge in an ionized gas, called plasma, was just
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 25

by Vince White
There are three main reasons why a person cannot comprehend reality. One is
that he simply lacks conceptual ability and can’t abstract the necessary factual
model in his head. This cat is plain stupid. Another guy, for one reason or another
is in a state wilful denial and refuses to see what’s right in front of his nose. This
cat is ignore-ant. For the third guy it may be that a certain idea just never occurred
to him or he has never been presented with it so he’s simply in a state of
unknowing. This cat is learning. Which brings me to why I wrote this article.
The patriot movement, the truth movement or always a Faustian bargain to which I assert there
whatever you want to call it that presents a model is no answer.
of our current world situation thus: that there’s a The second reason the elite are being used by
shadowy elite of evil bankers who through technology is that should the required number of
various secret organisations have co-opted all the people ‘wake up’ and revolt ( 5% is the rough
democratic channels of representational figure usually quoted), that even if it were
government and have been working tirelessly to possible and a couple of million British people
enslave mankind over several hundreds of years. marched on one of Rothschild’s homes with their
Possibly thousands through their various pitchforks and a lot of patriotic fervour and hung
bloodlines. However, for me, this only presents a the lot of them or one by one or the members of
tiny part of the real picture and misses out a the Council on Foreign Relations were sniped in
massive piece of the puzzle which is a correct the States with the Second amendment? I firmly
understanding of technology and how it works. assert that the system wouldn’t change. Why?
With its head gone the system would simply and
In the conspiracy model it is the elite who use quickly grow a new one. Why? Because the
technology to further their evil aims. I contend ‘people’, the other 95% would demand it! With the
that it is the technological system that is using an head gone the system would begin to crumble.
‘elite’. That the elite are a product of the It’s sad but when the football game doesn’t come
technological system and not the other way on, her indoors’ hairdryer stops working and with
around. The technological system uses everyone the off-license closed the collective thumb of
and everybody and everything in it. It is the Britain and America would immediately stick it in
technological system which has an ‘agenda’. It’s the nearest rag and begin sucking and crying. inside my head! But the truth is they just switched and gripe and complain and send their money to
difficult to ascribe living qualities to technology drugs. They replaced the distraction of TV with Alex Jones who will buy himself a bigger house.
because people generally believe technology to People are addicted to technology and care the distraction of the Internet. Now THEY are Others will buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle
be neutral and cold and abstract and objective about it more than freedom. Technology is to inside Big Brother’s head! Hah! How beautiful! It and ride around on the weekend off work and
like science. But technology isn’t science society what a fix is for a junkie or alcohol to the never ends with technology. It’s just too cunning pretend they are Peter Fonda.
although they’re often grouped together. alcoholic. A little is never enough. Which leads us and baffling for the human. Especially when you
Technology is the use of science. Technology to the biggest collective delusion held by think you’re being done in by ‘them’ when really See, you are not fighting an ‘elite’. You are in a
isn’t the machine either. It is the use of the humanity: that the good parts of technology can you’re only doing it to yourself. system of masters and slaves. The masters need
machine. Technology is directional. That direction be separated from the bad. That a little is good their slaves and the slaves need their masters
is governed by technical necessity. It has its own and only too much is bad. That a glass of wine is The big cry of the patriot movement is that and the behaviour of all are functions of
internal logic which is expedient. It is Henry good for you because the doctors say so. It’s only somehow we must turn this thing around and get technology and that is the New World Order
Ford’s automobile plant or a modern chicken lack of willpower or bad organisation that puts our respective countries back and stop this mess. pyramid. The actions of the elite at the capstone
factory. It magnifies power, creates you into rehab. No, technology is a package deal People who say that don’t understand the are not autonomous actions. They are no more at
interdependence of its various components and it will kill you. technical nature of the problem. They think that whim to change things than the manager of
through specialisation and always seeks to people have power over the technological McVitie’s no longer wants to bake cakes and
maintain its stability and augment itself. It As a result, you see, technology is mendacious. It system. They don’t. What they really mean is they wants to shift production to ‘Do-it-Yourself
assimilates and it eliminates. It hates life. tells you that you can have the good without the want America, for example, to return to some Macramé Kits’. Everything in the system is
Technology is no longer the water wheel which bad. But you can’t and that’s why the system golden age that existed before the industrial contained and structured. The technological
human beings use. It is a system which uses itself is mendacious. It has to be. And that’s why revolution. A pre-technological age. But the fact system is the pyramid with its cap and levels and
human beings. The technological system is the the people at the top are such phony liars. They is, the technological genie can never be put back base.
