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Progress in Human Geography


Multinatural geographies for the Anthropocene

Jamie Lorimer
Prog Hum Geogr 2012 36: 593 originally published online 28 February 2012
DOI: 10.1177/0309132511435352

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Progress in Human Geography
36(5) 593–612
Multinatural geographies for ª The Author(s) 2012
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Jamie Lorimer
King’s College London, UK

The recent diagnosis of the Anthropocene represents the public death of the modern understanding of
Nature removed from society. It also challenges the modern science-politics settlement, where natural sci-
ence speaks for a stable, objective Nature. This paper reviews recent efforts to develop ‘multinatural’ alter-
natives that provide an environmentalism that need not make recourse to Nature. Focusing on biodiversity
conservation, the paper draws together work in the social and natural sciences to present an interdisciplinary
biogeography for conservation in the Anthropocene. This approach is developed through an engagement
with the critiques of neoliberal natures offered by political ecology.

Anthropocene, biodiversity, more-than-human geography, multinaturalism, Nature

I Introduction of technocratic and market environmentalism

(Lynas, 2011) (see Wapner, 2010). Life without
The Nobel-prize-winning atmospheric chemist
Nature is proving confusing and there is a
Paul Crutzen (2002) has argued that our planet
widely shared recognition of the need for new
has entered a new era – the Anthropocene –
ways of thinking.
since a threshold has been crossed now that a
Here geography comes to the fore. The disci-
single species has become an earth-changing
pline has a distinguished history when it comes
force. This term has begun to gain traction
to critiquing Nature. As readers of this journal
among high-profile commentators advocating
will be aware (Bakker, 2010; Braun, 2008) geo-
for the reorientation of environmentalism (e.g.
graphers and other social scientists have been
Latour, 2010). Although we might contest its
challenging the ‘politics of Nature’ since well
epochal diagnosis, this claim is significant as
before the diagnosis of the Anthropocene.
it represents a very public challenge to the mod-
Indeed, many would agree that the Nature
ern understanding of Nature1 as a pure, singular
whose death it heralds never really existed;
and stable domain removed from and defined in
there has never been a world without us (see
relation to urban, industrial society. This under-
Castree, 2012). A mature and differentiated
standing of Nature has been central to western
environmental thought and practice. Its pur-
ported end has prompted much doubt, debate
Corresponding author:
and soul-searching among environmentalists, Department of Geography, King’s College London, Strand,
who have responded with both romantic anti- London WC2R 2LS, UK
modernism (McKibben, 1990) and an escalation Email: jamie.lorimer@kcl.ac.uk

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594 Progress in Human Geography 36(5)

body of work now exists for conceiving and For biodiversity advocates (and their critics)
conducting environmental politics without the paradoxical flourishing of their discipline
making recourse to Nature. In this paper I have and the failure to meet the 2010 targets has
three aims. The first is to review recent develop- prompted critical reflection (Rands et al.,
ments in one strand of this thinking that devel- 2010). Diagnoses of the causes of this failure are
ops ‘multinatural’ and ‘more-than-human’ damning and too diverse to summarize here (see
approaches to biogeography. I take the term Hirsch, 2010). This paper examines one impor-
‘multinatural’ from Latour (2004) for whom it tant strand of this discussion, where recognition
describes both the multiple trajectories along of the Anthropocene challenges prevalent and
which any ecology might evolve and the various powerful understandings of biodiversity as
ways in which they can be sensed, valued and Nature – a pure and timeless collection of
contested. The second aim is to bring this strand objects, best removed from Society. For an
of multinatural thinking into conversation with emerging body of conservation biologists and
cognate developments in the environmental social scientists the Anthropocene demands
sciences to present an interdisciplinary biogeo- fresh approaches to biodiversity conservation
graphy for the Anthropocene. The third aim that need not make recourse to Nature. Biodi-
is to develop this biogeography through an versity conservation is a highly differentiated
engagement with the critiques of neoliberal nat- collection of practices. In identifying general
ures offered by a vibrant strand of political trends I run the risk of masking this diversity.
ecology. I apologize for this and hope readers appreciate
This paper will focus on biodiversity conser- why it is necessary within the confines of this
vation, an exemplary field for developing multi- paper. Where possible I have tried to flag impor-
natural political ecologies. Biodiversity is a tant differences in conservation theory and prac-
neologism that was coined at the end of the tice to avoid tarring all conservationists with the
1980s by the architects of conservation biology same brush.
– a self-declared ‘crisis discipline’ (Soule, The paper is divided into three sections. The
1985) that sought to catalyse public support and first two offer materials for a multinatural bio-
provide the scientific expertise for biodiversity geography by reviewing new ontologies and
conservation (Takacs, 1996). In some ways new relationships between science and politics
biodiversity advocates have been incredibly for the Anthropocene. The third section brings
successful. Nearly 200 nations have ratified the the resulting framework into conversation with
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). critiques of capitalist ecology. After working
Conservation biologists and their NGOs are through these developments in relation to biodi-
copious and are in good health. There is an versity conservation, the paper concludes by
extensive and growing infrastructure for moni- reflecting on their general implications for envi-
toring ecological change, significant tracts of ronmental geographies in the Anthropocene.
land have been designated for conservation and
ex-situ zoos, herbaria and genetic repositories
abound. However, when signatory governments II Multinatural ontologies
gathered in Nagoya in 2010 for the International Environmental geographers and other social
Year of Biodiversity to report on progress scientists have been returning to questions of
towards CBD targets, the story was of continued ontology in their analyses. There is now a
declines and the persistence of inequalities in diverse array of non-deterministic and non-
the social benefits of both biodiversity use and dualistic materialisms that circumvent the
conservation. realist-relativist impasse that plagued debates

