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M A R C H 1985 Volume 106 Number 3


Vitamin K in infancy
Peter A. Lane, M.D., and Wm. E. Hathaway, M.D.
Denver, Colorado

THE TERM "hemorrhagic disease of the newborn" was vitamin K1 be administered parenterally to all newborn
first used in 1894 when Townsend ~ reported 50 infants infants at a dose of 0.5 to 1.0 mg.
with bleeding during the first two weeks of life. The Since 1961, considerable progress has been made in
hemorrhage usually began on the second o? third day of understanding the biologic function of vitamin K.~~Never-
life and most commonly was from the gastrointestinal theless, vitamin K deficiency remains a major worldwide
tract. The observation that this disorder was self-limiting cause of infant morbidity and mortality. The recommenda-
led Townsend to differentiate acquired hemorrhagic dis- tion that all newborn infants receive vitamin K at birth has
ease from inherite d hemophilia. not been uniformly adopted and remains controversial. We
Vitamin K was not discovered until 1929 when Dam 2 review our current knowledge of vitamin K, its clinical
serendipitously observed bleeding in chickens fed a fat-free importance in infancy, and current controversies surround-
diet. Soon afterward, Brinkhous et al. 3 documented low ing its prophylactic administration.
prothrombin levels in normal newborn infants. Others
demonstrated that these low levels could be elevated by the HDN Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
administration of vitamin K. 4,5 Hemorrhagic dise~e NADH Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide , reduced
caused by vitamin K deficiency was subsequently differen- NADPH Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate,
tiated from bleeding secondary to other causes, 6,7 and the reduced
PIVKA Protein induced in vitamin K absence
effectiveness of vitamin K administration in the prevention
of vitamin K-deficiency bleeding was established? .9
In 1961 the Committee on Nutrition of the American BIOLOGIC FUNCTION OF VITAMIN K
Academy of Pediatrics 9 reviewed the role of vitamin K in Vitamin K is required for the modification and activa-
the newborn period. The Committee suggested that H D N tion Of a number of important proteins. Of these, coagula-
be defined as a "hemorrhagic disorder of the first days of tion factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X are the best
life caused by a deficiency of vitamin K and characterized known. N Protein C, an important inhibitor of coagulation,
by deficiency of prothrombin and proconvertin and proba- is also vitamin K dependent, ~2 as are other proteins with
bly of other factors?' It recommended that prophylactic specific functions less well understood? 3
The specific action of vitamin K is the posttransiational
From the Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado
carboxylation of glutamic acid residues on the vitamin
School of Medicine.
K-dependent proteinsJ 4 This conversion of glutamic acid
Supported in part by Grant 2794-7from the Thrasher Research
Fund. to 3,-carboxy~l~utamic acid creates effective calcium bind-
Reprint reqi~ests: Win. E. Hathaway, M.D., Department of ing sites on these proteins. Noncarboxylated proteins are
Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 4200 E functionally defective because they cannot bind calcium.
Ninth Ave. (C220), Denver, CO 80262. For example, prothrombin requires calcium for its activa-

The Journal of P E D I A T R I C S 351

Vol. 106, No. 3, March 1985
352 Lane and Hathaway The Journal of Pediatrics
March 1985

