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By Danny Vermeeren
© Transformation & Ko B.V.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 1 75


People in this group ask me for the links to my previous posts, please find here a list of all of the posts I have written specially for
this group.
I wish you lots of inspiration and hope that the proof I give here, helps your neocortex to open the door to the Unified Field so
you also can create your own life in a form you are longing for.


In my experience reading something ONCE will NOT change the course of your life.

The first step of big changes in my life started to happen after that I followed the advice of God when Neal Donald Walsh asked
him at the end of his book 'Conversations with God'; "This is all very profound but HOW can I apply this in my life?!' The answer
he got from God was: "You do not have to do anything. Just read this book over and over again, till it is in your DNA. Then it will
show cause.”

And that's what I did, the next 5 YEARS!

It was the only book I read. I listen to it in the car in English, German and Dutch. Every moment of the day. And slowly it started
to reveal the deeper meanings and slowly it entered my DNA.

It started to show cause in my life.

Then God brought Dr Joe Dispenza in my life. Dr Joe gave me the tools to create changes in my life FAST. Sometimes within
minutes, many-times it took longer.

Last year (2018) March if though I could support people in this group by sharing my experiences. A specially how I use the
technique of Dr Joe in a way that it becomes even more effective. This first post received more than 290 comments and more
than 400 likes.

Many people started have benefits from the posts. Post where I wrote how to apply the techniques of Dr Joe. Some printed all
the posts to read them again.

And THAT IS the key to success!

Re-read them over and over again, till all the deeper knowledge is in your DNA, till you do not know anymore that you know.
This will, in my experience, be a great help to move towards the life you are longing for.

That is why I share with you again the link (URL) to the 'bookshelf' post where I listed all the posts. Now, you have easy access to
all of them.

Posts where I report from success. The posts where I report of new life challenging events in my life and how I deal with them
(or tried to do).

I do not want to be arrogant or so, just want to support you on your path. I give it this to you for free. The big gift for me is when
it helps you how to use the techniques so it also starts to show cause in your life.

That's my reward :)

The link to this 'online bookshelf' post can be found below:

Danny J.M. Vermeeren

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 3 75

















© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 6 75





© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 7 75


Facebook link:

March 3th 2017

I have found a way to successfully apply the techniques of Dr Joe. The newly created future arrives faster and faster
in my life.

The good thing is, I even do not need to meditate anymore! Sometimes I do meditate (I use the Changing One Belief
meditation when I do), but I use that as a "kick off".

The last couple of months it realises the longed for future, faster and faster and always in the most unexpected ways.

It is mind blowing! And yet it is also not. Because at the moment that the -not yet come to pass future- becomes a
memory for me, it attracts that future from the quantum field. Or how Dr Joe it also calls; The Unified Field.

The manifestations started in spring 2016 after attending a Progressive Workshop in Munich, Germany. At that
moment I was facing enormous challenges in my life, for myself and for my two children and wife.

The first and highest priority at that time, was to "save" my then 10-year-old daughter from disaster.

A couple of months after I started with this meditation, it came to pass in the most unbelievable way you can

Since then I have manifested quit a lot of incredible things in my life. Always starting off with this meditation.

The proof was undeniable, it is working but why and how?

I didn’t know exactly and I wanted to know, because when you understand something you can then utilize it much

June 2017, I shift occurred, I started to notice that the meditation itself did not do the “trick”.

It start to attract it from the Unified Field at the moment that you experience the future so vivid that the -not yet
come to pass future- becomes A MEMORY!

That is what activates the unified field…

Like, when you go back to a dear moment in your life. A moment when you was happy about something. For
example; the memory of a dear holiday, or the dear memory of your first love, or the dear memory of a moment with
your child.

You can recall those memories whenever you want. When you are cooking, are driving a car, are talking with
somebody. When ever you want your mind can drift and recall to such a memory. Thus reliving that moment anew.

I started to notice that, when the -not yet come to pass future- becomes a memory in me, it manifests itself at high
speed in my life.!

And always in a way I could not image how it will be at forehand.

The technique I use now is as follows;

1. When an idea arrases in me for something where I’m longing strongly for, something not present in my life
at that moment, then I decide to go for the next step.

2. The next step is that I do a “kick-off” meditation using the “Changing one believe” meditation. The meditation
is “successful” when it feels like it did already come to pass. So, I repeat the meditation till I have this
sensation. Most of the time now within two times. In the beginning many times.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 8 75

3. Then I don’t do the meditation anymore. I start to go as often as possible to this dear memory (of the not yet
come to pass future) when and where ever I can. During a meeting, driving in my car, doing the dishes, etc.

Every time I relive this -not yet come to pass future- as a memory, it sends these waves into the quantum field,
attracting this experience towards me from the quantum field.

My experience is, that how more this -not yet come to pass future- was during the meditation (in other words the
more intensive that experience was), the faster that experience will appear in my life. But again, ALWAYS in the
most unexpected ways.

My logical brain (neocortex - IQ) cannot believe it.

But my deeper “knowing” is not surprised at all, because it is already a fond memory. (this -not yet come to pass

It is true what Dr Joe says; “Gratitude is the strongest magnet too draw the new created future towards you, to
manifest in your life in the moment of now.”

Last year, I quit a job and I didn’t had a new job yet. Then a job opportunity showed up on an internet portal, I
applied for the job.

Then I did the kick-off meditation, two times. The second time it felt so real, so already came to pass, that it totally
surprised me.

However my neo-cortex (IQ) was doubting heavily and was afraid that I did not get this job. My wife reacted and she
said: “Why don’t you Dispenza this?” (We made a verb of it 😊).

My neo-cortex (IQ) sad “Yes!” and the rest of my being reacted as if it was treason!!!

Why? Because, the =not yet come to pass- experience was so vivid, so alive, that for my deep knowing it was already
in the past! For my deep knowing it had already happened!

I got the job…

This experience made me realise that when you have a “memory” living in you of a -not yet come to pass- THAT is
what draws the experience it into my life.

This is the key I found!

It is not the meditation, it is the vivid experience of the -not yet come to pass future- which becomes a memory and
lives in you from that moment on as e dear memory in you, which attracts that experience from the quantum field.

At this moment in time I’m experimenting with this and it works over and over and over again.

I have the feeling that, at the age of 59 years old, my life finally starts!

It feels as if I’m “playing” in a sandbox, creating whatever I’m longing for. Creating more and more “bold” (for my
neocortex bold) things.

The reason why I write this here is because I hope it helps others in this group to become also consciously creating
beings, like you are most likely longing for.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 9 75


Facebook link:

March, 7th 2018

Hello folks, on my previous post “I have found a way to successfully apply the techniques of Dr Joe….”

I added in a comment the example of my first aware experience and for me the ultimate proof that everybody can consciously
create his/her life. But it is not easy to read it there so I thought I post it as a separate post in this group then it is easier to read.

So her it comes 😊

Some asked me to share more (detailed) examples and I know this is so important for the neocortex, because that part of the
brain needs a LOT of proof.

Sorry, to write it down I need to paint a context and because of that this text is not so short. 😊

In 2014 I divorced my now ex-wife. We lived somewhere in the middle of Germany and we had two kids. A daughter and a son,
now 14 and 17 years old.

In 2016 my daughter lived for 4 days a weeks by my ex-wife and for 3 days a week by me and me wife. My son already moved
completely to us. I don’t want to go into all details because they are private, I just want to say that both the children where
finally appointed by court of law to us.

In Germany normally the children lives with their mother in case of a divorce and when that is not so there are serious reasons
why not. Also in our situation, there were serious reasons why it was paramount that my daughter also had to live with us.

How did my daughter came to us?

Since 2014 I had tried many things that she also would live with us. Like the youth office, judges, psychologist you name it I tried
everything. But in Germany the right for the Mother is so strong that it seemed impossible that a child can live with here father.

Spring 2016, I believe it was May, Dr Joe held an Progressive workshop weekend in Munich. The weekend that more than 40.000
refugees arrived in Munich. I attend that weekend.

The weekend inspired me, felt like finally coming home.

After that weekend I decided to put the meditation to work on this mission impossible. I bought the meditation CD Changing
Beliefs and Perceptions Meditation (

My neocortex was telling me that is was rubbish, that I just wanted to believe it, that just with some meditations and something
abstract stuff like the unified field it could NEVER EVER change this situation.

Still, it was my last hope, I started with the Changing One Belief meditation. Because I have studied NLP and I used many NLP
techniques during coaching sessions, I could make the new wanted situation as real as possible. I activated as many of my 5
senses as I could during the meditation.

I saw that she was living with us. I saw here happy running and playing with us at home. I heart here voice and laughter. I
smelled the smell of food that my wife cooked what we were eating. I felt the temperature of the summer on my skin. I tasted
the food while we were eating together.

I was making these moments so vivid as I possibly could. Because of this I started to feel so happy, so proud and deeply moved
that she was so happy now and that she started to feel safer and safer.

These moments, created with my conscious mind using my NLP knowledge, where intense and so real as they possibly good get.

My mind was still protesting, bullshit, will not work, etc. etc. it kept pounding me with doubts and all kind of logical reasons why
this would NOT work.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 10 75

But I continued. Two times a week I did this meditation, two times a week I felt this new reality as real and as possible.
Sometimes more real than other times. Now I know that after a while this new reality, which was not yet in my life, became a
MEMORY. And you can only have a memory of something that is in the past of your life, isn’t? 😊

A couple of weeks later it started…

My daughter told me that here mother wanted to get a male au-pair from Columbia into here home to help her with the
household and the big garden. I was shocked! I could not believe this!!!

My daughter was 12 years old, started to discover here sexuality and started to test it on males and boys. And my ex-wife had
the idea to get a young male au-pair from Colombia!? Is she nuts!

I protested by my ex-wife, I protested by child care. Then my ex-wife gave me proof that I did not need to worry. That young
man had an university degree, a good job in Columbia, etc. She also mailed me all kind off proof of this. When I opened one of
the links to a Colombia police website where I could read the proof that he was good, my virus protection program alarmed me
that this link was dangerous!

Can you imagine how afraid I was?

I moved heaven and earth to stop this and I could not do anything about it.

Finally the day that this young man arrived in Germany I picked my daughter up from school and send my ex-wife mails, SMS,
WhatsApp and a letter, that my daughter would now stay at my home until this man was gone from the house or a judge
decided where my daughter would live.

All hell broke loose!

But I stayed with this position. One week later an urgent session at the court of law was held. There the judge asked me: “Mr.
Vermeeren, when this male au-pair is gone do you let your daughter go back to her Mother?” Of course I didn’t want to do that,
but what could I say? So I said; “Yes of course, when the man is gone she will return.”

Then the judge asked my ex-wife; “Miss X, it seems to be that you need to choose between your au-pair and your daughter,
what do you choose?” my ex-wife sad: “I choose for the au-par”…

The judge exploded he was talking (nearly screaming) so laud that his voice could be heard all the way down the hall and in
other rooms.

He appointed my daughter in my care and ordered a psychological research by a child psychologist to determine where it would
be the best, where my daughter could live. This process took 6 months.

December 2016 my daughter was definitely appointed to me and my wife.

In the summer of that same year we also moved back to The Netherlands, the home country of my wife and me. Both kids
where already on Dutch schools and where doing well.

Till the first moment that I had heard from my daughter that a male au-pair from Columbia would live in the same house, I was
doing twice a week the meditation. After that moment I stopped with the meditation.

Everything that happened after that was way beyond anything I could have imagine how my daughter could live with us. This
was SO strange so bizarre actually, I could never had dreamed of something like this!?

But, it was exactly that what was needed to let the system know what kind of risks my daughter was facing living where she was

The live of my daughter is changed. The live of my son is changed and the live of my wife is changed, my live is changed.

After this, my doubts about this technique where nearly gone, but they were still there. After that I have created more things
which looked impossible.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 11 75

Now 2 years latter my neocortex has no doubts anymore and this helped me to move into the next phase of conscious creation.
Now it arrives faster and faster in my live.

