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Roy Casey

Our World, Our New Reality

Table of Contents
Examples of Change........................................................................................................................2
A. Personal..................................................................................................................................2
1. Healing your Body with your Mind...................................................................................2
2. Animal Communicators (Interspecies Communication)....................................................2
3. Indigo Children...................................................................................................................3
B. Social, Business and Political.................................................................................................4
C Technical..................................................................................................................................4
D Cultural Lag and Artificial Intelligence..................................................................................4
End of a Cycle, a period of Transition.............................................................................................5
Appendix 1: The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward.......................................6
Appendix 2: Cycles.....................................................................................................................8
1. Climatic Cycle....................................................................................................................8
2. Economic Cycles................................................................................................................8
3. Human Activity During Solar Cycles.................................................................................9
Appendix 3: Why societies collapse | Jared Diamond..............................................................10
Appendix 4: An Introduction to Meditation: The Practice of Witnessing................................12
Appendix 5: MaharishiEffect and Global Consciousness.........................................................14
Appendix 6: The Global Coherence Initiative: Creating a Coherent Planetary Standing Wave
Appendix 7: Additional Links of Interest.................................................................................15
1. A Link between Many of the Ancient Ruins....................................................................15
2. Signs that everything is Vibration....................................................................................15
3. Fear, our higher self telling us something. It is our friend...............................................15
4. The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics....................................15
5. The Extended Mind, Past, Present and Future | Dr.Dean Radin.......................................15
6. Collective Consciousness And Meditation: Are We All Interconnected by an Underlying
7. Cognitive Scientist Philip Fernbach ................................................................................15

I have two hopes in preparing this paper. Firstly, that people will not to ignore, or dismiss what is
surprising believing it to be untrue. This is not to say we need to believe everything, but be curious.
We need to look for additional sources of information, and do our own research. Secondly, I hope
more people will start to research an practice meditation. The hardest part of meditation is
judgement. Too often we judge ourselves, deciding that we are doing it the wrong way or unable to
meditate. Spend some time quieting your mind.
Frequently, people underestimate both the likelihood of a change and its possible effects, they
choose to believe that things will always function in very much the same as previously. This is so
common, that it has been described as normalcy bias. It is considered to be the reason so many
good people accepted the atrocities committed by Hitler and other historical figures.
While I have attempted to prepare the text, so it will flow, and ideas would be understandable as
written, I hope that the reader will be interested enough to visit some of the hyperlinks, of which
there are approximately fifty.

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Examples of Change
A. Personal
1. Healing your Body with your Mind
Dr Joe Dispenza is an international researcher, author and educator. Dr Joe is a qualified
chiropractor and has postgraduate training in neurology, neuroscience, brain function and
chemistry. So when he experienced a serious spinal injury, he saw it as a challenge to use what he
had studied to heal himself. He was not only able to heal himself, but has also been able to
describe and teach the process. Extensive material can be found on his website, and YouTube
videos, including testimonials by people giving their personal experience.
There are many YouTube videos to be found. These are very likely two of the best: “How to Unlock
the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory” and "How To Personally
Connect With The Field"
Dr Joe tells us each of our memories are connected to people and things at certain times and
places, each is connected to an emotion. If we are not careful, if we do not recognise it as the past,
it will take energy from the present. Almost anything can trigger an emotion, which may invoke a
response. The familiar past will sooner or later become the predictable future.
We do need routine as a part of life. But the issue is, is it serving you? Where is the benefit in
continually reliving an event that happened in the distant past. What happens to us all too often is
that something we encounter will trigger a memory. This may be for any reason, that reason may
even be unknown to us, but a memory is triggered, which invokes an emotion. We then start acting
in response to that emotion. The explanation is this is part of the familiar fight-or-flight response
(also called hyper-arousal, or acute stress response) of the body, which through experience has
learnt that a specific response is appropriate for a given situation. This response is communicated
through emotion. As Dr. Joe says “thoughts are the language of the mind” and “emotions are the
language of the body”. It worked well for humanity in the past, when we frequently needed to
respond quickly due to danger.
The problem is today, too often the danger is perceived, but not actual. So people, live in a state of
heightened unnecessary arousal or stress, which over long periods cause problems for the body.
Most people then wait for crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis, you know, they wait for loss
some tragedy to make up their mind to change. Dr. Joe says why wait? We can learn and change
in a state of pain and suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration. To
make changes, we have to quieten, even silence the conscious mind. This enables us to think
fresh thoughts, not revisit old ones of the past. Meditation helps us do this.
As I mentioned previously, testimonials are to be found on YouTube. I draw your attention to Ken's
testimonial, where, from the 4-minute point they discuss the process.
Dr Joe is working with medical professionals to ensure, as our understanding of these possibilities
improves, it remains grounded in science. As surprising as it may be this understanding of the
human experience is not so new. Neville Goddard was teaching this in the 1950s.

