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1. Define Hospital management.

Ans: Hospital Management is a term very broad in scope and may be defined from
different aspects. It mainly relates to management of all aspects of a hospital; a
coordination of all elements of a hospital. This may range from patient care to record
keeping to inventory of medicines and cleanliness.

2. Write the challenges in hospital Administration.

 Ans: Compete for healthcare professionals

 Specialize for growth

 Prepare for the future

 Improve patient care through technology

 Managing Medicare and Medicaid.

 Specialize for growth

3. What is functional planning?

Ans: It refers to medium term planning carried out by middle management at times with
assistance of top management.

a).Functional guidance

b).Goal setting

c).Functional Assessment.

4. State the code of ethics in Hospital?

Ans: The following principles recognize each Medical center personnel’s duty to act in
the public’s interest, to be honest and truthful, to demonstrate personal integrity, and to
respect privileged information. They maintain integrity with respect to their duties as they
come in contact with the public, other service providers, and clients and patients.

a). Principle I: Confidentiality

b).Principle II: Professional Conduct
c).Principle III: Quality of Service
d).Principle IV: Moral and Legal Standards
e).Principle V: Medical Provider-Client Relationships
What are the main functions of the hospital?

Ans: Hospital administration functions can be classified into three broad categories:

 Medical - Which involves the treatment and management of patients through

the staff of physicians.

 Patient Support - which relates directly to patient care and includes nursing,
dietary diagnostic, therapy, pharmacy and laboratory services.

 Administrative - which concerns the execution of policies and directions of the

hospital governing discharge of support services in the area of finance, personnel,
materials and property, housekeeping, laundry, security, transport, engineering
and board and the maintenance.

1. The hospital functions Includes

a) Patient Care
b) Training and Health Education
c) Medical Care
d) None of these.
Ans a,b,c.

2. Hospital Administration is concerned with

a).planning &organizing
b). staffing & coordinating,
c).controlling & evaluating health services
d). Efficient managing.
Ans : a,b,c

3. Role Towards Administrator comprises

a). Role towards patient
b).Role towards Staff
c). Role towards Organization
d).Role towards Community
Ans: a,c,d

4. .The objectives of planning teams are

a).Review existing facilities
b).Assess for new facilities as per need
c).Need assessment
d). both a and b
Ans: a,b,c

4. List out the components of hospital planning

a) Feasibility study & Shake down period
b) Project planning and Implementation
c) Existing Facilities
d) Commissioning
e) Both a and c .
Ans: a,b,d

1. CEO to serve as catalyst between

a).Patient and Doctors
b). Patient and employee
C). patient and administration
d).All the above
Ans: b
2.What are the factors in hospital planning?
a).Community interest
b).Preventive service
c).Rural and Regionalized
d). All the above.
Ans: d
3.Financial planning covers
a) 5 areas
b) 7 areas
c) 3 areas
d).2 areas
Ans: 3 areas

4.The equipment’s life span of less than five years is known as

a).Non depreciable equipment
b).depreciable equipment

c).Built in equipment
d).Functioning equipment
Ans: a
5. Hospital-based research activities enhance medical technology and services in the area of
(a) physical and psycho-social aspects of health and diseases
(b) clinical medicine
(c) hospital practices and administration
(d) All of the above
Ans: d
6. . Control of communicable diseases is ________________ function.
(a) restorative
(b) preventive
(c) training
(d) creation
Ans: b
7.Equipment maintenance and supply check ____________.
(a) General Duty Assistant rules
(b) policy-based procedures
(c) patient’s decisions
(d) None of the above
Ans: b
8. _______________ enhances interpersonal skills.
(a) Positive communication
(b) Negative interpersonal skill
(c) Unclear speech
(d) All of the above
Ans : a
9. Health education can __________.
(a) improve community hygiene
(b) prevent illness
(c) inculcate positive
(d) All of the above
10. The various restorative functions of a hospital include the following:
a). Diagnostic activity
b) Curative activity
c). Rehabilitative activity
d) Emergency services.
e) All the above
Ans: e

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