At this moment I’m creating more and more experiences in my live where I’m longing for. Life is great, it is one big creation
process, second for second every moment of the day.

I still create things I don’t want.

When I create things I don’t want, most of the time it is because that I’m afraid and in contraction. When I wake up out of this
contraction I consciously create something else.

I believe now that we are here for only purpose; to create and create, to experience that what we are and that what we have
become and to be able to create a new me, a me we want to be. And when we arrive there, in this new who I’m, I can create a
new me again if I want.

That’s why I wrote in the post that I feel as if my life just begins. That it starts now. It is so fulfilling and exiting because I know
now how I can create. It is not an unconscious process anymore.

And everybody who read this text has the ability to do the same.

You are ALREADY doing it, your whole life long. Only it is an unconscious process.

Make in conscious, make it real for your body, make this new future your past so you have memories of it as if it already
happened. Then gratitude will pull it out of the field of potentials and it becomes real in our 2 dimensional world.

Isn’t awesome?

Sorry about this long text.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 12 75


Facebook link:

March, 7th 2018

I promised to describe the technique I use how to create a vivid memory of the future. Below I have tried to write it down. I do
hope it makes it more clear and easy for you.

It is also so interesting to write it down for myself to, because now I become even more aware what I’m actually doing! This
makes it possible to improve it. Thanks for that.

I have found that creating a MEMORY of the not yet come to pass future, is the KEY to DRAW that particular potential from the
unified field into my life.

Below I will focus on the second step of the three steps I have described in my original post “I have found a way to successfully
apply the techniques of Dr Joe.”

To create a Memory of the Future (MotF) I utilise a function of our brain namely; we create our reality in our brain, second for
second during our whole life.

The brain uses the input of our 5 senses to create, in the brain, an impression of our reality.

The input of our eyes is transferred to the brain and IN the brain an image is created of that input, then we say “I see this”, but
in reality your eyes don’t see, it is your brain who sees.

This principle is used for all our 5 senses: eyes, ears, taste, smell and our sense of our skin.

The input of these 5 senses are transferred to the brain and together they create an experience of our “reality”. Depending on
the input the brain creates a “reality” .

When there is a flaw in this input we experience a different “reality”.

For example two persons stand at the beach looking at the beautiful sunset. One of them has an disturbance of the visual input,
a part of the signals are deformed. The other one doesn’t have any disturbance of the information from the eyes to the brain.

The first one sees the sunset for instance without colours and the second one sees the sunset with colours.

This means that the brain doesn’t know if it is really real what it is generating from the input of the 5 senses.

Another example, when you put on a virtual reality headset and a space trip is shown in it, the eyes receives that information,
transfers it to the brain and you will experience a NEAR real experience of a space trip. Because the other 4 scenes are not
receiving space trip input, there is also an second experience active in your brain. For example that you hear that there are
others in the room. That you feel that you are sitting on a chair. That you smell the cake on the table. That you still taste the
whine you just had before.

So your eyes give you an experience that you are in outer space and the rest of your body gives you an experience that you are
in a room with friends. Because there are now two “realities” active in your brain and the experience of the room is more
intense, you “know” that you are in the room sitting with a VR headset on.

But now we reverse this.

You ARE sitting in an advance spacecraft and the advanced technology is able to activate your hearing, your smell, your sound,
your awareness of touch AS IF you are sitting in a room. On your head you have a VR headset, showing you the same outer
space trip, like in the example before.

What do you think which “reality” you will experience now?

Yes, that you are sitting in a room with a VR set on, but in reality you are in a spacecraft where the room is simulated in a super
advanced way.
© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 14 75
Which reality is the real one? The first one, or the second one?

Both are the “real” realities because your brain generates it so intensive so “real” that you know for sure that it is “real”.

This is also what happens when you go to a movie. When the move is made very good it can “suck you in to the movie”. With
intensive sound and intensive images the movie maker is able to let you dive into another world for an hour or so. You forget
where you are, you become a part of the movie and what is happening in there.

This is also what happens in a dream. When you dream that you have a fight with your partner it can be so “real” that in the
morning when you wake up, you are sweating and angry hormones are racing through your body and you want to continue the
fight with your partner.

Or a better example, when you have hot sex with your partner in your dream, you get sexually excited. Horny hormones are
active in your body, you are sweating and when wake up you want to CONTINUE the hot sex with your partner.

But it wasn’t there in the first place! Everything took only place in your brain, nowhere else.

Conclusion of this all:

The reality is created in your brain, based upon the input of your 5 senses. (actually we don’t know for sure if that what we; see,
hear, smell, taste, feel is really there or not (Like in the movie The Matrix 😊)

THIS mechanism is what I use to create a memory of an experience in the future!

When Dr Joe asks in his meditations to go to an future experience, a situation where you are longing for, then I activate this
mechanism as good as I can.

The more of my 5 senses I can active, the more real, the more intensive this future event will be.

When I achieve the new situation, this new reality becomes more and more “real” for me. This will cause biochemical reactions;
like hormone discretion, sweating, hearing, feel the temperature where you are then, seeing the people who are with you there.

When this future experience is so vivid, so a life, so real, it BECOMES real for the brain. Although it didn’t happened yet.

But your brain doesn’t know that, for the brain the experience has already happened.

An important thing is how intense the feelings and emotions are when you experience this new future.

Do you recall what I wrote in my first post? The situation of the job where I’m working now? I was busy Dispenza-ing this new
job with this technique. It became so vivid so real, it felt that it was already there, already happened.

A couple of day’s latter my neocortex started to doubt and my wife said to me: “Why don’t you Dispenza it again?” I became
angry, it felt in me like treason, to Dispenza it again.

Because, it would mean that I didn’t trust it and how could I not trust something what was already happened?!

I got the job…

This event gave me a deep insight.

The meditation is NOT important. The “you are in no space, no time” is NOT important. The meditation is a means to help you
create a vivid memory of a future event. That is important not the technique.

What draws that potential from the unified field into reality, is the energy from your emotion and that fact that it is already

It is like what God says in the bible:

“Your prayer has already been answered before the end of your prayer”.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 15 75

What I already noticed in previous situations where I had created an new reality with the Dispenza method, it is NOT necessary
if you belief it or not!

When your experience it as real (using your 5 senses as good as possible) and when you have an intensive emotion with it. Then
that WILL draw the already happened future event into your life.

Regardless if your neocortex believe it or not…

This is SO important!!!!

Because so many people are thinking that it is required that you BELIEVE in it, but it is NOT.

I have created things in my life with this method, not believing in it and it still came to pass.

So now a wrap up:

- I visualise as intense possible the new future for which I’m longing for.
- To do this I use as good as possible my 5 senses: I see what is happening there, I hear what is happening there, I smell
the smell of the place where I’m, I taste the tastes of the place where I’m. I feel the cold or the warmth of the place
where I’m then.
- I active emotions so intense as possible.

Like with the situation with my daughter, which I described in a previous post. I saw here playing and dancing in our house. I
smelled to smell of the food my wife was cooking, I heard the voice of my daughter and my wife and son. I saw and felt in my cut
how happy my daughter was, how safe she was. That activated tears in my eyes an enormous feeling of happiness and proud
that I did it!

This was so intense that for my brain it was real and it became a memory of a future event.

The nice thing with a memory is, that you can go a 1.000 times during the day to this memory!

Each time you do that, you reactivate this future reality. You reactive these emotions. And this future event WILL appear in your
life. (if you believe it or not 😊)

At least this is my experience.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 16 75


Facebook link:

March, 10th 2018

In my previous posts, I got a lot of questions which meditation to use. So I started to look in to it. I have several meditations of
Dr Joe but keep coming back to the 'Changing one belief' meditation.

I discovered now why this is working so well for me.

Who do we meditate in the first place??

Because in us a limiting belief is active!!

Do you meditate on things in your life which a good/great?

No, most likely you don't.

You start to meditate on aspects in your life for which it is difficult to believe that this can also be in your live. I great job, a super
relation, being healthy, living in abundance, etc., etc.

When there is something in your life missing, something what you need, something where your longing for which is NOT in your
life. Then most of the time there is a limiting believe active for that part of your life.

The ‘Change one belief’ meditation addresses this limiting believe and opens the door for new experiences.

When you use a meditation or other technique that is activating the new situation but does not address the limiting believe, it
“jumps over” the limiting believe.

While this limiting believe is very active the new future experienced will be “overruled” by the limiting believe and the new
experience will fade away.

The 'Change one belief' meditation is a 3 step rocket:

1. calm down your body and brain

2. you are addressing the limiting believe and release it in the unified field as one of the unlimited potentials you had
drawn to you.
3. you experience a new future where you are longing for. (Perhaps using the tips from this posts)

I also tried the 'Tuning in To New Potentials Meditation' of Dr Joe but it doesn't work for me.

This meditation "jumps over" the limiting believe leaving the limiting believe intact and active.

Even when you have had a very intense, vivid new experience of the future, the old limiting believe is more powerful and will

This is because this old "truth" is already a long time active in you and during the years it was gathering proof and proof and
proof, that this believe is true.

This limiting believe has much more "power" (is strongly in-printed in your brain)

The new truth of the intense experienced new future, is not in-printed so deep (yet) in your brain.

The limiting believe is more powerful, will be more active and surly but slowly (or quickly) the new experienced future fades

This gives more "proof" to the limiting believe and let it grow.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 18 75

I viscus circle is born;

1. You meditate a new elevated experience in your future

2. It fades away because your limiting believe is to active
3. this adds more proof that it that it doesn't work, reinforcing the limited belief
4. You don't give up and starts again at step 1

Finally this can cause;

- the feeling that you are a loser, that only others can do this but not you
- become angry on people who can
- become angry on Dr Joe, me and other people who try to pass this message to others
- then the WORST thing what you image of can happen, you give up.

So, that's why the 'Change one belief' meditation is so powerful.

It first "deals" with the limiting believe paving the path for a new believe a new truth because it already happened.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 19 75


Facebook link:

Marc, 11th 2018

Hi seekers, yet another post of something I have created using the unified field.

The first example was how my daughter came to live with us. At that time this was the biggest challenge in my life.

I asked you all if it would be interesting that I give more examples of things I have had created in my life using the unified field,
the answer was yes, so here a new example.

Autumn 2016

This example starts after that my daughter came to live with us. I wrote that in the mean time we moved back from Germany to
my home country The Netherlands. That was in July 2016.

At that time we were living from the income we generated with the books my wife writes about a healthy life. I was helping my
wife with the internet site, web shop and online academy. I also coached customers in their behaviour change quests and
trained people to become also a coach.

Due to the fact that our focus had been on saving my daughter, the move from Germany to Holland and that there was a big
shift in the market, where we generated our revenues from, we were facing a cutback in turnover of more than 40 percent!

The lawyers, court, moving from Germany to our home country had melted our financial reserves away BELOW zero.

In the time that I lived in Germany I had applied for 10 years for IT jobs and in this whole period I have had only 2 invitations for
a talk!?

Add to this that I was already 56 years old.

Add to this that I had worked for 10 years in the company of my ex-wife, a solitary job.

Add to this that because I had worked as independent entrepreneur for 10 years in Germany, there was NO change that I could
apply for unemployment support in The Netherlands.

We were (f word) ….

You can image that for me it was ABSOLUTELY SURE that I could NEVER get a job in my life anymore. This limiting belief was
very, very, very strong.

In September 2016 it became clear that we could not pay the rent anymore at the end of October.

Because I had this unbelievable experience with the unified field, namely that my daughter lives now with us. I had the idea to
start doing the meditation again.

