Choose A Particular Sector or Topic Discussed Above That May Interest You

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Choose a particular sector or topic discussed above that may interest you,
Gather basic data as well and the problem of the sector. You may use current
events, statistics, history and the like. Make sure to gather facts from credible

Filipino women in other countries

Muslim Women/ Women of Islam

Philippine Indigenous Group
Philippines Girl Brides

From According to UNICEF, the Philippines has the 12th highest absolute
number of child brides in the world at 726,000. 15% of Filipino girls are  married before
their 18th birthday and 2% are married before the age of 15. Women in Armm,
Mimaropa and Soccsksargen marry earlier than those in other regions. Child marriage
is driven by gender inequality and the belief that women and girls are somehow inferior
to men and boys.

There is limited information on child marriage in the Philippines, but available

studies show that it is driven by:

 Trafficking: The trafficking of women and girls from rural regions of

Visayas and Mindanao to urban cities such as Cebu City, Manila and
Quezon City is common. Trafficking also occurs in tourist destinations
such as Boracay, Angeles City and Surigao where there is a high demand
for commercial sex from women and girls. Some girls are forced into
marriage. The Philippines’ popular mail-order bride industry also places
girls at risk of being subject to forced marriage.
 Religion: The Muslim Law on Personal Status, based on Sharia law,
allows marriage at the age of 15 for boys and at the onset of puberty for
girls. The Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic and the only
country in the world that does not allow divorce. This places young
married girls in a particularly vulnerable position.

In 2016 the CEDAW Committee urged the government to eliminate the root
causes of child and forced marriage, including poverty, conflict and insecurity, as well as
vulnerability to the impact of natural disasters. It also raised concerns between the
provisions of the Magna Carta on Women and those of the Code of Muslim Personal
Laws and customary laws applicable to indigenous communities, which drive harmful
practices such as child and forced marriage.

Under the Family Code 1988 the legal minimum age of marriage is 18 for both
girls and boys. However girls are eligible to marry as soon as they reach puberty and
with permission of the court under the Muslim Law on Personal Status. ASEAN
Commission on the Rights of Women and Children, The Declaration on the Elimination
of Violence against Women and Elimination of Violence against Children in ASEAN,
2013, (accessed February 2018)


Foreign Policy, The last country in the world where divorce is illegal, [website],
2015, (accessed April 2018)
Global Nation, UN envoy warns on human trafficking in Philippines, [website], 2012,
(accessed April 2018)
Philippine Statistics Authority, Philippines National Demographic and Health Survey
2013, 2014, (accessed April 2018)
Tahirih Justice Centre, Forced Marriage Overseas: Philippines, [website], 2018, 
(accessed April 2018)
UNICEF, Reversing the Trend: Child Trafficking in East and South-East
Asia, 2009, (accessed April 2018)
UN CEDAW, Concluding observations on the combined seventh and eighth periodic
reports of the Philippines, 2016, p.15, (accessed April 2018)
UN General Assembly, Compilation on the Philippines Report of the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2017, p.10,(accessed February 2018)
United Nations, Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, [website], 2017,
(accessed February 2018)
United States State Department, US Trafficking in Persons Report, Philippines, 2016,
(accessed April 2018)
* Child marriage prevalence is the percentage of women 20-24 years old who were
married or in union before they were 18 years old (UNICEF State of the World’s
Children, 2017)
2. Discuss why you believe women particularly suffer this form of discrimination.
Make an infographic that captures your ideas for this issue, them explain and
justify your chosen indicators.
3. Discuss the participation of women in power and politics in the Philippines
Women’s right to participation and representation in all spheres of life is vital in fully
realizing their role as agents and beneficiaries of development.

Ladies include half of the nation's populace, yet they hold just around one-fifth of
government chose positions. Ladies in key situations in the government have
demonstrated that they are as competent and viable as their male partners in expecting
initiative and dynamic jobs. While men can and do partake in creating sexual orientation
responsive laws and projects, they can't generally nor completely speak to the interests
of ladies thinking about their separated necessities, issues, socialization and
encounters. Advancing ladies' portrayal in chose bodies permits them to add to
improvement and country fabricating, and guarantee that administration prompts
equivalent admittance to assets and to advancement results and results for the two
ladies and men, young ladies and young men.

