Ministr Carol I, y of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development Paying and Intervention Agency For Agriculture - APIA 17, BLVD Bucharest

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GOOD AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL GAEC 9 - The cutting of solitary trees and/or of the

CONDITIONS groups of trees on agricultural lands is forbidden.

Established by Order No. 15/56/17.01.2008 GAEC 10 - Avoiding the encroachment of unwanted

vegetation on agricultural lands, including on lands
Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development
no longer used for production.
I. Standards for avoiding soil errosion: Paying and Intervention Agency for Agriculture - APIA
GAEC 1 - During winter, the arable land shall be 17, Carol I blvd, Bucharest
V. Standards for maintaining the existing area of 2
covered with autumn crops and/or shall be left
permanent pastures:
un-worked after harvesting, on at least 20% of the
GAEC 11 - Maintaining the area covered with
farm's total arable area.
permanent pastures existing at national level on
January 1st 2007.
GAEC 2 - The arable land with a slope above 12%,
cultivated with row-plants, shall be worked along Submit your application
the level curves. in order to benefit from EU funds support!

GAEC 3 - The terraces existing on agricultural land

on January 1st 2007 shall be maintained. Correctly identify your parcels
onto the maps,
II. Standards for maintaining the optimum level fill in and submit the application
of organic matter in the soil, through the use of for financial suport at your local /
adequate agricultural practices: county APIA office between
GAEC 4 - The cultivation of sunflower on the same May 2 and June 15, 2009
area for more than 2 consecutive years is forbidden.

GAEC 5 - The burning of stubbles and of vegetal

remains on arable land is only allowed if there is an
authorization from the competent authority for
environment protection. SUPPORT SCHEMES/MEASURES
III: Standards for maintaining the soil structure: OF THE APPLICATIONS In 2009 you can benefit from financial EU funds and
GAEC 6 - The arable land with a slope above 12%, FOR THE SINGLE AREA PAYMENT SCHEME state budget support, within the following support
cultivated with row-plants, shall be worked along the FOR 2009 schemes / measures:
curve lines.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - The Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS);
IV. Standards for maintaining a minimum
maintenance level for agricultural lands: The Paying and Intervention Agency - Complementary National Direct Payments (CNDP):
GAEC 7 - Maintenance of permanent pastures by for Agriculture - APIA CNDP 1: crops on arable land
ensuring a minimum grazing level or by mowing them CNDP 2: flax for fiber
at least once a year. Address: 17, Carol I blvd, CNDP 3: hemp for fiber
BUCHAREST, CNDP 4: tobacco
GAEC 8 - The burning of permanent pastures is only postal code 030161 CNDP 5: hops
allowed with the approval of the competent authority phone no: +4021.30.54.898; +4021.30.54.800 CNDP 6: sugar beet
for environment protection.
- Separate payment scheme for sugar; - The application shall be submitted together with the - In the case of Measure 214 Agricultural and
following attachments: copy of the i.d. card, for the Environmental Payments, you must permanently
- Payment scheme for energy crops; natural persons, or copy of the registration certificate keep the agro-environment book up-to-date and
from the Commercial Registry, active bank account present it to APIA specialists if requested.
- Transitional payments for tomatoes intended for statement, documents concerning the CNDP,
processing; commitments regarding the agro-environment - Upon APIA's written request, you must present
measures. yourself for clarifications and submit the necessary
- Compensatory payments for rural development documents.
measures: The necessary documents are mentioned within the
Measure 211 - Compensatory payments for Farmer's Guide, to be found at APIA offices, town/city CONSEQUENCES
less-favoured mountain areas; halls or on
In case you don't respect all conditions and
Measure 212 - Compensatory payments for
obligations assigned to you, sanctions or even
less favoured areas in terms of specific and
the payment exclusion shall be applied!
significant natural conditions.
In order to benefit from financial support you must
The farmer shall be subject to sanctions in the
- Measure 214 - Agri-environments payments: come to your local/ county APIA office, between
following situations:
Package 1: pastures with high natural value; 02.03 - 15.05.2009, any working day, fill in and
- in case the farmer is involved in an over-declaration
Package 2: traditional agricultural practices; submit a single payment application form as
and cannot prove that he is using the land for which
Package 3: pastures important for birds; requested by the authorities.
he makes a support application;
Package 4: green crops.
- in case he intentionally declares false information;
In order to benefit from payments within - the submission of the application form between
the above mentioned area support 15.05 and 09.06.09 will lead to 1% penalties for
schemes/ measures, you must USE the - You must submit one single application form at
your local / county APIA office; each working day of delay;
agricultural area for which you apply for
support. If you are the owner and have - if the farmers do not submit in due time the
leased, concessioned or rented it or - You must correctly declare all the areas and crops;
documents requested for the CNDP;
parts of it, the support will be granted to
the person who actually works this area. - You must correctly mark the boundaries of the used
parcel on the maps provided at the APIA offices; - in case the farmer does not declare the entire
agricultural area;
GENERAL CONDITIONS YOU MUST MEET - Depending on the support scheme/measure you
have chosen, you must submit the necessary - in case the good agricultural and environment
documents, according to the European and national conditions are not respected within the entire used
- To use an area of agricultural land with a minimum legislation in force; agricultural area.
area of 1 ha, and the area of the agricultural parcel
should be of at least 0.3 ha; in the case of vineyards, - You must allow the APIA staff members or the other After 09.06.2009, the support application
orchards, hop crops, tree farms, wine-growing farms authorized bodies to carry-out controls; is no longer accepted within the payment
or of fruit trees, the minimum parcel area should be
calculation for the current year!
of at least 0.1 ha. - You must submit the needed documents proving
the usage right and shall be able to prove the use of The farmer shall be excluded from
- To declare all agricultural parcels and respect the land for which an aid application was submitted. payment if he does not allow an on-spot
Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions
control on the declared areas!
within the entire agricultural area of the farm;

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