But now it was different, the end of October we cannot pay the rent anymore, this would mean that the following devastating
events where add hand;

- we would need to leave the house

- we would not have the money anymore to give my daughter and her brother a safe place to live
- both my son and my daughter would need to return to my ex-wife (still now my son TOTALLY panics just by the idea
- Me as a person would have failed definitely and I knew for sure that at the age of 56 my life was over and I would
become the prototype example of a big looser!

I was terrified!!!!!

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 20 75

What to do???

I had nothing more the loose, everything was already lost, so with panic in my system I decided to give it a go. It already helped
my with my daughter perhaps this situation could also be turned to the good?

But I didn’t believe it that it would work…

So, I started again with the meditation ‘Changing one believe’ from the CD ‘Changing Beliefs and Perceptions Meditation’.

Terrified as I was AND feeling myself the biggest loser in the world, feeling myself old and obsolete, ashamed till the core of my
being, that I was not able to take care of my children. Knowing that this would have a devastating effects on the lives of my son
and daughter.

With these emotions in my body I started to do the meditations.

A bit of pressure so to say 😊

The long intro of this meditation helped to calm down my body, although in a corner of my mind and a corner of my body the
doubt and fear was still very active.

But I was calmed down enough to be able to visualise a new future. A future where I had a job and that my son and daughter
where living with us, in our beautiful old removed small farm. That my wife and my wife where so happy that I had a job and
that this job saved us all from this BIG disaster. I felt the happiness of my family.

During the meditation there were moments that the new future was very vivid, real and that I felt elevated emotions.

But the fear was also still strong and pushed this vision, this experience away, over and over again.

This process repeated itself many times during two weeks.

After the meditations I returned very often in my mind to this memory, of this not yet come to pass future, I did this again and

It was not an conscious act to go back to the memory of the not yet come to pass future, it happened by coincidence. (Only 2
years later I started to understand that this remembering is the KEY to draw THAT potential from the unified field to you.)

After two weeks I gave up. My doubts that it would work, my fear was to strong, I didn’t believe it.

I arrived at the point that I gave up, there was no way out anymore, everything was lost.

At the moment that this happened my system started to calm down, no fight anymore, no manipulating myself anymore with
my NLP techniques.

It was finished, it was over, all was lost.

A few days later in the afternoon I was looking half interested on a job website. I saw a job as Scrum Master at an IT company in
a city not far away from where I live. I wrote an application letter and send it together with my CV per e-mail to them.

I knew for sure that they would NOT be interested, to old, not fitting etc. of that I was convinced.

Two days later I received an invitation via e-mail????????????????!

I was flabbergasted….

Something unexpected also happened, suddenly my memory of the not yet come to pass future popped up in my brain again
and I felt again the elevated emotions.

I started to do the meditation again, the fear was still there but there was also hope. The future was quite vivid, stronger than
before, but not so strong as I have them now. The fear and doubts where sill in the way. But still the memory of the not yet
come to pass future, was very vivid, as vivid as it could be.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 21 75

I got the job…

It is really unbelievable, I started at my new position the first of October!? Enabling us to pay the rent at the end of October!!!!

EXACTLY the moment that we could not have paid the rent anymore… can you believe this?

We hardly could, but it happened.

For the second time the unified field delivered in the most unexpected way EXACTLY what I needed EXACTLY on the right time.

We were saved…

This added enormously to the faith and trust that it exactly exist, this -unified field- and that we (all) are able to use it.

But, the challenges where not at the end yet, a new one came only after two months.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 22 75


Facebook link:

Marc, 24th 2018

How my second job in The Netherlands was a disaster and how it brought my strength back.

Hallo, it took a while before I had the time to write about another experience: how a possibility from the unified field arrived in
my life once again. We have been busy with the launch of my wife’s latest book.

In my last post I described how we were saved at the very last moment from not being able to pay our rent. At the last moment
a job arrived in my life and my family was saved from disaster. But that job turned out to be physically so demanding that I could
not continue with it. On Christmas Eve 2016 I had “found” another job. Jet again because I “Dispenza’d” it.

I have used Dr Joe Dispenza’s techniques twice before to create a dramatic change in my life. Both times it turned an existential
threatening situation around by 180 degrees.

Perhaps you have read the two posts where I described these and you thought, wow! Unbelievable. Yes, it was unbelievable but
it happened and as a result it built trust inside me that this unified field thing was not just a nice, interesting intellectual concept,
but that it really worked.

Until the situation presented itself in this second job…

What happened?

I started the second of January 2017 as IT Manager with a small company in the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands. When I started
this company had 8 employees. The energy level in this company was high and my colleagues where great, open, friendly just

The first week I was finding my way around in my new job, looking for what was expected of me and how I could contribute to
the mission of the company.

A couple of weeks later I was wondering myself why on Earth the CEO wanted to have an IT Manager. There was NOTHING to do
at all !!!!!

The contrast between the previous company and where I was working now, could not be bigger…

There was some stuff to do, not much, but there was some work I could do. But I didn’t get the chance to actually do it, because
the CEO took it away from me every time before I could do anything. When I was fast enough to snatch some work before he
could do it, then he would still take it away from me.

By the end of February, I found myself back in a situation in which I had never been in my whole life. Normally my work load was
high and in my last job too high. In the last job the risk of a burn-out was enormous.

Now I entered a space of boredom?????

Nothing, nothing at all to do!! Each day I travelled two hours to the office, sat behind my desk for 6 hours and travelled home for
two hours.

I started to feel useless and it reactivated a very old and strong belief of mine: “I’m not capable, I’m stupid, I’m a loser” resulting
in the reactivation of my biggest limiting belief “Nobody wants me.”

The fear of being too old to be able to get another job yet again, of not being capable, became very active again.

In the mean time I was going in the direction of a BORE OUT. I had never heard of it.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 24 75

Emotionally I broke. The regained power and self-confidence where rapidly fading away and I became depressed and, again, did
not see a way out.

I could not believe this was happing to me!!??? Why, why, why! Why, did this come into my life twice in a row?

I knew it with certainty, I attracted this in my live. I was stupid, the proof was undeniable.

For the THIRD time in two years, me and my family where at the brink of bankruptcy because one thing was for sure, my
contract will not be extended and again the consequences for my children would be devastating.

I just could not wrap my mind around it, twice the unified field helped me and twice with nearly the speed of light it went

The depression, the feeling of being a loser, the feeling of being useless was growing in me day by day. At home I was not the
most pleasant guy to be with. My wife started to avoid me. My kids started to avoid me. Until the time came that my wife nearly
could not deal with it anymore and she started to think about breaking up with me.

This all ended abruptly in June 2017.

One evening we went to bed at our normal time of 11 pm. I started to get a pain in my chest. After about half an hour the pain
got stronger. The pain was so bad that I woke up my wife.

I said to her: “I’m not well at all, we need to go to the hospital.” We went to the car as quickly as we could, but because of the
pain in my heart it went very slow. My wife had to support me because I could barely walk anymore. The car drive, it felt like the
road through hell. I could not stand the pain anymore.

Getting some breath was a challenge and I started to doubt if we would get to the hospital in time.

Somehow after a drive which seemed to last forever, we arrived at the hospital. I was taken to the Intensive Care Unit
Immediately. A big crew of doctors and nurses where around me. And I saw and heard how the where fighting for my life…

Many times, I felt myself drifting away, back to my father, who went back to the unified field in 1994. Every time I was drifting
away the doctor started to shout at me, even slapped me in the face, and pulled me back.

I don’t know what the all injected in me, but after I certain time I stabilised somewhat.

Still it felt as if a train was driving over my chest, it hurt so much; it was unbelievable, I didn’t know that such a pain existed!

At the moment that I was a little bit more stable they brought me to a MRI scan. The pain was still unbearable. They needed to
lift me from the bed onto the carrier which would move into the MRI scan. Again, unbearable pains, unbelievable. When I was
placed on the carrier the nurses and doctors went away behind a glass wall. The pain did not decrease.

There on my own in that room it happened.

I gave up.

A complete and total surrender. I was 100% prepared to join my father. Actually, I was longing for that.

At the moment that I surrendered completely, my breath started to calm down, the pain started to decrease. A deep rest flowed
over me. But instead of dying my awareness returned. The pain dropped at a high speed to a level where it was bearable.

At the moment that I calmed down a little bit and the machine was moving me into the MRI Scanning device it happened.

From the unified field came a “message” that it all would be alright. The way it presented itself to me was not unfamiliar. Since
my father died in 1994, he “visited” me sometimes. Mostly when I was in need.

Really, I don’t have any idea of whether my Father is really there or not, perhaps it is just my imagination. Perhaps it is the
unified field presenting its knowledge in a form that I can understand it.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 25 75

Whatever it is, even if it is really there or not, perhaps it is just a placebo, I don’t know. Anyway, the effect was that I calmed
down into a kind of meditative state.

The doctors where completely surprised and didn’t know what to make of it. Even worse for them. In the MRI scan NOTHING
could be found. According to the MRI Scan nothing was wrong. Then the blood values arrived, they showed that I was perfectly

They kept me under surveillance until midday the next day. All kind of doctors with different disciplines visited me, each trying
to understand what I have had. None of them knew.

Finally, at 13:00 hours the next day they let me go and I could return home.

A vague shadow of the pain in my chest was still there, but for the rest everything was normal.

After this impressive “event” my fear of existence, my fear of what would happen with my children and with my wife and me,
was gone. There was peace and a still space.

Now I started to feel to “Dispenza” a solution for the situation at my work. I did not go into a detailed vision of e new job. No, I
visualized that everything was ok and that we were all happy and save.

Two days later I quit my job.

After that everything started to flow again. I negotiated that they would still pay me until the end of October 2017. Again, a
couple of days later I found another job?!?!

Now within a 20-minute car drive from home. A job as a Scrum Master. (Team lead). I started there the 21st of August but the
started to pay me already from the 1st of August. (Because of their holidays). I didn’t have to go back to my old job. Suddenly I
was free and had 5 weeks of holiday in front of me??? I write this post on the laptop the previous company gave to me. 😊

Again, the unified field helped me in the most unexpected way and in a way I could never had imaged!!

Apart from the fact that the previous company paid me and gave me the laptop, I also regained trust in myself and my strength
as a man.

This previous job is an extreme example of what Dr Joe says in his meditation. “Just let it go in the unified field and let it present
itself in a way that is right for you.”

And that happened. The job which I quitted, was not what I was longing for. It did not only save us financially but gave me my
strength and trust in myself back in the most unpredictable, unexpected and peculiar way. A way which I would never have


As a result of this period and how I snapped out of the contraction of my reptile brain fear and that I got a new job within days
once again, removed the last doubts from my neocortex about the unified field and how it works.

Now my neocortex, my limbic system and my reptile brain all know that it was real and that it ALWAYS works. Also when we
create disaster and all kind of unwanted things in our lives, it still works.

From now on things would go at an enormous pace in a good direction. (the last 3 events were also perfect but connected with a
lot of suffering.)

Now, I found myself back in a worldwide operating High-tech company, my colleagues are really great and again unexpected
possibilities are opening here with a speed that is hard to keep up with.

Where I end now, is August/September last year (2017).

In this company one other “negative” challenge would present itself to me, but also many other positive challenges are
appearing in my life.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 26 75

Our financial situation is stabilised also because the method ‘Profit First’ from Michalowicz arrived in our life a method of cash
flow management based on how our reptile brain works.

We started to apply the Profit First method and within 6 Months we were to move from ‘in debt’ to ‘saving money’. And most
important, the kids are doing great at school.

Now a new phase started in my life, creating my live with full awareness. It feels as if I am reborn. It feels as if my live is just
starting, at 59 years old, life is great, life is abundance in all aspects.

I hope this post will be of some inspiration for you to continue moving to an aware state of creation using the unified field, using
the technique of Dr Joe and which I changed a bit to make it even more effective.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 27 75


Facebook link:

March, 26th 2018


It all depends what your inner state is regarding that what IS in your life at that moment.