Peptide-Glutamic A c i d ~"-Carboxyglutamic
Acid-Peptide Table I. Laboratory findings in vitamin K deficiency
Abnormal findings
Increased PT (measures factors II, VII, X)
Increased PTT (measures factors II, IX, X)
Increased thrombotest, normotest (measures factors II,
Decreased factors II, VII, IX, and X coagulant
Vitamin K-hydroquinone Vitamin K-epoxide Decreased ratio of factor II coagulant activity/factor II
NAD(P)~ Positive noncarboxylated prothrombin (PIVKA II)
Normal findings
/ ".VitamlnKJ Warfarin Thrombin time (measures conversion of fibrinogen to
NAD(P)H Fibrinogen
Platelet count
Figure. Vitamin K cycle. Vitamin K is first reduced to its active Factors V, VIII, X1, XII coagulant activity
form, a hydroquinone, in presence of NADH or NADPH. Factors II, VII, IX, X antigen
Hydroquinone is then oxidized to vitamin K-2,3-epoxide. This
second reaction is tightly coupled to carboxylation reaction, which
activates vitamin K~lependent peptides. Subsequently, vitamin K More specific tests measure the abnormal, noncarboxy-
epoxide is converted back to native vitamin K by epoxide lated prothrombin that circulates in vitamin K-deficient
reductase. This last reaction is blocked by warfarin, which patients. This abnormal or precursor prothrombin is anti-
explains why its administration produces coagulopathy similar to genically intact but functionally defective. One method
that seen in vitamin K deficiency.
compares the level of prothrombin measured functionally
(I1 coagulant) with that measured antigenically (II anti-
tion to thrombin, which in turn converts fibrinogen to gen). ~6A low coagulant/antigen ratio indicates vitamin K
fibrin. In the absence of vitamin K, synthesized prothrom- deficiency. Other methods measure this abnormal pro-
bin circulates in its noncarboxylated, functionally defective thrombin Or PIVKA more directly. 17 I n these assays
form. The vitamin K~iependent carboxylation of the carboxylated prothrombin is absorbed (barium carbonate)
coagulation factors occurs in the rough endoplasmic retic- from plasma, and any remaining noncarboxylated pro-
ulum of the hepatocyte. The vitamin K cycle is outlined in thrombin is assayed immunologicaily. Evidence for Vita-
the Figure. 1~11.t3 min K deficiency can also be obtained by examining
prothrombin by crossed electrophoresis. 18'19 Prothrombin
ASSAYS FOR VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY migrates in the first dimension in a medium containing
The vitamin K-dependent procoagutants (factors II, calcium. Abnormal prothrombin will migrate farther than
VII, IX and X) are gestational age--dependent and in the normal, carboxylated prothrombin. The prothrombins are
neonate are about 30% to 60% of normal adult values. 15 then precipitated with prothrombin antibody in the second
These low levels gradually increase until they reach normal dimension. The finding of a so-called double peak indicates
adult values by 6 weeks of age. The administration of two species of prothrombin with different calcium binding.
vitamin K at birth prevents further depression of these In most laboratories these assays have been specific for
factors. Screening tests reflecting the physiologic decrease vitamin K deficiency.
in the vitamin K-dependent procoagulants, such as the Using a highly sensitive radioimmunoassay for abnor-
prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and mal, noncarboxylated prothrombin, Blanehard et al. 2~
thrombotest, are also prolonged at birth. Hence, in infan- demonstrated small amounts of abnormal prothrombin in
cy, vitamin K deficiency must be differentiated from these the plasma of some patients with acquire d liver disease
normal physiologic alterations as well as from other who were not vitamin K deficient. The levels of abnormal
acquired and congenital coagulation disorders. prothrombin in these patients were considerably lower
In the past, assessment of vitamin K status in infancy than values found in patients with vitamin K deficiency:
has relied on functional assays of the vitamin K~lependent Nevertheless, their work has challenged the specificity of
factors or the PT and the comparison of these values with PIVKA assays and suggests that hepatic dysfunction, as
those of normal newborn infants. Unfortunately, the levels well as vitamin K deficiency, may result in impaired
seen in mild vitamin K deficiency may overlap normal carboxylation.
physiologic values. An increase in these factor levels or The coagulation abnormalities typically present in vita-
decrease in the PT following the administration of vitamin min K deficiency are listed in Table I. Note that values in a
K has also been used to suggest a deficiency state. given infant must always be Compared with age-adjusted
Volume 106 Vitamin K in infancy 353
Number 3

Table II. Vitamin K-deficiency hemorrhage in infancy

by vitamin K
Common bleeding administration
Age sites Cause at birth Comments
Early HDN 0 to 24 Hours Cephalohematoma Maternal drugs No Frequently life-threatening;
Scalp monitor Warfarin guidelines for safe
Intracranial Anticonvulsants management of high-risk
Intrathoracic Antituberculous pregnancies needed
Intra-abdominal chemotherapy