2. Animal Communicators (Interspecies Communication)

Some people can communicate with other species through telepathy. South African animal
communicator, Anna Breytenbach has such an ability. Numerous YouTube videos are available on
the web. One of the better videos on the subject is “The Animal Communicator And Her Incredible
Ability, Animal Communicator” uploaded by Real Wild. (The interview is by conservation journalist,
Swati Thiyagarajan)

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During the video (from 15:45), Anna explains the process: “When I am communicating something
to an animal I am silently forming a sentence in my head or a mental image and simply projecting
that and I imagine it landing in their space without using my vocal cords without physically talking.
When I get a response from an animal, it is in that universal language something that my brain can
then translate into images, emotions, thoughts, feelings or words as a way for me to understand
what just happened.”
If you have a pet yourself, consider playing with the experience. Do not expect words, rather
something more like a feeling or intuition. Do not think in negatives, like don't jump as negative is
not understood. Rather, think the instruction “stay on the ground”, or “stay calm”. Seek some
feedback, for example, ask your pet to move somewhere unusual, and visualise that.

3. Indigo Children
There are some people with amazing abilities, which we would usually associate with science
fiction. Nancy Ann Tappe, was the first to recognise the increasing frequency of children with
unusual abilities, first doing so in the 1960s and 1970s. She associated the colour of indigo with
their aura, and so the became known as indigo children.
Numerous other researchers have continued to done work with unusual children. One of the better-
known individuals is Mary Rodwell.
“Mary's research also explores evidence from a scientific, biological, psychological,
anthropological, spiritual and historical perspective to support what she believes is a 'genetic'
engineering program, for 'upgrading' homo sapiens, leading to a paradigm shift in human
consciousness.” She goes on to say: “Some of the latest DNA research that could qualify how this
upgrading may occur and how it may be linked to such conditions such as ADHS, Asperger's and
possibly Autism is also explored as many of these individuals demonstrate awareness of non-
physical realms.”
The Birmingham Particle Physics Group, at the University of Birmingham, says on its webpage,
“Noble prize winner H J Muller found that mutations and changes in human genes can be caused
by ionising radiation such as cosmic rays. Therefore it is thought that cosmic rays may be capable
of changing your DNA make-up by hitting individual cells, and may even have human evolution
implications.” While the site goes on to stress this is a very rare occurrence as cosmic rays with
energy high enough to cause such changes are rare at ground level. It also a fact that we have not
been in this part of the cosmos before. We only know so much about the energy that we are
exposed to, and how it may change.
Discovery magazine talked about this in an article published in 2007, entitled: “Could Autism Be the
Next Stage of Human Evolution?”. While the author, Jessica Ruvinsky says: “Thanks for the
science, but she’s wrong.” and goes on to argue why this is wrong. She forgets that we are not just
a result of our genes, but also our environment. What we do and how we are treated has a
significant impact on us and how we are in the world. We know of numerous individuals, who were
diagnosed as being on the spectrum, with unconventional care from their parents have been able
to excel. Consider:
Jacob Barnett, who was born in 1998, and diagnosed as autistic. He now attends The Perimeter
Institute for Theoretical Physics and researches quantum gravity.
Chris Varney is the Founder and Chief Enabling Officer of ICAN, a network driving a rethink of
Autism, from ‘I Can’t’ to ‘I CAN’. They do this by mentoring young people on the spectrum to live
with a confident ‘I CAN’ attitude. Chris says: “We put the ‘awe’ in Awetism for everyday people”.

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B. Social, Business and Political

