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Shah et al.

/ J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 489

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics)

ISSN 1869-1951 (Print); ISSN 1869-196X (Online);


Unicast routing protocols for urban vehicular networks:

review, taxonomy, and open research issues∗
Syed Adeel Ali SHAH, Muhammad SHIRAZ, Mostofa Kamal NASIR, Rafidah Binti MD NOOR
(Mobile Ad Hoc Technology Lab, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia)
Received Nov. 21, 2013; Revision accepted Mar. 6, 2014; Crosschecked June 16, 2014

Abstract: Over the past few years, numerous traffic safety applications have been developed using vehicular
ad hoc networks (VANETs). These applications represent public interest and require network-wide dissemination
techniques. On the other hand, certain non-safety applications do not require network-wide dissemination techniques.
Such applications can be characterized by their individual interest between two vehicles that are geographically
apart. In the existing literature, several proposals of unicast protocols exist that can be used for these non-safety
applications. Among the proposals, unicast protocols for city scenarios are considered to be most challenging.
This implies that in city scenarios unicast protocols show minimal persistence towards highly dynamic vehicular
characteristics, including mobility, road structure, and physical environment. Unlike other studies, this review is
motivated by the diversity of vehicular characteristics and difficulty of unicast protocol adaption in city scenarios.
The review starts with the categorization of unicast protocols for city scenarios according to their requirement for a
predefined unicast path. Then, properties of typical city roads are discussed, which helps to explore limitations in
efficient unicast communication. Through an exhaustive literature review, we propose a thematic taxonomy based
on different aspects of unicast protocol operation. It is followed by a review of selected unicast protocols for city
scenarios that reveal their fundamental characteristics. Several significant parameters from the taxonomy are used to
qualitatively compare the reviewed protocols. Qualitative comparison also includes critical investigation of distinct
approaches taken by researchers in experimental protocol evaluation. As an outcome of this review, we point out
open research issues in unicast routing.

Key words: Unicast protocols, Taxonomy, Protocol review, Vehicular ad hoc networks, Geographic routing
doi:10.1631/jzus.C1300332 Document code: A CLC number: TN929.5

1 Introduction (GPS). In addition, on-board units (OBUs) enable

vehicles to perform spontaneous wireless communi-
A growing number of vehicles and technologi- cation by using a technology called wireless access
cal developments in wireless communications have for vehicular environment (WAVE) (Uzcategui and
transformed vehicles on roads into a distributed com- Acosta-Marum, 2009). This perspective represents a
munication system referred to as the vehicular ad distributed network in which a vehicle can commu-
hoc network (VANET). Contemporary vehicles have nicate with a peer vehicle or a roadside unit (RSU)
ample storage, power resources, and access to loca- for a range of telematics applications.
tion services such as the Global Positioning System
Applications for VANETs are divided into two
Project supported by the High Impact Research, Univer- categories: safety and non-safety (Chu and Huang,
sity of Malaya and Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia
2007; Schoch et al., 2008; Papadimitratos et al., 2009;

c Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 Hossain et al., 2010; Martinez et al., 2010; Shevade
490 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

et al., 2010; Zhou et al., 2011; Ahmed et al., 2013). sity which translates into better connectivity. How-
The key motivation for VANETs comes from the ever, connectivity is inconsistent; that is, it can
safety of passengers while traveling on roads. Safety be defined by vehicular density during peak hours,
applications are represented by public interest that stoppages at traffic signals, and vehicle slowdowns
aims to address a diverse set of problems. For in- caused by speed limits. Thus, urban roads exhibit
stance, safety alerts about obstacles on roads, ab- a higher degree of connectivity than highways and
normal road conditions, vehicle collision avoidance, are suitable for applications that require unicast
and adaptive cruise control can significantly improve communications.
passenger safety by avoiding potential hazzards on Unicast communications in urban scenarios face
roads (Willke et al., 2009). This implies that infor- communication challenges owing to the unique prop-
mation related to public interest requires network- erties of vehicular networks. Specifically, these chal-
wide dissemination techniques owing to a common lenges originate from inconsistent mobility patterns
objective shared among all vehicles (Chen et al., (Schoch et al., 2008), communication infrastructure,
2010; Hall, 2011; Felice et al., 2012; Panichpapiboon and physical infrastructure (Wisitpongphan et al.,
and Pattara-atikom, 2012). On the other hand, non- 2007; Schmidt et al., 2009). Unicast protocols for ur-
safety applications are motivated by the comfort of ban scenarios adapt various techniques to overcome
passengers while commuting. Non-safety applica- such challenges. In recent years, a number of unicast
tions are represented by the individual interest of protocols have been proposed for urban scenarios to
particular vehicles and RSUs involved in communi- provide robust communications. To provide an ini-
cation. For instance, accessing Internet on highway tial classification, we categorize these protocols into
requires communication between a particular vehicle two main groups (Fig. 1). The two groups employ
and RSU acting as an access point. Similarly, other path-dependent and path-independent routing ap-
applications representing individual interest include proaches, respectively.
multi-player gaming (Tonguz and Boban, 2010) and These two groups of approaches differ in their
live video streaming using point-to-point (P2P) links methods of unicast path selection and subsequent
(to name a few, Chu and Huang (2007) and Zhou data forwarding.
et al. (2011)). This implies that information related In path-dependent approaches, a unicast path
to individual interest requires services of unicast pro- that connects the sending and receiving vehicles is
tocols for particular vehicles involved in communica- established. Path establishment is a process of iden-
tion, which serves as the focal point of this review. tifying a unicast link which contains a sequence of
The key communication requirements for non- vehicles or a sequence of intersections. This pro-
safety applications include network connectivity and cess involves the acquisition of network information
long-lasting links for effective transmission. Unlike through an exchange of control messages, available
highways, urban roads have higher vehicular den- location services, or both. Path selection is followed

Unicast routing approaches

Path-dependent Path-independent

Real-information assisted Infrastructure-assisted GPSRj+



Fig. 1 Initial unicast protocol classification showing two major groups of routing approaches
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 491

by one-hop relay vehicle selection. Subsequently, Table 1 List of acronyms

packets are sent to relays within the unicast path. Acronym Description
Thus, the transmission packet carries information
VANET Vehicular ad hoc network
about the destination vehicle and the identified uni- GPS Global Positioning System
cast path. OBU On-board unit
In path-independent approaches, a vehicle does WAVE Wireless access for vehicular environments
ITS Intelligent transportation services
not need a connected path between the sending and RSU Road side unit
receiving vehicles. Unicast transmission is based on V2V Vehicle to vehicle
the local topology information of a vehicle, which is MANET Mobile ad hoc network
acquired through one-hop neighbor discovery. In ad- OSI Open system interconnection
RA Routing approach
dition, the source needs destination location through PO Probing objective
location services, such as in Li et al. (2000), Käse- RcA Recovery approach
mann et al. (2002), and Kieß et al. (2004). In other RS Relay selection
ND/PD Neighbor discovery/Path discovery
words, path-independent approaches have a one-step
CLRT Control load reducing technique
process that includes only relay selection; thus, a UMB Urban multi-hop broadcast
packet sent through this type of approach includes PGB Preferred group broadcast
only destination location. Fig. 1 shows the unicast TTL Time to live
PS Probing scope
protocol classification and the corresponding unicast
RMT Route metric type
protocols reviewed in the current study. PG Probing granularity
Previous studies reviewed different protocol FO Forwarding objective
paradigms or classified protocols as position-based G-active Global active
G-passive Global passive
and topology-based (Bernsen and Manivannan, RTS/CTS Request to send/Clear to send
2009; Fonseca and Vazão, 2013). The current study PDR Packet delivery ratio
aims to present a qualitative review of unicast pro- E2ED End-to-end delay
tocols in urban scenarios with emphasis on the ap- ROv Routing overhead
POv Packet overhead
plicability of unicast protocols in urban scenarios. COv Control overhead
Table 1 lists all acronyms used in this review PL Path length
and their corresponding meanings. NT Network throughput
PLR Packet loss ratio
SL Storage load
2 Background
In this section, we discuss the urban scenario cal grid or a more realistic and less geometrical road
and its limiting factors in desirable communication. topology (Fig. 2). The latter can be acquired as
Then, we present corresponding requirements on a graph of real road topologies from digital maps
protocol design that can reduce limitations on ef- such as Bureau (
fective communication. Finally, relative to these re- data/data/tiger.html).
quirements, we discuss fundamental building blocks In addition to road organization, related charac-
of unicast protocols. teristics of unique mobility patterns and infrastruc-
ture act as limiting factors in effective communica-
2.1 Limitations on effective communication tion. Existing trends in protocol evaluation also re-
strict the true assessment of the strengths and weak-
Principles of unicast communication in VANETs
nesses of a proposed protocol. We identify these
are similar to those in mobile ad hoc networks
aspects as constraints (Table 2), and discuss their
(MANETs). Explicitly, both networks employ the
effects on unicast communication and evaluation.
multi-hop transmission strategy as a foundation for
useful communication. However, several factors 2.1.1 Mobility
complicate the applicability of the unicast protocol
in urban scenarios. Road organization in cities is de- A constraint group is defined by speed patterns
fined by connected road segments via intersections. and the number of possible routes for vehicles. Ve-
This organization can be illustrated as a geometri- hicular speed in the urban scenario is highly variable
492 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

100 m

(a) (b)

Fig. 2 Urban road organization as a 3 × 3 grid (a) and real road topology acquired through a digital map (b)

