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Peter Perun1


1. Introduction
Muzzle variation of small arm during shoot is caused by projectile motion in
navigate part of small arm barrel. Muzzle variation magnitude depends on barrel
material, barrel production technology, constructional solution of arm automatics.
By exchange of inside and outside barrel loading come to exchange of muzzle
variation magnitude during shoot. To small arm muzzle variation detection was
constructed model of small arm barrel with accessories in program LS-Dyna. Model of
small arm barrel come out of proportions and material of small arm Sa vz.58. Barrel
accessory creates front sight carrier and gas chamber. Both components represent
addition mass to barrel without accessories, that are change muzzle oscillation character.
Model of small arm barrel is loaded by inside forces affect during shoot. They present
their press of burning powder gases and reaction of projectile moving in barrel.
By using of additional devices into small arm muzzle like as silencers (suppressors),
lift compensators and flash suppressor come to exchange of small arm barrel oscillation.
Variation magnitude of muzzle surface will by changed in effect of added weight onto
For determination of difference on muzzle variation intensity is constructed second
model of small arm barrel with accessories. Model will be identically then the first
model and will be alike loaded with inside and outside forces. Second model will be
added by additional weight in version of secondary device into muzzle. For this purpose
will be used proportions and weight of lift compensators combined with flash suppressor
This will be located on muzzle.
Goal of comparison will be determination of muzzle variation changes in all three
size of small arm barrel model with accessories and with secondary device opposite to
small arm.

Fig. 1. Small arms barrel with accessories

2. Creating a model
To determine the size of the deflection of the small arms barrel , a small arms barrel
model was constructed mainly in the LS-Dyna program. The small arms barel model
mainly comes out of the dimensions and material of the barel of the 7.62 mm automatic
assault rifle Sa vz.58. The model is supplemented with barrel accessories and
npor. Eng. Peter Perun, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Armed Forces Academy
of gen. M. R. Štefánik

compensator (Fig. 1). The model is composed out of a sight carrier (Mnm = 72.10-3 kg), a
gas chamber (Mpk = 82.10-3 kg) and a compensator (Mkz = 118.10-3 kg). The components
represent the added weight to the bare barrel, which changes the character of the
oscillation of the muzzle. The function of accessory components does not interfere with
or affect the oscillation of the small arms barrel. For example, by influencing of the
oscillation by the motion of the gas piston, or by discharge of dust emissions through the
holes on the compensator [2, 7, 9, 10]
The small arms barrel model is mainly influenced by the internal forces acting
during the shot. They represent the pressure of the burning dust gases and the reaction
from the missile movement in the barrel.
By using attachments to the muzzle of the small arms barrel such as a noise silencer
(suppressor), rise compensators and flame silencers there is a further change in the
oscillation the small arms barrel. The size of the deflection of level of the muzzle will be
affected by the added weight at the mouth.
The small arms barrel model is created on the dimensions and materials
characteristics of 7.62 mm muzzle of assault rifle Sa model 58 currently implemented in
the Armed Forces of Slovak Republic (Fig. 2). The LS-Dyna software was used to build
the model. The model has four versions.
To determine the value of the plane deflection of the muzzle of the small arms barrel
model, especially at the moment when the shot leaves the guiding section of the barrel
there are four defined NODs: A, B, C, D. They are located in the plane of the muzzle at
the end of the end of the guiding elements of the boring of the small arms barrel model.

Fig. 2. Gas chamber, front sight carrier, compensator

All the versions of the small arms barrel model are firmly fixed into the casing of
end of the gun in the length of 62 mm. They are loaded with a pressure load according to
the pressure curve in the barrel (Figure 3). The curve of the pressure pattern corresponds
to the 7.62 mm x 39 model 43 bullet gun shot, with a shot of 8 g FMJ, 1,58 g content of
tube nitrocellulose smokeless powder from S&B company, at temperature t v=20ºC,
pressure pn=1011,5 hPa.[3 , 4]
The motion time of 7.62 mm missile in the guide portion of the barrel of the model
until the moment when it leaves the muzzle of the small arms barrel model is tsh = 0,91
ms. The material of the small arms barrel model has the following parameters: density ρ
= 7850 kg.m-3, Young's modulus E = 2,1.103 MPa, Poisson constant µ = 0,3.