It is clear the political leadership of many if not all countries are being challenged to change. Even
in countries considered “stable”, populations are becoming increasingly dissatisfied. People feel
marginalised and ignored. They feel politicians are misleading them, and all too often have no
intention of honouring promises made.
This is particularly clear with young people, who feel their future has been stolen from them. One
notary example needing no introduction is Greta Thunberg. She has stepped forward with a clear
message, which she not only speaks, but endeavours to live.
Business has seen numerous trends over recent decades. The wealth gap is widening: business
automate owner profits and management incomes are increasing, while worker wages are
stagnating. Unions have become less influential. Globalization of business has very often resulted
in fewer producers in any given industry, locating larger factories in locations that will maximise
profits. Unfortunately, the benefits are not been passed on to the customer in the manner
Communities are responding through taking ownership of enterprises serving them. Such business
models known as social enterprises, co-operatives or community-owned and run businesses are
not new, but they are being adopted more often to obtain what markets are not providing. They not
only provide goods or service, but also a sense of community, job satisfaction and security.
Examples can be found in pubs, retail, restaurant businesses, transport, almost any type of
business activity could use this model.
Established businesses have recognized the trend, and trying to address the threat to their own
Business and political decisions are made with an understanding of economics. American
entrepreneur and venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, has shared his insights. A fuller summary of his
TED talk is provided in appendix 1. He closes with the following statement: “If we truly want a more
equitable, prosperous and sustainable economy. If we want high functioning democracies and civil
society we must have a new economics.”

C Technical
The modern economy is based on carbon (oil and other fossil fuels). While we have acknowledged
the issues for a while, it is only recently that we are truly starting to seek alternatives. We hear of
sustainable energy sources and alternative fuels. But there is only little about magnetism and
gravity as a source of power. It is a force, which can result in the movement of an object. If we can
convert wind to electricity/power, surely we should be doing more to investigate the possibilities of
how we can convert magnetism or gravity to power.
There is no doubt The Internet, has changed the world. It has changed work, education, and
entertainment. Not only in the developed world, but also in the third world. Its significance can not
be overstated because the connectivity facilitates and accelerates changes elsewhere. It is through
the internet that news of the other changes becomes known more quickly.

D Cultural Lag and Artificial Intelligence

It was observed that over time, the rate of change has been occurring at an accelerating rate.
Peoples' difficulty of dealing with change, was probably described by William Ogburn in his 1922
work “Social Change with Respect to Culture and Original Nature”. When the material conditions
change, changes occur in society, but these changes do not synchronize exactly with the change
in the material culture, this delay is referred to as the cultural lag. This societal phenomenon is
explained by the fact that things around us tend to change rapidly and voluminously while our

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habits and laws tend to resist change and remain fixed for longer periods. This was observed with
motor vehicles: when vehicles got faster, it took time for society to modify the infrastructure and
laws for the faster vehicles. More recently we see it in things like the internet, where society
struggles with false news, appropriate taxation, etc.
These changes are inconvenient, but when it comes to AI, or artificial intelligence it represents an
existential risk for humanity. The critical issue is who controls it?

End of a Cycle, a period of Transition

As the Earth moves through the cosmos, it does not only circle the sun, but the sun is also moving.
So the earth moves in what could be described as a spiral. Some ancient cultures understood time
differently to us, they understood it as a cyclical phenomenon, and great catastrophes were an
inherent part of that model. With the advent of the Judeo-Christian belief system concepts of time
tended to become linear rather than cyclical. This understanding of time being linear is so
ingrained, that the philosophical idea of time as the way we experience this reality. The idea that
the future and the past are both constructs of the mind, which exists in an eternal now. In “The
perspective on time – is it linear or cyclical?” Stephen Nash writes: “Until recently, the lives of
agricultural, nomadic, and even urban peoples were governed by the endlessly repeating seasonal
round. Calendars, which portray time as a linear concept, are a recent phenomenon when
compared to the long-term existence of our species. The earliest calendar may have developed as
early as 10,000 years ago; well-documented calendar systems don’t become common in the
archaeological record until within the last 5,000 years. Our species is 200,000 years old; for at
least 95% of humankind’s existence as a species, time was cyclical and circadian.”
According to Amethyst Freeman, it is understood from The Mayan Cosmic Time Calendar, that
around 2012, there would be a conclusion of four cosmic cycles and the end of an era. Some
researchers say, the Mayan fifth world finished in 1987 and we are have now entered the sixth
world. They anticipated this as a period of cosmic evolution, when there would be a great thrust
from the great central sun to advance all life forms including planets and solar systems that exist in
this universe. This cosmic evolution is a paradigm shift in our thinking, a shift from competition to
co-operation. This relates to what both Nick Hanauer (appendix 1) and Jared Diamond (Appendix
3) and others have both recognised. This cycle has taken around 26,860 years to complete. In
“Ascend with Light” she tells us: “They believed as our solar system and planet move closer in
alignment with the galactic central sun, more and more highly charged photons bombard the
planet and all matter would be affected.”
We understand the cosmic cycle, The Pre-session of the Equinoxes is passing a critical phase,
starting a new era. Just like the transition from night to day, the dawn is not an instant. It takes
time. This period of change from one era to the next, will take some time. We do not know how
long. It will very likely be only after, that we understand the significance of the changes.
The changes may be so significant that they may be an existential threat to our civilisation. It is
therefore worth considering how ancient civilisations, long since past came to an end.
American geographer, historian, anthropologist and author, Jared Diamond has done such a study,
which he presents in his TED talk. (See appendix 3 for a summary.) He developed a framework
looking at Human environmental impacts, Climate change, Relations (with friends and enemies)
and attitudes (political, economic, and social) that would impact the society. Looking at our current
difficulties, using this framework, confirms how close we are to demise. He also says, “all the major
threats facing us today are problems entirely of our own making. And since we made the problems,
we can also solve the problems. That then means that it's entirely in our power to deal with these
In his PhD dissertation, Dr Paul LaViolette presented the theory of Galactic Superwaves, which
would havoc if not destroy civilisation as we know it. In 2003 Dr LaViolette said: “A conservative
guess would be that there is a 90% chance that a super-wave will arrive in the next four centuries.”

