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The Ethical View Of A Company Through The Lenses Of Various

Ethical Theories
Prepared for:
Barrister Afroz Imtiaz
Adjunct faculty
Department of History & Philosophy

North South University

Course abbreviation: PHI 401
Section: 10
Date of submission:
2nd September, 202
Submitted by:
Anamul Haque 1531068030
Fariha Binte Razib 1631354630
Shahriyar Islam 1430201630
Salma Fariha 1731262630
Afrin Jahan 1721519030
Md. Abdullah Shikder 1721575030
Azmaine Adil Sakib 1722344630
Asif Karim Mozumder 1621754030
Shehzina Raiyan 1632599030
Letter of transmittal
September 2nd, 2020
Barrister Afroz Imtiaz
Adjunct faculty, Department of History & Philosophy
School of Business and Economics
North South University

Sub: Submission of MGT489 report on Cotton group Ltd.

Dear Sir,
It is indeed a great pleasure for us to be able to hand over the result of our hardship of the PHI-
410 report on The Ethical View Of A Company Through The Lenses Of Various Ethical
Theories. This report is the result of the knowledge which has been acquired from the respective
We tried our level best for preparing this report. The information on this report is mainly based
on Internet information and personal interview. All of us gave our hundred percent for making
this report come together.
We, fervently hope that you will find this report (consisting of in-depth critical analysis and
recommendations from us) worth reading. We would be greatly obliged if you call us for any
explanation or any query about the report when deemed necessary. We hope you will appreciate
our hard work and excuse minor errors. Thanking you for your cooperation.

Yours’ sincerely,

Anamul Haque
Fariha Binte Razib
Shahriyar Islam
Salma Fariha Table of Contents
Afrin Jahan
Md. Abdullah Shikder 1................................................... INTRODUCTION
Azmaine Adil Sakib ..........................................................................................1
Asif Karim Mozumder 2............................................................ MORALITY
Shehzina Raiyan ..........................................................................................1
3............................................... ETHICAL THEORY
5. GLOBALIZATION.............................................................................................................................................2
6. STAKEHOLDER THEORY..............................................................................................................................3
7. SUSTAINABILITY.............................................................................................................................................5
8. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT...................................................................................................................5
9. CONCEPT OF CSR.............................................................................................................................................6
10. INFLUENCES OF CSR..................................................................................................................................8
11. EGOISM...........................................................................................................................................................8
12. UTILITARIANISM.........................................................................................................................................8
13. COMPARISON BETWEEN EGOISM AND UTILITARIANISM............................................................9
14. EMPLOYEE'S RIGHTS AND DUTIES.....................................................................................................10
15. COMPANY'S REQUIREMENT.................................................................................................................11
16. ETHICAL ISSUES MARKETING AND THE CONSUMER..................................................................11
17. CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................................13
19. BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................................................................................................14
1. Introduction
A company is a legal entity which is made by a group of individuals to engage in and operate a
business. It can be arranged in many ways depending on the rules and regulations of a company.
Normally a company is organized in such a way so that they can make profit from the activities
of their company. A company has many legal rights and responsibilities for its customers,
shareholders, stakeholders etc. There are some important elements for a company which needs to
be added. One of them is stakeholder theory which appeals ethics and morality of the business
while leading stakeholders because ethics and morality are sets of standards for a company to
figure out which is good or bad. They are important because they can make an impression with
everything and everyone. The company has to consider the profit and responsibilities while
taking decisions. The company’s duty is not only profit maximization but also fulfill their
corporate social responsibilities for their customers and society. By expanding their business
globally, the company can represent themselves as an international brand and also achieve more
customer around the world. To make the company economically, socially and environmentally
sustainable, it has to find out some effective ways for their customers. Sustainability has a huge
importance for a company. Moreover, they have to follow the employee rights and need to fulfill
the customer’s demand providing them proper product and service. By following all of these
things, the company can run their business in a better way and make it global and sustainable.