Table 2 Constraints in urban vehicular networks and properties and effects on communication
Constraint Property Effect
Mobility Speed patterns Short-lived links
Available routes Route selection with insufficient vehicles
Physical infrastructure Vehicular density Redundant links, sparse links
Obstacles Reduced network visibility, signal fading, hidden nodes
Communication infrastructure Wireless spectrum Contention, control overhead
Protocol evaluation Simulation platforms Communication assumptions, inconsistent protocol comparison

because of the presence of road segments, speed lim- sions at the receiving vehicle (Schmidt et al., 2009;
its, number of lanes, and traffic signs at intersections Jarupan and Ekici, 2011). Signal fading as a result
(Schoch et al., 2008). Therefore, effective link life- of obstacles is a related concern for communication.
time depends on the difference between the speed Fading can constrain transmission quality to the ex-
patterns of connected vehicles. For instance, vehicles tent that packets are dropped by the receiving vehicle
on the same lane or waiting at an intersection have (Schmidt et al., 2009).
minimal speed difference and therefore have good
2.1.3 Communication infrastructure
connectivity. Meanwhile, vehicles on opposite lanes
experience intermittent connectivity because of high The 5 GHz wireless spectrum imposes limi-
speed differences. Numerous possible travel routes tations on unicast communication (Wisitpongphan
are available for a vehicle in urban scenarios, and et al., 2007; Schmidt et al., 2009). Specifically, the
the connectivity on road segments differs from one shared and limited nature of a wireless spectrum
another given the varying number of vehicles. presents significant limitations during the phases of
path discovery and subsequent data forwarding. In
2.1.2 Physical infrastructure other words, during these phases, vehicles should ac-
quire channel resources before starting communica-
Physical infrastructure signifies vehicular den- tion. Under a growing number of active vehicles,
sity and obstacles that affect communication. Dur- contention for acquisition of wireless spectrum in-
ing rush hours, urban roads have high vehicular creases and causes a competitive communication en-
density with multiple links for communication. Al- vironment. Furthermore, mobility demands periodic
though multiple links provide useful link redundancy exchange of control messages for vehicles to maintain
for links that failed, vehicles may experience recep- an updated network view. These messages require
tion of multiple copies of the same data through consistent transmission and availability of a wireless
multiple links. Lack of vehicles causes sparse links, medium. These messages, called beacons, add to
which in turn halts communication temporarily or the control overhead and cause vehicles to have an
permanently. Moreover, obstacles between vehicles outdated view of network topology.
reduce network visibility to the point at which vehi-
2.1.4 Protocol evaluation
cles cannot detect one another. Hidden node prob-
lems commonly produce simultaneous transmissions Aside from presenting the aforementioned con-
from multiple senders, thereby causing packet colli- straints, Table 2 also lists protocol evaluation as a
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 493

constraint. Real-world VANET test bed deployment Table 3 Requirements for effective communication in
is costly (Martinez et al., 2011; Stanica et al., 2011). urban vehicular networks
Thus, new protocol proposals are evaluated using Constraint Requirements
different simulation platforms. Existing simulation Mobility Multi-hop communication strategy,
platforms have several models for macroscopic and robust link selection mechanisms,
microscopic mobility for real-time mobility patterns route/road segment awareness
Physical Loop mitigation techniques,
(Harri et al., 2009). Protocols are also evaluated infrastructure efficient recovery strategies,
in the presence of predefined communication mod- choice of location for link selection
els by simulating the communication behaviors at a Communication Channel contention provisioning,
particular open system interconnection (OSI) layer. infrastructure load reduction techniques
Protocol evaluation Real-time evaluation metrics,
Nevertheless, several underlying communication as- competing comparisons
sumptions are made for communication that cannot
be modeled as real. Evaluations of the strengths
other vehicles. Meanwhile, sparse links require seam-
and weaknesses of a proposed protocol are inappro-
less convergence techniques during communication
priate. Moreover, comparison of proposed protocols
to retain data until a new link is found. In addition,
with suitable candidate solutions is often neglected,
the improvement of network visibility choice of lo-
thereby hiding performance gains of a proposed pro-
cation for route calculation is significant. Protocols
tocol over its competitors. Section 5 describes the
typically choose to perform route selection at road
evaluation aspects of the proposed protocols. These
intersections to extend network visibility by encom-
effects show that certain necessary requirements are
passing other road segments.
imposed on the unicast protocol to reduce the effects
of limitations. We highlight these requirements in The alleviation of channel contention is chal-
the following. lenging during high communication activity, and pro-
tocols must have provisions for guaranteed availabil-
2.2 Requirements of unicast communication ity of wireless medium when needed. Protocols em-
in urban vehicular networks ploy different mechanisms, such as adaptive discov-
ery strategies based on the communication require-
Certain design requirements are used for effec- ments of vehicles, to reduce the control load during
tive communication in urban scenarios to reduce the exchange of periodic messages. Alternatively, cer-
related effects of constraints. These requirements tain protocols use vehicular density to adapt the fre-
are summarized in Table 3. The multi-hop com- quency of periodic messages.
munication strategy is the basic communication re-
Protocol evaluation demands real-time evalua-
quirement for ad hoc networks with mobility. In
tion that includes minimal communication assump-
addition, unicast protocols require robust link se-
tions and comparison with existing competing pro-
lection to account for short-lived links. Robustness
tocol solutions. Evaluation metrics and comparisons
can be defined based on different communication fac-
should relate to the objective functions of a proposed
tors, such as effective link lifetime or link communi-
protocol. Likewise, protocol comparisons should re-
cation delay. In addition, the inconsistent number
veal the strengths and weaknesses of a proposed pro-
of vehicles at different road segments requires strate-
tocol, as discussed in Section 5.
gies that can identify connectivity information before
These requirements indicate that fundamental
communication. Accordingly, unicast communica-
building blocks of unicast protocols are designed to
tion may use infrastructure support at intersections
reduce the effects of constraints. The next section
and request/response mechanisms.
describes these building blocks as unicast protocol
The loop mitigation technique in the presence
of redundant links is a major requirement to save
limited wireless resources. This technique involves 2.3 Unicast protocol operation in urban ve-
knowledge of available links and history of transmit- hicular networks
ted data. Related solutions may include preventing
transmission of a previously received packet or moni- The path-dependent approach comprises two
toring subsequent transmission of received data from processes: path selection and relay selection. The
494 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

path-independent approach has only one process of routing have been conducted (Bernsen and Manivan-
relay selection (Fig. 3). In the path-dependent ap- nan, 2009; Fonseca and Vazão, 2013). Some surveys
proach, route calculation is followed by a separate provided an overall examination of communication
relay selection mechanism. The two-step process paradigms, including unicast, multicast, and broad-
gradually reassesses the calculated route by select- cast (Li and Wang, 2007; Lee et al., 2009; Casteigts
ing and forwarding data one hop at a time. The et al., 2011; Taysi and Yavuz, 2012). In Bernsen
path-independent approach has an opportunistic ap- and Manivannan (2009), unicast protocols were com-
proach to transmitting data; that is, instead of using pared by using design objectives, characteristics, and
route calculation, it uses destination location and assumptions. A broad classification of unicast pro-
transmission proceeds by selecting and forwarding tocols was presented through a discussion of features
a relay at each hop. This one-step process avoids of geographic unicast, delay-tolerant unicast, and
the complexities of path calculation, which arguably quality of service unicast. The comparison also in-
lasts shorter than the required transmission time for cluded protocols for both urban and highway scenar-
data (Blum et al., 2004). ios. Based on such classification, several protocols
were critically analyzed with respect to independent
Path-dependent routing operations.
Path selection
selection Primitive
Primitive Fonseca and Vazão (2013) presented a feasibil-
Inference logic
functions ity study of unicast protocols for both urban and
Relay selection
selection Recovery
highway scenarios. The study highlighted the defin-
ing characteristics of both scenarios and classified
Relay selection
selection topology-based as well as position-based protocols.
Fig. 3 Probing, inference logic, and recovery as prim- The protocols were also compared on the basis of
itive functions of path selection and relay selection regular parameters, such as the strategy, overhead,
availability, resilience, and latency.
Three sub-processes referred to as primitive Unlike Bernsen and Manivannan (2009) and
functions can be associated with the two processes Fonseca and Vazão (2013), our study emphasizes the
described. These primitive functions include prob- applicability of unicast routing in urban scenarios.
ing, inference logic, and recovery (Fig. 3). Probing We discuss the significant properties of urban sce-
is the process of acquiring network state informa- narios and the corresponding limitations on commu-
tion. In path selection, probing exhibits a network- nication. Using an initial unicast protocol classifica-
wide scope that spans the vehicular network between tion, we present an extended taxonomy that classifies
the source and the destination. Meanwhile, in re- unicast protocols based on underlying protocol oper-
lay selection, probing has a local scope that includes ations. Unlike Fonseca and Vazão (2013), our study
neighbors within the transmission range of a vehi- includes only VANET-specific protocols, which are
cle. Inference logic is the local process that takes then reviewed based on routing approaches. For
place within a vehicle after probing. This process comparison, parameters from the taxonomy are used
estimates the probed network information in select- to analyze the similarities and deviations of reviewed
ing a unicast path or a single relay. Recovery is the protocols. We compare unicast protocols with one
process that handles communication interruptions. another based on existing trends in performance
Interruptions denote failure in an identified unicast evaluation. Potential research directions are also
path or the absence of a relay vehicle. Unicast proto- proposed based on the results.
cols for urban scenarios have various choices of prob-
ing, inference logic, and recovery mechanisms. We
3 Thematic taxonomy
use this background information to review existing
unicast protocols. In the literature, two major classification ap-
2.4 Related surveys proaches have been used for routing in VANETs.
The first classification approach, which includes
Despite extensive studies on communication topology- and position-based protocols, is based
protocols for VANETs, only a few surveys on unicast on the required information for routing (Bernsen
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 495

and Manivannan, 2009). The second classification sections for unicast link selection and communica-
approach, which includes proactive and reactive pro- tion. The path-independent approach does not have
tocols, uses the time of path calculation (Lee et al., sub-categories.
2009). In the current study, we use a different clas-
sification approach in which primitive functions of Sensing network characteristics before calculat-
routing approaches are used as baselines for clas- ing a route and selecting a relay node is an essential
sification. Such classification is important in eval- feature of path and relay selection. Features such
uating path-dependent and path-independent rout- as probing scope are relevant in this area. Prob-
ing approaches. In this section, we extend the ini- ing scope varies among different protocols; that is, it
tial classification of routing approaches into a the- can be trivial, offline, or real-time by nature. Prob-
matic taxonomy (Fig. 4). Then we review corre- ing objectives signify desired characteristics in uni-
sponding unicast protocols in each routing category cast paths. These objectives are opportunism, net-
and conduct a qualitative evaluation of the routing work connectivity, delay awareness, path stability,
approaches based on different evaluation metrics in and link stability. The path specifies a complete uni-
Section 4.6. cast path and the link specifies connection between
two adjacent vehicles.
3.1 Thematic taxonomy based on primitive Inference logic is a local method used by OBUs
functions of unicast routing to evaluate probed information for selecting a path
or relay. We classify inference logic as moving aver-
A thematic taxonomy based on primitive func- age, instantaneous, and probabilistic. The recovery
tions is important to identify the strengths and weak- approach refers to strategies for path and relay recov-
nesses of protocols in urban scenarios. This classi- ery during communication. Depending on the rout-
fication includes routing approaches (RAs), probing ing approach, the recovery approach can be of two
scope (PS), probing objective (PO), inference logic types, namely, end-to-end and en-route. Both types
(IL), recovery approach (RcA), and relay selection include further techniques for route convergence, as
(RS). Fig. 4 illustrates a path-dependent approach presented in Fig. 4.
with three sub-categories based on the nature of
required information and infrastructure. The real- The relay selection process lists mechanisms for
information-assisted approach uses real-time traf- selecting a forwarding vehicle within a calculated
fic and network information to estimate a unicast unicast path. A relay vehicle is selected by the send-
path. The offline-information-assisted approach uses ing vehicle (i.e., sender oriented) or by the receiver
information acquired through location services and (i.e., receiver oriented) when it elects itself. How-
digital maps for path calculation. Meanwhile, the ever, as Fig. 4 shows, the definition of a preferred
infrastructure-assisted approach uses RSUs at inter- relay varies.