Fig. 3. Progress of the pressure in the barrel

3. Small arms barrel model

All models of small arms barrel are created in the LS - Dyna program based on the
original 7.62 mm automatic attack rifle Sa model 58. Individual variants differ from each
other by the absence of accessory components or by their presence. The small arms
barrel models are loaded by the pressure load of the burning dust gases and the load from
the movement of the missile in the guiding part [2, 3, 4].
The first small arms barrel model is without accessories (Fig. 4) From the original
barrel of small arms weapon, only the external and internal dimensions remained. This
model is without a gas piston, gas chamber, and a sight carrier with a bayonet carrier.

Fig. 4. Model small arms barrel without accessories

The second small arms barrel model is without accessories with compensator
(Fig. 5). From the original barrel of small arms weapon, only the external and internal
dimensions remained. This model is without a gas piston, gas chamber, and a sight
carrier with a bayonet carrier. At the muzzle, the model is has extra weight in form of a
compensator (Fig. 2).
The third small arms barrel model with accessories (Fig. 6) This model is identical
with the original small arms barrel, external and internal dimensions remained. The
model of the small arms barrel contains gas chamber, sight carrier and bayonet carrier.
(Fig. 2)

Fig. 5. Model small arms barrel without accessories with compensator

Fig. 6. Model small arms barrel with accessories

Fig. 7. Model small arms barrel with accessories with compensator

The last small arms barrel model is with accessories. (Fig. 7) The model is identical
with the original small arms barrel weapon, the external and internal dimensions
remained. The small arms barrel model contains gas chamber, sight carrier, bayonet
carrier, including a screwed-in compensator. (Fig. 2)

4. Simulations
On all small arms barrel models, a simulation with a pressure load and simulation
with missile movement in the guiding part of the barrel was performed. The simulation
is tasked to approximate to the real shooting conditions from the 7,62 mm assault rifle Sa
model 58 as much as possible. The obtained values of deflections in the muzzles of the
models in time tsh = 0,91 ms for axes x, y, z were inserted into the tables Tab. 1, Tab. 2,
Tab. 3, Tab. 4 [1 , 6] .

Table 1. Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel

Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [
Deflection axis mm]
A1 B1 C1 D1
axis – x 0,000159 -0,00369 -0,00244 0,00253
axis – y 0,02 0,0096 0,00187 0,012
axis – z -0,0114 -0,0166 -0,006 -0,000185

Table 2. Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel
Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [ mm]
Deflection axis A2 B2 C2 D2
axis – x 0,000153 0,00259 0,00333 0,00134
axis – y 0,000878 -0,00522 -0,0102 -0,00410
axis – z 0,00648 0,00258 0,00945 0,0128

Table 3. Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel

Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [ mm]
Deflection axis A3 B3 C3 D3
axis – x 0,0000305 0,00247 -0,000214 -0,00275
axis – y -0,0081 -0,0143 -0,0197 -0,0151
axis – z -0,00427 -0,00933 -0,00391 0,00202

Table 4. Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel

Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [ mm]
Deflection axis A4 B4 C4 D4
axis – x -0,00061 0,000061 -0,000549 -0,00125
axis – y -0,00555 -0,00733 -0,00928 -0,00746
axis – z -0,00177 -0,00375 -0,00167 0,000409

5. Discussion of results
To perform a comparison of the deflections of the muzzle of small arms barrel
model, the results of the simulations were divided into groups according to the position
of a particular NOD at the level of the muzzle. Thus, NOD groups of A, B, C, D were
created. In particular NOD groups, the NOD deflection value for the given version of the
barrel model and the corresponding axis is indicated (Tab. 5, Tab. 6, Tab. 7, Tab. 8).
From the NOD deflections listed in Tab. 5, Tab. 6, Tab. 7, Tab. 8, graphs were
created to illustrate changes in size of NOD deflection A,B,C,D and in the x, y, z axes
(Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10, Fig. 11).
The loading of the small arms barrel model through the passage of the missile and
under the pressure is relatively large. During time tsh = 0,91 ms there is an oscillation of
the small arms barrel model in axes x, y, z. The oscillation is non-linear. The largest
deflection values are registred from y-axis and z-axis (horizontal and vertical plane). The
smallest deflection values are recorded in the x-axis (the barrel boring axis ).
In the time when the missile is leaving the muzzle, there is a similar situation with
deflection sizes of the A, B, C, D NODs in the plane of the In the plane of the mouth.
The largest deflection values are registered from y-axis and z-axis, The smallest
deflection values are registered in the x-axis.

