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From :
To :
Bcc :
Subject :
Salutation :
Content : Introduction, body and conclusion
Closing line:
Attachments :
Signature line :
Question : Draft an e-mail to the Principal of your college informing
him/her about the loss of your I-card.Request her to issue you a new
card at the earliest.
From :
To :
Subject : Request to issue a new I-card.
Respected Madam,
Yesterday while going back from college, I lost my I-card , in the public transport bus. I have made the necessary police
complaint and a copy of that has been attached with this e-mail.
I shall be highly obliged if you will look into the matter and make an arrangement for the issue of a new I-card at the earliest
since the Board Exams are approaching.
Hoping for a positive response from you.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Shivrangini Patel
XII A (Arts) Roll No : 123
Phone no. : 1234500001
Question :
Draft an e-mail to the Zonal secretary ,Tata Power complaining about
the frequent power failure during examinations. Request him to restore
normalcy in power supply.
From :
To :
Subject : Frequent power failure causing inconvenience during examination season.
I would like to inform you that the power supply in Vile-parle area where I stay , has
deteriorated recently. We have frequent power cuts which cause great inconvenience to
us, the students of the Board Examinations.
I request you to take an urgent look into the matter and restore normalcy at the earliest.
Looking forward to an early action.

Thank you,
Vedant Supre
Mobile No. 9812312312
Question : Prepare an email to the company who has repaired your Washing machine but you are not
satisfied with their work.

From :
To :
Subject : Grievance against the dissatisfactory repair work done by your mechanic while repairing my washing
Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your notice that the mechanic sent by you to repair my washing machine has messed up the
work as he did not assemble the parts of the machine properly after repairing it . He seemed to be in a great
hurry. The washing machine worked for just a day and stopped after that. Please send another mechanic, an
efficient one this time at the earliest.
Looking forward to a strict and prompt action from you.

Attachments : 1) A photo copy of the bill

2) A photocopy of the previous complaint
Yours sincerely,
Reena Godbole
Prepare an e-mail in reply to the complaint made by Mrs. Godbole about the repair of the washing

From :
To :
Subject : Response to your complaint regarding the repair of your washing machine dated 20th November,
Dear Madam,
I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to you regarding the repair of your washing machine. I
assure you that your complaint has been forwarded to the concerned people. A prompt action has been taken.
An efficient mechanic will arrive and do the needful by tomorrow. You satisfaction with our services is of
utmost importance to us. We value your feedback.
Thank you for your patience,
Best regards,
Shyam Agarwal
( On behalf of Whirlpool Company)
JOB APPLICATION VIA E-MAIL : M/s Modern Systems has a vacancy for the post of full-time Data Analyst.
Send an e-mail to them applying for the post.

From :
To :
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above-mentioned subject, I wish to offer myself as a candidate for the post of a data
analyst in your reputed company.
I am a graduate from Mumbai University. I have also done MCA from Mumbai University. I am an expert in
working on Microsoft Office. I have worked as a Data Analyst for three months on a temporary basis in a
private company.
Given an opportunity, I promise to strive for the satisfaction of my employers.
Thank you.
Attachments : Resume , photocopies of Graduation certificate ,MCA and experience certificate.
Yours sincerely,
Milind Patil

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