Fundamental of Digital Marketing

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1) What are the objectives of Digital Marketing?

Ans: - Keep your business updated with the 21st century’s marketing techniques. To
keep up with the ever-growing competition, small businesses need to make their
businesses Digital. There is a consistent and evident growth in the Digital Marketing
industry and this is the perfect time to make your digital presence felt. Businesses
leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email and their websites
to connect with current and prospective customers. In simple terms, any form of
marketing that exists online is called Digital Marketing.

Objectives of Digital Marketing are:-

a) Increase Revenue: - The primary goal of any marketing strategy is ultimately to

increase revenue, and Digital marketing is no exception. The Digital provides
plenty of opportunities for every business to improve their bottom line. By
combining search engine optimization, or SEO, with pay-per-click ads, or PPC, the
company can improve the chances that potential customers find you online. And
with strategies like content marketing and social media marketing, the company
can be position as an expert in the field who also cares about your clients.
b) Build a Brand: - Digital marketing objectives often include building a brand. This
means not only establishing the logo and company name in the minds of
consumers, but also what’s the company stands for. Well-known brands are
typically trusted more by customers, especially when paired with positive
associations. The Internet is a great tool for building that trust, because it has a
wide reach and allows you to directly connect with individuals. Social media is
particularly useful when building a brand, because it allows companies to create
and post with a more personal feel. 
c) Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to rank your website :- Many small
businesses, as well as companies focused on increasing sales in specific geographic
region, focus much of their marketing efforts on improving their local SEO. This
means optimizing various elements on their sites in order to attract local customers
who are looking for the services they provide. Although the number of searches that
include both your industry and your town or city is undoubtedly lower than those
that just specify a product or business type, those searches tend to generate much
more qualified traffic.
d) Increase qualified traffic: - Every business owner wants to see numbers rise in
terms of visitors to their site and landing pages. However, those numbers are
meaningless if they aren’t the right kinds of traffic. Not every visitor to your site
is going to make a purchase. That’s just the way of the Internet, and should be
accepted. However, if none of your site visitors make purchases (or contact you),
you are likely attracting “unqualified” traffic, or visitors who have no intent of
becoming a customer. By targeting your marketing to specific personas and
aiming to attract specific, qualified people, you can increase the ROI of your
marketing efforts—as well as your bottom line.
e) Manage online reputation: - In an age when anyone with a computer or
smartphone can post their opinions about companies, products, and services for
the whole world to see, it’s important for businesses to maintain a solid online
reputation. This means monitoring your company’s name, maintaining social
profiles, and responding to bad reviews accordingly. For some companies who’ve
already made errors in this department, their objective is simply to remove any
negative associations with their company and show customers that they’ve seen
the errors of their ways. Though the improvements won’t happen overnight, and
bad online PR can be difficult to get rid of, the Digital Marketing is a solid tool
for repairing damaged reputations.

2) Provide the 5 difference between traditional marketing & Digital marketing?

Ans: -

Digital Marketing Traditional Marketing

Target Audience

Digital marketing lets you reach It’s easy to reach out to local
the targeted audience/consumers with the
audience/consumers/customers traditional marketing methods.
globally from all over the world.
Marketing Approach

The physical presence of the Traditional marketing is more of

marketers is not at all required in personal approach as it is very
digital marketing, yeas physical easy for the marketers to have a
presence will be a bonus but it not person-to-person relationship in
required and digital marketing informing the public or promoting
allows the marketer to reach finite their brands name.
number of consumers easily.

Digital platforms provide the Traditional methods of marketing

description in softcopy over the provide the hard copy of
website or through videos, products/services descriptions
YouTube etc. which can be which can be read again and again.
accessed anytime anywhere as per
the consumers requirement and it
provides paper free
Marketing cost

Digital marketing is less costly Traditional marketing is expensive

than the traditional method of as it involves printing, radio/tv
marketing as everything is online advertisements which costs more
and the use of social websites does to the company.
not cost even a penny. Based on
the marketing requirement the
business can opt for paid ads if
they want to.
Marketing Analysis

Online marketing or the digital With traditional marketing

marketing gives quick results and methods the company must wait
thus it is easy to get the real time for weeks or months to get the
marketing results. results.
3) What are the Pros and Cons of push and pull marketing?

Ans : - Push and pull techniques are marketing strategies widely used by giant
businesses such as Alibaba and iPhone. As the name suggests, the core difference
between these strategies lies in the term ‘push’ and ‘pull’. With the push marketing, you
are trying to push your product to the customers while the customers are not actively
seeking for the products. You should find potential customers and promote what you
are trying to sell. Meanwhile, pull marketing is the opposite of push marketing. With
this strategy, the customers are actively seeking for the products but usually have little
knowledge about the product they want to purchase. For instance, a customer finds an
interesting ad on the internet, then he goes through the search engine to find the
nearest store that sells the product. In the end, he visits the store and purchases the

After understanding the difference between push and pull marketing, now let’s talk
about its advantages and disadvantages for your company: -

o Push marketing
With push marketing, you can reach out wider audiences and sell your products as you
create ads that every age group can see. This type of marketing can acknowledge your
customers about the product and service you have. Imagine making a big billboard ads
for your product so many people can get to know to what you offer and get interested.
For instance, as a business owner you want to launch and introduce your newest
product to potential customers so you decide to advertise through creating a billboard.
By doing so, your product can be well-known to people so you can draw more people to
buy your product. Besides, you can also save more time as you just need to set the
billboard and wait for people to come to your store.

