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Define Compliance Reports

Business Context
The Define Compliance Reports app allows you to add new report definitions or copy existing ones to quickly adapt
to the new legal changes announced by the tax authorities. These report definitions are then used by the business
users to submit the statutory reports via the Run Compliance Reports app.

To start using the Define Compliance Reports app, make sure that you have assigned the business catalog
role SAP_FIN_BC_SRF_CONF to the business user.

The Define Compliance Reports app supports the following features:
 Support for Multiple Reporting Modes
While creating report definitions, you can choose the reporting mode as either Classic or Enhanced.
When you use the Classic mode, you can create report definitions based on the existing classic ABAP reports
from the SAP systems. You can specify the output documents in formats such as - XML, TXT, XBRL, PDF, or
When you create the report definitions in the Enhanced mode, you have access to additional features, such as,
data provisioning, event handling, embedded analytics, audit trail, and so on.

You need to enhance the ABAP reports prior to be used for creating report definitions in the Define
Compliance Reports app using the Classic mode.
The following table summarizes the differences in the Classic and Enhanced mode:
Enhanced Classic

You can generate files based on a model that maps data sources to a You can generate files by
schema. programming ABAP.

You can currently use the following data sources - SQL views (including You can get data only from
CDS views), analytic queries (CDS), BEx queries, predefined system database tables.
fields, configuration parameters from reporting entity Customizing, or
Literals. Access to data sources is always local.

You can import schemas from XSD file, ABAP dictionary, or XBRL You need to create the schemas
taxonomy. manually.

You can generate XML and flat files from the model. Flat files can be You can generate files in any
delimeter-separated, positional, or a mixture of both. format.
You can perform out-of-box monitoring of file generation. You can perform monitoring only by
calling special ABAP
instrumentation APIs.

The generated XML files are validated against the underlying XSD. No XML validation.

You can perform embedded analytics out-of-the-box, if analytic queries or No embedded analytics.
BEx Queries are used as data sources.

You can only use the new SAP Output Management tool for sending You can use any output
business partner correspondences. management tool for business
partner correspondences.

Selection screen is generated as Fiori UI with limited event handling Selection screen is always
mechanisms through ABAP-based handlers. displayed as Web GUI with full
flexibility of ABAP selection screens
For more details about using the Classic mode, see the attached document Adopting Classic Mode in SAP Note
 Availability of Standard Report Definitions
The Define Compliance Reports app provides you with a set of standard report definitions, which can be directly
used for legal reporting in the Run Compliance Reports app. You can use them as it is, or copy them to create
new report definitions in your namespace.
 Ability to Create Report Definitions
In addition to the standard report definitions, you can create new report definitions based on your legal reporti ng
requirements. While creating or editing report definitions in the Enhanced mode, you can:
o Set report properties
o Add or edit selection screen parameters
o Add or edit legal output documents
o Add or edit business partner correspondence documents, if required
o Add or edit events
o Map elements to the respective data sources, and so on
 Ability to Create Report Categories
The Define Compliance Reports app provides you with a set of standard report categories. However, you can
create your own report categories to suit your requirements. While creating a new report category, you can also
create and assign rules to the report category for the report run types - standard and correction, based on your
country specific legal requirements.
 Support for Data Provisioning
While adding or editing documents for your report definition, you can provision or map elements with multiple data
sources for report generation. You can use sources such as literals, parameters from reporting entity
configuration, query column, system fields, or report parameters. The app provides you the flexibility to define
your own queries and manage conditions as well.
 Ability to Create Schema Definition
You can assign an existing schema or create a new schema for your document definitions. The app allow s you to
create schema definitions by either uploading an XSD or taxonomy file, or selecting an existing ABAP dictionary
For more details about creating a schema definition, see the attached document Creating Schema Definition in
the SAP Note 2465179.
 Support for Event Handling
You can subscribe to the pre-defined events and modify the behavior of the report definition. The available events
o Validation of selection screen parameter
o Checks during the generation process
o Defaulting of report parameter value
o Checks before file generation
 Audit Trail
You can maintain a log of the journal entries considered for reporting under a specific reporting task. This tracking
helps to analyze and audit these journal entries, if required. The tracking also ensures consistency between the
data considered for generation and the data considered for analytics.
 Incorporating Business Rules
The app is now enabled to support the incorporation of business rules. This is achieved through the app's
integration with SAP Business Rule Framework plus (BRFplus). For more details on creating business rules via
BRFplus, see SAP Business Rules Framework plus (BRFplus).

BRFplus rules of the following types can be incorporated within the app:
o Functions for performing tasks such as simple mathematical operations, string concatenation, case
conversion scenarios, and so on
o Functions with importing parameters of type Element only
o Function modules or static classes wrapped using BRFplus functions
 Pattern Based File Names
You can provide file name patterns for the generated document, as per the regulations defined by the government
authorities or as per the business requirements. You can choose the data source as literal, query column, system
field, and so on, and enter the required file name pattern details in the Define Compliance Reports App. Note, that
the defined file name is assigned to the output document only when you download the file from the Run
Compliance Reports app.

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