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Change is clear. Not only is happening in almost every aspect of our lives, it is happen quickly:
social interactions and personal, politics and political affiliations, viral infections, technology,
earthquakes, volcanoes. The challenge for us is how to prepare, when we do not know what will be
next, much less what will affect us personally.
I suggest people learn about and practice meditation. The benefits of meditation are many. It has
been scientifically proven to: Reduce stress and anxiety, Improve emotional health, Enhance self-
awareness, Lengthen attention span, Improve age-related memory, Generate kindness, Help fight
addictions, Improves sleep, Control pain, Decrease blood pressure.
We need not be intimidated by the practice, nor spend long periods. There has long been evidence
that people benefit from the practice. There have even been studies of the practice in schools,
which showed improvements in attention, attendance, grades, general mental health, social and
emotional development. So there is no downside, there is no risk in meditation.
The website, gives a good introduction to meditation. Introducing it at schools
would have benefits of children dealing with the stress of this new reality. Benefits would not only
benefit the individual, because of what is known as the Maharishi Effect,.....The theory of the
Maharishi Effect is further supported by research into Global Consciousness. (Appendix 5)
We also need to get curious. Not simply accept or believe what we are told, but spend time
learning more about the world and ourselves.

Appendix 1: The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward

He puts these thoughts forward in several mediums, including a TED presentation “The dirty secret
of capitalism -- and a new way forward” he says, “In the neo-liberal era, today the economics
profession no longer works in the public interest, they work only for big corporations and
billionaires. That is a little bit of a problem. By following neo-liberal economics over the last 30
years in the USA alone the top 1% has grown 21 trillion dollars (US$ 21,000,000,000,000) richer,
while the bottom 50% has grown 900 billion dollars poorer. A pattern of widening inequality that has
largely repeated itself around the world.” He goes on to say this economic theory, which so many
countries have been following for decades is dangerously wrong and that today's growing crisis of
rising inequality and growing political instability are the direct result of (following) bad economic
Not only does Nick Hanauer make this assertion, but he also gives reasons why it is so.
1. It is not capital that creates economic growth, it's people.
2. It isn't self-interest that promotes the public good, it's reciprocity.
3. It isn't competition that produces our prosperity, it's co-operation.
The fundamental assumptions that underpin neo-liberal economic theory are objectively false
assumptions. Consider the following:
1. The market is an efficient equilibrium system. (This is untrue.) Neo-liberalist argue if you
increase wages, unemployment will increase, because business will purchase less labour.
How it actually works if you increase wages the market expands because workers can
purchase more, so jobs increase to service that demand.
2. The price of something is always equal to its value. (This is also untrue.) People are not
paid what they are worth. They are paid what they have the power to negotiate. Wages'
falling share of GDP is not because workers have become less productive, but because
employers have become more powerful and by pretending that the giant imbalance in
power between capital and labour doesn't exist. Neo-liberal economic theory became
essentially a protection racket for the rich.