2. Morality
In a company, morality is a collection of rules which builds our behavior in different kinds of
situation related to society. The morality of a company hugely relies on company relationships.
The origin of rights and responsibilities are relationships. These comprises the relationships with
shareholders, customers, and stakeholders. For example, there is a huge importance of morality
in a company. As a founder of a company, that person will only build a business that he or she
feels it will add value to the society. Company will make more effective product or service so
that it is least detrimental to the both people and environment. The main purpose of any company
will be good quality products and customer services which makes it eminent with this simple
philosophy. Customer loyalty normally comes to the company conforming it. For this reason, the
company is not depended on just making money rather they give service to their customers and

society for a very long time so that they can contribute to make the world a better living place for
everyone (Beattie, Investopedia, 2019).

3. Ethical Theory
Organization is built upon different ethical standards. These standards make up ethical theory for
organizations. Ethical theories help an organization to make decisions and shape their image. A
different vision of profitability can be seen through creation of ethical theory. Ethical theory
helps employee make tough decisions in ethically challenging times. Ethical theory develops
through sharing common morals and principles. Through these people develop a sense of theory
on what to do.

4. Development of Ethical Theory

There are different ethical theories formed from certain behavior of the organization. Which can
add value for the organization.

People must not be treated as means to an end. An organization where people are treated
accordingly for their good deeds is following this theory. According to this theory, people should
work from their sense of what is right or wrong.

This theory puts forward the notion that people should be treated judging the consequences from
their decision. Corporate culture stands on the result-oriented action. So, this theory is

Every man should be treated equally is the base of this theory. Regardless of the consequences
the followers of this theory believe in equal rights and distribution. Organization being fair and
with treating everyone the same can be termed as a follower of this theory. This theory follows a
socialism structure of doing things.

5. Globalization
Globalization is deterritorialization. It is the elimination of the boundaries. There should be no
boundaries. Where we can see that today expanding a business in the global market is much
easier because of globalization. As most of the countries support globalization and agreed to
support each other that means it is now possible to perform business activities in other countries.

Which is possible because of the change is global politics. On the other hand, technological
advancement also made I possible easily communicate and conduct business in the global

But we need to consider three things which is 1. Culture 2. The legal framework of the culture
and last but not least the 3. The accountability part, means the accountability part of the business,
and to whom the business is accountable.

A business cannot change or eliminate the culture. Rather a business needs to adapt and respect
the culture. There are different cultures, where one’s value can be offending to other people who
belong to another culture. As an example, eating Pig is haram in Islam but in Christianity it is
permissible. Also, On the other hand as the company doing business in other countries, they have
to follow the legal framework of that country, where the legal framework of their home country
will not be applicable. Lastly, the organization is accountable to its stakeholder, the government
and other organization. And failed to consider these factors will result in loss of support from the
consumer, increaser outside restriction and regulation and unproductivity which ultimately result
in business failure. The business will be unsustainable.

A year ago, we saw that there is a new trend which was an increase in Shisha Lounge business.
But did they consider our cultural, legal accountability factors? No, because Shisha is not
accepted in our culture. It perceived as drug or an addiction which cause unnecessary spending
and may lead amoral behavior. Which does not add value to the society as well as the people.
And the result is the businesses have to race outside restriction. From the government, police as
well as its stakeholders. And ultimately, they had to postpone their busines.

In the meantime, some companies are really doing well. As an example, a ride sharing company
who launched female only ride sharing service where they are giving opportunity to female
riders as well as providing a comfortable ride to its customers. Now, we have found that they are
doing well and have a really good customer support. So, they have the support from the
consumer, as well as they are providing service maintaining proper legal framework. On top of it
they are really committed to its stakeholders, they are accountable to its consumer.

6. Stakeholder Theory
A theory of organizational management and business ethics that responsible for multiple
constructions of a business that, impacted by business entities like employees, suppliers,
communities, investors, and others (Evan & Freeman, 1993).

