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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Geography Optional
Paper II
Previous Year’s
Questions Topic Wise

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir


For most of the questions marks given here are modified,

because earlier UPSC used to ask questions for 60 marks and 30 marks,
short note questions for 20 marks. But from past 5 years UPSC was asking
10, 15 and 20 marks questions only. So we adjusted those questions to
10, 15 and 20 marks.

Word Limit:

For 10 Mark Question 150 words

For 15 Mark Question 200words

For 20 Mark Question 250 words

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Physical Setting
Space relationship of India with neighboring countries; Structure and
relief; Drainage system and watersheds; Physiographic regions;
Mechanism of Indian monsoons and rainfall patterns, Tropical cyclones
and western disturbances; Floods and droughts; Climatic regions; Natural
vegetation; Soil types and their distributions

 Space relationship of India with neighboring countries;

Q. Mention the space relationship of India with neighbouring countries. 10


Q. Bring out the role of terrain in determining India‟s political influence over
neighbouring countries. 10 marks

 Structure and relief; Drainage system and watersheds; Physiographic


Q. Give the salient features of the Aravallis with respect to geological structure,
relief and impact on human settlements. 15 Marks

Q. Draw a sketch map in your answer book to delineate the main

physiographic regions of India and provide a reasoned account of the relief and
structure of the Himalayan region. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the origin and main geomorphic features of Thar Desert of India. 15

Q. Explain the raise of the Himalayan ranges. 10 marks

Q. Describe the structure and relief features of Peninsular India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the relief features of Indian Northern Plains. 20 marks

Q. Give a brief account of the second order regions of India‟s Peninsular

Plateau. 15 marks

Q. Explain the topographical and structural characteristics of the Siwalik

range. 10 marks

Q. Explain the structural characteristics of the Deccan Plateau. 15 marks

Q. Distinguish the geographical aspects of North Western Lava plateau and

Chotanagpur Plateau of Peninsular India. 20 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Justify the inclusion of Meghalaya in Peninsular India and discuss its

vegetation and soil types. 15 marks

Q. Explain Himalayan Orogeny and illustrate how the process has affected the
geomorphic characteristics of Macro divisions of Himalayas. 20 marks

Q. Explain the different views put forth about the origin of Himalayas and
divide Himalayas into vertical divisions. 20 marks

Q. Explain the salient features of the structure, relief and drainage of the
Himalayas. 20 marks

Q. Distinguish between the West and East coasts of India in terms of their
evolution, present topography and drainage pattern. 20 marks

Q. Give an outline of the geological history of the Peninsular India. Explain the
salient features of the relief of the areas. 20 marks

Q. Elucidate the character of the Himalayan Rivers and examine their role in
the Indian Plains. 20 marks

Q. The drainage system of the two regions: Peninsular and extra- Peninsular
India are very different in their character. What are these differences and why?
20 Marks

Q. Explain the drainage characteristics of Peninsular India. 10 marks

Q. Examine the origin and characteristics of the antecedent drainage system of

the Himalayas. 15 marks

Q. Highlight the salient differences between the Himalayan and Peninsular

drainage systems. 20 marks

Q. Distinguish between Himalayan and the peninsular drainage systems. 20


Q. Present a comparative analysis of the regimes of Himalayan and peninsular

rivers of India and examine their implications in the irrigation system of the
country. 20 marks

Q. Drainage pattern in Peninsular India is a result of its geological structure

and topography. Elaborate. 15 marks

Q. Explain the shifting of river courses and river capturing in the Himalayas.
10 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. How is the drainage pattern determined by water divide? 10 marks

Q. Highlight the socioeconomic and ecological roles of River Cauvery in its

riverine tract. 20 marks

Q. Explain the changing river courses and their impacts on the riparian
population in India with suitable examples. 10 marks

 Mechanism of Indian monsoons and rainfall patterns, Tropical cyclones

and western disturbances; Floods and droughts; Climatic regions

Q. Analyse the mechanism of Indian Monsoon. How are the spatial temporal
variations and vicissitudes in precipitation related to this mechanism? 20

Q. Explain some of the important theories of the origin of the South-West

monsoon in India. Evaluate the impact of its characteristics with occurrence of
floods and droughts in different parts of our country. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the major characteristics of the Indian monsoon with special

emphasis on causative factors. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the recent theories put forward to explain the origin and
mechanism of the Indian monsoon. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the mechanism of Indian Monsoon. 10 marks

Q. Elucidate the mechanism of Indian Monsoon 10 marks

Q. Explain the origin, mechanism and characteristics of summer monsoon in

India. 20 marks

Q. Give a critical account of the recent theories of origin of Indian monsoon

with special reference to Jet Stream Theory. 20 marks

Q. Give reasons as to why rainfall variability is a characteristic feature of

India‟s Monsoons. 15 marks

Q. Give a reasoned account of unusual pattern of distribution of monsoonal

rainfall in India in 2017. 10 marks

Q. Explain the factors responsible for uneven distribution of rainfall of in India.

15 marks

Q. Explain the pattern of winter rainfall in India. 10 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Describe the flood prone areas and their management problems in the
Ganga plains. 15 marks

Q. Account for the growing frequency and intensity of floods in India and
suggest short and long term remedial measures indicating the chronically flood
prone areas. 20 marks

Q. Delineate the flood prone areas of India by drawing a sketch map in the
answer book and discuss the causes and consequences of floods in North
Indian plains. 20 marks

Q. Explain the causes, impacts and remedial measures of flood hazards in the
Middle and Lower Ganga plain. 20 marks

Q. Give an account of the distribution of flood-prone areas of India and the

programmes and policy of controlling the impact of floods in the country. 20

Q. Explain the causes, impact and remedial measures of flood hazards in the
middle Ganga plain. Represent the flood affected areas of middle Ganga plain
on a sketch map in your answer book. 20 marks

Q. Explain the criteria used in the identification of drought-prone areas in

India. 10 marks

Q. Identify the drought-prone areas of India and discuss the measures for their
development. 15 marks

Q. Give reasons and identify the chronic drought prone areas of India. 15

Q. Comment on the criteria to identify Drought prone areas in India. 10 marks

Q. Give a reasoned account of either flood hazards or drought hazards

occurring in India and also suggest measures for controlling them. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the role of spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the

delimitation of climatic regions of India, especially with reference to Stamp‟s
climatic regionalisation. 20 marks

Q. Evaluate the Koppen‟s scheme of climatic regionalisation of India. 15 marks

Q. Draw a sketch map in your answer book to delineate the main climatic
regions of India and discuss the important climatic characteristics of each
region. 20 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Discuss the role of spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the

delimitation of climatic regions of India, especially with reference to Stamp‟s
climatic regionalisation. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the role of spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the

delimitation of climatic regions of India, especially with reference to Stamp‟s
climatic regionalisation. 20 marks

Q. Describe the salient climatological characteristics of Rayalaseema region. 20


Q. Explain the unusual intensity of dust storms and thunder storms across
India in the pre-monsoon period of year 2018. 10 marks

 Natural vegetation; Soil types and their distributions

Q. Explain the geographical factors responsible for the growth of mangrove

vegetation in India and discuss its role in coastal ecology. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the distribution and characteristics of the evergreen forest in India.

