Trabajos de Ingles

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During my last vacations I used to help my father with his work and I used to go with
my cousins to the movies or to the beach.
I went to Máncora beach to celebrate my birthday; it was a family vacation. It was a
wonderful vacation where I shared with them, we went out to play, to have dinner and
many other things.
I played on the computer and watched TV.
I enjoyed too much my vacations. I want to repeat this on my next vacation.

Grupal: Anthony Eche Purizaca y Juliana Flores Santos
J: Hi Anthony. How was your vacation
A: Hi Juliana. It was spectacular! The best vacations of my life!
J: Tell me friend, what happened?
A: First I went to see tourist places. I was looking at the monument in the capital when I
heard a great uproar.
J: Oh! Interesting!
A: Yes, the city was celebrating festival and at night while I was dancing on the festival,
the sky was lighting with fireworks.
J: How excited! What did you do next?
A: I ended up very tired and went to sleep. In the morning I woke up wanting to
continue get to know the city.
J: Wow! For the next time I will go with you.

Grupal: Anthony Eche Purizaca, Isabel Eche Purizaca
Hello Isabel, I hope you are fine. I’m writing this email to tell you about my routines
and things that I’m doing these days.
In my daily routine I usually wake up at 6:00 and then I get up, brush my teeth, wash up
and get dressed. At 7:00 I go to work. I always work from 8:00 until 5:00. I have lunch
at work. When I finish work I go back home. At home I take a shower. Then I have
dinner, watch TV and I go to bed around 11:00.
On weekends I always sleep late. In the morning I usually visit my Friends and relatives
or play sports. In the afternoon, I take a nap after lunch and then I go out with Friends.
These days I am living at 120 Bolivar street with my parents. I am studying Engineering
at National University of Piura also I am taking a course the English at the Language
I am working in a factory, just/right now I am walking to work while writing this
message to you. Hope all is well with you.

Grupal: Anthony Eche P., Ana Román, Lesly Jibaja, John Milton Días, Ayrton Alvan
- Where did you go? When did you go? Who did you go? How was the weather?
How was the food? What did you go?
I travelled to Cajamarca with my friends in February. the climate was mild, sometimes
there was sun but a cold breeze was blowing. the food was delicious, I ate "chicharron
con mote" and green broth. Cajamarca really has an excellent gastronomy.
I went to visit the different tourist places for example we visited the Inca baths, we also
Atahualpa's room and other places. the month we went on a trip was carnival time, we
went out to the streets to get wet, we also danced. this trip with my friends was an
Grupal: Anthony Eche Purizaca, Lesly Jibaja, Leslie Castillo,
Grupal: Danixa Huancas, Anthony Eche P.
1. what time will our class finish?
My class will finish at 7pm.
2. What time will you go to bed tonight?
I will go to bed at 10pm. Tonight.
3. What time will you get up tomorrow morning?
I will get up at 7 in the morning.
4. What will you eat for breakfast tomorrow morning?
I will eat breakfast at 10 in the morning.
5. What will you do tomorrow? Will you have a busy day?
Tomorrow, I will clean and have English classes.
6. What will you do this coming weekend?
This weekend, I will make a cake for my sister for her birthday.
7. Will you travel next summer? If ‘yes’, where will you travel to?
I won’t travel.
8. How old will you be in 10 more years? What job will you have?
In 10 more years, I will be 33 old and possibly I will be working in a mine.

9. Will you be famous in the future?

No, I won’t be famous because I am not an artist.
10. Will robots replace teachers in the future?
No, robots won’t replace teachers because robots will not be able to interact with
11. Will people live on the moon in the future?
No, people won’t live on the moon because the moon does not have the optimal
conditions to live.
12. Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
Yes, it will rain tomorrow because we are in summer.
13. What TV show will you watch tonight?
I will see Cosmos in National Geography
14. Will you make dinner tomorrow night.
Yes, I will make dinner because I will be back early from work.
15. Do you think we will have an English test next week?
Yes, I we will have an exam because we are already finishing the bimester.
16. How many grandchildren do you think you will have?
I think I will not have any grandchildren.

