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 Plan whether exercises will be passive, active-assistive, or active.
 Involve the patient in planning the program of exercises and other activities because
he/she will be more apt to do the exercises voluntarily.
 Find out whether a movement is contraindicated for any joint.
 Become familiar with the resident’s diagnoses, abilities, and limitations.
 Use good body mechanics for yourself and the resident. Elevate the bed to a
comfortable working height.
 Expect the patient’s heart rate and respiratory rate to increase during exercise.

 Goniometers
 Posture analyzes
 inclinometers


1. Silently recite a prayer for the
success of the procedure.
2. Explain the procedure to the Helps to relieves anxiety and allows patient to
client. participate more actively.
3. Provide privacy. To provide comfort to the patient.
4. Wash hands. Reduces transfer of microorganisms
5. Place patient on a supine position.
6. Perform the following passive Prepares client prior to the procedure (ROM)
range of motion exercises.
6.1 Rotation of the neck To improve movement of the pivotal joint and
strengthen muscles such as sternomastoid and
6.2 Flexion, extension, and Flexion: To improve movement of the pivotal
hyperextension of the neck joint and strengthen muscle tone such as
Extension: To improve movement of the pivotal
joint and strengthen muscles such as trapezius.
Hyperextension: To improve movement of the
pivotal joint and strengthen muscle such as

6.3 Internal and external rotation Internal rotation: To improve movement of the
of the shoulders. ball and socket joints and strengthen muscles
such as pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres
major, subscapularis
External rotation: To improve movement of the
ball and socket joints and strengthen muscles
such as infraspinatus, teres major and deltoid
6.4 Shoulder flexion and extension Flexion: To improve movement of the ball and
of the shoulders socket joints and strengthen muscles such as
coracobrachialis, biceps branchial, deltoid,
pectoralis major
Extension: To improve movement of the ball
and socket joints and strengthen muscles such
as Latissimus dorsi, teres major, triceps brachii
6.5 Internal and external rotation Internal rotation: To improve movement of the
of the shoulders ball and socket joints and strengthen muscles
such as the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi,
teres major and subscapularis
External rotation: To improve movement of the
ball and socket joints and strengthen muscles
such as the infraspinatus, teres major and
6.6 Flexion and extension of the Flexion: To improve movement of the hinge
elbows joint and strengthen muscle tone like the biceps
brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis
Extension: To improve movement of the hinge
joint and strengthen muscles like the triceps
6.8 Flexion and extension of Flexion: To improve movement of the condyloid
fingers and wrist and condyloid hinge joint and strengthen
muscles like the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi
radialis, lumbricals, interosseus volaris, and
interosseus dorsalis.
Extension: To improve movement of the
condyloid and condyloid hinge joint and
strengthen muscles like the extensor carpi
radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus,
extensor carpi ulnaris extensor carpi radialis
brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor
carpi ulnaris (wrist), flexor carpi radialis,
extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi
radialis longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor
carpi ulnaris Extensor digiti quinti proprius
6.9 Flexion and extension of the Flexion: To improve movement of the saddle
thumb joint and strengthen muscles like the flexor
pollicis brevis
Extension: To improve movement of the saddle
joint and strengthen muscles like the extensor
pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis
6.10 Hip and knee flexion and Flexion: To improve movement of the ball
extension socket and hinge joint and strengthen muscles
like the psoas major, iliacus and sartorius
Extension: To improve movement of the ball
socket and hinge joint and strengthen muscles
like the gluteus maximus, semitendinosus and
6.11 Hip abduction and adduction Abduction: To improve movement of the ball
and socket joint and strengthen muscles like the
gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
Adduction: To improve movement of the ball
and socket joint and strengthen muscles like the
adductor longus, adductor brevis and adductor
6.12 Hip rotation Circumduction: To improve movement of the
ball and socket joint and strengthen muscles like
the psoas major, gluteus maximus, gluteus
medius and adductor magnus
6.13 Dorsiflexion and plantar Dorsiflexion: To improve movement of the
flexion of ankles hinge joint and strengthen muscles like the
tibialis anterior
Plantar flexion: To improve movement of the
hinge joint and strengthen muscles like the
gastrocnemius and soleus.
6.14 Inversion and eversion of the Inversion: To improve movement of the hinge
ankles joint and strengthen muscles like the tibialis
anterior, tibialis posterior
Eversion: To improve movement of the hinge
joint and strengthen muscles like the peroneus
longus, peroneus brevis.
6.15 Toe flexion and extension Flexion: To improve movement of the condyloid
joint and strengthen muscles like the flexor
digitorum, lumbricalis pedis, flexor hallucis
Extension: To improve movement of the
condyloid joint and strengthen muscles like the
extensor digitorum longus, extensor digitorum
brevis, extensor hallucis longus.
7. Record any mobility problems Determine effectiveness of ROM.
8. Document the procedure. To evaluate the procedure.

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