D. Description of The Project

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Description of the Project

Why do you want to carry out this project? What are its objectives? How does it link to the objectives of
the Erasmus+ programme
and this specific key action? What are the issues and needs that you are seeking to address through this

Nowadays, if we don't show up in Google, we don't exist. Whether we are applying for a new job,
being considered for a board position or trying to get a sponsorship for our social projects, we can
count on being Googled. So knowing what Google says about us and proactively managing our
personal brand online is critical to success. At the moment, personal branding keeps growing in
importance. We are now at the stage where most entrepreneurs and young professionals really need
to dedicate time and effort to strengthen their own brands in order to raise the visibility of their
social projects, start-up businesses or to increase the chances of a job. Youngster that have a strong
personal brand have the chance to influence opinions and to raise awareness regarding a project or a
social movement. With a business and non-profit segment being ever more competitive, the best
way of staying ahead of the pack is to stand out and have a unique brand amongst peers. In the end,
it’s all about what we are individually known for: as influencers, bloggers, citizen journalist, ecologist
or social entrepreneur etc. Others should be able to say what the youngsters and representatives of
NGOs unique promise of value is once they see their names. Regardless of age, regardless of position
or the domain you happen to activate, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We
are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc.The strongest personal brands in the world have a few
things in common: they are clear about what makes them unique; they consistently communicate to
their targeted audience; and they ensure everything surrounding them sends the same on-brand
message. The project ME Inc. it’s dedicated to youth workers, youth leaders that are involved in
career orientation programmes for young people.
The initiative of Obciansky Spolok is to encourage 40 youth workers involved in non-profit activities
to learn new methods and tools that can help their beneficiaries to develop their personal brand and
to become voices in the industries they activate. ME Inc. is an adventure where fearless early
adopters, career-minded professionals and enlightened youth workers join a 3D personal branding
The project main goal is to create a creative space for participants that empower them to discover
tools that can help the youngsters to discover their unique values, to create and maintain a personal
brand, to set goal, plan & define it, to promote it through different instruments and channels. Once
their personal brand it’s created and a strategy of communication it’s planned, they will gain
visibility, they will know how to evaluate their skills and find a job. The youth workers need new
approaches in their activities with young people During 10 days, the participants will receive different
tools and advises from specialists in order to help them to build a powerful online identity that's
aligned with our real-world personal brand. Having a strong and well-defined image can help the
youngsters to get better jobs, to increase the awareness of their personal projects and to become an
authority into a industry they want to develop their career, but youth workers have to know how to
guide them through non-formal activities.
The main objectives of the project are:
- help 40 participants to discover new non-formal methods in personal brand field to be used in their
work with young people from the sending organisations (personal values, career values and
vocational interests, creative ways to shape their personal brand)
- To create a international platform where can be uploaded methods, testimonials from participants,
professional advises from experts, tests and quizzes and who can be accessed by every youngster at
European level interested in developing their personal brand.
- To enhance networking, multicultural awareness and exchange of best practices and further
cooperation among nonprofit organisations with focus on the issue of personal branding, social
entrepreneurship and talent management
- Establish a network of youth workers who develop, implement activities in the field of personal
branding for youngsters
- At the end of the training course the participants will improve their entrepreneurial,
intrapreneurial and personal branding mindset; learn how to help their beneficiaries to develop and
present an individual action plan, but also exchange and present their country’s best practices.

How did you choose your project partners? What experiences and competences will they
bring to the project? Please also describehow the project meets the needs and objectives of your partners.

The first phase of the project was to launch the call to identify experienced partners that can assist
Obciansky Spolok to design the project and to identify the customized needs of the participants
according to their countries peculiarities. The partners have been selected from the previous
partnerships developed for the previous projects of host organization applied for . The main criteria
were the field of interest and the previous programs the partners developed in the topics of skills
developments, entrepreneurial mindset, talent management and career orientation for youngsters,
but also the dissemination expertise and channels they can distribute the methods learned by their
project managers, volunteers and youth leaders. Obciansky Spolok created an info-pack with all the
details and objectives of the projects and the main chapters of the training course and sent it to the
existing data base

The discussion with our partners were held on a dedicated facebook group with all the
representatives of the project, but also through Google Conferences. First we've discussed their
needs and we've tried to create a SWOT Analysis of their organisation in order to decide their weak
points, but also their opportunities that can be translated into needs. All our partner organisations
works directly with youngsters that are in a fragile economic ecosystem and their insertion in the
labour market is not so easy, especially in countries like Greece, Italy, Romania or Turkey. Despite the
fact that their beneficiaries have great assets and have an interesting professional background being
involved in projects as volunteers or participants, they don't know how to identify their uniqueness
factor so it is difficult to compete with other youngsters. So their questions to the youth workers are
mainly who are they, what are their differentiation factors, how they can promote themselves better
in online and offline, how to work at their personal brand. After we've established that their team
members (youth workers) need to guide the young people to build their image and to initiate talent
management activities, we've continued to think at the objectives of the projects, the objectives of
each partner, the methods to be used, the profile of the participants, the learning approach and
dimension, the guests to be invited, but also the evaluation and dissemination methods and
channels. We’ve introduced all the phases in a Gantt diagram so each one of the partner be aware of
their responsibilities as partners and the calendar of each actions from preparation until evaluation,
dissemination and follow-up activities.