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between the social and natural sciences in the recent work on ‘companion species’, Haraway
1990s (for reviews, see Anderson and Wylie, (2008) extends Latour’s (1993) claim that ‘we
2009; Bakker and Bridge, 2006). In this section have never been modern’ to argue that ‘we have
I focus on just one of these, which emerges from never been human’. She traces the materialities
recent engagements with the biophilosophies of interspecies interaction – including genetic,
of Bruno Latour, Gilles Deleuze and Donna microbial, haptic, digestive and ecological con-
Haraway. Jane Bennett (2010) has termed this nections – to demonstrate the ontological
approach a ‘vital materialism’, while Bruce impossibility of extracting a human body, let
Braun (2008) identifies a common interest in alone intentional mind, from the messy relations
‘inventive life’. I will outline the main charac- of the world. Haraway affirms the organism as
teristics of this approach that resonate with new the principal unit for her posthumanist analysis.
approaches in conservation biology and She draws on and develops a rich and interdisci-
biogeography. plinary body of work in animal studies that has
A vital materialist ontology in environmental opened up the category ‘animal’ (Derrida and
geography has been strongly influenced by Mallet, 2008) granting ‘positive ontological dif-
Latour’s and Haraway’s famous critiques of the ference’ (Bingham, 2006: 492) to the entities
modern Nature-Society dualism. Challenging this label subsumes. Recent work in this vein
the purification of the world into two distinct by animal geographers examines the ‘beastly
categories, they identify and advocate ontolo- places’ (Philo and Wilbert, 2000) and interspe-
gies comprising ‘hybrid’ and ‘cyborg’ forms; cies relations performed by an array of animal
mixtures of human and non-human compo- bodies (e.g. Bear and Eden, 2011; H. Lorimer,
nents. Nature, Society and a range of other iden- 2006; Lulka, 2004). This work has yet to make
tities have been rethought as relational connections with the well-established and
achievements, power-laden constructions emer- growing body of cognate animal science that
gent from ‘assemblages’ (see Dewsbury, 2011) explores the implications of animal behaviour
of interacting ‘actants’ – not all of whom are and the contested notion of ‘animal cultures’
human or alive. Geographers now describe (Laland and Galef, 2009) for key themes in bio-
‘more-than-human’ (Whatmore, 2006) and diversity conservation such as adaptation in
‘multinatural’ (Bingham and Hinchliffe, 2008) fragmented landscapes, responses to exploita-
worlds, characterized by lively processes and tion and disturbance, captive breeding and rein-
impure forms, co-existing in inhabited land- troductions (Gosling and Sutherland, 2000).
scapes. These relational ontologies can be Other work in ‘more-than-human’ geography
linked to work in conservation biology that has taken analysis in a less familiar direction by
recognizes the ubiquity and importance of questioning the ontological coherence and pre-
‘human-dominated’ landscapes in the Anthro- eminence of the organism as the foundational
pocene, offering ‘countryside biogeographies’ unit for explanation and analysis. Drawing on
(Daily et al., 2001) comprising ‘novel ecosys- Deleuze and Guattari’s (1987) concept of the
tems’ (Hobbs et al., 2006). As Daily et al. rhizome it challenges prevalent modes of
(2001: 2) put it, ‘from both purely academic and thinking configured around bounded interacting
practical perspectives, ecologists should be able bodies and offers ecologies characterized by
to say more than ‘‘weedy’’ about the biota that flows above, through and below the level of the
may survive human impacts’. organism. For example, geographers have
These relational ontologies challenge the pri- developed microbial and biochemical ontolo-
vileged place of the human subject in accounts gies of ‘interdependence’ (Smith et al., 2007)
of environmental change. For example, in her to explore the ‘corporeal generosity’ (Diprose,

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596 Progress in Human Geography 36(5)

2002) of organic bodies living ‘in the midst of standing interest in non-equilibrium, complex-
things’ (Bingham, 2006) – ranging from asbes- ity and uncertainty across the physical and life
tos (Gregson et al., 2010) to anti-depressants sciences (e.g. De Landa, 2002). In ecology and
(McCormack, 2007). Nigel Clark (2011) has biogeography, ideas of nature in balance have
documented the ‘radical asymmetry’ of geolo- long been challenged by non-equilibrium ecol-
gical processes and their extended and volatile ogy (see Zimmerer, 2000, for a review), charac-
consequences for social life. Strands of this work terized by forms and processes with multiple
resonate with Margulis’ radical theory of sym- and often divergent trajectories, where single
biogenesis, which traces the ‘extreme genetic events can have significant and unforeseeable
fluidity’ of bacteria and their promiscuous capa- consequences. This is evidenced in conserva-
cities to ‘merge transiently or permanently with tion biology in recent work on landscape fluid-
larger organisms’ (Margulis and Sagan, 2007: ity or ‘the ebb and flow of different organisms
31), challenging biologies fixed on beings that within a landscape through time’ (Manning et
are ‘big-like-us’ (Hird, 2009) and accounts of al., 2009: 193). Emerging in the context of a
evolution through genealogical filiation. growing awareness of ecological adaptation to
This focus on fluidity offers new ways of climate change, this work eschews models of
thinking about time. Here geographers have linear succession and categorizations of stable
sought to develop Henri Bergson’s critique of climax communities to argue that landscapes
linear, cyclical, reversible and orderly temporal- are forever ‘chasing moving targets’ (p. 194)
ities to offer a range of concepts that affirm the and do not stand still. We can find surprising
creative, non-linear, irreversible and open- resonances of Massey’s critique of unilinear and
ended nature of time (Massey, 2005). This declensionist models of environmental change
approach provides a theory of time without lin- in recent work in conservation biogeography.
ear trajectories of either acceleration or decay For example, Whittaker et al. (2005) criticize
from a premodern to a modern epoch. Instead the tendency to divide environmental history
appeals are made for a pluralistic understanding into two distinct periods as ‘simplistic’, while
of time that is open to its multiple rhythms, Kathy Willis and other palaeoecologists have
events and trajectories over different scales been doing important work tracing the complex
depicting a world composed of a multiplicity and persistent signatures of past human activi-
of forces and trajectories with the potential for ties in conservation territories popularly figured
differentiation. The coming into being of as pristine (Willis and Birks, 2006).
humans and non-humans involves immanent These interdisciplinary approaches to form,
processes, not the revelation of universal and agency and time have important implications
transcendent forms (Kearns, 2003). These mul- for thinking space. Long regarded as the fixed
tinatural approaches offer a world of difference, and inert backdrop to the world-changing
whose forms and trajectories cannot be known dynamics of time, the two are increasingly
in advance. Drawing on Deleuze’s (1994: 222) being rethought in conjunction as spatiality; the
proposal that ‘difference is not diversity. Diver- material nexus of history and an active constitu-
sity is given. Difference is that by which the ent of political ecological processes (Massey,
given is given’, the focus shifts from the diversity 2005). Here there is a growing interest in the
of essential, existing beings to the processes of networked, fluid and rhizomatic spatialities that
becoming – among non-humans, as well at the result from diverse human and non-human
interface of people and wildlife (Lulka, 2009b). ethologies and mobilities (Murdoch, 2006). For
As several authors have noted, this concern example, recent explorations of urban wildlife
for immanence resonates with the long- and invasive species have sought to circumvent

