Product Secrets-Min

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Hey there,

My name is Devin Zander and I’m the CEO here at Skup.

I’m so stoked you downloaded this Product Secrets eBook! Inside, you’ll find a sneak peek overview

of the first module in our 4-day $50k/Day Print on Demand Workshop…

More specifically, how we manage to find winning concepts and turn them into highly coveted

designs for our P.O.D. Store that’s currently generating $80,000.00 per day in revenue. And the best

part is that our product research and creation methods are easily replicable and don’t require

expensive software or hours of your time. So you can conduct this anywhere, at any time - as long as

you have a computer and access to wifi.

Now that I have you here, let me tell you a little bit about myself and my company, Skup. Our mission

is to provide you with everything you need to quickly start, grow and scale your eCommerce business

to 6-figures…

We offer tools and training that can transform your online store into a multimillion-dollar business. My

business partner, Matt Schmitt has owned and operated a massively successful print on demand store

for the past 6 years.

In that time he’s taken his eCommerce store from $0 in sales to over $17,000,000.000.

$8,800,000.000 of which was done this year alone.

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His strategies lay the foundation for all of the courses we teach…

So you’re not only getting up to date methodologies, but proven to win approaches for owning,

operating, and scaling a wildly successful eCommerce store.

So, enough about me, Matt, and our company…

Let’s get you started on learning the critical first step to running your successful online store - finding

the right products for your hungry buyers audience!

Devin Zander

Devin Zander Matt Schmitt

CEO Skup Chief Content Officer

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What Makes a Passion Product
The key to finding success with your print on demand store isn’t the most up to date ad strategy… It’s

not about having all of the elements to build a market-dominating brand…

It’s not even about your business at all. It’s about having the right product for your audience. The type

of product that stops them dead in their tracks, evenscrambling to pull their credit card out.
The passion product.
The passion product. These types of products are based around peoples hobbies, occupations,

beliefs, and infatuations.

These types Thebased
of products are thingsaround
that get them excited
peoples in life…
hobbies, Get them
occupations, out of
beliefs, bed
and in the
mornings… Make them genuinely happy. Those are the passions we build our products around and

deliver to our
The things thathungry buyer’s
get them audience
excited in life…

Get them out of bed in the mornings…

The Best Passion Product to Offer
Make them genuinely happy
Although you can print your design on virtually any object you can think of. Such as shoes, pants,

canvases, mugs, hats, coasters, etc… You really shouldn’t go crazy with a design unless you know the
Those are the passions we build our products around and deliver to our hungry buyer’s audience
concept works. And as we cover in our 4-day workshop…

There are particular concepts and designs that work best on particular products. For instance… A

design that works well on a mug might not work so well on a canvas print. So, what’s the best product

to slap your designs on when you’re starting out and trying to validate your designs?

T-shirts. We’ve been selling t-shirts for the past 8 years. And one thing we’ve noticed is that people

will always buy more t-shirts, even if their closet if filled with them. Think about it…

When you go on vacation, what's the #1 thing you bring back home? Typically a t-shirt. When people

go to a concert and they want to remember the experience… What do they buy? A band or festival

tee. Why do you think large corporate restaurants like Dick’s Last Resort or Hooters sell t-shirts?

Because people want to buy and wear them. People love to broadcast their message for the world to

see, and the best medium aside from social media, is to wear their message on their sleeve.

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Product Research & Design
Ground Zero, Starting With Your Niche
When it comes to finding concepts and designs to sell, it’s best to start looking within the niche

you’re already familiar with. However, it’s important to discern the difference between a niche and a

category… A niche market is a segment of a larger market that can be defined by its own unique

needs, preferences, or identity that makes it different from the market at large. Whereas the market at

large is the category the niche is in.

For example, sellers always think they’re in the cat or dog niche… Both of those are too broad to be

its own niche… Typically you have to ‘niche-down’ or dive deeper into the specifics of each niche.

Finding a particular cat or dog breed is more suitable for a niche. Ideally, you want to refine your

options to a list of five niches. And don’t worry if you don’t have your niche picked out yet… Here’s an

exercise to start brainstorming and finding niches that will actually bring you sales.

Make a list for the following points:

Think of your passions - what do you spend your time and money on?

Think of your best friends and family - what do they spend time and money on?

Think of people you follow on social media - what do they spend time and money on, what’s
something they’re ALWAYS talking about?

Take your time to go through each of these. And of course, it’s always best to start with the niches

you and those closest to you are passionate about. It will be significantly easier to understand your

avatar (which we’ll get to in just a moment) as well as what designs will sell best.

Do Preliminary Research In The Niche

In order to start your design process and product creation you need to find out who your audience is

and what they even like.

In order to successfully conduct your research, you must answer these 3 questions:

What’s your customer demographic (age, gender, geographical location, education level, marital
status, household income, occupation and hobbies)?

What lingo and jargon do your ideal customers use?

What inside jokes are in your customer’s community/niche?

Peek inside of online forums such as Reddit or Quora to get a good inside look into your customer’s

conversation. Understanding who your true customer is will give you a leg up over the competition…

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Because I guarantee that your competitors aren’t investing any time into finding out who their

customers are. Which means that you’ll be able to leverage the information you find. Because let’s

face it… it’s easy to see what sells well. However, finding a popular design isn’t going to lead you to

success. You need to understand the WHY behind what’s selling, the reason people rush to buy


That will be the secret behind your success

Product research tools

Now that you have a good idea of who your customer is, how they speak, and what they’re truly

passionate about… You can get started on product research - finding proven to sell concepts and

making designs! The biggest misconception when it comes to finding products to sell is that it needs

to be difficult… Or that you MUST have software that costs hundreds of dollars each month.