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3. The behavioural model that describes human beings as something called “homo
economicus”, which means we are all perfectly selfish, rational and relentlessly self-
maximising. It means we will make the choice that maximises our satisfaction. This is
untrue. But it is this behavioural model which is at the cold cruel heart of neo-liberal
economics, and it is as morally corrosive as it is scientifically wrong.
If instead of accepting these assumptions we accept the latest empirical research, real science,
which correctly describes human beings as highly co-operative, reciprocal, and intuitively moral
creatures then it follows, logically that it must be co-operation and not selfishness that is the
cause of our prosperity.
An alternative economic theory is that market capitalism is an evolutionary system, in which
prosperity emerges through a positive feedback loop between increasing amounts of
innovation and consumer demand. Innovation is the process by which we solve human
problems and consumer demand is the mechanism through which markets select useful
innovations. As we solve more problems we become more prosperous. But as we become more
prosperous, our problems and solutions become more complex and in this increasing technical
complexity requires ever-higher levels of social and economic co-operation to produce the more
highly specialised products that define our modern economy.
So, how do we leave the neo-liberalism behind and build a more sustainable, more prosperous and
more equitable society?
According to Nick Hanauer, new economic thinking suggests five rules of thumb:
1. Successful economies are not jungles, they are markets, which like gardens must be
tended. Markets are the greatest social technology ever invented for solving human
problems, but unconstrained by social norms or democratic regulation markets create more
problems than they solve.
2. Inclusion creates economic growth. The economy is people. Including more people in more
ways is what causes economic growth in market economies.
3. The purpose of the corporation is not merely to enrich shareholders. The new economics
must and can insist corporations are for the benefit of all stakeholders: customers, workers,
community and shareholders alike.
4. Greed is not good. In an economy as dependent upon co-operation at scale as ours,
sociopathy is as bad for business as it is for society.
5. Unlike the laws of physics, the laws of economics are a choice. Neo-liberal economic
theory has sold itself to us as unchangeable natural laws, when in fact it is social norms
and constructed narratives, and as such changeable.
He closes with: “If we truly want a more equitable, prosperous and sustainable economy. If we
want high functioning democracies and civil society we must have a new economics.”

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Appendix 2: Cycles

1. Climatic Cycle
A primary source of information comes from layers of geological sediment, rock, ice, seabed
sediment etc. After taking many samples, scientists have now learnt how to read the information
these samples provide. For example, we have samples from 420,000 layers of ice from Lake
Vostok in Antarctica. Each layer is produced by a year of sediment and provides a significant
amount of data on what was happening at the time.
Analysis of these samples shows peaks in global temperatures are followed, not preceded by
peaks in CO2 levels. This suggests that greenhouse gases, especially CO2 may nor be the cause
of the increased global temperatures we are observing. This is contrary to common belief. The
reason for the misunderstanding seems to be that we were looking at the wrong data and over too
short a period.
Answers can be found in research by a Serbian scientist, Miltuin Milankovic (1879-1958). He had
developed a theory, that was dismissed at first, but is now becoming more popular because it fits
with so much of the data we are now observing. Milankovic noticed changes in how the Earth
moved through space.
Millison Milankovic recognized as Earth orbits the sun it tilts and wobbles in three significant
cycles, which have become known as the Milankovic cycles.
* Eccentricity, measures the departure of this ellipse from circularity. As The Earth moves around
the Sun it's not a circular orbit, it is an elliptical orbit. The size of this ellipse changes within a cycle.
Different sources quote a different duration, but it seems to be about 100,000 years. The cause of
the eccentricity changes are due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn.
* The Tilt or The Obliquity: The angle of the axial tilt, concerning to the orbital plan varies
between 22.1° and 24.5°, over a cycle of about 41,000 years. The size of the tilt is decreasing,
which means the differences in seasons is decreasing, winters becoming warmer and summers
becoming (however slightly).
* Pre-session of the equinoxes. This refers to the observable phenomena of the rotation of the
heavens, a cycle which spans a period of (approximately) 25,800 years, over which time the
constellations appear to slowly rotate around the earth, taking turns at rising behind the rising sun
on the vernal equinox. This is also known as the Great Year.
Milankovitch studied changes in these movements of the Earth, which alter the amount and
location of solar radiation reaching the Earth. This became known as solar forcing. Milankovitch
emphasized the changes experienced at 65° north due to the great amount of land at that latitude.
Landmasses change temperature more quickly than oceans, because of the mixing of surface and
deep water and the fact that soil has a lower volumetric heat capacity than water.

2. Economic Cycles
Cycles of In the early 20th century economist Nikolai Kondratiev recognnized econmic cycles. Each
cycle lasted approximately 66 years, and moved through stages which Kondratiev used the
familiar, the climatic seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter to describe. He found that
these long waves of economic expansion and contraction matched almost perfectly with past
economic performance, starting in 1789.
The Kondratiev Wave theory has been refined over the years and was divided into four phases:
Spring, summer, autumn and winter.

