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1. Which of the web 1.0 and web 2.

0 activities can improve the NUB’s digital

marketing activities? Explain the activity(s) you think will be best suited.

So main objective is here to Disseminate information: Provide in-depth information about a

company Create an image: Websites designed to reflect the image of the company. As an
educational institution NUB’s main focus should be in how they can spread their message to
their target customers, here TG’s are the graduate students.

So, to full fill the web-objective, NUB can make a comprehensive informative website where
a candidate can visit and have a clear idea what to expect.

For web 1.0, NUB could more Behavioral targeting so that NUB could have an idea about
their customer (graduate student).

They can also use Sponsorship about their master class, since the situation is bit different
from past, NUB could sponsor some banner on educational portals like Udemy academy,
Coursera, khan academy and skill share like portal where students learn about specific
courses, and NUB’s master and other type of class where NUB’s provide certificate. with
that. And that can attract interested students.

NUB can produce online commercials about their features and what are they going to

Then the web 2.0, given the current situation getting close to each other is deadly and also
every institution were everything shutting down. Now in this situation NUB could have some
interactive online sessions in social media Facebook, YouTube, through google meets and
such where candidates can participate for free and raised their respective concerns.

Then there is Re-targeting Campaigns: Re-targeting is a process that is slow but steady and
has higher effectiveness than traditional targeting. Which means once create a content then re
targeting for the same customers again and again. Re-targeting is very cost efficient and at a
same time it’s yields more conversion rates. Which is very more important for educational

Now also, by organizing webinar (online seminar) regular seminar through online platform
possibly on a discounted price like 20-30% off, to engage more and more participants.
2. Develop a support media content that will effectively reach the target customers in
this situation.

Given the recent situation and also for the digital marketing activity that I was suggesting the
non-traditional would make the most outcome.

Product Integration: I already talked about the activity like social media interactive social
media gathering and online seminars, so an intergraded script and well executed session will
have a great impact for the candidates. Re-targeting the consumers, and then coming to the
main focus to the master class seminar. and also, the contents would be so much easy to
reach out and it will be huge advantages and grab a huge attention for NUB.

3. Considering the current circumstances, which media between broadcast and print
will be best for promoting the Graduate studies of NUB? Defend your answer with
proper justification.

I think a mixture of digital print media and broadcast media can be best for NUB’s promotion
for graduate study.

They can use web 1.0 for the digital print media (poster, banner and other) on selective
websites and educational portals (Udemy academy, Coursera, khan academy and skill share)
then educational column on newspapers, so the expected exposure to candidate reach

and WEB 2.0. for the product integration both digital and broadcasting on television will be
best for the situation, digital contents like seminars master classes for online platforms and
using News time on Television for the best advantage of the News’s educational segment,
same goes for the radio and podcast programs.

Most of the population are stuck at home, reaching out through these media is the easiest,
effective and efficient.
Bonus Question

1. During the crisis of the pandemic COVID-19, how can NUB run the masterclass

NUB can use online platforms for running the masterclass. They can make online portal for
the master classes for the epidemic situation which will help them to in long run. Like in
future they not only use this for online master class or seminar they can run a whole graduate

This could take NUB’s live webinar to whole other level, taking class or posting their course
materials on their very own educational portal would give NUB an institutional image which
can be a very important credential for NUB.

Part B

Quiz Question:

1. Develop a campaign theme, slogan, and major selling idea for a campaign to
attract graduate applicants.

Present situation and following situation going to be complicated, for the preparation for near
difficult “Future is hard, let’s how to make it easy”. With deep and serious voiceover in the
background explaining about hard to understand life experience mean time the goal of this is
attract graduate applicant so more engagement in a specific target customer. A for NUB
strength is becoming 200th most productive research schools in the world, has state-of- the-art
quality campus, weakness is not

a theme that would make the future better, for example a graduate applicant already
understands his future. NUB is going to make it better.

Slogan: Future is hard, let’s how to make it easy.

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