You can divide it in two states:

1. You ARE the emotion, concerning a certain event in your life (good or bad event)
2. you HAVE an emotion, concerning a certain event in your life (good or bad event)

When you ARE the emotion then your reptile brain is in control. It will search in your memory bank (your limbic system or your
mammal brain) for a protocol how to deal with the situation.

Searching means "It looks for a reaction you have already done in your life to deal with the situation."

In other words, you will react on a familiar way and create a predictable future, how Dr Joe it so nicely puts.

When you HAVE an emotion then you are aware that you have an emotion but now you have the possibility to decide with your
neocortex (your IQ) how to react on the situation.

When you have an emotion you are capable to decide for a different reaction then you have done before. Now you have to
means in your hands to create a new future, a future what you didn't have created in the past.

The question is; "How can you move from being the emotion to having an emotion????"

What helps me to do this, is looking for the positive intend of that what is coming towards me. Every human being does
EVERYTHING with a positive intent.

That WHAT somebody does can have MASSIVE negative side effects, but there is always a positive intend behind it.

Now, when somebody does something to me that hurts me, the risk is that I react out of my emotions. In this case I AM the
emotion and my reptile brain is now in control.

However when you are able to see the positive intent behind it, then you start to be an observer of your emotions, now you are
aware that you HAVE an emotion but you are NOT the emotion.

Now the following happens;

1. the emotions is way less intense

2. you will still judge that person, but now on his/her action and not anymore the core of that person.

You start to understand why he/she is doing it. You see the (massive) negative side effects but you also see why he/she
is doing it. The connection to that person can still be there.

3. You can now decide if you want to react whit a "standard program" of your past to create a known outcome which fits
the situation.

Or you can now decide to act complete differed. Creating a new outcome which fits the situation.

Which one you choose is not important, because both choices are made in full awareness.

I have learned myself to see always the positive intent from that what people around me do to me.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 28 75

It has changed my life. For the first time in my life I had the feeling that I had my life in control. That I could now determine what
would happen next and not my automated old reactions controlled by my reptile brain.

Later the technique of Dr Joe was added to it and what that meant to me I have written in other posts.

This evening I got this urge to share this experience with you I hope it will inspire you to continue.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 29 75


Facebook link:

April, 2nd 2018

In my last post (#5) I described the intense situation where I went through after that I was so happy to be saved for the second
time in a row. How this second job turned out to be a disaster and how this second job put me in hospital where I nearly died.
And how this all strengthened me and led to my third job?! The job where I work now. The start of manifestation of trust,
elevated emotions and how much fun it is to create consciously.

If you didn’t read my previous post and you want too, at the end of this post I have put a link to another post where you can find
all the links to the whole series of post. Which it unexpectedly has become…

This post starts where I ended with the previous post. For the third time in a row, precisely on the right time and again in the
most unexpectedly way I could ever imagine. I was saved for the third time in a row. Me and my family where saved for the third
time and how!

At the moment that I had quit my second job, not knowing if there would be a job but with the deep ‘knowing’ that I will be
taking care of, I saw a advert on a job portal for a position as Scrum Master at a international high-tech company close where we

I reacted on that position and, believe it or not?! 1,5 hours later I already received a message that the intermediate company
already had passed my CV to the client and that they wanted to see me!?!?!?!? The lady of the intermediate company wanted to
talk with me on the phone as soon as possible. Again a half our latter I have had that call and it was clear there was an real
possibility for me at this client. I was flabbergasted!!!

I could not believe that this was happening again for the third time in a row!!! And you know, I even didn’t Dispenza ‘t it…

But my fear became active again…

My fear for going in to bankruptcy, started to be active again. Saying things in my Head like: “This will not work, you are too old.
Within 6 months you have changed jobs twice they will not like that and don’t trust you” etc. etc.

This fear started to get in the way. It was again the old thoughts which would create the familiar past again in my live.

So I decided to “put Dr Joe Dispenza on it” by using the ‘Change one belief’ meditation of him. The meditation where I achieved
all the other “Wonders” with before.

One evening, I don’t recall which one it was, I laid myself down as usual and did this meditation.

In the mean time I did have lots of practise and I knew what to do:

1. Don’t visualise WHAT should happen!

2. Don’t visualise WHEN it should happen!
3. DO visualise how I will feel, how I will live, how my family will live after that I got this job 😊
4. Utilise my 5 senses so intense as possible so that this future experience was already happened for my body. That my
body will signal this to the Unified Field and draw that potential towards me and let it manifest itself in a way that fits
for me.

So, I visualised how happy my wife received me at home when I came home from the application interview. That we knew that
we could stay in our beautiful small Dutch farmhouse. That the kids didn’t need to go back to Germany and back to their
Mother. That they could stay here with their friends and on their school which they like so much.

I used all my experience to create this future experience to make it alive as possible. I could really see it. I could really hear my
wife and children and the dogs all the sounds of that moment. I could feel the temperature of the summer sun on my skin (it
was hot!). I could feel the emotions going through my body. I could feel so intense the happiness in me and the happiness of my
wife. It was so intense.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 30 75

Then, during the mediation I moved to the stage where I made it a memory. A memory of an event that not yet came to pass. A
memory meaning that it has happened already in my life.

Still in the meditation I moved to the next stage, the stage where I say grace and thank the Unified Field that the event already

For me I know that this is the key, to really feel that a future event already happened so it becomes a happy memory. The
memory then attracts that possibility from the unified field into your live in a way you don’t know yet.

It was so strong, it felt like finished. Like done. In this state I ended the meditation.

A couple of days later my reptile brain started to be afraid again. Again these thoughts came that I would not be successful and
we would end up in welfare and the kids would need to return to Germany.

My wife noticed that this old fear came became active again and she said to me: “We do you not Dispenza this job again?”

Then something interesting happened. It felt like treason!!!

I felt as if I would say then to the Unified Field that I didn’t trust it, that I need to Dispenza it again. And that wasn’t true. But I
was/is true because it DID already happened! This feeling was so strong, so powerful that I knew for sure that this, not yet came
to pass future, has had already happened.

So I didn’t need to do anything because everything was already done.

When I would tell somebody who doesn’t know about the work of Dr Joe, then that person would declared me for insane 😊

And so it happened…

The first of August 2017 I got this job. But I would not start at that date because there where to many colleagues on holiday. So,
I started the 21th of august having the first 3 weeks paid leave!?

It gets even better 😊 The company of my previous job payed me till the end of October 2017, meaning that I would have 3
months long a double income. O not to forget I also got the laptop which I was using, for a very small payment from the second

The 3 months double salary made it possible to pay off a large some of debts we had due made to the many lawsuits we had
during leaving Germany.

Who could have imagine an outcome like this at forehand? I did not. My wife did not.

Again the unified field comes with a page and in a way you could not ever imagine yourself.

That’s way it is so important NOT to visualise the details. Your mind is then in the way and you are limiting the Unified Field in
his way. Besides, when you mind creates a solution it creates it from a familiar past, creating a familiar future. A future I don’t
want anymore, don’t you?

When you don’t visualise the details of you lawsuit, your divorce, your marriage, your next job, your health, your financial
position you are not creating more of the same anymore. More of the stuff you don’t want anymore.

When you leave all these details out and you create a vivid memory of how you feel afterwards, your elevated emotions of that
experience. Then you leave all the space open for the Unified Field to draw that experience in too your live which fits you the
best at a time that is the best.

Now I’m working more than 6 months at this International High-Tech company. O yes, I did have some challenges there. And
yes, now I know how to “Master” them and at this moment possibilities are enfolding which I could NEVER had dreamed of that
this could be happening!!!!

But that I will write in the next post.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 31 75

I do hope that my posts inspires you to continue do go this way. After 40 years searching and the last 20 years very intense, I
have found that Dr Joe has discovered the way to become conscious creating human beings.

For me, my live changed from struggling for survival to a live where financial security is given and a live where I create those
things in my live where I longing for. It feels like being reborn and that my live finally really starts.

This can be also yours. I know all too well what is holding you back. I latter posts I will go deeper into that.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 32 75


Facebook link:

April, 15th 2018

It is ready!!! The changed ‘Change one Belief’ meditation. 😊

The ‘Change one Belief’ meditation of Dr Joe changed my life and the life of my wife and my children, completely!!!

This work is so awesome. Finally we reached a point in human history where we are making a new step in the evolution of

Yes, this sound a “bit” over the top, I agree. But it is true, we are at the verge of big changes which will have enormous positive
effects for the well being here on this Planet.

This adapted version of the meditation ‘Changing one Belief’ removed some contradictions in the mediation.

These are the chances I have made;

1. Added a part where you really start to feel what your old believe has costs you and the ones you love. This increases
the firm intention to let it go.
2. Added a part where you activate so intense as possible, your new life when living in your new belief. Goal is that your
body and mind have already lived so intensely, the not yet come to pass future, that it becomes a “real” memory.
3. After you have created a new memory of the not yet come to pass future, you will be able to go to this memory without
meditation. Like any other dear memory. You can go to this dear memory while driving your car, while cooking and
during so many other moments in your daily life. Each time you activate this memory you draw that new potential from
the Unified Field towards you.
4. I have changed the order of some parts in the mediation to increase its effect.

Dear seekers, this is the adapted meditation I use and created so many changes with in my life.

This adapted version is in not mend to say that Dr Joe did not do a good job. He did a good job because it already helped me to
change so many things in my live. The adapted version is only intended to make it work better for myself and I do hope that it
will work for you as well.



…can you rest your awareness… …in the space…

…between your eyes… …in space?

And can you sense… …the energy of space…

…between your eyes… …in space?

And now… …can you become aware… …of the space…

…between your temples… …in space?

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 34 75

And can you sense… …the volume of space…

…between your temples… …in space?

And now… …can you become aware… …of the space…

…that your nostrils… …occupy in space?

And can you sense… …the volume of space…

…that the inside of your nose occupies… …in space?

And now… …can you become aware… …of the space…

…between your tongue and the back of your throat… …in space?

And can you sense… …the volume of space…

…that the back of your throat occupies… …in space?

And now… …can you sense… …the energy of space…

…around your ears… …in space?

And can you feel… …the energy of space…

…beyond your ears… …in space?

And can you become aware… …of the space…

…below your chin… …in space?

And can you feel… …the volume of space…

…around your neck… …in space?

And can you become aware… …of the space…

…around your entire body… …in space?

And can you sense… …the energy of space…

…beyond your body… …in space?

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 35 75
And now… …can you become aware…

…of the space between your body and the walls of the room… …in space?

And can you sense… …the volume of space…

…that the entire room occupies… …in space?

And now… …can you become aware… …of the space…

…that all of space occupies… …in space?

And can you sense… …the space…

…that all of space takes up… …in space?


And now…

…it’s time…

…to become no body…

…no one…

…no thing…

…no where…

…in no time…

…to become… …pure consciousness…

…to become an awareness in the infinite field of potentials…

…and to invest your energy into the unknown…

…And the longer you linger in the unknown…

…the more you draw a new life to you… …

Simply become a thought in the blackness of infinity…

…and unfold your attention-into no thing…

…into no body…

…into no time… …

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 36 75

And if you… …as the quantum observer…

…find you mind returning to the know…

…to the familiar…

…to people…

…to things…

…or places in your know familiar reality…

…to your body…

…to your identity…

…to your emotions…

…to time…

…to the past…

…or the predictable future…

…simply become aware that you are observing the know…

…and surrender your consciousness back into the void of possibilities…

…and become no one…

…no body…

…no thing…

…no where…

…in no time…

…Unfold into the immaterial realm of quantum potentials…

…The more you become awareness in possibility…

…the more you create possibility and opportunity in your life…

…Stay present… …

[Allow 5 minutes here for you to linger.]



…what was that belief…

…or perception…

…that you wanted to change about yourself and your life?

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 37 75

What kind of problems… …or negative effects…

…has this belief caused in your life or the ones you love?...