into the bottle. The people of that nostalgic era
shaped their environment and were shaped by And I believe that this system is out of control. I
their environment. A wild, unfettered land full of suspect the real reason conspiracy theorists like
risk and reward. But America is no longer a wild, to believe there’s a shadowy elite really pulling
unfettered land of risk and reward and nasty Red the strings is because the alternative is truly
Indians it is now a giant shopping mall. Modern terrifying. That no one is in control. The captain is
Americans are shaped by the modern out to lunch and some mad HAL computer is
technological environment. That environment running the system. A set of unfathomable,
doesn’t tell them to be rugged and independent. unknown forces leading humanity uncontrollably
To be vigilant and watch out for wild prey. To be to the edge of the abyss. The thought that
self reliant and courageous and strong and something human, even psychopathic and
choose a good natured mating partner. It says: ruthless is better than nothing.
SHOP AT WALMART! Buy one and get one free.
Conform. Obey. And to fit in you must fit in. Current events form future trends as Gerald
Celente says. Well, as technique continues to
So you see, resistance is useless. It’s useless evolve it will undoubtedly become more extreme
because ENVIRONMENT is always stronger than and human beings will suffer more and more. It’s
WILLPOWER. It’s a fact. And the modern not the Frankfurt school of decades ago that are
environment is the technological system not the responsible for the breakdown of society. For the
environment of nature. And you WILL obey it. breakdown of the family. Of religion. Of
Why? Because you have already. community. Of men and women. It’s not dictators.
It’s technology. The man today is emasculated
At this point something may have twigged a and the woman ‘empowered’ because that is
person’s brain and they now want to know what what the technological system demands of them.
to do? i.e. don’t give me this shit with no answer There are plenty of foreign countries which still
asshole! You’ve upset my genetically modified tea which have horrible dictatorial regimes but whose
party! people are still God fearing and family orientated.
New World Order. have to be. And that’s why they’re there. The Well, the good news is that you read this article. What they don’t have is a technological
It’s crucial to understand this if you are to save system put them there because only liars can I’m not an activist with an internet website that infrastructure. I went to Iraq in 1 989 and travelled
yourself. There are two reasons why I believe the support the big lie of the big technological system looks like a shopping centre and I’m not asking by train from Baghdad to Basra by train
elite are an effect rather than a cause of the so it can continue to support itself. The for paypal donations. I’m just a guy offering what I unmolested. But it’s harder to travel today by
system we’re born and live in. The first is that technological system doesn’t want or need the believe to be the truth. underground in London from Ladbroke Grove and
technology precedes the elite in the timeline of truth. It doesn’t want reality and neither do the The good thing is that the technological system is change at Baker Street in my ‘free’ country. Your
cause and effect. Starting with the development people at the bottom of the pyramid. The system not vindictive. It is evil in the cold, ruthless senseevery move is being surveilled. You have to be
of agriculture, the creation of government, cities wants surrogates. Facsimiles to keep you and won’t tolerate any real resistance or you’ll conscious and pretend not to be a terrorist. But
and that mother bitch technique of them all: distracted. So instead of a real street rebellion just get incarcerated or eliminated. But if you you, yourself, can go down to Maplins and for a
MONEY we can clearly see that it is the against it you get ‘The Wild One’ or ‘The Clash’ or want to go to Borneo and hunt tree squirrels and few hundred quid buy your own surveillance
technique that comes first. Money serves as a ‘Rock against Racism’. Palliatives to ease the live naked it’s unlikely to come chase you for system complete with six cameras and start
prime example of what I’m talking about. Money pain that exists deep down because the real truth unpaid tax. What? I hear you cry! I can’t do that! watching your neighbour. It’s not against the law.