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modern geographies of Nature that efface non- inadvertent domestication, disciplining and
human life from urban areas or map it to extermination of difference (Crosby, 2004).
national territories. Instead this work challenges Dissenting voices have begun to question this
the utility of distinctions like alien-native spe- account and explore the possibility that the
cies (Warren, 2007) or wild-domestic (Cassidy forms and relations emerging in the New Pan-
and Mullin, 2007), acknowledging the more- gaea might be more differentiated. Here ecolo-
than-human spatialities performed by people, gical globalization might also act as a tool for
plants and animals in ‘living cities’ (Hinchliffe differentiation producing cosmopolitan hybrids
and Whatmore, 2006) and global networks and nurturing threatened natives (Davis et al.,
(Clark, 2002). Accounts of these lively spatial- 2011). This debate centres on the location and
ities are strongly influenced by Deleuze’s con- nature of the difference being compared and the
cept of assemblages, which offers a flat scale at which the comparison takes place (Sax
ontology of human and non-human entities and Gaines, 2003).
whose connections and dynamics spatialize and
order the world (Marston et al., 2005). Similar III Multinatural sciences and
networked and fluid spatialities also characterize
recent work in conservation biogeography and
restoration ecology that anticipates the non- In his recent work on multinaturalism and the
human mobilities that will accompany ecological Anthropocene, Latour (2004, 2010) notes how
adaptations to climate change. For example, these immanent, hybrid and discordant ontolo-
work on ‘ecological networks’ (Jongman et al., gies pose a series of crises to modern science-
2004), ‘landscape permeability’ (Singleton politics relations. He identifies a shared and
et al., 2002), ‘assisted migration’ (Hewitt et al., growing appreciation across strands of the
2011) and ‘landscape fluidity’ (Manning et al., social and the ecological sciences of the defi-
2009) challenge fixed territories for biodiversity. ciencies of modern natural science and the polit-
Deploying similar spatial registers, environ- ical settlement that it has engendered where
mental historians and biogeographers have scientists speak for Nature; providing facts and
begun to trace how the connections and space- politics speaks for society, which must adapt to
time compression associated with vectors of the facts. Instead, as Bingham and Hinchliffe
globalization have enabled the proliferation of explain:
‘global swarmers’ (Bright, 1998). This collec-
Things are a little different now. Nature . . . seems
tion of cosmopolitan flora and fauna has to have stopped working so well. It no longer offers
opened up a ‘New Pangaea’ (Rosenzweig, a stable category to which objects can be intuitively
2001) through a networked biogeography that allocated . . . It is neither a source of smooth facts
effaces continental boundaries, links isolated which seem to speak for themselves . . . nor an
island biogeographies and reorganizes the unchanging ground on which one might rely. Nature
conditions in which life has and will evolve. For does not form a rallying site where an agreeable col-
lective might be formed . . . or serve as an external
some conservation biologists the Anthropocene
arbiter which could speed matters along past due
is also a ‘homogecene’ (Olden, 2006) in which process. (Bingham and Hinchliffe, 2008: 83)
ecological globalization creates a ‘global
anthropogenic blender’ resulting in the ‘conver- When Nature was conceived as pure, singular
gence’ of emerging novel ecosystems and the and in balance, conservation biology could be
erasure of established forms of genetic, species guided towards and audited by a set of transcen-
and habitat diversity. Here the biopolitical story dent archetypes – species, habitats, ecosystems,
of human history is one of the systematic and etc. The authenticity or truth of a landscape