Go back.. a situation in your life…

…where the negative side-effects, of this believe… …where clearly present…

…How does that feel?...

…Go back to this situation…

…Where were you?...

…What did you see around you?...

…Which people are around you?...

…Where you sitting in a chair?… …Or did you stand?...

…What did you hear…

…What did you say? What did the people around say?...

…What was the temperature?...

…Was it hot? … …Was it cold?… …What temperature did you feel?...

…What did you smell?... …

…What kind of smells where there… …at that moment, if there were any?...

…Go back to that situation in your past….

…however painful the situation was, go back to that moment…

…go back to that situation…

…feel the pain that your believe is causing at that moment…

…feel the pain that this believe causes others…


…come back to this present moment…

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 38 75
…how is it to believe in this way?...

…what did this believe cost you and others?...

…how would your life will be in 5 years’ time?…

…when you still live by this believe…

Now, move forward in time…

…5 years into the future…

… still live your live believing this believe…

…where would you live?…

…look around you?... …where are you?…

…Is it summer or winter?...

…what is the temperature… …there where you are…

…in 5 years’ time… …when you still live by this believe?…

…what do you hear? There where you are …

…in 5 years’ time…

…Who is around you?... …or are you alone?...

…in 5 years’ time… …when you still live by this believe?…

…are you living in a relation?… …or living alone?…

…when you still live by this believe?…

…what would be your financial situation? …

…in 5 years’ time… …when you still live by this believe?…

…how would your health be?…

…in 5 years’ time…

…What will you think?... …How do you think about yourself?...

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 39 75
…in 5 years’ time… …when you still live by this believe?...

…How would you feel?...

…how much pain do you feel?... …where do you feel this pain?...

…put your left hand on the place where you feel the pain…

…feel what this believe has costs you…

…feel what this believe has costs others…

…feel what this pain will cost you and others when keep believing this way…

Do you want continue to believe and perceive in this way?

If not…

…I want you to make a decision…

…with such firm intention…

…that the amplitude of that decision…

…carries a level of energy that’s greater than the hardwired programs in your in brain… …and the emotional addictions in your

…and allow your body to respond to a new mind… …

And allow the choice to become an experience that you’ll never forget…

…and let the experience…

…produce an emotion with such energy…

…that it rewrites the programs…

…and changes your biology…

…Come out of your resting state and change your energy…

…so that your biology is altered by your own energy… …

Now it’s time to surrender the past back into possibility…

…and allow the infinite field of possibilities to resolve it in a way that’s right for you…

…Give it up… …

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…what do you want to believe and perceive about yourself and your life…

…which new believe will be active in you?…

…and how would that feel?…

…how would your life be in 2 years’ time…

…living this new believe….

…Where would you live?....

… Look around you...

…in 2 years’ time… …living your life by this new believe…

…Is it summer or winter?... …what is the temperature… …there where you are…

…in 2 years’ time… …living your life by this new believe…

…What do you hear?... …there where you are …

…in 2 years’ time…

…Who is around you?...

…in 2 years’ time… …living your life by this new believe…

…Which fulfilling relation or relations will you live?…

…living your life by this new believe…

…What will your financial situation be then?…

…in 2 years’ time…

…How would your health be then?…

…living your life by this new believe…

…What will you think?... …How do you think about yourself?...

…in 2 years’ time…

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 41 75
…How would you feel?...

…feel the feelings you have…

…in 2 years’ time… …living your life by this new believe…

…Come on…

…it’s time to move into a new state of being…

…and allow your body to respond to a new mind…


…give your body a taste of the future by showing it how it will feel to believe this way…

…and let your body respond to a new mind… …

And how would you live from this state of being?…

…What choices will you make?…

…How will you behave?…

…What experiences are in your future?…

…How wil you live?…

…How would it feel?…

…How will you love?…

…and allow infinite waves of possibility to collapse into an experience of your life… …

And can you teach your body emotionally what it is to be in this new future?…

…Come on…

…open your heart… …and believe in possibility…

…Be lifted…

…fall in love with the moment…

…and experience that future now…

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…change your energy by combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion

so that matter is lifted to a new mind… …

And let the choice… …carry an amplitude of energy…

…that’s greater than experience of the past…

…and let your body be altered by your consciousness, by your own energy…

…and shift into a new state of being…

…and make this moment define you…

…and let this intentional thought become such a powerful internal experience…

…that it carries an elevated emotional energy,

which becomes a memory that you never forget…

…replacing the past memory with a new memory in your brain and body… …

…Come on!

Become empowered…

…Be inspired…

…Make the choice a decision that you’ll never fail to remember…

And now…

…surrender your creation to a greater mind…

…for what you think and experience in this realm of possibility…

…if it is truly felt…

…it will manifest in some future time…

…from waves of possibilities to particles in reality…

…from the immaterial to the material…

…from thought to energy into matter…


…surrender your new belief into a field of consciousness that already knows how to organize the outcome in a way that’s perfect
for you…

…planting a seed in possibility…

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Come out of your familiar resting state and change your energy

so that matter is lifted to a new mind…

Go on! …

…Become empowered…

…be moved by your own energy…

…And let the energy of the choice…

…rewrite the subconscious programs neurologically in your brain…

…and emotionally and genetically in your body…

…and make the choice be greater than the past…

…and let your biology be changed by your energy…

…be inspired…

And now…

…surrender that belief to a greater intelligence…

…simply let go…

…and give it up…

…to the field of possibilities…

…returning it back to energy…

Come on, move into e new state of being…

…and allow your body to be lifted to a new mind…

…and let the energy of this choice…

…rewrite the circuits in your brain…

…and the genes in your body…

…and allow your body to be liberated into a new future…

And how will you live, from this state of being?…

…And if you believe this, what choices would you make?…

…What behaviours could you demonstrate?…

…And what experiences can you observe from this state of being?…
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…And how will they feel…

…to be healed, to be free, to believe in yourself and possibility?…

…Let yourself go…

… …You must feel a new energy…

…to become some thing greater than your body,

your environment, and time…

…so that you have dominion over your body,

your environment, and time…

…Become a thought that affects matter…

And can you teach your body emotionally…

…what it would feel like to believe in this way…

…to be empowered…

…to be moved by your own greatness…

…to have courage…

…to be invincible…

…to be in love with life…

…to feel unlimited…

…to live as if your prayers are already answered?…

…Come on, give your body, as the unconscious mind, a taste of your future…

…signalling new genes in new ways…

…Your energy is the epiphenomenon of matter…

…change your energy and change your body…

…Come on, make mind matter…

Bless this future with your own energy…

…Then it means…

…you’re connected to a new destiny…

…for wherever you place your attention is where you place your energy…

…Investing in your future…

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…and being defined by future instead of your past…

…Open your heart and allow your body to become moved by your own inward experience… …and remember that whatever you
truly experience in the unknown…

…and emotionally embrace…

…will ultimately slowdown in frequency as energy…

…into three dimensions as matter…

And now let go and give up…

…and allow it to be executed by a greater intelligence in a way that’s right for you…

And now…

…take your left hand and place it over your heart…

…and I want you to bless your body…

…that it be lifted to e new mind…

…and bless your life…

…that it be an extension of your mind…

…to bless your future…

…that it never be your past…

…to bless your past…

…that it turns to wisdom…

…to bless the adversity in your life…

…that it initiates you into greatness…

…and that you see the hidden meaning behind all things…

…to bless your soul…

…that it wake you up from this dream…

…and to bless the divine in you…

…that it moves in you…

…that it moves through you…

…and that it moves all around you…

…that it shows cause in your life…

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And finally…

…I want you to give thanks for a new life before it’s made manifest…

…so that your body, as the unconscious mind, begins to experience that future now…

For the emotional signature of gratitude means the event has already happened…

…For gratitude is…

…the ultimate state of receivership…

…And just memorise this feeling…

…from now on…

…you can go back whenever you want…

…to this not yet to come to pass memory….

…reliving this new life…

… …reactive this this new life…

…of this not yet come to pass memory….

…And each time you go back to this, not yet come to pass memory….

…you draw that potential from the Unified Field towards you…


…bring your awareness… …back to a new body…

…to a new environment… …and to a whole new time…

…and when you are ready, you can open your eyes.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 47 75


Facebook link:

April 23rd 2018

People keep asking my for links to my previous posts. Because it is not so easy to gather them in Facebook, I have copied them
all in a document, including the adapted "Change One Believe" meditation.

I do hope that the experiences I wrote down in my posts, will inspire you to continue on this path. It is possible that is for sure!

To get the document just download it 😉

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 48 75


Facebook link:

Mai, 12th 2018

This is a question one of the fellow seekers from this group send to me in a PM. And I thought this is a very good question!

Because if you don’t know what you are looking for, maybe you are holding it in your hands and when you don’t recognise it,
you will miss the moment and you keep on looking! Although you have had already found it.

The question helped me to become more aware how recognise when I live in the present moment. That is why I first want to say
thanks to the person who asked me this question.

The “problem” is that when you are living in the present moment you are hardly aware that you are in that state of being.

The moment that you become aware, most of the times, you drop out of the present moment.

Sometimes it happens that I become aware that I’m in that state of being and stay at the same time in the present moment. For
me that is very nice but not something I’m longing for, it simply sometimes comes together and most of the time not.

But how does it feel when you are in the present moment?

Actually everybody in this group, everybody in the World, knows how this feels!

It is so known to us all, it so common that when it happens we don’t notice it and keep searching further. We miss the moment
where you are looking for. It is happening at THAT moment...

Everybody have had experiences of living in the present moment.

When you are doing something and you lose track of time and it is suddenly hours later. For instance when you are cooking, or
painting, or making music, or being creative behind a computer. Most often we forget time when we are in a creative process.

Like now, I'm writing this post out of inspiration and time is gone. Time WAS gone, because at the moment that I wrote: "time is
gone" I became aware of the fact that I'm in the present moment. At this moment, writing this post, I experience that I'm in the
present moment and because I'm writing this all, I'm aware of it also.

Do you recall situations like that in your live?

Can you remember how that felt?

What do I feel when I live in the present moment?

This is what I experience when I lose myself in something.

There is a (vague) feeling of fulfilment. Not much elevated emotions, if there is are any at all. No feelings of fear, anger or
irritation. It is a quiet state of being with hardly any human emotions or sensations active.

When that moment is gone, then my human consciousness returns and I think thinks like: “Wow, I was completely gone!”

When you lose yourself in something and you lose track of time, you ARE experiencing a “living in the present moment”

You see? EVERYBODY experience many times in their lives ‘present moments’ or “moments of now”. And because it happened
so oft we don’t recognise anymore that we do “it”.

There is an wide spread concept that when you live in the present moment your live will be better. We are massively searching
how to become a human being who is living in the present moment.

And all the time we are sitting on top of it!!

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So, search for moments in your own life where you lost yourself in something you did. Moments where time was gone for a

Go back to those moments and you know how it “feels” for you, experiencing living in the present moment.

Yes, it is THAT simple 😊


You most likely will discover that when you are in that state of being there are;

- hardly no elevated emotions active in you (no elevated negative and no elevated positive emotions)
- hardly no things what you want to get out or in your life, because that present moment is all there is
- hardly “feel” anything anymore. Feelings, emotions and even thoughts are moved to the back of your human

When this is active in you, or better “is not active”, it gives you an experience of none negative and none positive judgement.
You just are.

In this state of being your creative energy is released and is able to create those things where you are really longing for.

When your mind and your feelings are contracted in something you want more or something you don’t want any more in you
live, then this creative force is limited to only that particular thing you want more or you want to get out of your live.

That’s is why it is handy that you learn to recognise when you are living in the present moment.

Because then you will be able to recognise when you are NOT living in the present moment, that you are living in a limited
version of your creative force.

When you recognise when you are not living in the present moment, then you have created a moment of decision!

A moment where you can consciously decide if you stay in the present moment or you move to your human awareness.