came into existence purporting to facilitate the is that you are a fake. You are a simulation of a But that’s exactly the kind of desperate decision
exchange of goods and services in a developing real human being. Systematically created by the that those who came to and created America had There are no easy answers to the technological
society but as we know it is far more than that. system you were born into. And let me just say to make. system which is enslaving you. But, as always,
Because MON-ey is MON-istic it enslaves that ‘truthers’ are no different. They only think freedom is still the highest human value. It always
everyone using it and into using it. As such, and they are. They no longer watch TV and pat I believe the good news is that those who want has been and it always will. The question is are
like every technology implemented in society it is themselves on the back. Big Brother isn’t getting freedom will always find a way. Most will moan you willing to pay the price?
26 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

The Real George Bernard Shaw &

H. G. Wells – Fab ian Socialists and
H itle r ia n Ad vo c a te s o f M a s s M u r d e r
incompatibility and nothing else.” up certain definite proposals. He has suggested privilege and a responsibility … and the
that “noble families” should collect “fine alternative in right conduct between living fully,
Source: George Bernard Shaw, “On the specimens of humanity” around them, beautifully, and efficiently will be to die. For a
Rocks” (1933), Preface. employing these fine specimens in menial multitude of contemptible and silly creatures,
occupations ofa light and comfortable sort, that fear-driven and helpless and useless, unhappy
USE OF GAS CHAMBERS will leave a sufficient portion of their energies or hatefully happy in the midst of squalid
free for the multiplication of their superior dishonour, feeble, ugly, inefficient, born of
“We should find ourselves committed to type. ” unrestrained lusts, and increasing and
killing a great many people whom we now multiplying through sheer incontinence and
leave living, and to leave living a great Source: H.G. Wells, Mankind in the Making, stupidity, the men of the New Republic will
many people whom we at present kill. We Chapter II, (1903) have little pity and less benevolence.
should have to get rid of all ideas about
capital punishment … CALL FOR STERILIZATION The men of the New Republic will not be
squeamish, either, in facing or inflicting death,
A part of eugenic politics would finally “I believe that now and always the conscious because they will have a fuller sense of the
land us in an extensive use of the lethal selection of the best for reproduction will be possibilities of life than we possess. They will
chamber. A great many people would have impossible; that to propose it is to display a have an ideal that will make killing
to be put out ofexistence simply because it fundamental misunderstanding of what worthwhile.
