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ÖTÖS Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

There are two extra

words that you do not need to use.

tended to realisation craved miserable introvert nature

ignored pleasure bond compassionate

When you meet Clarissa, you would never imagine that she used to be a bully. This is

because it

seems to be in her 1 nature to be kind and caring. But things

weren’t always like that. Clarissa used to take 2 pleasure in

bullying other girls when she was a teenager. She 3 tended to

make fun of all the 4 introvert girls, who weren’t as outgoing and

popular as she was. She always 5 craved attention, so she

would do anything to accomplish that. However, when she left school, the people who

used to be her friends 6 ignored and avoided her. When

she realised that it was her behaviour that left her without any friends, she felt

7 miserable . At heart, she always knew that she was behaving

wrongly, but it was then that she decided to change and become the 8

compassionate person she is today.

Circle the correct words.

1. Diane was a beautiful bride on her marriage / wedding day.

2. Deep under / down, I knew that she was sorry about what had happened.

3. Please fill out your groom’s / spouse’s name on the form.

4. I didn’t want to talk to Will after he broke / let his promise.

5. The two brothers live off the heritage / inheritance they got from their grandmother.

6. People here have different customs / circumstances from the ones we have in our


Choose a, b, c or d.

1. It was spring d we visited Emily in New York.
a. where b. which c. that d. when
2. I know someone c is a volunteer firefighter.
a. whose b. which c. that d. who’s
3. I have very c time so please be quick.
a. few b. a few c. little d. a little
4. You can find d information in an encyclopedia.
a. many b. plenty c. much d. lots of
5. The shop b used to work has closed down.
a. which I b. where I c. where d. that I
6. This house, c is in good condition, hasn’t been painted for
a. that b. where c. which d. in which
7. This room doesn’t get b light because the window is too
a. some b. much c. a lot d. a little
8. Is that the guy b wife’s a lawyer?
a. who b. whose c. which d. that
9. Do you have a furniture that you don’t need? I’m trying to
furnish my flat.
a. any b. many c. few d. much
10. You don’t need to buy any eggs. We have c .
a. very much b. few c. lots d. lot of
11. My brother got a job at a Chinese restaurant, d was
something I didn’t expect.
a. that b. where c. whose d. which
12. There are c biscuits left over from yesterday. Do you want one?
a. no b. not any c. a few d. few


Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

válasz: B, C, A, A, D

A Changed Man
It is often said that people can’t really change who they are. I disagree. Sometimes, what we
need most is to change the way we live and the way we think, and I believe I am proof that this
can happen. I was an aggressive businessman and I was quite successful. I worked long
hours, but the money made up for that. I wouldn’t say I had the perfect life. It was certainly
busier and more stressful than I would have liked, and in my job you didn’t make friends easily
- but I couldn’t think of anything really wrong with it.
It took a plane crash to realise I was wrong. One moment I was relaxing in business class, and
the next we were thrown backwards as the plane started to dive towards the ground. We could
the writer
voicefeel about
over hisnoise,
all the life before the
telling usaccident?
all to stay calm, to stay in our seats while he
a. He wished he had more time for his friends.
tried to land the plane, but everyone was too busy panicking to listen.
b. He the
When wasn’t aware
plane that there
eventually came was something
down wrong.
in the mountains, we were lucky to be alive. However,
wec. He thought
were facingsomething was missing.
other problems. Up there, all communications were cut off. We couldn’t call for
d. Heand we had
thought he only what
had the little food
perfect life. had been on board the plane. Everyone was scared, cold
and hungry.
2. What did the writer find most difficult about the time he spent in the
a. The fact that he couldn’t reach his friends and family.
It might sound crazy, but it was not the difficulty of the conditions or the lack of food that I
b. The fact that everyone was panicking.
found the hardest to put up with. The feeling of being cut off from the rest of the world was
c. The
what fact thatstand.
I couldn’t he had no no
With connection with work.
phone signal, there was no way for me to contact my clients or
d. The fact that he could have died in the accident.
colleagues, and the thought of all the business I was missing out on made me feel sick.
What happened
were up therewhen thedays
for four writerbefore
we contact his work?
were found. However, the days trapped in the
mountains gave me time to think – something I hadn’t done inelse.
a. He realised that he had made it a priority over everything a long time. I was shocked at my
b. He
first started Iappreciating
reaction; it more.
realised I was worrying more about my work than about myself. I had always
c. He my
taken lostphone
out onfor
and youdeals.
might think that being away from work for so long would
d. He me appreciate
didn’t miss his itwork
at In
all.fact, it had the opposite effect. I realised that I needed to
change. Or, rather, I had already
4. Which of these did the writer NOT been
do?changed by my time in the mountains.
When I got
a. invite hisback
friendshome, I gave
to visit himmost of my money to charity. I used the rest to travel around for
the time
fromI the
city on this island, I no longer recognised the ambitious, greedy man
I c.
chance, a friend from my old life in the city found me here. ‘Don’t you ever
d. donate money me. ‘Aren’t you miserable living on this island?’
it?’ he asked
Whichhe oftold
the me storiesisoftrue
following home, I did
about theconsider
writer? going back to it all - but only for a moment.
Escaping that life
a. He is often hasand
lonely made me more observant of my surroundings and more sensitive
towards others. My personality has changed, and I would no longer suit the life and job I used
b. He never thinks about his old life at all.
to have. 3
c. One day he will return to live in the city.
d. He has changed too much to go back to his old life.

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