Who is a Stakeholder?
According to Edward Freeman (1984), a stakeholder is Any group or individuals who are
affected or can affect by the achievement of the organization’s objective. So, anyone who is
related to the organization is a stakeholder. Like, shareholders, employee suppliers, and
Customers. (p.46)

Principles of Stakeholder-Theory
Mr. Freeman and Evan (1993) defined the affects and affected by the stakeholders.

 Principle of corporate-rights - the corporation has the obligation not to violate the rights
of others (Edward & Freeman, 1984).
 Principle of corporate-effect – companies are responsible for the effects of their actions
on others (Edward & Freeman, 1984).

Why stakeholders matter

I. Legal-Perspective
II. Economic-Perspective


In practice, there are, other groups as well related to a corporation by different sorts of
contracts. Therefore, it is not true to say that the only group with a (legitimate) interest in the
corporation is shareholders (Sinha, 2014).

For-example, the Factory Act, 1948 and the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in India protect certain
employee rights in relation to working conditions and pay, thus, suggesting that from an ethical
point of view, it has already been agreed that corporations have certain obligations toward


The first argument in favor of stakeholder interest comes from economic perspective in the
context of institutional economics. This argument objects to the traditional stockholder theory
based on externalities.

For-Example, an organization closes its plant in a small town and, in turn, layoffs its 132
employees /workers (Sinha, 2014).

Looking at it from an economic-perspective, the closer of industry has not only its direct relation
with the 132 employees/workers that is directly affected, its other economic effects are the shop
owners will lose their customers or business, tax payments to fund, schools and public utilities
will be affected (Sinha, 2014).

Type of Stakeholder-Theory
 Normative Stakeholder-Theory, this theory gives justifications why corporations should
take into account stakeholder interest (Donaldson & Preston, 1995).

For-Example: when an attempt to provide a reason why corporations should take into account
stakeholder interests

 Descriptive Stakeholder-Theory, this theory ascertains whether or how corporations

actually do take into account stakeholder interests (Donaldson & Preston, 1995).

For-Example: then after providing the reason why and how the corporation could manage to
take action the matter.

 Instrumental Stakeholder-Theory, this theory answers the questions how it is beneficial

for the corporation to take into account shareholder interests (Donaldson & Preston,

For-Example: after finalizing the decision that why and how corporations will proceed on the
matter, is the decision is beneficial or not for the stakeholder.

7. Sustainability
Sustainability of a company is still a growing concept in developing countries like Bangladesh. It
is a widespread and more admissible method with long term aspects for any company. It is a
tough task because of accomplishing the proper strategies in a company. Sustainability refers to
the long-term maintenance of systems according to environmental, economic and social

8. Sustainable Development
Sustainability is all about long term maintenance of the system. Where sustainable development
is the approach to fulfill the current generation need without compromising the need of the future

Here sustainability is the way to achieve sustainable development. Now, according to John
Elkington there is pillars of sustainability. It includes

1. People 2. Planet 3. Profit.

Now, a company require to embrace those long-term values and goals so that they can sustain
themselves as well as they will be able support the long-term maintenance of the system for
greater benefit.

In order to achieve sustainable development a company need to craft its vision and embrace the
values of sustainability in its core. As a result, everything they will do will bring positive change
to the society, the environment as well as bring economic development.

As an example, there are companies out there who are polluting the nature as well as people and
causing damage. In 24th April, 2013 a garments factory collapse thousands of people injured and
more than 1100 people died. And the aftermath, international buyers was withdrawing their
cataract. All because of unsustainable development.

On the other hand, when a company involve racial activities it also indicates unsustainable
development. Because in the long run they are damaging the society. Where everyone will be
affected from children to adult. As those kinds of racial product will not add any good value to
the society rather bring long term harm. Children will be discriminated; their usual growth will

be compromised because of those racial products. Also, there is a chance to increase depression
and discrimination in the society.

A sustainable development will be possible when a company will solve social problem and for
the benefit of humanity, planet and greater economic development.