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could be objectively measured by its divergence and economies (e.g. Lulka, 2009a; Miele,
from a fixed form, which provided the bench- 2011). For those of a more ecological orienta-
mark for (sometimes autocratic) conservation tion, multinaturalism redefines Foucault’s con-
management (Adams, 2003). As several critics cept of biopolitics as experimental processes
have observed, non-equilibrium political ecology of living with non-human difference in which
with biodiversity as a multiplicity of immanent diverse and uncertain non-human agencies
and discordant harmonies poses far-reaching threaten and are threatened by particular,
challenges to this model of conservation (Botkin, contemporary human activities (Buller, 2008;
1990; Sullivan and Homewood, forthcoming). Hinchliffe and Bingham, 2008; Holloway et
Faced with the end of Nature, geographers al., 2009). Work at the interface of STS, envi-
have avoided popular tendencies to retreat or ronmental ethics and more-than-human geogra-
remodernize. Instead, figures like Bingham and phy has become increasingly normative in
Hinchliffe have joined Latour and a collection advocating modes of relating (Bingham,
of scholars looking to develop multinatural 2008). Building from detailed ethnographic
alternatives. Among this group there is a grow- investigations, it traces the ‘ontological politics’
ing sense that it is not analytically, ecologically (Mol, 1999) through which the flux of more-
or politically sufficient just to identify hybrid- than-human life comes to be realized as biodi-
ity, relationality and vitality (Braun, 2008; versity and documents and proposes alternative
Whatmore, 2002). The important practical and modes of relating that do not make recourse to
theoretical questions that are posed by the end Nature. As I will discuss in more detail below,
of Nature are also epistemological and political. this normative turn differs markedly from
When one can no longer make recourse to long-standing concerns for justice in the politi-
Nature, what forms and trajectories of differ- cal ecology of nature conservation.
ence matter? Who decides? On what grounds? For example, Haraway draws on the work of
And through what processes? Attempts to ecofeminist philosophers like Chris Cuomo
answer these questions can be differentiated (1998) and Val Plumwood (2002) to propose
by their theoretical commitments and empirical an ethos of ‘flourishing’ to guide human-
foci, offering concepts and methods that span wildlife relations. Cuomo modifies Aristotle’s
the lab and field sciences, in the global North transcendent, humanist model of flourishing to
and South. propose a more-than-human account that val-
In relation to biodiversity, important strands ues the immanent tendencies and affective
of work in the social and natural sciences build force – or what she terms the ‘dynamic charm’
from a vital materialist ontology to propose (Cuomo, 1998: 71) of individual non-humans
political ecologies that are sensitive to non- and the aggregates they compose. Haraway
human difference – and the multiple ways in (2008) reframes dynamic charm as a sense of
which it might evolve and be governed. This ‘response-ability’, which describes both an
pluralizing of the forms, spaces and times for ability to adapt to and resist change and the
biodiversities is interwoven with a critical ways in which such adaptations draw others
assessment of the epistemological and political into a relationship. The neovitalism and con-
techniques through which they are made present cern for affect in appeals for flourishing are
and disputed. For animal geographers this shift echoed in recent work by geographers advocat-
towards a vital ontology redistributes political ing ‘lively biogeographies’ (Lorimer, 2010a),
agency beyond the human subject (Hobson, ‘convivial’ politics toward wildlife (Hinchliffe
2007) to recognize the lived experiences of ani- and Whatmore, 2006) and an ethics of ‘move-
mals living in close proximity to human spaces ment’ and ‘extension’ (Lulka, 2004, 2008) in

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nature conservation. Enthusiasms for inventive I review some of the important contributions
life can be detected (in more tempered form) of this work for developing multinatural
in appeals for a ‘careful’ political ecology sciences and politics for biodiversity conserva-
(Hinchliffe, 2008), ‘emplaced ecologies’ of tion in the Anthropocene.
‘responsive cohesion’ (Sullivan, 2010), and rela- In its popular theoretical definition, biodiver-
tionships of ‘friendship’ (Bingham, 2006) and sity is global and panoptic, comprising ‘the
‘accommodation’ (Barker, 2008) in human- variability among living organisms from all
plant-insect relationships. In contrast, Clark and sources’, including ‘diversity within species,
Morton document far less exuberant and affirma- between species and of ecosystems’ (Anon,
tive modes of relating in their discussions of the 1992). However, conservation in practice
‘dark ecologies’ (Morton, 2007) and ‘radical requires accessible ontological units for cutting
asymmetries’ (Clark, 2011) of lethal and volatile up the flux of biological diversity. As Maclaurin
non-human processes, while Yusoff (2009, and Sterelny (2008) detail, there are multiple
2010), in her work on the ‘political aesthetics’ ways of making such cuts – as genotype, as spe-
of climate change and biodiversity loss, reflects cies, as phenotype, as ecosystem, as ecological
on the potential of a sensibility of mourning for functions, for example. Some of these seem
making sense of and acting in the face of intuitive but none is essential. Maximizing
extinction. some is detrimental to others. The same is true
This is a rich and variegated field of research for the classification of biogeographical areas
and there are important differences between the (Whittaker et al., 2005). Ethnographic work by
modes of relating proposed to date. These dif- multinatural political ecologists has produced
ferences are driven in part by the natures of the a series of critical investigations of the ontologi-
entities and relations being described, the distri- cal politics through which certain actors deploy
bution of agencies within the assemblages in such units to ‘make Nature present’ (Hinchliffe,
which they are encountered and the anticipated 2008).
consequences to privileged human and non- Here science in general and conservation in
human actors of letting them run their course. particular are presented not as disembodied and
They are also configured by the differing philo- dispassionate observation but as a skilled, affec-
sophers deployed – from the exuberance of tive and multisensory ecology of practices
Deleuze to the catastrophism of Bataille. None- in which scientists and those they study
theless, there are important similarities that can ‘learn to be affected’ in lab and field encoun-
be identified; namely, their shared commit- ters (Lorimer, 2008). This involves multisen-
ments to: (1) an inhabited world of porous and sory, bodily knowledges described as modes
affective bodies connected by rhizomatic of ‘atunement’ (Wylie, 2005). This approach
assemblages; (2) an immanent, indeterminable draws attention to the assemblages of tech-
future, haunted by the past; (3) active experi- nologies, texts, institutions, classifications
mentation and anticipatory interventions that and standards required by scientists to make mul-
(to differing degrees) seek to take responsibility tiple natures present (Bowker, 2000; Robbins,
for the future; (4) an epistemological pluralism 2001). Drawing on complementary work in
underpinning a knowledge politics comprising non-representational theory (Thrift, 2007), these
multiple forms of human and non-human exper- ethnographic inquiries display a growing willing-
tise; and (5) a methodological commitment to ness to consider the affective energies of conser-
ethnographic inquiry; including the emerging vationists. Here rationality is figured not as the
field of multispecies ethnography (Kirksey and absence of emotional engagement (the disembo-
Helmreich, 2010). In the sections that follow died mind triumphing over the unruly body), but