Table 5. Deflection values of the A group NODs at the muzzle barrel

Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [
Deflection axis mm]
A1 A2 A3 A4
axis – x 0,000159 0,000153 0,0000305 -0,00061
axis – y 0,02 0,000878 -0,0081 -0,00555
axis – z -0,0114 0,00648 -0,00427 -0,00177

Table 6. Deflection values of the B group NODs at the muzzle barrel
Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [ mm]
Deflection axis B1 B2 B3 B4
axis – x -0,00369 0,00259 0,00247 0,000061
axis – y 0,0096 -0,00522 -0,0143 -0,00733
axis – z -0,0166 0,00258 -0,00933 -0,00375

Table 7. Deflection values of the C group NODs at the muzzle barrel

Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [ mm]
Deflection axis C1 C2 C3 C4
axis – x -0,00244 0,00333 -0,000214 -0,000549
axis – y 0,00187 -0,0102 -0,0197 -0,00928
axis – z -0,006 0,00945 -0,00391 -0,00167

Table 8. Deflection values of the C group NODs at the muzzle barrel

Deflection values of the NODs at the muzzle barrel [
Deflection axis mm]
D1 D2 D3 D4
os – x 0,00253 0,00134 -0,00275 -0,00125
os – y 0,012 -0,00410 -0,0151 -0,00746
os – z -0,000185 0,0128 0,00202 0,000409

From the graph (Fig. 8), it is well visible that the small arms barrel model without
accessories (Fig.5) , in time tsh = 0,91 ms Has the largest variations of the A1, B1 NODs
in planes x, y, z, compared to other variants.
Adding a compensator (Fig. 5) will reduce the A2, B2 NODs deflection But at the
same time the deflections in C2, D2 NODs (Fig.9) increase.. The compensator partially
fulfills the function of an absorbing element.
The variation of the barrel model with accessories (Fig.6) shows increased
variations in all A3, B3, C3, D3 NODs (Fig. 10), compared to the previous variants.

Fig. 8. Displacement of A NOD

Most expedient in terms of extent of the deflections is the model with accessories
and compensator (Fig. 7). The deflections of all A4, B4, C4, D4 NODs (Fig.11) are the

smallest almost in all axes x, y, z. The reason is probably the size of added weight in the
form of accessories and compensator, as well as the distribution of added weight itself.

Fig. 9. Displacement of B NOD

Fig. 10. Displacement of C NOD

Fig. 11. Displacement of D NOD

6. Conclusion
By correctly choosing the size of the added weight and its distribution through the
muzzling device, we could achieve zero or only a minimal deflection in the A, B, C, D
NODs. This would be reflected in the accuracy of shooting, in the midpoint of the hit.

The muzzle device could take the form of a compensator or suppressor with the
option of adding weight and changing its position. The modular arrangement of the
muzzle device would allow the tuning of any small arms barrel weapon construction,
depending on the accessories used, in the form of a stroke compensator, silencer, flame
silencer, or suppressor.

[1] Lisý P., Štiavnický M.: Modal Analysis od Barrel for Assault Rifles. Problems of
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[2] Lisý P., Štiavnický M.: Weapons Barrel and its additional Accessories. Problems
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[3] Perun P., Mozoľa M.: Comparison of vibrations models of small arms barrels.
Deterioration Dependability Diagnostics, UO Brno, 2016, p.139, ISBN 978-80-
[4] Perun P.: Comparison small arms barrel vibration with simulation. Proceedings of
The Institute of Vehicles, 3(107)/2016, p.63, ISSN 1642-347X.
[5] Schwinkendorf K. N., Roblyer S.P.: Three River Technologies – Simulation of
the Vibrational Response of a Barrel Rifle During Firing. Advance Simulation
Technologies Conference (ASTC ´98). p.66
[6] Reddy N.J.: Finite Element Method. New York, 2006. 766 s.
[7] Varmit A.: FEA ( Finite Element Analysis) Rifle Barrel Dynamic Pressure
[8] Trebuňa F., Jurica V., Šimčak, F.: Pružnosť a pevnosť II. Prešov, 2002. 318 s
[9] Vítek R.: Influence of the Small Arm Barrel Bore Length on the Angle of Jump
Dispersion. Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Systems
science and simulation in engineering ICOSSSE´08. Wisconsin: WSEAS, 2008,
p. 114-118.
[10] Lisý P., Štiavnický M.: The barrrel and its additional accessories. 9th
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Technology 2012, s.485-497.
[11] Rinker A.R.: Understanding Firearm Ballistics. Mulbery House Publishing, 2009.