10 marks

Q. Explain the sequence of vegetation zones of the Himalayas. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the spatial distribution of Natural Vegetation in India with the help
of a sketched map. 15 marks

Q. Explain the characteristics and productivity of the Regur black soils of

India. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the formation and their distribution of the major soil types of India.
15 marks

Q. Describe the distribution of black soils in India and their specific use for
agriculture. 15 marks

Q. Bring out the distribution of Laterite soils in India and their specific use for
agriculture. 20 marks

Q. How does natural vegetation affect the formation of in situ soils? 10 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Land, surface and ground water, energy, minerals, biotic and marine
resources; Forest and wild life resources and their conservation; Energy

 Land, surface and ground water resources

Q. Discuss the spatial variation in the developmental levels of canal irrigation

in India in relation to the physical setting. 10 marks

Q. Analyse the spatial patterns of utilization of ground water for tube well
irrigation in different parts of India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the need of conservation and utility of Water resources in India. 20


Q. Discuss the emerging pattern of surface water utilization in India. 15 marks

Q. Assess as to how surface water utilization affects food production and food
security in the country. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the fresh water crisis in India and prepare a blue print for its
sustainable management. 20 marks

Q. Account for the geographical distribution of ground water resources of India.

How serious is its depletion in recent decades? 20 marks

Q. Why setting up of Water Management Boards is a controversial issue in


Q. Make a critical appraisal of the factors affecting river water quality in India.
10 marks

 energy, minerals resources, Energy crisis

Q. Discuss briefly the utilization, distribution and production of manganese in

India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the utilization and conservation of coal resources of India. 10 marks

Q. Attempt a spatial analysis of the development of minerals based industries

in relation to mineral resource potentialities and their exploitation in different
states of India. 20 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Examine the distribution of the major mineral resources of the Deccan

Plateau together with the extent of their utilization. 20 marks

Q. Critically examine the metalliferous mineral resources of India with

particular reference to their present and future demands. 20 marks

Q. Examine the pattern of distribution and mode of exploitation of bauxite in

India. 20 marks

Q. Delineate the mineral belts of India and mention their distinctive features.
15 marks

Q. Assess the fossil fuel resources of India in terms of current and future
demands for energy. Examine the present and future prospects of their
utilization. 20 marks

Q. Examine the fossil fuel resources of India with particular reference to the
present and future demands for energy. 20 marks

Q. Delineate the coalfields of India and mention their distinctive features. 15


Q. Location of thermal power plants and coal fields in India are not mutually
conducive. Analyse 10 marks

Q. Bring out the present day position of exploitation and processing of nuclear
minerals in India. 10 marks

Q. “Non-conventional energy is the energy of future in India”. Justify this

statement 20 marks

Q. Suggest appropriate energy policy for minimising energy crisis in India. 15


Q. Write about offshore oilfields and coastal ecology. 15 marks

Q. Give an account of the development of renewable resources of India. 15


Q. Keeping the recent developments in view, how can the energy crisis of India
be circumvented by harnessing non-conventional energy resources? 10 marks

Q. Why has solar energy in India not been developed to desired level inspite of
its high potential? 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

 biotic resources; Forest and wild life resources and their conservation

Q. Describe the programmes for management and development of forests in

India under Nation Forest Policy. Mention briefly the roles of other institutions
in the development of forestry in the country. 20 marks

Q. Examine the forest resources of India and explain the principles of

conservation which could be applied to improve the forest wealth of India. 20

Q. Examine the need for conservation of biotic resources in India. 10 marks

Q. Identify important biotic resource regions of India. Highlight in brief the

problems and remedial measures of biotic-resource conservation in India. 20

Q. Examine the National Forest Policy of India. 10 marks

Q. Identify the major biosphere reserves of India and discuss their role in
conservation of forest and wildlife. 15 marks

Q. Identify the important biotic resource regions of India and highlight their
problems. 20 marks

Q. Suggest the measures for wild life conservation with reference to extinction
of rare species. 15 marks

Q. Outline the Government of India‟s strategies of conservation of the Western

Ghats. 15 marks

Q. Illustrate with suitable examples the endeavours undertaken in augmenting

conservation of water and vegetation in India. 20 marks

 marine resources

Q. Assess the fish resources of India and examine the present and future
prospects of their exploitation. 15 marks

Q. Critically examine the marine resources of India and discuss the problems
encountered in their development. 20 marks

Q. Give an account of the success and prospects of Blue Revolution with

comments on its impacts on rural economy of India. 20 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Give an account of potentially and prospects of development of marine

resources of India. 15 marks

 Miscellaneous

Q. Examine the Resources of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 15 marks

Q. Evaluate the impact of technology on resource utilization in India. 15 marks

Q. Write about Karewa deposits and their economic significance. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, power; Institutional factors:
land holdings, land tenure and land reforms; Cropping pattern,
agricultural productivity, agricultural intensity, crop combination, land
capability; Agro and social-forestry; Green revolution and its socio-
economic and ecological implications; Significance of dry farming;
Livestock resources and white revolution; aqua - culture; sericulture,
apiculture and poultry; agricultural regionalisation; agro-climatic zones;
agro- ecological regions.

 Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, power; Institutional

factors: land holdings, land tenure and land reforms;

Q. Give an account of the infrastructural factors necessary for prompting

agricultural development in the dry zones of India with specific examples. 20

Q. Discuss the importance of irrigation in Indian agriculture and describe the

methods of irrigation practised in either the Ganga valley or the Karnataka-
Maharasthra region. 20 marks

Q. Explain the role of institutional factors in the development of agriculture in

India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the role of institutional factors in the efficiency and productivity of

agriculture in India. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the role of institutional factors in shaping the pattern of Indian

agriculture. 15 marks

Q. Outline the impact of land reform measures on agricultural development in

India. 15 marks

Q. Land reform is a key to modern agriculture in India. Describe various

measures taken in this direction after Independence. 15 marks

Q. Explain how modernization of Indian agriculture is affected by unfavourable

institutional factors with suitable examples. 15 marks

Q. Formulate a suitable agricultural land use policy that will achieve the twin
goals of optimum agricultural efficiency and crop productivity. 20 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Discuss the role of infrastructural, scientific and technological developments

in the recent transformation of Indian agriculture. 20 marks

Q. Critically examine the role of infrastructural and institutional factors in the

recent transformation of Indian Agriculture. 20 marks

 Cropping pattern, agricultural productivity, agricultural intensity, crop

combination, land capability;

Q. Discuss the cropping patterns in different agricultural regions of India. 20


Q. Explain the method of delineating crop association regions with reference to

India. 10 marks

Q. Describe the problems of production and distribution of food crops in India

from the regional point of view. 20 marks

Q. Analyse the relationship between cropping intensity and agricultural

productivity and throw light on the measures of increasing the cropping
intensity in India. 20 marks

Q. Differentiate between agricultural efficiency and agricultural productivity

and discuss the methods used in the determination of agricultural efficiency in
India. 20 marks

Q. Distinguish between „agricultural productivity‟ and „agricultural efficiency‟,

and bring out the disparity in regional distribution of agricultural efficiency. 20

Q. Define Agriculture Productivity. Mention the methods of its measurement

and bring out the disparities in its regional disparities. 15 marks

Q. What is significance of land capability classification in land use planning?

Explain the method of land capability classification adopted by the All India
land use and soil survey organization. 15 marks

Q. Analyse critically whether the existing cropping in different parts of India

would need any change for better agriculture performance in future. 20 marks

Q. “The institutional factors have grip over the crop pattern and crop
productivity on Indian agriculture”. Justify 20 marks

Q. Write about Impact of land tenure on agricultural productivity in India. 15


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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Define agricultural intensity and bring out its regional distribution in India.
10 marks

 Agro and social-forestry; Green revolution and its socio- economic and
ecological implications; Significance of dry farming;

Q. Discuss the role of social forestry in any one region of India. 10 marks

Q. Examine the significance of social forestry in the rural economy of India. 10


Q. Write about Agro-Forestry in India. 15 marks

Q. Why has agro and social forestry has failed to achieve its objectives? 10

Q. What is meant by Green Revolution? Explain its successes and failures. 15


Q. Discuss the impact of green revolution on the agricultural production in

India. 10 marks

Q. Critically evaluate the dual impacts of green revolution in India. 20 marks

Q. “India has paid heavily for achievement of Green Revolution in the form of
economic, social and ecological cost”. Discuss 15 marks

Q. „Inspite of various negative impacts of Green Revolution, there is a demand

for New Green Revolution‟. Elaborate 15 marks

Q. Explain the distribution and characteristics of dry zone agriculture. 15


Q. Discuss the problems and prospects of dry zone agriculture in India and
highlight strategies and schemes for its development. 20 marks

Q. With the help of a map, indicate the principal areas of dryland farming in
the country and account for farmers‟ suicides mainly in those areas. 15 marks

 Livestock resources and white revolution; aqua - culture; sericulture,

apiculture and poultry;

Q. What is meant by Operation Flood? Discuss the manner of its

implementation and its success in India. 15 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Discuss the role of animal husbandry in the agricultural economy of India

with special reference to any one region. 20 marks

Q. Write an essay on the role of animal husbandry and household industries in

the development of rural economy in India. 20 marks

Q. Present an account of the success and constraints of White revolution in

India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the scope of replication of White revolution in India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the potentiality and status of aquaculture in the Ganga Plain. 15


Q. Write about the prospects of Rainbow Revolution in India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the potentiality and present status of horticulture in the Western

and Central Himalaya. 20 marks

 Agricultural regionalisation; agro-climatic zones; agro- ecological


Q. Divide peninsular region into agricultural regions. Explain the basis of such
a regionalization. 20 marks

Q. Examine the geographical basis of agro-climatic planning regions of India.

20 marks

Q. Discuss the bases of identifying agro-climatic zones and explain the core
strategies for agricultural development. 20 marks

Q. Divide India into agricultural regions and critically examine the role of
ecological and human factors responsible for transformation of agricultural
economy in any one region. 20 marks

Q. Outline the agricultural regions of India, indicating the basis of

regionalization. Bring out the factors responsible for emergence of different
crop combination in different regions. 20 marks

Q. Farmer’s suicide is one of the major agrarian problems in India. Bring

out its causes and suggest the remedial measures with reference to
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab. 15 marks (2017)

Q. Explain the contemporary agricultural scenario in the context of rapid

urbanization in India. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Evolution of industries; Locational factors of cotton, jute, textile, iron and
steel, aluminium, fertilizer, paper, chemical and pharmaceutical,
automobile, cottage and agro - based industries; Industrial houses and
complexes including public sector undertakings; Industrial
regionalisation; New industrial policies; Multinationals and liberalization;
Special Economic Zones; Tourism including eco -tourism.

