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Sova Sara

B. 1 The prime function of Aboutyou is to make friends.

2 On Aboutyou,you make friends much faster than you would in real life. Plus,while you're
away,you can keep in touch with friends both at home or anywhere else

3 Online predators and stalkers are lurking on these sites,that's why you need to be cautious
when accepting friend requests.

4 Sites like Aboutyou make socializing easier for young people who may not enjoy going out
as much as others do. We live in a society where technology is helping us with almost
everything,including socializing. The growing popularity of this app is due to the large
number of young users who want to meet new people from the comfort of their own homes.

5 From Jack's point of view, Aboutyou changed his life in good,introducing him to new
people and helping him get out of a bad lifestyle. Without Aboutyou, he thinks that we won't
have any other option to talk or socialize and thus a social death could ooccur.Social media
plays a very important role in our daily lives and without it we would be isolated from any
human contact whatsoever,which is the worst thing that can happen to humanity.

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