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ECON 104 Principles of Microeconomics

Midterm Exam Fall 2020

October 15, 2020

This problem set counts 25% to the total mark (each question 5%). Due
date Thursday October 22nd 2020 5PM (end of week 8). Late submissions will
be discounted. No late submissions are accepted when the solutions are online
(which will happen end of week 8). Please upload as a PDF or WORD file using
SafeAssign or copy a simple text directly into the field.

1. Why do we use the real domestic gross to determine which film had the
highest revenue in history?

2. Can the real interest rate of a treasury bond be negative even if the nom-
inal interest rate is positive? Give a historical example.

3. Explain what is constant return to scale of a firm’s production function.

What is the productivity of a large firm compared with a small firm, if
both have the same production function of constant return to scale?

4. What happens if the government spends more than it receives? Explain

in your own words.

5. How does the utility function explain risk aversion? Consider the example
of a fair bet.

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