To hold such launching ad and event, you often have to spend a lot of money for the
marketing purposes. Not to mention, there is a chance that there will be spam issues if
you display your ads everywhere. This kind of issue can make your potential customer
doubt about the product you sell.

o Pull marketing
This type of marketing is considered as ‘cost-effective’ because usually the customers
already know the product they want to buy. Therefore, you don’t need to create big
advertisement to promote your product. Also, the ability of recognising customer’s
profile is better than push marketing as you can build better customer engagement. By
targeting the advertisement to specific customer, you can sell your product more.

The only downside of this marketing is that you cannot reach broad customers because
you already have the target market so your products might not be appealing for those
outside the group.

4) What are the keywords in Digital Marketing?

Ans: - The majority of people look for products and services online and the first thing
they do is to type in a keyword phrase into the search box. The core idea of digital
marketing is to target audience through specific keywords and terms. Keywords in
digital marketing are like connectors that connect them to their audience. Knowing and
identifying such keywords will help digital marketers and businessmen get desired
results from their search engine optimization campaigns. A proper keyword search lies
at the heart of a successful marketing campaign.

In general, when we talk about keywords in the context of digital marketing, we are

talking about SEO Keywords. Keywords are the most fundamental and significant
element of Search Engine Optimization. Users use keywords on search engines when
they are looking for something on the internet. That is why it is really important to
make your website SEO optimized for important keywords for your business. SEO helps
your website’s pages to be ranked higher with search engines and makes it easier for
people to find your website.

Keywords are used by Web surfers to describe what they hope to find when performing
a Web search. This statement of a real-time want/need has not gone unnoticed by Web
marketers, many of whom have tried to benefit from keyword advertising buys and/or
search engine optimization.


Premium tools:

SEMrush – extensive keyword research tools for SEO and PPC.

Free tools:

Google AdWords Keyword Planner – requires signup to Google AdWords. Uses Google’s
search query data.
 Bing Keyword Research – requires signup to Bing Webmaster Tools. Another source of
search query data.
 Google Trends – compare keyword popularity over time, across geographies, vs. other
terms, more.

5) Explain how Digital marketing has evolved from 4P’s (Product, price, promotion
and place) to 4E’s?

Ans: - When E. Jerome McCarthy proposed the 4 Ps in 1960, he most likely did not
expect them to be one of the most enduring and widespread frameworks in marketing.
Nonetheless, his marketing mix has remained a fixture in business schools across the
country for over half a century – but change is in the air, and savvy marketers would do
well to be on the forefront of what is coming next.

First, a moment of review on what constitutes the 4 Ps.

– Product: The characteristics of what your business offers (whether a product or
service) – the features, benefits, quality, and other specifications that make up your
company’s offering
– Price: The total cost for consumers to acquire your product
– Place: The distribution channels (indirect or direct) used to reach the market. This
could be a store, website, or anywhere else – or in today’s omnichannel environment,
all of the above
– Promotion: The marketing communications used to make consumers aware of what
you are selling and persuade them to look into your product. This has generally
referred to advertising, direct sales, and public relations activities, in other words,
“traditional” marketing and sales.

Now, this marketing mix is beginning to show its age, as the customer journey has
morphed over the past few decades. In today’s crowded marketplace, successful
businesses need to move beyond trying to shout louder than their competitors and
focusing on sales alone.
This is where the 4 Es come into play. By modernizing the old marketing mix and
focusing on the customer’s needs and wants, companies can create a marketing
strategy that drives business exponentially, by making customers experience a
connection to them and become brand advocates.
Done right, experiential marketing helps customers feel connected and become loyal
brand advocates.

From Product to Experience

Today’s consumers don’t expect just to be sold a product or a service. Luxury retail and
aircraft carriers have understood that time ago. This is now expanding to more
mainstream areas and has become primary in services. Think of how some car
manufacturers welcome customers buying a used car with a VIP pack…
That experience helps them relate to the brand and feel emotional about company or
product. An event that offers an exciting or immersive experience with the brand is the
perfect opportunity to gain a loyal customer, and a great deal of brand exposure. Even
FMCG are driven to that era. Red Bull is famous for doing this well with extreme sports
and other events geared around the theme of “Red Bull Gives You Wings.”