 Evolution of industries

Q. Identify the important periods of industrialization in India and analyse the

character of its two most developed industrial regions. 20 marks

Q. Trace the evolution of Industries in India & evaluate the role of

multinationals and liberalization policies in this context. 20 marks

 Locational factors of cotton, jute, textile industries

Q. Discuss the location, present situation and future prospects of the Jute
industry in India. 20 marks

Q. Analyse the factors for the localization of either cotton textile or sugar
industry in India and note the recent trends in the industry. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the factors for the localization of either the cement or the cotton
textile industry in India and analyse the pattern of its distribution. 20 marks

Q. Analyze the location, distributional pattern and Problems of Cotton textile

industries in India. 20 marks

Q. Describe the development of textile industry in India. 20 marks

 Locational factors of iron and steel, aluminium, automobile industries

Q. Examine critically the factors for the localization of iron and steel industry
in India with specific reference to the newer centers of steel production. 20

Q. Discuss the growth, location and distribution of Iron and Steel Industry in
India. 20 marks

Q. Examine the role of raw materials in the location of Iron and Steel Industry
in India. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 20 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Mini steel plants can act as an instrument of decentralization of iron and

steel industry in India. 10 marks

Q. Write short note on Aluminum industry in India. 10 marks

Q. Explain the factors promoting the rapid growth and development of the
automobile industry in India, giving suitable examples. 20 marks

 Locational factors of paper, fertilizer, chemical and pharmaceutical


Q. Write short note on Location and growth of Fertilizer industry in India. 10


Q. Bring out the trends in the development of fertilizer industry in India. 15


Q. Analyse the locational pattern of cement industry in India. 10 marks

Q. Critically examine the locational pattern and trend of production of forest

based industries in India. 20 marks

Q. Assess the scope and development of Pharmaceutical Industry in India. 15


Q. Why does the pharmaceutical industry concentrate largely in the western

region of the country? 10 marks

 Locational factors of cottage and agro - based industries;

Q. Write short note on Agro-based industries of India. 10 marks

Q. Explain the factors responsible for the distribution of Sugar Industry in

India. 15 marks

Q. Write short note on growth of agro based industries in Uttar Pradesh and
Bihar. 10 marks

Q. Examine the problems and prospects of agro based industries in Bihar. 15


Q. Describe the problems of agro-based industries in India in general and

cotton textiles in particular. 15 marks

Q. Write short notes on types of rural industries and their basis in the
Rajasthan- Gujarat region. 10 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Why is the traditional crafts industry in India on the decline? 15 marks

Q. Identify the spatial pattern of agro-industrial regions of India. Analyse the

potentiality of Malwa as an important agro-industrial region of the future. 20

 Industrial houses and complexes including public sector undertakings;

Industrial regionalisation;

Q. What is an industrial complex? Describe the growth, problems and

prospects of any major industrial complex in India. 20 marks

Q. Draw a sketch map to delineate the major industrial complexes of India and
discuss their important characteristics. 20 marks

Q. “The Bokaro Iron and Steel Plant is an example of Industrial Complex.”

Explain 10

Q. Examine the importance of industrial estates in India. 10 marks

Q. Describe the growth, characteristics and distribution pattern of India‟s

industrial regions. 20 marks

Q. Name the major industrial regions of India indicating the bases of their
identification. Highlight their basic problems. 20 marks

Q. Identify the main industrial clusters of India and account for their
development. 10 marks

Q. Distributional pattern of industries in India does not provide requisite basis

for division for division of the country into distinct industrial regions. Elaborate
20 marks

Q. Write about Identification of industrially backward areas and problems in

their development. 15 marks

Q. Indicate the criteria of identification and demarcating the industrially

backward areas of India and enumerate main hurdles in their development. 15

 New industrial policies; Multinationals and liberalization; Special

Economic Zones;

Q. Trace the evolution of Industrial policy in India and bring on its impact on
industrial development of the country. 20 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Write short note on recent changes in India‟s basic Industrial Policy. 10


Q. Analyse the role of policy of liberalization on industrial landscape of India.

10 marks

Q. Bring out the impact of multinationals and liberalization on the Industrial

Economy/Pattern of India. 20 marks

Q. Explain the role of multinationals in globalization of industries in India. 15


Q. Discuss the problems in realization of benefits of globalization and

liberalization in industrial sector of India. 15 marks

Q. Explain the New Industrial Policies in India. 15 marks

Q. Explain the concept of „Make in India‟ and indicate the essential inputs for
its success. 15 marks

Q. Assess the suitability of Special Economic Zones for the sustainable

economic development in India. 15 marks

Q. Startups may play important role in giving fillip to economic growth in India.
Illustrate with examples. 15 marks

 Tourism industry including eco -tourism.

Q. Explain how ecotourism activities could be important livelihood options in

the Himalayan and North-Eastern regions of the country. 10 marks

Q. Give a critical account of region specific constraint of sustainable tourism in

India. 15 marks

Q. How may tourism in hilly areas of India be developed as an important

source of economy? 15 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Transport, Communication and Trade

Road, railway, waterway, airway and pipeline networks and their
complementary roles in regional development; Growing importance of
ports on national and foreign trade; Trade balance; Trade Policy; Export
processing zones; Developments in communication and information
technology and their impacts on economy and society; Indian space

 Road, railway, waterway, airway and pipeline networks and their

complementary roles in regional development;

Q. Discuss the significance, traffic flow pattern, emerging trends and problems
of road transport in India. 20 marks

Q. What is Golden Quadrilateral? Discuss the Progress made in its execution

and impacts on Indian Economy. 20 marks

Q. Explain with suitable examples the role of road transport in agricultural

development in India. 15 marks

Q. Examine the role of road transport in regional development taking suitable

examples from an area you have studied in detail. 20 marks

Q. Write a note on Development of Railway transport in India since

Independence. 15 marks

Q. Explain the role of Railways as a unifying factor in Indian economy. 10


Q. Write short note: Competitive and complementary character of Indian rail

route and road network. 10 marks

Q. Critically examine the complementary and competitive character of the

Indian rail routes and the road network. 20 marks

Q. Integrated development of road and rail networks in a complementary is a

prerequisite for regional development. Explain with reference to North-Eastern
Region of India. 20 marks

Q. Write a note on Significance of inland waterways in the development of

transportation and trade. 15 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Write about Geographical impediments in the development of inland

waterways in India. 15 marks

Q. Give a comparative account of the development of River Water Transport in

pre-colonial and post-independence periods in India. Highlight the role of River
transport in regional development. 20 marks

Q. Bring out the development of river water transport in India and its role in
regional development. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the problems and prospects of National Waterway No.1. 15 marks

Q. What is the role of Triplet Transport System in the regional development of

India? 15 marks

Q. Discuss the basis on which the current network of Airways is built in India,
highlighting its role in the overall transportation milieu. 20 marks

Q. Assess the growing importance of air transport in India and examine its role
in the regional development of the country. 15 marks

Q. Critically examine the feasibility of development of a comprehensive network

of airways in India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the oil and natural gas pipeline networks in India. Highlight their
complementary role in regional development. 20 marks

Q. Explain the pipeline network across India and its impact on regional
development. 20 marks

Q. Analyse the role of different types of transport in the commodity flows of the
Delta regions of East India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the nature of commodity flows in India. 15 marks