Our partners have experience in implementing Erasmus+ projects and they will assist the host
organisation in implementing the main activity and actively contribute to the youngsters professional
and personal skills development, offering them guidance before, during and after the project. Young
Europe Society have experience in Graphic Facilitation and they proposed the activities with creative
resumes and also the promotional materials like visit cards, but also will be involved in the online CVs
creation (through platforms like Linkedin). DR’sT have experience in adding creativity methods into
the projects, but also their youth workers have been involved in projects about entrepreneurship and
labour market so they have a perspective regarding the demands of the employees and they can
share their experience with the other youth workers that will participate. Seiklejate Vennaskond
bring a really valuable experience in the work with young people from rural areas and with difficult
social and economical background so they will assist us in guiding our participants with fewer
opportunities. Macedonian organisation have 107 members, most of them highschool and students
youngsters, so the dimension of dissemination is quite big, but also they know what are the needs of
this generation and they can give us inputs regarding the profile of the final beneficiaries of the
training course. Lithuanian partner have a program named “Design thinking” where they encourage
youngsters to have an entrepreneurial mindset and to develop new ideas, through motivation.
Stowarzyszenie "Grupa Dzialania" works for the last 4 years in YiA and Erasmus+ field so they have
experience in project management, but also in preparation and dissemination of the projects.

They are familiar with the methods of effective dissemination and this training course is an
opportunity to share information and start designing common projects for their communities.

For the selection of the partners we took into consideration also the quality and sustainability of
projects already implemented by them, if they disseminated our projects locally and at national level.
Each partner organization has a website and social media channel where we can promote,
disseminate and share the results of the projects, identify people who can contribute actively to the

E. Participants' Profile
Please describe for each planned activity the background and needs of the participants
involved and how these participants have been or will be selected.

The agenda of the project was build according to the participants needs, needs identified together
with the trainers, partners, special guests and facilitator. Each day of the training course has a
specific topic, following a logic structure that helps the youngsters to enter the depth of the topics
such as: Introduction in personal branding, My online presence, Social resumes & blogging, Dress for
success and Career paths. The sessions will be dedicated to youth workers that want to discover new
methods that can guide the youngsters to discover their beliefs and values and to create their
personal brand according to these attributes. They can study branding, sociology, psychology or
communication, web-design and they want to deliver in the following months a 3D personal branding
development program to their NGOs target groups in their countries. In order to create the platform,
we need youth workers that have storytelling and quality content skills and also with graphic skills.
Also, for a good dissemination of the project before, during and after the project, we want that some
of the participants have social media, public relations, guerilla marketing and copyrighting skills so
they can together with the partners, host organization and other participants a strategic plan to
disseminate the project and promote it. Also, this skills will be useful when they will have to create
their own biography and social resume. We are interested in creating a mix of participants at
beginning of their youth work career and experienced ones so the first can learn also from those who
are already implementing career and skills development programs. They will have the opportunity to
share examples of best practices, share studies and official reports.
From all 10 countries that are involved in this training course we will take care to involve at least one
participant per country with fewer opportunities. Also, the city where we will implement the project
is well known for the fact that most of the youngsters are part of NEET generation.
Together with P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 we’ve determined the profile of participants and
established the selection methodology and related documents. The info-pack will describe the initial
conditions of participation and enrollment, the objectives of the project, the results expected, but
also what they should prepare if they join the course. We will upload a Google form that contains
detailed identification data of the candidates, experience in youth projects and non-formal
education, experience in the topic of training, expectations and contributions of know-how that they
can bring in during the project or dissemination activities and special needs related to diet and
health. We will allocate an important space to questions about their needs and things they want to
explore during the whole project. In this way, we can adjust the agenda and improve it according to
their needs and feedbacks from the form, but also the ones expressed during the first session of
expectations from the first day of the activity or those exposed during the debriefing and evaluation.
Based on the completed applications the project coordinator and the partner organisations will make
the selection of the beneficiary on non-discriminatory criteria taking into account equal opportunities
and gender, and offering chances to those that encounter economical obstacles. The final list of
selected participants will be officially communicated to the partners and candidates.
Another important aspect we will take into consideration is their cultural and religious background
because we want them to discover during the group sessions and intercultural nights the European
dimension, the advantages of the Erasmus+ programme. In this matter, we will focus on group
cohesion exercises that will help us to remove the cultural barriers and stereotypes. We will have
different countries, from different parts of Europe in order to have a mix of cultures. That will help us
to initiate a dialogue based on sharing customs, experiences, values and traditions, but also
peculiarities regarding the personal branding, entrepreneurship practices and work field challenges
in the European Union space.

Please provide for each planned activity, general information on the age of participants and
describe how you will ensure gender
balance in the main activities carried out in your project.

Based on the participant profile built together with our partners, the participants already possess at
least basic knowledge in youth work and it’s safe to assume they have been through such
experiences in the past. The participants involved in the project will be selected according to their
motivation, their professional needs and follow-up capacity. There will be no age limit, and we will
try to select participants with different ages in order to encourage them to exchange good practices,
beside the ones that will be shared by the trainers. We will try to maintain the balance between the
experienced youth workers and juniors who need to see the big picture of the main topic. They have
experience in the field of youth work, Erasmus+ project, and also communication and digital tools.
From those 40 participants, there will be equal number of girls and boys. During all the training
course, we will work mainly in groups and we will take care to mix them according their countries
and gender.
The participants will be hosted in rooms where we will mix also the nationalities, trying our best to
facilitate the permanent know-how exchange.
Together with our partners, we built the profile of the participants to be selected, based on the
following criteria:
-Age: 18+
-Sex: There will be no gender-related discrimination
-Youth work: Selected participants should have minimum volunteering or work experience with the
sending organization
-Language: Medium level of English
-International experience: Previous relevant participations to international events will be taken into
consideration, but are not necessary
-Communication and non-formal education: Previous experience in these fields will be an asset,
without being mandatory
-Motivation: Interviews and/or motivation letters
-Follow-up potential: The ideas of each participant regarding events after the training activities
In order to ensure gender equality when participants will reach the accommodation place we will
allocate the rooms according to gender, but in a multicultural environment that encourages
communication between different cultures.