It has frequently been said that governmental issues is more the domain of men
than ladies. Sexual orientation generalizations that think about ladies as powerless,
passionate and uncertain characteristics that are bothersome in arrangement and
dynamic deter citizens from deciding in favor of ladies applicants. Simultaneously, the
"numerous weight" experienced by most ladies, wherein they bear the vast majority of
the obligation regarding performing homegrown obligations while they take part in
political, monetary and social exercises deters ladies themselves from pursuing public

The country’s electoral system, which follows a “first-past-the-post” or plurality

system where the winner takes it all, affects the preference of political parties or groups
to finance male candidates who are perceived to have higher probabilities of winning
the election. The difficulty of women in finding sufficient resources for costly electoral
campaigns tends to hinder them from running for elective government positions. One of
the most popular and widely-used strategy is the adoption of a gender quota system as
a temporary special measure for the attainment of gender balance in government
institutions. Under the gender quota system, a certain number or percentage of the
members of a particular body are allocated to a particular sex. 

The challenge is to form a critical mass of women in elective positions so that

their voices will be heard. At the same time, measures should focus on building the
capacity and enhancing leadership and decision-making skills of women to be able to
effect change and influence policy discussions.

4. What can you say about the institutional mechanisms and the Human Rights of
Specialized institutions can help prevent violence against women.

At public, local and worldwide levels, they have had a significant influence in
illuminating laws, strategies and projects band propelling sexual orientation equity.
However, more should be done on viciousness against ladies. We need powerful laws
and arrangements combined with more grounded instruments to facilitate different
entertainers and guarantee compelling requirement and usage. I backing and supporter
for proof based policymaking. To this end, Women focus on the requirement for sex-
collected information and assumed a significant function in the ongoing improvement of
nine earth shattering pointers to gauge viciousness against ladies. They seem
additionally work with nations to propel the worldwide regularizing system.

5. Identify the various discriminations against the girl-child and discuss its
implication to the society.

Types of oppression young girl-child are various and change contingent upon the
conventions, history, and culture of a specific culture. In our work to improve the state of
young ladies, Youth Advocate Program International spotlights on three everyday
routine compromising practices that sway the experiences of millions of young lady kids
– female child murder, female genital cutting, and honor killing. The Convention on the
Rights of the Child (CRC) characterizes a kid as an individual younger than 18 except if
public laws perceive the period of dominant part prior. The age of 18 is currently
acknowledged as the world norm, since each nation has sanctioned the CRC aside
from Somalia and the United States. Despite the fact that YAP International explicitly
advocates for finishing oppression young ladies, we understand endeavors to shorten
sexual orientation separation must incorporate procedures that keep on supporting
ladies when they reach and pass age 18.

As I observe it recognizes the different victimizations the young lady youngster

and examines its suggestions to the general public. While youngsters around the globe
keep on confronting different types of difficulty in the 21st century, young lady kids
specifically are exposed to various types of abuse, misuse, and separation because of
their sex. Joined Nations measurements, public reports and studies started by non-
administrative associations consistently show that young ladies, as a gathering, have
lower proficiency rates, get less medical care, and are more frequently devastated than
young men. It is likewise imperative to take note of these conditions, as a rule, don't
improve as young ladies develop to become ladies.

As legislation and law enforcement cannot guarantee the elimination of these

practices, public awareness of the issues and grassroots support of local communities
are essential to prevent and eradicate female infanticide and sex-selective abortion.
Progress has been made in India where the government has taken steps to implement
programs to educate the public and have encouraged NGOs to take action against
these practices.

6. Reflect one’s experience or observation on the related cases mentioned that

transpired in one’s community/society and site probable suggestion for its

I don’t any data on one’s actual experience in this matter, but I do know
one person who is in politics and a girl defenders senator Risa Hontiveros. From
her bills we are so close to making child marriages illegal in the country. In her
Facebook post said:

“Ngayong pandemic maaaring mas marami pang batang babae

ang mapipilitang ipakasal para maibsan daw ang pampinansiyal na
problema. Pero alam natin na hindi ito ang solusyon. Our girls deserve to
choose a life that will not deprive them of education, economic prospects,
and their future.”

As the girl brides act are now passed in the second in the senate reading
it would criminalize child marriages and I hope soon the divorced law should be
pass sooner too in order for this kind of mistake won’t repeat ever again.

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