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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Trainee: Jawaher Hussain Topic or Theme: The Speech Marks


MCT: Dr. Tania

Date & Duration: 25-11-2020 / 30minutes

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: try to make the students recognize what the speech marks is it by teaching them the
basic tools on how to use it.

Make each student in my class even the low level understand my lesson.

Using a simple language to make sure each one understand what I am saying.

Lesson Focus:

Students should be able to use a speech mark in the sentence.

Using a different kind of speech marks using a focus on the quotation marks.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to solve different questions about speech marks and make their own sentence
byusing the speech marks.

Links to Prior Learning:

The students know how to write a sentence.

21st Century Skills:

Critical thinking: as the students were thinking of the right answer because they will give a Pop corn
box one with true and the other with false so they have to think which sentence is appropriate to the

Explore: when the students were working together and each one tries to explore what the correct
answer because they will take a different paper and should edit the mistake in the sentence(speech
Key vocabulary:

Speech marks, full stop, comma, colon, quotation and exclamation marks.

Possible problems for learners: Solutions to possible problems:

may get confused when we put the Give more examole and make them try on the bard
quotation mark in the sentence which place bytheir own.
should put it.

Resources/equipment needed:

Computers, projector, white board, cards, marker, Popcorn box and paper.

& Time
10 mins Students will: Teacher will:
Maintain to tell them good morning
Projector Engage with the teacher, focus on her grade3-A. How are you today, tell them
and answer her questions. what it was yesterday and what is today
Computer Sharing with her by telling what the and what will be tomorrow. Tell them
rules of the class. today I will teach you an English lesson, but
ClassDojo Keep quiet when showing the video. what did you imagine it will be about.
Next, tell them what is it. Recalls them of
the rules of the class and there is a
ClassDojo point for the good behaviour
group. Inform the students that I will show
you a video about the lesson(speech
marks) and you have to listen carefully
because I will ask you questions.

Main activities
& Time
25 mins Students will: Teacher will:

Computer Start with the students by showing them

Focus with the teacher, sharing with the PowerPoint in order slide to make sure
Cards her with the PowerPoint and share to they focus on me. Tell them what our
demonstrate in the front of the class lesson and did you hear about it.
PopcornPaper the conversation.
Also, make one student reads to me the
Participate with the teacher by solving definition of the speech marks and what
the question that teacher written on the important mark should we know about
the board. it.
They will encourage because there are Then shows them an example of how we
points. can use it in the sentence.
Participate in the letter activity. Next, make dtudents discussion each
other making the speech marks.
After that, I will show them question on
the screen and make them think what the

The teacher will make assessment about

letter through time. The students will
pretend the role of one figure. For
example, the lesson about speech marks so
each student will take one of them and
write a letter what they know about it. The
teacher will see and give feedback.

Differentiation activities (Support):

High level: the teacher will show the students on the screen the Popcorn picture and there are a lot
of different small cards on it, so each student will having small card on the padlet program and they
have to edit the sentence by adding a speech mark on the correct place and when they finish will get
another card to solve it alone.

Medium level: the teacher will share with the students padlet link written on the True word and the
second one false word also, they will be provided a paper on padlet with a different sentence and the
students will work and solve the paper to match each sentence in the right box.

Low level: the teacher will share the screen a paper written on it a speech marks sentence with
pictures to help them so, they just have to put a circle on the correct speech mark sentence.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

High and medium level: the teacher will share with them a card and they will write their own sentence
or conversation but should use a speech mark sentence then discuss with their class. Afterh that they
will did a Kahoot quiz. The teacher will give a code and they will enter by their laptop. They will solve
based on their information they understood.

Low level: the teacher will show them on the PowerPoint a different sentence about speech marks
then make them work as a groups to make a simple sentence together and tell us about it. The teacher
will give a code and they will enter by their laptop. They will solve based on their information they

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 mins Students will: Teacher will

The students will slove it individual. The teacher will give each group a small
assessment which is a paper contain a
starter sentence and they have to
complete the missing of speech marks.

Homework Small cards on padlet program and they will write a speech marks sentence but
follow the rules how to make it.
Assessment corrected in the next time and give to them back.
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


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