From Price to Exchange

Until recently, the price was driven by the production cost of a product or service, by its
scarcity, or a prevision on how these two elements could evolve in the future.
Today, boundaries get blurrier every day between the actual cost of a good, the cost of
ownership of the same good. Do you see the price of a car advertised anymore?
Yield management has come to an extreme point where users can get services for
almost nothing. Free, Freemium, business models based on selling data or ad space.
At the same time, physical products can almost always be found for astronomically low
prices, although the quality may be quite questionable.
As customers struggle more and more in this complexity, educating accompanying
them becomes critical in the process of driving their purchase decision and show them
what they will gain. At the same time, experience and emotional connection are already
a critical element of the price shaping.

From Place to Everywhere

As we are entering the era of immediateness, brands need to be able to capture,

anticipate and drive customers mood, or will to consume, anywhere at any time. And be
able to respond to it on the spot.
Having a physical storefront is no longer enough to be successful. Modern marketing
mandates an omnichannel strategy that lets consumers conveniently reach you where
they’re at, whether that’s a physical location or online through social media, your
website, or other channels.
Besides, brands need to propose a seamless experience to anchor their image and
promise into customers mind avoiding dissonance. In particular, customer support and
sales are decisive for the delivery of the experience, whatever the channel.
Disney is a reference in that area, with a mobile-responsive website that works hand-
in-hand with their mobile app and the park’s Magic Band.

From Promotion to Evangelism

Abundant literature describes the recent changes in customer behavior and how they
meet brands. To cut the story short, brands are not the only source of information
anymore. Customer networks provide information from multiple sources ranging from
blogs, forums, and social networks. The role of promotion is not only to inform and
seduce anymore but provide consistent and positive message aligned with brand value
and experience.
While traditional advertising still has its place, the way to reach customer has been
totally transformed. Brand advocacy and customer evangelists have crucial to provide
customers the needed trust and value to engage with the brand. Content marketing has
become a must to proactively engage customers to get in contact with brands.
Influence marketing, encouraging happy customers to spread the word about what
brands offer, is one of the tools that can help implement this approach. User-generated
content (such as the incredible number of GoPro videos recorded, uploaded, and
distributed online by GoPro customers) is essentially free advertising, supported by
social proof that what the brand offers is worth buying.

Companies shifting from the 4Ps to the 4Es are the ones that will maintain or develop a
competitive edge.
At least three challenges are to addressed to implement this transformation

The technology challenge: Embarking the right technology, IA, Deep Learning, Bots…
and organizing the right connections platforms between customers and the
organization. This is where powerful CRM tools like Salesforce can help.

The organization challenge: Adapting roles, objectives and communication channels to

align all resources towards a seamless experience and customer organization.

The culture challenge: aligning employees with brands values, content, and promise.

6) Explain the 6 elements of successful Digital marketing strategy?

Ans : - The 6 elements of successful Digital marketing strategy are : -

A. Responsive website with Engaging content: - A website is essential to almost
any digital marketing strategy and your web pages and landing pages are
where you direct potential sales leads. For your marketing efforts to be
effective, you need a website that is easy to browse and content that is easy to
read, interesting and engaging. To ensure that your website functions
correctly on any device, it should use a responsive design. A responsive
website adapts the layout based on the size of the screen, ensuring that
everyone can view your content.

B. Organic and paid search campaign: - An SEO Company in Philadelphia can help

boost your organic search results by implementing both onsite changes and
offsite marketing techniques. However, depending on the competitiveness of
your industry organic SEO can take some time to take effect. Paid search
campaigns can provide immediate benefits. The drawback is that these
campaigns can become costly. If you do not measure and track the results of
your paid search campaigns, it is hard to determine whether they are
providing a good return on investment. A successful digital marketing strategy
should combine organic and paid search campaigns with the help of
experienced Philadelphia SEO services. SEO experts can ensure that you get
positive measurable results from both long term organic campaigns and paid
C. Email marketing campaign: - Email marketing should be an integral part of
any digital marketing strategy. It remains the most cost-effective way to
connect with potential customers and retain existing customers. With email
marketing, you can also create high-converting sales funnels that help bring
people back to your website.

D. Social media marketing: - Social media remains an important resource for

connecting with potential sales leads all over the world. Over one billion
people use Facebook. With frequent posting, you can build stronger brand
awareness and increase interest in your products or services. Social media is
also a great way to interact with customers and satisfy their questions or

E. Content marketing strategy : - Content marketing should also be part of the

marketing strategy used by your Philadelphia SEO agency. The content on
your website is how you increase your rankings in organic search results.
With quality, informative articles on your site, you provide more reason for
people to visit your web pages and share links. Maintaining a content calendar
allows you to stick to a consistent schedule for the release of new content.
F. Continue to Measure and Tweak Your Strategies: - The final key to a successful
marketing strategy is to continue improving. You need to continually measure
and tweak your strategies. By using web analytics, you can determine which
parts of your strategy are working and which need improvement. These six
elements are essential to any digital marketing strategy, so if you do not
already use these methods, consider partnering with an SEO agency to
increase your online exposure.

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