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Spring is characterised by an increased optimism, technical innovation, improved productivity and

improving market conditions.
In summer, society enjoys the benefits of years of economic growth. Enjoyment inevitable
develops excesses.
Autumn is characterised by a change in outlook, and the realisation that the good times are not
sustainable. Belts start to be tightened and markets begin to contract.
Winter, sustained contraction turns to economic depression, a troubled financial systems, high
levels of bankruptcy, and unemployment, as debt is “cleansed” from the economy. It is reasonable
to conclude that this is the phase of the cycle we are currently in. This winter phase began in 2000
(right around the time of the NASDAQ/tech crash). As most winters in The Kondratiev last 20
years, according to the theory, we can expect another few years of tough economic times

3. Human Activity During Solar Cycles

Plotting human activity against solar cycles, it has been found that they follow similar patterns. It is
easier to identify conflict because they are more often associated with a specific date. Scientists
are not suggesting the Sun is causing these effects. What they are suggesting is that there are
natural conditions that create the environment that we respond to. In that environment, we are
sometimes, more aggressive and sometimes more willing to cooperate.
Observations were made by Alexander Chizhevsky (1867-1964), who presented his ideas in a
1918 doctoral dissertation “Analysis of Periodicity in the Worldwide Process,” which was published
a few years later as “Physical Factors of the Historical Process.”
Solar activity also seems related to what is called The Schumann Resonance. This global
electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicis t Winfried Otto Schumann, who
predicted it mathematically in 1952. It occurs because the space between the surface of the Earth and
the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide, and so energy is retained. The limited
dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic in the ELF
band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning.

While some would still consider it "speculative" or "new age science," many believe that it can be
affected by and affect human consciousness. So, if there is a global increase in anxiety or tension,
this will also affect the Schumann Resonance. Many believe that an increase in these resonant
frequencies will affect humanity as a whole.

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Appendix 3: Why societies collapse | Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond, American geographer, historian, anthropologist and author speaks about: Why
societies collapse. He tells us that in recent years, archaeologists have shown us that
environmental problems caused underlying many of these past collapses.
What makes some societies more fragile than other societies? This is relevant to our situation
today. What about ourselves? What is there that we can learn from the past that would help us
avoid declining or collapsing in the way that so many past societies have?
Jared Diamond has identified five aspects, a framework or checklist of things to consider to
understand collapses. In his TED presentation, he illustrates his five-point framework by describing
the extinction of the Greenland Norse society. His list is as follows:
1. Human impacts on the environment: In Greenland, people inadvertently destroyed the
resource base on which they depend. And in the case of the Viking Norse, the Vikings
inadvertently caused soil erosion and deforestation, which was a particular problem for them
because they required forests to make charcoal, to make iron. So they ended up an Iron Age
European society, virtually unable to make their iron.
2. Climate change. In the case of the Vikings -- in Greenland, the climate got colder, in the late
1300s, and especially in the 1400s. But a cold climate isn't necessarily fatal, because the Inuit --
the Eskimos inhabiting Greenland at the same time did better, rather than worse, with cold
3. Relations with neighbouring friendly societies that may provide support. And if that friendly
support is pulled away, or in the case of the Norse, Norway was not able to provide the same
amount of support.
4. Relations with hostile societies.
5. Political, economic, social and cultural factors. In the case of the Greenland Norse, they had
commitments to investing in cathedrals; the society was competitive, and they were in conflict with
the Inuit, from whom they refused to learn.
What about society today? Professor Diamond also illustrates his framework by looking at
Southwestern Montana, in The USA. At first sight, seems like the most pristine environment in the
United States. But look deeper and it is clear there are serious problems.

Going through the same checklist:

1. Human environmental impacts: To name a few: toxic problems from mine waste, salinization,
and forest fires.
2. Climate change: Montana is getting warmer and drier.
3. Relations with friends that can sustain the society: In Montana today, more than half of the
income of Montana is not earned within Montana, but is derived from out of state: transfer
payments from social security, investments and so on which makes Montana vulnerable to the rest
of the United States.
4. Relations with enemies: Montanans have the same problems as do all Americans, in being
sensitive to conflicts with enemies overseas affecting our oil supplies, and terrorist attacks.
5. Political, economic, social, cultural attitudes: Montanans have long-held values, which today
seem to be getting in the way of their solving their problems. Long-held devotion to logging, mines
and agriculture, and no government regulation; values that worked well in the past, but they don't
seem to be working well today.
While there are clear differences, between past societies, there are also some common threads,

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some lessons to learn:

