Media Questions From Daily Maverick: Huawei Network Equipment Latest Cyber Security Evaluation

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Heidi Swart <swart.heidi@gmail.


Media questions from Daily Maverick: Huawei Network Equipment latest cyber security evaluation
Media@Telkom <> Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 6:02 PM
To: Heidi Swart <>

Thank you Heidi

Please see Telkom comment. You can attribute to Hugo van Zyl Group Executive, Mobile Network

Telkom takes a strong hands-on approach to cyber security. Telkom assesses security on a continuous basis, including recent further developments wrt Huawei. It is worth noting that the latest HCSEC report states in section 5.7 that
networks are not more vulnerable than in the previous period. We have noted the comments on 5G wrt software coding practices; however Telkom does not provide commercial 5G services yet. Telkom is in the process of rolling out
commercial 5G POC sites where user experience can be tested, and we will apply the same stringent security measures as previously mentioned. Long term 5G procurement decisions are still to be taken by Telkom.

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