E.2. Learning Outcomes

Which competences (i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes/behaviours) are to be
acquired/improved by participants in each planned activity of your project?

ME Inc. purpose is to help youth workers to discover and practice new concepts as personal
branding, social entrepreneurship, lean startup through non-formal methods. The shape of these
concepts how are designed in this project will help them to develop both professional and personal
skills. We focus on all 19 abilities and competences needed by participants for their personal and
professional projects. After the final selection of the participants, they will be involved in all the
project phases in order to have a big picture of the project management cycle, but also to involve
them and make them feel as part of the project, empowering them to help us to implement the
project according to their needs. They can see the objectives of the project and monitor them during
the activities, offer feedback to the organisers to improve specific sessions or to insist more on an
interesting topic for them. Also, each one of the participants will have a specific role according to the
skills mentioned and the contributions they want to bring.

The special guests will have already a strong personal branding and they will tell them exactly why
they needed to work at this, how it helps them and what strategies they’ve used on this discovering
way and self-reflection. Also, the Social media and blogging experts sessions will give them the
opportunity to discuss live with key-figures and to learn from successful methods and stories. At
most of the sessions they will work in groups because they need to learn how to share an idea, how
to accept and respect other people ideas and to give an objective feed-back, but most important how
to build interpersonal relations and active listening. In this way they will have an open attitude
towards learning process they are fully responsible of and will appreciate the values of their team-

Daily they will practice self-reflection through ME Inc. ambassadors because they have to evaluate
and describe the activities and methods they’ve experienced and to share them via different online
channels in real time such blogs, facebook, linkedin, twitter etc. They will also learn how to describe
their professional background and how to write their bio, practicing the storytelling skills.
Permanently monitoring the impact of their updates and posts, will help the to develop also the
mathematics skill.

The debate Intrapreneur/Entrepreneur will allow them to use argumentation and persuasion
technique. This exercise will also help to practice the leadership skills because the representatives of
the groups will have to embrace the leader role.

The sessions dedicated to social media resume and The signature talk will test and develop the
creativity, but also will force them to give up at processes or ideas that are not applicable due to the
technological limitations.

Ditch, dare, do! exercise will be a tool of strategic thinking, planning, but also to synthesize the
concepts they’ve learned during the training course and plan concrete actions for the next period.
They will analyze the initial objectives, the timing of each action,tasks distribution in groups and all
the steps that allow the participants to be organized and have a plan. The team building games and
working in groups exercises will help them to develop their team management skills and to
understand that in order to succeed, you need a strong network with similar goals.

Also, through non-formal education and guests insight, they will learn how to do a dissemination
strategy and how they communicate themselves and their projects or skills through online and offline
tools, but also how to monitor constantly their presence in online.

The daily reflection group and middle term evaluation requires a constant evaluation and results
checking to improve the project performance until the final evaluation phase.

Another competence developed it’s the communication/networking. They will identify their target
group, study their behavior and how they can create relevant activities/services for them. Daily they
will enter in contact with them through online channels, but also offline during the study visit at the
HUB creative space. They will publish daily on the platform good video, written and audio content
relevant for other European youngsters.

How will you use the European/national instrument(s)/certificate(s) selected? How will you
ensure an awareness and reflection of the
participants on their learning process and competences developed in the project? Please
remember to include the methods that
support reflection and documentation of the learning outcomes in the daily timetable of each activity.

Communication in mother tongue will be practiced during all the sessions, by posting on social media
channels information about sessions with other friends and partners. Also, they will learn how to
express their thoughts and ideas, to interpret the concepts presented by trainers or participants.
Everyday, they will work individual at Notebook design - a innovative tool that will help them to
structure their ideas. The notebook contains 3 parts: the past (the story of how you became the
person you are at present: educational and work history, peak experiences, role models), the present
( the current abilities, interests, and motivators that will aim the participants in a new career
direction), the future (goal statement and a list of occupations they’d like to explore)
- Communication in foreign language will be practiced during all training course sessions but also
during the visit to the creative co-working space. The intercultural nights will allow them to learn
new words and expression with visual and audio support. The content and articles they will create for
the platform will help them practice their english language.
- Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology will be developed
continuously through exercises that involves logic and strategy, charts and graphs. Through Erasmus+
presentation, but also intercultural nights, speech projections we will discuss with them about the
changes caused by human activity and new media and identify the individual responsibilities as
- Digital competencies will be constantly challenged and practiced because they will have to use
online and open source tools and programs, but also the professional photo sessions will help them
to accommodate with the camera
- Learning to learn involves building daily the context of prior learning and life experiences from
guests, trainer and participants that they can use and apply in a variety of contexts: at home, at work,
but also in education and training. Personal brands are needed in real life, but also in the professional
one. The participants are responsible for their own learning process, guided by trainers and experts
- Social and civic competences will be enhanced during Erasmus+ presentation when we will discuss
about the objectives of the program and the involvement in the civic life, but also during the SWOT
Analysis of Employer, volunteer and entrepreneur profile activity. During this we can discuss about
how you can be involved in community from all this positions: CSR, non-profit activities and social
entrepreneurshi. They will learn that being part of European Union involves also being responsible in
community development and to promote cultural and economic identity of EU.
- The entrepreneurship it’s one of the three topics addressed by the topic. Building their personal
brand it’s the first phase to entrepreneurship and it’s part of strategic business thinking. They will
learn how to create a network, but also how to “sell” their services and skills.
- The cultural understanding can be practiced by introducing intercultural nights, living in a room with
a participant with other nationality, but also by sharing best case practices from their country.