• Collapse was rapid. Maya of the Yucatan and the Soviet Union.
• Understanding of what was happening was limited. Or why did these societies not see
what they were doing?
• There was a conflict of interests. This can be seen in numerous aspects: the short and
long term, the elite and common people, individual and society, one neighbourhood and
• And the other generalization is that it's particularly hard for a society to make quote-
unquote good decisions when there is a conflict involving strongly held values that
are good in many circumstances but are poor in other circumstances. Perhaps things
that have been a source of strength in the past become a weakness.
We can all see many ticking time bombs that relate to these lessons, time bombs that have fuses
of a few decades to -- all of them, not more than 50 years, and any one of which can do us in; the
time bombs of water, of soil, of climate change, invasive species, the photosynthetic ceiling,
population problems, toxics, etc., etc. --
The fact is that our present course is a non-sustainable course, which means, by definition, that it
cannot be maintained. And the outcome is going to get resolved within a few decades.
The resolution is going to achieve either of two forms: either we will resolve issues by planned
action in a co-operative manner, or they will be resolved in unpleasant ways not of our choice --
namely, by war, disease or starvation. But what's for sure is that our non-sustainable course will get
resolved in one way or another within a few decades.
Jared Diamond closes his presentation on a rather positive note. He says the big problems facing
the world today are not at all things beyond our control. Our biggest threat is not an asteroid about
to crash into us, something we can do nothing about. Rather, all the major threats facing us today
are problems entirely of our own making. And since we made the problems, we can also solve the
problems. That then means that it's entirely in our power to deal with these problems.

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Roy Casey

Appendix 4: An Introduction to Meditation: The Practice of

This introduction is written with schools in mind, to enable them to start doing something
immediately. Hopefully, it will inspire teachers and staff, to investigate meditation and learn more.
Some already schools teach meditation with great success.
Many people new to meditation think that they have to get to empty their mind and think of nothing.
This is too much to ask. If you are told not to think of a pink elephant, you will think of a pink
elephant. It is better to think of it as to practice witnessing. As we live our life, we continually sense
things, the sound of a door, the light in my eyes, the smell of fresh coffee. When we sense
something, it is usual for an internal conversation to start. The door: is someone coming? Light is
my eyes? Perhaps I should turn it off. Fresh coffee: Perhaps I should have a cup before it is
gone. The idea is to not start that conversation. Notice the door, then just let it pass. Light in my
eyes, let it pass. If it is very annoying, turn it off or turn away. The problem is you will always be
able to find something to distract you. Let them pass.
With practice, an individual will find they are much more at peace and alert. Choosing what
thoughts to have rather than have thought come to them, and feel they have to pursue them. In
training our mind this way, we become we gain more control over our life.
As the mind needs to be active, it wants to be active a practice in meditation will frequently involve
focusing on something present and regular. Some examples include: the sound of a ticking clock,
flame of a candle, or your own breath. During the practice, you will feel things but avoid the
thought. Observe, Witness, and let them pass. On those occasions when you find you are
thinking about something, and it will always happen, less often once you become more practised.
On those occasions, gently bring your self back to the focus.
In a guided meditation, the teacher will instruct you what to focus on. Do so, noticing, witnessing,
but do not think about it. For example: If the teacher says: “Notice the sun on your face.” Do so, but
do not then start thinking about how warm it is and perhaps you should take your coat off. If you
want to take your coat off to be comfortable, do so. But do not spend time thinking about it. If you
do, stop and observe who was doing the thinking. Then observer your breath. Observe the warmth
of the sun.
Meditation can be divided into two groups, Mindfulness and Transcendental Meditation. Guided
meditation falls is an example of the former, where the mind is quiet, but will focus. The mind will
notice things feelings, but will not actively think about it. Transcendental Meditation is where the
mind focuses on nothing, emptiness. Clearly a difference, the former being easier because it is
more familiar. However, in both, we actively control our mind, rather than our mind control us.
Teachers of meditation often use the metaphor of the brain being an untrained monkey and
meditation as a method of training it. I like to think of it as a young puppy I am walking. Frequently,
it will leave the path I have chosen. So I gently bring it back. Dragging and pushing it will be
counterproductive. Gently bring it back.
The Dalai Lama said, “If every eight-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate
violence from the world within one generation.”

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Roy Casey

Getting Started
Initially, any length of time would beneficial. It is about making a start and introducing it into a
routine. For the very young, let us start with 1 minute. For older children, let us start with 3 minutes.
I propose at the start of the day and first thing after lunch. In the case of a school, a session at the
same time for the whole school may have surprising results. Think of your favourite sport, watching
it in a group of three, or a full stadium, will have quite a different energy level, a level of excitement.
There is something called the Maharishi-effect. It establishes the principle that the individual
consciousness affects collective consciousness. There have been numerous studies, which verify
Approx Teacher's Guiding Statement

0:00 Sit with your back straight and feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes, so the lids are
relaxed but closed.