Classic HDN 1 to 7 Days Gastrointestinal Idiopathic Yes Incidence increased in

Skin Maternal drugs breast-fed neonates and
Nasal reduced by early formula
Circumcision feedings

Late hemorrhagic 1 to 12 Months Intracranial Idiopathic Common cause of

disease Skin Secondary intracranial hemorrhage in
Gastrointestinal Diarrhea breast-fed infants 1 to 3
Malabsorption months of age; may be
Prolonged warfarin aggravated by antibiotic
9exposure administration

normal values. In addition, correction of a coagulopathy The intestinal flora synthesizes vitamin K in the form of
after the administration of vitamin K still provides excel- fat-soluble menaquinone, or vitamin K2.26 Bacteria differ
lent confirmation of vitamin K deficiency. widely in this ability: Bacteroidesfragilis and some strains
of Escherichia coli are efficient producers of vitamin K,
whereas some lactobacilli and pseudomonas organisms are
The human neonate is not endowed with a surplus of incapable of its synthesis.26 Absorption of vitamin K from
vitamin K, and some are vitamin K deficient at birth. the colon of the human neonate has been demonstrated, 27
Recent work suggests that this precarious vitamin K status but the relative importance of the intestinal flora in
may be the result of a placental gradient for vitamin K. providing vitamifa K to the infant is unknown.
Using high-performance liquid chromotography, Shearer The intestinal flora of the breast-fed infant may produce
et al. 21 found that vitamin K was undetectable in the cord less vitamin K than the flora of the formula-fed infant.28 If
blood of nine term infants despite levels of 0.13 to 0.29 so, a relative insufficiency of endogenous vitamin K
ng/ml in their mothers. Six additional mothers received production may be partially responsible for the increased
vitamin K intravenously prior to delivery, which raised incidence of vitamin K~leficiency hemorrhage in breast-
their vitamin K concentrations to between 45 and 93 fed infants.
ng/ml. The values found in the cord blood of their infants The importance of vitamin K storage in the human
ranged from undetectable to only 0.14 ng/ml. infant is also unknown. The commonly held assumption is
The diet is an important source of vitamin K immediate- that vitamin K is "not stored to any significant degree. ''23
ly after birth. This was appreciated in 1932 based on However higher molecular weight storage forms of the
reports that early supplemental feedings could reduce the vitamin may exist in humans,z9 In a study of 10 adults,
incidence of hemorrhage during the first week of life. 22 total starvation combined with antibiotic administration
Fat-soluble vitamin K1, or phylloquinone, is the principal did not induce vitamin K deficiency until 21 to 28 days had
form of vitamin K in plants and vegetable oils. 23 Most elapsed. 3~ In a vitamin K-replete man, radioactivity per-
commercial formulas in the United States contain >50 sists in the plasma for 3 to 4 days after the ingestion of
gg/L of vitamin K1. In contrast, the vitamin K content of tritiated vita~ha Kj. 3~ A preliminary study in newborn
human milk varies widely, but is generally <20 gg/L and infants suggests that the oral administration of vitamin Kl
often <5/zg/L. 24Vitamin K~ absorption occurs in the small effects a significant increase in the serum vitamin K levels
intestine and requires the presence of bile acids, z3 Animal for at least 5 days. 32 Experience with vitamin K~leficient
studies suggest that vitamin K1 is absorbed across the patients suggests that the clinical efficacy of a single
intestinal mucosa by energy-dependent transportY parenterally administered dose of vitamin K far outlasts its
354 Lane and Hathaway The Journal of Pediatrics
March 1985