Fig. 4 Thematic taxonomy of unicast protocols based on routing approaches and corresponding primitive
496 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

4 Protocol review the requirement of digital maps for route calculation

with values of ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
This section presents a review of unicast proto- The next section uses the classification of rout-
cols based on the identified routing approaches and ing approaches along with the communication fea-
their implications on protocol communication. The tures described for unicast protocol review.
specific communication features of protocols include
probing objectives (PO), neighbor discovery/path 4.2 Real-information-assisted approach
discovery (ND/PD), control load reducing technique
In the real-information-assisted approach, uni-
(CLRT), probed parameters, relay selection (RS),
cast protocols probe the vehicular network for real
and requirement of digital maps. Subsequently, im-
traffic and communication statistics. Probing for
plications on routing approaches are discussed and
real-time network information requires control mes-
an operational comparison is conducted based on
sages that flow from the source to the destination and
different metrics. Table 4 presents a qualitative sum-
vice versa. Subsequently, a unicast path that com-
mary of reviewed unicast routing protocols.
prises a sequence of distinct nodes or intersections is
4.1 Description of communication features for calculated.
unicast protocol review Based on a unicast proposal in Naumov and
Gross (2007), a path is established using real-time
In Table 4, the column named RA associates a information in urban vehicular networks. The ob-
protocol with the identified routing approach. The jective of path calculation is to identify a degree of
probing objective is the design motivation of probing connectivity among multiple available paths by using
the network to identify a unicast link or a relay. Ac- network layer request and response messages. Every
cordingly, probing can identify the status of network vehicle knows its one-hop neighbor through neigh-
connectivity, delay awareness of a unicast path, path bor discovery. A vehicle uses dynamic frequency for
stability information, link stability information, and neighbor discovery to reduce control message over-
opportunistic selection of relay nodes. head; that is, the frequency of control messages is
Neighbor discovery and path discovery denote adjusted in direct proportion to the vehicular den-
the frequency of neighbor discovery and the type sity of its neighbor. It has a reactive approach for
of path discovery, respectively. The adaptive value path discovery, which requires the protocol to estab-
of neighbor discovery specifies the dynamic rate of lish a path if needed. In addition, unlike flooding,
control messages with respect to network status, path discovery is performed through the preferred
whereas the periodic value specifies the consistent group broadcast mechanism (Naumov et al., 2006),
rate of control messages. Reactive path discovery which decreases the effects of spatial broadcast. Con-
indicates path calculation when data transmission trol messages record parameters, such as the velocity
is required. Similarly, in proactive PD, a path al- vectors, number of hops, and number of neighbors of
ready exists for an anticipated transmission. The each relay node. This information is used by the
control load reducing technique efficiently reduces destination to identify a path with degree of connec-
control overhead during neighbor and path discov- tivity. The identified path comprises distinct vehicles
ery by using the shared wireless spectrum. Possi- whose identifiers are subsequently sent to the source.
ble values include preferred group broadcast (PGB), To avoid recalculation of a complete route during
role-based multicast, periodic unicast, urban multi- route failure, the protocol uses the en-route recovery
hop broadcast (UMB), and pruning algorithms. A strategy through special nodes within the route. In
value of zero indicates the absence of the control en-route recovery, intermediate vehicles, known as
load reducing technique. The column ‘parameter’ guards, keep track of path changes. Accordingly, an
in Table 4 shows the network information acquired intermediate vehicle can alter the packet header with
during probing. The recovery approach denotes the a better path during transmission.
techniques used to recover from interruptions during A real-information-assisted approach with two
communication. ‘End-to-end’ denotes complete path variations in path discovery type, reactive and
recovery, whereas ‘en-route’ includes recovery tech- proactive, was presented in Nzouonta et al. (2009).
niques during transmission. Finally, ‘map’ signifies The reactive protocol aims to reduce control load
Table 4 Summary of unicast routing review based on thematic taxonomy
Protocol RA PO ND-PD CLRT Parameter(s) RcA Map
CAR (Naumov and Gross, 2007) RIA Network con- AR PGB (Naumov et al., Number of hops + average number En-route (guards) No
nectivity 2006) of neighbors + speed vector + path
RBVT-R (Nzouonta et al., 2009) RIA Network con- PR Role based multicast Number of intersections End-to-end (route update) No
nectivity (Briesemeister and
Hommel, 2000)
RBVT-P (Nzouonta et al., 2009) RIA Network con- PP Periodic unicast Number of intersections + speed En-route (carry and for- No
nectivity vector ward)
MOPR-OLSR (Menouar et al., 2007) RIA Path stability PP MPR (Jacquet et al., Speed vector None No
GeoSVR (Xiang et al., 2013) OIA Network con- PR Pruning Street width + number of intersec- En-route (carry and for- Yes
nectivity tions ward)
ACAR (Yang et al., 2008) OIA Network con- PR Pruning Traffic density + road topology + En-route (density collec- Yes
nectivity average speed tion)
A-STAR (Seet et al., 2004) OIA Network con- PR N/A Weighted city bus lines En-route (route updates) Yes
VADD (Zhao and Cao, 2008) OIA Delay aware- PR Pruning Vehicular density + expected delay En-route (carry and for- Yes
ness of road segment ward)
SADV (Ding and Xiao, 2010) IA Delay aware- PR None Waiting time + expected road seg- En-route (carry and for- Yes
ness ment delay ward + static storage)
LoP (Nicolas et al., 2009) IA Delay aware- PR None Link transportation time Unknown Yes
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron)

Gytar (Jerbi et al., 2006) IA Network con- PR None Vehicle density + curve metric En-route (carry and for- Yes
nectivity ward)
PROMPT (Jarupan and Ekici, 2010) IA Delay aware- PR UMB (Korkmaz et al., Inter-arrival rate + service time for unknown Yes
ness 2007) packets and batch
GPCR (Lochert et al., 2005) PI Opportunistic PR N/A Distance of relay from the inter- En-route (back track) No
GPSRj+ (Lee et al., 2007) PI Opportunistic PR N/A Coordinate comparison of intersec- En-route (back track) No
2014 15(7):489-513

tion node and its neighbors

CLWPR (Katsaros et al., 2011) PI Opportunistic PR N/A SNIR + frame error rate + offline En-route (carry and for- Yes
separation distance ward)
GPSR-L (Rao et al., 2008) PI Link stability PR N/A Transmission range + speed vector En-route (perimeter mode) No
RA: routing approach; PO: probing objective; ND-PD: neighbor discovery/path discovery; CLRT: control load reducing technique; RcA: recovery approach. RIA: real information
assisted; OIA: offline information assisted; IA: infrastructure assisted; PI: path independent. AR: adaptive-reactive; PR: periodic-reactive; PP: periodic-proactive. PGB: preferred
group broadcast; MPR: multi-point relay; UMB: urban multi-hop broadcast. SNIR: signal to noise plus interference ratio
498 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