Now you have made a big step forward towards becoming an aware creating human being.

Hope this helps?

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 51 75


Facebook link:

Mai, 21th 2018

This post can activate resistance in you. I’m aware of that, never the less for me it is important to warn you for these traps.

In this group I see a lot of posts passing by with reports of mystical experiences during the meditations of Dr. Joe. These mystical
experiences are impressive.

Dr. Joe is telling in many of his books, videos and workshops, the we are not addicted to drugs like alcohol and heroine, itself.
We become addicted to the CHEMICAL COCKTAILS these drugs are releasing in your body.

Dr. Joe also tells in his books, videos and workshops, that an experience activates also chemical cocktails in our body. And like
drugs they can be highly addictive!

Meaning: We can get addicted to a behaviour!

We see ourselves, and others, doing repetitive behaviours over and over again. We call them patterns. A pattern is a very
effective way for the body to create a specific chemical cocktail where the body is addicted to.

This explains why it is so difficult to get rid of Patterns, there are like drugs.

Positive excitement and feel good experiences releases HIGHLY addictive chemical cocktails!

When we have a mystical experience during meditations, like the mystical experience when you are in the state of being
nobody, no time, no space; chemical cocktails are being released in your body and it is SO exciting and it feel SO good.

It not only feels so good and is so exciting, you ALSO become the feeling that you have made a big step forward in becoming an
aware creating human being.

Now your reptile brain “wants to have more!”. Wants to have another shot...

A new graving is born, a new addiction is born.

But most of the time it doesn’t feel that way because you don’t destroy your body with it and it generates such good feelings.

This is why I started with this post; “This post can activate resistance in you.” even anger. Why is that?

It could feel as if I am judging this all.

It could feel that I want to take this away from you.

None of these both is valid, I’m not judging and I don’t want to take this pattern away from you. The only thing why I write this
post is to activate awareness of that what is happening in your body and what the effects can be.

Anyway, the body has stated this very effective way to feel good and it starts to look for more mystical experiences.

And like with all drugs, after using for a while they warn out. The dosses needs to be higher and higher to get the same effect…

In this case the mystical experiences needs to be more mystical, needs to be more extraordinary.

Then when you post in this Facebook group your mystical experience it brings recognition in play. Recognition activates another
set of feelgood hormones who are also very addictive.


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A pattern which gives you (like drugs) a good feeling every time you have a mystical experience and when you post about it in
this group.

The questions are?

1. Are mystical experiences necessary to become an aware creating human being?


2. What is the purpose? Why does Dr. Joe brings you to that sate of being?

No, they are not required to have them in order to become a aware creating human being. The proof is so simple.

You and I, we all have used and are using at THIS moment, the Quantum Field to create the life we have now. And all that time
we DIDN’T NEED to have any mystical experiences to create the live you have now.

Life is created always with help of the Quantum Field no mystical experiences are required!

Dr. Joe puts great effort in it to move us from a Betha state of being to a alpha state of being.

From the Alpha state of being it is much easier to activate the Quantum Field in awareness.

From a Betha state of being we also activates the Quantum Field but now from our addictions, our old patterns.

Both in Alpha and in Betha we create our lives with the use of the Quantum Field.

In Betha in an unaware sate of being. We create a life which we feel we don’t have control about, we call it that destiny.

In Alpha we are capable to use the Quantum Field in full awareness so we start to create a world not out of unaware automated
addictive behaviour patterns, but out of a state of love and compassion.

This is why Dr. Joe puts so much effort to move from Betha to Alpha state.

The thing is that when we are in Alpha state, mystical experiences CAN happen. When they do they are truly mystical.

The mind and body registrates the extraordinary mystical experience after that we “drop out” of the mystical experience.

Back in the Betha state most of the time excitement arises in us.

This positive excitement actives feel goods hormones. And before we know what happens we become addicted to mystical

A new pattern is created and we lose ourselves in the Hunt for mystical experiences.

Is it bad to have mystical experiences? Should I try to avoid it?

NO! When you arrive in the Alpha state of being, mystical experiences can happen. They don’t need to but it CAN.

When it happens, then stay aware that it is JUST that: an mystical experience, noting more, nothing less.

By staying aware that it is “just” a mystical experience you have had, you have a good chance not to get addicted to it.

Is it bad to get addicted to mystical experiences?

No, not at all. It gives you all these good feelings so with that in itself is nothing wrong.

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However, when you start to HUNT for these experiences you are not focusing anymore on becoming an aware creating human
being. The quest where you started this all for in the first place!

You then are in risk of losing track of your goal and you become hooked to having more and more intensive mystical

You will have an exciting and good time with it, that’s for sure.

The question is what are you looking for?

Do you want to become an aware creating human being?

Or do you want to experience mystical experiences?

When the answer is; “Yes, I want to become an aware creating human being!” then you could see addiction to mystic
experiences as a side track which prolongs reaching your true goal; “Becoming a fully aware creating human being.”

So stay aware of what is happening and keep choosing that what you are longing for.

Exciting mystical experiences or the experience of a aware creating human being.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 54 75


Facebook link:

Mai, 27th 2018

This is what I experienced that blocked me to manifest real life results from the meditations of Dr Joe.

In this post I will write describe what blocked me. Perhaps you recognise it that you are dealing with the same and perhaps the
way I solved it helps you too.

After many meditations with no results I discovered that there were two reasons why the meditation didn’t give any or are
limited results;

1. I just couldn’t believe that it is possible what I was longing for. I wanted to believe it, but the truth was that deep down
in me I didn’t.
2. The not yet come to past experience was not real enough.

This is a tricky one, because I WANTED the new experience so badly that it became a MUST BE!

My neocortex came up with all kind of reasons why it SHOULD and why it WILL be there. Many times I was so desperate, so in
need for that change in my life, that my neocortex was “shouting” loud inside of me, that the doubt that it will NOT come to
pass was pushed deep, far away, inside of me.

Away from my conscious consciousness to NEARLY in my subconsciousness.

The disbelieve was tucked so deep away in me that I thought that there was no doubt anymore. These type of doubts broadly
called -limiting believes- nowadays.

Although my limiting believe was almost unrecognisable it was still there.

Although my neocortex did EVERYTHING to let me believe that I believed it, my REAL TRUTH was that I didn’t believe it!

This almost unrecognisable limiting believe, was my real truth. I refer to this sometimes as my -deep knowing-. In the book
‘Conversation with God’, from Neal Donald Walsh, this -deep knowing- is also referred to as your -first thought-.

In my experience the -first thought- is determining what will be created, not what my neocortex wants to believe… ☹

The -first thought- sets the Unified Field in motion, so my limiting believe will “win”. At least, for my neocortex it feels like that
my -first thought- wins.

Whatever my neocortex is (shouting) in my system, what it want me to believe, it just doesn’t matter. The -first thought- sends
electromagnetic waves into the Unified Field drawing THAT potential into my life, again and again.

Of course my -first thought- did not “win”, it just does what it did my whole life. It creates the reality activated by my -first
thought- that what is my Real Truth, that what truly I believe in.

When a -first thought- (your deep knowing, your real truth) creates UNWANTED results, then we call this -first thought- a
limiting believe.

When a -first thought- (your deep knowing, your real truth) creates WANTED results, then we don’t call it a limiting believe, we
call it something like: “I have get rid of my limiting believe.” or “I have grown.” etc.


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Look at it. Whatever your -first thought- (your deep knowing, your real truth)

Is, the Unified Field always pulls that potential from the Unified Field towards you, it ALWAYS delivers. It is the ultimate proof
that the Unified Field actually exist and that it works!

Only, I just did not know how to use it.


When I notice that a “limiting believe” is in the way, then I execute the following steps two steps;

1. Is it really true this limiting believe? Was there never a situation where the limiting believe wasn’t active/true?
2. How did this “limiting believe” protected me in the past?

EVERY behaviour started as something to help you to protect you. For example to get attention, to improve yourself etc. In
which way did the active “limiting believe” at first helped you? This is sometimes hard to go to because at this moment it is a
limiting believe for you and the only thing you want now is to get rid of it! You may think something like: “How on Earth could it
be that it helped me?!” at this moment. Try it go back in time where this, now limiting believe, started in your life. What kind of -
win- did it achieve for you. Like somebody with depression. Although depression can be devastating for somebody it also has –
wins-. Like; attention and protection from others. Be honest with yourself, don’t judge yourself. Go back in time where it stared
and OBSERVER the positive effects (wins) and the negative side effects of that behaviour.

This self-analysis requires that you are able to observe yourself. The more you are the observer of yourself the easier and
quicker it goes.

How does I know when I’m in the observer space?

When I’m acting out of my emotion then I call this ‘I am the emotion’.

When I’m aware that I have an emotion and not per se act out of that emotion, then I call this ‘I have an emotion’.

Do you see the difference? When I’m in the state of ‘I have an emotion.’ then I am in the observer state. When I am in the
observer state then it becomes possible to do the above describe self-analysis.

Yes, I know this process can take some while.

At the moment that you start to discover the -positive intend- of the limiting believe something interesting happens!

At that moment the power of the limiting believe starts to decline!

Now you start to free yourself from your limiting believe. You are not you limiting believe anymore, you are aware that you just
have one!

Now a unique (new) possible arrives in your life… …now you are able to have a new thought, a new first thought a new deep
knowing a new real truth.

This new though WILL attract e new possibility from the Unified Field towards you.

The meditations will have an empowering effect on this new -first thought-. Now the meditations start to work.

At least this is just me experience.

Perhaps this is of use for you.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 57 75


Facebook link:

June, 9th 2018

For those who have read my other Posts here on Facebook, they know that I have encountered quit a lot of existential threats
the last five years of my live. It all ended more than a month ago with the commitment of the company where I work now, that I
get a fixed employment contract for an indefinite period of time. I was in a save harbour now.

Finally the period of existential challenges where past. I thought… … …

But no, the challenges where not yet in the past because my old patterns created a new situation and because of this I’m facing
an even more threatening situation then I had ever before now!!

The threats had all to do with jobs and the existential security which comes along with it.


April this year I started to develop a companywide project with workshops and coaching to create the most important condition
to create high performance teams.

THE basic condition for a high performance teams is the feeling that you are working in a safe environment. Where mistakes are
not being punished and where team members really trust each other and support each other 100%.

This program is quit revolutionary because I will base it on the latest insides of neuroscience and applied psychology. It is a great
honour where I can poor all my experiences and knowledge into it.

I’m ready now with developing a complete new workshop where the attendees learn how our reptilian brain determines our
actions, how this can cause an unsafe environment and how to change it.

This program is named Shu Ha Ri, referring to the three learning phases where somebody goes through when learning
something new.

After that I started the development of this program, management came to me urging me not only to train the team leads
(Scrum Masters and Product Owners) but also the group managers of those teams. I didn’t wanted to do this because one of
them was my manager and how can I coach somebody who is at the same time my line manager?

This could cause for my a very unsafe situation especially because my manager is showing some destructive patterns.
Destructive for herself and for the group.

Coaching her would mean that I needed to make her aware of this pattern and this can cause very emotional reactions. This I
cannot do when she is my manager.

But a solution was created. As of the first of June she was not my line manager anymore, here manager was now also my

This added even more safety to my feeling of ‘now I’m save’.

Now I became to self-assured and made a big mistake last week.


The last couple of weeks more and more group members came to me and were telling me things like “I don’t tell here this
because I don’t know what she will do” or “I don’t tell her this because I don’t trust here.” Last week there was a peek of that
kind of feedback I was received from group members. Nobody dared to tell here anything.

But now I was safe, I was promised to get my fixed contract AND she was not my manager anymore.

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So last week Wednesday I walked to her working place a couple of times to have a chat with here. She wasn’t there. She always
sad before; “When there is something important send me a App, then I will come back to you as soon as possible.”