Table IlL Causes of secondary late hemorrhagic disease birth? 9 Of these, eight had clinical hemorrhage, which re-
sulted in three deaths and one infant with neurologic
Cystic fibrosis sequelae.
Biliary atresia Infants born to women taking rifampin and isoniazid
ai-Antitrypsin deficiency during pregnancy may also be at risk for early H D N ? ~ In
Hepatitis six such pregnancies, three infants developed early HDN,
with one infant death and one maternal death caused by
Celiac disease
Chronic warfarin exposure hemorrhage? ~
Finally, rare cases of early HDN have occurred for
which no explanation is readily available. Large cephalo-
life span in plasma or the half-life of the vitamin K - hematomas 33and scalp bleeding from the site of fetal blood
dependent procoagulants. The American Academy of sampling34 have occurred after normal pregnancies and
Pediatrics has recommended monthly intervals for the have been attributed to vitamin K deficiency. We have
parenteral supplementation of patients at risk for vitamin recently observed an idiopathic case in which a massive
K deficiency, although the duration of action of a single intracranial hemorrhage was present at birth in a term
dose is unknown. infant with severe vitamin K deficiency. That infant now
has severe neurologic sequelae.
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF V I T A M I N Classic hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. Classic
K DEFICIENCY HDN typically occurs at 2 to 5 days of a g e . 37'43'44 Affected
Three patterns of vitamin K-deficiency hemorrhage infants are normal at birth but subsequently develop
occur in infancy: early HDN, classic HDN, and late generalized ecchymoses or gastrointestinal bleeding. Nasal
hemorrhagic disease (Table II). bleeding or bleeding following circumcision may also be
Early hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. These infants the initial manifestation. Intracranial hemorrhage is less
have severe and often life-threatening hemorrhage at the common at this age, but sudden intracranial hemorrhage
time of delivery or during the first 24 hours after birth. or exsanguinating umbilical hemorrhage may occur at 2 to
Although idiopathic cases have been reported, 33.34 this 3 weeks of age if the vitamin K deficiency remains
early hemorrhagic disease is typically seen in infants whose undetected. Most cases of vitamin K deficiency occurring
mothers have taken drugs that affect vitamin K metabo- after the first day of life are idiopathic, although some
lism.3~-4~For example, therapeutic doses of warfarin taken occur in infants born to mothers taking drugs that affect
during pregnancy may result in severe early HDN35; vitamin K metabolism?7
warfarin is also a teratogen, and for these reasons is Estimates of the incidence of classic HDN prior to the
contraindicated in pregnancy. initiation of routine vitamin K prophylaxis vary widely. It
Maternal anticonvulsants have also been linked to early may be as high as 1.7% in full-term infants.44 Other
HDN. 36-39Most cases have involved barbiturates, pheny- estimates are somewhat lower, ranging from one in 200 to
toin, or both. These drugs may cause an increased induc- 400 term infants. The impression that classic HDN occurs
tion of microsomal enzymes in the fetal liver.4~ These more frequently in families of low socioeconomic status is
hepatic enzymes may increase the rate of oxidative degra- difficult to substantiate.
dation of the vitamin and produce a deficiency state. A Breast-feeding plays an important role in the pathogen-
prolongation of the PT has also been observed in adults esis of classic HDN. Breast milk is relatively deficient in
given phenytoin.42 However, the possibility that the under- vitamin K. Newborn infants fed breast milk have a
lying disease of the mother or perinatal complications, significantly prolonged PT compared with those fed cow
rather than medications, may contribute to the hemorrhag- milk or those given vitamin K at birth? ~ The incidence of
ic tendency in these babies has not been excluded. moderate to severe bleeding among breast-fed infants who
The extent of bleeding varies from skin bruising36 or do not receive vitamin K is 15 to 20 times greater than in
umbilical bleeding3637to widespread and fatal intracranial, infants who receive cow milk, vitamin K, or both? 4
intrathoracic, intra-abdominal, and gastrointestinal hem- Although some controversy regarding the need for
orrhage.38. 39At present, the exact risk for this complication vitamin K prophylaxis in all newborn infants remains,
in infants born to epileptic mothers is unknown. Depressed there is little doubt that classic HDN is virtually nonexis-
values of vitamin K~tependent factors have been noted in tent in infants given a parenteral dose of,vitamin K at
seven of 16 consecutive infants; two of these had clinical birth.
bleeding.36 In a survey of 1 11 such pregnancies, 20 in- Late hemorrhagic disease. During the past 10 years it
fants had prothrombin values <20% within 12 hours of has become apparent that vitamin K-deficiency hemor-
Volume 106 Vitamin K in infancy 35 5
Number 3