F . Preparation
Please describe for each planned activity what will be done in preparation, by your
organisation and, if relevant, by your partnersand/or consortium members before the main
activities take place.
F.1. Practical Arrangements
The training course has 4 different phases: preparation, implementation, evaluation and follow-up.

The preparation starts from choosing the topic, searching the partners, project design, establishing
the activities calendar and the objectives of the project. Also in this stage we establish the selection
criteria for participants, the form of the hosting team and each member responsibilities, but also
those of the partners. In this phase we will create the online platform so youngsters can already use
it during the training course, but also the Gantt diagram with the communication strategy.

January 2016- closing the financial contract, announcing the partners about the results, while each
one of them will choose a representative to participate in all the Google Conferences who can
distribute the call for participants, to shape together the application form and the dissemination
methods and practices Each participant will have to write an essay about what a personal brand
mean for them and the motivations to participate in this training course. This will help us analyze the
needs and experience of the participants before the training starts.

February - March 2016 - Establish dissemination and follow-up activities with partners. A facebook
group will be created to distribute the info-pack, the activities calendar and the strategy of
communication and dissemination of the project. The trainers will create the profile of each
participant individually according to the application form and essay and check if the methods agreed
fulfill their needs and expectations or if they need to insist on specific topic, add extra topics with
high interest for them. In this month as host organisation we will search the accommodation and
conference/activity hall by asking 3 different offers. The participants will be assisted to find a
transportation solution according to the rules of the program and buy the tickets.

April - Stationery and office materials will be bought, will be printed a roll-up and all the promotion
materials such as badges, t-shirts, notebooks. We will discuss with transportation companies to
ensure the safe transportation from the airport/train station to hosting place. The participants will be
asked to bring their own computers and camera, but for those with fewer opportunities, we will
provide the devices. The partners will implement the communication plan on their owned media
(web-site, social media channels, office, presentation materials etc) The details of intercultural night
will be set this month also, but also the way of presenting their own organisation.

May-July 2016 - Communication team of the hosting organization will send the press release and do
the follow-up interviews,

Implementation phase - the host organisation will take each team from airport and transport them
safely to the accommodation place. They will be hosted in double rooms and will have 3 meal and 2
coffee breaks a day. The emergency situations has been taken into consideration from beginning and
we will establish safety and protection rules from the first day. The accommodation place will be
chosen based on the proximity criteria near a hospital and pharmacy, and we will permanently have
a car at our disposal. The participants will buy in the same time with the ticket also health insurances
for all the training course as we’ve decided with all our partners.

July - Implementation of the main activity - a training course about personal branding for 40 youth

Evaluation phase - Evaluation of the participants and project cycle: We will launch daily reflection
groups evaluations, a middle term evaluation as a coaching session, final evaluation through
youthpass certificate, Google form and the 4 quadrants evaluation.

Evaluation of the communication plan: we will daily monitor the articled in media, social media and
Follow-up phase: In the last 2 days we will discuss about follow-up and concrete activities we can
organize in each partner country in order to transform a 10 day training course into a sustainable and
long-term project. Each participant and partner will organize at least one activity after the training
course finishes.

F.2. Project Management

How will you address quality and management issues (e.g. setting up of agreements with
partners, learning agreements with participants, etc.)?

The project management respected the Erasmus+ rules and the partnership were initiated based on
our experience and cooperation with these NGOs. From the beginning we’ve discussed the
procedures and role of each partner of the project in order to accomplish the objectives of the
training course. The partners sent us the Partners identification form and we discussed about similar
projects they’ve organized in their countries, how their experience it’s relevant for our training
course, but also what methods they use in order to recruit the participants and to disseminate the
project results. As host organization we have the full responsibility to coordinate the project
management and to assist the trainers during the project implementation, evaluation and final
report but also to monitor the follow-up activities by organizing Google conferences twice a month
to see the challenges they face, the peculiarities of personal branding in their countries, other tools.
The partnerships have been established from beginning based on a guide with clear rules and
procedures for the organization and implementation of the training. When we’ve launched the call of
partners, the main condition is to commit to full participation in all stages of the project. We will
permanently write on the platform so it can become on long-term a destination with useful
informations regarding this topic, but also for other organization to find experts and speakers or non-
formal methods.

The participants will be selected through the instrumentality of an application form and an essay.
After they receive the final answer from the host organisation and partners, they will sign an
agreement paper where are mentioned the terms and details of the projects and what role they will
individually have if they accept to be involved in this. That mean that we will tell them that they need
not just to participate at the training course, but they must be active also before the training starts
by promoting the event and later, by organizing follow-up activities together with the sending
organisation. As host organization we will assist them in preparation phase alongside partners to
prepare the intercultural night, NGO presentation, tickets acquisition and we will send at least one
month before the detailed info-pack with all the sessions.

As host organization, we will be responsible with the coordination of all activities in safety conditions
while respecting the agenda as it has been agreed on with the partners.

Regarding the participants, in the second day of the main activity, we will create together with them
a Learning Agreement contract, during a brainstorming session in teams. This will induce a sense of
responsibility to the participants, underlining the following aspects, but not only:

-being on time and not skipping the activities;

-active participation and involvement;

-requesting information every time one believes it’s needed (no question is a stupid question);

-freedom of expression of ideas (no idea is stupid);

-mobile phones, tablets and laptops should be used during the activities only for group work related
to the tasks given;
-moderation for the consumption of alcohol in the free time;

-strictly forbidden to use drugs;

-no physical or verbal violence against other participants or staff;

-respect for others’ points of view and culture.

Also, this session is an invitation to share with the us their needs, their know-how and creativity in
order to have a fruitful experience. It is also their commitment to respect the other participants, to
be involved in all the activities and in the dissemination and evaluation phases.