during route discovery and the proactive protocol 4.3 Offline-information-assisted approach
aims to reduce path calculation time but incurs more
control load as a tradeoff. The reactive protocol The offline-information-assisted approach uses
broadcasts the network with control messages to- statistical information from digital maps and posi-
ward a destination. Intermediate nodes use a mul- tion services in making unicast path selection. The
ticast approach for rebroadcasting control messages; offline probed information specifies various traffic
that is, rebroadcast is employed as a function of the statistics and road conditions. Based on the off-
farthest node with highest priority. In addition, the line information, the associated control load reducing
TTL field is used to avoid continuous roaming in the technique indicates techniques to reduce the sample
network. Unlike calculating a path as a sequence size of digital maps, such as pruning. The choice of
of distinct vehicles (Naumov and Gross, 2007), the unicast path selection based on offline information
control messages of the TTL field record the path varies across different unicast protocols.
as a sequence of intersections. This approach avoids Xiang et al. (2013) proposed a reactive approach
the need of every vehicle for neighbor discovery and for path discovery using digital maps. This ap-
allows any vehicle to transfer data within the uni- proach depends on periodic network layer messages
cast path. In case of link failure, such an approach for neighbor discovery. Probing acquires road prop-
employs an end-to-end recovery strategy wherein an erties such as road width assigned in digital maps.
update is sent all the way from the source to the Probing uses a simple probabilistic assumption that
destination and vice versa. In the proactive version the width of a road is directly proportional to the
of this protocol, vehicles generate periodic control number of vehicles occupying the road. Therefore,
packets that traverse through road segments in a the objective of such a protocol is to find a connected
unicast fashion. In this manner, the packets record path. However, in a large urban network, probing
reachable road segments as a sequence of intersec- each road segment on a digital map is computation-
tions. Accordingly, topology information is made ally expensive (Zhao and Cao, 2008). Pruning is
available through broadcast to the neighbor vehicles. used to reduce the sample size of the map by crop-
The proactive version of this protocol assumes avail- ping a portion of map between the source and the
ability of a unicast path. Thus, its recovery strategy destination. The cropped portion includes the re-
is employed for relay selection, which is carry and duced number of potential paths. Then, Dijkstra’s
forward. algorithm is used to calculate a connected path that
is a sequence of intersections. This path contains a
Another protocol based on the optimized link minimum number of intersections with a maximum
state protocol (Jacquet et al., 2001) was presented number of wide road segments. If a relay is not found
in Menouar et al. (2007), where the end-to-end path during transmission, then the vehicle uses the carry-
was calculated using real-time information probing. and-forward recovery strategy until a suitable relay
The path comprises distinct vehicles that make up is found.
the most stable path. Path stability defines the ef- Yang et al. (2008) presented a probabilistic off-
fective lifetime of a unicast path for communication. line metric for a connected route. In path calcula-
The selection is based on periodic neighbor discovery tion, a digital map is probed for parameters such as
messages which are used to obtain the speed vector traffic density, average velocity, and the road topol-
information of neighbor vehicles. The sending ve- ogy between the source and the destination. Thus, a
hicle selects one of its neighbors (i.e., multi-point path with more vehicular density is considered equiv-
relay) for control data dissemination. However, un- alent to a vehicle with more neighbors. The qualified
like in Jacquet et al. (2001), the selection of relay path is subsequently added in the packet and sent to
is based on link lifetime; that is, each vehicle pe- the destination. This method also uses pruning to re-
riodically sends updates about its multi-point relay duce the possible number of unicast paths as well as
for neighbors to calculate a network topology view. an en-route recovery strategy to verify the traversed
Given proactive path discovery, the protocol consid- path at the destination; that is, each relay vehicle
ers a route to be always available and hence has no appends its neighbor density information into a data
recovery strategy. packet during transmission. At the destination, a
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 499

vehicle determines if the calculated path is consis- tal maps in vehicles, the protocol requires RSUs to
tent with the traversed path. If inconsistencies are be equipped with digital maps. RSUs at intersec-
found, the destination vehicle informs the source ve- tions proactively transmit control messages that are
hicle. relayed by vehicles until they reach the next RSU.
Seet et al. (2004) used a predefined weighted Meanwhile, vehicles use the reactive approach for
digital map based on a connectivity heuristic. On path calculation as well as information from RSUs
this map, the streets are marked to reflect the ex- to acquire information about a road segment. Path
istence of a city bus fleet. At the source, the map calculation employs the same probabilistic model as
is probed on demand to find the best possible path in Zhao and Cao (2008) to identify delays on a road
with road segments that contain more city bus lines. segment. However, the model is further extended
A packet is then sent to the destination using the with an expected waiting time that corresponds to
identified path. A connectivity heuristic based on the infrastructure. Adjacent RSUs in a road segment
bus fleet information is not accurate and a vehicle estimate average arrival time and vehicular density of
may encounter no neighbor vehicles to transmit the road segments based on offline information acquired
data. Therefore, in the absence of a relay vehicle, the from maps. At an intersection, a vehicle applies one
protocol uses the en-route mechanism as its recov- of the two possible recovery strategies; that is, in
ery approach. This approach restricts other vehicles the absence of a next hop, it carries the data along
from transmitting on the same unicast path when a or sends the data to a static node for storage. The
vehicle detects communication failure. model does not mention any mechanism for reducing
By contrast, offline information is used for de- control load.
lay aware routes in another protocol (Zhao and Cao, The delay aware protocol in Nicolas et al. (2009)
2008). A unicast path is selected by vehicles at in- uses delays of road segments by using adjacent RSU
tersections and not by the source vehicle within a communication. A vehicle requiring transmission
road segment. Unlike other protocols in this category performs routing after receiving latency information
(Yang et al., 2008; Xiang et al., 2013), this protocol of road segments from RSUs. As part of delay calcu-
uses dynamic selection of a road segment and avoids lation, every RSU uses network layer periodic mes-
the need for an end-to-end path. The probed in- sages, including transmission time. The messages
formation through digital maps represents vehicular traverse through multiple hops and are carried by ve-
density, length of road segments between two inter- hicles toward the next RSU. Upon receipt of the mes-
sections, and average velocity of the road segment. sages, the RSU calculates the difference between the
This information serves as a baseline for probabilistic transmit time and receive time, and then records the
estimation of delay of a road segment. The process is delay. Accordingly, downstream RSUs are updated
repeated at every intersection to choose the best road about the relative delay of each road segment. The
segment until successful delivery is achieved. The protocol does not explicitly specify any control load-
recovery strategy is based on the carry-and-forward reducing technique. Meanwhile, carry-and-forward
technique. is used as the recovery approach during interruption
of communication between RSUs.
4.4 Infrastructure-assisted approach
The infrastructure-assisted routing approach in
The infrastructure-assisted approach aims to Jerbi et al. (2006) assumes the presence of sensors at
deliver far-reaching network information to vehicles intersections and aims to identify a connected road
that require transmission. Pure vehicle-to-vehicle segment for unicast transmission. The sensors col-
(V2V) communication has limitations in transmis- lect the vehicular density of a road segment by us-
sion to a certain degree of hop counts. These limi- ing periodic control messages. These messages are
tations can be addressed by installing RSUs at the flooded and lack mechanisms to reduce control over-
intersections of urban roads. RSUs use either real- head. Such an approach also uses digital maps to
time or offline information for unicast paths. obtain the Euclidean distance from the source to
Path calculation in Ding and Xiao (2010) finds the destination. This measure provides a distance
a delay-aware unicast path using infrastructure sup- proximity, which is also known as the curve metric
port. Aside from the protocol requirement of digi- of a junction from the destination. As a result, a
500 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

unicast path denotes a junction with minimal dis- a relay vehicle that is closer to its destination and
tance toward the destination and subsequent road is traveling toward the direction of the destination.
segments with higher vehicular density. In the case The en-route recovery strategy is used in the ab-
of communication interruption, vehicles use carry- sence of a relay vehicle. This strategy requires a
and-forward as an en-route recovery strategy. vehicle to send the packet toward the previous inter-
Jarupan and Ekici (2010) proposed an infra- section to find an alternate road segment by taking
structure for unicast route delay estimation. This advantage of the presence of vehicles at the previous
protocol differs from the protocols used in Jerbi et al. intersection. Thus, this strategy initiates another
(2006), Nicolas et al. (2009), and Ding and Xiao opportunistic forwarding in a new direction.
(2010) for unicast path discovery. In this proto- Lee et al. (2007) presented a variant of oppor-
col, vehicles can perform path discovery within the tunistic forwarding in which relay vehicle selection
road segment. In other words, a vehicle on a street is improved. The protocol operation is the same
can calculate a unicast path without being close to as in Lochert et al. (2005), except that the role of
the intersection. This proposal also assumes wired a vehicle at an intersection is additive. The pe-
connectivity between the RSUs of adjacent road seg- riodic control message of every vehicle includes its
ments. RSUs use periodic messages to disseminate coordinates, direction, and distance information. A
delay aware information to other vehicles. These transmitting vehicle can avoid a relay vehicle at one-
messages also serve as means of probing network pa- hop distance by monitoring such information. If the
rameters, including node utilization during propaga- sending vehicle shares the transmission range of the
tion from one relay to another specified by packet neighbor of its one-hop relay vehicle, then the one-
arrival and service rates. The protocol uses the ap- hop relay is bypassed and data is sent to its neighbor.
proach presented in Korkmaz et al. (2007) to reduce This approach reduces the hop count within a trav-
control load. Before transmitting data, a vehicle eled path and therefore reduces transmission delays.
performs a lookup and puts the route in the packet This approach does not use the control load reducing
header. This protocol does not specify any recovery technique for periodic control messages. The recov-
strategy during transmission. ery strategy also uses the back-track mechanism by
sending the data back to the previous intersections,
4.5 Path-independent approach
as in Lochert et al. (2005).
Unicast protocols that use a path-independent A more recent routing protocol for opportunistic
approach for data transmission do not require prior forwarding was proposed by Katsaros et al. (2011).
knowledge of the end-to-end path. Such an approach This protocol aims to transmit data opportunisti-
aims to reduce the overhead of path discovery, the cally by monitoring link quality. A vehicle period-
lifetime of which is insignificant with respect to data ically monitors its link status and frame error rate
transmission time (Blum et al., 2004). As a result, status. The probed parameters also include digital
unicast routing protocols under this category use an maps, which are used to calculate the separation dis-
opportunistic approach to data forwarding. This ap- tance between the source and the destination on the
proach requires only position information of destina- real-time road topology. Besides the location infor-
tion and probing that is limited to one-hop neighbor mation, control messages are evaluated based on sig-
discovery. nal strength and frame error rates, making neighbor
Lochert et al. (2005) presented a classic uni- selection flexible by choosing a neighbor with better
cast routing protocol that requires trivial informa- signal strength and error rates. This protocol uses
tion about the position of a destination node. In the carry-and-forward mechanism as its recovery
urban scenarios, a decision about transmission di- approach.
rection at intersections is vital. This decision is per- The opportunistic approach in Rao et al. (2008)
formed by vehicles near an intersection. As part of aims to find link stability toward its relay vehicle.
probing, every vehicle sends periodic control mes- To achieve this transmission range of vehicles, the
sages that contain its location, direction, and dis- speed vector is probed during neighbor discovery.
tance from its destination. Upon receipt of data, This information is used to estimate the link lifetime
a vehicle at an intersection forwards the packet to between two neighbors. An extra timer is used to
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 501