We can talk about a bank who are doing many activities ranging from paperless office to higher
education scholarship to the Matrious student who can’t afford higher education, supporting
freedom fighters, planting tree, sponsoring events which encourages intellectual growth. And by
doing this they are supporting the whole system. where they are eradicating gender
discrimination, supporting education, innovation, nature and greater economic development. As
a result, the whole society will be benefited and will able move forward.

9. Concept Of CSR
Corporate social responsibilities are types of business self-regulation with the aim of being social

responsibility. CSR program is an opportunity for company to demonstrate their good corporate


Corporate Social responsibilities initiatives based on four different categories:

1. Ethical responsibility
2. Philanthropic responsibility
3. Environmental responsibility
4. Economic responsibility

Ethical Responsibility is about looking after the welfare of their employees by ensuring fair

labor practices for the employees and philanthropic responsibilities means to serve the humanity

and focus on the unprivileged and needy people. On the other hand, for environmental we need

focus on reducing greenhouse gases and limiting pollution. Lastly economic responsibility is and

interconnected field which focus on strikes a balance between business, environmental and
philanthropic practices.

This corporation believes that CSR in Bangladesh comes under serious spotlight in the wake of

Rana Plaza collapse. Currently this corporation focus on various CSR programs.

Those based on: -

1.Eductaion: - Education is the backbone of a nation. So, our corporation puts immense priority

on education. The corporation spends more than 24% of its CSR budget in the education sector.

Some of the projects are: -

BRAC University scholarships, University of Dhaka Scholarship and many more.

2.Health: - After this corona virus pandemic health care is the important agenda for our country.

For this reason, corporation take top priority on health initiatives. Corporation invest 14 % in this
major area.

Their projects are: -

Partnering with diabetic association of Bangladesh, Support to Bangladesh Thalassaemia


3.Enviromental: - Corporation is known as a “plant caring organization”. Through them

promotion they will support Green initiatives.

Corporation invests 1% of CSR Budget in climate Risk Mitigation &Adaptation programs. As

an example, our corporation trying to create customer awareness and commitment to green

4.Socail Welfare: - This is also a socially responsible organization who feel that it must do

something for welfare of those are work as social commitments that this called

Social welfare. As an example life time support for a freedom fighter and Free meal for

underprivileged people.

5.Art and Culture: - Corporation believes that arts and culture is the identity of a country. It

refines human soul and creativity of the society. Corporation always link with art and culture and
concerns community about ethics. As an example, our corporation is partnering with “Shahitya

6. Disaster Management: - Corporation always focus about disaster management and support

their country. For this Corporation recently donates 50 million to the Prime Minister’s Relief and

Welfare Fund to help the Rohingya Refuges.

10. Influences Of CSR

The influences of CSR in a society has a far-reaching impact. And it benefits the people,
consumers, the government. As an example, many financial in Bangladesh who are providing
student scholarship. And it is unconditionally helping a part of our people who need it. As a
result, those who are getting the scholarship will be a part in the growth in our economy. Hence,
our country will develop.

11. Egoism
When a person or an organization justifies a solution only based on self-interest. An action is
morally right if the decision maker freely decides to pursue wither short term desire or long-term
interest. Egoism is selfishness. It only benefits the decision taker. Nat not acceptable by rest of
the world.

As an example, there are many businesses who involved in food adulteration. It only benefits the
seller in the short run. But their products will severely be damaging its consumers, especially
children are more prone to food adulteration. So, it only cares about the decision maker.

12. Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism is a type of consequentialism, and it is based on the premise that it is the
consequences or effects of acts, rules, strategies, etc. that decide whether they are good or evil,
right or wrong. In general, we can pick the one that will yield the best cumulative outcomes
whatever is being assessed. In utilitarian terms, we should select the alternative that "maximizes
usefulness," that is to say, the decision or strategy that generates the greatest amount of value.