1. The volcano erupted suddenly, killing many people.
2. The Apollo program gave a great advance to our knowledge of space.
3. The crew is busy preparing for the trip to outer space.
4. With the power of technology, we can even travel through space.
5. The house did not suffer much damage because the fire was quickly put out.
6. I live near the river bank and hundreds of birds pass over my house every day.
7. The sanctuary of Machu Picchu is one of the wonders of the modern world.
8. Some scientists predict that the world oil reserves will be used up within a century.
9. Indeed, in some parts of the world we can see the effects already of contamination
10. My sword is longer than yours.
11. People are isolated in their homes in this quarantine.
12. I believe that no human being should be tortured.
13. The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.
14. My responsibility is to keep the company solvent.
15. At work there is a real sense of togetherness.
16. My family has a commitment for Friday night.
17. The imports from Asian countries have expanded recently.
18. We are going to look into that work incident.
19. The constellation that most people know is “Osa Mayor”.
20. Now even, many years after the Cold War, there is still much rancor between the
Russians and the Germans.
1. Came into - Entrar
2. Suddenly – Repentinamente (1)
3. Unthinkable – Impensable
4. Tune into - Sintonizar
5. Itself - Asi mismo
6. Perhaps - Quiza, talvez
7. Knowledge – Conocimiento (2)
8. Put up – Colgar, subir, elevar
9. Wall – Pared, muro
10. Outer – Externo, exterior (3)
11. Through – Atravezar, A traves de (4)
12. Quickly – Rapidamente (5)
13. Pass over – No tomar en cuenta (6)
14. Wonder – Asombro, maravilla, preguntarse (7)
15. Within – Dentro de (8)
16. Indeed – Ciertamente (9)
17. Longer – Más largo (10)
18. Isolated – Aislado (11)
19. Human beings – Ser humano
20. Single community – Comunidad única (12)
21. Symptom – Sintoma (13)
22. Responsibility – Responsabilidad (14)
23. Togetherness – Union, Unidad (15)
24. Commitment – Compromiso, sorpresa (16)
25. Expanded – Expandido, extendido, aumentado (17)
26. Looks into – Buscar, Investigar (18)
27. Offering - Oferta, Ofrenda
28. Constellations – Constelacion (19)
29. Now even – Incluso ahora (20)
30. Further away – Más lejos



In 1997, I was born in Sechura.

In 2001, I started my Kindergarten when I was 4 years old.
In 2003, I studied my Primary in a public school that is near my house.
In 2009, I moved with my family in order to continue studying my
secondary school.
In 2012, I won a mathematics contest on behalf of my school.
In 2013, I passed my admission exam and got my entrance to the
National University of Piura.
In 2014, I went on a trip with my family to Ecuador for a few months.
In 2015, I started studying Industrial Engineering at the National
University of Piura.
Grupal: Anthony Eche P., Fabrizio Dioses, Angel Chanduvi
Fabrizio: Hi Angel, Hi Anthony. What did you do?
Angel: I was listening jvalvi's music, because he is my favorite singer.
Anthony: Hi Fabrizio, I was listening to Nicky Jam my favorite singer, he released a
new album.
Fabrizio: Oh really? my favorite singer didn't sing anymore; he is Pedro Suarez Vertiz
Angel: Did you go to his last concert, how is your personality?
Fabrizio: Unfortunately, no, he got stick when I was little boy, I have many CD. I like
her lyrics musical and her simplicity personality
Anthony: In my case, fortunately yes, I attended his last concert, he toured and went
down several Latin American countries.
Angel: j balvin is a humble and charismatic person, in some of his songs he talks about
what he feels and they look very transparent.

Grupal: Anthony Eche P. y Anabel Flores Santos
Anabel: Hi Anabel. What have you done Today?
Anthony: I have talked to Juan about our soccer team.
Anabel: And has your team won the soccer championship?
Anthony: My soccer team has won the championship two times
Anabel: My many games has your team played this year?
Anthony: My soccer team has played 10 games so far this year
Anabel: Since what year has your team started playing?
Anthony: My soccer team has started playing since 1910
Anabel: Have you ever been to the stadium?
Anthony: I haven't been to the stadium, but I will be going soon.
Anthony: I have talked to Juan about our soccer team.
Anthony: My soccer team has won the championship two times
Anthony: My soccer team has played 10 games so far this year
Anthony: My soccer team has started playing since 1910
Anthony: I haven't been to the stadium, but I will be going soon.

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