In the last day of the mobility, the participants will receive evaluation forms with 2 parts. The first
one will allow them to rate each session, on a scale from 1 to 10, determining the most successful
ones. We will quantify the results and make them available for our partners, emphasizing on the 5
most successful and the 5 least successful sessions. The second part will be descriptive and will give
participants the chance to write recommendations and to assess the quality of various aspects
(trainers, logistics, etc).

F.3. Preparation of Participants

Which kind of preparation will be offered to participants (e.g. task-related, intercultural,

linguistic, risk-prevention etc.)? Who will provide such preparatory activities?

Task related preparation: After the selection of the participants, the partners and host organisation
will create the final info-pack that contain the agenda of the training course, but also tasks regarding
the activities that they have to prepare for the sessions: intercultural evenings, best personal
branding practices from their countries, presentation of their sending organisations for the
networking activity. The best practices will be explained taking into consideration their previous
experience in building the youngsters online presence and help them identify their "element". Also,
each day 2 countries will be responsible to organize the energizers in the morning and right after the

Intercultural preparation: Taking into account that we will have a group of participants from 10
different European countries, the partner organisations will cooperate on the following aspect: for
each country, they will prepare before the projects start a presentation about stereotypes,
behavioral aspects, attitudes, religion, art and traditions. These presentations will be spread among
partners and the participants will be able to know more about the other people values, beliefs and
way of thinking before their arrival in Romania. Also, the mentors will inform them about the fact
that they should be prepared to work in intercultural teams and to respect other people opinions
and values, to show respect and have anti-discriminatory attitudes.

Linguistic preparation: From beginning we’ve established with our partners that one of the selection
criteria is to have participants that speak the English language at an intermediate level. In the final
info-pack, the facilitators will write the most common expressions in Romanian language so they can
have a first contact with the language. The trainers and project coordinator will create an ABC of
concepts and will distribute key articles on the project facebook group so they have be introduced
easily in the topic of the project.

Risk prevention preparation: Together with our partners and management team we will think at all
the crisis situation that may occur during the TC in order to have the possibility to prevent any risks
like: physical and verbal violence, missing the activities, getting lost on their ways to Romania and
back, medical emergencies. The organizing team will send to the participants a form in which they
will be asked about their medical history, allergies, special needs and the type of diet they have. The
partners will be responsible with coordinate the health insurance purchasing process for each one of
the participants. The host organisation will make sure that the accommodation place is equipped
with a first aid kit. The activity room and sleeping rooms will have emergency exits and plans of exit
in case of fire, but also fire extinguishers, safety measures. On arrival, during Learning Agreements,
we will discuss with the participants upon a set of rules for safety and protection.

G. Main Activities
Please explain the context and objectives of the activities you are planning and in which way
they meet the objectives of the project.

The initiative of Obciansky Spolok is to encourage 40 participants involved in youth work to learn
non-formal education methods that can help the youngsters to develop their personal brand and to
become voices in the industries they activate.

The project main goal is to create a creative space for participants that empower them to discover
their unique values, to create and maintain a brand, to set goal, plan & define it, to promote it
through different instruments and channels. Once they discover how a personal brand it’s created
and a strategy of communication it’s planned, their beneficiaries talenrs will gain visibility, they will
know how to evaluate the youngsters skills and recommend a job. During 10 days, the participants
will receive different tools and advices from specialists in order to help them to test how can a
powerful online identity be build, one that's aligned with our real-world personal brand. During the
training course we will create through different non-formal education methods this creative space
for our participants.

The main objectives of the project meet the objectives of the training course because we will

- help 40 participants through different self reflection and group exercises to discover new methods
that can guide young people to discover their personal values, their career values and vocational
interests and according to those to explore creative ways to shape their personal brand

- help 40 participants to explore a full range of possible career options, using the date we will gather
in the profiling exercises in order to know more about the labour market and what are the
expectations of the employees. This will happen during the training course when we will explore with
our guests and speakers various industries: business sector, public sector, entrepreneurship and
intrapreneurship, but also non-profit sector or freelancing.

- To create a international platform where ca be uploaded methods, testimonials from participants,

professional advices from experts, tests and quizzes and who can be accessed by every youngster at
European level interested in developing their personal brand.

- To nurture and solidify the social entrepreneurial (particularly the entrepreneurial mindset) and
leadership skills among 40 participants. They will learn how to guide the youngsters to build their
personal brand, but they will also know how to promote better their skills and the projects that they
work at in their sending organization.

- To enhance networking, multicultural awareness and exchange of best practices and further
cooperation among with focus 40 participants on the issue of personal branding, social
entrepreneurship and talent management
- Establish a network of European youth workers who develop, implement and exchange their ideas
through a shared platform mentioned above. During the project they will work together at this
platform and they will represent their organisations discuss about possibilities to expand the network
and promote it.

- At the end of the training course 40 participants will improve their methods and the quality of the
programs they provide in their organisations..

What are the basic elements of those activities? For each activity, remember to describe at the
very least all of the following: type of activity, venue(s), planned dates, working methods
used, countries involved and the role of each project partner in the activity.

