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November 10, 2020

Dear Strafford KinderCampus Families,

As you are aware, we are unfortunately amid a third and more powerful wave of this
COVID-19 pandemic. Not only the State, but Rockingham county specifically, has
seen a significant increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.

Yesterday Dr. Chan, the State Epidemiologist, as well as other medical experts from
the Division of Public Health held a conference call with childcare professionals.
During this conference Dr. Chan advised that children with RUNNY NOSES should be
excluded from childcare centers regardless if they have any other symptoms. This
recommendation is based on evidence that 1 in 4 cases of child positive cases present
with runny noses and is known to be an early symptom.

In light of this new information, we are asking that you DO NOT send your child in
with a runny nose. Although children (especially young children) can have a runny nose
for multiple reasons, we must adhere to the policies and recommendations set forth
by State Officials and request your child be tested for COVID-19 prior to returning.

If your child is unable to attend due to a runny nose or any other COVID-19 symptom,
he/she MUST meet the following requirements in order to return to care:
*Provide written results of a negative PCR (COVID-19 test) or Antigen test AND
*Be fever/symptom free with no medication for 24 hours AND
*Not have any other risk factors (exposure to COVID-19, travel outside of New
England, etc.)

If and only IF all THREE of the above criteria have been met your child may return
to care. If your child is absent while waiting for COVID-19 test results or has not
met the above criteria to return to school, please note that the State of New
Hampshire is working with childcare centers to help cover the tuition for these days.
Should your child be out for a COVID related occurrence and be required to obtain
COVID-19 testing, please contact Gina at 603-817-3571 and she will assist you in this
process. This includes previous dates prior to today beginning September 9, 2020.

If your child presents with any COVID-19 symptoms and you choose not to have your
child tested, then he/she will have to meet the CDC requirements for discontinuation
of childcare and isolation. Please note that absence due to electing NOT
to have your child tested is not billable to the State and your child will be out of
school at your expense.

Dr. Chan also explained that he and his team are strongly urging doctors to NOT
write letters to schools stating that children may return to school without being
tested and with symptoms of COVID-19 i.e. runny nose. Therefore, we will NOT be
accepting these letters in order to keep our staff and children safe.

Also discussed during yesterday’s conference was travel. With the Holiday season
quickly approaching we wanted to make sure that you keep up to date on the travel
restrictions that the State issues. Currently any travel outside of New England
requires a 14-day quarantine and Dr. Chan was very clear that these regulations will
be tightening up. Strafford KinderCampus will be strictly adhering to these
regulations at ALL programs. Dr. Chan emphasized that the travel restrictions WILL
be changing as we move closer to the Holidays. We will be sure to share those with
you when they are released. Please note that required quarantine days after travel
are not billable to the State, and children will be out of school at your expense.

For the health and safety of everyone at Strafford KinderCampus/Little Blessings

including children, staff, and families we all need to be vigilant and take these
regulations seriously in order to reduce community exposure so that we can continue
to provide care without having to close due to illness. Please take the time to watch
the ZOOM conference and read through the Power Point. If you have any questions
or need clarification you can reach out to Public Health at 603-271-4496.

ZOOM Conference with Dr. Chan

Power Point Dr. Chan

Stay safe and healthy!

♥ The Strafford KinderCampus Team

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