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M r.

Corni sh 's
Cl assroom New s

Weekly Agenda
COVID-19. The students will
This week we will be talking
do these activities all week
all about healthy habits in
on the first week of school to
light of the current state of
make sure they know the new
our country. During this we
protocols in place for their
will be addressing healthy
own safety to ensure a
tips that the students can
healthy school year. Your
use day to day to keep
child will get multiple
themselves safe and
handouts and interactive to
hygienic. The kids will
take home to do with the
undergo a series of
family as well, some needing to
activities related to keeping good
have signatures at the bottom by
hygiene, wearing a mask, and keeping
a parent to show completion. We
your area clean to reduce the spread of
ask that all parents participate to
ensure that everyone is practicing
a healthy lifestyle both in and out
Teacher Not es of the classroom environment.
Please note that child is never
due to new without. Again
guidelines, this is a
students statewide Coming Up...
must be mandate - Assem bl y N ex t
wearing a and must M on day
mask in be - Qu i z N ex t
the building at all followed at all Tu esday !
times. We ask times. - Fi el d Tr i p N ex t
Fr i day !!!!
that you bring a
set of 5 mask in a
plastic bag to
ensure that your

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