ME Inc. is a training course that will be implemented in July 2016 in Navodari, Romania. The
participants will arrive on 23 in the evening or on 24 in the morning and they will be transported
from airport and train station to the accommodation place from Bucharest at Navodari.
The main topics of the project are personal branding, new innovative curricula/educational methods,
career guidance/youth unemployment and entrepreneurial learning. These topics will be combined
and will offer to the participants a big picture related to the employment situation at European Union
Level and how to embrace creative solutions through non-formal education methods.
The trainers and our partners from 9 different European Countries can offer to the youngsters
different point of views and dimensions about personal branding and how this concept can help
them in developing their programs that they work at in the seding organisations so they can guide
the participants to achieve a successful career or develop social projects with international impact.
They can use and implement these concepts in personal life with friends, or in professional and
academic environment. Also, the youth leaders and project managers can adopt the methods in their
daily practices and activities with their target groups.
The methods we will use are divided into 4 different quadrants focused on developing a set of
abilities and competences such as personal branding, self-reflection, team spirit, short deadlines
working abilities, networking and persuasion, fast learning process, adapt to multicultural learning
environment, ideation and project management, but also public speaking, motivation of the group
members to finish their tasks. They will improve their organizatoric skills, strategic thinking, but also
how to promote their values and strengths
1. Methods of self reflection and self discovering - the quizzes How strong is your brand? and Career
future focus quiz for development will help them to identify their unique promise of value, how they
expressed their brand to the target audience but also to see what were their career management
branded action.
This quizzes will help them to discover themselves and to create their Personal Mind Map with their
passions, things they are good at and expertise. This will help them to discover their path and what
they want to be specialists in.
Another self-reflection is the ME Inc. ambassadors activity during which they have to express the
things they’ve learned and discovered through their own channels: blogs, social media profiles, but
also on the common platform dedicated. In this way they can evaluate their own learning process
and to complete the notebook with concrete actions, plan a strategy to communicate etc.
2. Integrative methods such as team-building Egg-exercise, know each other exercises, working in
groups for "I'm on LinkedIn -- Now What?, First impression, Dress for success, intercultural evenings,
working at follow-up activities and future projects.
3. Learning through individual experiments: the participants will be invited to write their own
biography and to create their social media resume in which they will add visual elements, articles,
links and social media profiles, but also videos and portfolio.
4. Creativity and ideation methods will help them to unleash their creative thinking and encourage
them to develop their ideas. My social resume will help them also to practice their creativity and to
combine different tools, videos, graphic elements to create their portfolio. Also, the activity Signature
talk will help them to design their own identity for email and visit cards and how specific fonts,
colors, slogans can become catchy and help them increase their personal branding power. The
professional photo book will give them opportunity to express their personality and to arrange the
background, clothes that reflects their personality and brand.
Young Europe Society have experience in Graphic Facilitation and they will guide the creative
resumes session. DR’sT suggested us the activity about Personal mind maps as a visual
representation of our element and hobbies. Seiklejate Vennaskond will be involved in real time
communication of the activity because they have experience in social media and community
management. Macedonian organisation participants will register the sessions and they will create
tutorials "how to?" cause have experience in vlogging. Lithuanian partner have a program named
“Design thinking” where they encourage youngsters to have an entrepreneurial mindset and to
develop new ideas, through motivation. Stowarzyszenie "Grupa Dzialania" will prepare the Erasmus +
programme presentation and upload on our facebook groups useful links and videos about

If applicable, how do you intend to cooperate and communicate with your project partners and / or
consortium members and other stakeholders

After we’ve discussed individually with every partner interested about the training course and with
both trainers, we’ve had once per week Google Conferences to fill the application, and to choose the
activities for the timeline. In the preparation phase we will deliver the documents, info-pack,
application form, participants agreement on email and on Google drive and distribute so all the
artners can have access to the files in real time and from every corner of Europe.

The communication specialist of Obciansky Spolok create the brand identity elements of the projects
that will be inserted in all the promotional materials of the project. Later on, the host organisation
will create a detailed info-pack for partners and participants stating the details of the project timeline
and the profile of the candidates. This info-pack will be given to be consulted by our partners and the
final version will be forwarded to the participants. In this way, we start the promotion of the
Erasmus+ programme and the project. Next, the communication specialist and the trainers will
create the content of the website, upload the curricula, editorials and researches related to the
nowadays situation regarding the partnerships between NGOs and private companies, how many
specialists in CSR field are at the moment etc.

The guests invited in the opening sessions about personal branding, Linkedin and bloggers will be
contacted by email and by phone.

Another relevant stakeholder that can contribute to the dissemination and promotion of the project
is the media and bloggers that writes about this topic. We will deliver them information about the
topic, objective, Erasmus+ programs and trainers expertise in the field of personal branding, but also
about the launch of the platform.In this way we will increase the visibility of the project nationwide,
but also among the media partners of the other NGOs. Three days before the project starts we will
send to key media contacts a press release and we will initiate dialogue with journalists for

The identity elements of the project: logo of the training course, the logo of the platform and
Erasmus+ programme logo will be added on all the owned media of the host organization and
partners, but also in the press release, roll-up, promotional materials distributed to the
participants.With the youngsters from Europe we will communicate through platform and a
dedicated facebook page where we will add content before, during and after the projects finish.
H.1. Impact
What is the expected impact on the participants, participating organisation(s) and target

At participant level - At the end of the training course each one of the participants will have a set of
valuable non-formal methods and online instruments that can help them in their youth work and
help their beneficiaries to achieve the desired personal brand according to their personalities, values
and career desires. They will have a concrete plan of actions created during the Ditch! Dare! Do!
exercise and they will know how to promote a personal brand, what tools to use in order to create
bigger impact with their ideas. The trainers will use NAOMI model (Needs - Aims – Objectives –
Methods – Implementation) For each phase will be used a different method to activate discussion for
future projects and strategies of how we can develop further the platform. The youth workers will
continue to create valuable content for the platform and to initiate dialogue with experts and
trainers that can offer information relating to the topic. Also, when the participants return in their
country, they will share the knowledge with others volunteers and project managers, youngsters and
will present this TC as best practice case during their own events, blogs, website and conferences.
The first circle of impact it’s defined by those 40 participants that are in direct contact with the
personal branding storytellers, and other guests. They will be the ambassadors of the personal
branding and why is important for each one of us to have it in order to succeed in career. On medium
term, if they read more and participate also at various conferences and workshops on this topic, they
can also develop their own methods and become trainers.

