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Karissa Sarsam 
Evergreen High School 
15th November 2025 

Mr. & Mrs. Smith 

123 Address St  
Anytown, ST 12345 

Dear Parent or Guardian of John Smith, 

This letter is to inform you of your son, John Smith’s, performance in his 2nd 
period biology class. So far this semester, John has not turned in any of his 
weekly homework assignments for my class. I am concerned about his final 
grade for the period, as homework comprises 20% of the points. I spoke with 
John already, and I have agreed to allow him to make up all of his missing 
assignments for half credit, so long as he can turn them in by Wednesday the 
25th of next week. I am hoping he will take advantage of this leniency, as the 
extra points will work wonders in salvaging his grade.  

I have compiled a list of the missing assignments as well as included it in this 

letter so that you may assist him in keeping track of what he has yet to 
complete. In order to prevent this from becoming a pattern of behavior 
throughout the rest of the school year, I will be checking in with John on a 
regular basis and offer extra assistance with work he may find particularly 
difficult. If John works hard the rest of the school year to complete his 
homework on time, I believe we will see immense improvements in other 
aspects of the class as well, including quizzes and exams.  

If you have any additional questions or concerns, I can be reached at my work 

email listed at the top of this letter. Please sign the bottom of this letter for 
John to return back to me, acknowledging you have read it and are aware of 
our plan moving forward. I look forward to hearing back from you, as well as 
seeing John’s increased efforts these next few weeks.    



Science Department 

Karissa Sarsam 

Assignment  Points 

Assignment 1  0/10 

Assignment 2  0/10 

Assignment 3  0/10 

Assignment 4  0/10 

Assignment 5  0/10 

Assignment 6  0/10 

Assignment 7  0/10 

Assignment 8  0/10 

Assignment 9  0/10 

Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________ 

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