Here I made my BIG mistake… I send here an WhatsApp message with this sentence in it:

“Hi XX, I visited your working spot a couple of times and I didn’t find you there. I received the last few weeks feedback about you
which is important for you to know. Can we meet each other today?”

This App pushed here in here survival mode and she became HYPER emotional. She didn’t contacted me anymore that day and
the next day she had a very emotional conversation of one hour with her boss. Now also my boss. That same day I had a regular
meeting with my boss (also here boss) about the project. Somewhere in the conversation he said: “I don’t know if XX still wants
to work with you. At this moment I’m doubting if I will give you a fixed contract.”

The World felt apart for me at that moment!

Because end of this month my current contract will end!

I have only 3 weeks left to find something else!

From the unemployment benefits we cannot live!

Future more, in one month I become 60 years young and there is a lot of discrimination of people above 45 to get a job.


A couple of days later I had a meeting with him again and during that meeting I was bouncing internally emotionally from deep
trust that everything will work out well, back to existential fear. Due to this unstable behaviour I added more doubt in his mind.
Not helpful at all.

That continued till last Thursday, then I snapped out of the existential fear and I became free of BEING the emotion. I moved
back to the observer position where I can see that I HAVE an emotion.

I went back to that what my father sad to me: “It will be a success at XXX”. (That was that what he told me I described in a
previous post)

What is happening now is EXACTLY that what management asked me to achieve with the teams!

When something goes wrong it is not directly life threatening it is an opportunity to turn it into something better than before.

Now management itself is on the test stand. Do they walk there talk? Are they capable to create a save environment where
mistakes are possible. I’m the first test person.

Only why does it need to be such an existential threat for me again!!!???

Slowly some insides about this question start to arise in me, but it is still foggy. It will become clear.

There is trust in me that I will be alright and that I can continue to work over there and continue with my project.

When the existential fear kicks in again I am able to allow it to be there. But I’m able to observe it now so it doesn’t take hold of
me. I don’t fight against it. After a while that fear lays down again.

In any case these week was a roller-coaster ride!

I see the confusion in him. I feel that his deep knowing knows that this project is the right direction and that what I am doing and
telling him is not destructive for my previous manager, not for him and is good for the group.

I also see and feel that the high level of panic and emotions of my previous manager, has taken grip on him and makes it difficult
for him to see clear.

This Monday I will have again a meeting with him.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 59 75

This evening I will do the ‘Change One Believe’ meditation of Dr. Joe THE meditation which helped me to pull in all the other
situations which I described in other posts.

So keep your fingers crossed for me please this next week?


Hi folks,

the direction is set. It gives me mixed feelings and the thing I know that I have created this myself.

You see, it doesn't matter to the Unified Field what you create, good or bad doesn't exist there. It is just one of the potentials.

What did I created?

You remember that I talked before about the 'First Thought' or 'Your deep knowing' that this is the thought which attracts a
particular potential in the Unified Field towards you.

There were two First Thoughts active in me.

I will not get a fixed contract

The Unified Field always takes care of me.

Both first thought where based on solid "proofs".

The first one that I didn't get contract already for more than 25 years and that is a fact.

The second since I went to a mystical experience in September 2009 a deep trust in the Unified Field is active in me. Trust that I
will taking care off and how ever dark the challenges I'm facing the solution is always what I can never expect and what comes is
"Better" then what is.

In all the post that I have written here I always referred to this first thought and whatever you are wanting to believe, but in
reality don't believe.

This was running the last couple of months in me. I thought that my first thought was that I would get a fixed contract, but in
reality I didn't believe it.

On the other hand the second first thought "The Unified Field always takes care of me" is also active.

Both first thought did there "work" and attracted from the Unified Field that potential in my life.

And this is the result:

1. I don't get a fixed contract

2. They extend my current contract with 6 Months

The argumentation is:

- the teams all don't want me to leave

- I'm a good team builder and coach and the need that
- The don't need Scrum Masters who do not also write programs, they are in need of Scrum Masters (Team Leads) who
lead the teams and also write programs. And I don't write programs.


That where you put your focus on with your First Thought (that what you in reality believe deep down inside of you) will come to

And in this case it did it again.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 60 75

The Unified Field took care of me with the extension of 6 Months and the Unified Field pulled the potential in my life (again) that
I don't get a fixed contract.

I do hope that this sharing also helps you in recognising what is your real First Thought, that what you really believe. The
moment that you are aware of your real First Thought at that moment the "power" of that thought starts to decline. In this case
I was vaguely aware of the First Thought "I will not get a fixed contract". It was not present enough for me so I could recognise it.
And of course the Unified Field delivered, like it ALWAYS do.

My dear fellow seekers thank you so much for your support and hart warming reactions it really helped me so much!

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 61 75


Facebook link:

September, 29th 2018

Some people in this group know me for a series of posts, which I started the write the end of last year, where I was celebrated
the effectiveness of the Unified Field and the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Then in June this year my limiting believes hit me massively and pushed my again in an existential threatening situation. Since
then I didn’t post anything anymore in this group.

I was dealing, and still am, with this existential threatening situation.

After Months of silence, I post again because I it is now very clear what is at work and why the situation is still not turned around
and not over yet.

The situation is now that I’m not without a job as of the end of August this year, my contract was extended till the end of
January next year. So some space to bread.

Perhaps they will extend it again, perhaps I will get a fixed contract, perhaps it will end. All three possibilities are equally

In me lives a VERY ACTIVE limiting believe that I fuck this up (again) and lose my job and that I will not find another job anymore
because I do not have enough of the experience the market is expecting and because I’m too old.

In my also a enabling lives a VERY ACTIVE that ‘I always make it’

A third believe is VERY ACTIVE in me, a ‘Deep Knowing” that it will be a success at Thales, not only for me but for many
colleagues within the company, because of the culture change project I initiated last year and is now showing rapidly sustainable
positives effects by more and more colleagues and it starts to ‘buss’ around it.

All these believes are, as always, feeding themselves with “proof”.

It feels like a internal fight and both are equally strong, keeping me in this awkward situation for months now!

Since May this year I started to use the ‘Tuning in to your new potential’ meditation of Dr Joe, for me this meditation does not

With all my “successes” where I changed my destiny in many serious existential threatening situations, I have used the ‘Changing
one believe’ meditation of Dr Joe.

You can read about how I “conquered” these situations in the posts which I gathered in this ‘FB Posts Library” post.

I started to write all those posts because our instinct needs a lot of proof. The more proof it gets, the more the instinct is willing
to accept the concept of the Unified Field. The limiting believe “That this is all bull shit” is the main barrier in using the Unified
Field in another way then you did till now.

And that’s why I didn’t write any posts anymore after June this year, because I was worried to feed your limiting believes.

In June I started to doubt, even after that I have had so much proof before that it works for real and saved me and my family
many, many times.

So why do I write this post now?

Many of us are struggling with MAJOR challenges and are in a similar situation I’m now (again).

For me it is now very clear what is happening and why the whole situation is in a lock-down.

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One part in my brain is feeding my limiting believe(s) actively and one part of my brain is feeding the believe(s) in the New
Potentials, actively.

Sometimes I’m in panic, sometimes I’m depressed. However most of the time I’m full of confidence and full of energy to
contribute to the so necessary change within Thales a change where so many colleagues are longing for.

This whole situation feels like a final exam in applying my knowledge, experience and the work with the unified field.

Many times, like yesterday evening, I’m so tired that I wish that it will be all over. I really mean then that I wish I die so I finally
get peace and the fight for existence is over.


In me lives this ‘First Thought’ me ‘Deep Knowing’ very strongly that I’m able to be an aware creator. That I will cope with this
and inspire others that we are powerful creators.

That we only need to shift from -unaware creating human beings- (read our instinct is creating the past in the future over and
over again) to -aware creating human beings- (read we are using the Unified Field consciousnessly).

Which of my believes will win this time?

- My limiting believes?
- My enabling believes?

Or my ‘Deep Knowing’ my ‘First Thought’?

As of today I will start using again the ‘Changing One Believe’ meditation of Dr Joe again. The reason for this is that this
meditation first “deals’ with you limiting believe by sending it back to the field of potentials and that activates, with your 5
senses, the longed for possibility so it becomes an ‘lived future reality’.

When you ‘live your future reality’ with your 5 senses your subconscious will handle it like that it already happened. And that
what “already’ happened is true isn’t it? And because it “already” happened you start to attract that potential from the Unified
Field towards you.

It does not matter how active and how strongly you try to activate your new potential in you, when the limiting believe is still
active, this limiting believe is your “First Thought”.

The Unified Field is reacting on your “First Thought”, your “Deep Knowing” and therefore the past will be created again and
again in the future.

It is like Out-voice yourself that it WILL be a success, but deep inside of you, you know that it will not.

This deep inside knowing is attracting that possibility from the field of potentials into your life, again and again and again. It
makes you KNOTS!

PS: I have written some Posts about the ‘First Thought” and the “Deep Knowing” you will find them in my ‘FB Posts Library’.

The ability how to distinguish between what you WANT to believe and what is your ‘First thought’ was the big game-changer for

I was of track for months now. Now I woke up out of my contractions. I will start using my method again with which I have
created so many changes in my live before.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 63 75


Facebook link:

October, 6th 2018

In my previous post (#15) I wrote about how I discovered that I was convinced that I was focusing on that where I was longing

But in reality I wasn’t.

As a result I was receiving over and over again that what I didn’t want, like clockwork.

After 4 months I became aware that I was focusing on the PROCESS and NOT the end-result!

Let me explain what I mean with an example.

Suppose you are having a serious disease. A disease which will have a great and lasting limiting impact on your live.

What do we do normally? Exactly, you go to a physician. After the diagnosis the treatment starts.

Now you are on the path to get healed.

But first you need to take your medicines and do your therapies. The Physicians also explain that it is VERY important that you
follow the prescriptions of the medicines you need and put ENOUGH effort in your therapies. So your focus goes to healing.

Familiar isn’t it?

Let’s takes a deeper look at what is happening here.

You become aware of a situation in your life you don’t want to live in the future.

This is the -awareness- phase.

Then you think about what you are longing for. In this example it is most likely that you want the disease to be gone and you can
live your live like before.

This is the -targeting- phase.

Now your neocortex start to do where it has been created for, it starts to think about HOW you can achieve this goal. How do
you get from -A- to -B- and because your neocortex is a solution machine, it WILL come up with a solution.

This is the -solution- phase.

You have read about the work of Dr Joe and start to do one of his meditations.

Now you start to meditate as much as possible and focus on healing.

The meditation is part of the -process- phase.

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Sounds familiar isn’t?

Do you see what goes “wrong” in the -process- phase?


And the Unified Field delivers, like clockwork, that where you put your attention on.

Now the Unified Field delivers you the experience of HEALING healing and NOT the experience of being healed, because that is
where your focus is on.

What is required to let you experience HEALING?

Exactly, you need to have a disease!

Because the focus is on -healing- the Unified Field does not “takes” the disease away.

This is what Dr. Joe also describes from his own live changing experience. His spine was shattered and he cured himself by
focusing on the life he was living as a healed man.

Many get “trapped” in focusing on the process of how you can achieve your goal. Like I did and described in my previous post


Of course everybody will use his own way to make sure that you are focusing on the end-result and not the process.

This is what I do (and as of now more thoroughly).

When I have found my -Goal-, the situation which I want to attract to me from the Unified Field, I start to analyse what kind of
positive and unwanted side effects it has.

This is something that needs to be done very carefully.

Like what I described in my previous post, I thought it was a great idea to focus on having many POSSIBILITIES, possibilities
where I then could choose from.

Great idea isn’t it 😎

So I got job possibilities without an end.

To be able to experience endless possibilities it is required that I STAY IN NEED OF A NEW JOB! So none of them turned in real
jobs. 😳

After discovering this, I changed my focus on signed contracts.

Immediately, one day after, I received an email where the dynamic changed towards that. And after that I received a call and
two more ‘movements’ towards signed contracts.