wastes other people’s time to look after individuality implies. The way of nature has

always been to slay the hindmost, and there is The pre-eminent value of sexual questions in
By Neil Foster
still no other way, unless we can prevent those morality lies in the fact that the lives which will
Source: George Bernard Shaw, Lecture to who would become the hindmost being born. It constitute the future are involved. Ifthey are not
canning through the Irish papers one the Eugenics Education Society, Reported in is in the sterilization of failure, and not in the involved, if we can dissociate this relationship
morning last year I came across this The Daily Express, March 4, 1910. selection of successes for breeding, that the from this issue, then sexual questions become of
possibility of an improvement of the human no more importance than the morality of one’s
piece on George Bernard Shaw in KILLING THOSE “UNFIT TO LIVE” stock lies.” deportment at chess, or the general morality of
both the Irish Times and the Irish outdoor games. … The men of the New
Examiner. These are supposedly competing “The moment we face it frankly we are driven to Republic … will rout out and illuminate urban
publications but both carry, word for word, the conclusion that the community has a right to rookeries and all places where the base can
this sickening tribute to an evil monster that put a price on the right to live in it … If people drift to multiply; they will contrive a land
has been mythologised and portrayed as one are fit to live, let them live under decent human legislation that will keep the black, or yellow,
of Ireland’s finest. conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them or mean-white squatter on the move; … so that
in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that childbearing shall cease to be a hopeful some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal speculation for the unemployed poor; … This
news/shaws-pictures-tell-a-whole-new-story- chamber as the solution for the hard cases thing, this euthanasia ofthe weak and sensual,
2329090.html which are at present made the excuse for is possible. On the principles that will probably
animate the predominant classes of the new
This disgusting creature was in his day an dragging all the other cases down to their level,
and the only solution that will create a sense of time, it will be permissible, and I have little or
ardent supporter of Mussolini and Hitler and a full social responsibility in modern no doubt that in the future it will be planned
founding member of the Fabian Society. populations?” and achieved.” Source: George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces Source: H.G. Wells, Anticipations of the
(London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296. Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific
The Fabian Society would claim that they are a Progress Upon Human Life and Thought,
purely socialist organisation. They were co- These are not isolated statements made at some Final Chapter “The Faith of the New
founded by Shaw’s friend Lady Astor. David point in his life. These statements and many Republic”, (1902)
Cameron, the ‘con’servative leader and Prime others were made over decades consistently and
Minister of Britain is also a member as well as repetitively. Here’s another:
being related by marriage into the Astor family. The last quote should strike terror into the hearts
Coincidence? “Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to and minds of ordinary men and women. The
be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, ‘New Republic’ as Wells names it is now lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked
H.G.Wells branded ‘The New World Order’.
wstopics/politics/david- it or not. If it were discovered that you had not
cameron/5245604/David-Camerons- character and industry enough to be worth all Do we as rational thinking human beings really
mother-in-law-Lady-Astor-on-the- this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a believe that to kill off the weak and poor is
pain-of-losing-Ivan.html kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to Source: H.G. Wells in American Journal of justifiable under any circumstances or do we
live, you would have to live well. ” Sociology, Vol. 10 (1904), p. 11. start to question what is and always has been the
I’m not going to waste my time going through dream of tyrants for millennia?
the article suffice to say that is an insult to the George Bernard Shaw: The Intelligent SPECULATION ABOUT A
average person who, if they spent 5 minutes Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, FUTURE EUGENIC STATE At what point do we start to question phrases
researching Shaw would find a far different 1928, pg. 470) such as ‘too many people’, ‘man is a cancer on
personality than this sickening portrayal of a “The dominant men of the new time … will find the earth’ or the whole ‘greening’ agenda which
supposed genius of his day. In the video below, in a clip from a highly in themselves – it must be remembered I am is THE key ideology to bring in EUGENICS?
recommended documentary called ‘The Soviet speaking of a class that has naturally
What I want to show you here is the depraved Story’ you see and hear Shaw clearly state his segregated, and not of men as a whole – a Even the psychopathic Charles Manson is being
mind of a ‘man’ who thought and stated quite murderous ideology: desire, a passion almost, to create and organize, put forward as a ‘climate guru’ using the same
clearly what he thought of the ordinary person to put in order, to get the maximum result from slogans and phrases as used by one of the
on the street far removed from his elitist circle certain possibilities. They will be artists in world’s premier liars on the subject, namely Al
of psychopaths. ure=player_embedded&v=hQvsf2MU reality, with a passion for simplicity and Gore!