rhage is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in nial hemorrhage. One child with cystic fibrosis was
infants older than 1 month. 37'45"65 Most of these infants referred for evaluation of possible nonaccidental trauma. 6~
have acute intracranial hemorrhage, which can be intra- In two well documented cases the correct diagnosis was
cerebral, intracerebellar, subarachnoid, subdural, or epi- discovered only at autopsy in infants who died of sudden
dural, as the initial feature. Often the first signs of illness intracranial hemorrhage. 5~'59
are severe central nervous system dysfunction with vascu- Late hemorrhagic disease in infancy has been the initial
lar collapse. Although excessive bleeding from puncture manifestation of biliary atresia s~ s~ and arantitrypsin deft-
sites is usually noted at presentation, there is often no ciency?2.~ In some of these infants the persistence of
history of bleeding or bruising prior to the onset of the jaundice after the first 2 weeks of life had been attributed
illness. Many of these infants die, and those who survive to breast-feeding; it was only after a hemorrhage that
frequently have severe neurologic sequelae. In one series, conjugated hyperbilirubinemia was detected and the cor-
vitamin K deficiency was the leading cause of intracranial rect diagnosis suspected. Bleeding secondary to vitamin K
hemorrhage in infants after the first week of life.49 deficiency has also been the initial feature of neonatal
The second most common initial feature of late hemor- hepatitis62 and abetalipoproteinemia.6~ In older infants,
rhagic disease is widespread deep ecchymoses, or "nodular celiac disease may be complicated by vitamin K deficien-
purpura. ''47,55 Other less common initial manifestations cy. 64 Because many of these putative secondary cases have
include gastrointestinal47 or mucous membrane bleeding, occurred in young infants who did not receive vitamin K at
as well as excessive hemorrhage following a surgical birth and who were breast-fed, factors other than malab-
procedure45 or intramuscular injection. sorption may be significant in the cause of vitamin K
Vitamin K-deficiency hemorrhage in older infants can deficiency in these infants.
be idiopathic or may occur as a secondary manifestation of Finally, the possibility of chronic warfarin poisoning
an underlying disorder? ~ Idiopathic cases typically must be considered. Warfarin compounds can be absorbed
occur between 1 and 3 months of age, whereas secondary transcutaneously as well as from the gastrointestinal tract.
cases may be seen any time during the first year. The Recently, 741 cases of vitamin K-deficiency hemorrhage,
secondary causes of vitamin K deficiency in infants older including 177 deaths, were traced to the use of warfarin-
than 1 month are listed in Table III. contaminated talcum powder. 65 On the other hand, warfa-
In 1946, seven infants with chronic diarrhea were rin administration to the breast-feeding mother does not
described in whom significant hypoprothrombinemia was appear to affect her infant adversely.6~
corrected by the administration of vitamin K. 56 Five of The importance of these secondary causes of vitamin K
these infants bled. The authors speculated on three possible deficiency is twofold. First, the possibility of a serious
causes of vitamin K deficiency in these patients: insuffi- underlying disease must be considered. Certainly the
cient dietary intake, decreased intestinal absorption, and history and physical examination should exclude poor
decreased vitamin K synthesis by intestinal flora secondary weight gain, abnormal stools, prolonged jaundice, or war-
to the diarrhea or to the use of antibiotics. Many additional farin exposure. In addition, a sweat chloride test, fraction-
cases of vitamin K-deficiency hemorrhage in infants with ated bilirubin determination, and review of the peripheral
diarrhea have been reportedr s,ss.57 Although the role of blood smear for the presence of acanthocytes is indicated.
antibiotics has not been discounted, late hemorrhagic An autopsy should be performed in fatal cases, particularly
disease occurs in infants with diarrhea who have not in light of the implications in regard to genetic counseling.
received antimicrobial therapy? 5,57 Vitamin K deficiency Second, physicians must be aware of the need for vitamin
occurs in thriving infants after relatively brief bouts of K supplementation in patients with diarrhea or fat malab-
diarrhea, particularly if they have been breast-fed. 45,57 sorption. The Committee on Nutrition of the American
These reports have led the American Academy of Pe- Academy of Pediatrics has recommended a daily dietary
diatrics66 to recommend that "breast-fed infants who supplement of 50 to 100 tzg or a monthly injection of 1 mg
develop diarrhea of longer than several days duration of vitamin K in these infants.~6
should be given one intramuscular injection of vitamin In many cases of late hemorrhagic disease in infants no
K .... '~ underlying cause has been identified?7,45-s4More than 200
Cystic fibrosis is a well-known cause of vitamin K of these idiopathic cases have been reported during the
deficiency at any age. In one survey, 58% of patients with past 10 years.alone; acute intracranial hemorrhage was the
cystic fibrosis had laboratory evidence of vitamin K most frequent iltitial manifestation. The overwhelming
deficiency.67 In infancy, vitamin K-deficiency hemorrhage majority of these infants have been breast-fed, often
may be the first sign of cystic fibrosis58-6~ the initial exclusively. Preliminary data suggest that the vitamin K
manifestation may be bruising, hematemesis, or intracra- content of human milk may be very low in these infants.69
356 Lane and Hathaway The Journal of Pediatrics
March 1985