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as one particular ‘affective logic’ (Carter and stages in a teleology of ecological succession,
McCormack, 2006) that guides human/non- forgetting that ‘species are the result of biogeo-
human interactions. This work draws attention graphic, ecological and evolutionary processes,
to the wide array of emotions fundamental to sci- not the stages of them’ (Ansell-Pearson, 1999:
entific practice, including joy, enchantment, 165). These problems are well known and much
anger, love, hope and fear (to name but a few) debated among conservationists (see, for exam-
(Cousins et al., 2009; Lorimer, 2010c; Milton, ple, Wilson, 1992).
2002). Empirical accounts have begun to map In the context of such uncertainty as to what
their implications for the scope and conduct of nature is and what it might become, the idea of
biodiversity conservation (Lorimer, 2006, 2009). experimentation is currently receiving a great
Interest then turns to what happens when deal of attention among social scientists
such knowledges become performative – antici- (e.g. Latour, 2011), including those concerned
pating and ordering the worlds they purport to with biodiversity. For example, in his work on
represent. As a ‘crisis discipline’ conservation ecological restoration Matthias Gross (2003,
biology has largely been concerned with pre- 2010a) offers an experimental epistemology
venting the extinction of accessible forms of dif- that need not make recourse to the certainties
ference. For historical and pragmatic reasons of Nature. Drawing on Rheinberger (1997), he
biodiversity conservation has focused on extant defines an experiment as ‘a trial or a venture
populations of species, especially wild, rare spe- into the unknown’ (Gross, 2010a: 4) and argues
cies. Cutting up biodiversity as species offers that ‘what makes the physical, technical and
conservationists several advantages. Species procedural basis for an experiment work is that
provide accessible units for disaggregation, it is deliberately arranged to generate surprises’
identification and classification – especially of (p. 5). Through his fieldwork in Germany and
popular groups of plants and animals. They can the USA, he presents modes of ‘real-world
be named, monitored and subjected to accounta- experimentation’ for political ecology charac-
ble management action plans. Species also pro- terized by the ‘proceduralisation of contin-
vide intuitive, charismatic icons for fundraising gency’ (Gross, 2010b: 69). Similar
and campaigning. However, from the perspec- experimental epistemologies are presented by
tive of a biogeography concerned for non- Hinchliffe and Whatmore (2006) in their work
human difference, there is a host of problems on vernacular urban ecologies in the UK and
associated with choreographing conservation by Kezia Barker (2008) in her explorations of
this way. The species concept does not work the management of invasive species in New
well with the majority of less charismatic organ- Zealand.
isms that are not easily individuated. A species Developing this experimental ethos to
ontology can lead to a ‘typological essentialism’ address the practices of anticipation in environ-
(Ansell-Pearson, 1999) that subsumes the dif- mental governance, Braun (2007) and Hin-
ferences of individuals to the identity of the spe- chliffe (2008) both welcome ‘speculative’ and
cies and renders them equivalent. This is ‘future-invocative’ forms of biopolitics that do
especially problematic when species and habi- not foreclose inventive life. These modes of
tats are understood as fungible units in emerging biopolitics depart from the practices associated
markets for biodiversity offsets and trading. with traditional nature conservation. Indeed
Conservation focused on existing species (and Braun goes so far as to argue that:
habitats) risks ‘rendering the present eternal’
(Bowker, 2005), fixing biodiversity as the col- to the extent that socio-nature names an open rather
lection of existing beings, or reducing them to than a closed field, eco-politics must be orientated

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not towards conservation, since the world never delivering action plan targets for species popu-
holds still, but to the possibilities and consequences lations and habitat integrity.
of a ‘new earth’ and a ‘new humanity’ that is still to These new, experimental modes of conserva-
come. (Braun, 2006: 219)
tion demand new political tools for deciding
Taken this way, and excusing the rather binary among multiple biodiversities or multinatural
future offered, biodiversity conservation futures. Conservation biology is an archetypal
becomes something of a contradiction in terms, ‘postnormal’ discipline, operating in situations
the implicit normativity being an admonishment of ‘crisis’ with high levels of uncertainty and
of actions that constrain the lively potential of dependent on an ‘extended peer community’
evolving ecologies. This reading would perhaps many of whom are not scientific experts (Fran-
be unfair and, elsewhere, Braun (2008) cautions cis and Goodman, 2010). Accordingly, there is a
against any naive celebration of vital powers well-established recognition among conserva-
and fluidity. I will return to this theme in more tionists of the importance of ‘public engage-
detail below. ment’ and ‘citizen science’ (Robertson and
These experimental epistemologies and asso- Hull, 2001) – at least when these citizens and
ciated modes of biopolitics echo shifts in the publics are White and western. Much of this
discourse of conservation biology as the disci- endeavour has adhered to a ‘deficit model’ of
pline adapts to the uncertainties associated with public engagement – people need a ‘knowledge
climate change and the Anthropocene more transfer’ of more of the right information –
generally. Sutherland (2002) has described a rather than starting from the pluralist positions
growing ‘openness’ in conservation manage- outlined above (Irwin, 1995; Wynne, 1991).
ment, while Wain (2004) welcomes a shift from However, there is some evidence of good prac-
‘recovery’ to ‘discovery’ conservation. There is tice from within the copious (and increasingly
a growing sense that the Anthropocene repre- critical) literatures on ‘community-based con-
sents one global, accidental (and poorly servation’ (Brosius et al., 2005). On a basic
designed experiment) and that, on a more local level, this work resonates with a nascent but
scale, novel ecosystems could represent ‘ideal growing sense among conservation biogeogra-
natural experiments’ (Marris, 2009: 451) for phers that ‘values matter’ (Trudgill, 2001) and
tracking ecological adaptation to anthropogenic that multiple modes of conservation are possible
change. This enthusiasm for experimental and (Whittaker et al., 2005). On a more fundamental
emergent futures, rather than past archetypes, level, anthropologists like Tim Ingold, Hugh
is displayed most spectacularly in the growing Raffles and Phillip Descola have explored the
ambition of ecological restoration and the import and potential of indigenous ecologies
wider enthusiasm for ‘rewilding’ (Fraser, in diverse non-western contexts, deploying their
2009; Marris, 2011). In parts of North America concepts from vitalist philosophy to sense and
and western Europe, conservationists advocate promote various animist ecologies (see Descola,
and implement the (re)introduction of keystone 1994; Ingold, 2011; Raffles, 2002; Sullivan,
herbivores and their predators to catalyse ecolo- 2010).
gical processes and create diverse and resilient Meanwhile a rich and heterogeneous collec-
landscapes. Although these make discursive ref- tion of techniques has emerged in geography
erence to past epochs they are often geared and science studies for opening up the scientific
towards anticipating emergent futures (Lorimer knowledge controversies that increasingly char-
and Driessen, 2012). This shift poses fundamen- acterize our multinatural condition. These
tal problems to the audit culture of contempo- include mechanisms for interdisciplinary and
rary conservation which is configured around artistic collaboration, public engagement and

