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General Purposes
Students are able to describe the shapes and functions of object.
Specific Purposes
After learning the topic the students will be able to:
1. know the three types ofshapes
2. explain the shapes and the function ofobjects
Knowing about shapes and object will give advantages to students in communication
especially when dealing with object identifying and presentation about something.

There are three kinds of shapes according to their dimension:

A. One dimensionalshapes
These shapes are categorized as one dimensional because they only have one element of
measurement which the length. The examples are lines as follow:

Arrow line



B. Two dimensional shapes

Shapes are two dimensional when they have two measurements with length and width and
we can find the area (X²) which is the multiplication of the length and the width like:
Square Rectangle Circle

Triangle Parallelogram Trapezoid

C. Three dimensionalshapes
While the tree dimensional shapes, other than having length and width, they also have
height and can be measured by the volume (X³) as the multiplication of the three elements.
The examples are:

Cube Rectangularblock

Ball/Sphere Triangularblock

ParallelogramBlock Can/tube

Many objects that we see in our lives have resemblance with the shapes. For example,
many television screens and freezers look like a rectangular block, playing ball for many
sports look like sphere and water cans that look liketube.
Exercise 1
Make a description about the following objects according to the shapes and function.
This is a television screen. The shape looks like a
rectangular block. The function is to display audio-
visual programs so people can watch.

This is a CPU (Central Processing Unit).The shape

looks like a cube.The function of the CPU is to
support data processing by performing functions of
retrieving, encoding, and executing on programmed

This is a water tank. The shape looks like a

can/tube. The function of the water tank, to hold
water so that it can be used.

This is a sign of caution. The shape looks like a

Triangular block. The caution sign serves as a warning
not to pass this way.

This is a battery. The shape looks like a can/tube.

The function of a battery is to provide electric
current for electronic equipment.
This is Antenna / Parabola. The shape looks like a ball/sphere. Parabolic antenna function is as
a tool for receiving satellite television broadcasts.

Exercise 2
Define the area and volume of each shape!

1. The M rectangular block with the width of 3cm, the length of 6cm, and the height of


Large : L = P x l

= 6 cm x 3 cm = 18 cm

Volume : V = P x l x t

= 6 cm x 3 cm x 4 cm = 72

2.The X square with the width of7cm.

Large : L = s x s = s²
= 7 cm x 7 cm = 49

Volume : V = s x s x s x s = s⁴
= 7⁴
= 2401

2. The N circle with diameter of6cm.

Answare :
Large : L = π x r²
= 3,14 x 6 cm x 6 cm
= 113,04

Shapes in Engineering
Shapes can be mentioned by their noun names or by their adjective. The following table lists
the name of objects and their adjective as well:
When an object has no recognized geometric shape but resemble a well-known object or a
letter of the alphabet, it may be described in one of the following ways:

A square wave; a cylindrical piston; a mushroom-shaped valve; a saw-tooth wave;

V-shaped cut; a tube shaped capacitor; a conical point; H-shaped-antenna

1. This is a hexagonal-shapednut

2. A wheel-shapeddoughnut

3. L-shapedcut

Exercise 3
Describe the shapes of the following objects by using the list of words in the box!

Answare :
1. a saw-tooth wave
2. H-shaped-antenna
3. a conical point
4. a mushroom-shaped
5. a square wave
6. a cylindrical piston
7. V-shaped cut
8. a tube shaped capacitor
Exercise 4
Use Nouns and Adjectives to define shapes of the following objects!

Y is an object in the shape of X, therefore

1) a wheel is an object in the shape of acircle
2) a wheel is an object of circular shape,and
3) a wheel is a circularobject
Make three statements about each of the following objects using the patterns given above
1. Cylindrical-tincan-container-cylindrical

2. Rectangle-parallel strips-blocks of metal-


3. Cone-funnel-instrument-conical

4. Sphere-ballbearings-objects-spherical

6. Triangle-setsquare-instrument-triangular

5. Rectangle-straight edge-strip of steel-


1.a)a cans is an object the shape of tube

b)a cans is an of tube shape, and

c)a cans is a tube object

2.a)a metal is an object the shape of regtangle

b)a metal is an of blocks, and

c)a metal is a blocks object

3.a)a funnel is an object the shape of cone

b)a funnel is an of conical, and

c)a funnel is a conical object

4.a)a ball bearings is an object the shape of


b)a ball bearings is an sperical, and

c)a ball bearings is a special

5.a)a steel is an object the shape of rectangle

b)a steel is an rectangular, and

c)a steel is a rectangular

6.a)a set square is an object the shape of triangle

b)a set square is an triangular, and

c)a set square is a triangular

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