Water Chillers 89

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Water Chillers 89

in the control panel. For correct operating pressures, check the

manufacturer’s submittals. To shutdown the system turn the oil
pump switch off. The chiller’s operating pressures and tempera-
tures should be taken daily and kept in a log book. This informa-
tion will provide a means to detect variations in the system’s
performance. Any major variation in the recorded pressures or
temperatures should be investigated. Take the time to investigate,
analyze and correct any problem.


The pressure and temperature in the condenser is a function

of condenser water temperature, condenser water flow rate, the
amount of non-condensable gases in the condenser and the clean-
liness of the condenser tubes. Air is an example of a non-condens-
able gas, i.e., a gas that will not condense at the pressures and
temperatures in this system. Condenser water temperature is nor-
mally about 95°F leaving the condenser and going to the cooling
tower and about 85 degrees coming back from the tower into the
condenser. The condenser flow rate, in gallons per minute, gpm,
will vary depending upon the size of the system. The water flow
should be balanced between plus or minus 10% of full flow. The
condenser tubes must be clean and free of scale. To check the ef-
ficiency of the condenser, place a thermometer in the liquid line
temperature well. Next, at the temperature well, take a tempera-
ture of the water leaving the condenser. If the difference between
these two reading has increased from those previously recorded,
it means that the heat transfer efficiency of the condenser is de-
clining. If this is the case, open the vents on the condenser to
relieve any accumulated air that may be trapped in the condenser
water tubes. If this fails to correct the problem, check the
manufacturer’s submittals and the water balance report for the
pressure drop through the condenser. If the pressure drop has
increased, while the gpm has remained constant, the tubes of the
condenser are becoming scaled or dirty and cleaning is required.
90 HVAC Fundamentals

If, on the other hand, the gpm is low and the pressure drop has
decreased, investigate the water pipe. The strainer is probably
clogged or one of the valves has been partially closed.
If there are still problems, check the purge unit to make sure
that it is operating properly. Operate it continuously for several
hours or until the relief valve stops purging non-condensable
gases into the atmosphere. When checking the condenser effi-
ciency the temperature difference between the condenser water
and the refrigerant may have decreased. In other words, the con-
denser efficiency has increased, while the condensing pressure
and temperature has been reduced. This may be because the
weather is cool and the temperature of the water from the cooling
tower is lower. Also, the cooler weather means that the condi-
tioned space cooling load is less. However, it may also indicate
that the water flow has been increased. Measure and then com-
pare the water flow to the quantities in the water balance report
or commissioning report.


To check the efficiency of the evaporator, measure and com-

pare the temperatures and pressures with those previously re-
corded. If the temperature difference is lower while the pressure
drop is higher the system is overpumping. If the flow rate has
increased correct this condition by closing the discharge valve on
the chilled water pump or changing the size of the pump impel-
ler. If however, the temperature difference is higher, while the
pressure is lower, the system is probably low on water. Check the
piping for improperly adjusted flow control, bypass, or shutoff


A reduction in the oil pressure reading from those previously

recorded is usually caused by a clogged oil filter, a need for a
readjustment of the oil pressure regulating valve or liquid refrig-

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