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Appendix A


For a complete bibliography of B e r n e ' s writings, see Cranmer, R., 'Eric

B e r n e : annotated bibliography'. Transactional Analysis Journal, 1, 1,
1971, 23-9.
Following are the eight books by Berne listed in the I T A A ' s
reference guide for the T A 101 Course.

Berne, E . , Intuition and ego states. (McCormick, P . , e d . ) . San Francisco:

T A Press, 1977.
A compilation of the papers Berne published in professional
journals from 1949 to 1962 on various topics connected with intuition.
T h e y include his first statements on the basic theory of T A .

B e r n e , E.,A layman's guide to psychiatry and psychoanalysis. New York:

Simon and Schuster, 1957; third edition published 1968. Other editions:
New York: Grove Press, 1957; and Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.
A revision of The mind in action, originally published in 1947. T h e
1967 edition of A layman's guide introduced a chapter on transactional
analysis, contributed by John Dusay.

B e r n e , E . , Transactional analysis in psychotherapy. New York: Grove

Press, 1961, 1966.
T h e first book to deal wholly with T A . It contains Berne's original,
and still definitive, formulation of the ego-state model, together with
expanded statements of the other elements of basic theory introduced in
his earlier journal papers.

B e r n e , E . , The structure and dynamics of organizations and groups.

Philadelphia: J . B . Lippincott C o . , 1963. Other editions: New York:
G r o v e Press, 1966; and New York: Ballantine, 1973.
T h e b o o k ' s content is described by its title. Includes some T A
concepts, e.g. analysis of transactions and games.

B e r n e , E . , Games people play. New Y o r k : G r o v e Press, 1964. Other

editions include: H a r m o n d s w o r t h : Penguin, 1968.
T h e world-famous best-seller which presents the ideas on game
analysis which B e r n e had developed by the early 1960s. ( H e revised this
TA Today

theory in successive later books — see TA Today, Chapter 23.) Also

contains a compendium of the games which had been named up to that

B e r n e , E . , Principles of group treatment. New York: Oxford University

Press, 1966. Other editions: New York: Grove Press, 1966.
A text on the theory and practice of group treatment in clinical
settings, including the application of T A in this field.

B e r n e , E . , Sex in human loving. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970.

Other editions: Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
An exploration of sex in personal relationships, analyzed in a T A

B e r n e , E . , What do you say after you say hello? New York: G r o v e Press,
1972. Other editions: London: Corgi, 1975.
An extended statement of the theory of script as developed by Berne
and his associates up to the late 1970s, with applications to therapy.

Appendix B

In selecting the few 'key b o o k s ' named in this A p p e n d i x , we d o n o r intend

any adverse comment on the quality of the many other books currently
available on T A . T h e books we cite here have been chosen on two
criteria. T h e y are either compendium volumes, which give a broad
overview of T A theory and practice; or widely-accepted statements of the
position of one of the three ' T A schools'. In both these senses, they are
'keys' to further reading and study in T A .
We do not give any indication whether a book is currently in print,
since this information may change at short notice with individual
publishers' decisions.

Texts and compendium volumes

Barnes, G. ( e d ) , Transactional analysis after Eric Berne: teachings and
practices of three TA schools. New York: H a r p e r ' s College Press, 1977.
Its 22 papers are centered mainly on the discussion of post-Bernian
developments in theory, though practice is also well covered. Explores
the nature and development of the three current 'schools' of T A .

J a m e s , M. (ed), Techniques in transactional analysis for psychotherapists

and counselors. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1977.
A symposium of 43 papers, with Muriel James contributing as well as
editing. As the title indicates, the book is focused primarily on the
techniques of modern T A , but theory is also examined, and there is a
section examining the relationships between T A and other therapies.

J a m e s , M . , and Jongeward, D . , Born to win: transactional analysis with

gestalt experiments. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1971. Other editions
include: New York: Signet, 1978.
T h e 1971 best-seller, still a sound introduction to T A basics. Notable
for its use of gestalt exercises to aid learning and self-knowledge.

Kahler, T . , Transactional analysis revisited. Little Rock: H u m a n

D e v e l o p m e n t Publications, 1978.
A wide-ranging critique of T A theory, including a update and
expansion of Kahler's own Miniscript concept.
TA Today

Stern, E . ( e d ) , TA: the state of the art. Dordrecht: Foris Publications,

With 23 papers, contributed mainly by E u r o p e a n practitioners, this
book gives a view of the 'cutting edge' of current theory and practice in

Woollams, S., and Brown, M . , Transactional analysis. Dexter: H u r o n

Valley Institute, 1978. Other editions: (paperback edition with some
revisions) TA: the total handbook of transactional analysis. Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
A comprehensive text of T A theory and practice.

Classical school
Dusay, J., Egograms. New York: H a r p e r and R o w , 1977. Other editions:
New York: B a n t a m , 1980.
A readable presentation of Dusay's egogram concept, plus the
functional ego-state model and other aspects of classical T A .

Steiner, C , Scripts people live: transactional analysis of life scripts. New

York: Grove Press, 1974.
A thorough discussion of the theory and implications of life-script.

Redecision school
Goulding, M . , and Goulding, R., Changing lives through redecision
therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1979.

Goulding, R., and Goulding, M . , The power is in the patient. San

Francisco: T A Press, 1978.
These two books by the Gouldings describe both the theory and the
practice of their redecision work. T h e latter volume is a compilation of
papers originally published by them in journals and professional

Cathexis school
Schiff, J., et al., The Cathexis reader: transactional analysis treatment of
psychosis. New York: H a r p e r and R o w , 1975.
A full statement of Schiffian theory, incorporating material
originally published in the TA Journal.

