Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora Facultad de Ingeniería

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Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora

Facultad de Ingeniería


1) Choose the correct form of the Verb to be.

a. Engineering ______ (be) one of today’s fastest growing careers.

b. My brother and I _____________ (not be) electrical engineering students.
c. He ______ (not be) at the construction site.
d. ________ (be) you the new member of the company? Yes, I__________.
e. I __________ (not be) a very responsible student.
f. Nice to meet you. I ________ (be) Sarah Gladstone. I ________ (be) here to
inspect the company’s new engine.

2) Read the sentences and fill in the blanks.

a. Glass__________ (be) a solid, transparent material used in windows..

b. Ceramic tiles______ (not be) really expensive.
c. Engineering ______ (be) my passion.
d. Electrical engineering _____ (not be) a branch of engineering that deals with
the design, construction of buildings.
e. Sandals _______ (not be) prohibited in the rest area.
f.(be) ________Drywall the ideal material for walls of new rooms? Yes,

3) Read the text and write the correct form of the verb to be.

Good morning. I _____ (be1) Susan Myers. I _____ (be2) a reporter at Central
News and today I am making a report on Engineers. Today’s guests _____
(be3) two engineers from Argentina. They ______ (not be4) very famous yet but
they will be very soon. They _____(be5) Martin Scar and Julian Gomez. They
_____ (be6) mechanical engineers. Martin _____ (be7) really young. He ______
(be8) only twenty two years old. Julian ________ (be9) older. He ______ (be10)
almost thirty. Both of them work for the famous company ‘UNLZ’.

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