KRQ directness and an impatience of confusion and
inefficiency. The determining frame of their
The word ‘psychopath’ has been used in many
articles on The Sovereign Independent website Another myth surrounds H.G. Wells who along ethics … will be the elaboration of that future -manson-global-warming-
and others to describe an attribute of politicians, with Shaw advocated mass extermination of the world state to which all things are pointing. …
It is manifest that a reconstructed ethical system
royalty and the wider aristocracy which they all ‘unfit’ as he and his sick friends thought of … will give very different values from those
seem to share to one degree or another. George people of a lower social group than themselves. given by the existing system … the ethical
Until we as a species on this planet understand
Bernard Shaw is no different. The only Here are a few quotes from this maniac: system of these men of the New Republic, the that there is a world agenda to drastically reduce
difference between Shaw and others of his sick ethical system which will dominate the world world population, by a power cabal outside any
fraternity is that he was a man of many words AGREEMENT WITH GALTON state, will be shaped primarily to favour the government, by any means, whether through
who had trouble containing himself when it procreation of what is fine and efficient and poisoned food and water, vaccinations, chemical
came to his views on humanity. Here are just a “I believe that if a canvass of the entire beautiful in humanity – beautiful and strong spraying of the atmosphere and other
few examples: civilized world were put to the vote in this bodies, clear and powerful minds, and a environmental toxins which are absorbed by our
matter, the proposition that it is desirable that growing body of knowledge – and to check the bodies every day and finally mass murder of the
EXTERMINATION OF THE the better sort of people should intermarry and procreation of base and servile types, of fear- ‘unfit, this agenda will steamroller ahead
“SOCIALLY INCOMPATIBLE” have plentiful children, and that the inferior driven and cowardly souls, of all that is mean unabated.
“The notion that persons should be safe from sort of people should abstain from and ugly and bestial in the souls, bodies, or BBC 4 recently promoted sterilisation of the
extermination as long as they do not commit overwhelming majoritywould be carried by an habits of men. To do the latter is to do the ‘unfit’ on the national airwaves. That should
willful murder, or levy war against the Crown, . They might disagree former; the two things are inseparable. make the hairs on the back of every neck stand
with Plato’s methods, but they would certainly
or kidnap, or throw vitriol, is not only to limit on end or obviously the heads on those necks
social responsibility unnecessarily, and to agree to his principle. And that this is not a In the new vision death is no inexplicable are for the chopping block.
privilege the large range of intolerable popular error Mr. Francis Galton has shown. horror, no pointless terminal terror to the
He has devoted a very large amount of energy
misconduct that lies outside them, but to divert miseries of life, it is the end of all pain of life, Join the dots folks because failure to do so will
and capacity to the vivid and convincing
attention from the essential justification for the end of the bitterness of failure, the merciful ultimately fail the human race and life on this
extermination, which is always incorrigible presentation of this idea, and to its courageous obliteration of the weak and silly and pointless planet will be hellish for our children and future
social propagation. … Indeed, Mr. Galton has drawn things. The new ethics will hold life to be a
The Sovereign Independent June 2011 27

The British Green Party:

What is it acheiving for our environment?
By Joe Scanlan traffic congestion. most difficult talks ever
Environment correspondent. embarked on by
We’ve been brainwashed, bulldozed off our humanity". More than
land and squeezed into the overcrowded 1,200 limousines will
cities. The Transition Towns scam promises grace the city's streets
Embarrassingly, I was once a member of the local more of the same, we are battery farmed as 98 world leaders talk
Green Party. chickens. about how to save the planet. Most of the Guidestones.
Acting locally and thinking globally, I thought I’d take stretched vehicles have been driven
a look at their local election special blurb. • Defending public services – libraries – hundreds of miles from Germany and “Maintain (sustainability) humanity under
youth – disabled. Sweden. Last week, France ordered an extra 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”.
Let’s act locally. 42 of them. Only five of the limos are hybrid
Fat chance; research 'Charlotte Iserbyt - – the rest are petrol and diesel”. The population is now at just under 7 billion. Work out
There are plenty of pre-election promises in there; The Deliberate Dumbing-Down of the what chance you have of surviving these green
hope for independently minded voices, glue for broken World'. “Copenhagen airport expects 140 extra psychopaths.
communities, spanners for remote services and private jets when the talks peak at the end of
throwing about more fraudulent money from a • Better public transport, walking, and next week, a number so far beyond its As the late George Carlin said, “It’s a big club and you
fraudulent monetary system that ‘magics-up’ money cycling. capacity that they will be forced to drop off ain’t in it”
out of thin air backed up by our, and our their VIPs before relocating to other
grandchildren’s slavery. Nope, no cars for peasants! They are to be regional airports to park, and then return to A Zero Carbon Economy = A Zero Economy = Zero
totally phased out by 2050, notwithstanding pick the passengers up”. People!
