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Disease/ Disorder Signs/Symptoms Treatment

.In most cases, Bell's palsy symptoms improve without treatment. However, it can take several weeks or months
for the muscles in your face to regain their normal strength.
1. Corticosteroid drugs, which reduce inflammation.
2. Antiviral or Antibacterial medication, which may be prescribed if a virus or bacteria caused your bell's palsy .
3. Over-the-counter pain medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen , which can help relieve mild pain.
4. Eyes drops.
Home Treatment:
1. Any eye patch (for your dry eyes)
2. A warm, moist towel over your face to relieve pain.
1. Prickling, pins and needles 3. Facial message
4. Physical therapy exercises to to stimulate your facial muscles.
sensation in your fingers, toes, ankles Surgery:
and wrists. In the past, decompression surgery was used to relieve the pressure on the facial nerve by opening the bony
2. Weakness in your legs that spreads passage that the nerve passes through. Today, decompression surgery isn't recommended. Facial nerve injury
and permanent hearing loss are possible risks associated with this surgery.
to your upper body. Rarely, plastic surgery may be needed to correct lasting facial nerve problems. Facial reanimation helps to make
3. Unsteady walking or inability to the face look more even and may restore facial movement. Examples of this type of surgery include eyebrow lift,
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
week 10 walk or climb stairs. eyelid lift, facial implants and nerve grafts. Some procedures, such as an eyebrow lift, may need to be repeated
4. Difficulty with facial movements, after several years.
Alternative medicine
including speaking ,chewing or Although there's little scientific evidence to support the use of alternative medicine for people with Bell's palsy,
swallowing. some people with the condition may benefit from the following:

Acupuncture. Placing thin needles into a specific point in your skin helps stimulate nerves and muscles, which
may offer some relief.

Biofeedback training. By teaching you to use your thoughts to control your body, biofeedback training may help
you gain better control over your facial muscles
How diagnosed Prognosis

Spinal tap (lumbar puncture) :

A small amount of fluid is withdraw from the spinal
canal in lower back. The fluid tested for a type of
change that commonly occurs in people who have Although most
Guillain-Barre syndrome. people recover from
Elecmyography: Guillain-Barre
Thin-needle electrodes are inserted into the muscles syndrome, the
your doctor wants to study. The electrodes measure mortality rate is 4% -
nerve activity in the muscles. 7% . Between 60% -
80% of people are
Nerve conduction studies: able to walk at six
Electrodes are taped to the skin above your nerves. A months. Patients
small shock is passed through the nerve to measure may experience
the speed of nerve signals. lingering effects
from it, such as
numbness of

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