Utilitarianism holds that with the largest number, the most ethical decision is the one that will
yield the most benefit. It is, as such, the only normative principle able to explain military action
or war. In comparison, utilitarianism is the most prevalent approach to economic ethics in that it
allows for costs and profits. Utilitarianism is already commonly used as an approach to business
ethics, but it is not well known in the literature. Utilitarianism offers a driving decision-making
paradigm embedded in mutual value that helps steer enterprise towards more responsible

In industry, an example of rule utilitarianism is tiered pricing for a product or service for various
categories of consumers. For example, in the aviation industry, many airlines offer seats of the
first, business, and economic class. Customers traveling in the first or second class pay a far
higher premium than those in economy seats, but they still have more amenities —
simultaneously, those who are unable to afford upper-class seats benefit from the economy. For
the most people this practice creates the greatest benefit. Moreover, an example of act
utilitarianism could be when pharmaceutical companies release drugs that have been
governmentally approved, but with known minor side effects because the drug is able to help
more people than are bothered by the side effects. Act utilitarianism often demonstrates the
concept that “the end justifies the means”—or it's worth it.

In the workplace, though, utilitarian ethics are difficult to achieve. This principle also can be
challenging to maintain in our business culture, where a capitalistic economy frequently
encourages people to focus on themselves at the detriment of others. Monopolistic
competitiveness also allows one company to prosper at the expense of another.

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13. Comparison between Egoism and Utilitarianism
The key difference between egoism and utilitarianism is in egoism is only benefits the decision
taker on the other hand utilitarianism seeks to ensure greatest amount of happiness. In egoism
only one actor is considered and all other actors are overlocked. But in utilitarianism it cares for
everyone who is involved and not involved. (i.e. rule utilitarianism).

As we know the garment disaster in Savar 2013. Here, the owner had egoistic approach. He only
cared about himself selfishly, and the result was really devastating. Only because of egoistic
approach. If the owner thinks about the safety and benefit of everyone there would be no loss of

14. Employee's Rights and Duties

Right to freedom from discrimination: This refers to both males and females having equal
opportunities. all individuals be treated equally before the law, without discrimination. This
organization has a policy for all of its employees that states non-discrimination towards females,
males or transgender. It hires, and promotes employees and judges’ employees based on an
individual’s merit and without regard to age, sex, color, gender identity, marital status, ethnic
origin, parental status, race, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability and health, HIV/Aids,
culture, beliefs or social background.

Right to healthy and safe working conditions: Includes the safety and wellbeing of all
managers and workers while sustaining the productivity of the business. It is the duty of the
employers to provide workplaces that are free from known dangers that could harm the
employees and the organization is making sure they fulfil this duty. The workers also have to
make sure to avoid excessive working hours.

Right to fair wages: It is the lowest possible wage an organization can pay to an employee.
Minimum wage of Bangladesh Government pay scale is TK.825 per month. The minimum salary
of this organization’s employee is higher than the Government pay scale.

Right to privacy: This is all about an employee's personal privacy rights while being in the
workplace and states the employer's policies, procedures, and practices regarding the disclosure
of employee personal information. Such as their residential address, and other identity

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information. This organization does not sell, exchange, or release personal information about the
employees to outside parties without their consent.

Right to due process: the employees are given with the right of due process. Employees are
given a proper notice before termination. Either two months of time before termination or two
months of pay if immediate termination.

Right to participation and association: This includes the participation of employees in decision
making. In this organization, the trade union is strong. This company has a positive mind for the
employees and gives them the sense of belongingness.

Duties of employees
Duty to respect the employer’s property: It is the duty of the employees to work with care.
They should not use or misuse an employer’s assets without permission. They should not use the
company’s resources for private purposes. They must avoid theft, embezzlement and fraudulent

Duty to comply with labor contract: They should perform their best and use whatever skills
they have to perform a task. They shouldn’t rush through their work. Instead, they should focus
on the quality. Doing this will ensure that they’ll finish the task correctly the first time, saving
money and time. Also, all employees should be loyal towards their company. They should be
committed to the success of the company.

Duty to comply with the law: All employees must comply with law. They must ensure the full
obedience of the state law and the rules of the company. The company will be penalizing any
employee if they are found guilty in any criminal case.