The Election Special Green News has been paid for by the fact that cars can run on water.
private donations, (doesn’t say who) fundraising and ‘Among the personal jets will be Air Force It’s called Eugenics.
small business sponsorship. As an ex-Green Party The PR leaflet goes about country parks to keep us One. President Obama's £180,000
member, having met most of the veteran election sane as producer / consumers on our battery farms. limousine, known as "The Beast", will WAKE UP TO LAWFUL REBELLION!
candidates I am very fond of them. But I wonder how Country Parks used to be self-sufficient farms before arrive on a separate flight with a fleet of
decoy helicopters, up to 500 security staff,
six doctors, two chefs and his personal
BlackBerry handler’.
No bicycles or pervert airport groping there then!
What’s this ‘Green’con’ology’ all about?
Simple, the elites are killing us off and sterilising us
by any and every means possible, blaming us for the
crime of exhaling. It’s called population reduction,
and you are the one being murdered. It’s called Local
Agenda 21 formerly known as The Communist
Manifesto – no private property, no private transport,
no sovereignty, no family, no religion and especially
no naturally indignant aggressive males.
What’s the British Green Party doing about the
weaponisation of our environment, paedophilia at the
highest levels of government, the judiciary, social
services and the police, groping transport systems that
look more like naked British Nazi cattle trucks,
Pavlovian gawking machines, CCTVs, and
‘eavesdropping lamp-posts’ to modify human
behaviour, and normalise it? What’s the British Green
Party doing about the harvesting of our children for
they will react if, or when the penny drops for them the brainwashing; more Park and Ride services, future paedophile rings, drug tests and body part sales,
and they come to realise that they are mere foot- plug in centres for your electric car, which won’t let corporate courts? What’s the British Green Party doing
soldiers, dupes for the very New World Order you go very far, if you’re allowed one, that is. about treason, Neo-Feudalism, Neo-Malthusiasm, the
dictatorial globalists they think they are resisting, foot- handing over of our farming, fisheries, forests,
soldiers building concentration camps for their own Let’s Think Globally. industry and raw materials by traitors to the EU, which
children. has its origins in Nazi Germany? Then there is the
The nervous breakdown comes with the package, Who benefits? government-media-complex stirring up race riots,
sorry. divide-and-rule, NLP’d police, the charity industry,
Let’s move on soldiers, to the guru-generals of the Common Purpose infiltration, the sterility-fertility
Earth Army at the Copenhagen Conference on Climate industry, gender modification, banksterism, austerity
Green Party’s priorities are: Change December 7th 2009. The Independent (poverty) creation, , the peak oil blatant lie. What’s the
newspaper was there reporting. British Green Party doing about supermarket food
• Putting the environment at the heart of poisoning, tap water poisoning, chemtrail air raids,
everything. “…the talks begin in earnest today, with a electro-poisoning, Laura Huxley’s Academy Schools
carbon footprint big enough to squash a of paedophilia and of course the Global Church of
I would prefer PEOPLE to be at the heart of small Pacific island. By boat, bus, plane and Climatology?
everything. train (but mainly by plane), 20,000
delegates, campaigners and journalists are The elites have written their own 10 murderous
• Standing up against overdevelopment and arriving in Copenhagen in advance of "the commandments in tablets of stone on the Georgia
The objective of the Sovereign Independent is to provide critical news, information and
education that the mainstream media, for the most part, avoid or refuse to print regarding the
direction the world, is heading with the increasing loss of sovereignty and independence of its
individual nations.
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28 The Sovereign Independent June 2011

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