It’s not true… honestly. All you need is a web browser and decent internet connection, and your

product research shouldn’t take you more than a couple of hours each week. However, before you

dive straight into your product research, there’s one thing that you must keep top-of-mind…

Your customer. Before putting a design on your pipeline, you need to make sure it’s something your

audience will actually want to purchase. So keep your preliminary research close by and always check

it against ideas you find on the following sites.

Product Research Site #1: Etsy

Etsy is probably your best bet on the list for finding top-selling designs as well as jumping inside of

your niche. One pro-tip that never fails us is to head to Etsy’s home page and click inside the search


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Automatically, a list of popular items that are being searched for and SOLD in real-time appears.

Alternatively… You could just type your niche + shirt into the search bar and see what populates

in the results. Sort by relevancy, top customer reviews, or simply check out the advertised listings to

see which ones are selling the most. And yes, sellers on Etsy are able to run adverts on the platform,

and typically, the sellers that are able to run ads are performing the best

Additionally, go through the listings of the products you select to view, typically the ones that catch

your eye or meet your customer preference criteria, and read the reviews. This will give you an inside

look of what your target demographic says about the product or design, which you can not only use

to validate the concept itself, but also use in your own marketing.

Product Research Site #2: Pinterest

Our second go-to product research tool is Pinterest. However, on this platform, you typically find

concepts for designs before they’re printed on apparel. It gives you a leg up to find funny quotes or

concepts to design that no one else is selling yet. One of the easiest ways to find these designs are to

search for ‘niche + funny meme’ in the search bar.

Product Research Site #3: Teespring

For this tool, we’re heading back to our roots… We actually got started in eCommerce through

Teespring 12 years ago, and we’re still seeing popular designs being sold today that were popular

back then!

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Just goes to show that winning concepts will always be relevant to your niche. Once again, head to

the search bar and type in your niche. This will populate products and concepts so you can see what’s

working for other sellers. If you see a recurring theme this means that it works and is selling. And

don’t get discouraged if there’s a bunch of people selling the same concept... The increased

competition doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be harder to sell the product - there’s hundreds of

thousands of designs you can create for a single concept. Your uniqueness and insight to your niche

will win you your sales.

Product Research Site #4: Gearbubble

Another site to find great concepts and designs that are selling right now is Gearbubble. You can

find top-selling products as well as ideas for concepts to expand out of t-shirts. This will come in

handy during session 3 of the 4-day workshop - consistently turning $20 into $100 with powerful

upsells and cross-sells.

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Tying It All Together…
I know you may think that this is just a very simple overview into what goes into our product research

and design. But honestly, it’s this dang simple. We don’t rely on tens of hours of research time each

week… Or expensive designers to bring our concepts to life… We use easy to access websites to find

concept ideas and designs our customers want to buy.

And keep in mind, this is just a small portion of the training we cover in just the FIRST module of our
And keep in mind, this is just a small portion of the training we cover in just the FIRST module of our
4-day $50k/Day P.O.D. Workshop.
4-day $50k/Day P.O.D. Workshop

Additionally, Matt and I will show you:

How to start selling products your proud of and your customers love;

How to create custom products & designs that annihilate the competition;

How to find loyal audiences that are devoted to your brand & products;

Our secrets to 2X revenue through ninja-like sales strategies.

You’re also getting worksheets alongside each module to fill out so you’re actively working to create a

better plan for your future. We’re not just throwing a bunch of information your way and hoping for

the best. By the end of the 4 days, you’ll have everything you’ll need to launch and scale a massively

successful online business. Take Mikey, for example, before he started our 4-day workshop his store

was hardly making any sales. The only people buying from him were family and friends.

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Within 10 days he was able to make $500 in sales …

And just another 2 weeks after that, he was able to add an extra $3,100 in sales. Effectively 7X his

revenue in just 1 month after taking our workshop and implementing our strategies… Brandon was

able to generate $1,000.00 within 10 days of taking the 4-day workshop and implementing our


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Sean was able to finally make a sale on his store the moment he tweaked his strategies to match our


And Michael was able to hit $10,000.00 in sales within 2 weeks of implementing our print on demand


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There’s no goal too big to reach for with our systems in place.

We’ve created the four part workshop where you can learn our exact methods we’ve used to

generate $8.8 million in sales in the first 8 months of 2020 with our Print On Demand store.

As well as generate millions in revenue for hundreds of our students.

So if
if you’re
you’re ready
ready to
to take
take the
the first
first few
few steps
steps to
to permanently
permanently alter
alter your
your life
life and
and follow
follow the
the path
path to

Click here to invest in our 4-day $50k/Day P.O.D. Workshop

We’re backing it with our 14-day no questions asked money-back guarantee.

So you literally have nothing to lose. But so much to gain.

Click here to invest in our 4-day $50k/Day P.O.D. Workshop

I look forward to seeing you inside the members area!

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689 Central Ave Suite 150, Saint Petersburg, Florida, Fl 33701

© Skup. All rights reserved.

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