15. Company's Requirement

Every organization employee are the key factors. Employees are the assets of an organization.
Therefore, recruiting the right employees are of utmost importance. Every organization should
have a dedicated HR team to meet the requirements of the employees and foster them for a better
future. The HRM team of an organization should give different incentives to employees for a
better output. An organization understands the value of its employees. Employees are what an
organization is made of. skilled, creative, dedicated employees make creates reputation for the

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company. Employees with good moral values create discipline in the organization. When these
employees become leaders, they create ethical theories which fit for the organization. Hence, we
can state- employees with better moral values are of highest importance to an organization.
Every organization maintain responsibility for ethics and compliance. They take responsibility
for employee conduct to the end users or customers. Profitability is an important organization.

16. Ethical Issues Marketing and The Consumer

Ethical issues in marketing: Ethical issues in marketing indicates that the set of expectations
the relationship between consumers and how the transaction will occur.

Market Research: Some ethical issues in market research to the offense of privacy and
stereotyping which arises because of the analysis of the estimated population and separate the
individuals in a group. 

Market audience: Selective targeting is used to deter or disenfranchise interest from so-called
unfavorable industries. For example, past attitudes towards the gay, ethnic minority, and plus
markets are unethical market exclusion.

Ethics in advertising and promotion: Tobacco was once declared as health promotion in the
1940s and 1950s. An advertiser that cannot say the facts offends morals outside the rules today.
The law makes puffery (a legal expression, however). There are some people can be deeply
offended by the marketing of such items although they are of interest to others. Examples of
these include feminine items of hygiene and medications for hemorrhoids and constipation. The
advertisement for condoms has become appropriate, but some still view it as promiscuity. in the
context of AIDS prevention. The advertiser discusses the drawbacks of competing goods, not
their own, through negative advertisement technologies. In politics, these approaches are used in
particular. Papery slope between plain pudding and scam. Sexual innuendo is the secret to

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notoriety and also a form of sexual abuse. Violence is a phenomenon that is extremely likely to
be seen in kids' marketing and ads.

Deceptive advertising and ethics: True marketing is not limited to a particular target market
and can be unfamiliar to the public at times. There are several different methods of delivering
misleading ads to consumers; one of these is the use of satire. Humor offers a breakaway or
escapes from any human limitation, which some advertisers plan to use by misleadingly
advertising a product that could possibly relieve the restraint through humor.

Pricing ethics: Bidding for cheating constitutes a form of fraud where one party is offered a
commercial contract, but many other parties make an offer for the sake of appearance. Predatory
pricing is the practice of selling a product or service to rivals at very cheap prices or of barriers
to entry for prospective new competitors [ CITATION Lum1 \l 2057 ].

Ethical issues from consumers’ point of view: Until an organization can create a code of ethics
for customer service, their managers have to define their business ethics and how they can turn
them into an ethics code.

While a code of conduct for a client service is a collection of basic rules to be followed by staff
at work and, in certain circumstances outside of work, a code of ethics is a set of values and
principles that the organization is committed to dealing with.

The company's basic ethical principles are: The following are the:

 Honesty
 Responsiveness
 Transparency

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 Respect
 Value
 Loyalty
 A drive to solve problems

Just an abstract list of principles like this is a code of ethics. There are a number of declarations
which show how these principles direct the behavior of the organization. These agreements are
the rules that make the code of ethics accessible to employees. In his employee's manual, he also
contains an ethical code of customer service and all other rules in company ethics [ CITATION
Lin19 \l 2057 ].

17. Conclusion
Law or rules are intended to present and it only ensure the bare minimum. On the other hand,
mortality starts where law ends. As we know good ethics is good business and maintaining
standard ethical practices internally protects a company from various outside restrictions and
increase productivity and finally makes an organization sustainable. Here, in our report we can
see that how companies maintain ethical standard and ethic and the positive outcomes – bring
positive changes to society, employees are happy, consumers are happy and the government and
most importantly without damaging the mother nature. But those who don’t follow or maintain
business ethics had faces negative consequences.


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19. Bibliography
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