 Growing importance of ports on national and foreign trade;

Q. Discuss the growing importance of ports in foreign trade of India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the changing composition of international trade through major

seaports of India. 15 marks

Q. Describe the salient features of Sagar Mala project and highlight its role in
port-led development of coastal regions in India. 15 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

 Trade balance; Trade Policy; Export processing zones;

Q. Account for the persisting negative trade balance of India. 15 marks

Q. Analyse the recent trends in Indian International Trade. 15 marks

Q. Analyse the pattern of India‟s trade with the S-E Asian countries. 10 marks

Q. How has India‟s „Look East‟ policy taken shape in the past two decades and
how it may affect India‟s external trade?

Q. What are the desired possible changes in our trade policy to promote the
development of cottage industry? 15 marks

Q. Discuss briefly the overall pattern of inter-regional trade in India. 20 marks

Q. Write short note on Role and Characteristics of rural market centers in

different parts of India. 10 marks

Q. Write about role of rural market centers in promoting intra and inter-
regional trade. 15 marks

Q. Write a short note on role of rural market centers in fostering intra and
inter-regional trade in India. 10 marks

 Developments in communication and information technology and their

impacts on economy and society;

Q. Evaluate the contribution of Communication and Information technology to

the development of economy and society, and examine the relevance of the
recently launched „Digital India‟ programme. 15 marks

 Indian space programme.

Q. Bring out the significance of Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System

(IRNSS). 10 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

Cultural Setting
Historical Perspective of Indian Society; Racial, linguistic and ethnic
diversities; religious minorities; major tribes, tribal areas and their
problems; cultural regions; Growth, distribution and density of
population; Demographic attributes: sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate,
work-force, dependency ratio, longevity; migration (inter-regional, intra-
regional and international) and associated problems; Population problems
and policies; Health indicators.

 Historical Perspective of Indian Society; Racial, linguistic and ethnic

diversities; religious minorities; cultural regions;

Q. Elucidate the genesis of ethnic and cultural diversities in India. 15 marks

Q. Examine the genesis of racial diversity in India. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the genesis of ethnic and racial diversities in India. 15 marks

Q. In what way the language, religion and tradition can form the basis of
cultural regionalisation of India. Elaborate 20 marks

Q. Write about ethnic diversity of North-Eastern states. 15 marks

Q. Point out the ethnic disparities in the N-E India. 15 marks

Q. Write about linguistic diversity in North-Eastern states. 10 marks

Q. “Linguistic diversity is an asset as well as a challenge in India”. Explain the

statement focusing on the distribution of languages and the major steps taken
to address the related issues. 15 marks

Q. Describe the impact of linguistic diversity on the development of various

regions of India. 15 marks

Q. Critically assess the vanishing ethnic linguistic plurality of India. 15 marks

Q. Religious minorities are largely concentrated in Border States of India.

Discuss its causes and consequences. 15 marks

Q. Give the geographical cases of unity and diversity in India. 10 marks

Q. India presents an example of unity in diversity. Elucidate this statement in

the context of India‟s Physical and human aspects. 20 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

 major tribes, tribal areas and their problems;

Q. Discuss the problems of Tribal areas and suggest measures for solving
them. 15 marks

Q. Identify the major tribal communities in India by regions and examine the
problems common to all of them and the ways of their solution. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the problems of tribal areas in India. 10 marks

Q. Critically examine the problems and prospects of tribal areas in India. 20


Q. Identify the tribal areas of India and highlight their important problems. 15

Q. Present an account of tribals, tribal areas and their problems in India. 20


Q. Describe the major tribal regions of India and their problems. 15 marks

 Growth, distribution and density of population;

Q. Analyse the recent trends in the growth and density of population of India
and evaluate the socio-economic and environmental problems generated by
them. 20 marks

Q. Examine critically the major factors responsible for the growth of two
highest population density zones in India. 20 marks

Q. Elucidate the population density types in India. 15 marks

Q. Name the million cities of India according to 2011 census and critically
examine the factors for unprecedented growth in their population in the last 40
years. 20 marks

Q. Account for the present distributional pattern of population density in India.

15 marks

Q. “Economic characteristics of an area exert a much more direct effect upon

its population patterns than do the physical characteristics”. Explain with
examples. 20 marks

Q. Critically examine the factors affecting the distributional pattern of

population in India. 20 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Analyse the distribution of population in India in the perspective of natural

resources and identify the over-populated and under-populated regions in the
country. 20 marks

 Demographic attributes: sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate, work-

force, dependency ratio, longevity;

Q. Analyse the causes of low literacy rate of India. Suggest feasible measures
for raising the literacy level. 15 marks

Q. Analyse the changes in the literacy rate during the post-independence

period in India. 15 marks

Q. Describe and explain the spatial patterns of literacy in India. 15 marks

Q. Write about geographical reasons for the variations in literacy from state to
state in India. 10 marks

Q. Elucidate the sex and age structure of the population of India. 10 marks

Q. “Age-sex pyramid is representative of the history of a region”. Explain 10


Q. Discuss the causes and consequences of sex ratio variations in India. 15


Q. Discuss the factors influencing the distribution of sex ratio in India. 10


Q. Highlight the implications of declining child sex ratio in India. 10 marks

Q. Explain how demographic Transition created Demographic divide in

Contemporary India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the social and spatial ramifications of increasing longevity. 10


Q. How age structure affects dependency ratio? Explain with suitable

examples. 15 marks

Q. What do you understand by „Young India‟? How can the present state of
population composition be converted into an asset for the country. 15 marks

Q. Write about demographic dividend and its implications on Indian socio-

economic environment. 10 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

 migration (inter-regional, intra- regional and international) and

associated problems;

Q. Explain the causes and consequences of migration. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the spatial pattern of intraregional migration in India and examine

its implications in regional development. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the trends in emigration focusing on its major thrust. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the socio-economic problems associated with the left behind

families of international migrants from India. 10 marks

 Population problems and policies; Health indicators.

