What Exactly Is Alie (Application)

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A – Choose the best answer : justify with one sentence from the text .

1)According to the passage, a ‘white lie ‘ seems to be a lie

a) that other people believe.
b)that other people don’t believe.
c)told in order to avoid offending people. Because we want to hurt people.
d) told in order to gain some advantage .
2)Research suggests that women
a) are better at telling less serious lies that men are.
b) generally lie far more than man do.
c)make promises they intend to break more often than men do.
d)lie at parties more often than men do .
3) One reason people sometimes rub their noses when they lie is that
a) they wish they were somewhere else.
b)the nose is sensitive to physical changes caused by lying.
c)they want to cover their mouths.
d) they are trying to stop themselves from telling lies.
4) It would appear from the passage that:
A) there is no simple way of finding out if someone is lying.
B) certain gestures are proof that the speaker is lying.
c) certain gestures are proof of lying only if they are repeated frequently.
d) people lie in some situations more often than in others.

B – Which word in the text means:

1)Take something promising to give it back? To borrow

2)Amount of money owed to another person? debts
3)The way you understand something.?
4)To twist the body nervously.?
5)The general situation in which something occur?
6)The ability that you have when you practice an activity continuously ?

C - Questions :

1)What expressions and gestures , tell you that person is lying?

-Covering the moth.-touch her face.-squirming about in a chair

2) What is your opinion about the distinction between a” white” lie and a “serious”
one? (between 2 to 5 sentences )

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