The Unified Field works like clockwork and FAST!

Hope this helps you to create what you are longing for and NOT that which comes along from the process towards it.

The way how the Unified Field “delivers”, that where you are focusing on, comes ALWAYS in ways you could NEVER image! (At
least in my experience)

Let go of the how!

Trust the creative force and the unlimited wisdom of the Unified Field to “deliver” it in a way which fits best for you.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 65 75

Focus on the real End-result and be very careful if that what you THINK is the end-result, is really the end-result or the process to
achieve it?

When you are receiving not wanted results the chance is big that you are focusing on the process and not the end-result.

Happy creating! Let me know the results! I'm so curious what everybody is creating AND your story's deliver more and more
proof to our instinct that it really works.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 66 75


Facebook link:

December, 16th 2018

When you do not give up – keep your mind under control – you cannot avoid it – you WILL reach your goal! (even when you
don’t exactly know what it is…)

Some of us in this group have read the posts I have written before and know that I have mastered quit a number of existential
challenges it the last 5 years, by applying the -pulling the future from the unified field- with techniques of Dr Joe.

The last 6 months I didn’t wrote many posts in this group because I was dealing with yet again a BIG challenge which could cause
great suffering for me and my family.

Now, the future starts to show itself in mine and our lives and yet again this existential challenge turns out not to be an
existential challenge but a GIFT!

Due to my experiences in my last job I received some deep insights. Insights with great impact for people on the work floor.
Insights who are so new for businesses that it is an enormous paradigm shift. Causing fast, lasting and positive effects for the
people on the work floor, the teams they work in and the company they work for.

For most of us in this group it is well know how to attracted this future in your life, by using the unlimited power of the quantum
field, the unified field.

Something EVERYBODY is doing since the day we were born. In this group members are learning how to do this in an conscious
way and there are members who have already many experiences with it.

I mean creating a new destiny by using in an conscious way the unified field. And it is not only something for our private lives, no
you can apply it also to your working life, to companies.

The insights I got during my last challenge where such a big paradigm shift that in February of this year I “killed” my old website
because it was loaded with obsolete applied psychology stuff. The site was like a coat that no longer fitted.

The challenge brought to me a way how to apply conscious creating in a business environment in a way that business people can
accept it!


The challenge was clearly there to “give” my gift although I would like it VERY much that it came to me in a not so challenging
way. (I’m working on that)


I “delivers” you that what you need to grow.

Most of the times it is NOT what you want at that time.

Like this time again, the quantum field puts me again in a most challenging situation. It pushed me deep, deep under water.

When the pressure is big and pushes you deep under water the force with which you submerge is also enormous.


The pineal gland will activate fear, great fear. Fear that can activate you to do (emotional) actions, lets you freeze or lets you

In moments like this, this is what I do to keep my penal gland “under control”;
© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 68 75
1. people who love me and are care about me are acting as external traffic lights and help me to become aware that my
pineal gland is so active that I could start acting out of my fear. Acting out of emotion and fear is the cause of many
problems people are got in. Acting “out of your mind” is a bad counsellor.
2. When I’m “with my senses” again, the first thing I do is quieting down my pineal gland. To do this I need to build trust in
my mind that ‘everything will be alright’. I do this by going back in time in my own live to as much as possible existential
threatening situations. Serious situations which turned out to ‘be alright’. When I go back to these situations I try to
activate as many as possible of my five senses in order that my body can re-experiences again this feeling ‘that it is
alright’. By doing so, trust is building up again in my body and this starts to quieted down my pineal gland.
3. When my pineal gland is quieted down it becomes possible again to do the Dr Joe meditations to start attracting the -
not yet come to pass wanted future- into my life.

In my last challenge it took longer than in the challenges before to receive the -not yet come to pas future-, because my pineal
gland was so active that even my wife could not help me with step 1.

After months it finally “broke down”. I mean with this that I surrendered. At the moment that I “surrendered” my mind was not
busy anymore how to survive. My mind got space to start creating a new future and it did it again.

I do hope that this post helps you to set your pineal gland to peace so your mind can start to help creating instead of reacting
out of fear.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 69 75


Facebook link:

January, 6th 2019

I got inspired to write this post, because I noticed that many/some in this group joined this group in the expectation that it will
help them to change something in there lives. And although many/some in this group meditate like crazy, they don’t seem to
receive (any) results no matter how much time they put into it and no matter what they do.

How is that possible? Why does some people seem to have awesome results and others don’t while using the same techniques
of Dr Joe Dispenza?

Do those who achieve results have more talent than others?

In my experience the meditations techniques of Dr Joe’s are the best of that what is available “in the market”, but still, for many
even his techniques still doesn’t seem to work.

When I look at my own experiences I notice that in some cases his techniques works quickly and throws amazing results and
sometimes it just does not work.


In my previous posts in this group I have mentioned it before. In my experience it is not how much you meditate, which books or
workshops have attended, which technique you use or which master you “follow”. In my experience the ‘real truth about
yourself’, which lives the deep inside of you and you can hardly notice, is determining what you are bound to experience in your
life, hence which experiences you attract from the quantum field into your life.


Our -I am- awareness can be divided in for levels;

1. our -aware awareness-

2. our emotional awareness
3. our body awareness
4. our -nearly unaware awareness-


Our -aware awareness- is that part of our awareness where are fully aware of. This awareness is also referred to as the ‘I am’

They are the thoughts we think when your read this text. The thoughts you think when your are driving your car to work and you
think about what you are going to say in the next meeting.


Our -emotional awareness- can be divided again into two levels;

1. -aware emotional awareness-

2. -none aware emotional awareness-.

We are more or less fully aware of our -aware emotional awareness-. These are the emotions we have when we look a movie
and getting touched by the death of a character in the movie. It’s the emotion we sense wen we feel happy or when we feel

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 70 75

-none aware emotional awareness- are emotions we does not feel or nearly not feel, but who are there. For instance; the
emotion -afraid- is overshadowed by the emotion -anger-. Anger is the -aware emotional awareness- emotion the body is using
to set you in motion to deal with the fear.

Most of the time the -none aware emotional awareness- sets off an -aware emotional awareness-, but many times these two
can also be the same. For instance when in the -none aware emotional awareness- deep love is active it will activate in the -
aware emotional awareness- an intense feeling of love.


Also our body awareness has two levels. At this moment you are not aware of your legs, but at the moment that you read this
sentence you become more aware of year legs. Your active body awareness becomes active when your body wants to warn you
about a problem with your body.


This is the most difficult part. The -nearly unaware awareness- is where the music plays!

In my experience is this the part of our human being which is attracting the experiences from the quantum field (the unified
field) into our lives.

The good news is… …EVERYBODY is doing this since the moment you are born! No exceptions.

So it really works! The proof is all around is, second for second our whole life.

Everybody in the World is a living unlimited creating force and this unlimited force it is activated by this part of our being, your
first Thought.

The bad news is… …we don’t use it in a conscious way and we don’t know how to do this in an conscious way.

But first, how do you recognise your First Thought? What is it?

It is also called limiting or enabling believes. Your first thought is the “truth” which you deep down believe about yourself. For
example; “I’m a looser.”, “I’m fat.”, “I’m ….”

But also deep knowing’s like: “I have always a parking spot right in front of the door!”, “Whatever happens for bad things, I will
always come out of it and it will be better.”

It is the deep truth (First thought) which you really believe, because there has been many examples (proofs) in your life to prove
that this First Thought is thru.

When a believe about yourself becomes a deep knowing, your absolute truth, it starts to attract experiences from the quantum
field which meet these deep knowing. Dr Joe explains in great detail how this works. Now you will (re)create similar experiences
in unlimited different situations in your life over and over again. Like Dr Joe says, your are creating your past again in the future.

For the Unified Field it does not matter if that what you attract serves you or not. It lets you experience what you are “longing
for” whatever the results. In the quantum field, good and bad does not exist, there is only one state of being, -it is-.


At the moment that you do not accept that what is present in your life as it is, then your instinct will motivate you to do
EVERYTHING to get that situation out of your life.

By doing so at -First Thought level- it this unwanted situation becomes your deep truth causing to attract more of the unwanted
from the quantum field.

The more energy you use to get it out of your life, the this deep knowing becomes greater and greater and the more this will
attract the same unwanted experience from the quantum field into your life.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 71 75

At the moment that you start to completely accept what is there in your life in THAT moment, there is no need anymore to
“fight” against it. Hence, you do not supply it with more energy and it does not strengthen the First Thought.

Yes, I know this is very very challenging! Because the instinct will be afraid that it will never goes out of your life and even
becomes worse! So your instinct will fight against accepting it with reasoning and emotions.

In the Facebook Post of the link below, I described in detail how you can create a NEW FIRST THOUGHT a NEW DEEP KNOWING
which then starts to attract that experience from the quantum field towards you.

Hope this post helps you.

I took quite a while to write it, especially the part of the First Thought I find is very difficult to describe, so I do hope that I wrote
it clear enough down. When not, please give a comment. That helps me also to put it ever better in words.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 72 75


Facebook link:

January, 11th 2019

Expectations are the root cause of suffering. It is quite simple, when you don’t have expectations there are no disappointments.
When there are no disappointments, no pain of not getting the expectation occurs. When there is no pain you will not suffer.

When you have a big disappointment, great pain will arise.

The intensity of the pain is directly correlated with the importance you have given to that specific expectation.

For example; you expect that your husband sends you during the day, at random times, love messages through WhatsApp. The
meaning connected to these messages is that he loves you.

When your husband does not send you these love messages, disappointment will occur. Not sending love messages are
connected with the opposite; “He does not love me!”.

This meaning is a threat for your relation and in the end a threat for the way you life (separation).


Although you understand (at neo-cortex -IQ- level) that he loves you, it does not feel (limbic system) this way at all!


Ask yourself, why did you join this group?

Most of the times you joined this group to be inspired, to receive tips and ways how you can apply his work so you can CHANGE
something in your life.

This activates the logical next question 😊

Is that what you want to change, something awesome in your life right now? Or is it something which you don’t want to have in
your life anymore?

I guess that it is something your DO NOT WANT in your life anymore, isn’t? 😊


Like in the example above. Depending on how urgent it is, that what you what you want to change your life, the more urgent it
becomes for your instinct. Not getting these expectations fulfilled will cause you more or less pain.

The higher the “threat level” the more focus is put on it to get it out of your life.

When you put your focus intensively on WHAT EVER, the energy waves of that what you want to get out of your life, are
radiated into the quantum field.

That what is radiated into the quantum field attracts it, as an unlimited strong magnet, into your life.

Now we arrive in a situation that we do all the things Dr Joe says. We apply all his techniques. We ask for help in this group.

All the time giving more and more energy to that what we do not want to experience in our lives anymore. Activating the
quantum field to “deliver” just THAT!

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 74 75

Now we receive over and over again that what we do not what anymore.

Disappointment starts to rise, activating pain and when we continue “to do everything to get that it out of your life” and keep
receiving the experience that what we do not want anymore, suffering starts.

We start to doubt; “What I’m doing wrong????”, “I do not have the talent…” etc.

The way out of this is to FULLY accept that what is in your life at this moment.

What can you do differently anyway?

Because that what is in your life at THIS moment was created in the past.

So in order to change the NOW, your need to change the cause in the past, isn't it?

This means; in order to change the NOW we need to TRAVEL to the PAST, change the root cause of that what you experience in
the NOW.

This raises another question 😊

Can you travel through time? Do you know somebody who can?


So, that what is present in the NOW cannot be changed, you agree?


So focus on what you DO want to experience in your life.

This why Dr Joe Dispenza is calling us geniuses. You ARE creating your future experience moment by moment in the now.

Set your focus with your whole being on that what you WANT to experience. DO NOT give energy anymore to that what you
don’t want in your life anymore.

© Transformation & Ko B.V. Autor Danny J.M. Vermeeren 75 75

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