Q. Elucidate the current population policy of India and comment on its

effectiveness. 15 marks

Q. Evaluate the population policy of India and examine its relevance to the
nation‟s population control. 15 marks

Q. Elucidate the measures taken to limit the growth of population in India. 15


Q. In population planning, the thrust of the Government has been „planning

the population‟ not „plan for population‟. Elaborate 15 marks

Q. Evaluate the population policy of India and examine its relevance to the
nation‟s population control. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements; Urban
developments; Morphology of Indian cities; Functional classification of
Indian cities; Conurbations and metropolitan regions; urban sprawl; Slums
and associated problems; town planning; Problems of urbanization and

 Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements

Q. Explain, with the help of suitable examples and illustrations the distribution
of various patterns of rural settlements in India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the geographical control of rural settlement pattern in India. 10


Q. Explain with suitable examples and sketch maps, the distribution of various
patterns of rural settlements in India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss briefly the principal types of rural settlements in India. 15 marks

Q. State the geographical factors which influence rural house types in India. 15

Q. Write about morphological characteristics of villages situated in hilly

regions. 10 marks

Q. Give an account of geographical conditions responsible for the development

of different types of rural settlements in India. 15 marks

Q. Describe the changing regional morphology of rural settlements in India. 20


Q. Present a comparative analysis of geographical factors responsible for

distribution of human settlements in Rajasthan desert and North-Eastern
regions of India. 20 marks

Q. Provide the geographical background and characteristics of the

distribution of Hill Stations of India. 15 marks

 Morphology of Indian cities; Conurbations and metropolitan regions;

Q. Describe briefly the internal structure of Indian cities, together with the
ensuing problems. Illustrate your answer with specific examples. 20 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Write short note: Internal structure of an Indian city. 10 marks

Q. Describe the salient characteristics of the morphology of Indian cities. 15


Q. Explain the morphology of Indian cities in the background of existing

morphological models. 20 marks

Q. Examine the driving forces of changing urban morphology of million plus

cities of India with suitable examples. 20 marks

Q. Differentiate between conurbations and metropolitan regions. Give a

reasoned account of emerging conurbations in India. 15 marks

 Functional classification of Indian cities; urban sprawl

Q. Write short note on Functional and hierarchical patterns of Indian Cities. 15


Q. Write short note on Functional and Morphological Typology of Indian cities.

10 marks

Q. Write short note: Function, Classification and hierarchy of urban

settlements. 15 marks

Q. Explain the hierarchical pattern of Indian cities and discuss their growth
and distribution. 20 marks

Q. Write short note: Hierarchical pattern of Indian towns. 10 marks

Q. Mention various methods of functional classification of towns in India and

explain the method applied by Ashok Mitra. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the concept of city region and referring to Indian cities, examine
critically functional indicators used for delimiting the city region. 20 marks

Q. “Mono-functional towns are economically vulnerable.” Discuss 10 marks

Q. Write about major characteristics of rural urban fringe around metropolitan

cities. 15 marks

Q. Write short note: Land use characteristics of the rural urban fringe in India.
10 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. “There is no sharp divide where an urban settlement stops and rural area
begins”. Analyse the statement with reference to the sprawl of Indian cities. 20

Q. Peri-urbanization has created enormous environment problems. Discuss

their and consequences with reference to National Capital Region of India. 15

 Slums and associated problems; town planning;

Q. Write short note: Growth of urban slums and problems associated with
them. 10 marks

Q. What are the distinguishing features of an urban slum and explain its
position in metropolitan area. 15 marks

Q. Write about the factors for the growth of slums in the metropolitan cities of
India. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the environmental impact of the growth of slums in Indian cities. 10


Q. How do slums develop? Give concrete suggestions for their improvement. 15


Q. “Slums are urban menace”. Elucidate with Indian cities as example. 20


Q. How does the „push‟ and „pull‟ factors operate for the emergence of slums in
the metropolises of India? 15 marks

Q. How do slums develop? Give concrete suggestions for their improvement. 10


Q. Define slums and explain their problems. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the elements and approaches of town planning in India. 15 marks

Q. Analyse the feasibility of „Smart Towns‟ Development in India. 10 marks

 Urban developments, Problems of urbanization and remedies.

Q. Discuss the process, pattern and impact of urbanisation in India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the recent trends in urbanisation in India and briefly describe the
main characteristics and problems of the major Indian cities. 20 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Analyse the extent of urban population growth in India in last four decades.
20 marks

Q. Bring out the salient characteristics of Indian urbanization with suitable

examples. 20 marks

Q. Write a note on the emergence of National Settlement System in colonial

India and discuss the factors contributing the urbanization in Post-
Independence period. 20 marks

Q. Unplanned urban development has created numerous problems. Comment

20 marks

Q. Describe the causes and effects of urbanization in India and explain its
impact on rural landscape and urban ecology. 20 marks

Q. Describe how urbanization creates air and water pollution in India. 15


Q. Account for the multiple problems of urban agglomerations. 15 marks

Q. How has an inappropriate urban land use policy accounted for undesirable
development in and around metropolitan cities? 15 marks

Q. Outline the role of Class I and Class II towns in the urban process of India
and indicate their contribution towards balanced urban development. 15

Q. Small towns in India have problems and prospects of their own. Elaborate
10 marks

Q. Examine the census concept of urban areas in India. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the census definition of urban areas in India. 10 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Regional Development and Planning

Experience of regional planning in India; Five Year Plans; Integrated rural
development programmes; Panchayati Raj and decentralised planning;
Command area development; Watershed management; Planning for
backward area, desert, drought prone, hill, tribal area development;
multilevel planning; Regional planning and development of island

 Experience of regional planning in India; Five Year Plans;

Q. Write short note on Regional Planning in India. 10 marks

Q. Present an account of the experience of regional planning in India in the

context of Damodar Valley. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the experience of regional planning in India in the context of the

National Capital Region. 20 marks

Q. Examine the regional development policy of India in various Five Year Plans.
20 marks

Q. Examine the relationship between geography and regional planning. 20


Q. Discuss the population problem of India in regional perspective and make

specific suggestions for tackling the problem with respect to the broad
population regions. 20 marks

Q. Analyse the causes and consequences of regional disparity in the economic

development of India and outline measures to reduce disparity. 20 marks

Q. Analyse the prevailing patterns of regional disparities in the socio-economic

development of India and evaluate the role of the five year plans in reducing
them. 20 marks

Q. Write short note: Major causes for regional disparities in the development of
India. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the growth of regional planning in India and account for regional
disparities in development. 20 marks

Q. Write short note: Magnitude of regional imbalances in economic

development in India. 10 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Explain the causes of regional disparities in economic development of India.