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the redistribution of expertise (for reviews, see 2004) – including a growing body of research
Davies and Dwyer, 2008; Dwyer and Davies, on neoliberal biodiversity conservation (e.g.
2010). For example, Gross draws on Latour to Brockington and Duffy, 2011; Igoe and Brock-
present deliberative methods for ecological ington, 2007). It is beyond the scope of this
restoration cast as ‘public experiments’. These paper to provide a comprehensive review of this
take place within an ‘experimental cycle’ that work or to fully explore its diverse ontological,
involves: epistemological and political contrasts and
intersections with multinaturalism. Instead, in
The continual renegotiation of the course of the
this final section I want to pick out three themes
experiment among heterogeneous actors, including
nature as an actor; the inclusion of potentially all cit-
that flag both the risks and the potential contri-
izens as active co-designers and co-researchers; bution of a multinatural approach to wider
and, finally, a process in which surprising events efforts to develop a political ecology for the
. . . are processed in such a way that they lead to Anthropocene. These relate to questions of
new knowledge. (Gross, 2010b: 69) immanence, justice and affect.
The first connecting theme relates to the risks
The epistemological pluralism at the heart of
of advocating on behalf of fluidity, immanence
this model connects with concepts and tech-
and non-equilibrium in nature conservation. For
niques developed in work by: Burgess et al.
a range of critics – both on the left and on the
(2007) in the experiments with ‘deliberative
right – the ecological irrationalities and contra-
mapping’; Ellis and Waterton (2004) in their
dictory character of neoliberal capitalism relate
work on ‘amateurs as experts’ in biological
to a significant degree to the fluidity of rapa-
recording; and Stengers’ experimental metho-
cious mobile capital and the transformative
dology of the ‘competency group’, as developed
logics of market fungibility. For a group of con-
by Whatmore and co-researchers to provide
servative critics the fluid dynamics of global
deliberative approaches to flood-risk modelling
capitalism are out of sync with traditional soci-
(Lane et al., 2011; Whatmore, 2009). Many of
eties and associated harmonious forms of
these authors acknowledge that thinking about
human-environment relations (e.g. McKibben,
affect and emotion is vital for the success of
1990). The environmental historian Donald
such public experiments.
Worster (1995) notes the political convenience
of a fluid ecology of non-equilibrium for capi-
IV Multinatural biogeography and talist destruction; in the same volume that emi-
capitalist ecology nent conservation biologist Michael Soule
(Soule and Lease, 1995) asserts that some forms
For a range of theoretical and disciplinary rea-
of poststructuralist philosophy are as ecologi-
sons this emerging literature on multinaturalism
cally damaging as chainsaws.
has had very little to say about political econ-
In contrast, political ecologists on the left see
omy and the relationships between the shifts it
the potential of non-equilibrium ecology for
identifies and the ascendance of neoliberal
challenging colonial and capitalist state science
capitalism. As a consequence there has been
and authority. For example, Sullivan and Home-
remarkably limited interchange between the
wood argue that:
approaches reviewed above and the vibrant
body of critical work in geography, anthropol- Non-equilibrium ideas demote the expert, superior
ogy and elsewhere on capitalist ecology and positioning of the scientist by emphasising
the neoliberalization of environmentalism (e.g. unknowability in terms of predicting the behaviour
Castree, 2008a, 2008b; McCarthy and Prudham, of complex systems. They create problems for