In one report, the vitamin K content of the milk of nine have been based on the failure of some investigators to find
mothers whose infants had vitamin K-deficiency bleeding evidence of vitamin K deficiency in small series of infants.
was 4.17 _+ 2.42 gg/L, compared with 8.87 _+ 3.67 #g/L van Doorm et al. 7~ failed to find PIVKA in 43 consecutive
in 13 controls.6~ Antibiotic use may play a role in the cord blood samples. Malia et al. ~9 studied 24 cord blood
pathogenesis of the deficiency in some instances,46'47.53but samples and found no evidence of vitamin K deficiency
well-documented cases occur without any history of antibi- with several different assays. G6bel et al. 72 studied 154
otic administration.48 Idiopathic, late hemorrhagic dis- healthy infants at 72 to 94 hours of age who had not
ease occurs rarely in infants who receive vitamin K at received vitamin K at birth and did not find a depressed
birth? ~ prothrombin level in any infant who received a feeding
during the first 24 hours of age, although none was
TREATMENT OF VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY exclusively breast-fed. Finally, Mori et al. 73 found no
In infants, 1 mg of vitamin K is adequate to correct even beneficial effect of vitamin K on the levels of the vitamin
a severe deficiency state. The rapidity with which this K-dependent factors in 31 premature infants.
correction occurs is explained by the fact that precursor, Supporters of vitamin K prophylaxis have countered
noncarboxylated procoagulants are readily carboxylated in with important objections.74"77Vitamin K prophylaxis was
the presence of vitamin K. The coagulopathy is usually initiated to prevent disease that, in most series, occurred in
corrected within a few hours after a parenterally adminis- one in 200 to 400 neonates; conclusions based on small
tered dose of the vitamin. When the deficiency is severe, it samples are hazardous. AbaUi74 has suggested that the
may be prudent to administer the vitamin intravenously, failure to find PIVKA in the cord blood does not exclude
because intramuscular administration may be associated the possibility that vitamin K deficiency will develop 48 to
with hematoma formation as well as a slightly longer time 72 hours later. Also, the beneficial effect of early cow milk
to correction. For life-threatening hemorrhage, parenteral- or formula feedings in the prevention of classic HDN is
ly administered vitamin K should be followed with 10 to 20 solidly established. The failure to find evidence of vitamin
ml/kg of fresh-frozen plasma, which will immediately K deficiency in infants who have received such feedings
boost the levels of the vitamin K-dependent factors. should not be cited as reason to cease prophylaxis in other
Three points deserve emphasis. Vitamin K~leficiency infants.
hemorrhage may be complicated by evidence of dissemi- Recent data suggest that some newborn infants are, in
nated intravascular coagulation,7~particularly if intracra- fact, vitamin K deficient at birth. In one study, 15 of 25
nial hemorrhage or hypovolemia has occurred. Hence, the term neonates had evidence of noncarboxylated prothrom-
parenteral administration of vitamin K should never be bin in the plasma. ~8 Corrigan and Kryc ~6found depressed
withheld just because of elevated values of fibrin degrada- factor II coagulant/antigen ratios in seven of 40 term
tion products or evidence of platelet or fibrinogen con- infants but suggested that this did not occur in the absence
sumption. When in doubt, give vitamin K. Second, the of perinatal complications. However, Yoshioka et al? ~
abnormal, noncarboxylated prothrombin can be detected found decreased ratios in six of eight normal term infants
in the plasma for hours after the correction of vitamin K at 3 days of age. These infants did not have perinatal
deficiency; the deficiency can be confirmed after treatment complications, did not receive vitamin K at birth, and were
has been initiated?3 Therefore, vitamin K administration breast-fed. In a preliminary report, Blanchard et al. TM
should not be delayed in a bleeding infant because of applied their sensitive immunoassay for abnormal pro-
difficulty in obtaining adequate samples for coagulation thrombin to 99 pregnant women and the cord blood of their
studies. Finally, the use of vitamin K~ in infancy is safe. infants. They found evidence of vitamin K deficiency in
Although hemolytic anemia and kernicterus have been 33% of the mothers and 75% of the infants. In another
reported in neonates given vitamin K3 (Synkayvite) paren- study of 50 mother-infant pairs, PIVKA was detected in
terally, such administration of vitamin K~ oxide in doses as seven mothers and 13 infants.79
high as 10 to 25 mg has not been associated with toxic Perhaps immaturity of the Carboxylase system in the
symptoms or hyperbilirubinemia.9 liver, rather than vitamin K deficiency, accounts for the
abnormal prothrombin levels in some neonates. Although
CURRENT CONTROVERSIES this hypothesis deserves further investigation, at present
Do aH newborn infants require prophylaxis? Recent we are aware of no data to support it. Vitamin K deficiency
medical literature contains numerous challenges to the in maternal plasma and the poor placental transport of
recommendation that all newborn infants receive prophy- vitamin K z~ argue for a true vitamin deficiency. In addi-
lactic vitamin K at birth? 9'7~-7~Many of these objections tion, Aballi76 has summarized a large body of convincing
Volume 106 Vitamin K in infancy 357
Number 3