represent the calculated lifetime. Moreover, a vehicle mechanisms. The probing of offline statistical infor-
reestablishes or removes the lifetime counter by ac- mation generates less overhead because of local prun-
quiring neighbor state information through periodic ing mechanism. Accordingly, overhead in the offline-
messages. The recovery approach is inherited from assisted approach has a moderate value. Similarly,
the protocol in Karp and Kung (2000), which uses the infrastructure-assisted approach has a moder-
perimeter mode in the case of a missing relay vehicle. ate overhead that corresponds to the awareness of
adjacent RSUs. The path-independent approach
4.6 Evaluation of routing approaches depends only on destination location information,
which results in low overhead.
Based on the protocol review, we identify sig-
Latency has one-to-one correspondence with
nificant characteristics that can be used to evalu-
overhead; that is, high overhead produces delays in
ate the performance of routing approaches. Metrics
path calculation, which results in transmission la-
for qualitative evaluation include overhead, latency,
tency from the source to the destination and vice
connectivity awareness, optimal route, and scalabil-
versa. Table 5 shows the values for latency.
ity (Table 5). The design of a routing approach
refers to the plan for executing unicast communi- Connectivity awareness is a significant require-
cation. It can be used as a metric to specify the ment in the unicast protocol. Successful communi-
degree of design complexity of a routing approach. cation depends on prior identification of connectivity
A high degree of complexity includes a design plan at a particular road segment, which is possible only
with comprehensive requirements of information ac- through real-time information probing by the source
quired for path selection and subsequent mechanisms vehicle or through infrastructure support. Offline in-
for data forwarding. In the real-information-assisted formation and path-independent approaches cannot
approach, a high degree of complexity corresponds to be used to assess connectivity on roads.
the routing procedures including request/response, Finding an optimal route for data transmission
relay selection, and control load reduction. Offline- is the primary goal of a routing approach. A guar-
information-assisted and infrastructure-assisted ap- anteed route is possible only through an end-to-end
proaches have moderate design complexity. In real-information-assisted approach. Offline informa-
the offline-information-assisted approach, compli- tion produces a probabilistic route because of inac-
cated request/response procedures are avoided by curacies in statistical data. Alternatively, infrastruc-
probing available offline data. Alternatively, the ture support has progressive optimal route identifi-
infrastructure-assisted approach requires vehicles to cation relative to the network view of RSUs limited
be aware of the infrastructure, which further sim- to adjacent RSUs. In other words, an optimal route
plifies the process of path calculation. The path- builds up gradually in terms of road segments dur-
independent approach has the least complexity be- ing transmission. For path-dependent approaches,
cause it does not require path calculation; that is, the concept of optimal route is opportunistic; that
its communication is completely dependent on local is, data might reach the destination in the presence
topology information and destination position. of sufficient connectivity.
Overhead indicates the load on a network or Finally, we define the scalability of routing ap-
the local load on vehicle during the path calculation proaches as upward (↑) and downward (↓). Upward
phase. The probing of real-time network informa- scalability indicates effective communication under
tion generates the highest overhead on a network an increasing number of active vehicles, whereas
because of the use of end-to-end request/response downward scalability indicates effective communi-

Table 5 Evaluation of routing approaches based on design and operational characteristics

Routing approach Design Overhead Latency Connectivity awareness Optimal route Scalability
Real information assisted Complex High High  Guaranteed ×
Offline information assisted Relatively simple Moderate Moderate × Probable ↑
Infrastructure assisted Relatively simple Moderate Moderate  Gradual ↑ and ↓
Path independent Simple Low Low × Opportunistic ↑
502 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

cation under low vehicular density with sparse (IL). The comparison is summarized in Table 6.
links. Real-information-assisted approaches are not
scalable (×) in both conditions; that is, control over- 5.1.1 Scope and accuracy
head grows under an increasing number of active
vehicles. In addition, route failures require new in- Scope and accuracy show the granularities of
stantiation of route discovery mechanism, which re- required network information as well as its accu-
sults in high cost of link convergence. Meanwhile, racy for unicast path discovery or one-hop relay ve-
route discovery is time consuming and may fail to hicle selection. We define it using probing scope
find a route for communication in sparse connectiv- parameter which has three possible values including
ity. Offline-information-assisted, path-independent, (1) local, (2) global, and (3) segment: (1) The lo-
and infrastructure-assisted approaches are upward cal attribute refers to position information acquired
scalable. Errors in offline statistical information through GPS and one-hop control messages. This
decrease with increasing vehicular density. For in- information is used by some protocols as the only
stance, in Xiang et al. (2013), the accuracy in associ- means of path selection (Lochert et al., 2005; Lee
ating higher road width with better connectivity in- et al., 2007; Rao et al., 2008; Katsaros et al., 2011).
creased with higher vehicular density on roads. Sim- The rest of the protocols use local information only
ilarly, in the path-independent approach, the success for relay selection within a road segment. (2) The
rate of opportunistic transmission increases in direct global (active/passive) attribute specifies that the
proportion to vehicular density. The infrastructure- source vehicle has complete knowledge of the road
assisted approach is downward scalable. In sparse topology. However, this information can be ac-
connectivity, vehicles can store data on an infrastruc- quired actively (G-active) or passively (G-passive).
ture to avoid faulty transmission on a suboptimal In the G-active approach, the source vehicle probes
route. Upon identification of an adequate vehicle, the network by using messages in the form of re-
RSUs transmit the stored data through an optimal quest and response, such as in Seet et al. (2004),
route. Menouar et al. (2007), Naumov and Gross (2007),
and Nzouonta et al. (2009). Additionally, in Jaru-
pan and Ekici (2010), the probing mechanism em-
5 Qualitative unicast protocol compar- ployed infrastructure so that the source did not have
ison to probe the complete network. The G-passive ap-
This section presents a qualitative comparison proach also requires complete topology information
of the reviewed unicast protocols from two aspects. of urban roads, but this information comes from dig-
First, we derive parameters from the taxonomy to ital maps and provides an approximation of instant
identify commonalities and deviations among the re- traffic and road characteristics (passive approach).
viewed protocols. Second, existing evaluation trends This approach strikes a tradeoff between the local
are explored as reference points to compare proto- approach (absent topology) and G-active approach
col evaluation metrics and the nature of competing (realistic topology). (3) The value of a segment sig-
comparisons of unicast protocols. nifies information related to a particular part of the
vehicular network. For instance, probing techniques
5.1 Protocol comparison based on derived pa- described in Jerbi et al. (2006), Nicolas et al. (2009),
rameters from thematic taxonomy and Ding and Xiao (2010) used information about
adjacent road segments by querying RSUs. A vehi-
We define different metrics including scope and cle at an intersection cannot accurately monitor the
accuracy, route metric consistency, implementation network information of a road segment. Therefore,
cost, forwarding efficiency, and the computational at every intersection, a vehicle dynamically selects
strategy, to assess the similarities and deviations the next road segment for transmission.
among protocols. Each of these metrics can be
defined using parameters from the thematic taxon- 5.1.2 Route metric stability
omy, such as probing scope (PS), route metric type
(RMT), probing granularity (PG), relay selection The stability of a route metric denotes the con-
(RS), forwarding objective (FO), and inference logic sistency of probed parameters (route metric) for path
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 503

Table 6 Protocol comparison of unicast protocols based on the parameters from thematic taxonomy
CAR (Naumov and Gross, 2007) Ga Dyn Iso SO (greedy) Anchor proximity MA
RBVT-R (Nzouonta et al., 2009) Ga Dyn Iso RO (backoff) Transmission quality Inst
RBVT-P (Nzouonta et al., 2009) Ga Dyn Iso RO (backoff) Transmission quality Inst
MOPR-OLSR (Menouar et al., 2007) Ga Dyn Emb SO (link budget) Maximum global link stability Inst
GeoSVR (Xiang et al., 2013) Gp Stat Iso SO (link budget) Restricted forwarding Prob
ACAR (Yang et al., 2008) Gp Stat Iso SO (node budget) Reduced packet error rates Prob
A-STAR (Seet et al., 2004) Gp Stat Iso SO (greedy) Maximum forwarding towards Prob
VADD (Zhao and Cao, 2008) Gp Stat IsoSO (greedy) Location first/direction first Prob
SADV (Ding and Xiao, 2010) Seg Dyn IsoSO (greedy) Static anchor proximity MA
GyTAR (Jerbi et al., 2006) Seg Dyn IsoSO (greedy) Static anchor proximity Inst
LoP (Nicolas et al., 2009) Seg Dyn IsoSO (greedy) Static anchor proximity Inst
PROMPT (Jarupan and Ekici, 2010) Ga Dyn IsoRO (backoff) Role based MA
GPCR (Lochert et al., 2005) Local Dyn Emb SO (greedy) Junction proximity Inst
GPSRj+ (Lee et al., 2007) Local Dyn Emb SO (greedy) Junction proximity Inst
CLWPR (Katsaros et al., 2011) Local Dyn Emb SO (link budget + Transmission quality Inst
node budget)
GPSR-L (Rao et al., 2008) Local Dyn Emb SO (link budget) Link stability Inst
PS: probing scope; RMT: route metric type; PG: robing granularity; RS: relay selection; FO: forwarding objective; IL: inference
logic. Ga: G-active; Gp: G-passive; Seg: segment. Dyn: dynamic; Stat: static. Iso: isolated; Emb: embedded. SO: sender-oriented;
RO: receiver-oriented. MA: moving average; Inst: instantaneous; Prob: probabilistic

selection. We use route metric type as a parameter 5.1.3 Implementation cost

that defines the stability of probed parameters. This
parameter has a static value in protocols with G- Implementation cost specifies the level of com-
passive information granularity; that is, the values plexity of a protocol in terms of the number of prob-
of probed parameters remain static throughout the ing instances. We use probing granularity as a pa-
process of unicast transmission. For instance, in Xi- rameter to show the implementation cost of a proto-
ang et al. (2013), the width of an individual road was col. Before data transmission, a network is probed
used as a route metric that remained unchanged dur- for certain parameters of path selection followed by
ing unicast communication. Similarly, the value of the mechanism of relay selection for transmission.
the route metric specifying bus lanes on a weighted If probing for path and relay selection is performed
digital map does not change during communication as a unit step, then probing granularity has an em-
(Seet et al., 2004). Static metric type is considered bedded value, as shown in Lochert et al. (2005), Lee
stable but is inflexible and inaccurate because of lim- et al. (2007), Menouar et al. (2007), Rao et al. (2008),
itation of offline statistical information. Meanwhile, and Katsaros et al. (2011). The protocol in Menouar
protocols with G-active and segment-level informa- et al. (2007) is the only one with G-active information
tion granularity (Lochert et al., 2005; Jerbi et al., granularity and embedded probing granularity con-
2006; Lee et al., 2007; Menouar et al., 2007; Naumov sidered in the current review. This protocol proac-
and Gross, 2007; Nicolas et al., 2009; Nzouonta et al., tively calculates an end-to-end path where the data
2009; Ding and Xiao, 2010; Jarupan and Ekici, 2010; is forwarded by selecting a neighbor vehicle found
Katsaros et al., 2011) have a dynamic route met- during the path calculation phase without further
ric; in other words, dynamic route metrics are more probing. Similarly, path-independent approaches in
realistic than static metrics because they consider Lochert et al. (2005), Lee et al. (2007), and Kat-
the features of the dynamic vehicular network for saros et al. (2011) have embedded probing granular-
route calculation. The probed parameters represent ity. The embedded approach for unicast protocols
real-time traffic information and therefore change as involves less implementation cost because the net-
a function of space and time during packet forward- work is probed only once for path and relay selec-
ing. A dynamic metric is more realistic and more tion. However, embedded probing granularity lacks
accurate than a static metric but lacks stability. the ability to reassess the link consistency during re-
lay selection. Protocols in Seet et al. (2004), Jerbi
504 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