Muzzle vibrations of small arm during shoot is caused by projectile motion in
navigate part of small arm barrel. Muzzle variation magnitude depends on barrel
material, barrel production technology, constructional solution of arm automatics.
By exchange of inside and outside barrel loading come to exchange of muzzle
variation magnitude during shoot. To small arm muzzle variation detection was
constructed model of small arm barrel with accessories in program LS-Dyna. Model of
small arm barrel come out of proportions and material of small arm Sa vz.58. Barrel
accessory creates front sight carrier and gas chamber. Both components represent
addition mass to barrel without accessories, that are change muzzle oscillation character.
Model of small arm barrel is loaded by inside forces affect during shoot. They present
their press of burning powder gases and reaction of projectile moving in barrel.
By using of additional devices into small arm muzzle like as silencers (suppressors),
lift compensators and flash suppressor come to exchange of small arm barrel oscillation.

Variation magnitude of muzzle surface will by changed in effect of added weight onto
For determination of difference on muzzle variation intensity is constructed second
model of small arm barrel with accessories. Model will be identically then the first
model and will be alike loaded with inside and outside forces. Second model will be
added by additional weight in version of secondary device into muzzle. For this purpose
will be used proportions and weight of lift compensators combined with flash suppressor
This will be located on muzzle.
Goal of comparison will be determination of muzzle variation changes in all three
size of small arm barrel model with accessories and with secondary device opposite to
small arm.

Keywords: barrel vibration, muzzle, small arms barrel model, simulation


Przemieszczenia wylotu lufy broni strzeleckiej podczas strzelania są spowodowane
ruchem pocisku w części prowadzącej lufy. Wielkość amplitudy przemieszczenia wylotu
lufy zależy od materiału lufy, technologii produkcji lufy, rozwiązania konstrukcyjnego
automatyki broni.
Poprzez wymianę wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego mechanizmu ładującego w lufie
zmienia się wielkość przemieszczenia wylotu lufy podczas strzelania. W celu
wyznaczenia przemieszczenia wylotu lufy broni strzeleckiej, w programie LS-Dyna
został zbudowany model lufy z wyposażeniem. Model lufy broni strzeleckiej został
stworzony na bazie proporcji i materiału z broni strzeleckiej Sa vz.58. Wyposażenie lufy
stanowi przedni mechanizm ładujący i komora gazowa. Oba podzespoły stanowią masę
dodatkową do lufy bez wyposażenia, które zmieniają charakter przemieszczeń wylotu
lufy. W modelu lufy broni strzeleckiej są inicjowane wewnętrzne siły powstające
podczas strzelania. Są one wynikiem wybuchu palącego się prochu i reakcji pocisku
poruszającego się w lufie.
Dzięki zastosowaniu dodatkowego wyposażenia montowanego do wylotu lufy broni
strzeleckiej takiego jak: tłumiki, kompensatory podnoszenia i tłumik błysku zmienia się
przemieszczenie wylotu lufy. Zmiana amplitudy przemieszczeń powierzchni wylotu lufy
spowodowana jest efektem dodania masy na lufie.
W celu określenia różnicy wartości przemieszczeń wylotu lufy zbudowano drugi
model lufy z dodatkowym wyposażeniem montowanym do wylotu lufy.. Jest to model
pierwotny uzupełniony o masy dodatkowego wyposażenia. ( masa kompensatorów
podnoszenia w połączeniu z tłumikiem błysku), znajdujące się na lufie.
Celem porównania będzie określenie zmian przemieszczeń wylotu lufy we
wszystkich trzech kierunkach w modelu lufy broni strzeleckiej z wyposażeniem oraz z
urządzeniem dodatkowym skierowanym przeciwnie do wylotu lufy.

Słowa kluczowe: drgania lufy, wylot lufy, model lufy broni strzeleckiej, symulacja


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