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conservationists wishing to clear (purify) land- 2008). Such critiques of the capture and
scapes of people and livestock in order to return commodification of inventive life are echoed
these spaces to a desired, imagined original undis- in critical work examining efforts to promote
turbed state of nature. And by emphasizing the sig-
bioprospecting and markets in ecosystem
nificance of local and historical contexts and
knowledges they affirm devolved land use and services as the solution for biodiversity loss
management as the most appropriate match (e.g. Hayden, 2003). While this research is not
between people and environment, thus reducing primarily concerned with the ecological conse-
the legitimacy of state-centric, expert-led, top- quences of such schemes, it challenges the
down policy and planning. (Sullivan and Home- destruction of non-rational kinship systems and
wood, forthcoming: 15) the universalizing of western notions of prop-
erty rights associated with their implementa-
However, for other eco-Marxist critics of capi- tion, noting the likely and actual unequal
talist ecology and the neoliberalization of con- distributions of their benefits (see Castree,
servation, the pervasive mantra that in order to 2003, for a review).
save nature we have to privatize and sell it Such critiques sound important words of cau-
(McAfee, 1999) is grounded in an ontology that tion to the more ebullient celebrations of fluid
transforms biodiversity into fungible non- ecologies among neovitalist multinatural geo-
human equivalents ready for market exchange graphers and free-market environmentalists.
over unprecedented spatiotemporal scales. A They highlight the need to attend to the charac-
fluid political ecology without equilibrium is ter and operations of rhizomatic political alli-
ideal for a capitalist Anthropocene to be gov- ances and the likely beneficiaries of moves to
erned by expanding markets in biodiversity and release particular natures from fixed ontologies.
carbon offsets (Bumpus and Liverman, 2008). They argue that it may be necessary to shore up
Further critical work that draws Deleuze into boundaries and territories when it is clear that
conservation with Marx and other critical scho- important time-deepened biodiversities will be
lars has cautioned against the co-option of non- erased. This is not a novel insight. Deleuze and
human immanence and invention by new forms Guattari cautioned that one should ‘never
of biopower associated with capitalist modes of believe that a smooth space will suffice to save
biotechnology, including those geared towards us’ (1987: 551) and the growing body of geogra-
conservation. For example, in reflecting on the phical work on biosecurity demonstrates that
speculation upon and exploitation of novelty order, forms and fixities are all necessary for
and innovation by pharmaceutical companies, vibrant inhabited ecologies (e.g. Braun, 2007).
Mikulak notes an emergent ‘rhizomatics of A multinatural approach to biodiversity would
domination’ in which new scientific practices guide environmental governance through this
provide ‘inroads for corporations to claim own- fixity-fluidity continuum by stressing that what
ership of life by setting a precedent for bioengi- matters are not actual, existing extensive differ-
neering in the very heart of evolution, and ences (species, genes, habitats, etc) but the het-
thereby naturalizing a deeply colonial and para- erogeneity of intensive differences that are
sitic relationship’ (Mikulak, 2007: no page). generative of them. Organisms, species, genes
Kaushik Sunder Rajan and Melinda Cooper cri- and habitats offer a redoubt – strategic essenti-
tique the biopolitics of the neoliberal life alisms in the face of destructive fluidity – but
sciences in similar ways, documenting unequal we should not let them fix the generative
political economics for profiteering from the processes that give inhabited ecologies their
generative potential of ‘biocapital’ (Sunder resilience, vitality and health (see Seastedt
Rajan, 2006) and ‘life as surplus’ (Cooper, et al., 2008, for a discussion of similar thinking

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in conservation biology on the management of the human subject as the sole vessel of agency
‘novel ecosystems’). and ethical status. Early radical appeals for gen-
The second connecting theme relates to con- eralized symmetry in approaches like actor-
cerns for social and distributive justice, which network theory (Latour, 2005) flattened out
have been at the centre of work on the political ontological differences reducing all humans and
ecology of nature conservation in the global non-humans to ‘actants’ on a single plane.
South (e.g. Duffy, 2010; Zerner, 2000). This Recent work acknowledges consistent material
research takes conservation biology and modes differences between groups of agents, including
of market-based and neocolonial conservation ‘specific human competencies’ (Thrift, 2007),
to task for their tendency to blame powerless but argues that these are relational achieve-
local people for ecological change and to insti- ments, not essential properties (Whatmore,
gate or support unjust regimes of ‘fortress con- 2002). More-than-human approaches acknowl-
servation’ (Brockington, 2002). While such edge that these competencies and their associ-
concerns are not inimical to the multinatural ated affective responses can be shared
politics outlined above, the term ‘justice’ does between similar organisms (Davies, 2010;
not feature prominently in their political lexi- Greenhough and Roe, 2011). However, they can
con. There are a number of reasons for this, be differentiated from recent appeals for ‘ani-
which I want to detail here, before reflecting mal justice’ in critical animal studies which
on the risks and benefits associated with giving grounds its appeals for animal rights on the
up on this term. Concerns for justice in conser- comparable existence of essential human char-
vation are grounded in political philosophies acteristics in non-humans (e.g. Twine, 2010) –
that place the human subject at the centre of extending the franchise to certain privileged
claims for political status and develop general, others. In contrast, through their ethnographic
rational, rights-based frameworks to guide work, multinatural geographers advocate
political and economic action towards Nature context-specific forms of posthumanist ethical
understood as resources. Frequently, appeals for and political responsibility that emphasize
justice were employed by political ecologists to respect for the radical alterity and unpredictabil-
counter claims for natural limits or to challenge ity of organisms, their ecologies and the multi-
a perceived anti-humanism among conservation ple constituencies who have a stake in their
biologists advocating solely on behalf of Nature conduct (e.g. Hinchliffe et al., 2005; Lorimer,
or Wilderness (e.g. Guha, 1989). Work on 2010a).
capitalist ecology in general and on justice in The risks and drawbacks of this approach are
conservation specifically thus has had little to numerous when seen from the perspective of
say about non-human agencies or human justice that is familiar to political ecology.
responsibilities towards non-human forms. More-than-human approaches deploy political
This point has been made most clearly in a categories alien to the hard-fought taxonomies
recent review article in this journal by Karen of modern legislation and representation –
Bakker (2010). Bakker encouraged political including human rights. Appeals for flourishing
ecologists concerned with neoliberalism to and conviviality are vague and context-specific.
engage with relational approaches to human/ They do not offer general ethical frameworks or
non-human interactions, noting that this overarching structural causes. Furthermore,
engagement would challenge the centrality of existing work has tended towards affirmative
‘distributive justice’ in political ecology. As I relations and has yet to focus on examples in
outlined above, the more-than-human philoso- which the interested parties – human and non-
phies at the heart of multinaturalism decentre human – are engaged in lethal and antagonistic

