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Name: Rajiv Gupta

Roll No: 048

MBAex 8102 Data Analysis and Optimization

Professor: Amit Kumar Bardhan (AB)

Overview of the product

Row Labels Count of Product
TM195 80
TM498 60
TM798 40
Grand Total 180

Graph 1: Percentage Market Share of products: - TM195 has the highest market share as per
surveyed data
Graph 2: The below bar graph shows the usage of products by Age group. People with age group 18-
27 use the treadmill more than 4 days in a week

Graph 3: The below bar graph shows how the product usage is scattered across people by Marital
Graph 4: The below bar graph shows the fitness level by Gender

Graph 5: Below graph shows KM covered by Salary Group. It shows that people with higher income
the number of kilometre decreases

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