At NGOs level - Our partners will benefit from the information related with the implementation and
the results of this project thanks to the dissemination activities performed and due to the fact that
their youth workers will improve the quality of their work, will be more positive and encourage to be
involved in the NGOs activities because they will have a sense of belonging. These NGOs will become
curious about the funding opportunities offered by Erasmus+, seeing a concrete example that
something positive is indeed achievable through this programme. Also, they will develop their
organisational capacity by exploring ways to increase their online presence and improve their
networking activities. They can further multiply the projects and organize seminars and workshops
based on the curricula developed during the training course and offer consultancy in personal
branding for other NGOs or their own staff. They will get closer to media representatives and
develop a long term sustainable relationship by inviting them to write about the organisations

Youngsters aged 18-30: They will be curious to learn more about Erasmus+ and its benefits for young
people after the youth workers return to their countries. Some will get in contact with the
organizations of this project and will receive more information, possibly becoming volunteers in
them. It can be a great start for young people to either volunteer locally or go into a learning mobility
(ex: youth exchange) with an NGO. This youngsters will be approached by all the partners and by the
host organisation in the follow-up phase when we will invite them to participate at workshops about
Personal Branding. They will benefit by all the methods discovered by the participants because these
will be transmitted to them through creative workshops. They will learn more about the dynamics of
the labour market and how to build their personal brand, to promote their skills and competences,
and why not, to obtain a job.
Media representatives: We will send to media press releases to inform them about this activity and
also about all the workshops organized under the project umbrella. We have already a database of
journalists that writes about youth projects. They will find new stories from participants and on long
term they can contact the NGOs or participants to provide them more news about opportunities for
youngsters, the goals of European Commission for youngsters.

-Local authorities: The representatives of public bodies informed about this project will be able to
look at concrete examples of how European funds can be spent on a well-conceived idea in the youth
field, being able to use this model in other fields. This cooperation model mentioned, used by youth
organizations, could be very well tried when it comes to activities like town-twinning, cultural
exchange or project writing for funding from other sources. They will see how youngsters can be
prepared for the insertion in the labor market.

What is the desired impact of the project at the local, regional, national, European and/or
international levels?

At local level, the impact will be created in community because we will raise the awareness about the
importance of the topic for each startuper, student, entrepreneur or employee, but also promote
Erasmus+ program and its benefits.

At national level, we will catch the attention of universities, other NGOs focused on the same topic
and creating new projects in partnership, hold conferences, workshops and seminars. We think
personal branding should be one of the mandatory classes in faculty and we hope that we will start
some questions among these educational institutions.

At European level, the impact of the project will be related to the free access of trainers, students,
young professional, entrepreneurs to webinars, interviews, tests and quizzes, but also non-formal
methods for teachers and youth leaders to the online platform. It will be our way to connect
organizations with same interest field around Europe and to invite them to share their cultural
differences and realities, discuss about issues at international level and to propose solutions, offer to
the youngsters advices.

In every country, the participants with the team leader will keep workshops for students and young
entrepreneurs on the personal branding topic. On medium term we want to create a guide of tools
for trainers who work or who want to work with youngsters on the project topic, discover new
methods, test them and offer feedback about what works and what doesn’t. This training course will
be a pilot project that need continuously improved and updated, this can be done by focusing our
efforts on non-formal education and on developing the youngsters skills. The project can be
implemented or completed in any other Programme country in order to raise awareness concerning
the immediate applicability of the methods in personal and professional life. At local level, we will
increase the visibility of the Erasmus+ programme among citizens, but also initiate some contacts
between the owners of the creative co-working space and how can help small entrepreneurs and
young professionals or NGOs. They will find our about new cultures, practices from other countries.
We plan at least a coverage of at least 15 different media in the first week of the training course and
after with interviews one-to-one and platform promotion.

We want to initiate a dialogue between authorities focused on reducing the youth unemployment
rate, but also with the universities from Romania and partner countries. We will direct our efforts
also on uploading relevant content on the website so we can have at least 50 uniques visitors per day
in the first week and later to increase as much as possible.

Which activities will you carry out in order to share the results of your project outside your
organisation/consortium and partners? What will be the target groups of your dissemination

To ensure the visibility and dissemination of the project, before, during and at the end of the training
course, the youngsters and the partners alongside the host organisation will have as responsibility to
follow the agreed Gantt diagram mentioned before and to upload daily info on own media such as
websites, facebook pages and groups, Twitter and dedicated platform. Each post on facebook and
Twitter will have the hashtag # dedicated so we can check easily the comments and updates
regarding this topic Each day we will publish photos on Instagram account and videos created by
participants or facilitators but also content created by them during the sessions. We will promote the
event among our partners and media partners from all the countries involved in the project.

The dissemination will be made through:

- 1 day workshops with students from universities from all partner countries in July 2016, the target:
10 youngsters aged 18-35/per country

- 1 day workshop for other NGOs and informal group that have projects and programs in this field.
Target: 10 non-profit organization

- free online platform with content about the training course and methods, interviews

- press releases delivered to the media in all 6 countries: when we launch the platform and also
when we close the projects announcing the results of the project.

- Posts and updates that will be published on the platform, but also on each participant personal
profiles and organization profiles

- Twice per month we will organize Google Conferences in order to see what are the dissemination

The partnership will be continued to develop and promote the platform with new methods and info
sources and to discuss about the possibility of writing a new training course application form for
2016 deadline.

- In order to keep in contact with the participants and with students leagues, the students/teacher
from Universities, we will distribute every month 1 newsletter with local and international news,
interviews with specialists.