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relations in which any solution will significantly investigations of the tractability of the different
comprise the welfare of one or other party entities to be traded in emerging environmental
(though see Beisel, 2010). In such situations the markets – from carbon molecules to wetland
utility of general principles of humanist justice acres – or explorations of the affective and
are clear. Further empirical and theoretical work libidinal economies of ecotourism, advertising
is required to draw more-than-human work and fund-raising (Besio et al., 2008; Cloke and
together, to map and compare relations and to Perkins, 2005; Lorimer, 2010b). Nigel Thrift
reflect upon the possibility of general frame- (2005) has argued for some time that all such
works for multinatural environmental politics. activities emerge from skilful, embodied and
Anthropologists like Anna Tsing (2005) have emotional entanglements between people and
been leading the way in this regard developing non-humans in which the material and aesthetic
critical immanent ecologies that map the properties of organisms and their ecologies
‘frictions’ where the globalizing knowledges influence the emergent patterns of regulation,
of biodiversity rub up against non-western science and political economy.
alternatives. As Dan Brockington and others are discover-
The third point to make relates to the previ- ing in their ongoing work on celebrity and
ous. More-than-humanist approaches to conser- ‘spectacular environmentalisms’,2 affect mat-
vation also differ from those concerned with ters in propelling and configuring the global
rational human justice in their willingness to political economies and geographies of environ-
consider the political and economic significance mental and developmental concern (Boykoff
of embodiment, affect and non-human agencies. and Goodman, 2009; Brockington, 2009; Good-
These dimensions have not concerned political man, 2010). These are shaped less by a rational
ecologists to date but, as Bakker predicts in her evaluation of the rights of fellow humans and
review article, existing work on the neoliberali- more by mediated passions for charismatic
zation of nature has much to gain from ‘integrat- icons, the fickle fashions of celebrity and the
ing the multiple dimensions of neoliberalization subtle strategizing of big international NGOs
– affective, libidinal, and cultural, as well as and their corporate partners. These investiga-
political, ecological, and economic’ (Bakker, tions of affect – including the careful construc-
2010: 3) to map the patterns and causes of var- tion of emotional responses to iconic
ious ‘actually existing neoliberalisms’. The representatives of a pristine wild Nature – are
techniques and insights developed by multina- significantly enhancing political ecologists’
turalists in their detailed ethnographic work abilities to comprehend and engage with the
would help political ecologists ground their political present. Recent work in more-than-
investigations of resource use by tracing the dif- human geography informed by the work of
ference that non-human difference makes to the political philosophers like William Connolly
ways in which neoliberal conservation and other (2002, 2008) and Jane Bennett (2001) offers
modes of environmental governance take shape. great potential to take this critical engagement
For example, recent work on non-human char- further. Echoing work by feminist geographers
isma (Lorimer, 2007), chthonic volatility Gibson-Graham (2006), it argues that engaging
(Clark, 2011) and environmental knowledge in with affect offers potential modes of ‘affirma-
practice (e.g. Hayes-Conroy and Martin, 2010; tive critique’ that present new styles for addres-
Roe, 2006) could help develop recent efforts sing powerful modalities of environmental
by political ecologists to attend to the material- politics. This offers a different tone for political
ities of natural resources (Bakker and Bridge, ecology that is less certain (and dogmatic) about
2006; Boyd et al., 2001). This might include what bodies in multiplicities are and will

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become (Hinchliffe and Whatmore, 2006). This multinatural conservation after the failure of
approach is hopeful of the role of affect in Nagoya. However, the case studies reviewed
heralding new political futures, guided by ‘a and the discussion of key substantive themes
conviction that in any given situation more is give some sense of what this might comprise.
needed than critique if (certain) events are to Conservation inherits complex assemblages of
be tended to and cultivated’ (Anderson and theories, technologies, laws, territories and
Harrison, 2010: 23). In turn this more-than- practices from past eras with different politics
human work would benefit significantly from and ecologies. Such assemblages change gradu-
the sophisticated understandings developed by ally, but they are increasingly anachronistic to
political ecologists of the political and regula- the challenges of the warming globalized
tory contexts in and against which such affirma- Anthropocene. National and supranational gov-
tive styles must be founded and deployed. ernments and non-governmental organizations
are currently appraising and adapting their bio-
diversity regulations, practices and estates. In
V Conclusions making this fresh start the multinatural
The diagnosis of the Anthropocene and the pub- approach reviewed here would suggest that it
lic death of the modern understanding of Nature is imperative to look to the future as well as the
that it represents constituted an important junc- past, to appreciate that multiple biodiversities
ture for environmental geography. This paper could emerge from different political and ecolo-
builds on the discipline’s distinguished history gical scenarios and to plan accordingly. Targets,
of critically engaging the politics of Nature. It icons and action plans are necessary, but they
has sought to review recent work in geography should give scope for non-human dynamics,
and cognate disciplines advocating for a multi- multispecies deliberation and experimentation
natural or more-than-human approach that need and forms of adaptive management.
not make recourse to Nature. Focusing on biodi- Geography as a discipline – and biogeography
versity conservation, it has drawn this work into as an intradisciplinary interface – is especially
conversation with recent thinking in both the well placed for engaging with conservation and
life sciences and political ecology to summarize environmentalism in the Anthropocene. In spite
a new approach for thinking about conservation of their epistemological, cultural and institutional
specifically and environmental politics more differences, there are some important conver-
generally. In different ways this approach seeks gences at the contemporary juncture in the dispa-
to rescue biodiversity from the tyranny of rate efforts of social and natural scientists to
Nature and to pluralize and animate conserva- write about the more-than-human character of
tion as a political ecology for a multiplicity of the world. Whether is about territory and time,
biodiversities. The paper identifies and cau- life and difference or knowledge and politics –
tiously promotes a vital materialist ontology biogeographers of different styles have much to
that helps link recent work in the social and eco- gain from collaboration. A biogeography that
logical sciences. It provides elements of a com- need not make recourse to Nature would offer
mon conceptual vocabulary for considering the important critical resources for addressing pre-
forms, dynamics, spaces and agencies caught up eminent hot topics in biodiversity conservation,
in debates over biodiversity in the including climate change, invasive species and
Anthropocene. land-use change, to give but a few examples. In
It has been beyond the scope of this paper to developing such a biogeography there are fertile
translate these general principles into a compre- grounds for constructive engagement between
hensive set of instructions for practical emerging multinatural approaches and the rich

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