Appendix C (Revised March 1996)

The Eric Berne Memorial Scientific Award was established in 1971 to

honor and perpetuate the memory of Eric Berne's scientific
contributions. It was to be given annually to the originator of a new
scientific concept in T A . Adjudication was by the Editorial Board of
In 1990. the I T A A Board of Trustees decided to change the title and
scope of the Award. It is now known as the Eric Berne Memorial Award
in Transactional Analysis. The Award is given annually for published
contributions to TA theory or practise, or for the integration or
comparison of T A theory or practise with other therapeutic modalities.
The winner(s) of the Award are chosen by a committee appointed by the
I T A A Board of Trustees.
Following is a chronological list of winners of the Award lor the years
1971-1994, together with references to the works for which they received
their awards. (At print date, the 1995 Award is still under consideration).
Numbers in brackets in italic type following each reference indicate
the chapter of TA Today in which the topic is covered.

1971: Claude Steiner, SCRIPT M A T R I X . Steiner. C , 'Script and

counterscript'. Transactional Analysis Bulletin, 5, 18, 1966, 133-
35. (13)
1972: Stephen Karpman. D R A M A T R I A N G L E . Karpman. S., Fairy
tales and script drama analysis'. TAB, 7, 26, 1968, 39-43. (23)
1973: John Dusay, E G O G R A M S . Dusay, J., 'Egograms and the
constancy hypothesis'. Transactional Analysis Journal, 2, 3 , 1972,
37-42. (3)
1974: Aaron Schiff and Jacqui Schiff, PASSIVITY A N D T H E F O U R
D I S C O U N T S . Schiff, A., and Schiff. J.. 'Passivity'. TAJ. 1, 1.
1971. 71-8. (17)
1975: Robert Goulding and Mary Goulding, R E D E C I S I O N A N D
T W E L V E I N J U N C T I O N S . Goulding, R., and Goulding, M.,
'New directions in transactional analysis'. In Sager and Kaplan
(eds.), Progress in group and family therapy. New York: Brunncr/
Mazel, 1972. 105-34; and 'Injunctions, decisions and redecisions'.
TAJ, 6, 1, 1976, 41-8. (14)
TA Today

1976: Pat Crossman, P R O T E C T I O N . Grossman, P . , -Permission and

protection'. TAB, 5, 19, 1966, 152-4. (28)
1977: Taibi Kahler, M I N I S C R I P T A N D F I V E D R I V E R S . Kahler, T . ,
'The miniscript". TAJ, 4, 1, 1974, 26-42. (16)
1978: Fanita English. R A C K E T S A N D R E A L F E E L I N G S : T H E
S U B S T I T U T I O N F A C T O R . English, F . , 'The substitution
factor: rackets and real feelings'. TAJ, 1, 4, 1971, 225-30; and
'Rackets and real feelings, Part I F . TAJ, 2, 1. 1972, 23-5. (21)
1979: Stephen Karpman, O P T I O N S . Karpman, S., "Options'. TAJ, 1,
1, 1971, 79-87. (7)
1980: (joint award): Claude Steiner. T H E S T R O K E E C O N O M Y .
Steiner, C , 'The stroke economy'. TAJ, 1, 3. 1971, 9-15. (8)
1980: (joint award): Ken Mellor and Eric Sigmund. D I S C O U N T I N G
AND REDEFINING. Mellor, K.. and Sigmund, E . ,
'Discounting'. TAJ, 5, 3, 1975. 295-302; and Mellor, K., and
Sigmund. E . , 'Redefining'. TAJ, 5, 3. 1975. 303-11. (17, 18, 19)
1981: Franklin H. Ernst, Jr.. T H E O K C O R R A L . Ernst, F . , 'The OK
corral: the grid for get-on-with\ TAJ, 1, 4, 1971, 231-40. (12)
1982: Richard Erskine and Marilyn Zalcman, R A C K E T SYSTEM
A N D R A C K E T A N A L Y S I S . Erskine. R., and Zalcman, M.,
'The racket system: a model for racket analysis'. TAJ, 9, 1, 1979,
51-9. (22)
1983: Muriel James, S E L F - R E P A R E N T I N G . James, M., 'Self-
reparenting: theory and process'. TAJ, 4, 3, 1974, 32-9. (28)
1984: Pam Levin, D E V E L O P M E N T A L C Y C L E S . Levin, P., 'The
cycle of development'. TAJ, 12, 2, 1982, 129-39. (References, 10)
1985, 1986: Not awarded.
1987: Carlo Moiso, E G O S T A T E S A N D T R A N S F E R E N C E . Moiso,
C . 'Ego states and transference'. TAJ, 15, 3, 1985, 194-201. (—)
1988 through 1993: Not awarded.
1994 ( E B M A joint award): Sharon R. Dashiell (area: Practise
Applications). Dashiell, S., 'The Parent resolution process:
reprogramming psychic incorporations in the Parent'. TAJ, 8, 4,
1978, 289-94. (—)
1994 ( E B M A joint award): John R. McNeel (area: Practise
Applications). McNeel, J., 'The Parent interview'. TAJ, 6, 1,
1976, 61-8. (—)
1994 ( E B M A joint award): Vann S. Joines (area: Integration of TA with
Other Theories and Approaches). Joines, V., 'Using redecision
therapy with different personality adaptations'. TAJ, 16, 3, 1986,
152-60; and 'Diagnosis and treatment planning using a
transactional analysis framework'. TAJ, 18, 3. 1988,^185-907


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