20 marks

Q. Analyse the causes of regional disparities in the economic development of

India and suggest measures for their removal. 20 marks

Q. Give a reasoned account of regional disparities in economic development in

India and bring out the contribution of decentralized planning in solving this
problem. 20 marks

Q. Explain the processes and patterns of regional disparities in India and

suggest suitable measures for bringing about regional balances. 20 marks

Q. Examine the causes of regional disparities in Economic development in

India. 15 marks

Q. Reduction in regional disparities has been one of the priority goals of

national planning in India. How the proposed new Smart urban centers may
contribute to the process. 15 marks

Q. Enumerate the basic indicators of development explain their application in

identification of spatial diversity in development in India. 15 marks

Q. Goods and Services Tax (GST) has differential impact on developed and
backward states of the country. How and Why? 10 marks

Q. Discuss the changes brought about in Indian agriculture by the successive

Five Year Plans, mentioning their successes and failures. 20 marks

 Panchayati Raj and decentralised planning; multilevel planning

Q. Discuss Panchayati Raj as a measure of decentralised planning in India. 10


Q. Examine the role of people‟s participation in successful decentralized

planning in India. 10 marks

Q. Critically examine the Panchayati Raj setup. 15 marks

Q. Write short note: Significance of District Planning in India. 10 marks

Q. Evaluate the benefits of Block Level development planning in India. 15


Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Write a note on City regions as territorial unit for regional planning and
development. 10 marks

Q. Examine critically the advantages and disadvantages of multi-level planning

with specific reference to India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the concept of multi-level planning as practised in India, and

explain the implications of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments in this
respect. 20 marks

Q. Write short note: Nature and utility of multilevel planning in India. 10


Q. Explain the concept of multi-level planning in India. 15 marks

Q. Give the hierarchy of planning regions and bring about the role of
metropolitan planning in fostering regional development in India. 20 marks

Q. “An effective three-tier Panchayat Raj System will strengthen the bottom up
approach to multilevel planning in India”. Explain 20 marks

Q. Decentralized planning through the strengthening of Panchayat System is

the focus of Planning in India in recent times. Suggest a blueprint for an
integrated regional development plan. 15 marks

 Integrated rural development programmes; Command area

development; Watershed management;

Q. What is meant by integrated rural development planning? What are its

components? What has been the extent of its success in relation to its
objectives? 20 marks

Q. Discuss the policies and programmes of Integrated Rural Development

Programmes in India. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the objectives of „Vision 2020‟ in creation of viable village complex in

India for „Inclusive Rural Development‟ programme. 15 marks

Q. Write short note: Role of rural markets in Regional development. 10 marks

Q. Differentiate River Basin and Command Area. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of River Basin as planning regions in India. Give concrete
examples. 20 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Explain the concept of Command Area Development in respect of Multi-

Purpose Projects of India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the prospects and problems of development of catchment and

command areas. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the concept of Command Area Development and evaluate its

success with reference to Indira Gandhi Canal. 15 marks

Q. Draw a sketch map of India showing major river basins. Examine the
feasibility of the concept of river basins as a planning unit. 20 marks

Q. Explain the concept of watershed and its utility in land management. 20


Q. Discuss the relationship of watershed approach to village level planning. 10


 Planning for backward area, desert, drought prone, hill, tribal area

Q. Is planning for a cluster of villages a viable option, when planning for

backward areas of the country? Discuss with suitable examples. 15 marks

Q. Evaluate the Backward Regions Grant Fund Programme. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the programmes and policy of development of dry areas in India. 20


Q. How may tourism in hilly areas of India be developed as an important

source of Economy? 15 marks

Q. How can a meaningful skill development programme contribute to the

economic growth of hill areas? 20 marks

Q. Explain the role of „Hill Transport Subsidy Scheme‟ in reducing regional

imbalances in areas identified by the Government of India. 10 marks

Q. Write short note: Salient features of Tribal area planning. 10 marks

Q. Explain the salient features of the tribal development programme with

particular reference to either Dandakaranya or Chotanagpur. 20 marks

Q. Elucidate the role of Tribal Development Blocks in the development of Tribal

areas. 10 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Elucidate the role of Tribal Development Blocks in the development of Tribal

areas. 15 marks

Q. Write a note on Planning and development of „Tribal Regions‟ in India 10


 Regional planning and development of island territories.

Q. Indian Island territories are vulnerable to sea level rise. Explain 15 marks

Q. Discuss the strategies of integrated development of island territories in

India. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Political Aspects

Geographical basis of Indian federalism; State reorganization; Emergence

of new states; Regional consciousness and interstate issues; international
boundary of India and related issues; Cross border terrorism; India’s role
in world affairs; Geopolitics of South Asia and Indian Ocean realm.

 Geographical basis of Indian federalism; State reorganization;

Emergence of new states; Regional consciousness and interstate

Q. Examine critically the geographical basis of the Indian federation. 20 marks

Q. Write short note: Geographical basis of the Indian Federation. 10 marks

Q. Examine the geographical basis of Indian Federalism. 10 marks

Q. Explain the basis and consequences of the establishment and

implementation of recommendations of the State Re-organisation Commission
in India since 1950‟s. 20 marks

Q. Critically examine the bases of state reorganization in India since

independence. 20 marks

Q. Comment on the basis of creation of new States in India in 2000. 15 marks

Q. Examine the geographical bases for growth of regional consciousness and

regionalism during last three decades. 20 marks

Q. Write short note: Regional consciousness and national integration. 10


Q. Write short note: Regional consciousness versus national integration in

India. 10 marks

Q. Critically examine the political consequences of the regionalisation of our

country on the basis of language. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the role of languages in regional consciousness and national

integration in India. 20 marks

Q. What is regionalism? Discuss how regionalism affects the developmental

process with suitable example. 20 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Give a reasoned account of river water disputes related to River Krishna. 15


Q. Write a critical note on the Cauvery River Dispute. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the salient features of Cauvery Water Award. 10 marks