et al. (2006), Naumov and Gross (2007), Yang et al. tion delays. A more intelligent RS approach is the
(2008), Zhao and Cao (2008), Nicolas et al. (2009), consideration of link and node utilization of a relay
Nzouonta et al. (2009), Ding and Xiao (2010), Jaru- (Menouar et al., 2007; Rao et al., 2008; Yang et al.,
pan and Ekici (2010), and Xiang et al. (2013) have 2008; Katsaros et al., 2011; Xiang et al., 2013). The
isolated probing granularity, which exploits the fact protocol in Menouar et al. (2007) performs relay se-
that multiple potential relay vehicles exist within a lection based on a pre-computed link budget that
found path. Therefore, as a subsequent process to specifies complete unicast path lifetime. Similarly,
path selection, a unicast path is distinctly probed for lifetime in Rao et al. (2008) represents the lifetime
selection of a suitable relay vehicle. This approach of a one-hop relay link. In Xiang et al. (2013), a
is more dynamic because it increases the protocol’s restricted transmission range was proposed to over-
complexity as a tradeoff for better communication come the limitations of greedy relay selection. Using
performance. this approach, the probability of packet drops for
increasing distances is minimized. A more robust
5.1.4 Forwarding efficiency form of relay selection that can actively monitor the
Forwarding corresponds to the actual transmis- signal strength and node capacity of potential relay
sion where data is sent toward a suitable relay ve- was presented in Katsaros et al. (2011). A proba-
hicle. The RS attribute can be used to evaluate bilistic model for relay selection that estimates the
forwarding efficiency, while the forwarding objective packet error rate during transmission for a particular
comprises a list of corresponding objectives desired relay was presented in Yang et al. (2008). Accord-
by RS. The logic used in RS is employed either at the ingly, a relay with less probability of packet error is
source/intermediate vehicle (sender-oriented) or at selected. Sender-oriented relay selection approaches
the receiver itself (receiver-oriented). Most protocols have a more adaptive relay selection than receiver-
use sender-oriented RS in which a source specifies oriented approaches but they include communication
the relay vehicle. For relay selection, Nzouonta et al. overhead, particularly during link- and node-budget
(2009) and Jarupan and Ekici (2010) used a receiver- calculations. In other words, a sender requires addi-
oriented mechanism in which a receiver elects itself tional signal level and node level information besides
for reception of transmission. Sender- and receiver- the location and speed vector information that af-
oriented approaches have contrasting definitions of a fects forwarding efficiency.
suitable relay. The receiver-oriented selection is an alternative
In the sender-oriented approach, relay that uses approach to reduce RS overhead and enhance effi-
distance information from the destination is known ciency. In Nzouonta et al. (2009), a potential re-
as the greedy approach (Karp and Kung, 2000). lay vehicle uses a back-off function upon transmis-
However, distance information varies. For relay se- sion request from the source to estimate its own
lection, Jerbi et al. (2006), Nicolas et al. (2009), and suitability as a relay. The receiver considers the
Ding and Xiao (2010) used an infrastructure to select received signal power of the received message, the
a node with minimal distance to the RSU. Similarly, transmission range, and its own distance from the
for greedy selection, Lochert et al. (2005), Lee et al. sender. A relay closest to the destination with bet-
(2007), Naumov and Gross (2007), and Rao et al. ter signal strength piggybacks the sender as a can-
(2008) signified opportunistic forwarding toward a didate relay. Similarly, in Jarupan and Ekici (2010),
random relay that has minimal distance to the inter- self-relay selection uses network layer packets that
section. In Zhao and Cao (2008), a vehicle selects a define the functions of a relay; that is, a back-off
relay that is closest to the destination and has the time at the receiver represents the levels of prior-
same direction as the destination or a relay that has ity. The RSU has the highest priority followed by a
the same direction as the destination without being relay with existing packets to the same destination
close to the destination. The sender-oriented greedy in use. Then, the relay with the same traveling di-
approach has a simple implementation but lacks dy- rection as the destination becomes the next highest
namism. That is, the criterion of utilizing distance priority. If none of the aforementioned cases exits,
in relay selection is subject to signal distortion and then the lowest priority is assigned to a relay go-
packet drops, which in turn increases communica- ing in the opposite direction. The receiver-oriented
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 505

approach avoids the use of neighbor table manage- tains link stability values for all links in a complete
ment at sender/intermediate nodes. Unlike the RS path. Unlike in the moving average approach, the
in Jarupan and Ekici (2010), the RS in Nzouonta vehicle selects an instant value of the lowest bound
et al. (2009) uses RTS/CTS frames, which reduces of an individual link within a path. In Jerbi et al.
the overhead by avoiding the need for network layer (2006), the vehicular density and distance of the
control packets. neighbor junction to the destination junction were
used as measures for the connected route. In Nico-
5.1.5 Computational strategy las et al. (2009), instant values of transmission delay
The computational strategy is the pattern in at static nodes served as the selection criteria for a
which probed information is interpreted or analyzed particular road section.
by a vehicle. We use the inference logic attribute to Finally, probabilistic inference logic is associ-
compare computational strategies employed by dif- ated with protocols that use offline information for
ferent protocols. The attribute value of inference path discovery. Digital maps represent approxi-
logic signifies the forwarding aspect only for path- mations of traffic information; thus, a probabilistic
independent routing approaches, whereas it relates model for decision making is necessary. Inference
to path calculation as well for path-dependent ap- logic based on the delay model and on acquired offline
proaches. Possible values for inference logic include information about vehicular density on road sections
moving average, instantaneous, and probabilistic. was used in Zhao and Cao (2008). A probabilistic
Moving average refers to an overall representa- model that uses vehicular density, vehicle arriving
tion of the network state based on the average value rates, and average speeds was also used in Seet et al.
of probed parameters. The value of inference logic (2004) for connectivity assessment of road segments.
for probed parameters in Naumov and Gross (2007) The protocol in Xiang et al. (2013) employs a prob-
and Ding and Xiao (2010) is identified as the moving abilistic evaluation by modeling road widths for net-
average. The number of hops in Naumov and Gross work connectivity. Probabilistic evaluation is crucial
(2007) is considered as a sequential value after re- in an uncertain communication environment, such as
ception at the destination. However, recorded delay VANETs. However, probabilistic inference logic that
at each relay is considered as an average delay value contains only offline information is not highly useful
for the complete traversed path from the source to because of the relative errors in offline data.
the destination. Similarly, the probed delay value in 5.2 Protocol comparison based on existing
Ding and Xiao (2010) shows the average hop-by-hop evaluation trends used in simulation platforms
delay of a particular road segment. The accuracy of
the moving average is subject to effective estimation As discussed in the preceding sections, the qual-
of a threshold value for the acceptable probed param- itative analysis of unicast protocols can be performed
eters. For an end-to-end path, this approach may based on protocol classification and parametric com-
overlook individual vehicles with extremely few de- parison. However, quantitative evaluation of the pro-
lays caused by an average value (Naumov and Gross, tocols requires real-time VANET deployment and
2007). This disadvantage was partly resolved by the comprehensive simulations. Real-time VANET de-
inference logic in Jarupan and Ekici (2010), which ployment is costly, and the idea of evaluating a proto-
associates a timeout value for the recorded delay of col in all possible scenarios is overwhelming. There-
a path. fore, most protocols are evaluated through simula-
Most protocols in our review evaluate the tions by using evaluation metrics that signify the
probed parameters based on an instant received performance of a protocol.
value (Lochert et al., 2005; Jerbi et al., 2006; Lee A typical VANET simulator architecture in-
et al., 2007; Menouar et al., 2007; Rao et al., 2008; cludes two separate components: (1) traffic sim-
Nicolas et al., 2009; Nzouonta et al., 2009; Katsaros ulator and (2) network simulator (Fig. 5). The
et al., 2011). The strategy in Nzouonta et al. (2009) traffic simulator produces the mobility traces and
calculates the number of intersections at the destina- the network simulator produces simulation traces.
tion to notify the source about the best route. Sim- Initially, the traffic simulator requires input in
ilarly, the route reply in Menouar et al. (2007) con- form of road topology and vehicular characteristics.
506 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