- Each partner will promote the project by uploading the press releases on their website/social media
channels, sending 1 newsletter to their database with young people and other NGOs. They will share
testimonials of their participants and pictures from their workshops

- The participants will write at least 2 articles about the topic of the project for the platform and they
will promote it on their personal blogs or on the new linkedin profiles created.
Which activities will you carry out in order to assess whether, and to what extent, your project
has reached its objectives and results?

We've started with the evaluation of the needs of our partners and their NGOs members by
organizing Google Conferences and sending them questionnaires to identify the analysis of the
current situation in their organisations, if they have started already to develop their brand, what are
the channels where they communicate or strengthen their offline and online presence. Based on the
results, we've started to design the project, the sessions and choose the methodology, while
establishing the profile of the participants. From beginning we’ve taken into consideration a
continuously evaluation that have the shape of daily reflections and also personal branding
ambassadors, under the coordination of the trainers and partners.

ME Inc. ambassador activity consist in a daily task that the participants have to promote in online
channels like Linkedin, Facebook, Storify, Instagr.am, Pinterest, Twitter, official website of the
project, an article/pictures/short texts about the training course, things they've learned and
experienced, while developing their personal brand and online presence in online. In this way, we do
also the promotion of the project, but also the evaluation and what exactly they’ve learned each day.
This activity is completed by reflection groups where each trainer will receive the fee-back from team
leaders after each team previously discussed about the picture of the day and their learning process,
the logistic and what improvement of the program can we bring as organisers. Through reflection
group we will also encourage the youngsters to practice the way they can use feedback to other

At the middle of personal branding week, we will organize a middle term evaluation as coaching
session to see how it’s the learning process and to adapt the sessions according to their extra needs.
Afterwards, the trainers will discuss with the partners of the project via Google conference and
discuss about the points of view received from youngsters.

In the last day of the project, will be a final evaluation of the project.

First evaluation method: Dedicated Google form with the following phases to be evaluated: 1. Project
preparation process; 2. Overall satisfaction with the TC, 3. Team spirit and cohesion between
participants, 4. Programmed activities; 5. Faciliation of the team, 6. Accomomdation (Rooms and
their facilities), 7. Food, 8. What new knowledge and skills did you gain?; 9. If you were able to
change three things during the training course, what would they be?; 10. Additional comments and

Second evaluation method:

On the floor of the conference hall will be four different quadrants Yes (with Comment), No (with
Comment), Yes (without comment), No (without comment).The trainers will address a questions set
to the participants regarding the sessions, the methods applied, the level of know how gathered
during the sessions, how the project’s activity answered to their initial needs and expectations, the
project organization, the accommodation and meals, interaction between trainer and participants.
The participants will be asked to stay in the quadrants they think it’s relevant for them, to add
comments, to share with the other participants and with the trainers their opinion.
The last phase of the evaluation project will be implemented after the training course is finished and
we can observe the results of the activities at national level and the impact of the dissemination
activities in each country and at European level. Twice a month, the trainers, coordinator of the
project and the participants will have Google Conferences to discuss about their own processes.

In this way, the evaluation will be realised on two different dimensions: at individual level by
participants, but also at organisational and community level by the partners.

The last evaluation made by the host organisation will be made through all the people involved in the
project: partner organisation, participants, beneficiaries of dissemination workshops, visitors of the
online platform. We will gather their email addresses in a data base and we will send them an official
survey made through the platform named Survey Monkey. The results will be inserted in the
evaluation report

J. Project summary
Please provide a short summary of your project. Please recall that this section [or part of it]
may be used by the European
Commission, Executive Agency or National Agencies in their publications. It will also feed the Erasmus+
dissemination platform.
Be concise and clear and mention at least the following elements: context/background of
project; objectives of your project; number
and profile of participants; description of activities; methodology to be used
ME Inc. is an adventure of 40 participants, early adopters, career-minded professionals and
enlightened youth workers that will join a 3D personal branding training course in Romania.

During ten days, 24 May - 02 June 2016, the participants will learn through non-formal education
methods and from special guests and specialists in the field non-formal methods on personal brand
topic, discovering how to guide their beneficiaries to build their personal brand in order to raise their
unique value proposition, their social projects or startup projects. With a powerful personal brand,
youngsters can find job easier, can influence opinions as bloggers, speakers, citizen journalist or
social entrepreneurs.

The project main goal is to project a creative space for participants that can offer new fresh
perspectives on career orientation programmes for young people that fight with unemployment and
help them to discover their unique values, to create and maintain a brand, to set goal, plan & define
it, to promote it through different instruments and channels. During the training course, the
participant will receive different tools and advises from specialists and will have the opportunity to
exchange examples of best practices with other professionals from 10 European Countries. At the
end of the activity, they will share their experiences and transformation process through the
innovative platform dedicated to young people but also to youth workers interested in this topic
where useful information will be uploaded continuously before, during and after the project. They
will become the main ambassadors of personal branding of the online platform, each one of the
partners promoting it in his country.

The methods used can be categorized in 4 big dimensions: methods of self reflection and self
discovering(storytelling, online personal brand check ), integrative methods (team-building, debates,
strategies planning), learning through individual experiments (best practices interactive
presentations, group mentoring), creativity and ideation methods (graphic facilitation and creativity
activation) At the end of the project, the participants will be aware of the Erasmus+ Programme and
its advantages and how this programme contribute at shaping their international point of view and
mind set.

The training course strengthen youth participation at all levels through cooperation among various
stakeholders, as well as at highlighting the role of youth workers as agents of development and
mentor for NEETs. The competences, attitudes and skills that the participants will develop during the
project will increase the organisational capacity of the partner organisation. They will enhance the
future partnership between European NGOs, Universities, Media and private sector. Also, they will
be encouraged to develop social projects and become active citizens, actors of change.

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