Q. Identify the Naxal affected areas in India and discuss their socio-economic
problems. 15 marks

 international boundary of India and related issues; Cross border


Q. Write short note: The Sino-Indian Boundary 10 marks

Q. Write short note: The international Boundary of India and related Issues. 10

Q. Discuss the political issues involved in the Tin Bigha or Siachen dispute. 10

Q. Write short note: Major issues involved in the Sino Indian boundary conflict.
10 marks

Q. Write an essay on, the origin, dimensions and implications of Sino-Indian

border dispute. 15 marks

Q. Bring out the geopolitical implications of Doklam dispute in the context of

Indo-China relations. 10 marks

Q. Explain the origin, dimension and implications of Sino-Indian border

dispute.15 marks

Q. Examine the origin, dimensions and implications of the Sino-Indian border

dispute. 15 marks

Q. India is involved in a number of border disputes. Explain the reasons and

remedies. 20 marks

Q. Write short note: Problems of militancy in India‟s Border States. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the geopolitical importance of India‟s Land Boundaries. 20 marks

Q. Write about role of Physiography in cross border terrorism. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Cross border terrorism has implications on border area development in

India. Examine it with suitable examples. 15 marks

Q. Is the land boundary of India with its neighbouring countries a cultural

divide or divided culture? Explain with suitable examples. 15 marks

 India’s role in world affairs; Geopolitics of South Asia and Indian Ocean

Q. Explain the role of India in the geo-politics of South Asia. 10 marks

Q. Write short note: Geopolitical significance of the Indian Ocean. 10 marks

Q. Assess the geopolitical significance of Indian Ocean. 10 marks

Q. Write a note on geopolitics of the Indian Ocean realm. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the emerging geo-political scenario of Indian Ocean Realm. 15


Q. Write short note: Importance of India in the geopolitics of Indian Ocean

realm. 10 marks

Q. Discuss the geopolitical importance of Indian Ocean area. 10 marks

Q. Analyse the role of India in the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean. 20 marks

Q. Make an appraisal of the role of India in the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean.
10 marks

Q. Discuss the implication of India‟s strategic location with reference to the

Indian Ocean. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Contemporary Issues
Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: landslides, earthquakes,
Tsunamis, floods and droughts, epidemics; Issues relating to
environmental pollution; Changes in patterns of land use; Principles of
environmental impact assessment and environmental management;
Population explosion and food security; Environmental degradation;
Deforestation, desertification and soil erosion; Problems of agrarian and
industrial unrest; Regional disparities in economic development; Concept
of sustainable growth and development; Environmental awareness;
Linkage of rivers; Globalisation and Indian economy.

 Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: landslides, earthquakes,

Tsunamis, floods and droughts( covered in Physical Setting),

Q. Evaluate the nature of ecological problems in India and suggest measures

for their management. 20 marks

Q. Explain the origin and consequences of earthquakes in the Himalayas. 10


Q. Explain the geographical characteristics of the regional distribution of

earthquakes in India. 20 marks

Q. Explain the causes, impacts and remedial measures of earth quake disaster.
20 marks

Q. Differentiate between the „intensity‟ and „magnitude‟ of an earthquake and

explain its varying impact in various parts of India. 15 marks

Q. Identify earthquake prone zones and suggest strategy for their management.
20 marks

Q. Identify Tsunami affected areas and give their management problems in

India. 10 marks

Q. Define an „Epidemic‟ and discuss the occurrence of Chikungunya in India.

15 marks

Q. Identify the regions affected by Chikungunya with the help of a sketched

map and bring out the regional pattern of the disease. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Describe the socio-spatial consequences of the recent Nipah viral

encephalitis in India. 10 marks

 Population explosion and food security;

Q. Write an essay on the population explosion and food security in India. 10


Q. Write a note on Snags in Food Security Policy of India. 10 marks

 Issues relating to environmental pollution; Changes in patterns of land

use; Principles of environmental impact assessment and environmental
management; Environmental degradation; Deforestation,
desertification and soil erosion; Environmental awareness;

Q. Discuss the environmental problems of India in the context of rapid

economic development and population growth. 20 marks

Q. Explain the impact of economic development on environmental degradation

in India. 15 marks

Q. Discuss the environmental problems regarding industrial pollution in India.

10 marks

Q. Explain how change in land use can promote eco-development at different

levels in the country. 10 marks

Q. Analyse the ecological significance of forests in different regions of India

indicating the impact of rapid deforestation. 20 marks

Q. Analyse the causes of desertification in India. Represent the desertified

areas of the country on a sketch map and suggest remedial measures to
control it. 15 marks

Q. How does climate change affect the process of desertification of India? 15


Q. Examine the nature and extent of environmental degradation in the

Himalayas. 10 marks

Q. What are the causes and consequences of environmental degradation in

India‟s industrial areas? Give specific examples. 20 marks

Q. Discuss the problems of environmental degradation generated by urban

wastes in India. 15 marks

Contact: +91 9972000318

Geography with Sandeep Sir

Q. Explain the salient features of Sardar Sarovar Project and elucidate the
controversy related to its implementation. 20 marks

Q. How does the formation of a National Park help ecological restoration and
conservation? Explain with suitable examples. 15 marks

Q. Write about spatial pattern of soil erosion in India. 15 marks

Q. Explain the causes of soil erosion occurring over extensive areas in certain
parts of India. What measures would you suggest for solving this problem? 15

Q. What do you understand by soil pollution? Delineate the areas vulnerable to

it in India and suggest remedial measures. 15 marks

Q. Identify the ravine affected areas in India and discuss the environmental
and economic impacts of their reclamation. 15 marks

 Problems of agrarian and industrial unrest; Regional disparities in

economic development ( covered in Regional Development and
Planning) Concept of sustainable growth and development;

Q. Evaluate the concept of sustainable growth and development. 15 marks

Q. Elucidate the concept of sustainable growth and development. 10 marks

Q. Explain the concept of sustainable development and examine its relevance.

10 marks

 Linkage of rivers;

Q. Interlinking of rivers may serve as a major source of assured irrigation and

all weather inland navigation in India. Comment on its feasibility taking into
account physical, economic and ecological implications. 20 marks

Q. Comment on the feasibility of interlinking of rivers of India and its possible

contribution to resolution of water crisis. 20 marks

Q. Examine the relevance of linkage of rivers in India with special reference to

Ganga-Cauvery linkage canal. 15 marks

Q. Evaluate the feasibility of the proposed Ganga Cauvery drainage link (1997)
10 marks

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Geography with Sandeep Sir

 Globalisation and Indian economy.

Q. Discuss the impact of globalization on India‟s industry and agriculture

sectors. 15 marks

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