Vehicular mobility Data traffic

scenario parameters
These categories represent the focus of performance
evaluation of unicast protocols. Table 7 lists the de-
fined evaluation category, metric name, correspond-
ing mathematical form, preferred value, and the unit
Simulation of measurement. The packet delivery ratio (PDR)
Traffic traces traces
and end-to-end delay (E2ED) are fundamental eval-
Traffic Network
simulator simulator uation metrics used in most unicast protocols. Deliv-
ery specifies the success rate of a protocol as a ratio
of received packets over a measure of all sent pack-
Fig. 5 Typical simulation architecture for vehicular ets. Delay specifies the latency incurred in seconds
ad hoc networks during a unicast communication session. Preferred
values for delivery and delay are high and low, re-
For instance, road topology includes the number of spectively. The overhead category contains routing
lanes in road, number of intersections, location of overhead (ROv), packet overhead (POv), and control
RSUs, and speed limits. On the other hand, vehic- overhead (COv), which specify transmitted control
ular characteristics include velocity, vehicular den- bytes to the number of received packets, single re-
sity on roads, vehicle arrival, and departure rates ceived packet, and per unit data byte, respectively.
(Martinez et al., 2011). This input corresponds The preferred value for the overhead is low, which
to the vehicular mobility scenario and can be pro- also indicates the measure of scalability of a unicast
vided to the traffic generator through mobility gen- protocol. The category named the miscellaneous cat-
erator tools such as those proposed by Karnadi et al. egory contains path length (PL), network through-
(2007), Martinez et al. (2008), and Behrisch et al. put (NT), packet loss ratio (PLR), and storage load
(2011). The output of the mobility generator is (SL). PL denotes the number of hops in a unicast
called the traffic trace file, which shows the char- link with a preferred value of ‘low’. NT refers to the
acteristics of each vehicle at every time instance number of packets sent per unit time and is rarely
of the simulation time. This trace file acts as an used for evaluation in VANETs. PLR denotes the
input to the network simulator that models the ratio of lost packets over all transmitted packets. SL
communication behavior of VANET. It includes de- is used in situations where a protocol employs the
tailed logic behind packet level transmission, recep- carry-and-forward strategy in a relay and on RSUs.
tion, channel states, and physical layer details for SL is measured in packet/s and its preferred value is
communicating vehicles. Some examples of popu- ‘low’.
lar network simulators include Varga (2001), NS- The evaluation metrics in Table 7 represent
2 (, and Henderson generic definitions; thus, they are evaluated as a
et al. (2008). The network simulator produces sim- function of correlating VANET aspects in the con-
ulation traces that can be quantitatively analyzed text of VANETs. Table 8 presents a list of evaluation
through suitable evaluation metrics and highlights metrics with respect to certain communication and
the performance of the proposed solution. vehicular aspects, as denoted by the first column. As
However, obtainable quantitative comparisons shown in Table 8, most researchers comprehensively
in the proposed protocols lack inclusive evaluation evaluated the performance of unicast protocols using
and comparisons with candidate solutions (Stoj- PDR and E2ED evaluation metrics. However, eval-
menovic, 2008). In this section, we highlight fre- uation of a unicast protocol lacks competing com-
quently used evaluation metrics for unicast proto- parison. In the next section, we discuss the trend
cols to better comprehend the quantitative efficacy of evaluation based on evaluation metrics and choice of
protocols. protocols for comparison.

5.2.1 Evaluation metrics 5.2.2 Competing comparison

We classify the commonly used evaluation met- Generally, protocols are evaluated to judge
rics into four categories, including the delivery ratio, the different features of a unicast protocol. Such
delay factor, overhead, and miscellaneous (Table 7). comparison is useful in identifying the significance
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 507

Table 7 Frequently used evaluation metrics for unicast routing in urban vehicular networks
Category Metric Mathematical form Preferred value Units

(received packets at destination)
Delivery Packet delivery ratio (PDR)  × 100% High
(sent packets by source)

(received time − sent time)
Delay End-to-end delay (E2ED)  Low s
(received packets)

(control bytes sent)
Overhead Routing overhead (ROv)  Low bit
(received packets)

(control bytes sent)
Packet overhead (POv) Low bit/packet
single received packet

(control bytes)
Control overhead (COv) Low bit/packet
per unit data byte

Miscellaneous Path length (PL) (hops within a route) Low hop

(packets sent from srctodst)
Network throughput (NT) High kb/s
unit time

(lost packets)
Packet loss ratio (PLR)  × 100% Low
(lost packets + received packets)

rate of packet arrival at static node

Storage load (SL)  Low packet/s
(vehicles in a network)

of one protocol over another based on carefully common among the reviewed protocols, such as
chosen individual evaluation metrics. However, most in Seet et al. (2004), Jerbi et al. (2006), Naumov
researchers overlooked the comparison of a proto- and Gross (2007), Yang et al. (2008), Nzouonta
col with a competitive protocol designed for the et al. (2009), and Xiang et al. (2013). The protocol
same objective. Unicast communication protocols in Naumov and Gross (2007) is compared against
are designed for a particular objective that is iden- classic geographic protocols in Karp and Kung
tified by the probing objective. Therefore, the per- (2000) and Naumov et al. (2006) with respect to the
formance evaluation of unicast protocols should be evaluation metrics shown in Table 8. These classic
against protocols with similar objectives. protocols are based on the opportunistic routing
Table 9 presents a list of reviewed protocols and approach; the protocol in Naumov et al. (2006) is
existing trends in protocol evaluation, including the designed to improve discrepancies in the perimeter
protocols for comparison under the column named mode of the protocol in Karp and Kung (2000).
‘compared-against’. The ‘evaluation metric’ column Therefore, the comparison of these protocols is not
shows the type of evaluation metric in the form of considered competitive. The protocol in Nzouonta
‘characteristic’. For instance, PDR-12 denotes the et al. (2009) is compared against the protocols
PDR calculated with respect to the number of ve- that have similar routing approaches, such as in
hicles. The columns named ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ Perkins and Royer (1999) and Jacquet et al. (2001).
respectively show the strengths and weaknesses of However, the protocols in Perkins and Royer (1999)
a proposed protocol in relation to the compared- and Jacquet et al. (2001) are designed to find an
against protocol. Finally, the column named ‘com- end-to-end path and to reduce the effects of routing
petitive’ denotes whether the comparison is compet- overhead, respectively. Therefore, comparing the
itive or not with the possible values of ‘yes’ and ‘no’. protocol in Nzouonta et al. (2009) with these pro-
We do not consider competitiveness in the choice of tocols is justified for evaluating the significance of
evaluation metrics, which is the subject of an exten- route calculation mechanisms. However, according
sive independent study. to design objectives, a competitive comparison of
The objective of connectivity awareness is the protocol in Nzouonta et al. (2009) with those
Table 8 Evaluation metrics used by unicast protocols with respect to VANET characteristics 508

No. VANET Unicast routing protocol in which the evaluation metric is used
characteristic PDR E2ED ROv POv COv PS NT PLR SL
1 Generic – – – Nzouonta – – – – –
et al.
2 Transmission rate Jarupan and Ekici (2010) Jarupan and Ekici – – – – – – –
3 Sending rate Jerbi et al. (2006); Yang Jerbi et al. (2006); Yang Jerbi et al. (2006); – Nzouonta Yang et al. Zhao –
et al. (2008); Zhao and Cao et al. (2008); Zhao and Zhao and Cao et al. (2008) and Cao
(2008) Cao (2008) (2008) (2009) (2008)
4 Traveled distance – Nicolas et al. (2009) – – – – – – –
5 Buffer size Zhao and Cao (2008) Zhao and Cao (2008) – – – – – – –
6 Storage time Katsaros et al. (2011) Katsaros et al. (2011) – – – – – – –
7 Euclidean distance Lochert et al. (2005); Nico- Xiang et al. (2013) – – – Lochert – – –
las et al. (2009) et al.
8 Sent packets – Ding and Xiao (2010) – – – – – – –
9 Vehicle speed Katsaros et al. (2011); Xi- Katsaros et al. (2011); – – – – – – –
ang et al. (2013) Xiang et al. (2013)
10 Per node load Jarupan and Ekici (2010) Jarupan and Ekici – – Jarupan – – – –
(2010) and Ekici
11 Number of sources Nzouonta et al. (2009); Jarupan and Ekici – – – – – – –
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron)

Jarupan and Ekici (2010) (2010)

12 Number of vehicles Seet et al. (2004); Jerbi Seet et al. (2004); Jerbi Jerbi et al. (2006); Ding Ding Seet et al. – Rao et al. Ding
et al. (2006); Naumov et al. (2006); Lee et al. Naumov and and Xiao and Xiao (2004); (2008) and Xiao
and Gross (2007); Lee (2007); Naumov and Gross (2007); (2010) (2010) Lee et al. (2010)
et al. (2007); Zhao and Gross (2007); Zhao and Ding and Xiao (2007)
Cao (2008); Rao et al. Cao (2008); Nzouonta (2010)
2014 15(7):489-513

(2008); Rao et al. (2008); et al. (2009); Ding and

Nzouonta et al. (2009); Xiao (2010); Jarupan
Jarupan and Ekici (2010) and Ekici (2010)
13 Packet size Menouar et al. (2007); Menouar et al. (2007); Menouar et al. – – – – – –
Zhao and Cao (2008) Zhao and Cao (2008) (2007)
14 Beacon interval Rao et al. (2008) – – – – – – – –
PDR: packet delivery ratio; E2ED: end-to-end delay; ROv: routing overhead; POv: packet overhead; COv: control overhead; PS: probing scope; NT: network throughput; PLR: packet
loss ratio; SL: storage load
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 509

