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Far Eastern University JULY 2020

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts



1. Welcome to ARSTRUCT First Semester of SY 2020-2021
2. Since 1st Semester 2020-2021 is under general community quarantine, there will be no face to
face classes.
3. A proposed course information booklet is attached in your syllabus section of your canvas for your course
data, course topics, proposed schedules of discussion of topics and assessments, grading system,
policies and others.
4. Your course consists mostly of lecture readings which will be given to you and to be read with
understanding on a schedule basis.
5. There will be assessments which will be given on a length of time and on specific submission
date. If you don’t submit on the said deadline then you will be given zero on that assessment. So, always
be on time in submission. Remember you are under the old curriculum, so the passing is 75, 74.99 is not
equal to 75.
6. Academic honesty must always be practiced in times of online assignments and examinations.
7. The use of rude languages is prohibited in all your online communication.
8. You must have copy of National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015) by ASEP. ASEP means
Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines.
9. You must have your own scientific calculator with you always
10. Our official schedule for this subject is ARSTRUCT Section 1, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm T
11. Remember, “The job of the professor is not to make the student learn. At university the
job of the student is to learn and the job of the professor is to lead the student to the fountain of
knowledge, whether the student drinks deeply or only gargle is entirely up to the student”.

Far Eastern University JULY 2020
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

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