data showing that the low levels of vitamin K-dependent daily administration of 10 mg vitamin K orally to the
factors present in many newborn infants respond dramati- mother during the last 2 months of pregnancy. Bleyer and
cally to vitamin K administration. Skinner, 3g in their review of 21 cases of hemorrhagic
A 1978 editorial in The Lancet 8~ suggested that prophy- disease, recommended that women taking anticonvulsant
laxis might be safely withheld from term infants who have agents during pregnancy avoid drugs such as salicylates
no perinatal complications, are not breast-fed, have no and that they be given vitamin K prior to delivery. These
obvious bleeding, do not receive antibiotics or require authors also suggested that Caesarean section be consid-
surgery, and will not be discharged from the nursery early. ered if a difficult or traumatic delivery is anticipated.
We agree that breast-fed infants and those with perinatal Finally, they recommended immediate cord blood clotting
complications are a t high risk for vitamin K deficency. We studies as well as the intravenous administration of vitamin
do not agree that adequate data are available to support K to the infant in the delivery room. Preliminary data
the exclusion of any neonate from routine prophylaxis. suggest that the oral administration of vitamin K to the
Recent experience in England, where cessation of routine mother (20 mg/daY for 2 weeks) prior to delivery may be
prophylaxis has led to a resurgence of vitamin K~cleficien- sufficient to prevent a deficiency in the infant. 39 Although
cY bleeding, supports the routine administration of vitamin these suggestions are empirically sound, we are aware of no
K to all newborn infants? 7 data documenting their efficacy. We have combined t h e
Is the intramuscular injection necessary for prophylaxis? immediate intramuscular administration of vitamin K to
The possibility that effective prophylaxis could be admin- the infant with close observation. Further studies are
istered orally has been suggested. 8 Theoretic objections needed befor e any firm guidelines for the perinatal man-
include the possibility of variable absorption, the possibili- agement of these pregnancies can be established.
ty that regurgitated doses might go Unnoticed and not be Should normal infants who are exclusively breast-fed
repeated, and the potential risk of lipid aspiration. In receive vitamin K supplementation after the immediate
addition, a somewhat later onset of effect might increase newbor~ period? This question has been raised by the large
the risk of early hemorrhage in infants already vitamin K number of cases of idiopathic late hemorrhagic disease in
deficient at birth. In a preliminary report, the oral admin- breast-fed infants. Although the majority o f these infants
istration of 2 mg vitamin K~ to neonates effected a marked did not receive vitamin K at birth, rare cases have occurred
increase in the plasma level of vitamin K? 2 Dunn has cited at 4 to 8 weeks of age in infants who did receive