in Seet et al. (2004), Naumov and Gross (2007), and shortest route. Meanwhile, the protocol in Jarupan
Yang et al. (2008) is overlooked. Meanwhile, the and Ekici (2010) is comprehensively compared with
comparison of the protocol in Yang et al. (2008) with trademark protocols, such as that in Zhao and Cao
a connectivity aware unicast protocol in Naumov (2008). The performance gains of this protocol are
and Gross (2007) is considered competitive. Alter- reported in the table and the evaluation is considered
natively, comparison of connectivity-aware protocols competitive.
in Seet et al. (2004) and Jerbi et al. (2006) is not Unicast transmission toward the destination
competitive with opportunistic protocols in Ko and with an objective to get closer to the destination
Vaidya (1998), Karp and Kung (2000), and Lochert without route calculation is grouped under the ob-
et al. (2003). The only real implementation of pro- jective of opportunistic forwarding (Lochert et al.,
tocol was conducted in Xiang et al. (2013) and com- 2005; Lee et al., 2007; Katsaros et al., 2011). The
pared with classic unicast protocols in Perkins and protocol in Lochert et al. (2005) improves the per-
Royer (1999) and Karp and Kung (2000). However, formance of opportunistic forwarding in Karp and
the most appropriate competitors of the protocol in Kung (2000) in terms of the delivery ratio, and its
Xiang et al. (2013) in terms of objective functions path length demonstrates a competitive evaluation.
are the protocols in Seet et al. (2004), Jerbi et al. Similarly, the protocol in Lee et al. (2007) is compet-
(2006), Naumov and Gross (2007), and Yang et al. itively compared with that in Lochert et al. (2005)
(2008). The unicast protocol proposed by Xiang et based on the delivery ratio and path length. These
al. (2013) is unique, because it is tested in a real- metrics are used in the protocol proposed by Lee
time vehicular network; however, the protocol lacks et al. (2007) to improve the performance of the proto-
competing comparison. col in Lochert et al. (2005). The protocol in Katsaros
Path stability is an objective of the protocols in et al. (2011) is compared with a classical version of
Menouar et al. (2007) and Rao et al. (2008). Both the protocol in Karp and Kung (2000). These two
protocols lack competing comparison; that is, their protocols share the same objective, but their per-
comparison includes classic mobile ad hoc proto- formance evaluation is not competitive. In other
cols that are not VANET specific. Alternatively, a words, the protocols in Lochert et al. (2005) and Lee
more suitable choice for competing comparison with et al. (2007) have shown better performance than the
Schnaufer and Effelsberg (2008) has been overlooked. protocol in Karp and Kung (2000) in terms of path
Protocols in Zhao and Cao (2008), Nicolas et al. length and the delivery ratio. However, quantitative
(2009), Ding and Xiao (2010), and Jarupan and evaluation of the protocol in Katsaros et al. (2011)
Ekici (2010) are classified under the delay aware does not include comparisons with the protocols in
routing objective. The protocol in Zhao and Cao Lochert et al. (2005) and Lee et al. (2007).
(2008) is considered as a trademark to introduce
the delay aware model for routing in vehicular net- 6 Issues and challenges for progressive
works. Its comparison is considered competitive routing in VANETs
because it uses a modified version of the protocol
in Karp and Kung (2000) with buffer extensions. Different unicast routing protocols for urban ve-
Use of buffers mimics a competitive behavior of hicular networks have been reviewed and qualita-
the store-and-forward technique employed in Zhao tively compared with one another in the preceding
and Cao (2008). Another delay aware protocol in sections. This study observes that certain aspects in
Ding and Xiao (2010) uses static nodes at intersec- protocol communication and competing performance
tion as opposed to the protocol in Zhao and Cao evaluation can be improved. We point out these as-
(2008). These two protocols share the same design pects as issues to be addressed in the context of the
objective, which makes their comparison competi- presented review of unicast protocols.
tive. The protocol in Nicolas et al. (2009) uses infras- 6.1 Beacon transmission optimization
tructure at intersections to estimate the delay aware
route. However, its comparison with the protocol in One-hop neighbor discovery is a periodic and
Karp and Kung (2000) is not competitive because of ongoing activity in unicast routing protocols due
the information acquired through digital maps for a to constant vehicular mobility. It is conducted
510 Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513

Table 9 Unicast protocol evaluation and competitive comparison

Protocol Compared-against Evaluation metric Superior Inferior Competitive
CAR Karp and Kung (2000); Naumov E2ED-12, ROv-12, PDR-12 All None No
et al. (2006)
RBVT Karp and Kung (2000); Perkins PDR-11, PDR-12, E2ED-12, All None No
and Royer (1999); Jacquet et al. PS-3, POv-1
(2001); Lochert et al. (2003)
MOPR-OLSR Jacquet et al. (2001) PDR-13, E2ED-13, ROv-13 PDR-13, ROv-13 E2ED-13 No
GPSR-L Karp and Kung (2000) PDR-12 All None No
GeoSVR Perkins and Royer (1999); Karp PDR-9, E2ED-7, E2ED-9 All None No
and Kung (2000)
ACAR Karp and Kung (2000); Lochert PDR-3, E2ED-3, NT-3 All None Yes
et al. (2003); Naumov and Gross
A-STAR Karp and Kung (2000); Lochert PDR-12, E2ED-12 All None No
et al. (2003)
VADD Self; Karp and Kung (2000) PDR-3, PDR-5, PDR-13, All None Yes
with buffers E2ED-3, E2ED-5, E2ED-13,
ROv-3, PLR-3
SADV Zhao and Cao (2008) E2ED-8, E2ED-12, ROv-12, All None Yes
POv-12, COv-12, SL-12
GyTAR Ko and Vaidya (1998); Lochert PDR-3, PDR-12, E2ED-3, All None No
et al. (2003) E2ED-12, ROv-3, ROv-12
LoP Lochert et al. (2003) PDR-7, E2ED-4 All None No
PROMPT Johnson et al. (2001); Lee PDR-2, PDR-(10-12), E2ED-2, All None Yes
et al. (2007); Naumov and Gross E2ED-(10-11), COv-10,
(2007); Zhao and Cao (2008)
GPCR Karp and Kung (2000) PDR-7, PS-7 All None Yes
GPSRj+ Karp and Kung (2000); Lochert PDR-12, E2ED-12, PS-12 All None Yes
et al. (2005)
CLWPR Karp and Kung (2000) PDR-6, PDR-9, E2ED-6, All None No
GPSR-L Karp and Kung (2000) PDR-12, PDR-14, PLR-12 All None No

using small messages called beacons. However, un- mechanisms, such that a balance is established be-
like MANETs, beacon messages in VANETs are tween reliable communication of safety applications
primarily used for vehicular safety applications, in- and accuracy of the unicast path and topology.
dependent of routing protocols. This implies that
beacons in VANETs can provide two distinct ser- 6.2 Realistic evaluation metrics
vices: (1) services for safety applications and (2)
A common supposition that vehicles have real-
services for one-hop neighborhood information. As a
time access to the position information of the desti-
primary service for safety applications, beacons are
nation vehicle through some location services, such
being researched to optimize their periodic trans-
as in Li et al. (2000), Käsemann et al. (2002), and
mission for reliable communication of safety appli-
Kieß et al. (2004), is considered in the reviewed uni-
cations (Willke et al., 2009; Schmidt et al., 2010;
cast protocols. This assumption is valid for all ve-
Sepulcre et al., 2011). On the other hand, it has
hicles in a network regardless of their communica-
been shown that by optimizing the transmission of
tion activity. Obtaining real-time position informa-
periodic beacons in MANETs, unicast path accuracy
tion without delays is disputed as it requires bea-
as well as topology awareness can be improved sig-
con transmissions across the vehicular network. In
nificantly (Chen et al., 2013). With this context, it
addition, vehicles that do not participate in com-
remains an open challenge to investigate the implica-
munication add to unnecessary overhead on a net-
tions of beacon transmission optimization on unicast
work. Protocols that employ an offline-information-
path accuracy and topology awareness in VANETS.
assisted approach for path calculation, such as those
In addition, it requires novel beacon transmission
in Seet et al. (2004), Yang et al. (2008), Zhao and
Shah et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2014 15(7):489-513 511

Cao (2008), and Xiang et al. (2013), incur computa- cols. Finally, open issues and challenges that demand
tional load during the pruning process. However, as further research were highlighted.
shown in Table 8, none of the reviewed protocols use We conclude that an extensive study on unicast
evaluation metrics that represent delays for fetching communication protocols with particular routing ap-
position information and computational load during proaches can provide sufficient potential solutions for
path calculation. Therefore, real-time protocol eval- non-safety applications in urban VANETs. However,
uation requires composite evaluation metrics that a review motivated by routing approaches is essential
cover such aspects. to understand the applicability of unicast protocols
in urban scenarios. Based on our findings, we con-
6.3 Inter-layer communication standardiza- clude that the accuracy of a unicast path for path
tion selection depends on the primitive functions of prob-
This study shows that different protocols con- ing, inference logic, and the recovery strategy. Active
sider diverse sets of communication aspects for path probing scope and instantaneous inference of probed
calculation and data forwarding. Protocols achieve parameters produce the most accurate unicast path
these sets by incorporating auxiliary information but suffer from frequent probing and evaluation be-
into the network layer routing process (Jarupan and cause of constant mobility and dynamic topology. In
Ekici, 2011). Auxiliary information may come from a subsequent communication operation denoted as
GPS devices or through the cross-layer interaction relay selection, most of the protocols use network
among the network, data link, and physical layers. layer beacon messages to select one-hop relay. On
In the reviewed unicast protocols, dissimilar com- the contrary, lightweight techniques that use data
munication approaches are used for inter-layer in- link layer messages, such as RTS/CTS, for relay self-
teraction. This difference can be attributed to the election are more suitable for reducing relay selection
lack of standardization in the cross-layer interactions overhead. In addition, the effects of beacon opti-
of OSI layers. Consequently, an inter-layer OSI in- mization on neighbor discovery in unicast protocols,
teraction is difficult to correlate with a particular competitive performance evaluations, and inter-layer
VANET communication aspect. Further research communication standards lack investigation. As a
should focus on the challenging task of developing result, lack of accuracy of unicast path and topol-
standards for inter-layer interaction for communica- ogy, unreliable protocol evaluation by intentionally
tion in VANETs. avoiding comparison with candidate solutions, and
incoherent protocol designs caused by lack of inter-
layer standards are prominent among unicast pro-
7 Summary and conclusions tocols. Therefore, beacon transmission optimization
We presented in this paper a review of unicast with joint adaption for safety applications as well as
protocols for urban vehicular networks. First, we unicast paths, performance evaluation with compet-
identified two main categories of routing approaches ing solutions by using real-time evaluation metrics,
and evaluated an urban scenario and its limitations and standards for inter-layer communication for co-
on effective protocol communications. Then, we herent protocol designs demand further research to
presented a thematic taxonomy based on routing ensure progressive routing in vehicular ad hoc net-
approaches and their corresponding primitive func- works.
tions. A unicast protocol review showed the implica- In the future we will investigate integration of
tions of routing protocols followed by an operational adaptive beacon mechanisms with unicast commu-
comparison of the routing approaches. Qualitative nication protocols for enhanced performance of info-
protocol comparison was conducted by defining dif- tainment applications and safety applications mes-
ferent metrics, including scope and accuracy, route sages such as decentralized environmental notifica-
metric stability, implementation cost, forwarding ef- tion messages (DENM) (ETSI, 2010).
ficiency, and the computational strategy. We also References
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