Breath in through the nose, and out through the mouth. Take a little bit longer on the

0:15 Notice your feet on the floor. <pause> Feel the pressure, the texture, the

0:30 I ask you to notice these things, not to continue thinking about it, just notice and then
let it go.

If you notice your thoughts going somewhere else, lunch, your homework, come
back to the breath. Notice how the air feels as it goes in through the nose, and out. In
through the nose, and out.

0:45 Notice what you are sitting on. Is it hard or soft? No need to answer. Just notice it. No
need to think about it. If you are undecided, that is o.k. Don't decide, Just notice the

1:00 Notice your hands feel.

1:15 shoulders

1:30 lips

1:45 Imagine that you are in your favourite place. You do not need to do anything. Just be.
Notice how you feel. Notice where you feel this joy. Is it in your big toe? Probably not.

2:00 See the joy wherever it is. See it glow a lovely golden light.. It is small, but bright
light. Now see it grow. The light is getting bigger.

2:15 See the light how it fills the room. Others feel the joy, as they share your light.

2:30 Now you can come back to this place, whenever you like. Just see yourself in the
space, see the glow of the golden light, and notice the joy.

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Roy Casey

Appendix 5: MaharishiEffect and Global Consciousness

In the 1960s, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi described a paranormal effect, where individuals practising
the Transcendental Meditation could affect the local environment. Numerous studies have been
conducted, with positive conclusions. We do not understand it, but when we consider the low cost
involved and the fact there is no downside, it is difficult to justify not doing more.
While the idea of this phenomenon is so very difficult to believe. Its existence is also supported by
what has become known as Global Consciousness. Consciousness being aware of ourselves and
our surroundings, tends to be more powerful when coherent, consistent. To what extent does this
extend to a group of people? Scientists are researching the correlation, of many people having the
same feeling or thought to events.
The idea was first proposed in the early twentieth century when Poerre Teilhard de Chardin
introduced a long-held belief, a knowing that we are all connected into scientific research. The
Global Consciousness Project (GCP also called the EGG Project) is an experiment begun in 1998
to detect possible interactions of global consciousness with physical systems. The project monitors
an extensive network if random number generators to identify significant unexpected world events
that correlate with or relate to widespread emotional responses to sets of world events, or periods
of focused attention by large numbers of people. More than 500 events have been recorded,
including Bombing of Embassies in Africa (7.08.1998), Columbine High School shooting
(20.04.1999), Central America Earthquake (13.01.2001) 911 Terrorist Attack (11.09.1991). Results
of the research show a clear correlation between an event and the consciousness of humanity.

Appendix 6: The Global Coherence Initiative: Creating a Coherent Planetary

Standing Wave
An article published by “Global Advances in Health and Medicine” and written by Rollin McCraty,
PhD, corresponding authors Annette Deyhle, PhD, and Doc Childre mentions many of the things I
have raised: 2012, Cosmic alignments, A paradigm shift in human thinking, from competition to co-
operation, and Schuman resonance.
GCI hypothesizes that when enough individuals and social groups increase their coherence
baseline and utilize that increased coherence to intentionally create a more coherent standing
reference wave in the global field, it will help increase global consciousness. This can be achieved
when an increasing number of people move towards more balanced and self-regulated emotions
and responses. This in turn can help facilitate cooperation and collaboration in innovative problem
solving and intuitive discernment for addressing society's significant social, environmental, and
economic problems. In time, as more individuals stabilize the global field and families, workplaces,
and communities move to increased social coherence, it will lead to increased global coherence.
This will be indicated by countries adopting a more coherent planetary view so that social and
economic oppression, warfare, cultural intolerance, crime, and disregard for the environment can
be addressed meaningfully and successfully.
There is a tendency for and movement to coherence is not just in humans, but can be seen in
physics and nature. Steven Strogatz, demonstrates this in his TED Talk The Science of Sync,

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Roy Casey

Appendix 7: Additional Links of Interest

1. A Link between Many of the Ancient Ruins

Roger G. Gilbertson gives a TED talk “The Unusual Earth Orbit Circling Above Our Ancient Past”

2. Signs that everything is Vibration

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

3. Fear, our higher self telling us something. It is our friend.

What fear can teach us. - Karen Thompsom Walker

4. The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics

5. The Extended Mind, Past, Present and Future | Dr.Dean Radin

6. Collective Consciousness And Meditation: Are We All Interconnected by an

Underlying Field?

7. Cognitive Scientist Philip Fernbach

Why do we believe things that aren't true?

The Illusion of Understanding

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