experience in which 1 mg vitamin K1 was added to the first prophylaxis? LThe incidence of vitamin K deficiency in 4-
feeding of 31,000 newborn infants, 77 with only one case of to 12-week-old breast-fed infants who have received vita-
hemorrhage in an infant of a mother taking anticonvulsant min K at birth is unknown. Jimenez et al. 83 studied infants
drugs. Whether any of these infants was exclusively at l month of age who had received vitamin K prophylaxis
breast-fed i s not mentioned. In a study from Japan, and were exclusively breast-fed. One of 21 infants had a
vitamin K was administered orally to newborn infants with significantly decreased prothrombin level. Vitamin K
hypoprothrombinemia, s~ The response to 2 mg vitamin K~ administration to the lactating mother may significantly
was not different from that to a placebo; however, vitamin increase the vitamin K content of her milk54 Further study
K2 appeared to be somewhat more effective. Further study of vitamin K supplementation to lactating mothers or to
is needed to document the efficacy, safety, and optimal breast-fed infants is needed.
dosage of this approach.
The early studies of Dam et al. 6 indicated that vitamin K
administration to the mother prior to delivery was less Considerable recent progress has been made in our
effective in preventing hypoprothrombinemia in the infant understanding of the role of vitamin K in infancy. TheSe
unless given within hours of delivery. The transplacental recent advances strongly support the continuation of rou-
passage of vitamin K is inefficient,2L and the possibility of tine newborn prophylaxis. In the United States, wide-
effective prophylaxis by this method needs further investi- spread acceptance of this important public health measure
gation. has been associated with a dramatic decrease in the
What is the optimal management of infants at risk for incidence of classic hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
early HDN? Early H D N can occur quickly after delivery, infant. Nevertheless, some infants are at risk for severe
and death has occurred despite the prompt intramuscular vitamin K-defxoiency hemorrhage at the time of birth. The
administration of vitamin K to the infant) ~ In particular, problem of vitamin K~leficiency intracranial hemorrhage
there is concern when anticonvulsant drugs are required by in older infants has been recognized worldwide as an
the mother during pregnancy. In 1973 Seip 8z suggested the important cause of morbidity and mortality. Physicians
358 Lane and Hathaway The Journal of Pediatrics
March 1985

who care for children m u s t r e m a i n alert to the possibility studies of prothrombin in newborns. Pediatr Res 13:1262,
of vitamin K deficiency in older infants and search 1979.
19. Malia RG, Preston FE, Mitchell VE: Evidence against
carefully for underlying causes when it occurs. W e hope
vitamin K deficiency in normal neonates. Thromb Haemost
t h a t ongoing research will provide answers to the clinically 44:159, 1980.
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